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改进的踝关节镜后方共轴入路的解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评估改进的踝关节镜后方共轴入路的安全性和可操作性。方法20具防腐冷冻踝关节标本随机分为两组,每组10具。第一组先模仿Acevedo等设计的共轴入路穿入克氏针,然后再建立改进的共轴入路:以平踝关节后方关节线的胫后肌腱鞘处为克氏针入口,切开皮肤、皮下与胫后肌腱鞘,牵开胫后肌腱,寻找后方关节间隙,将克氏针穿入关节后室,并在进入关节腔后紧贴距骨后缘推进,克氏针从腓骨后缘穿出皮肤。第二组分别在高于外踝最下极1.5cm和2.5cm两个平面建立改进的共轴入路。测量克氏针与踝关节后室重要解剖结构的距离。在5具新鲜标本上模拟实际手术建立改进的踝关节后方共轴入路。结果改进的共轴入路与小隐静脉、!长屈肌腱和胫神经的距离分别是(22.07+2.82)mm、(5.39+1.47)mm和(6.27+1.84)mm;原共轴入路与小隐静脉、!长屈肌腱和胫神经的距离分别是(8.54+2.76)mm、(3.62+1.37)mm和(4.40+1.40)mm。不同高度的共轴入路的静态安全性接近。!长屈肌腱和趾长屈肌腱为踝关节镜操作的安全性“内标志”。结论与原共轴入路相比,改进的踝关节镜后方共轴入路具有安全性更高、操作更简单和易重复的优势。  相似文献   

正2013年10月~2014年10月,我们采用踝关节镜监控下微创经皮螺钉固定治疗17例旋前外旋Ⅳ度踝关节骨折患者,疗效满意,报道如下。1材料与方法1.1病例资料本组17例,男10例,女7例,年龄20~58岁。均为新鲜闭合骨折。按照Lauge-Hansen分型均为旋前外旋Ⅳ度,其中内踝骨折11例,内侧三角韧带断裂5例,均伴下胫腓分离。伤后至手术时间2~7 d。1.2手术方法硬膜外麻醉。踝关节关节线水平胫前肌腱外侧关节镜入路,依次按胫距关节外侧沟、距骨颈、内侧沟及三角韧带后关节囊壁与后侧间室顺序  相似文献   

胫骨远端关节骨折行外固定时常需要作环关节置入克氏针 ,关节内置针可将针道感染引入关节内。作者研究了12具新鲜冻干尸体和 3例志愿者正常踝关节。使用钆溶液加压注入关节腔 ,使关节囊膨胀 ,再行高分辨率MRI检查。测量软骨下骨至关节囊滑膜反折处的垂直距离。另一组对MRI检查不了解的人进行尸体解剖 ,直接测量软骨下骨至关节囊滑膜反折处的垂直距离。结果显示 :前外侧关节囊达最近端 (平均9 3mm ,最远 12 2mm ) ,前内侧稍短(平均 3 3mm ,最远 5 5mm) ,后内侧及后外侧均 <2mm。下胫腓关节与胫距关节交通 ,向近端延伸最大距离为 2 0 6m…  相似文献   

目的 研究髋关节后外侧入路中不同软组织结构松解对髋关节伸直位张力的影响.方法 新鲜冰冻尸体5具10个髋关节,均采用髋关节后外侧入路显露.在骨盆髂前上棘位置垂直于床面固定一枚克氏针,在股骨干侧方固定另一枚克氏针.测量不同软组织松解操作前后两枚克氏针之间的位移变化.结果 单纯进行牵引、外旋肌切断、后关节囊切开和臀大肌止点切断等操作前后,位移没有明显变化.股骨头切除、阔筋膜髂胫束切断、关节囊全部切除和髂腰肌腱切断后,两枚克氏针距离平均延长1.5mm(1~3mm)、8.0mm(2~19mm)、5.5mm(1~13mm)、1.8mm(1~3mm).同时切断关节囊和阔筋膜髂胫束前后位移变化最大,测量距离平均延长13.5 mm(11~20mm).结论 前关节囊、阔筋膜髂胫束和髂腰肌腱的松解可以降低髋关节伸直位的软组织张力,其中前关节囊和阔筋膜髂胫束的作用最大.髋关节周围的软组织对张力的影响相互制约,单一松解其中一种结构不能获得满意的松解效果.阔筋膜和髂胫束的紧张度可以帮助判断肢体的延长情况.  相似文献   

