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A reliable morphometric determination of newly formed bone requires a continuous labeling of the tissue of interest. A technique is described which uses the fluorochromes Calcein and Xylenolo-range as bone labels. Image contrast in the fluorescence microscope can be increased by means of special filter combinations to permit data collection by computer-compatible video-systems. This technique offers a wide field of applications in experimental bone biology.  相似文献   

The various forms of congenital femoral defect are discussed according to the classification by Blauth, basing on own observations made by the authors. Choice of therapy is mainly determined by the morphological findings, preference being given to long-time conservative therapy for the controlled promotion of growth. The article comments on the indication and performance of supplementary operative intervention.  相似文献   

A six year-old boy. He complained of a swelling of the left forehead since October of 1971, the region of his upper eyelid has then been gradually swollen. He was admitted to our institute on the 24th of February, 1973, without the past history of head trauma. We found that the swollen region had a diameter of about 4 centimeters covered from the left upper eyelid to the forehead with a slight tenderness on pressure. We had no neurological findings. According to the results of skull X rays, the superior margin of left orbit and zygomatic process of frontal bone were swollen and like honey combs. An irregular, long and narrow osteolytic legion was found, which was about 4 centimeters long and 5 centimeters wide. According to the results of the left selective external carotid angiography, after injection of 60% Urografin, for more than 2.5- 10 seconds, at the left frontal bone an abnormal shadow (patchy contrast filling) was noted, which was about 4 centimeters long and 5 centimeters wide. After the direct injection of Urografid into the lesion, the cyst of one centimeter long and 3 centimeters wide was observed at the zygomatic process of the frontal bone. Operation was performed to excise the outer plate of the swollen bone and to curette the lesion after the ligature of the left external carotid artery. Histological examination showed many blood lakes and some multinuclear giant cells in the specimens and we diagnosed it was an aneurysmall bone cyst. This case is the first one of aneurysmall bone cyst confirmed by the selective external carotid angiography and the direct puncture of lesion.  相似文献   

Osteosynthesis is the preferred method of treatment in fractures of the neck of the femur in children. Operative technique requires attention to be paid to a few special features due to the problems caused by the neighbourhood of the joint of the femoral neck. Nine cases of fractures of the neck of the femur in children were treated by the authors during 1971 to 1978. Diagnosis of such lesions, which are no longer a rare occurrence, requires accurate x-ray films on two levels, because infractions are easily overlooked. The dreaded complications of necrosis of the femoral head can best be counteracted by immediate anatomical repositioning and exercise-stable osteosynthesis, as well as by temporary relief. The authors discuss the therapeutic procedure in detail, basing on the experience with their own patients, and the results are communicated.  相似文献   

We report 25 follow-up-examinations of 26 patients with operated fractures of the distal radius. After explanation of the op. indications by means of the preoperative x-ray-result the used operation-procedures and results are shown with regard to exact x-ray-anatomic position and function. Instable osteosynthesis should only be used in cases without violation of the joint or in cases with only 2-3 fragments. Decisive advantages of a single procedure of stable osteosynthesis cannot yet be demonstrated. But the relatively good functional results and the possibility of early mobilisation of T-plate-osteosynthesis justify a wider application, even if exact roentgenological anatomic position could not always be achieved. In conclusion operative procedures should be taken only in irreducible and prognostic disadvantageous fractures of the distal radius because even by operative procedures the late results of severe injuries of the wrist joint can only be slightly improved.  相似文献   

When treating accident victims and other high-risk patients there is always the danger of aspiration until intubation has been completed. An ancillary unit is described that can be connected to any type of tracheal aspirator, working on the principle of increasing the suction. Thus liquids and solid particles can always be sucked out quickly and effectively. In this way the danger of aspiration is considerably reduced or avoided altogether.  相似文献   

The article discusses, first of all, the reasons for a failure to detect a fresh fracture of the scaphoid bone which may be ascribed to the patient himself or of an iatrogenic nature. This is followed by guidelines for early detection of scaphoid fracture on the basis of the course taken normally by a fresh but untreated fracture of the scaphoid bone, thus providing pointers towards clarifying whether the fracture has a causal connection with a claimed accident. Signs of strengthening of the treated fresh scaphoid fracture are explained. Hints for the possible need for surgical treatment are derived from a differentiation between the traumatic cavity of the scaphoid bone and covered pseudarthrosis.  相似文献   

A new sledge prosthesis is described here. The height of the femoral component as well as of the tibial plateau are diminished in comparison to other models. It seems more safe to place this type of prosthesis on the cortical bone surface than into the spongiosa parts where loosening is more probable. The stems of both components have been designed accordingly. The technique of operation and the indication are described in detail.  相似文献   

Human skeletons have many variations which may occasionally necessitate distinction from pathologic changes. Suprasternal bone is an unfamiliar normal variation in the vicinity of the sternoclavicular joint. It was first described by Béclard in 1820 and thereafter many reports have appeared, mostly in anatomy and embryology. An incidence less than 5% is reported abroad. This report describes the incidence of suprasternal bone in Japanese and a few clinical reference cases. Suprasternal bone is now considered to have derived from the persistent rudiment of epicoracoid which should have normally consisted of the part of manubrium sterni. Suprasternal tubercle is considered to be the osseously fused type of suprasternal bone. The material consisted of two groups: 1) Seventy-four sterna were examined roentgenographically which were removed en bloc from the cadavera. 2) 562 sterna of living subjects were examined roentgenographically by Kattan's method. In the seventy-four cadavera, eight cases had suprasternal bones (10.8%) and fourteen cases had suprasternal tubercles. Among them, three had suprasternal bone and tubercle on each side. In the 562 living subjects, thirty-nine cases had suprasternal bones (6.9%) and eight cases had suprasternal tubercles. Among them, three had both on each side. The incidence of suprasternal bone in Japanese is therefore higher than foreigners' reported previously. Kattan's method employed in this study is simple and excellent to show manubrium sterni and sternoclavicular joint clearly. It is emphasized that suprasternal bone is not uncommon and differential diagnosis from pathologic changes is easy as long as it is kept in mind.  相似文献   

Old aged people are more prone to accidents. This morbidity is caused by senile osteoporosis, preexisting diseases and other factors traumata. In most cases therapeutical problems of femoral neck fractures do not arise from surgery, but from general postoperative complications.  相似文献   

The distal epiphyseal fractures cases for 10 years period have been reported. The authors state that it is always worth-while to carry out an operation in group "B" of the Müller's scheme, while in group "A" and "C" only selected cases are worth to operate. In the 17 cases being observed till now no disturbed growth has been found.  相似文献   

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