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目的 了解河南省儿童口腔疾病综合干预项目地区六年级学生口腔健康行为现况及其影响因素。方法 2019年采用分层随机整群抽样方法,抽取2015年起参与河南省儿童口腔疾病综合干预项目的六年级学生4868人,采用《2015年第四次全国口腔健康流行病学调查问卷》(学生版)进行问卷调查。结果 口腔卫生行为中,刷牙率80.28%,每天2次刷牙率35.70%,含氟牙膏使用率7.13%,每周/天使用牙线率1.71%;项目学校学生一天2次刷牙率(38.50%)、含氟牙膏使用率(10.86%)及每周/天使用牙线率(2.35%)均高于非项目学校(32.94%,3.43%, 1.06%)(P<0.05)。饮食行为中,每天均摄入甜点及糖果率24.61%,项目学校(22.51%)低于非项目学校(26.69%)(P<0.05)。就医行为中,有就医经历的人占71.08%,项目学校(76.79%)高于非项目学校(65.43%)(P<0.05),就医原因主要为治疗(38.72%)。项目学校和非项目学校学生中,口腔健康知识、态度得分均为郊县高于城市(P<0.05),刷牙率、一天2次刷牙率均为女生高于男...  相似文献   

目的比较2种口腔健康教育方式对中学生口腔卫生状况的改善效果,寻求改善效果较佳的口腔健康教育方式。方法在四川省德阳市市区随机选取3所中学,每个学校均抽取103名12岁学生,男女比例接近1∶1。按学校随机将学生分为3组:老师模式组由口腔医生对老师进行口腔健康知识培训,再由老师对学生上健康教育课,学生在家刷牙;家长模式组由口腔医生对家长进行口腔健康教育培训,通过提高家长的口腔保健意识间接影响学生的口腔健康行为,学生在家刷牙;对照组不采取任何干预措施。对3组学生3个月后的口腔卫生状况改善情况进行比较。结果3个月后老师模式组学生的软垢指数(DI)、牙石指数(CI)和牙龈指数(GI)均明显下降(P<0.05),家长模式组学生的DI、CI无明显下降(P>0.05),GI明显上升(P<0.05)。老师模式组学生口腔健康教育后DI、CI、GI指数改善情况优于家长模式组和对照组(P<0.01)。结论以老师和学校为媒介的口腔健康教育模式对中学生口腔卫生状况的改善效果优于以家长为媒介的口腔健康教育模式。老师在口腔健康促进活动中起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   

口腔健康教育实验教学改革探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 提高学生口腔健康宣教能力,巩固学生口腔健康教育理论,增加学生学习的兴趣和主动性。方法 选择潍坊医学院2006-2008级口腔医学专业大学四年级学生为研究对象进行口腔健康教育实验教学改革探索,将学生分为试验组和对照组,试验组采用“讲出去”的教学方式,对照组采用传统的教学方法,对试验组的课堂、课后评价以及两组的期终考试和实习考核评价结果进行分析和比较。结果 试验组的课堂、课后评价结果表明,“讲出去”教学方式被学生普遍认可,能提高学生口腔健康宣教的能力;期终考试和实习考核成绩均显示试验组得分高于对照组(P<0.01)。结论 “讲出去”教学方式提高了学生口腔健康宣教的能力,符合教学改革发展趋势。  相似文献   

目的 采用ICDAS评价含氟牙膏用于3~4岁不同Cariostat龋态值儿童的防龋效果。方法 本研究为随机、对照、双盲设计、为期12个月以幼儿园为依托单位的临床试验研究。选择北京市密云区7所儿童在园刷牙的幼儿园。通过纳入排除标准选择进入试验的儿童,根据基线时儿童的Cariostat龋活跃性检测结果,分层随机分入试验组(1100 ppm含氟牙膏)、对照组(无氟牙膏)。受试儿童与检查者均不知道儿童分组情况。受试儿童在家长和老师的监督下使用分发的牙膏每天刷牙3次,每次刷牙2 min,并用计时器计时。12个月后,对两组儿童进行终期口腔健康检查。采用独立样本t检验及卡方检验比较儿童组间统计指标的差异。结果 由于疫情影响,终期检查推迟2个月。经过14个月产品使用后,在低龋态值儿童中,试验组全部龋及早期龋新生龋面均明显低于对照组(P <0.05)。对于中高龋态值组的儿童来说,试验组与对照组儿童无论是成洞龋还是早期龋新生龋均、龋面均的组间差异都没有统计学意义(P> 0.05)。结论 在14个月的研究期内,1100 ppm含氟牙膏对低龋态值的儿童具有良好的早期龋预防效果,但未观察到对低龋态值...  相似文献   