踝关节X线片分析与临床应用   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
目的测量正常成人踝关节X线片的有关数据,提高踝关节损伤诊断的准确率,以利于早期治疗、提高疗效。方法40例正常踝关节X线片,测量踝关节间隙内侧宽度、上方胫距关节间隙宽度、距骨外侧与外踝胫侧骨重叠影宽度、侧位片距骨与胫骨之间的宽度、下胫腓联合的宽度、胫骨外侧与腓骨胫侧构成重叠的宽度共六组数据。结果踝穴内侧宽度平均(3.8±0.5)mm,正位距胫关节宽度为(3.0±0.5)mm,距骨外侧与外踝的重叠影为(4.1±2.2)mm,侧位片中距骨与胫骨的间隙为(2.8±0.5)mm,下胫腓联合宽为(3.2±0.7)mm,胫骨外侧与腓骨胫侧重叠影宽平均为(7.7±1.9)mm。结论综合分析各组正常值,结合其它骨折改变,超过正常值范围是距骨脱位移位下胫腓联合分离的依据。多组数据改变可提高早期诊断准确率。  相似文献   

不同体位下肘关节镜常用入路与周围神经的解剖关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 比较不同体位下各种肘关节镜入路与毗邻神经血管的解剖关系,评价肘关节镜操作中各种标准入路的安全性及应用价值.方法 选用新鲜尸体肘关节10个进行解剖,测量9种标准肘关节镜入路与毗邻神经血管的最近距离,并根据各入路下关节镜检的镜下视野及操作灵活性评价其应用价值. 结果肘关节镜人路与毗邻神经距离受注水膨胀关节、肘关节伸直或屈曲及前臂旋前或旋后体位变化影响.肘关节屈曲90°前臂旋后、中立、旋前位,前外侧入路关节镜套管与桡神经距离分别为(2.9±1.1)mm、(4.5±1.5)mm、(5.8 ±1.7)mm,穿刺造成神经损伤风险大;肘关节伸直前臂旋后位2例肘关节中套管与桡神经直接接触.近端前内侧或近端前外侧人路观察肘关节前间室、后正中人路观察后间室视野良好且穿刺风险小.后方入路均安全. 结论近端前内侧或近端前外侧入路优于前内侧或前外侧人路,与后正中入路结合应用可基本满足多数肘关节镜手术的要求,是一组安全、有效的人路点.  相似文献   

距下关节是复杂的后足结构,可作内翻及外翻运动,具有重要的生物力学作用。距下关节由两个独立的关节腔共同组成,包括距跟舟关节(前距下关节)及距跟关节(后距下关节),两个关节腔被跗骨窦及跗骨管所分隔。后距下关节镜的经典入路包括外侧入路或后侧入路,然而,这两种经典入路下仍无法完全暴露后距下关节的内侧部分及跗骨管。为此,后距下关节镜的内侧入路及跗骨管入路应运而生,补充了经典入路的不足,使关节镜下完全暴露后距下关节成为可能。同样,前距下关节镜配合内侧距下关节和距舟关节镜可完全暴露前距下关节。随着手术器械及操作技术的进步,距下关节的不同部位的病变均能镜下观察及操作。  相似文献   

