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不同类型皮瓣修复虎口挛缩   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的 探讨治疗手部虎口挛缩的理想方法。方法 自1994年3月-2002年2月,对收治的96例因各种原因引起的手中虎口挛缩患,根据皮肤,皮下组织,肌腱,骨骼具体伤情,分别施行不同的皮瓣修复及功能重建术,术后随访并比较各自功能恢复情况。结果 91例获满意松解,皮瓣外形及虎口功能良好,治愈率灰94.8%;另5例因第一腕掌关节严重毁损,虎口外形修复,但功能欠佳。结论 针对不同程度的虎口挛缩,采用不同皮瓣修复及肌,骨骼动力重建,是治疗虎口挛缩的有效措施。  相似文献   

目的 介绍虎口挛缩的皮瓣修复体会.方法 回顾1985年以来诊治的112例116个虎口挛缩病例,就其皮瓣修复的手术适应证及预后进行总结分析.结果 术后116个皮瓣完全成活112个,有4例前臂骨间后动脉逆行岛状皮瓣尖端有3.0 cm×1.5 cm表皮坏死,经换药后愈合.有16例皮瓣在术后3~6个月再次行皮瓣整形术.术后随访1~24个月,平均4.5个月.虎口饱满,外形满意,皮色正常,无继发挛缩;拇指对掌、内收、外展功能均近于正常.移位皮瓣在术后3个月开始恢复感觉功能.结论 恰当的皮瓣移植修复可以保证虎口的外形及功能的恢复.  相似文献   

目的 介绍虎口挛缩的皮瓣修复体会.方法 回顾1985年以来诊治的112例116个虎口挛缩病例,就其皮瓣修复的手术适应证及预后进行总结分析.结果 术后116个皮瓣完全成活112个,有4例前臂骨间后动脉逆行岛状皮瓣尖端有3.0 cm×1.5 cm表皮坏死,经换药后愈合.有16例皮瓣在术后3~6个月再次行皮瓣整形术.术后随访1~24个月,平均4.5个月.虎口饱满,外形满意,皮色正常,无继发挛缩;拇指对掌、内收、外展功能均近于正常.移位皮瓣在术后3个月开始恢复感觉功能.结论 恰当的皮瓣移植修复可以保证虎口的外形及功能的恢复.  相似文献   

目的 介绍虎口挛缩的皮瓣修复体会.方法 回顾1985年以来诊治的112例116个虎口挛缩病例,就其皮瓣修复的手术适应证及预后进行总结分析.结果 术后116个皮瓣完全成活112个,有4例前臂骨间后动脉逆行岛状皮瓣尖端有3.0 cm×1.5 cm表皮坏死,经换药后愈合.有16例皮瓣在术后3~6个月再次行皮瓣整形术.术后随访1~24个月,平均4.5个月.虎口饱满,外形满意,皮色正常,无继发挛缩;拇指对掌、内收、外展功能均近于正常.移位皮瓣在术后3个月开始恢复感觉功能.结论 恰当的皮瓣移植修复可以保证虎口的外形及功能的恢复.  相似文献   

临床上,多种因素可导致手部虎口区的挛缩。对重度虎口挛缩,采用第一趾蹼皮瓣不仅能修复虎口开大后的皮肤缺损,且在外形和功能上都令患者感到满意。2004年以来,我院应用改良的第一趾蹼皮瓣修复重度虎口挛缩3例,术后取得了满意的疗效。  相似文献   

应用皮瓣移植治疗重度虎口挛缩的体会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 总结几种皮瓣移植术治疗重度虎口挛缩的效果.方法 针对2000年9月至2009年3月收治的重度虎口挛缩的32例病例,应用超薄型髂腹股沟皮瓣、血管蒂逆行岛状皮瓣、神经营养血管蒂皮瓣及游离皮瓣予以治疗,皮瓣面积3.0 cm×5.0 cm~4.5 cm×8.0 cm,术后随访3~12个月,观察其治疗结果.结果 1例神经营养血管蒂皮瓣和1例超薄型髂腹股沟皮瓣远端部分坏死,后经游离植皮术创面愈合,其余皮瓣均完全成活,部分病例术后拆除克氏针固定后虎口有部分程度回缩,虎口角平均为70°(45°~80°),虎口宽度平均为50 mm(35~60 mm),为健侧的80%,挛缩得到明显改善,拇指可完成外展及对掌功能,握力较健侧略差,可完成日常生活及部分工作,但部分皮瓣感觉欠佳.移植皮瓣外形:超薄型髂腹股沟皮瓣外形良好,3例血管蒂逆行岛状皮瓣、1例神经营养血管蒂皮瓣及2例游离皮瓣术后再次行皮瓣修整术以改善皮瓣外形.结论 重度虎口挛缩可应用不同类型皮瓣予以治疗,应根据具体情况选择合适的治疗方式.  相似文献   