口腔健康教育促进中学生口腔健康知识和行为的效果评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨口腔健康教育对促进中学生口腔健康知识和行为的效果。方法对符合纳入标准的80名中学生采用课堂集中方式宣教口腔健康知识。以问卷形式调查健康教育前、后口腔卫生知识知晓情况。于健康教育前、教育后1周对受检学生进行牙菌斑检查,比较健康教育前、后刷牙的菌斑清除率及口腔卫生指数改善情况。结果经健康宣教后,所有受检者的口腔健康知识及刷牙正确率均明显提高。健康教育前、后刷牙菌斑清除率分别为31.4%和80.3%(P〈0.01)。结论口腔健康教育对增强中学生口腔卫生保健知识、提高学生的口腔卫生质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

学校口腔健康教育的效果评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学校健康教育的目的在于指导学生在生长发育和正常生活中坚持有利于健康的活动。口腔健康教育是学校教育的重要组成部分。为此 ,我们 1 993年在世界卫生组织命名为健康促进和健康教育基地的金陵西路小学开展了一系列口腔健康教育工作 ,取得了较为满意的效果。对象与方法1 对象 :金陵西路小学实验组 1 0 4人 ,龙门路小学对照组 1 0 4人 ;均为小学 3~ 4年级学生 ,平均年龄 1 0岁。2 方法 :实验组口腔健康教育重点抓三个方面。(1 )使用儿童保健牙刷 ,学校在实验组学生发放儿童保健牙刷及使用含氟牙膏。(2 )坚持早晚刷牙和正确刷牙及早晚刷牙…  相似文献   

目的了解不同口腔健康教育措施的效果,探索学校口腔健康教育的最佳方法。方法随机选取一所小学3年级的162名学生,按班级随机分为授课组和参与组。授课组85人,对学生开展健康教育课。参与组77人,组织学生参与口腔健康知识小游戏、互动式问答、有效刷牙训练、菌斑染色自我评价。两组均在健康教育前后进行口腔卫生行为问卷调查、菌斑染色检查。结果在口腔卫生行为方面,授课组和参与组对刷牙的频率、时间、含氟牙膏的使用等回答正确率都有明显的提高。授课组健康教育前、后菌斑指数分别为2.809±1.147和2.451±1.276,差异无统计学意义(t=0.497,P=0.621)。参与组健康教育前、后菌斑指数分别为2.982±1.188和1.180±0.434,差异有统计学意义(t=2.417,P=0.017)。两组菌斑指数差异在健康教育前无统计学意义(P〉0.05),健康教育后有统计学意义(t=2.522,P〈0.05)。结论学校口腔健康教育措施能够有效改善学龄儿童口腔卫生健康行为,儿童参与型的健康教育方式更有助于刷牙效果的改善。  相似文献   

艺璇  张辉  侯玮  韩永成  朱旻  吴丹 《广东牙病防治》2010,18(12):639-643
目的了解北京市城乡35-44岁人群口腔健康行为,为北京市口腔卫生保健工作提供信息支持。方法采用多阶段分层等容量随机抽样的方法,抽取北京市35-44岁城乡常住居民共728名,男女各半,按照《第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查方案》设计的35-44岁居民口腔健康调查问卷,就刷牙、食糖习惯及就医行为进行调查与分析。结果北京市35-44岁人群中,94.1%的人每天刷牙,47.3%的人每天刷牙大于或等于2次,刷牙行为城市好于农村;77.2%的人使用含氟牙膏刷牙,含氟牙膏使用率城市高于农村;有吸烟和饮酒习惯者所占比例分别为37.5%和21.0%,均显著高于全国平均水平;近12个月口腔科就诊率为12.5%,主要因为牙痛就医,进行定期口腔检查的人口比率极少。结论对人群进行口腔健康教育时,应强调每天2次有效刷牙的重要性,应加强对使用含氟牙膏刷牙的宣教;口腔健康宣教的重点仍是广大农村地区。北京市口腔疾病患病水平与实际需求水平存在较大差距,对口腔健康概念认识不足是导致口腔科低就诊率的主要原因。  相似文献   

