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Gene PRAME was found to encode an antigen recognized on a human melanoma cell line by an autologous cytolytic T-lymphocyte clone. This gene is expressed at a high level in a very large fraction of tumours, such as melanomas, non-small-cell lung carcinomas, sarcomas, head and neck tumours and renal carcinomas. It is therefore a candidate for tumour immunotherapy even though some low expression is found in certain normal tissues. We tested by RT-PCR the expression of PRAME on more than 250 bone marrow or blood samples from patients with a haematological malignancy. Approximately 25% of the acute leukaemia samples were positive. Remarkably, all acute myeloblastic leukaemias that carried the chromosomal translocation t(8;21), which fuses the genes AML1 and ETO, expressed PRAME at a high level.  相似文献   

Vaccination of melanoma patients with tumor-specific antigens recognized by cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) produces significant tumor regressions in a minority of patients. These regressions appear to occur in the absence of massive CTL responses. To detect low-level responses, we resorted to antigenic stimulation of blood lymphocyte cultures in limiting dilution conditions, followed by tetramer analysis, cloning of the tetramer-positive cells, and T-cell receptor (TCR) sequence analysis of the CTL clones that showed strict specificity for the tumor antigen. A monoclonal CTL response against a MAGE-3 antigen was observed in a melanoma patient, who showed partial rejection of a large metastasis after treatment with a vaccine containing only the tumor-specific antigenic peptide. Tetramer analysis after in vitro restimulation indicated that about 1/40,000 postimmunization CD8(+) blood lymphocytes were directed against the antigen. The same TCR was present in all of the positive microcultures. TCR evaluation carried out directly on blood lymphocytes by PCR amplification led to a similar frequency estimate after immunization, whereas the TCR was not found among 2.5 x 10(6) CD8(+) lymphocytes collected before immunization. Our results prove unambiguously that vaccines containing only a tumor-specific antigenic peptide can elicit a CTL response. Even though they provide no information about the effector mechanisms responsible for the observed reduction in tumor mass in this patient, they would suggest that low-level CTL responses can initiate tumor rejection.  相似文献   

The cultured T-cell line TIL1200, established from the tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) of a patient with advanced metastatic melanoma, recognized an antigen on most HLA-A2+ melanomas and on all HLA-A2+ cultured neonatal melanocytes in an HLA-A2 restricted manner but not on other types of tissues or cell lines tested. A cDNA encoding an antigen recognized by TIL1200 was isolated by screening an HLA-A2+ breast cancer cell line transfected with an expression cDNA library prepared from an HLA-A2+ melanoma cell line. The nucleotide and amino acid sequences of this cDNA were almost identical to the genes encoding glycoprotein gp100 or Pmel17 previously registered in the GenBank. Expression of this gene was restricted to melanoma and melanocyte cell lines and retina but was not expressed on other fresh or cultured normal tissues or other types of tumor tested. The cell line transfected with this cDNA also expressed antigen recognized by the melanoma-specific antibody HMB45 that bound to gp100. A synthetic 10-amino acid peptide derived from gp100 was recognized by TIL1200 in the context of HLA-A2.1. Since the administration of TIL1200 plus interleukin 2 resulted in regression of metastatic cancer in the autologous patient, gp100 is a possible tumor rejection antigen and may be useful for the development of immunotherapies for patients with melanoma.  相似文献   

Alloreactive guinea pig thymus-derived (T) cells generated in vitro were rendered unresponsive to allogeneic macrophages by treatment with bromodeoxyuridine and light. The remaining T cells were subsequently primed and rechallenged in tissue culture with trinitrophenyl (Tnp)-modified syngeneic or allogeneic macrophages. By this procedure we found that the remaining T cells primed with Tnp-modified allogeneic macrophages could be restimulated only with Tnp-modified allogeneic, not syngeneic, macrophages. Similarily, if the remaining T cells were primed with Tnp-modified syngeneic macrophages, they could be restimulated only by Tnp-modified syngeneic, and not by allogeneic, macrophages. In contrast, no T cell sensitization with Tnp-modified syngeneic or allogeneic macrophages occurred if the alloreactive T cells were treated with light alone, suggesting that an uninhibited mixed leukocyte reaction causes nonspecific suppression of antigen-specific T cell priming. These results indicate that the genetic restriction of T cell-macrophage interactions is imposed by the type of macrophage used for initial sensitization rather than by a requirement for self-recognition through cellular interaction structures.  相似文献   