我院自1995年6月至1999年6月应用示指背侧舌状皮瓣治疗外伤引起虎口部皮肤缺损3例,瘢痕挛缩5例,共计8例,收到了满意的效果。  相似文献   

矩形皮瓣修复虎口瘢痕挛缩畸形   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
手部深度烧伤后拇指及指蹼瘢痕挛缩 ,严重影响手的功能 ,后期多需整形手术。但严重大面积烧伤后 ,不仅局部瘢痕粘连严重 ,且前臂或远隔部位也无供瓣区 ,治疗方法受限 ,单纯植皮疗效差。我们利用局部成熟的瘢痕组织 ,设计三个矩形皮瓣开大虎口。术后效果较好 ,报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般情况本组 6例 ,男性 ,年龄 2 1~ 36岁。平均烧伤面积4 8.1%± 2 1.3% , 度烧伤面积 33.7%± 10 .5 %。烧伤后虎口挛缩 10例次 ,其中 7例次为单侧虎口挛缩 ,3例次伴有拇内收肌挛缩畸形。挛缩后拇指外展和对掌功能丧失 ,平均虎口间距为 (31.8± 2 .9) mm…  相似文献   

Objective To summarize the result of several kinds of flaps treated to first web space contraction. Methods Thirty-two cases of sever contracture of the first web space were treated between September 2000 and March 2009. Ultrathin groin flap, blood vessel pedicle reverse-flow island flap, neurocutaneous flap of the forearm, and free skin flap were used. The area of flaps were 3.0 cm × 5.0 cm-4.5 cm× 8.0 cm.The therapeutic result was observed by 3-12 months follow-up. Results There were partial necrosis at the distal part of flap in 1 case of nerve nutritional vascular pedicle skin flap and 1 case of ultrathin groin flap.The raw surface was healed by free skin grafting. The other flaps were all survived. There was some contraction observed in some patients after the K-wire released. The width of the first web space was augmented to an average of 50 mm (35-60 mm) and account to 80% to the uninjured side. The angle of the first web space was increased to an average of 70°(45°-80°). The contracture was improved significantly. The abduction and opposition function of thumb were restored. There was some degree decrease of grasp strength. The patients can fulfil daily life and partial work. But sensation was not good in some patients. The contour of the flaps:the contour of ultrathin groin flap was good. The contour of flaps in 3 cases of island skin flaps, 1 case of nerve nutritional vascular pedicle skin flap and 2 cases of free flaps were trimmed again in order to be improved. Conclusion The sever contracture of the first web space could be treated by different kinds of flaps, the suitable management should be chosen according to the specific situation.  相似文献   

Objective To summarize the result of several kinds of flaps treated to first web space contraction. Methods Thirty-two cases of sever contracture of the first web space were treated between September 2000 and March 2009. Ultrathin groin flap, blood vessel pedicle reverse-flow island flap, neurocutaneous flap of the forearm, and free skin flap were used. The area of flaps were 3.0 cm × 5.0 cm-4.5 cm× 8.0 cm.The therapeutic result was observed by 3-12 months follow-up. Results There were partial necrosis at the distal part of flap in 1 case of nerve nutritional vascular pedicle skin flap and 1 case of ultrathin groin flap.The raw surface was healed by free skin grafting. The other flaps were all survived. There was some contraction observed in some patients after the K-wire released. The width of the first web space was augmented to an average of 50 mm (35-60 mm) and account to 80% to the uninjured side. The angle of the first web space was increased to an average of 70°(45°-80°). The contracture was improved significantly. The abduction and opposition function of thumb were restored. There was some degree decrease of grasp strength. The patients can fulfil daily life and partial work. But sensation was not good in some patients. The contour of the flaps:the contour of ultrathin groin flap was good. The contour of flaps in 3 cases of island skin flaps, 1 case of nerve nutritional vascular pedicle skin flap and 2 cases of free flaps were trimmed again in order to be improved. Conclusion The sever contracture of the first web space could be treated by different kinds of flaps, the suitable management should be chosen according to the specific situation.  相似文献   

目的 探讨应用上臂外侧游离皮瓣修复重度虎口瘢痕挛缩的临床疗效.方法 彻底切除虎口处瘢痕并松解粘连后,取同侧或对侧上臂外侧的皮肤筋膜组织瓣,带桡侧副动脉血管蒂束行游离移植,于受区背侧鼻烟窝处与桡动脉吻合,头静脉吻合,供区游离皮瓣移植或直接缝合,并用弓形针固定拇指于外展、对掌位.自2004年10月至2009年11月,以此法进行虎口修复手术16例.结果 本组16例患者,除1例远端部分坏死,余者术后皮瓣全部成活.经12~18个月随访,虎口宽度平均增加32mm,虎口角度平均增加51°,两点辨别觉平均7mm,效果满意.结论 应用上臂外侧游离皮瓣修复重度虎口瘢痕挛缩,可兼顾术后外形、皮肤质地及功能,是一种较好的手术方法.  相似文献   

趾蹼皮瓣在手部虎口挛缩治疗中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对虎口重度瘢痕挛缩修复方法的文献报道较多,自2001年9月~2003年10月,我院应用趾蹼皮瓣治疗虎口挛缩9例,术后疗效满意。  相似文献   