北京市老年人口腔健康行为的抽样调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解北京市城乡老年人群口腔卫生行为现状,为北京市口腔卫生保健工作提供信息支持。方法采用多阶段分层等容随机抽样法,抽取北京市城乡常住人口65—74岁老年组396人,按照《第三次全国口腔健康流行病学问卷调查方案》设计的标准问卷,对刷牙、吸烟、食糖等习惯以及就医行为进行现场询问。结果北京市65~74岁老年人每天刷牙≥2次的人数占42%,城市(52%)高于农村(25%),含氟牙膏使用率为58%,城乡老年人几乎都不使用牙线。老年组吸烟、饮酒人群的比例分别为30%和18%,低于1995年第二次全国流调结果。结论北京市城乡老年人群刷牙率较高,口腔不良习惯减少,但对老年人仍需进行口腔健康指导,提高有效刷牙率,降低龋病、牙周疾病的发生;同时应加强社区和农村口腔卫生服务设施建设,方便老年人就诊,维护口腔健康。  相似文献   

大学新生口腔健康知识和健康行为抽样调查报告   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
目的 调查大学新生口腔健康知识和健康行为。方法 采用全国口腔健康流行病学调查方案统一问卷, 对四川大学1 035名大学新生进行口腔健康知识和健康行为问卷调查。结果 (1)口腔疾病就医行为:1 035名大 学新生中仅13·1%的学生定期接受口腔健康检查;(2)口腔卫生措施:每天刷牙两次的占74·4%,刷牙时间达到 3 min以上的仅7·7%,坚持使用含氟牙膏的16·6%,使用过牙线的人仅6%;(3)饮食习惯:51·9%的学生不常吃零 食,94·7%的学生不吸烟;(4)龋齿与牙周疾病的防治知识及口腔保健知识测试结果普遍较差。结论 大学新生对 口腔卫生知识认识有限,采取的口腔卫生措施不够认真彻底。  相似文献   

Few reports have investigated caries prevalence in rural areas of Brazil. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to observe the caries prevalence (DMFT, DMFS) in 12-year-old children living in rural villages of Paraíba, Brazil with low and moderate fluoride levels in the drinking water and to relate it to sugar intake and oral hygiene. METHODS: One hundred and ninety four children from 13 villages were grouped according to the water fluoride levels: low fluoride (LF, <0.2 ppm F, 96 children) and moderate fluoride (MF, 0.7-1.0 ppm F, 98 children). Caries and oral hygiene (OHI-S) were scored according to WHO criteria. Sugar intake was assessed through interviews. A sub-set of subjects (n=23) from the LF group was re-examined 2 years later. RESULTS: For the LF and MF groups the DMFT (mean, SD) observed was 3.9 (3.7) and 2.5 (2.1) respectively, the DMFS was 9.2 (10.6) and 5.4 (5.7). Both indexes (DMFT, DMFS) showed significant differences (P<0.01, Mann-Whitney U-test) according to the fluoride levels in the drinking water. The mean increment of caries in the sub-set group of subjects was approximately 1.5 surfaces per subject/year. The reported sugar intake was low for both water fluoride groups (P>0.05). In a regression analysis the water fluoride levels, the use of fluoridated toothpaste and oral hygiene index were related to DMFS (R2=0.08, P< or =0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Caries prevalence was lower in MF than in LF rural areas of Paraíba. Caries and sugar intake seems to be lower in rural areas than in urban areas of Paraíba with similar fluoride levels in the drinking water.  相似文献   

口腔健康教育对改善中学生口腔卫生状况的效果评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的:评价口腔健康教育对改善中学生口腔卫生状况的效果。方法:从四川省德阳市随机抽取的2所学校中抽取218名学生,分为教育组和对照组。对教育组学生通过讲课的方式进行口腔健康知识宣传教育,同时要求教育组学生在老师的监督下认真刷牙;对照组不做任何干预措施。结果: 3个月后,教育组学生的口腔卫生指数(OHI)与对照组相比有明显改善(P<0. 05),牙龈指数(GI)也有明显下降(P<0. 05)。结论:增加青少年口腔保健的知识和行为对口腔健康状况的改善是行之有效的。  相似文献   