Antigen-specific cancer immunotherapy directed toward tumor-nourishing angiogenic blood vessels holds the promise of high efficacy, low toxicity, and ease of application. To evaluate whether the human angiogenic kinase insert domain-containing receptor (KDR) can serve as a target for cellular immunotherapy, 19 peptide sequences with HLA-A*0201 motifs were selected by computer-based algorithms. Five peptides (KDR82-90, KDR288-297, KDR766-774, KDR1093-1101, KDR1035-1044) stimulated specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) from peripheral-blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of 3 HLA-A*0201 donors. The decapeptide KDR288-297 was efficient in sensitizing target cells for recognition by a CTL clone at a concentration of 10 nM. More important, KDR288-297-specific CTLs lysed target cells transfected with HLA-A2/KDR cDNAs and a range of HLA-matched KDR+ angiogenic endothelial cells (aECs) and also recognized CD34+ endothelial progenitor cells. The specificity of CTLs was further confirmed by tetramer assay and cold-target inhibition assay. In addition, ex vivo exposure of aECs to the inflammatory cytokines enhanced CTL reactivity, which is in keeping with up-regulated KDR and HLA class 1 expression. In Matrigel assays, recognition of aECs by specific CTLs triggered an antivascular effect. These findings provide the first proof of the antigenic property of KDR protein and may be useful for devising new immunotherapeutic approaches to human cancers.  相似文献   

Our understanding of pathways leading to antitumor immunity may depend on an undistorted knowledge of the primary antigenic targets of patients' autologous T cell responses. In the melanoma model derived from patient DT, we applied cryopreserved short-term autologous mixed lymphocyte-tumor cell cultures (MLTCs) in combination with an IFN-gamma enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay to cDNA expression screening. We identified three previously unknown peptides processed from melanosomal proteins tyrosinase (presented by HLA-A(*)2601 and -B(*)3801) and gp100 (presented by HLA-B(*)07021) and five neoantigens generated by somatic point mutations in the patient's melanoma. The mutations were found in the genes SIRT2, GPNMB, SNRP116, SNRPD1, and RBAF600. Peptides containing the mutated residues were presented by HLA-A(*)03011, -B(*)07021, and -B(*)3801. Mutation-induced functional impairment was so far demonstrated for SIRT2. Within MLTC responder populations that were independently expanded from the patient's peripheral blood lymphocytes of different years, T cells against mutated epitopes clearly predominated. These results document a high degree of individuality for the cellular antitumor response and support the need for individualizing the monitoring and therapeutic approaches to the primary targets of the autologous T cell response, which may finally lead to a more effective cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

HLA-E-restricted T cell receptor alphabeta+ CD8+ cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs) exist as monoclonal expansions in the peripheral blood of some individuals. Here, we show that they recognize, with high avidity, peptides derived from the UL40 protein of different human cytomegalovirus (CMV) strains. Recognition results in the induction of cytotoxicity, IFN-gamma production and cell proliferation. Autologous cells pulsed with CMV-derived peptides become susceptible to lysis by HLA-E-restricted CTLs and induce their proliferation. The high avidity for CMV-derived peptides may explain how these cells are generated in vivo and suggest their possible role in the host defenses against CMV, a virus that evolved various mechanisms to down-regulate classical HLA class I molecules, thus escaping detection by conventional CTLs.  相似文献   

By cDNA expression cloning we have isolated a gene encoding a shared human melanoma antigen recognized by HLA-A2 restricted autologous and allogenic tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) from patients with metastatic melanoma. By using both transient and stable expression systems, transfection of this gene into non-antigen-expressing HLA-A2+ cell lines resulted in recognition by the antigen-specific TILs. The sequence of this cDNA revealed a previously undescribed putative transmembrane protein whose expression was restricted to melanoma and melanocyte cell lines and human retina but no other fresh or cultured normal tissues tested or other tumor histologies. Thus, we have identified a gene encoding a melanocyte lineage-specific protein (MART-1; melanoma antigen recognized by T cells 1) that is a widely shared melanoma antigen recognized by the T lymphocytes of patients with established malignancy. Identification of this gene opens possibilities for the development of immunotherapies for patients with melanoma.  相似文献   

