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一般成年人饮食中优质蛋白的摄入量应占膳食营养素推荐摄入量的30%.老年人应占50%才能满足机体需要。而我国目前居民膳食中优质蛋白摄入量仅为24%。如果每天喝250毫升奶.你可获得75克优质蛋白.能供给成人每天所需氨基酸的1/2:你还可获得近300毫克钙和一定量的维生素B2。牛奶中不仅含胆固醇少.而且还含有能降低血胆固醇的物质。所以牛奶是不可或缺的营养食品.特别是患有慢性病的患者更需要摄取充足的优质蛋白质,增强机体的抵抗力。然而牛奶虽好.饮用时也要讲究科学.否则,不但不能增加营养.反而会加重病情。慢性病人如何饮用牛奶,就要根据病情“量身制定”。  相似文献   

儿童期是生长发育的关键阶段,此阶段营养不良会导致诸多健康问题和长远的不良影响。甘肃省陇西县和康乐县作为国家科技部支撑项目"贫困农村地区儿童营养缺乏改造适宜技术的研究"监测点之一,通过发放富含蛋白质、维生素和矿物质的"营养包"及对儿童家长进行营养教育等途径,有效改善儿童营养不良和贫血状况。甘肃省疾病预防控制中心赵文莉医师等撰文《甘肃贫困农村地区儿童营养干预效果评价》对此进行报道。牛奶是一种营养全面的理想天然食品,饮用牛奶对儿童身高和体重增长有明显效果,江西省南昌市妇幼保健所段克姿主治医师撰写的《安义县学龄前儿童奶类饮用量调查》对安义县学龄前儿童奶类饮用情况进行了调查,指出需努力提高学龄前儿童的饮奶率和饮奶量,改善儿童营养状况。  相似文献   

大学生营养知识和饮食习惯现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解大学生营养知识与饮食习惯现况,为提高大学生健康水平提供依据。方法对198名在校大学生进行了问卷调查。问卷涉及日常饮食、饮食习惯、营养知识、饮食态度等4个方面。结果59.1%的学生经常吃早餐,14.6%的学生偶尔吃早餐,26.3%的学生几乎不吃早餐,经常吃早餐者的比例女生高于男生,差异有统计学意义(X^2=14.007,p〈0.05);饮食习惯则过多地食用方便面、油炸食品、腌酱菜食品、火腿肠,只有7.5%的大学生不摄取这4种食品;而吃鱼、牛奶、蔬菜的比例较低,分别占43.0%、16.6%、59.1%。在男生中存在喝酒等不良习惯者高于女生,差异有统计学意义(X^2=14.521,p〈0.05);学生普遍缺乏对营养知识的了解;70.2%的学生以“口味”作为首选食物标准,仅18.7%选择“营养”。结论学生营养知识和饮食习惯存在较多问题,应加强大学生营养知识的教育,纠正其不合理的饮食习惯。  相似文献   

天津市实小学生及其家长营养知识及饮食行为调查   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
目的:为了解目前小学生及其家长有关营养知识的现状及饮食行为中存在的主要问题。方法:采取问卷调查方式调查了实验小学部分学生及其家长的营养知识和饮食行为。结果:大多数学生及其家长缺乏必要的营养知识,不了解与合理配膳密切相关的营养素的食物来源和食物分类;同时在学生中存在着许多不良饮食行为,如不吃早餐(7.2%)、挑食和偏食(达50%)等。结论:学生家长对营养知识具有强烈的求知欲望,希望得到营养指导;为保证学龄儿童健康成长,对小学生及其家长进行营养知识的普及工作势在必行。  相似文献   