Abstract – Objectives: To assess the outcome of oral health promotion in schoolchildren over a 3‐year period in Yichang City, Hubei, China. Methods: In a cluster randomized controlled trial, the concept of the World Health Organization Health Promoting Schools Project was applied to primary schoolchildren. Seven intervention schools and eight control schools were randomly selected from one district by stratified cluster sampling. The study was conducted as a 3‐year follow‐up study. After 3 years, 661 children remained in the intervention group and 697 children in the control group. Data on dental caries, plaque accumulation, and sulcus bleeding were collected by clinical examination, while behavioural data were gathered by self‐administered questionnaires. Results: The 3‐year net mean DMFS increment score was 0.22 in the intervention schools and 0.35 in the control schools (P < 0.013). A statistically significant difference in mean plaque (P < 0.013) and sulcus bleeding (P < 0.005) increment scores after 3 years was found between the two groups. Statistically significant higher scores were observed in restorations received and sealants placed, and a lower score in untreated dental caries, in children from the intervention group than the control group after 3 years (P < 0.01). In addition, more children in the intervention schools adopted regular oral health behavioural practices such as brushing their teeth at least twice a day, visiting the dentist within the past calendar year, and using fluoride toothpaste. Conclusion: The study suggests that the school‐based oral health promotion was an effective way to reduce new caries incidence, improve oral hygiene and establish positive oral health behavioural practices in the targeted schoolchildren.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess oral health outcomes of a school-based oral health education (OHE) programme on children, mothers and schoolteachers in China, and to evaluate the methods applied and materials used. DESIGN: The WHO Health Promoting Schools Project applied to primary schoolchildren in 3 experimental and 3 control schools in Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Central China, with a 3-year follow-up. Data on dental caries, gingival bleeding and behaviour were collected. PARTICIPANTS: 803 children and their mothers, and 369 teachers were included at baseline in 1998. After three years, 666 children and their mothers (response rate 83%), and 347 teachers (response rate 94%) remained. RESULTS: DMFT/DMFS increments were comparable but the f/F components were higher among children in experimental schools than in control schools and the gingival bleeding score was, similarly, significantly lower. More children in experimental schools adopted regular oral health behaviour such as toothbrushing, recent dental visits, use of fluoride toothpaste, with less frequent consumption of cakes/biscuits compared to controls. In experimental schools, mothers showed significant beneficial oral health developments, while teachers showed higher oral health knowledge and more positive attitudes, also being satisfied with training workshops, methods applied, materials used and involvement with children in OHE. CONCLUSIONS: The programme had positive effects on gingival bleeding score and oral health behaviour of children, and on oral health knowledge and attitudes of mothers and teachers. No positive effect on dental caries incidence rate was demonstrated by the OHE programme.  相似文献   

目的调查新疆乌鲁木齐中学生对口腔健康知识的认知状况。方法对2105名中学生进行了问卷调查,内容包括口腔健康知识、态度与信念、就医行为、医疗级别等问题。建立SPSS13.0数据库并进行统计学分析。结果关于"口腔疾病对身体健康有无危害"这一问题89.5%的中学生持肯定态度,认为有一定危害。"当得知患有‘虫牙’后的态度"75.5%的中学生认为发现"虫牙"及时去看牙医,54.7%学生认为应该定期到医院进行口腔检查,74.3%的中学生选择综合医院的口腔科,56.2%选择口腔专科诊所,72.5%的中学生认为所选上述医院卫生条件好,70.6%认为质量有保证,57.5%从口腔专科医生获得口腔健康知识。结论乌鲁木齐中学生对口腔健康知识有一定的认识。但还存在一些不足,口腔健康教育工作应通过各种媒体的宣传、口腔医生等多方面的共同努力,使学生建立口腔知识的新观念,早期预防口腔疾病,拥有一副健康的牙牙合系统。  相似文献   

