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不同胎龄胎儿心脏外形变化的临床意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的观测不同胎龄胎儿心脏表面大体解剖及形态特征,分析其生长规律,为影像学诊断和临床应用提供对比性资料。方法解剖42例不同胎龄的非正常分娩的正常胎儿心脏,观测其质量、周径、前室间沟径、后室间沟径。结果胎心质量、周径、前室间沟径、后室间沟径分别为(6.31±5.53)g、(6.74±2.09)cm、(2.32±0.86)cm、(1.93±0.58)cm,室间沟脂肪出现率为2.38%。结论胎儿心脏的生长速度呈快慢交替的波浪式生长规律,掌握不同胎龄胎儿心脏外形的资料将有利于胎儿心脏病手术病种、手术方式选择和预后判断。  相似文献   

本文通过不同胎龄胎儿142例进行直接测量体重、身长、顶臂长、头围、胸围的值米研究高原乏氧对不同胎龄胎儿发育的影响。结果:①13 ̄16孕周胎儿开始体重低于海平面、两组比较有显著差异(P〈0.01),到出生较海平面体重低369 ̄440克;②胎儿于13 ̄16孕周体重衡量指数(PI)明显高于海平面;③顶臂长于9 ̄12孕周开始低于海平面,两组对比有显著差异(P〈0.01)?④身长于17 ̄20孕周开始低于海平  相似文献   

胎儿原发性心脏肿瘤是一类罕见的先天性心脏疾病,其预后与肿瘤类型、肿瘤大小和生长部位及其并发症密切相关。胎儿期最常见的良性心脏肿瘤是横纹肌瘤,其次为畸胎瘤、纤维瘤、黏液瘤、血管瘤等。胎儿心脏恶性肿瘤的发生率非常低,预后极差。胎儿超声心动图是胎儿心脏肿瘤的诊断、监测、临床决策及治疗指导的主导工具。  相似文献   

本文通过不同胎龄胎儿142例进行直接测量体重、身长、顶臂长、头围、胸围的值来研究高原乏氧对不同胎龄胎儿发育的影响。结果:①13~16孕周胎儿开始体重低于海平面、两组比较有明显差异(P<0.01),到出生较海平面体重低369~440克;②胎儿于13~16孕周体重衡量指数(PI)明显高于海平面;③顶臂长于9~12孕周开始低于海平面,两组对比有明显差异(P<0.01);④身长于17~20孕周开始低于海平面、两组对比有显著性差异(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

各国报道的小于胎龄儿发生率约为3%。小于胎龄儿是导致围生期患儿发病和死亡的重要原因之一,且预后与成年期多种疾病相关。仅通过出生体重来判断小于胎龄儿的生长受限不够全面,因为未考虑到小于胎龄儿的身体比例。根据孕期影响因子的来源、作用于胎儿的时间和作用严重程度的不同,会产生两类小于胎龄儿:匀称型小于胎龄儿和非匀称型小于胎龄儿。二者出生后的体格和神经发育情况可能存在差异。该文通过比较各分类指标,并在各分类指标下探讨匀称型小于胎龄儿和非匀称型小于胎龄儿的体格神经发育差异。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,随着先天性心血管疾病治疗手段的提高、医学影像技术的发展,胎儿心脏病学已成为儿童心脏病学中一个发展迅速的分支。在临床实践中,学者们已经逐步认识到了胎儿心脏介入治疗(fetalcardiac intervention,FCI)的潜在利益并对其日渐关  相似文献   

目的 探讨超声心动图检测对胎儿心律失常的诊断价值及临床意义,研究胎儿心律失常与心脏结构异常的相关性.方法 总结分析6 500例具有先天性心血管畸形高危因素或院外疑有胎儿心脏结构异常及心律失常的孕妇的胎儿超声心动图资料.结果 妊娠16~41周的6 500例孕妇中,检出或疑有各类胎儿心脏结构异常338例,检出率5.2%,检出各类胎儿心律失常396例,检出率6.1%.其中13例既有心脏结构异常,又有心律失常.胎儿缓慢性心律失常伴发心脏结构异常比例高于其他类型心律失常,复杂心血管畸形较单纯心血管畸形伴发胎儿心律失常比率高.结论 胎儿超声心动图是产前检查胎儿心律失常及心脏结构异常可靠的无创性影像技术,对胎儿期心血管异常的筛查及诊断具有重要的临床意义.  相似文献   