洪潮  胡洪奎  李超  李旭  顾小华 《中国骨伤》2020,33(7):665-666
正患者,男,41岁,跌倒伤致右踝关节疼痛1 h来诊。查体:踝关节外旋外翻位畸形,重度肿胀,踝关节外侧压痛有骨擦感,活动受限。右踝关节正侧位X线片示右外踝骨折向外侧移位,踝关节内侧间隙明显增宽,距骨向外侧半脱位(图1a)。螺旋CT三维重建示外踝骨折向外侧移位,腓骨移至胫骨外后方,右侧距骨向外后方半脱位,下胫腓分离,胫骨下胫腓联合处有撕脱性骨折片(图1b,1c)。入院诊断:Bosworth骨折。  相似文献   

目的 观察经后内侧入路切开复位Acutrak全螺纹无头加压螺钉内固定治疗距骨后突骨折的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析自2016-04—2019-01诊治的12例距骨后突骨折,取俯卧位,将手术床向患侧倾斜,在内踝上方与跟腱中线作弧形切口显露胫距关节后内侧、距骨后突骨折块、跟距关节,仔细清除胫距关节与距下关节内血凝块和骨碎片,直视下复位骨折后用骨膜剥离子向下方压住骨折块即可实现骨折块与距骨体部紧密对合,然后向距骨体部置入2枚导针,导针尽量与骨折线垂直,需要避免导针置入胫距关节与距下关节,顺着导针置入2枚Acutrak全螺纹无头加压螺钉。结果 12例均获得随访,随访时间平均11.6(8~14)个月。随访期间未出现螺钉松动、骨折不愈合、距骨无菌性坏死、创伤性距下关节炎等并发症。骨折愈合时间为8~13周,平均10.8周。末次随访时疼痛VAS评分为1~2分,平均1.8分;踝与后足功能AOFAS评分结果:优9例,良3例。结论 对于需要手术治疗的距骨后突骨折患者,采用俯卧位、踝关节跖屈、踝关节后内侧入路可充分显露距骨后突骨折块、胫距关节与距下关节,跖屈位能对胫后血管神经束起到更好的保护作用,术者能更轻松地复...  相似文献   

目的研究关节镜下平卧位双后内侧入路微创治疗腘窝囊肿的方法及其疗效。方法选择2017年7月至2019年8月期间在我院住院治疗的伴有关节内疾病的腘窝囊肿患者41例,男11例,女30例;年龄49~74岁,平均(60.0±4.27)岁。左膝23例,右膝18例。先前内、前外入路处理关节腔内病变,然后后内侧入路刨开后内侧关节囊反折部,充分暴露半膜肌与腓肠肌内侧头间隙,以后内侧双入路进入腘窝后方的囊肿内部将囊壁充分切除。采用Lysholm评分判定患者的治疗效果。结果本组41例患者经过关节镜下手术发现其中33例合并内侧半月板损伤(80%),8例合并外侧半月板损伤(20%),36例合并软骨损伤伴内外侧半月板的退变(88%),关节镜术中探查的结果与术前MRI提示相同。所有病例经过15~24个月的随访,未见复发病例。根据Lysholm评分进行手术前后膝关节功能的评价,术前(65.8±10.7)分,术后(91.2±5.4)分,手术前后差异有统计学意义。结论采用关节镜下平卧位双后内侧入路治疗腘窝囊肿,不仅处理关节腔病变,而且术中不需要翻身,兼具了几种术式的优势,是目前值得临床推广的手术方式。  相似文献   

Purpose: The authors performed a cadaveric study on 10 ankles and retrospectively reviewed 29 arthroscopic synovectomies to determine the trajectory, minimal safe distances, and complications using a new approach for posterior ankle arthroscopy. Type of Study: Anatomic study and case series. Materials and Methods: A posterolateral portal was established immediately posterior to the peroneal tendon sheath. While staying within the posterior ankle capsule, an inside-out technique was then used to establish the posteromedial portal directly behind the medial malleolus adjacent to the posterior tibial tendon. The cadaveric ankles were frozen, sectioned, and photographed to measure the proximity of neurovascular structures to these coaxial portals. From 1988 to 1994, arthroscopic synovectomy was performed on 23 patients (29 ankles) with hemophilia using these modified portals. Results: Results of the anatomic study showed that the posterior tibial nerve and posterior tibial artery were located a mean distance of 5.7 mm (SEM, 0.6 mm) and 6.4 mm (SEM, 0.7 mm) from the edge of the cannula, respectively. Neither penetration nor contact of nerve or vessel was observed at either posterior portal. In the 29 clinical cases, posterior capsular synovectomy was achieved arthroscopically with no detectable complications at an average 45-month follow-up. Conclusions: Our anatomic data show that the coaxial portals described here are essentially equidistant to the neurovascular structures compared with conventional portals. Our clinical results suggest that his technique for posteromedial and posterolateral portals is safe, effective, and reproducible.  相似文献   

