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东北地区605例化学烧伤患者流行病学调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解近年来化学烧伤的发病及临床特点,为其防治提供参考. 方法 整理笔者单位于1992年1月-2011年12月收治的6299例烧伤患者中化学烧伤患者的病例资料,统计其性别、年龄、发病时间、院前处理情况、致伤场所、致伤物、致伤部位、创面面积与深度、合并症、治疗情况和随访情况.对年龄分布和合并症发生率行x2检验. 结果 6299例烧伤患者中,化学烧伤患者605例占9.60%,相关统计结果如下.(1)患者男女比例为5.11∶1.00.平均年龄37.6岁,20 ~ 29岁年龄段患者例数最多(29.42%,178/605),各年龄段患者数比较,差异有统计学意义(x2=207.298,P <0.01).(2)主要发病时间为第2、3季度,分别占28.43%(172/605)、38.35%(232/605);有72.07% (436/605)的患者入院前行清水冲洗处理.(3)453例患者在化工生产中受伤,占74.88%;致伤物主要为酸类(46.61%,282/605)和碱类(20.66%,125/605),其中硫酸所占比例最大(18.18%,110/605).(4)致伤部位以四肢和头面颈部为主,各为289例和263例;平均烧伤面积5.98% TBSA;深度为浅Ⅱ~Ⅲ度.(5)348例患者发生合并症,其中吸入性损伤154例占44.25%、眼烧伤113例占32.47%、中毒81例占23.28%,各合并症发生率比较,差异有统计学意义(x2=23.086,P<0.01).(6)521例患者治愈出院,治愈率为86.12%,其中遗留瘢痕者占76.20%(397/521);3例患者因烧伤后中毒反应死亡,病死率为0.50%. 结论 笔者单位收治的化学烧伤患者在同期烧伤患者中所占比例较高,以青年男性为主,多为化工生产中酸碱烧伤且发病时间较集中.大部分患者具有创面较深、合并症发生率高、创面愈合后易遗留瘢痕等临床特点.  相似文献   

华东地区615例化学烧伤患者流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨化学烧伤的现场急救、早期处理和治疗方法中的流行病学因素. 方法 整理笔者单位2001年1月-2010年12月收治的2682例烧伤患者中615例化学烧伤患者病例资料.对性别、年龄、致伤面积与深度、发病规律、致伤原因、致伤物质、致伤部位、合并症、院前处理情况、治疗及预后情况等进行归纳总结.采用线性趋势检验统计分析年度收治的烧伤患者总数、化学烧伤人数. 结果 (1)一般情况:本组病例中男562例占91.4%,女53例占8.6%,年龄(32±12)岁.烧伤总面积为1% ~95%[(30±25)%]TBSA,其中Ⅲ度面积0~85%[(18±24)%]TBSA.(2)发病规律:10年中笔者单位每年收治的烧伤患者总数呈缓慢增长趋势(x2 =4.009,P<0.05),但化学烧伤患者所占比例相差不大(x2 =0.060,P>0.05).本组化学烧伤高发于夏秋季,患者一般从4月开始逐渐增多,8月达到高峰,之后逐渐减少.(3)致伤原因:患者以工伤为主,共572例占93.0%,其中私营和民营企业工人占工伤患者的70.8%(405/572).(4)致伤物质:本组病例中以酸烧伤最多,共299例占48.6%.(5)致伤部位:四肢和头颈部等暴露部位最易受伤.(6)合并症:吸入性损伤47例占7.6%,眼烧伤94例占15.3%,复合伤51例占8.3%,中毒67例占10.9%.(7)院前处理情况:大部分患者伤后未经清水冲洗(30.4%,187/615)或清水冲洗不够充分(61.1%,376/615).(8)治疗及预后情况:212例(34.5%)患者在伤后1周内行切削痂植皮或皮瓣移植手术.本组患者治愈599例,其中8例共11只眼睛失明;死亡16例,死亡率为2.6%. 结论 笔者单位化学烧伤患者占同期收治烧伤患者总数比例相对较高,以工伤为主.化学烧伤救治的关键在于充分的早期冲洗和解毒,深度创面尽早切削痂可以减少机体对有毒物质的吸收.  相似文献   

目的:分析甘肃省兰州地区老年烧伤患者的烧伤原因和特点,为采取相应预防措施降低老年患者烧伤发生率提供依据.方法:选取甘肃省人民医院烧伤科2016年9月—2021年9月收治的年龄≥60岁的老年患者作为研究对象,对患者的年龄、性别、致伤原因、致伤地点、烧伤季节特点、烧伤特征、院前送急救情况、治疗结局等临床资料进行回顾性分析....  相似文献   

