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To evaluate the cognitive phenotype of the segmental trisomy 16 (Ts65Dn) mouse, a model of Down Syndrome (DS, trisomy 21), we assessed spatial working and reference memory using a 12-arm radial maze (RAM). Ts65Dn mice made a greater number of reference memory errors across trials compared to control mice. Both genotypes showed improvement across trials, although improvement was slower in Ts65Dn mice. Ts65Dn mice also made a greater number of working memory errors on the RAM, and in contrast to control mice, did not improve across trials, always performing at near-chance levels. These results provide evidence for both spatial working and reference memory deficits in Ts65Dn mice, characteristics of cognitive dysfunction.  相似文献   

Episodic-like memory in Ts65Dn, a mouse model of Down syndrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ts65Dn mice, like individuals with Down syndrome (DS), demonstrate a functional dissociation between explicit and implicit forms of memory, showing selective impairment in explicit or declarative learning tasks. Here, we explored Ts65Dn explicit memory deficits further by evaluating the ability of these mice to assimilate the temporal and spatial contexts under which previously novel objects had been encountered. We found that Ts65Dn mice could in fact form contextual representations of objects over the course of a few hours, contrary to their inability to discriminate object novelty over a more prolonged period of 24h. These results suggest that Ts65Dn mice might have particular difficulties in declarative tasks requiring long-term memory, presenting an especially important putative therapeutic target for pre-clinical and clinical DS research.  相似文献   

This study used a matching-to-position schedule of reinforcement to examine working memory in Ts65Dn and littermate control mice. Initially there appeared to be a memory deficit in the Ts65Dn mice, which disappeared with extended practice. Thus, what appeared as a memory deficit may actually be the result of a delay in learning the concept of matching. These results suggest that delayed learning may be an important factor in other procedures examining working memory in Ts65Dn mice and have important implications for clinical treatment of Down syndrome patients.  相似文献   

We evaluated Ts65Dn Down's syndrome mice and their littermates (LM) at 1-2, 4, and 12 months of age to determine amyloid precursor protein (APP)-related cellular and biochemical changes associated with cognitive deficits. Ts65Dn mice showed cognitive deficits in the Morris water maze compared to LM mice at 4 and 12 months of age. Ts65Dn, but not LM mice, developed a septohippocampal cholinergic neuronal degeneration of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-positive neurons at 12 months of age. These cellular changes were compensated by increases in ChAT enzyme activity of remaining cholinergic terminals in the hippocampus. By 12 months of age, Ts65Dn mice had elevations of APP protein levels in the hippocampus compared to their LM. At this age, both Ts65Dn mice and their LM abnormally responded to cholinergic muscarinic M1 agonist treatment in terms of hippocampal APP, nerve growth factor (NGF), and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels compared to young adult C57BL/6 mice. In summary, the Ts65Dn mice show developmental and progressive age-related behavioral deficits, hippocampal APP, and cholinergic pathology. The relatively better cognitive spatial performance in LM compared to Ts65Dn mice suggests that high APP levels combined with progressive degeneration of the cholinergic system are critical to the pathology and cognitive deficits seen in Ts65Dn mice.  相似文献   

In the cerebellum of adult-aging Ts65Dn mice, a murine model of Down syndrome, Purkinje cells undergo degeneration. Searching for the cause of Purkinje cell degeneration, we have studied the ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS) in the cerebellum of aging Ts65Dn mice. Inhibition of UPS is sufficient to induce neuron degeneration and death. Proteasome chymotrypsin-like proteolytic activity was reduced by 35% in the cerebellum of Ts65Dn mice in comparison with euploid animals. Accordingly, Western blot analysis of ubiquitin showed an increase in ubiquitinated proteins. Immunocytochemistry for ubiquitin revealed strongly positive intranuclear inclusions in Purkinje cells and large neurons of cerebellar nuclei. The Western blot analysis of ubiquitin in nuclear protein extracts confirmed the increase of ubiquitinated proteins in the cell nuclei. After FUS immunocytochemistry, large intranuclear inclusions were visible in Purkinje cells and large neurons of cerebellar nuclei in Ts65Dn mice. Together, data indicate a possible role for proteasome inhibition in the cerebellar neurodegeneration in Ts65Dn mice.  相似文献   