Purpose: The authors performed a cadaveric study on 10 ankles and retrospectively reviewed 29 arthroscopic synovectomies to determine the trajectory, minimal safe distances, and complications using a new approach for posterior ankle arthroscopy. Type of Study: Anatomic study and case series. Materials and Methods: A posterolateral portal was established immediately posterior to the peroneal tendon sheath. While staying within the posterior ankle capsule, an inside-out technique was then used to establish the posteromedial portal directly behind the medial malleolus adjacent to the posterior tibial tendon. The cadaveric ankles were frozen, sectioned, and photographed to measure the proximity of neurovascular structures to these coaxial portals. From 1988 to 1994, arthroscopic synovectomy was performed on 23 patients (29 ankles) with hemophilia using these modified portals. Results: Results of the anatomic study showed that the posterior tibial nerve and posterior tibial artery were located a mean distance of 5.7 mm (SEM, 0.6 mm) and 6.4 mm (SEM, 0.7 mm) from the edge of the cannula, respectively. Neither penetration nor contact of nerve or vessel was observed at either posterior portal. In the 29 clinical cases, posterior capsular synovectomy was achieved arthroscopically with no detectable complications at an average 45-month follow-up. Conclusions: Our anatomic data show that the coaxial portals described here are essentially equidistant to the neurovascular structures compared with conventional portals. Our clinical results suggest that his technique for posteromedial and posterolateral portals is safe, effective, and reproducible.Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related surgery, Vol 16, No 8 (November-December), 2000: pp 836–842  相似文献   

The purpose of this cadaveric study is to assess the talar articular surface visible through a modified posterior medial approach to the ankle joint for talar osteochondral defects. Ten fresh frozen cadaveric specimens were included. The talar surface area was outlined utilizing a marker. The talus was removed to measure the medial to lateral length and posterior to anterior length using a flexible ruler. A skin incision was made posterior to the medial malleolus. The incision was deepened through the flexor retinaculum. Dissection was carried between the posterior tibial and flexor digitorum longus tendons through the posterior tibial tendon sheath in order to access the posteromedial ankle joint. The posterior tibiofibular ligament should remain intact. A Hintermann distractor was then inserted to distract the ankle joint. The average articular cartilage visible from medial to lateral was 1.90 (68.6%) centimeters, while from posterior to anterior was 2.00 (43.6%) centimeters. Medial malleolar osteotomy is often required to visualize posteromedial talar osteochondral defects that are difficult to visualize with standard anterior ankle arthroscopy. Our study suggests that the modified posteromedial approach between the posterior tibial and flexor digitorum longus tendons and utilizing a Hintermann distractor allows for visualization of common posterior and central-medial lesions. When considering the anatomic 9-zone grid scheme proposed by Raikin et al, zone 4, 7, and 8 lesions can be assessed with this approach. A clinical study should be undertaken to evaluate the morbidity of this approach.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the lateral malleolus view under ankle arthroscopy and the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) attachment site.


Seven normal ankles from Thiel-embalmed cadavers were investigated. Ankle arthroscopy was performed using a 2.7 mm-diameter, 30-degree, oblique-viewing endoscope. An antero-medial portal (AM), a medial midline portal (MML), and an antero-central portal (AC) were created in order, and the ankle arthroscope was inserted. The lateral malleolus was visualized as distally as possible, and the site that appeared to be the distal margin was marked with a 1.5 mm-diameter K-wire. Visualization with arthroscopy was carried out from all portals to mark the distal margin, and the ankle was subsequently exposed to directly measure the distance from the center of the ATFL attachment site at the fibula to each marking.


