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目的探讨人们对待性骚扰是否存在态度上的性别差异。方法本研究采用自编性骚扰行为模型对1018名中国大学生及1117名职场工作人员进行性骚扰态度的性别差异研究。结果①在胁迫性骚扰(t=-5.632,P〈0.01)、攻击性骚扰(t=-2.217,P〈0.05)、非自愿性关注(t=-2.092,P〈0.05)以及总分(t=-2.777,P〈0.01)上,女性对待性骚扰的态度都比男性敏感;②除非自愿性关注外,其他4个维度上男性遭遇性骚扰频率比女性更高(胁迫性骚扰:t=4.508,P〈0.001;描述性骚扰:t=4.746,P〈0.001;性别骚扰:t=6.631,P〈0.001;攻击性骚扰:t=2.62,P〈0.01);③除性别骚扰外,性别与群体类型在其他维度及总分上交互作用都显著(胁迫性骚扰:F=8.681,P〈0.01;描述性骚扰:F=32.848,P〈0.001;攻击性骚扰:F=30.483,P〈0.001;非自愿性关注:F=15.757,P〈0.001;总分:F=30.520,P〈0.001)。结论性骚扰态度和性骚扰遭遇频率上都存在性别差异。  相似文献   

男女婚后心理特征及性别差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自评与配偶互评方式,用“婚后心理评定量表”和“家庭关系量表”测量婚后男女心理行为特征。结果显示:婚后女性在家庭中表现优于男性;而对婚姻的失望程度高于男性。这与女性在婚前对婚姻的期望值和理想化程度较高有关。男性婚后表现欠佳,与婚前追求女性有较好的表现,婚后放松对自己要求有关。在“能否忍让对方缺点”的项目中发现,无论男女都存在对自己优点估计过高,缺点估计低的主观性。以上特点应引起咨询工作者的注意。  相似文献   

现代医学正处于从“生物医学模式”向“生物-心理-社会医学模式”转变的新时期。机体与社会、心理之间存在着连锁的交互作用。消化道肿瘤防治既要重视生物因素,又要重视心理社会因素。在临床实践中落实新医学模式.是广大医务工作者面临的重要任务。  相似文献   

肿瘤患者的心理社会因素与免疫功能的测定   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
目的:探讨肿瘤病人的心理社会因素与免疫功能的相关性。方法:用病例对照和多因素统计分析方法,对37例肿瘤病人和37例非肿瘤病人进行了心理社会因素调查并检测其免疫功能,分析其间的相互关系。结果:肿瘤病人与非肿瘤病人相比免疫功能明显减退,主要表现为IgM、CD16^ 水平的减少(P<0.01),肿瘤病人的IgM、CD3^ 与负性生活事件、社会支持、抑郁情绪等因素相关。结论:肿瘤病人的免疫功能低下主要表现在IgM,CD16^ 水平的减少。负性生活事件、社会支持、情绪抑郁等心理社会因素对肿瘤病人的免疫功能影响较大。  相似文献   

大学生认知风格的性别差异   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的 分析比较师范大学生认知风格的特点与性别差异。方法 用“迈尔斯-布里格思个性分类指标”(MBTI)和费尔德教授学习风格检测表(ILS)比较了87名男大学生和97名女大学生的认知风格。结果 男女大学生的认知风格存在显著的性别差异:①男生在思想和感觉雏度占优势,女生在感情和直觉雏度占优势;②语言表达方面女生比男生表现出明显的优势。结论 本研究为认知风格性别差异的进一步研究提供了基础。  相似文献   

本文拟通过探讨夫妻暴力及其心理社会高危因素,旨在为夫妻暴力的预防性心理干预提供一个科学的理论依据。  相似文献   

经颅交流电刺激(tACS)是一种通过在头皮施加微弱交流电刺激、从而进行神经调节的非侵入刺激技术,已经被证实可以调节大脑的认知功能。心理旋转是一种想像客体或自身旋转的空间表征转换能力,是衡量空间认知能力的重要标尺之一。探索tACS对心理旋转认知能力的影响,利用心理旋转实验范式,以行为学表现和ERP、ERD等电生理参数作为主要评判指标,分析tACS对心理旋转产生的作用。行为学结果表明,alpha节律的tACS可以显著减少反映时间(P <0.05),并且反映时随着刺激图片旋转角度的增加先增大后减小。比较对照组和8~12 Hz刺激组的心理旋转相关的负波(RRN),发现刺激组的RRN幅值比对照组幅值低(刺激组vs对照组,P<0.05),同时发现RRN幅值随着刺激图片旋转角度的增加呈现先降低后升高的趋势。时频分析结果显示,刺激组的alpha和beta频段的事件相关去同步(ERD)现象比对照组更弱(刺激组vs对照组,P <0.05),且ERD开始时间更早。有研究表明,ERD强弱与大脑激活水平有关,说明tACS作用后,大脑激活水平降低;进而提示tACS可以提高被试的心理旋转能力,有望成为提高空间认知能力的新途径。  相似文献   