1996年12月-2002年12月,笔者单位收治烧伤患者586例,其中汉族462例、藏族124例;男性492例、女性94例;成人507例,儿童(<14岁)79例;年龄最小9个月,最大66岁.创面愈合时间:浅Ⅱ度(12±3)d,深Ⅱ度(22±2)d,Ⅲ度(38±6)d.95.05%的患者采用暴露疗法,4.95%为包扎疗法.46.42%的患者进行了切削痂手术.全年中以5、6、10月发病率最高,占总发病人数的42.83%.61.69%的患者于伤后6 h内入院,28.19%的患者于伤后7 h-3 d入院,10.12%的患者于伤后4-12 d入院.患者的致伤原因、烧伤部位及烧伤面积分布情况见表1~3.  相似文献   

目的 了解和分析苏州市手外伤患者的流行病学特征,为手外伤的防治提供依据.方法 收集1999年12月-2007年3月在苏州瑞兴医院住院的14 503例手外伤患者的有关资料,运用简单描述和构成比比较的方法,对该群体的流行病学特征进行描述和分析.结果 手外伤患者以20~29岁男性青年居多,男女性别比为3.4:1;患者中外来人口多于本地人口;手外伤高发月份为每年的7~11月,每天以9:00~11:00,14:00~16:00为高发时段;工伤占88.2%,机械制造业足高发行业,其中以机器的挤轧伤及切割伤最为常见,分别占38.6%和21.3%;每位患者的平均住院时间为12.1d.结论 苏南经济发达地区手外伤主要发生在青壮年男性,以工伤居多;手外伤预防的重点应在企事业单位.  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高及安全防范意识的增强,烧伤的发病率呈逐年下降趋势.但以往的资料显示,老年烧伤患者的发病率较高[1].为此,笔者统计分析了广西中医学院第一附属医院烧伤科和河南舞阳博爱医院烧伤科1999年1月-2006年12月收治住院的老年烧伤患者的情况,旨在了解其流行病学特征.  相似文献   

目的 探讨海南地区胆石病的临床流行病学特点及其影响因素。方法 对海南地区135例胆石病患者进行回顾性流行病学因素调查,对术中取得的胆石进行化学成份测定。 结果 胆管结石占51.9%,胆固醇类结石占65.9%。城镇居民、高脂饮食及肥胖者的胆囊结石发病率高,而农村居民、低脂饮食者的胆管结石发病率高。胆管结石患者的肌汁细菌培养阳性率(65.7%)高于胆囊结石患者的胆汁细菌培养阳性率(18.5%)。结论 海南地区胆石的分布部位胆囊结石与胆管结石比例接近;类型以胆固醇类结石为主。职业、生活条件、饮食习惯等因素与胆囊结石和胆管结石的发病率有关。高脂饮食及肥胖是造成胆囊结石的主要因素,而低营养、低脂饮食与胆管结石的形成有关。反复胆道细菌感染在胆管结石形成中可能起重要作用。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展,一些非医疗因素逐渐影响着烧伤治疗水平。笔者对15年来本地区3家不同层次医疗机构收治的大面积烧伤患者的病历资料进行回顾性总结,以探讨非医疗因素对大面积烧伤救治的影响。  相似文献   

儿童烧伤在我国与据儿童意外损伤的前3位[1],也是其住院治疗的主要原因之一.为了解重庆地区近3年儿童烧伤的大致特点及相关因素,笔者对本单位751例儿童烧伤住院病例进行了流行病学调查.  相似文献   

烧伤患者住院期间自尊水平和社会适应能力调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的调查分析烧伤患者自尊水平和社会适应能力,为提高烧伤患者社会和心理康复能力提供参考。方法对笔者单位收住院的120例烧伤患者,采用自尊量表和烧伤患者简易健康量表,对不同烧伤程度、性别、文化程度的患者的自尊水平及社会适应能力进行评分比较。结果在自尊水平方面,中、重度烧伤患者的综合评分[(167±21)、(154±24)分]均低于轻度烧伤患者[(183±23)分,P<0.01]。不同性别、不同文化程度的烧伤患者自尊水平不同。男性患者自尊评分中的自我评价、社交、外貌等3项指标及综合评分均明显高于女性(P<0.05)。高文化程度患者的自尊评分中的自我评价、学习能力均明显高于低文化程度患者(P<0.05)。轻度烧伤患者在社会适应能力评分上高于中、重度烧伤患者(P<0.01)。男性患者社会适应能力总体比女性患者高,但在躯体功能方面则明显低于女性(P<0.05)。低文化程度患者的心理功能、社会关系及综合状况评分均高于高文化程度者(P<0.05)。结论烧伤患者的自尊和社会适应能力存在个体差异。  相似文献   