The distances from the ATFL attachment site to the markings made under arthroscopy from the AM, MML, and AC portals were 10.4 ± 2.6 mm, 7.4 ± 1.9 mm, and 7.3 ± 1.9 mm, respectively. Compared to markings made from the MML or AC portal, the marking made from the AM portal was significantly further away from the ATFL attachment site.


A typical ankle arthroscopy portal may not allow complete visualization of the tip of the lateral malleolus, indicating that it may not be feasible to thoroughly observe the ATFL attachment site. It is necessary to perform arthroscopic surgeries with the understanding that the distal margin of the lateral malleolus that appears under ankle arthroscopy is 7–10 mm proximal to the ATFL attachment site.  相似文献   

The aim of this cadaveric study was to assess the relative safety of posterior ankle arthroscopy portal sites regarding their distance from the tibial and sural nerves. We dissected 20 embalmed cadaveric lower limbs, carefully exposed the nerves, preserving their original position, and established the entry points of five posterior ankle portals using pins. We measured distances with a digital calliper and used Friedman test and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks tests for statistical analyses. There was unequal safety between the five portals (p = 0.00001). There was no statistically significant difference between the two posterolateral or two posteromedial portals. The trans-Achilles tendon portal as expected was significantly further away from either nerve (p = 0.00001). In conclusion, the trans-Achilles portal is the safest portal in terms of its distance from the nerves but has the disadvantage of surgical injury to the Achilles tendon. The two medial and two lateral posterior portals are equivalent in terms of safety.  相似文献   

We assessed the function of the posterior malleolus, the anterior tibiofibular ligament, and the fibula with regard to posterior stability of the talus in ten ankles of cadavera. Posteriorly directed loads of as much as 200 newtons were applied. Two groups of ankles were tested; in the first group, three ankles in which the ligamentous and osseous structures were intact were tested after transection of the posterior capsule and after removal of 10, 20, 30, and 40 per cent of the articular surface of the distal end of the tibia from the posterolateral corner. In the second group, seven ankles were tested in the same sequence, but the anterior tibiofibular ligament and the fibula were transected before sectioning of the articular surface. Compared with the results for the intact ankle, the experiments on the first group demonstrated less than one millimeter of additional posterior translation of the talus after removal of as much as 40 per cent of the articular surface. In the second group, in which the anterior tibiofibular ligament and the fibula had been transected, significant posterior translation of the talus (more than three millimeters) occurred after removal of 30 per cent of the articular surface (p < 0.01). This represented a 160 per cent increase in translation compared with that in the intact ankle.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There have been limited studies assessing the relative safety of lateral portals for subtalar arthroscopy in terms of their distance from the sural nerve and its branches. The aim of this cadaveric study was to assess and compare the distance of lateral subtalar arthroscopy portal sites to the sural nerve and its branches. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty embalmed cadaveric lower limbs were dissected exposing the nerves and tendons and subtalar arthroscopy portals were replicated using pins. The anatomically important distances were measured with a digital caliper. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using SPSS for Windows 11.5 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL) using Friedman Tests and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks tests. RESULTS: The median distance of the anterior and middle subtalar portals to the nearest nerve was 21.3 mm and 20.9 mm, respectively, and 11.4 mm for the posterior portal. There was no statistically significant difference between anterior and middle portals (p=0.87) but there was statistically significant difference between anterior versus posterior and middle versus posterior portals (p=0.001 in each comparison). CONCLUSION: The anterior and middle subtalar portals were both less likely to damage important structures than the posterior subtalar portal. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The results of this study can be of value to the surgeon when planning arthroscopic procedures to the subtalar joint from the lateral approach.  相似文献   