儿童青少年的营养、健康状况是关系到民族昌盛、国富民强的大事 ,为了改善我国儿童青少年的营养状况 ,经国务院批准 ,对构成儿童青少年主体的中小学生在全国分步实施“学生饮用奶计划”。实施“学生饮用奶计划”充分体现了党中央、国务院对我国儿童青少年营养问题的高度重视和关怀 ,必将对提高整个中华民族的身体素质产生重大作用。在众多的食品中 ,牛奶是营养最全面的理想食品。牛奶中含有丰富的蛋白质 ,具备 8种人体必需氨基酸 ;它的生物学价值高达 87,而且消化吸收率高达 87%~ 89% ;它是构成人体各种组织的物质基础 ,对处于生长发育阶段…  相似文献   

牛奶是一种比较理想的完善食品。牛奶中的营养成分比较稳定:每100克牛奶中含蛋白质3.1克,脂肪3.5克,乳糖4.6克,矿物质0.7克,还含有维生素A、维生素D、维生素B2等多种维生素。  相似文献   

高雪 《健康》2010,(6):18-19
<正>饮食得当巧补营养饮食得当,有助男性维持生殖健康,男性需要注意补充什么营养素呢?番茄红素可保护前列腺组织。这种天然类胡萝卜素主要存在于番茄、西瓜、葡萄、柚等红色食品中。一个成年人每天食用100克~200克  相似文献   

目的 了解中部地区地市级城市中小学生饮奶行为、对饮奶与健康的认识以及对奶及奶制品的需求等,为学生饮用奶计划在中等城市的顺利实施提供依据.方法 于2008年8月、2009年5月分别对学生奶试点城市1和非试点城市2的中小学生及家长进行问卷调查,内容包括一般人口学统计信息、牛奶的营养知识、青少年生长发育对营养的需求相关知识、饮奶与健康相关知识、饮奶行为与习惯、对牛奶及奶制品的需求等.结果 不同年级学生牛奶营养知识与饮奶态度状况差异有统计学意义.不同年级学生饮奶行为、需求状况都持续出现上升趋势.饮奶行为与知识知晓程度呈正相关.家长对学生饮用奶有迫切需求,但对饮奶安全性仍有顾虑(73.2%).结论 应制定一系列确保饮奶安全的措施,帮助学生家长增强对学生饮用奶品质的信心.  相似文献   

许多朋友都有喝牛奶的习惯,目的是既补充营养,又补充钙。的确,牛奶含有丰富完整的酪蛋白、白蛋白、球蛋白和乳蛋白。而且牛奶的蛋白质是全蛋白,消化率高达98%。调查发现,我国居民膳食中普遍缺钙,而牛奶中的钙在天然食物中是最容易被人体吸收的,这也是我们需要常喝牛奶的主  相似文献   

○世界人均牛奶占有量每年在100千克以上,而我国却只有6千克。 ○我国居民膳食中普遍缺钙,而牛奶是最好的补钙剂。贫困地区可以多吃豆类和豆制品代替牛奶。 ○美国也曾出现过居民钙的膳食供给不足的情况,后来他们通过3杯奶运动解决了这个问题。日本通过“一杯奶强壮一个民族”的全民教育,使人民的体质得到了改善。 ○在我国,大多数人都在儿童时期断奶,造成成年后对牛奶不耐受。 ○为了您的健康和全民族身体素质的提高,提倡每天饮用牛奶和食用豆类及豆制品中。  相似文献   

合理饮用学生奶对学生体质发育的影响分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
目的:探讨合理饮用学生奶对学生体质发育的影响。方法:采用随机整群抽样的方法对银川市两所小学进行营养调查,及对小学生的体格发育指标测量的数据和血红蛋白测定数据进行分析。结果:学生膳食中热量及营养素摄入基本达到标准,但钙,维生素B2摄入不足,其中钙占RDA值的59.0%,维生素B2占66.7%。城区、郊区学生营养不良率分别为17.7%和27.7%,贫血检出率分别为11.8%和15.8%,人均每日由奶类来源的钙分别占14.1%和12.2%, 经统计学分析差异有显性(P<0.05)。结论:摄入奶类食物多少与学生营养状况有一定的关系。提示开展“学生饮用奶计划”对学生体质发育有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