AimsGlobally, burn-related morbidity and mortality still remain high. In order to identify regional high-risk populations and to suggest appropriate prevention measure allocation, we aimed at analyzing epidemiological characteristics, etiology and outcomes of our 14-year experience with an intensive care unit (ICU) burn patient population.MethodsA retrospective observational study was conducted including patients treated between March 2007 and December 2020 in our intensive care burn unit. Demographic, clinical and epidemiological data were collected and analyzed.ResultsA total of 1359 patients were included. 68% of the subjects were males and the largest age group affected entailed 45–64-year-old adults (34%). Regarding etiology, flame and contact burns were the most common in all age groups. Mean affected total body surface area (TBSA) was 13 ± 14.5% in all subjects. Most of the burns occurred domestically or during recreational activities. Mean hospital stay was 17.77 ± 19.7 days. The average mortality was 7.7%. The mortality rate showed an overall decreasing trend whilst burn severity remained consistent from 2007 to 2020.ConclusionsDespite consistent burn severity presentations of annual ICU admissions, burn injury mortality showed a decreasing trend, which was in part attributed to substantial progress in burn care and treatment and improved burn prevention awareness. Statistically significant age and gender differences could be detected with regard to burn etiology and seasonality, as well as outcomes, which highlight the importance of individualized primary prevention programs.  相似文献   

目的 探讨海南省人民医院收治海南籍甲状腺癌病例发病的临床特点与病理类型.方法 回顾性分析海南省人民医院2006-2010年收治海南籍甲状腺癌239例患者的临床资料.结果 2006 - 2008年分别收治甲状腺癌44、40、37例,这3年几乎无明显差异,2009-2010年分别收治64例和54例,其中2009年病例数比2008年提高了72.97%;收治病例的高峰年龄,女性25~55岁,男性20 ~55岁;本组汉族甲状腺癌病例231例(96.65%),少数民族病例8例(3.35%),与人口比例存在显著差异(x2 =21.376,P<0.01);本组按地区分布,东部175例,其中生活在城市的患者138例(78.86%),西部患者64例,生活在城市的患者30例(46.88%),两组比较差异有统计学意义(x2=4.420,P<0.05);病理类型,乳头状癌228例(95.4%),髓样癌7例(2.92%),滤泡状甲状腺癌2例(0.84%),未分化癌2例(0.84%).结论 近5年,本院收治的海南籍甲状腺癌患者发病率升高,伴有年轻化趋势和地域差异.按人口比例分析,汉族病例发病率明显高于少数民族.病理类型比例乳头状癌>髓样癌>滤泡状甲状腺癌>未分化癌.  相似文献   



To study the incidence and outcome of burns in Norway in 2007, and to establish estimates for effective length of stay, mortality and economical costs.


Data from the Norwegian Patient Registry on all patients discharged from all somatic hospitals in Norway in 2007 with main or subsidiary diagnosis of burn injury (ICD-10: T20–31) were collected.


Seven hundred and twenty-six patients (65.0% male) with acute burns were admitted to Norwegian hospitals in 2007, requiring 8157 in-hospital days and resulting in a mean length of hospitalization per burn case of 11.3 days (S.D. 15.2). The mean age of the patients was 26.9 years (S.D. 25.5), and the mortality was 2.1%. For children below 5 years of age the incidence of burns admitted to hospital was 82.5/100,000/year. The annual total cost for in-hospital burn care exceeded €10.5 million (€2,200,000/million inhabitants)


Compared to similar data from Norway (1992) the rate of admission for burns in 2007 (15.5/100,000/year) appeared as high as in 1992, whereas the mean length of stay was reduced by 26%. Children under the age of 5 had a seven times higher incidence compared the rest of the population.  相似文献   

A statistical survey was conducted at the Burn Unit of the Tangdu Hospital, Shaanxi, China, during the 10-year period from January 2000 to December 2009. In this retrospective study, 383 patients who admitted to our burn unit because of electrical trauma were included. Data including the patient's general condition, clinical presentation, complications and operation times was collected retrospectively and analyzed with epidemiological methods. Subjects in our collective were predominantly male (90.3%, n=346/383) and were composed by those who injured in work-related incidents (78.3%, n=300/383), rural individuals (58.2%, n=223/383) and students (9.4%, n=36/383). High voltage was directly correlated to severity clinical complications, and amputation. The percentage of myocardial impairment was 79.3% (n=92/116) among patients who suffered with electrical current through heart tissue. Along with the more developed east area of China, electrical injuries are becoming a growing concern of the developing West part in China as well. Electrical injuries induce serious tissue damage, need long hospital stay, and result in high rate of permanent disability and economic hardship for the afflicted families. A competent prevention program needs to be developed to address this problem.  相似文献   

