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Mutations in the glnA region of the Escherichia coli chromosome due to Mu prophage insertion result in two phenotypic classes. One class is Gln- and does not synthesize glutamine synthetase[L-glutamate:ammonia ligase (ADP-forming), EC] under any growth condition. The other class produces a low level of glutamine synthetase under all growth conditions and is uncoupled from the regulatory effects of mutations in the glnF and glnD genes. Complementation analysis demonstrates that these two classes of insertions are in different cistrons. From these data we suggest that a regulatory gene, glnG, tightly linked to glnA, mediates both activation and repression of glutamine synthetase synthesis. An analysis of the evidence accumulated to date makes it unlikely that glnG is the only gene in the glnA region involved in the complex system of nitrogen regulation.  相似文献   

We describe a cell-lineage marking system applicable to the vertebrate nervous system. The basis of the technique is gene transfer using the retroviral vector system. We used Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase as a marker gene and demonstrate a high level of expression of this marker from the viral long terminal repeat promoter, with simultaneous expression of the Tn5 neo gene from the simian virus 40 early promoter. This expression has allowed us to detect individual infected cells histochemically. We applied this marking technique to the study of lineage relationships in the developing vertebrate nervous system, both in vivo and in culture. In the rat retina, we injected virus in vivo and histochemically identified clones of marked neural cells. In addition, we used this virus to infect cultures of rat cerebral cortex and have analyzed the clonal relationships of morphologically different neural cell types. The host range of the marking system extends to avian as well as mammalian species. Thus, this system should have broad applicability as a means of gene transfer and expression in the nervous system.  相似文献   

The recent advances in gene transfer technology have expedited the development of gene therapy for the treatment of hemophilia A. Three different U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved phase I clinical trials had been initiated using different gene therapy approaches each with their own advantages and limitations. In the first gene therapy trial for hemophilia A, a non-viral approach was being explored for patients with severe hemophilia A using ex vivo transfected dermal fibroblast expressing B-domain-deleted factor VIII ( BDD-FVIII). There were no serious adverse events and some patients appeared to have experienced fewer bleeding episodes with very low levels of FVIII near baseline. In the second trial, onco-retroviral vectors expressing BDD-FVIII were injected by peripheral intravenous infusion in adult patients suffering from severe hemophilia A. The procedure was safe and in some patients FVIII-transduced cells were detectable in the peripheral blood for more than a year. Although no sustained FVIII expression was detectable, occasional modest changes in FVIII levels were apparent, and in some cases a reduced bleeding frequency occurred compared with historical rates. In another trial, one patient suffering from severe hemophilia A has been treated with a high-capacity (or gutless) adenoviral vector expressing full-length FVIII, which appeared to have resulted in 1% of normal FVIII levels for several months. However, a transient inflammatory response with hematologic and liver abnormalities was observed. In conclusion, although modest improvements in clinical end points have been detected in some patients in these early phase I trials, further improvements in gene delivery technologies are warranted to bring hemophilia A gene therapy one step closer to reality.  相似文献   

Developmental regulation of gamma-globin gene expression probably occurs through developmental-stage-specific trans-acting factors able to promote the interaction of enhancer elements located in the far upstream locus control region with regulatory elements in the gamma gene promoters and 3' A gamma enhancer located in close proximity to the genes. We have detected a nuclear protein in K562 and baboon fetal bone marrow nuclear extracts capable of binding to A+T-rich sequences in the locus control region, gamma gene promoter, and 3' A gamma enhancer. SDS/polyacrylamide gel analysis of the purified K562 binding activity revealed a single protein of 87 kDa. A K562 cDNA clone was isolated encoding a beta-galactosidase fusion protein with a DNA binding specificity identical to that of the K562/fetal bone marrow nuclear protein. The cDNA clone encodes a homeodomain homologous to the Drosophila antennapedia protein.  相似文献   

A steroid-inducible gene expression system for plant cells.   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
Promoters that allow the selective induction of gene expression in vivo constitute an important methodology in eukaryotic organisms such as yeast and the fruit fly, but to date no such system has been described for higher plants. Given the fact that mammalian steroid receptors can function as hormone-dependent inducers of gene expression in heterologous systems, the feasibility of using mammalian steroid hormones as selective inducers of plant gene expression was investigated. Here it is shown that the glucocorticoid receptor expressed in plant cells is capable of activating a test gene linked to glucocorticoid response elements, providing the transfected plant cells are treated with glucocorticoid hormone. Nanomolar concentrations of glucocorticoids are sufficient to induce gene expression more than 150-fold, without causing detectable alterations in the physiology of the cultured plant cells. These findings indicate that glucocorticoid induction of steroid-responsive promoters should provide a general method for regulating gene expression in plant cells and imply that such a system might ultimately function in whole plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   