We find that a single region on the surface of different species of myoglobin appears to be immunodominant for T lymphocytes, even though the residues in that region vary sufficiently that the T cells immune to one myoglobin do not crossreact with other myoglobins bearing substitutions at that site. Immunization of B10.S mice with sperm whale myoglobin elicits T-lymphocyte populations capable of recognizing sperm whale myoglobin but not horse myoglobin, whereas the converse is true when these mice are immunized with horse myoglobin. Using a series of myoglobin variants, we tested the effect of changes in primary sequence on the T-lymphocyte proliferative response. We were able to divide the myoglobin variants into two groups, depending on whether they cross stimulate sperm whale immune or horse immune T lymphocytes. The patterns of cross stimulation of both populations of myoglobin immune T lymphocytes were explained by amino acid substitutions at position 109. However, because sperm whale and horse myoglobin differ at this residue (glutamate vs. aspartate, respectively), T lymphocytes immune to each myoglobin do not crossreact with the other myoglobin. Additional data suggest that this immunodominant epitope also includes other residues nearby on the surface of the native molecule. Mixing experiments showed that the specificity was that of T lymphocytes and not antigen-presenting cells. Monoclonal anti-I-A blocking studies showed that both myoglobins are presented in association with the same Ia antigen. Possible explanations for the apparent immunodominance of this antigenic epitope, consisting of residue 109 and nearby residues on the surface of both myoglobins, include a peculiar immunogenicity of the surface topography of this site of a preferred orientation of the molecule imposed by antigen-presenting cells when T cells first encounter the antigen. The latter explanation is related to but distinct from "determinant selection." T-cell recognition of conformation is discussed.  相似文献   

An endogenous peptide recognized by a murine T-cell clone specific for the human class I major histocompatibility complex-encoded molecule HLA-A2.1 was identified through the use of microcapillary high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray-ionization tandem mass spectrometry. The peptide was associated with HLA-A2.1 on both normal cells and the antigen-processing-mutant cell line T2. This observation demonstrates that a processing mechanism other than that involving the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) proteins 1 and 2 can produce peptides that can be recognized by T cells. The peptide was also recognized by four other independently derived murine HLA-A2.1-specific murine T-cell clones. This suggests that xenogeneic responses are directed at a restricted subset of major histocompatibility complex product-associated peptides. Finally, quantitation of this peptide in cell extracts using mass spectrometry showed it to be among the most dominant HLA-A2.1 associated species on human lymphoid cells. The potential relevance of this observation to models of alloreactivity will be discussed. The methodology described should be generally useful for the identification of peptide epitopes recognized by alloreactive, tumor-specific, and autoimmune T cells.  相似文献   

The immunogenic components of Fasciola gigantica excretory-secretory (ES) products were revealed by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting technic using sera from patients with F. gigantica infection, from patients with clinical suspected fascioliasis, from patients with other illness and from healthy adults. By SDS-PAGE, it was found that the ES products comprised more than 6 polypeptides. Immunoblotting analysis revealed 12 components which were strongly recognized by fascioliasis antisera. These antigenic components had a molecular mass ranging from less than 14.4 to 38 kDa. One antigenic band of 27 kDa was found to give a consistent reaction with fascioliasis antisera (100% sensitivity and 98% specificity). The present findings suggest that the 27 kDa components are sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of human F. gigantica infection.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (designated L17F12) detects an antigen present on 95-100% of human peripheral T lymphocytes, the majority of thymocytes, and acute lymphocytic leukemia T cells but not B cells, B-cell lines, or monocytes. Examination of frozen tissue sections by the immunoperoxidase method revealed that the cells expressing this antigen were found predominantly in the medulla of thymus and in T-cell zones of lymph node and spleen. The antigen recognized by L17F12 was associated with a cell-surface glycoprotein of 67,000 daltons. L17F12 was used to isolate this molecule from human thymocytes, normal peripheral T cells, leukemic T cells, and T-cell lines. Expression of this antigen on normal T cells was not diminished by prolonged exposure in vitro to various T-cell stimuli. In the absence of complement, L17F12 bound to T cells without altering proliferative functions, thus enabling rapid purification of functionally intact T cells. In the presence of complement, L17F12 was cytolytic for T cells, providing the basis for depletion of T cells from heterogeneous populations. These data suggest that the monoclonal antibody L17F12 recognizes a specific T-cell differentiation protein. This antibody will be useful in studies of the human immune system.  相似文献   

