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为了控制新的基于USB总线的数据采集器进行膜片钳实验,设计和实现了能应用于Windows 2000/XP 操作系统的膜片钳系统软件.软件运用面向对象程序设计方法和统一建模语言,实现了封接测试,电压门控和配体门控等实验模式.实验结果表明,该系统软件能够精确控制数据采集器进行高速数据采集,满足细胞生理实验的要求.  相似文献   

目的:为了克服传统高斯模糊方法处理速度容易受模板大小局限和图像边界处不能真实反映高斯模糊结果的缺陷。本文提出了一种基于计算统一设备架构CUDA的图像高斯径向基模糊的实现方法。方法:采用连续的高斯径向基函数对图像直接在时域进行乘积运算,使高斯模糊后图像每一像素点值(包括图像边界处的像素值)与原始图像所有像素点的值相关联。根据高斯径向基函数径向对称的特点以及CUDA单指令多线程(SIMT)的并行执行模型,并且使用合并访存、共享内存、常量内存等合适的内存优化措施,对运算的过程进行GPU并行加速。结果:对尿沉渣图像进行高斯径向基模糊结果表明:图像在模糊过程中克服了模板的局限,在边界质量上得到了极大的改善;处理速度上也达到了较大的提高。结论:基于CUDA平台能很好的并行实现高斯径向基模糊,与串行运算速度相比,在大尺寸图像处理时加速比可望达到20倍以上。  相似文献   

Construction of a cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) system for laboratory research usually requires integration of different software and hardware components. As a result, building and operating such a complex system require the expertise of researchers with significantly different backgrounds. Additionally, writing flexible code to control the hardware components of a CBCT system combined with designing a friendly graphical user interface (GUI) can be cumbersome and time consuming. An intuitive and flexible program structure, as well as the program GUI for CBCT acquisition, is presented in this note. The program was developed in National Instrument’s Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench (LabVIEW) graphical language and is designed to control a custom-built CBCT system but has been also used in a standard angiographic suite. The hardware components are commercially available to researchers and are in general provided with software drivers which are LabVIEW compatible. The program structure was designed as a sequential chain. Each step in the chain takes care of one or two hardware commands at a time; the execution of the sequence can be modified according to the CBCT system design. We have scanned and reconstructed over 200 specimens using this interface and present three examples which cover different areas of interest encountered in laboratory research. The resulting 3D data are rendered using a commercial workstation. The program described in this paper is available for use or improvement by other researchers.  相似文献   

基于Windows的实时测试软件系统的实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍在Windows下开发实时测试软件系统,进行精确定时的三种方法:使用Windows下的常规定时器、使用多媒体定时器和使用中断,并给出了在呼吸机测试仪软件的应用实例.  相似文献   

目的:为病床控制系统测试平台设计一种能够进行数据采集与运动控制的上位机软件.方法:在Visual C++6.0环境下,利用研华科技提供的开发库,并综合了多线程和双缓冲技术来实现.上位PC机把用户的操作意图转换成控制指令,通过PCI接口传送到下位机板卡PC11240、PC11716,下位机驱动步进电机实现对病床的控制或进行实时数据的采集.结果:实现了在循环往复运动中急停按钮的实时响应并解决了曲线显示时屏幕闪烁等问题.该软件在病床控制测试平台上进行了多次应用试验.取得了良好的效果.结论:通过本文方法实现了对康复病床的运动控制,数据采集,数据保存与显示等功能,同运用单片机和普通电机控制病床的方法相比,运动控制更加精确平稳,功能更加完善,达到了设计目的.并已成功的应用在病床控制测试系统中.  相似文献   

摘要:目的:为了克服脑卒中患者在坐位康复训练过程中因重复训练所产生的厌倦心理。本研究设计了一种用于坐位平衡功能训练的虚拟康复训练系统软件,旨在增加患者坐位康复训练的趣味性,激发患者主动训练的积极性,使康复训练可以取得更好的治疗效果;方法:本系统采用上下位机结构,上下位机之间通过蓝牙串口进行通信,软件基于Microsoft的Di-rectX接口进行设计,采用vc++进行编程,使用纹理映射技术实现了地面场景的加载和渲染,并从.x文件中加载人物网格信息并对其渲染,根据下位机坐板上四个压力传感器的压力控制虚拟人的运动;结果:实现了患者通过调整身体重心来控制虚拟训练环境中虚拟人沿指定路径行走的功能。能同时给与病人视觉和听觉的双重刺激;结论:本系统软件可以提高病人坐位平衡康复训练的积极性,对需要进行长期康复训练的病人能起到更好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

介绍了基于虚拟仪器工程平台的超声热疗治癌仪的工作原理及人机界面设计.阐述了组织温度控制算法、治疗头水温控制以及脉宽调制信号产生三个系统核心子模块的设计.根据系统特殊要求,在癌变组织温度控制子程序中,改进了比例积分微分(PID)算法,实现了对靶区组织温度的严格控制.通过对内嵌于数据采集卡的8254芯片编程产生了HD控制的脉宽调制信号,同时设计了水温控制算法.实验验证,软件设计可靠,满足了超声热疗仪的要求.  相似文献   

High-resolution measurements of cell impedance provide invaluable information on various cellular processes such as exocytosis, ion channel gating, or fertilization. The best recent techniques, although achieving impedance resolution at theoretical limits, have limited applicability due to their inherent constrains and high complexity. We report here a simple method of high-resolution impedance measurement, dubbed as the Q-method, based on measurement of a charge by integrating the cell current during square wave stimulation and on its decomposition into specific components related to segments of the voltage stimulus. Simple relations were derived allowing very fast and direct estimation of cell impedance parameters. The major advantages of the Q-method are its inherently low sensitivity to low-pass filtering, rejection of periodic interference signals, automatic on-the-fly adjustment of the stimulation frequency for the highest capacitance resolution, and simultaneous high-resolution low-crosstalk monitoring of membrane resistance, series resistance and parasitic capacitance in addition to membrane capacitance. Implementation of the Q-method is straightforward with any patch-clamp setup and any cell type. Theoretical grounds of the Q-method, including its resolution and the noise of individual parameters, are developed and experimentally verified.  相似文献   

介绍了在基于工作流的生物信息学软件平台上编写的可视化软件包(neural signal process tools),该软件包提供了比较完整的统计学算法,可实现多通道锋电位信号的并行处理,并将结果有效可视化,为在网络层次上研究神经元的功能和动力学特性提供了有力的支持。  相似文献   

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