胎儿心脏结构异常的超声诊断研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的:探讨超声心动图检测胎儿心脏结构异常的诊断价值及临床意义。方法:总结分析我院9 352 例胎儿超声心动图资料。结果:检出472例胎儿心脏结构异常,其中室间隔缺损97例,房室共同通道53例,房间隔缺损49例,法洛四联症26例,永存动脉干21例,三尖瓣下移畸形20例,其他类型心脏结构异常206例。其中17例伴有胎儿心律失常。初次胎儿超声心动图检查发现伴有胎儿心力衰竭9例、胎儿水肿5例。结论:胎儿超声心动图的应用有助于早期检出心脏结构异常并指导患胎的处理。胎儿超声心动图对胎儿先天性心血管畸形准确的诊断及评价是胎儿心脏宫内干预和监测的基础。[中国当代儿科杂志,2010,12(2):99-102]  相似文献   

Atrioventricular valve regurgitation (AVVR) is a clinically important element of the common atrioventricular canal defect. Cardiac preload and afterload increase from prenatal to postnatal life. These hemodynamic changes may increase the degree of regurgitation and affect management and prognosis. We sought to investigate the frequency of change in degree of AVVR from fetal to postnatal life in this patient population. Subjects who underwent both fetal and postnatal echocardiography within 4 weeks of life between January 2008 and September 2010 were included in the study. Degree of AVVR was assessed by color Doppler imaging and scored as 0 (no regurgitation), 1 (hemodynamically insignificant regurgitation), and 2 (hemodynamically important regurgitation). Forty-nine subjects were included. Mean gestational age at fetal echocardiogram was 34 ± 2.8 weeks; age at postnatal echocardiogram was a median of <24 h of age (range 0–24). After birth, 69 % subjects had no change, 8 % of subjects had a decrease, and 22 % subjects had an increase in AVVR grade. Five patients progressed from a fetal score 0 or 1 to postnatal score 2. Neither trisomy 21 nor heterotaxy syndrome were risk factors for progression of AVVR. In patients with AV canal defects, 90 % demonstrate no hemodynamically significant change in AVVR from fetal to postnatal life, whereas 10 % display a hemodynamically significant change. AVVR appreciated in utero is predictive of neonatal regurgitation in the majority of patients. These findings have implications for the counseling and management of the fetus with AV canal defect.  相似文献   

The normal fetal flow velocity profile across the atrioventricular valves is characterized by an early peak (E), which is related to preload and to active ventricular muscle relaxation, and a higher late peak (A), which is caused by the atrial contraction and also influenced by ventricular compliance. The purpose of this study was to determine how these two elements of ventricular filling change during gestation in both ventricles. A total of 485 normal fetuses from 17 weeks to term were examined by Doppler echocardiography. We measured E and A peak velocities and E/A ratio for both mitral and tricuspid valves. Simple regression analysis was applied to assess possible correlation between Doppler variables and gestational age. Moreover, E and A peak velocities were compared using paired Student's t-test. With the advance of gestation a significant linear increase in the E wave and E/A ratio was found for both mitral and tricuspid valves. The A wave shows little change throughout pregnancy. We found significantly higher Doppler velocities for the tricuspid valve than for the mitral valve. The relationship between the E/A ratios for the two valves and gestational age diverge slightly, with higher values for the mitral E/A ratio. This study shows that the A wave velocity remains constant throughout gestation, suggesting little or no change in ventricular compliance. The E wave is mainly responsible for the change in E/A ratio for both atrioventricular valves during gestation. These findings suggest progressive enhancement of relaxation and elastic recoil, an increase in preload, or both, throughout gestation, rather than a change in myocardial compliance as an explanation for the observed increase in the E/A ratio.  相似文献   

Atrioventricular valve regurgitation (AVVR) influences morbidity and mortality in the atrioventricular canal defect (AVC). Fetal cardiac structures are subject to hemodynamic changes, as well as growth and maturation during gestation, which may alter the degree of AVVR and affect prognosis. We sought to investigate the frequency of change in degree of AVVR documented by fetal echocardiography (echo) between different periods of gestational age. Subjects with AVC seen in the Fetal Heart Program between January 2008 and September 2010 were identified. Degree of AVVR was assessed by color Doppler imaging and categorized as Grade 0 (no AVVR), Grade 1 (hemodynamically insignificant AVVR = trivial or mild), and Grade 2 (hemodynamically important AVVR = ≥moderate). Levels of AVVR between periods were compared. Forty-three fetuses were analyzed. Overall, 60 % had no change, 14 % had a decrease, and 26 % had an increase in AVVR grade. Two fetuses progressed from Grade 0 or 1 to Grade 2, while one fetus decreased from Grade 2 to Grade 0. Trisomy 21 and heterotaxy syndrome were not risk factors for AVVR progression. Transitional and incomplete canal defects may be more susceptible to AVVR progression. Sixty percent of fetuses with AVC will not exhibit progression of AVVR between the second and third trimesters of gestation. In those who exhibit change, it is most often within a hemodynamically insignificant range between none and mild regurgitation (Grades 0 and 1). These findings have implications for the counseling, follow-up, and delivery plans of the fetus with AVC defect.  相似文献   