目的 对重庆市12~15岁中学生口腔健康知识、态度、行为等情况进行抽样调查并分析,为有针对性地对中学生开展口腔健康指导计划提供依据。方法 采用多阶段分层抽样的方法抽取重庆市4个区县(主城区和郊区各2个)12~15岁4个年龄组中学生,通过问卷方式调查其口腔健康知识、态度及行为等方面的情况。全部数据使用Epidata双录入,使用SPSS 21.0软件进行统计学分析。结果 共计回收有效问卷3 902份,有良好刷牙习惯的比例为39.7%(1 548人),平均口腔健康知识正确率为58.9%,平均口腔健康正性态度为88.6%,有就医经历的中学生为54.5%(2 127人),在学校接受过口腔健康教育的为17.5%(681人)。刷牙习惯存在性别和地区性的差异。结论 重庆市12~15岁中学生口腔健康知识知晓情况和口腔卫生行为有待提高,应加强针对中学生的口腔健康教育和口腔健康行为指导,并加强远郊和农村地区的口腔健康教育工作。  相似文献   

铜山县高氟区中学生口腔健康知识调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李小喜  陈文胜 《口腔医学》2008,28(12):658-659
目的了解铜山县高氟区中学生对口腔健康知识的知晓程度以及口腔卫生行为情况。方法采用分层、整群的抽样方法,对铜山县高氟区12~15岁中学生进行问卷调查。结果70.7%的人不知道"长期喝手压井水"是氟牙症的病因。74%的人知道"刷牙"可以预防龋齿,96.33%的人基本未接受过口腔健康教育,92.7%的人每天刷牙,66.3%的人较少吃甜食。结论应普及高氟区中学生对氟牙症的认识和口腔健康教育。  相似文献   

A study in West Java has indicated that involvement of primary health care personnel and schoolteachers in oral health education (OHE) at primary schools is a feasible approach that is sustainable. AIM: The present study aims to assess the effects of that school-based OHE programme on pupils who had completed the programme one and a half years ago. METHODS: Eight experimental and six control primary schools in the same area participated in the study. Out of each school 10 children, aged 8-12-years old, were randomly selected. RESULTS: ANOVA with age and gender as co-variables showed statistically significantly lower (21%) habitual plaque scores among children from experimental schools as compared to those from control schools. Tooth brushing effectiveness had significantly improved among experimental children and they took longer for tooth brushing when supervised. The dmft/dmfs values were comparable but the DMFT/DMFS values of children from experimental schools tended to be lower (not statistically significant) than of those from control schools. Differences in oral health knowledge were apparent but self-reported habits pertaining to oral health were comparable between children from experimental and control schools. CONCLUSION: This school-based OHE programme had a moderate positive effect on oral health knowledge and on habitual plaque levels and on the effectiveness of tooth brushing. The effects on caries levels and on self-reported behaviour were inconclusive.  相似文献   

Abstract In the context of a project aiming to assess risk factors affecting health status of Greek adolescents, 380 adolescents aged 12–17 years were randomly selected from two rural high schools of similar socioeconomic status, and from two urban schools of different socioeconomic level, namely urban/lower and urban/higher. Dental examinations were carried out according to WHO diagnostic criteria: oral hygiene habits were recorded through personal interviews; and diet was assessed through interviewer-administered, semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaires. The percentage of caries-free adolescents varied from 24.3 in the age group of 12–13 years to 13.2 in the age group 16–17 years: mean (SE) DMFT values were 3.7 (0.3) in the younger age group and 5.9 (0.4) in the older age group whereas mean (SE) DMFS values were respectively 5.6 (0.5) and 9.9 (0.9). Multiple regression analysis-derived results showed that dental health, measured through either DMFT or DMFS indices, was significantly better among younger and male adolescents: among higher socioeconomic class urban residents; among those brushing their teeth at least once per day: and among those who had better school performance. There was evidence that intake of vegetables and milk products was associated with lower DMFS and DMFT indices, whereas there was a non-significant tendency for sugar intake to be associated with higher values of these indices. In contemporary Greek society there-are substantial social inequalities with respect to dental health: these are due, in part, to differences in oral hygiene habits and patterns of dietary intakes. High risk groups should be identified among the underprivileged for targeted health education efforts and delivery of more intensive dental care services.  相似文献   

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