This work aimed to provide a means of assaying directly the effects of transient expression of introduced genes on the survival, proliferation, lineage commitment and differentiation of haemopoietic progenitor cells. For this purpose, we have developed a system that allows isolation of productively transfected, mulitipotent haemopoietic cells within a few hours of the introduction of test genes. We have shown that FDCP-mix cells productively transfected with expression plasmids encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP) differentiate normally and retain colony-forming potential. We constructed an expression vector consisting of a bicistronic cassette in which a GFP marker gene and a test gene are driven from the same promoter. The vector design has been optimized for co-expression and the test gene was shown to be biologically active. The expression profile from a transiently transfected template under different growth conditions reveals that active expression continues for at least 2 d after transfection. The transient transfection of FDCP-mix cells with the vectors described provides a powerful tool for analysis of the immediate early effects of test gene overexpression during haemopoietic differentiation.  相似文献   

We have constructed three different fusion genes containing the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV tk) and the bacterial neomycin phosphotransferase (neo) genes. All three fusion genes utilize the HSV tk promoter but differ at the junction of their components. We have determined if the fusion genes are bifunctional by introducing them into mammalian cells and testing for function of the individual components. One of the fusion genes, TNFUS 69, produced a bicistronic message and a fusion protein that has TK and NEO protein functions. This and other fusion genes of a similar nature could serve as dominant positive and negative selectable markers in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) are cells generated from tumor suspensions cultured in interleukin 2 that can mediate cancer regression when adoptively transferred into mice or humans. Since TILs proliferate rapidly in vitro, recirculate, and preferentially localize at the tumor site in vivo, they provide an attractive model for delivery of exogenous genetic material into man. To determine whether efficient gene transfer into TILs is feasible, we transduced human TILs with the bacterial gene for neomycin-resistance (NeoR) using the retroviral vector N2. The transduced TIL populations were stable and polyclonal with respect to the intact NeoR gene integration and expressed high levels of neomycin phosphotransferase activity. The NeoR gene insertion did not alter the in vitro growth pattern and interleukin 2 dependence of the transduced TILs. Analyses of T-cell receptor gene rearrangement for beta- and gamma-chain genes revealed the oligoclonal nature of the TIL populations with no major change in the DNA rearrangement patterns or the levels of mRNA expression of the beta and gamma chains following transduction and selection of TILs in the neomycin analog G418. Human TILs expressed mRNA for tumor necrosis factors (alpha and beta) and interleukin 2 receptor P55 but not for interleukin 1 beta, granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukin 6, and interferon gamma when grown with high-dose interleukin 2 without subsequent activation with mitogen or specific antigen. This pattern of cytokine-mRNA expression was not significantly altered following the transduction of TILs. The NeoR gene-transduced TILs could thus be used to follow the trafficking and survival of TILs in vivo, and clinical protocols using these transduced TILs in cancer patients have begun. The studies demonstrate the feasibility of TILs as suitable cellular vehicles for the introduction of therapeutic genes into patients receiving autologous TILs.  相似文献   

Retroviruses can utilize a variety of cell-surface proteins for binding and entry into cells, and the cloning of several of these viral receptors has allowed refinement of models to explain retrovirus tropism. A single receptor appears to be necessary and sufficient for entry of many retroviruses, but exceptions to this simple model are accumulating. For example, HIV requires two proteins for cell entry, neither of which alone is sufficient; 10A1 murine leukemia virus can enter cells by using either of two distinct receptors; two retroviruses can use different receptors in some cells but use the same receptor for entry into other cells; and posttranslational protein modifications and secreted factors can dramatically influence virus entry. These findings greatly complicate the rules governing retrovirus tropism. The mechanism underlying retrovirus evolution to use many receptors for cell entry is not clear, although some evidence supports a mutational model for the evolution of new receptor specificities. Further study of factors that govern retrovirus entry into cells are important for achieving high-efficiency gene transduction to specific cells and for the design of retroviral vectors to target additional receptors for cell entry.  相似文献   