To elucidate the incidence and natural history of mitral valve prolapse (MVP) during childhood, we investigated a total of 4,238 children (aged from 1 day to 15 years) classified by age into 4 groups: Group 1:1 to 28-day-old full-term normal newborns (n = 108), Group 2: 6 to 18-month-old infants (n = 391), Group 3: 6 to 7-year-old children (n = 2,801), and Group 4: 12 to 15-year-old children (n = 938). The incidence of MVP was determined by videorecorded two-dimensional echocardiography in a double-blind method twice-over. There were 109 cases diagnosed as having MVP. The incidence rates of MVP were as follows: Group 1: 0%, Group 2: 0.25%, Group 3: 2.1% and Group 4: 5.1%. Arrhythmias were detected in 49% (27/55) by Holter ECG, and by exercise stress test in 4.7% (2/43). Eighty-three (77%) of 108 cases in Groups 3 and 4, excluding the 1 case in Group 2, showed no symptoms. Ventricular premature contraction (VPC) was the most common arrhythmia, and was benign in all cases. A mid-systolic click (MSC), late systolic murmur (LSM), MSC + LSM, and a pansystolic murmur were detected in 23.1%, 3.7%, 4.6% and 5.6%, respectively. Symptoms caused by MVP increased and appeared more apparently with age. Further prospective long-term follow-up studies to adulthood are necessary.  相似文献   

The case of a 64-year-old woman who underwent corrected transposition of the great arteries with significant systemic atrioventricular valve regurgitation and complete atrioventricular block is described. The patient underwent implantation of a DDD-type pacemaker and experienced relief of symptoms after discharge. Follow-up evaluation 30 months after the pacemaker implantation demonstrated a decrease in the cardiothoracic ratio on chest X-ray, the b-type natriuretic peptide level, and regurgitation at the systemic atrioventricular valve.  相似文献   

The rudimentary right ventricle in hearts with double inlet to a dominant left ventricle can exist either to the right or the left side of the ventricular mass. These variants have been interpreted to imply differences in ventricular topology. If correct, they also imply that differences should exist in the morphology of the atrioventricular valves, previously thought to be indistinguishable one from the other. To test this possibility, we examined 15 hearts with double inlet to a morphologically left ventricle and 10 normal hearts. The distinguishing features of normal valves were evaluated for their consistency, and the most reliable were employed for interpreting the valves in the abnormal hearts. As shown by previous echocardiographic studies, insertion of valvar tension apparatus to the interventricular septum was unique to the morphologically tricuspid valve. Ten of the abnormal hearts had one valve showing this feature, it being absent in the other valve. The attachment, consistently on the same side as the rudimentary right ventricle, could be of diagnostic value in determining ventricular topology. In our small study, nonetheless, this approach still leaves one third of the hearts in which topology cannot be ascertained with certainty and in which it is not possible to distinguish the morphological nature of the atrioventricular valves.  相似文献   

Abnormalities of the mitral valve (MV) or the tricuspid valve (TV) morphology and/or function in patients with functional single ventricle may result in early morbidity and death. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of contralateral atrioventricular valve (AVV) pathologies in mitral valve atresia (MA) and tricuspid valve atresia (TA). We retrospectively reviewed the echocardiographic data of 50 neonates with MV and 20 with TA. Appearance of the papillary muscles, chordae tendinae, and valve leaflets was assessed. AVV regurgitation was semiquantitated by color-flow Doppler and the AVV annulus diameter was measured and indexed to body surface area. MV abnormalities were found in 9 of 20 (45%) of patients with TA. The MV was myxomatous in 9 patients, the leaflets were redundant in 5 patients, and prolapsing occurred in 4 patients. Mild regurgitation was found in 2 patients. In 18 of 20 (90%) patients MV annulus size was larger than 95% of predicted normal values. TV abnormalities were found in 12 of 50 (24%) patients with MA. The TV was myxomatous in 4 patients, prolapsing in 2, and redundant in 3, and moderate TV regurgitation was found in 3 patients. In 29 of 50 (58%) patients TV annulus size was larger than 95% of predicted normal values. Contralateral AVV abnormalities in tricuspid and mitral valve atresia are common and should be assessed carefully before surgical procedures.  相似文献   

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