Two reciprocal interspecies hybrid class I histocompatibility genes have been constructed between genomic clones of human HLA-A2 and murine H-2Kb. The proteins encoded by these genes have been designated A21+2/Kb, where the polymorphic domains, alpha 1 and alpha 2, of HLA-A2 are linked to the carboxyl-terminal domains (alpha 3, transmembrane, and intracytoplasmic domains) of H-2Kb, and Kb1+2/A2, where the alpha 1 and alpha 2 domains of the H-2Kb antigen are linked to the carboxyl-terminal domains of HLA-A2. These genes have been transfected and expressed in recipient mouse L cells and human RD (rhabdomyosarcoma) cells. Both hybrid antigens were found to be serologically intact when tested with a panel of antigen-specific monoclonal antibodies. The monoclonal antibody W6/32, which recognizes a monomorphic determinant on all HLA-A, -B, and -C antigens, recognizes the alpha 1 and/or the alpha 2 domain, rather than the more conserved alpha 3 domain. Human cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) specific for the HLA-A2 antigen recognized the A2 and A21+2/Kb proteins only when expressed in human cells and not when expressed in mouse cells, even when surface antigen levels were 10-fold greater on the mouse cells than on the human cells. In contrast, a long-term, murine anti-H-2b CTL line not only lysed mouse L-cell lines that expressed the parental Kb and hybrid Kb1+2/A2 antigens but also lysed the Kb and Kb1+2/A2 human cell RD transformants as well. In both cases, the level of CTL recognition and lysis of the transformants that expressed the native antigen Kb was greater than of those transformants that expressed the hybrid antigen Kb1+2/A2. These data suggest that the carboxyl-terminal domains play some role in CTL allorecognition. The lack of human CTL recognition of HLA molecules expressed in mouse L cells, however, cannot be explained by the presence of a xenogeneic carboxyl terminus. Since murine CTL can recognize their target antigen when expressed on the surface of human cells, the possibility remains either that a ligand necessary for other molecular interactions of human CTL may be absent on mouse target cells or that murine and human CTL differ in affinity of binding to target antigens in the absence of accessory-molecule interactions.  相似文献   

It is known that the production of cytolytic T lymphocytes requires growth factors such as interleukins 2 and 4 (IL-2 and IL-4). Elsewhere we have described bioassays that detect a cytokine that operates in concert with growth factor to generate cytolytic T lymphocytes. The factor that is termed cytolytic T-lymphocyte differentiation factor (CDF), together with IL-2 and lectin, mediates the formation of CD8+ killer cells in 2 days from thymocyte or peripheral lymphoid precursors. CDF is not mimicked by natural or recombinant sources of interferons, colony-stimulating factors, and IL-1 to IL-4. Here we use these bioassays to isolate and further characterize a single 24-kDa CDF protein from the conditioned medium of stimulated human blood mononuclear cells. CDF is first enriched by three successive chromatographic procedures that utilize anion exchange, hydroxyapatite, and phenyl-Superose. A single 24-kDa band with CDF activity is then isolated on 12% NaDodSO4/PAGE and clearly distinguished from the 17-kDa band of IL-2. The apparent molecular mass is similar under reducing and nonreducing conditions. After elution from NaDodSO4/PAGE the cytokine is maximally active at 0.25 nM in the CDF assay and has no growth factor activity for T lymphoblasts. To generate cytolytic CD8+, CD4- cells from spleen and lymph node T lymphocytes, IL-2 and small numbers of accessory dendritic cells must be applied together with CDF.  相似文献   

Bulk cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were generated by in vitro stimulation of BMT donor lymphocytes with Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)-positive leukemic cells from an HLA-identical sibling patient. CTL were cytotoxic against the patient's leukemic cells as well as the EBV-lymphoblastoid cell line (EBV-LCL) generated from the patient's cells, suggesting that they recognize a minor histocompatibility antigen (mHAg). Subsequently, several CTL lines were established by a limiting dilution method and analyzed. One of these CTL lines, 16C12 CTL which used a single TCRbetaV3S1 for CD8 cells, lysed HLA-A31-positive leukemic cells and EBV-LCL, but not fibroblasts. The cytotoxicity against the patient's leukemic cells and EBV-LCL was blocked by anti-HLA-A31 moAb, anti-HLA-class I moAb, and anti-CD8 moAb, suggesting that this mHAg was presented with HLA-A31. The antigen recognized by 16C12 CTL seemed to be a novel mHAg, since HLA-A31 restricted antigen has not been reported to date and 16C12 CTL showed no cytotoxicity against EBV-LCL which probably express known mHAgs. CTL detecting this mHAg may play an important role in the GVL effect in HLA-A31-positive BMT patients.  相似文献   