目的:考察当代大学生的择偶偏爱性别差异,探讨大学生的择偶偏爱的类型,并探讨择偶偏爱与一般社会信念的关系。方法:对来自北京6所高校大学生563名进行分析,采用择偶偏爱问卷和一般社会信念问卷。结果:①女性在有高薪潜力的、受过高等教育的、高社会地位的等14个因素上比男性更为偏爱,男性较女性更为偏爱的仅有4项,包括外貌有吸引力,形象性感、比本人年轻和擅长家务的;②大学生择偶偏爱类型可以分为经济取向、性格取向和生理取向,女性偏爱性格取向和经济取向,男性偏爱生理取向;③一般社会信念对于大学生择偶偏爱具有显著的预测作用。  相似文献   

城-城移民社会支持的特征及性别差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨城-城移民社会支持的特征及性别差异。方法:数据取自2007年国民心理健康状况调查数据库,对1258名城-城移民,565名农-城移民和3175名本地居民的社会支持进行比较。结果:控制年龄、受教育程度、收入水平、婚姻状况和有无子女的情况下,身份主效应、身份与性别的交互效应均显著。城-城移民的社会支持显著低于本地居民,农-城移民与其它两组均无显著差异。对于男性,城-城移民、农-城移民和本地居民的社会支持无显著差异;对于女性,城-城移民的社会支持显著低于本地居民,农-城移民与其它两组均无显著差异。控制年龄的情况下,城-城移民不同异地居住时间组的社会支持差异显著,农-城移民则差异不显著。城-城移民异地居住时间5年以下组的社会支持显著低于11-20年和21年以上组,6-10年组显著低于11-20年组。结论:城-城移民的社会支持偏低,主要是由于女性缺乏社会支持。随着异地居住时间的延长,城-城移民的社会支持会得到提升。  相似文献   

冠心病患者心理状况研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用SCL-90等心理测量量表对冠心病病人和健康人进行对照研究,结果表明冠心病病人存在明显的心理症状,心理健康状态较差,有人格的缺陷,常常采用不成熟的应付方式,起病前所经历的负性生活事件数明显增多,提示病人的心理健康状态可能对冠心病的发生发展和预后起重要作用,因此心理干预对冠心病的防治可能有重要意义。  相似文献   

Differences between men and women in brain size, cognitive performance and lateralization of brain activation have been perennial and controversial issues. Here we show that in a motor mental rotation task where women and men performed equally well, the slope of the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal per degree of mental rotation was overall 2.4× higher in men than in women. This was attributed to the much more inefficient engagement (i.e. higher slopes) of the right hemisphere by men (mainly the frontal lobe). These findings indicate that women process information much more efficiently than men, which could offset smaller brain size.  相似文献   

Spatial cognition is right-hemisphere dominant in right-handers, but hemispheric laterality in left-handers is not fully understood. Using near-infrared spectroscopy, we compared cerebral activations in the frontal and parietal lobes during a mental rotation task between seven healthy right-handed and seven healthy left-handed women. Cerebral laterality during the spatial cognition task was evaluated as balance in the extent of activation areas between the two cerebral hemispheres, using the right-hemispheric dominance index (RI). RIs of right-handers showed right-hemispheric dominance (RI>0) in both frontal (RI=0.31+/-0.25) and parietal (RI=0.28+/-0.37) lobes, while left-handers showed slight left-hemispheric dominance (RI<0) in both frontal (RI=-0.13+/-0.18) and parietal (RI=-0.22+/-0.22) lobes. The left-handers exhibited significantly larger amplitudes of activation at the channels overlying the left-superior parietal lobule, whereas the right-handers did not show such amplitude differences. These findings suggest a difference in cerebral hemispheric laterality for spatial cognition between left- and right-handers.  相似文献   

Heil M  Rolke B 《Psychophysiology》2002,39(4):414-422
In a parity judgment task, the ERPs at parietal electrode sites become the more negative the more mental rotation has to be executed. In two experiments, it was investigated whether a temporal relationship exists between the onset of this amplitude modulation and the moment when mental rotation is executed. Therefore, the duration of processing stages located before mental rotation was manipulated. The amplitude modulation was delayed when either the perceptual quality of the stimulus was reduced (Experiment 1) or when character discrimination was more difficult (Experiment 2). The results suggest that the onset of the rotation-related negativity might be used as a chronopsychophysiological marker for the onset of the cognitive process of mental rotation.  相似文献   

Several investigators have used meta-analysis to compare the results of studies of gender differences on various spatial tests and have concluded that the magnitude of the gender difference in spatial ability is decreasing over time. The present study used meta-analytic techniques to compare the effect size (d) of the gender difference in 14 studies published from 1975 to 1992 which administered the Mental Rotations test to adolescents and young adults. Males scored significantly higher than females in all the studies. Analyses of thed's computed for the studies revealed that the magnitude of the gender difference on the mental Rotations test has remained stable over time. Neither the Pearson correlation relating thed's to the publication dates of the studies nor the Z test of the linear contrast relating the publication dates of hte studies to the effect sizes showed a linear change in the size of the gender difference over time. The finding of a stable gender difference on the Mental Rotations test argues against the general conclusion that the gender difference in spatial ability is decreasing.  相似文献   