Summary Clinical trials using replication-deficient adenovirus as vectors for gene transfer into the airways of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients are in progress. However, little is known about the prevalence of wild-type adenovirus infections in patients with cystic fibrosis and their effect on lung function. To answer these questions, serum IgG and IgM antibody titers against adenovirus type 5 were prospectively measured by an indirect immunofluorescence assay in 199 CF outpatients and in a control group of 45 healthy children and young adults. In addition, we performed pulmonary function tests when the patients were in stable clinical condition. IgM antibodies against adenovirus were present in 104 of the 199 cystic fibrosis patients (52.3%). IgG antibodies against adenovirus were detected in 192 of the 199 cystic fibrosis patients (96.5%), and were significantly higher in cystic fibrosis patients older than 7 years than in younger patients and in age matched controls. IgG antibody titers measured a second time 11.8 months later in 143 of the 199 patients had increased in 48 (33.6%) patients. In 27 of these 48 patients, who had at least a 2-fold increase in antibody titer, FVC and FEV1 decreased by 9.8% (p<0.05) and 8.3% (p=0.05), respectively, over 45 months. In a comparison group matched for age, sex, and chronicPseudomonas aeruginosa infection but no increase in antibody titers, FVC and FEV 1 were unchanged. The results indicate that wild-type adenovirus infections are prevalent in cystic fibrosis patients and that wild-type adenovirus infections in cystic fibrosis patients seem to be associated with deterioration in lung function. These observations may have important implications for efficacy and safety considerations when using adenoviral vectors for gene therapy.
Adenovirusinfektion bei Patienten mit zystischer Fibrose: Bedeutung für den Einsatz adenoviraler Vektoren für den Gentransfer
Zusammenfassung Gentechnisch hergestellte rekombinante replikations-defiziente Adenoviren sind als Genvektoren für die somatische Gentherapie der pulmonalen Manifestation der zystischen Fibrose von Interesse. Der Einsatz rekombinanter Adenoviren für den Transfer von Genen in die Atemwege ist jedoch problematisch: Ein positiver Antikörper-Status gegen Adenoviren kann bereits bei der Erstapplikation adenoviraler Genvektoren zu einer Immunantwort führen, wodurch der erfolgreiche Gentransfer verhindert werden könnte. Eine Entzündungsreaktion gegen die infizierten Zellen könnte zu einer Schädigung der Lunge führen. Das Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Prävalenz von Antikörpern bei CF-Patienten und den Einfluß von Adenovirus-Infektionen auf den Verlauf der Lungenfunktion bei CF-Patienten zu bestimmen. IgM und IgG Serum-Antikörper Titer wurden bei 199 CF-Patienten und einer Kontrollgruppe von 45 Kindern und jungen Erwachsenen gemessen. 52% der CF-Patienten hatten positive IgM Antikörper gegen Adenovirus. CF-Patienten hatten im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe signifikant höhere IgG Antikörperspiegel. Nur 7 von 199 CF-Patienten hatten keine nachweisbaren IgG Antikörper gegen Adenovirus. Bei 143 CF-Patienten konnte nach einem mittleren Zeitintervall von 12 Monaten ein zweiter Antikörper-Status bestimmt werden. Patienten mit einem Anstieg des Antikörperspiegels zeigten eine Verschlechterung der Lungenfunktionsparameter. Aus den Daten läßt sich schließen, daß Adenovirus-Infektionen bei CF-Patienten häufig sind und mit einer Verschlechterung der Lungenfunktion einhergehen. Diese Beobachtungen könnten von Bedeutung sein für den zukünftigen Einsatz von adenoviralen Genvektoren bei CF-Patienten.

We report evidence that gene complexes, consisting of polycations and plasmid DNA enter cells via binding to membrane-associated proteoglycans. Treatment of HeLa cells with sodium chlorate, a potent inhibitor of proteoglycan sulfation, reduced luciferase expression by 69%. Cellular treatment with heparinase and chondroitinase ABC inhibited expression by 78% and 20% with respect to control cells. Transfection was dramatically inhibited by heparin and heparan sulfate and to a smaller extent by chondroitan sulfate B. Transfection of mutant, proteoglycan deficient Chinese hamster ovary cells was 53 x lower than of wild-type cells. For each of these assays, the intracellular uptake of DNA at 37 degrees C and the binding of DNA to the cell membrane at 4 degrees C was impaired. Preliminary transfection experiments conducted in mutant and wild-type Chinese hamster ovary cells suggest that transfection by some cationic lipids is also proteoglycan dependent. The variable distribution of proteoglycans among tissues may explain why some cell types are more susceptible to transfection than others.  相似文献   

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