营养教育改善学龄儿童饮奶行为的效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价营养教育改善学龄儿童饮奶行为的效果,为改善学龄儿童饮奶行为提供科学依据。方法 对唐山市1所小学二~五年级学生716名,先后进行2个月的单纯学校营养教育和家长的营养教育;采用问卷和营养调查,分析营养教育后学生和家长营养知识、饮奶行为和钙营养状况的变化。结果 学生接受学校营养教育后,奶类与钙营养健康知识的答对率均达80%以上,主动饮奶率和钙营养状况均比教育前显提高;家长营养教育2个月后,学生饮奶量,感觉不适率等饮奶行为比单纯学校教育改善更为明显。结论 学校营养教育结合家长的参与是改善学龄儿童饮奶行为的有效途径。  相似文献   

In Australia, 60% of children (9-16 years) are not meeting the estimated average requirement (EAR) for calcium, and milk is an important dietary source of calcium. We hypothesized that milk drinking (plain or flavored) would be associated with higher milk and nutrient intake among Australian children. Nutrient intakes reported via 24-hour recalls and anthropometric measurements collected from the 2007 Australian National Children's Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey were analyzed. Children and adolescents (cross sectional, n = 4487, 2-16 years) were classified into 4 categories according to milk intake: (i) exclusively plain milk drinkers, (ii) flavored (flavored and plain) milk drinkers, (iii) nondrinkers of milk (no plain or flavored milk as beverage), and (iv) nonconsumers of milk (total milk intake is 0 g). Total daily milk, energy and nutrient intake, body mass index, and waist circumference were compared between categories of milk drinking by analysis of variance models. Results of this study show that milk drinkers (plain or flavored) had a significantly higher total milk intake than did nondrinkers of milk. Milk drinking was associated with higher intakes of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and iodine in comparison with nondrinkers of milk and nonconsumers of milk (P < .05). Milk drinkers (exclusively plain or flavored) were more likely to meet the EAR for calcium than nondrinkers and nonconsumers of milk, whereas flavored milk drinkers were more likely to meet the EAR for calcium than exclusively plain milk drinkers. In particular, among children aged 9 to 16 years, flavored milk drinkers were 1.7 times more likely to meet the EAR for calcium than plain milk drinkers (P < .001). Although flavored milk drinkers had higher total sugar and energy intakes than did exclusively plain milk drinkers and nonconsumers of milk (P < .05), no between-group differences were observed in body mass index, waist circumference, or physical activity level. In conclusion, drinking milk was associated with higher total milk and micronutrient intake, and drinking both plain and flavored milk may help children meet their calcium requirements without negatively impacting body weight measures.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to quantify the impact of dairy foods on nutrient intakes in the United States. SUBJECTS: Data were from 17959 respondents to the 1994-1996, 1998 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII).Statistical analyses Nutrient intakes were quantified by quartile of dairy food intake. Also, dairy intakes were compared in people who met vs did not meet intake recommendations for select nutrients. Finally, the direct contribution of dairy foods/ingredients to calcium and lipid intakes was determined. SAS and SUDAAN software were used. Data were weighted. Energy intake was a covariable in regression models. RESULTS: Intake of all micronutrients examined, except vitamin C, was higher with increasing quartile of total dairy and milk intake, controlling for energy intake. Calcium was the only micronutrient positively associated with cheese intake. Fat intake either did not differ or was lower among people in quartile 2, 3, or 4 vs quartile 1 of total dairy and milk intake, whereas fat was higher as quartile of cheese intake increased. Dietary cholesterol was lower as intakes of any of the dairy categories increased; the opposite was true for saturated fat. Dairy foods/ingredients directly contributed an average of 51% of dietary calcium, 19% of total fat, 32% of saturated fat, and 22% of cholesterol. CONCLUSIONS: Total dairy and milk intakes were associated with higher micronutrient intakes without adverse impact on fat or dietary cholesterol. Results reinforce the strong nutritional profile of dairy-rich diets, although results with saturated fat and with cheese suggest that it would be useful to modify product composition and/or eating patterns to optimize nutritional contributions of dairy products.  相似文献   