The Ts65Dn mouse displays several phenotypic abnormalities that parallel characteristics found in Down syndrome. One important characteristic associated with Down syndrome is an increased incidence of early-onset Alzheimer's disease. Since Alzheimer's disease is characterized largely by progressive memory loss, it is of interest to study working memory in the Ts65Dn mouse. Previous research in our lab using a titrating, delayed matching-to-position schedule of reinforcement has demonstrated that young, adult male Ts65Dn mice do not display a working memory deficit when compared to age-matched littermate controls. However, there have been no studies examining the working memory of these mice as they age. Due to the correlation between Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease, and as part of a larger effort to further characterize the phenotype of the Ts65Dn mouse, the purpose of this study was to determine whether aged Ts65Dn mice possess a working memory deficit when compared to age-matched littermate controls. In order to study working memory, two groups of mice were trained under a titrating, delayed matching-to-position schedule of reinforcement. The first group was trained beginning at 3 months of age, and the second group began training at 15 months of age. Both groups were studied to 24 months of age. Initially, both groups of Ts65Dn mice performed at a lower level of accuracy than the control mice; however, this difference disappeared with further practice. The results from these lifespan studies indicate that the aged Ts65Dn mouse does not possess a working memory deficit when compared to age-matched controls.  相似文献   

For the purpose of studying the potential neurobehavioral effects of different human apolipoprotein E (apoE) isoforms produced within the brain, transgenic (TG) mice were generated in which human apoE3 or apoE4 isoforms were under control of an astrocyte-specific, glial fibrillary acidic protein promoter and these TG mice were bred back to apoE knockout (KO) mice. Behavioral phenotypes of apoE3 and apoE4 TG mice were derived by conducting a longitudinal study in which apoE3 and apoE4 TG mice were compared with apoE KO and wild-type (WT) mice (all male) on several behavioral measures. Analysis of locomotor activity, "open-field" behaviors, acoustic startle/prepulse inhibition, and elevated plus maze data suggested that the apoE TG/KO groups were more "emotionally reactive" than WT mice, with apoE4 mice typically being the most reactive. The absence of performance differences among groups on the rotating holeboard and water navigation tasks suggested intact reference memory processing in apoE TG/KO mice. However, apoE4 mice were profoundly impaired on a working memory-based protocol in the radial arm maze (11-14 months). Nonassociative factors (sensorimotor capacities or emotionality differences) did not appear to confound interpretation of the learning/memory results. Western blot analysis revealed no alterations in the level of synaptic, neuronal, or glial markers in neocortex or hippocampus and histologic analysis revealed no evidence of Abeta deposition or neuritic plaques in the apoE KO/TG mice. Our findings suggest that apoE4 expression in the brain may have selective deleterious effects on memory function in the absence of typical Alzheimer's-like neuropathology.  相似文献   

Ts65Dn mouse is the most widely accepted model for Down syndrome. We previously showed that environmental enrichment improved spatial learning in female but deteriorated it in male Ts65Dn mice. This study analyzed the factors contributing to the disturbed cognition of male Ts65Dn mice after enriched housing, by allocating male control and Ts65Dn mice in four conditions after weaning: small (n = 2-3) and large group (n = 8-10) housing, and enriched housing in small (2-3) and large groups (8-10). Learning, aggressive behavior, anxiety-like behavior and biochemical correlates of stress were evaluated when Ts65Dn and control mice were 4-5 months old. Environmental enrichment in large mixed colonies of Ts65Dn and diploid littermates disturbed behavioral and learning skills of Ts65Dn mice in the Morris water maze. ACTH and testosterone levels were not modified in any group of mice. Ts65Dn and control mice subjected to enriched housing in large groups and Ts65Dn mice housed in large groups showed higher corticosterone levels. Aggressive behavior was evaluated by measuring the number of attacks performed in the presence of an intruder. Ts65Dn mice performed less attacks than controls in all conditions, especially after enriched housing, indicating subordination. In the plus maze, cognitive aspects (i.e. risk assessment) and motor components (open arm avoidance) of anxiety behavior were evaluated; no difference in any condition was found. It is suggested that an excess of social and/or physical stimulation in Ts65Dn mice may affect cognition by disturbing the emotional and behavioral components of the learning process.  相似文献   

Down syndrome results from triplication of human chromosome 21. The distal end of mouse chromosome 16 shares a large region of genetic homology with the Down syndrome ‘critical region' of human chromosome 21. Therefore, a partially trisomic mouse (Ts65Dn) that possesses a triplication of the distal region of chromosome 16 has been developed as a putative model for Down syndrome. Ts65Dn mice display learning and memory deficits. However, despite the importance of preserved synaptic integrity for learning and memory, the ultrastructure of neural connectivity has not yet been studied in Ts65Dn mice. Therefore, the density and apposition zone length of synapses in the temporal cortex of aged Ts65Dn mice (n=4) were compared with those in diploid controls (n=4), using quantitative electron microscopy. There were significantly less (30%) asymmetric synapses in the temporal cortex of Ts65Dn mice than in controls (t=−5.067; p=0.023). However, there was no significant difference between the mean density of symmetric synapses in Ts65Dn mice and control mice. In addition, the mean synaptic apposition lengths of both asymmetric (15%; t=9.812, p<0.0001) and symmetric (11%; t=5.582; p<0.0001) synapses were significantly larger in Ts65Dn mice than in controls. These results suggest that excitatory synapses are preferentially affected in Ts65Dn mice and that there is an attempt to compensate for the deficit of asymmetric synapses by increasing the contact zone area of existing synapses. The results may also reveal the morphological basis for the learning and memory deficits observed in Ts65Dn mice and have a bearing on the cognitive deficits in Down syndrome in old age.  相似文献   