BackgroundArthroscopic management of the posterior ankle impingement with the patient in supine position has the advantage of dealing with anterior ankle pathology at the same time without the need to change position of the patient. This study aims at evaluation of the safety of portal establishment and instrumentation of this technique.MethodsSixteen fresh-frozen cadaver specimens were used. The relationships of the posteromedial and posterolateral portals to the adjacent tendons and nerves and the relationship of the coaxial portal tract with the posterior ankle capsule and the flexor hallucis longus tendon were studied.ResultAngle θ1 between the intermalleolar line and the posterior ankle coaxial portal tract averaged 1° (−10° to 22°). Angle θ2 between the intermalleolar line and the metal rod where the neurovascular bundle started to move averaged 19° (10° to 30°). Angle θ3 between the intermalleolar line and the metal rod where it reached the lateral border of the Achilles tendon was larger than angle θ2 in all specimens. The angle of safety (θs) averaged 18° (−1° to 26°).ConclusionsInjury to the tendon, nerves or vessels is possible during establishment of the portals and resection of the os trigonum.  相似文献   

Neurovascular injury may occur during ankle arthroscopy. The majority of complications are neurological injuries; however, vascular injuries do exist. Neurovascular structures are especially vulnerable during portal placement and debridement of anterior structures. Routine anteromedial and anterolateral portals are generally accepted to be safe; this is different from the anterocentral portal, which is associated with a higher risk of injury. However, injuries may occur in these relatively safe portals. The purpose of this cadaver study was to examine other relatively minor neurovascular structures such as medial and lateral malleolar arteries and to determine how these portals can be more safely placed. The distance between standard anteromedial, anterolateral portals and the medial and lateral malleolar arteries was measured in 18 ankles from 9 cadavers. These distances varied with the position of the ankle during portals placement, and measurements were obtained in both flexion and extension. The average distance in flexion and extension was 6.41 to 2.47 mm on the lateral side and 4.73 to 1.58 mm on the medial side. The distances significantly increased with ankle flexion and decreased with extension (P < .005). The current study demonstrated that there were other minor vascular structures at risk other than tibialis anterior artery and proper positioning of the ankle during portal placement, and that injury risk may be associated with ankle position. Ankle flexion may decrease the risk of damage to malleolar arteries and decrease minor vascular complications such as postoperative bleeding and hematoma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: New indications for arthroscopy are being considered because arthroscopy limits incision size and potentially decreases operative morbidity. This cadaver study investigated the utility of performing an all-endoscopic flexor hallucis longus (FHL) decompression. METHODS: Eight fresh-frozen cadaver legs were used. In the simulated prone position with large joint arthroscopic equipment, posterolateral and posteromedial portals were used to perform posterolateral talar process bony excision and FHL sheath debridement and release. We noted the integrity of the sural nerve, FHL tendon, and medial tibial neurovascular bundle. After open dissection, values for sural nerve distance to the posterolateral portal, the amount of FHL sheath released and the proximity of the arthroscopic instrumentation to the medial tibial neurovascular structures were recorded. RESULTS: Three of eight FHL tendons were injured during the attempted FHL release. Furthermore, no FHL sheath was completely released down to the level of the sustentaculum. Although posterolateral portal placement was on average 12.1 mm from the sural nerve, it was only 6.1 mm from the lateral calcaneal branch of the sural nerve. Moreover, in all cases the medial calcaneal nerve and first branch of the lateral plantar nerve were closely juxtaposed and in some cases adherent to the FHL fibro-osseous sheath. CONCLUSIONS: Although os trigonum or posterolateral talar process excision was performed without difficulty, endoscopic release of the FHL tendon proved technically demanding with significant risk to the local neurovascular structures. Given the reliability and low morbidity of open techniques, this cadaver study calls into question the clinical use of complete endoscopic FHL release to the level of the sustentaculum. Moreover, hindfoot endoscopic surgery should be performed by surgeons familiar with open posterior ankle anatomy and experienced in hindfoot endoscopy.  相似文献   

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