Issues involving low calcium intake and dairy product consumption are currently the focus of much debate and discussion at both the scientific and lay community levels. In this review, we examine the following major areas of interest: (1) the role of calcium intake and dairy product consumption in chronic diseases, (2) nutritional qualities of milk and other dairy products, (3) trends in calcium intake and dairy product consumption, (4) current status of calcium intakes and dairy product consumption in children, (5) tracking of calcium intake and diary product consumption, (6) the impact of school meal participation on calcium intake and dairy product consumption, (7) concerns related to calcium-fortified foods and beverages and (8) factors influencing children’s milk consumption. To date, the findings indicate that calcium intake and dairy product consumption have beneficial roles in a variety of chronic diseases; dairy products provide an abundant source of vitamins and minerals; calcium intakes of children have increased over time, yet intakes are not meeting the current adequate intake (AI) calcium recommendations; dairy consumption has decreased, and soft drink consumption and, possibly, consumption of calcium-fortified products have increased; consumption of dairy products have a positive nutritional impact on diets of children, particularly from school meals, and there are many factors which influence children’s milk consumption, all of which need to be considered in our efforts to promote adequate calcium intakes by children. Based on this review, areas that need immediate attention and future research imperatives are summarized in an effort to further our understanding on what we already know and what we need to know to promote healthier eating habits early in life.  相似文献   

目的了解安义县学龄前儿童奶类饮用情况,为改善儿童营养状况提供依据。方法采用问卷调查法对该县2所城区幼儿园和4所乡村幼儿园698名3~6岁儿童奶类饮用情况进行调查。结果儿童饮奶率为51.0%,城区和乡村儿童的饮奶率分别为94.2%和8.3%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。平均每天饮奶量≥250 mL的城区儿童中占22.2%,乡村儿童中占1.4%。城区儿童饮奶率较高,但饮奶量与推荐摄入量相差甚远,乡村儿童饮奶率比较低。结论需要努力提高学龄前儿童的饮奶率和饮奶量,改善儿童营养状况。  相似文献   