Globally, burns are among some of the most devastating injuries and account for more than 265,000 deaths worldwide. In Bangladesh alone, nearly 3000 people die annually from burn-related injuries. This study was conducted at the National Institute of Burn and Plastic Surgery in Dhaka, Bangladesh in June of 2016. Data included conducting surveys of hospitalized burn patients (N = 66) and a chart review of deceased burn patients (N = 88). In addition to reporting on the demographic profile of patients, information was also obtained on clinical measures during hospitalization. For non-fatal burns, high risk groups included young adult males (early 30s) of lower socioeconomic status. Among children, the most vulnerable group was found to be children less than eight years old. The most common non-fatal types of burn injuries were flame (35%), electrical (31%) and scald (24%). Discharged patients had an average hospital stay of around 30 days with half of all patients requiring surgical intervention, thus indicating the severity of those cases and the need for resource-intensive care. Among the discharged patient population, factors significantly associated with a longer duration of hospital stay included severity of injury, not having received prior treatment before admission and whether or not patients required surgery during hospitalization.Among the mortality cases, the high-risk groups also included young adult males and children of around eight years of age. The average total body surface area (TBSA) sustained in these cases was 46.4%, with 65% of deaths attributable to complications from flame burns.These findings highlight the frequency and severity of burn injuries, identify vulnerable population groups and list common causes of burns in this large developing country of 160 million people. Furthermore, these findings may be applicable to the epidemiology and outcome of burns in similar low and middle income countries.  相似文献   

广州市五所医院臂丛神经损伤流行病学回顾性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的通过对广州市五所医院臂丛神经损伤患者的流行病学调查,了解臂丛损伤的构成及其发病学特点。方法回顾性调查广州市五所医院近十年收治的452例臂丛损伤的病例。根据性别、年龄、损伤部位等,分析该群体的流行病学特征。结果20~39岁年龄组占64.6%,男女性别比为6:1。工人、农民工占62.4%,无业人员占11.7%。摩托车伤占45.1%,机动车辆伤占20.4%。损伤类型:全臂丛损伤占33.6%,上中干损伤占17.3%,上干损伤占12.6%。臂丛损伤合并多发伤的占74.6%,其中头部外伤占多发伤的57.0%。结论臂丛损伤主要发生在青壮年男性,摩托车和机动车辆伤是臂丛损伤的主要原因;加强臂丛交通伤的预防医学,有助于减少臂丛损伤的发生率。  相似文献   



There are few studies reporting the level of pre-hospital emergency management of burn patients and related influencing factors in China. This study is a summary of our investigation on emergency education and people's awareness about pre-hospital emergency management of burn patients in Shanghai, China, and analyses key factors influencing pre-hospital emergency management of burn patients.


The survey was conducted by questionnaire in burn patients who sought initial clinical visits at the Burn Center of Changhai Hospital (Shanghai, China) between November 2009 and December 2010, including demographic data, burn conditions, pre-hospital emergency management and education about emergency burn management. Data were statistically treated by SPSS software.


Altogether 1868 effective questionnaire forms were collected; 33.9% of these burn patients received cooling treatment before admission and 32.2% of them used ‘folk remedies’ or antibiotics to treat the wound surface. Only 12.2% of these burn patients had received education about the knowledge of emergency management, mainly through public media (38.2%), relatives and friends (24.6%), Internet (15.8%), workplace (11.4%) and schools (10.1%). The result of logistic regression analysis showed that emergency education, especially via Internet and workplace, played an important role in pre-hospital emergency management, and that different channels of emergency education affected different age groups of people: network and unit education mainly affected young adults, while relatives and friends mainly affected elderly people. In addition, educational level was an important factor favourably affecting ‘cooling therapy’.


The level of emergency burn management and related education is relatively low in China at present, and it is therefore necessary to intensify education about pre-hospital emergency management to raise the level of emergency burn management. At the same time, more attention should be paid to age- and population-specific education. Finally, universal emergency education should be included in the national basic education as a long-term strategy.  相似文献   



The purpose of the study was to identify the basic epidemiological characteristics of burn patients in East Bulgaria, as well as to analyze trends in burns in the region over the last decade.