When mouse spleen cells were stimulated with irradiated xenogeneic, allogeneic, or trinitrophenyl-modified syngeneic lymphoid cells, the strongest cytolytic response was induced by alloantigens. Mouse cytolytic T lymphocytes generated to rat lymphoid cells demonstrated specificity for the immunizing rat strain, but extensive lysis of allogeneic target cells from certain mouse strains was also observed. Cold target inhibition studies indicated that separate clones of xenoantigen-induced cytolytic T lymphocytes lysed each of the allogeneic murine targets. [3H]Thymidine suicide of the effector cells generated to the rat stimulators revealed that only some of all potentially reactive mouse cytolytic T lymphocyte precursors with specificity for a given allogeneic target are activated by the stimulation with rat cells. This evidence that xenoantigens induce alloreactive cytolytic T lymphocyte receptor repertoire is directed at variants of autologous major histocompatibility complex antigens.  相似文献   

Human melanoma cells can process the MAGE-1 gene product and present the processed nonapeptide EADPTGHSY on their major histocompatibility complex class I molecules, HLA-A1, as a determinant for cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs). Considering that autologous antigen presenting cells (APCs) pulsed with the synthetic nonapeptide might, therefore, be immunogenic, melanoma patients whose tumor cells express the MAGE-1 gene and who are HLA-A1+ were immunized with a vaccine made of cultured autologous APCs pulsed with the synthetic nonapeptide. Analyses of the nature of the in vivo host immune response to the vaccine revealed that the peptide-pulsed APCs are capable of inducing autologous melanoma-reactive and the nonapeptide-specific CTLs in situ at the immunization site and at distant metastatic disease sites.  相似文献   

Peptides corresponding to the fusion site in 210 kD BCR-ABL protein b3a2 (p210b3a2) were previously shown to bind to several HLA class I and II alleles. We have found that b3a2 peptide-specific CD4-positive T-helper cells were able to recognize p210b3a2-positive chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) blasts in a DR4 restricted manner. Until now, there were no reports of b2a2 breakpoint-specific human T-cell responses. Here we show that repetitive stimulation of T lymphocytes with a 17mer peptide covering the fusion region in p210b2a2 also leads to specific T-cell responses. CD4 and CD4/CD8 double-positive clones obtained from a b2a2 peptide-specific cell line were cytotoxic and proliferative in an HLA-DR2a (DRB5*0101) restricted fashion. Autologous Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) transformed cells, expressing BCR-ABL(b2a2) on transfection, and allogeneic HLA-DR matched p210b2a2-positive cells from CML patients were, however, not lysed. BCR-ABL peptide-specific T-cell clones did respond to autologous EBV cells transfected with invariant chain (li) cDNA in which the HLA class II-associated invariant chain peptide (CLIP) was replaced by a BCR-ABL b2a2 fusion oligonucleotide sequence, illustrating the potential of these T cells to recognize an endogenous BCR-ABL(b2a2) ligand.  相似文献   

P Shankar  Z Xu  J Lieberman 《Blood》1999,94(9):3084-3093
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) lyse antigen-bearing target cells by two distinct pathways. Whereas granule exocytosis targets any antigen-bearing cell, fas-mediated cytotoxicity kills only fas-expressing cells and does not require antigen expression. Fas pathway activation can potentially lead to lysis of uninfected bystander cells. We examined the relative usage of the two pathways by CTL clones and cell lines directed against four different human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) proteins in lysing primary HIV-infected targets. Although fas was expressed on HIV-infected primary CD4(+) T cells, their lysis by antigen-specific CD8(+) CTL was only by the granule pathway. Fas ligand (fasL) was not detectable on antigen-specific CD8 clones, T-cell lines, or circulating HIV-specific CD8 T cells from HIV-infected donors, stained with a tetrameric HLA-A2-HIV-peptide complex. FasL expression by HIV-specific CTL clones was not activated by exposure to HIV-presenting cells, but was after unphysiological stimulation with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). CTL clones did not lyse bystander Jurkat cells, but HIV-infected primary CD4(+) T cells lysed uninfected bystander cells by the fas-mediated pathway. These results suggest that HIV-specific CD8(+) CTL do not cause HIV immunopathology by lysing bystander cells. On the contrary, fas-mediated lysis of uninfected cells by HIV-infected cells may contribute to CD4 decline.  相似文献   

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