目的 探讨总结采用桡动脉鼻烟窝皮支皮瓣修复虎口挛缩的手术疗效.方法 采用桡动脉鼻烟窝皮支皮瓣修复虎口挛缩18例.本组病例虎口角平均20°,平均宽度19 mm.根据皮肤缺损情况在前臂桡侧设计皮瓣:以鼻烟窝中点为旋转点、前臂中立位时桡骨的走形线为轴线.结果 17例皮瓣全部成活,1例皮瓣部分坏死.全部病例均得以随访,随访时间5~26个月,平均12个月.虎口宽度增加45 mm,虎口角平均增加50°.结论 桡动脉鼻烟窝皮支皮瓣是一种简单、可靠的修复虎口挛缩的方法.  相似文献   

目的 探讨应用足跗外侧皮瓣移植修复虎口瘢痕挛缩的手术疗效.方法 采用游离足跗外侧皮瓣移植修复创伤术后虎口瘢痕挛缩12例.结果 12例均获随访,时间3~8(5.5±0.8)个月.术后虎口饱满,外形满意,皮色正常,无继发挛缩.术后虎口角由术前平均25°±5°提高到平均65°±6°,宽度术前平均15 mm±3.5 mm,术后平均50 mm±6.6 mm.术后3个月开始恢复感觉功能;拇指对掌、内收、外展功能明显改善,可完成日常生活及部分工作.结论 足跗外侧皮瓣移植治疗创伤性虎口瘢痕挛缩临床疗效满意.  相似文献   

Objective To summarize and investigate the therapeutic effects of reconstruction of contracture of the first web space with snuff-box flap. Methods Eighteen patients with contracture of the first web space were treated by snuff-box flap. The width and the angle of the first web space was 19 mm and 20°on average. According to the first web space skin defects, the flap designed to nasopharyngeal fossa centers as rotation point, the radial line when the forearm in the neutral position as the axis. Results The followedup for 5-26 months revealed that 17 flaps had a success, but 1 case was partly necrosis. The width of the first web space was augmented by an aveage of 45 mm, the angle of the first web space was augmented by an average of 50°. Conclusion It is ralatively simple and reliable to repair the contracture of the first web space using the snuff-box flap.  相似文献   

Objective To summarize and investigate the therapeutic effects of reconstruction of contracture of the first web space with snuff-box flap. Methods Eighteen patients with contracture of the first web space were treated by snuff-box flap. The width and the angle of the first web space was 19 mm and 20°on average. According to the first web space skin defects, the flap designed to nasopharyngeal fossa centers as rotation point, the radial line when the forearm in the neutral position as the axis. Results The followedup for 5-26 months revealed that 17 flaps had a success, but 1 case was partly necrosis. The width of the first web space was augmented by an aveage of 45 mm, the angle of the first web space was augmented by an average of 50°. Conclusion It is ralatively simple and reliable to repair the contracture of the first web space using the snuff-box flap.  相似文献   

严重虎口挛缩的显微外科治疗   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  

虎口挛缩是手外科中常见的疾病之一,由于早期治疗不及时,方法不当,可造成拇指外展、对掌、捏持、握拳等功能障碍,严重影响手功能。我科自1995年~2001年4月对43例虎口挛缩患者,根据其严重程度分别采用“Z”字成形加植皮、局部皮瓣、逆行岛状瓣及游离皮瓣等不同手术方法修复,取得满意效果。  相似文献   

目的 探讨吻合血管的跗外侧皮瓣游离移植治疗重度虎口挛缩的临床疗效.方法 对15例重度虎口挛缩患者行切开、松解、开大或重建;设计跗外侧皮瓣游离移植,皮瓣切取面积:3cm×6cm~4cm×9cm.将第1,2掌骨头用克氏针U形撑开固定3~4周,术后进行功能康复锻炼.结果 15例皮瓣全部成活,随访到10例,随访时间5个月~3年,平均13个月.所有皮瓣质地柔软,形态近似正常,功能满意,供区无功能障碍.按照Jensen及顾玉东等测定方法及TAM系统对虎口开大和手功能进行评价,虎口开大优8例,良2例,手功能评价优8例,良2例.结论 应用跗外侧皮瓣游离移植修复重度虎口挛缩,可获得良好的外形及功能,是重度虎口挛缩修复较为理想的手术方法.  相似文献   

探讨用带第2掌背动脉及神经的示指侧皮瓣修复虎口重度挛缩。方法:切取带第2掌背动脉及神经的示指背侧皮瓣,皮瓣以第2、3掌骨基底部连线的中占与示指近指间关节桡侧中点的斜形连线为皮瓣轴线,以第2、3掌骨基底部连线中点为旋转点,临床应用8例。结果:8例皮瓣完全成活,皮瓣薄,外形美观,感觉良好,拇指外展,对掌功能正常,经2掌指关节活动良好。结论此方法效果呆靠,满意损伤小,手术操作简便易行,切取范围大。  相似文献   

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