Issues involving low calcium intake and dairy product consumption are currently the focus of much debate and discussion at both the scientific and lay community levels. In this review, we examine the following major areas of interest: (1). the role of calcium intake and dairy product consumption in chronic diseases, (2). nutritional qualities of milk and other dairy products, (3). trends in calcium intake and dairy product consumption, (4). current status of calcium intakes and dairy product consumption in children, (5). tracking of calcium intake and diary product consumption, (6). the impact of school meal participation on calcium intake and dairy product consumption, (7). concerns related to calcium-fortified foods and beverages and (8). factors influencing children's milk consumption. To date, the findings indicate that calcium intake and dairy product consumption have beneficial roles in a variety of chronic diseases; dairy products provide an abundant source of vitamins and minerals; calcium intakes of children have increased over time, yet intakes are not meeting the current adequate intake (AI) calcium recommendations; dairy consumption has decreased, and soft drink consumption and, possibly, consumption of calcium-fortified products have increased; consumption of dairy products have a positive nutritional impact on diets of children, particularly from school meals, and there are many factors which influence children's milk consumption, all of which need to be considered in our efforts to promote adequate calcium intakes by children. Based on this review, areas that need immediate attention and future research imperatives are summarized in an effort to further our understanding on what we already know and what we need to know to promote healthier eating habits early in life.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to examine various factors associated with total calcium intake and percent adequate intake (% AI) of calcium by children and adolescents, with respect to age, gender, race/ethnicity, and diet and beverage choices. DESIGN: Data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Continuing Survey of Food Intake by Individuals 1994-96, 98 were used in the analyses. Age groupings (2-3, 4-8, 9-13, and 14-18 year olds) were based on the National Academy of Sciences recommendations for AI of calcium-500, 800, 1,300, and 1,300 mg calcium per day, respectively. RESULTS: Consumption of milk products was strongly and positively associated with calcium intake. Consumption of carbonated soft drinks and other non-dairy beverages was also positively associated with calcium intake, but this association was very weak. Beverage choices of African-American children and adolescents are significantly different than white and Hispanic children and adolescents. For example, African-American adolescent girls consume fewer milk products and more fruit drinks/ades. Average daily carbonated soft drink consumption is approximately 1.6 and 1.0 twelve ounce cans among 14-18 year old boys and girls, respectively. CONCLUSION: Carbonated soft drink consumption among adolescent girls is modest and does not appear to be linked to decreased calcium intake. The analyses in this paper show that creative effective, efficient, and targeted policies should be considered to help adolescent girls increase calcium intake. Making low-fat milk products, flavored milks, calcium-fortified beverages and foods more attractive and available will help encourage girls to consume more of this important mineral. When adequate calcium intake is not achieved through foods, health professionals should consider recommending calcium supplements.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Consumption of soft drinks has been hypothesized to be negatively associated with calcium intake. However, fortification of some foods and beverages may have affected calcium intake. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine changes in calcium intake and the association of milk consumption with key beverage consumption and demographic variables using the most current data available. DESIGN: Several techniques were used to describe how age, gender, race/ethnicity, and beverage consumption were associated with milk and calcium intake using the Continuing Survey of Food Intake by Individuals 1994-1996, 1998 (CSFII) and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2002 (NHANES). Using bivariate and multivariate regression analyses, we examined the independent relationships of total non-beverage energy intake, fluid milk consumption, non-milk beverage consumption, and demographics with calcium intake. RESULTS: During the time period between CSFII and NHANES, milk consumption decreased and RCSD consumption increased among children 6-11 y. Calcium intake was unaffected. Among other age categories, milk consumption either did not change or increased (females 40-59 y), while RCSD consumption increased. Calcium intake either did not change or increased in most age-gender categories, including adolescent females. Fluid milk consumption exhibited the strongest association with calcium intake. Fruit juice consumption was also positively associated with calcium intake in most age-gender categories. Consumption of other beverages, including RCSD, had little or no association with calcium intake. CONCLUSIONS: Consumption of low-fat milk should be encouraged, but calcium fortification of certain foods and beverages and calcium supplementation may be needed to further increase calcium intake.  相似文献   

Calcium can be obtained from foods naturally rich in calcium such as dairy foods, from calcium-fortified foods and beverages, from supplements or from a combination of these. Recognition of calcium’s many health benefits, along with Americans’ low calcium intake, has led to interest in how best to meet calcium needs. Foods are the preferred source of calcium. Milk and other dairy foods are the major source of calcium in the U.S. In addition, these foods provide substantial amounts of other essential nutrients. Consequently, intake of dairy foods improves the overall nutritional quality of the diet. Other foods such as some green leafy vegetables, legumes and cereals provide calcium, but generally in lower amounts per serving than do dairy foods. Also, some components such as phytates in cereals and oxalates in spinach reduce the bioavailability of calcium. Calcium-fortified foods and calcium supplements are an option for individuals who cannot meet their calcium needs from foods naturally containing this mineral. However, their intake cannot correct poor dietary patterns of food selection which underlie Americans’ low calcium intake. Considering the adverse health and economic effects of low calcium intakes, strategies are needed to optimize calcium intake. A first step is to recognize factors influencing dietary calcium consumption. Substituting soft drinks for milk and eating away from home are among the barriers to adequate calcium intake. The American public needs to understand why consuming foods containing calcium is the best way to meet calcium needs and learn how to accomplish this objective.  相似文献   

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