Retrospective data of burn patients treated at Military Hospital-Varna, in the period January 2002–December 2011, was reviewed and statistically interpreted in terms of patients and burn demographics; etiology; place of incidents; hospital stay and mortality. Trends were observed for the entire period and comparative analyses of patients’ data were made between two periods: first – 2002–2006 and second 2007–2011.


A total of 2627 burn patients, median age 41 years (IQR 9–61) were admitted to our burn unit. For the entire period the most affected age groups were ≤4 years (21.6%) and ≥65 years (21.1%). Hospitalized patients increased in the second period (n = 1701) compared to the first one (n = 926), while the size of total burn surface area decreased (first period – 9.8% vs. second period – 10.6%). Scald (51%) and flame (23.8%) were the most frequent aetiological agents for both periods. Work related burns reduced in the second period (9.4% vs. 4.9%), while home burns (90.6 vs. 95.1%) increased. Hospital stay declined from 17days (2002–2006) to 7days (2007–2011), whereas mortality rate slightly increased (first period – 2.3% vs. second period – 3.6%).


Burns remain a significant health problem in Bulgaria. The future preventive actions should take into account the observed changes in burn demographics and target the most vulnerable groups.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of burn injuries, estimate the case fatality rate for burn patients, and determine the main determinants of the associated death among burn patients who were admitted to Baghdad Burn Hospital, Medical City Teaching Hospitals, Baghdad, Iraq during 2015. This study involved a retrospective review of medical records of all burn patients who were admitted to Baghdad Burn Hospital in 2015. Data were collected using a special form and included information on demographic characteristics and burn characteristics and outcomes. A total of 676 patients with burn were included in this study, who constituted 75% of admitted patients. The remaining was admitted for treatment of old scars. About one third of patients (37.0%) aged 21–30 years, 67.1% were males, 34.8% were military personnel, and 60.7% of the patients had primary school education. About 71.6% of patients were burned by flame and 23.4% were burned by hot fluid. Half of patients had a second degree burns. Almost half of patients had 11–20% of their body surface area affected. About 13% of patients died, mainly due to multiple organs failure (53.3%), septicemia (44.4%), and shock (2.2%). In conclusion, young adults and children, males, and low educated patients represent the majority of admitted burn cases in Iraq. Flame and scalds were the most important causes of burn. More than one tenth of patients died mostly due to septicemia and multi-organ failure.  相似文献   



The objective of this study was to describe and quantify mental health (MH) admissions experienced by patients with unintentional burns subsequent to their injury.


A retrospective population-based cohort study that used de-identified linked hospital, death and mental health in-patient case registry data of all burn patients hospitalised for unintentional burns (n = 10,460) between 2000 and 2012 in Western Australia and an age and gender matched uninjured comparison cohort (n = 42,856). Cohorts had a median age at study index of 26 years with males comprising 66% of each cohort. MH admissions for 5 years before and after the injury were examined. Negative binomial and Cox proportional hazards regressions were adjusted for socio-demographic and pre-existing health conditions and used to quantify associations between burns and MH hospitalisations.


In the burn cohort during the 5-year post-burn period, 4% had a MH admission, 2% were admitted for self-harm, and 3% were admitted for a behavioural disorder caused by drugs/alcohol. Significantly elevated adjusted admission rates for MH conditions were observed for the burn cohort compared with the uninjured cohort (IRR, 95% CI: 4.89, 3.52–6.79). Increased MH admission rates were found for all age groups but were most pronounced in those younger than 18 years of age at time of burn (IRR, 95% CI: 6.28, 3.00–13.14), followed by those aged 18–60 (5.14, 3.59–7.35) and those over 60 years (IRR, 95% CI: 2.97, 1.38–6.39) compared to the uninjured cohort. Gender-specific analyses showed significant differences for male (IRR, 95% CI: 4.48, 3.05–6.59) and female burn patients (IRR, 95% CI: 6.00, 3.62–9.92), compared to uninjured. The burn cohort had higher adjusted first time admissions for MH conditions (HR, 95% CI: 3.55, 2.72–4.64), mood and anxiety disorders (HR, 95% CI: 3.77, 2.81–5.08), psychotic disorders (HR, 95% CI: 3.55, 1.99–6.15) and behavioural disorders related to alcohol/drugs (HR, 95% CI: 4.75, 3.09–7.28) for five years after the initial burn.


Patients hospitalised for unintentional burns had significantly higher MH admission rates after discharge than that observed for an uninjured cohort. Ongoing mental health support is clearly indicated for many burns patients for a prolonged period after discharge.  相似文献   

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