In a mental rotation task of objects, typically, reaction time (RT) increases and the rotation related negativity (RRN) increases in amplitude with increasing angles of rotation. However, in a mental rotation task of hands, different RT profiles can be observed for outward and inward rotated hands. In the present study, we examined the neurophysiological correlates of these asymmetries in the RT profiles. We used a mental rotation task with stimuli of left and right hands. In line with previous studies, the behavioral results showed a linear increase in RT for outward rotations, but not for inward rotations as a function of angular disparity. Importantly, the ERP results revealed an RRN for outward rotated stimuli, but not for inward rotated stimuli. This is the first study to show that the behaviorally observed differences in a mental rotation task of hands is also reflected at the neurophysiological level.  相似文献   

Previous experiments have suggested that the analysis of visual images could be a gravity-dependent process. We investigated this hypothesis using a mental rotation paradigm with pictures of three-dimensional objects during a 26-day orbital flight aboard the Soviet MIR station. The analysis of cosmonauts' response times showed that the mental rotation task is not greatly impaired in weightlessness. On the contrary, there are indications of a facilitation as: (1) the average rotation time per degree was shorter inflight than on the ground; (2) this difference seemed to be particularly marked for stimuli calling for roll axis rotations. However several factors may be responsible for this difference which was not obvious in one subject. Further experiments will have to test if this effect is really due to exposure to microgravity.  相似文献   

This investigation studied the latencies of saccadic eye movements that were directed away from a target by a variable angular distance, which was given by instruction. Such a movement presumably requires an intentional, visuomotor mental rotation of the saccade vector, resulting in prolonged reaction times. From a study on the control of directed hand movements, it has been hypothesized that all visuomotor and visual mental rotation tasks share a common processing stage. We tested this hypothesis with a saccade task in which subjects shifted their gaze either towards (0°, pro-saccade), or 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, or 180° (anti-saccade) away from a randomly cued position on an imaginary clock face. With four different cueing conditions, latencies increased monotonically with required gaze shift from 0–150°, thus exhibiting a mental rotation latency pattern. However, we also found anti-saccades faster than 150° gaze shift and slower rotation speeds with peripheral cues than with central cues. Together with the overall shallower latency increase compared with previous findings with mental rotation tasks, these results cast doubt on the notion of a common, central processing mechanism for the different types of tasks. Received: 11 August 1998 / Accepted: 9 February 1999  相似文献   

Substantial evidence indicates that women report greater fear and are more likely to develop anxiety disorders than men. Women's greater vulnerability for anxiety disorders can be partly understood by examining gender differences in the etiological factors known to contribute to anxiety. This review examines evidence for gender differences across a broad range of relevant factors, including biological influences, temperamental factors, stress and trauma, cognitive factors, and environmental factors. Gender differences are observed with increasing consistency as the scope of analysis broadens to molar levels of functioning. Socialization processes cultivate and promote processes related to anxiety, and moderate gender differences across levels of analysis.  相似文献   

Mental rotation (MR) of Chinese characters has been proposed to employ distinct strategies depending on task difficulty. Cognitive process in MR is associated with multi-component neural networks, and elucidation of specific cortical interactions taking place during MR will assist understanding of the cognitive processes involved. In this study, we investigated cortical interactive networks involved in Chinese character MR tasks of different difficulties. Scalp electroencephalogram (EEG) signals were recorded from nine subjects (male/female = 6/3) during MR of a Chinese character presented at different orientations (0°, ±60°, ±120° and 180°). Partial directed coherence (PDC) analysis based on multivariate Granger causality (GC) was used to assess cortical interactions. At ±60° and ±120°, lateral interactions from right to left counterparts were found in both the parietal and motor-related areas, and they were enhanced with the increase of rotation angle. The main interactions between parietal and motor-related areas showed feedforward at rotations of ±60° and ±120°, while feedback interactions appeared at rotations of ±120°. However, at 180° of rotation, neither lateral interactions within motor-related areas nor feedback interactions from motor-related to parietal areas were found. These findings show that during MR of Chinese character (1) cortical interactive networks change according to task difficulty, and (2) the right hemisphere plays an initiating role in bilateral cortical activation.  相似文献   

The functional significance of ERP effects during mental rotation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Heil M 《Psychophysiology》2002,39(5):535-545
In a parity judgment task, the ERPs at parietal electrode sites become more negative as more mental rotation has to be executed. This article provides a review of the empirical evidence regarding this amplitude modulation. More specifically, experiments are reported that validate both the functional relationship between mental rotation and the amplitude modulation as well as the temporal relationship both in single- and in dual-task situations. Additionally, ERP effects are reported in the psychological refractory period (PRP) paradigm with mental rotation as the second task. Finally, unresolved issues are discussed that, I hope, might stimulate future research.  相似文献   

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