GABAergic dysfunction is implicated in hippocampal deficits of the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome (DS). Since Ts65Dn mice overexpress G-protein coupled inward-rectifying potassium (GIRK2) containing channels, we sought to evaluate whether increased GABAergic function disrupts the functioning of hippocampal circuitry. After confirming that GABA(B)/GIRK current density is significantly elevated in Ts65Dn CA1 pyramidal neurons, we compared monosynaptic inhibitory inputs in CA1 pyramidal neurons in response to proximal (stratum radiatum; SR) and distal (stratum lacunosum moleculare; SLM) stimulation of diploid and Ts65Dn acute hippocampal slices. Synaptic GABA(B) and GABA(A) mediated currents evoked by SR stimulation were generally unaffected in Ts65Dn CA1 neurons. However, the GABA(B)/GABA(A) ratios evoked by stimulation within the SLM of Ts65Dn hippocampus were significantly larger in magnitude, consistent with increased GABA(B)/GIRK currents after SLM stimulation. These results indicate that GIRK overexpression in Ts65Dn has functional consequences which affect the balance between GABA(B) and GABA(A) inhibition of CA1 pyramidal neurons, most likely in a pathway specific manner, and may contribute to cognitive deficits reported in these mice.  相似文献   

The Ts65Dn mouse is a genetic model for Down syndrome. Although this mouse shows abnormalities in cognitive function that implicate hippocampus as well as marked deficits in hippocampal long-term potentiation, the structure of the hippocampus has been little studied. We characterized synaptic structure in Ts65Dn and control (2N) mice, studying the hippocampus (fascia dentata, CA1) as well as the motor and somatosensory cortex, entorhinal cortex, and medial septum. Confocal microscopy was used to examine immunostained presynaptic boutons and to detail the structure of dendrites after Lucifer yellow microinjection. Both presynaptic and postsynaptic elements were significantly enlarged in Ts65Dn in all regions examined. The changes were detected at the youngest age examined (postnatal day 21) and in adults. In studies detailing the changes in fascia dentata and motor cortex, the enlargement of spines affected the entire population, resulting in the presence of spines whose volume was greatly increased. Electron microscopy confirmed that boutons and spines were enlarged and demonstrated abnormalities in the internal membranes of both. In addition, spine density was decreased on the dendrites of dentate granule cells, and there was reorganization of inhibitory inputs, with a relative decrease in inputs to dendrite shafts and an increase in inputs to the necks of spines. Taken together, the findings document widespread abnormalities of synaptic structure that recapitulate important features seen in Down syndrome. They establish the Ts65Dn mouse as a model for abnormal synapse structure and function in Down syndrome and point to the importance of studies to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for synapse enlargement.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that the blockade of 5-HT6 receptors (5-HT6R) can improve memory processes and reverse age-related spatial episodic like memory deficits. Since normal aging in the human is associated with a decline in episodic and working memory, we assessed the effect of the 5-HT6R blockade (SB-271046) on recognition memory (object recognition task) (a component of episodic like memory) in parallel to working memory (spontaneous alternation task in the T-maze) performances in young, adult, aged and senescent mice. Deficits in consolidation of non spatial recognition memory that were observed in 17- and 21-month-old mice were found to be reversed by 5-HT6R blockade. Deficits in working memory performances were only apparent as late as at 25 months of age; again, these deficits were reversed by 5-HT6R blockade. This study revealed in the mouse that, as in humans, working memory is more lately altered than recognition memory during aging and that such memory deficits could be counteracted by the use of 5-HT6R antagonists.  相似文献   

Overexpression of dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1A (DYRK1A), encoded by a gene located in the Down syndrome (DS) critical region, is considered a major contributor to developmental abnormalities in DS. DYRK1A regulates numerous genes involved in neuronal commitment, differentiation, maturation, and apoptosis. Because alterations of neurogenesis could lead to impaired brain development and mental retardation in individuals with DS, pharmacological normalization of DYRK1A activity has been postulated as DS therapy. We tested the effect of harmine, a specific DYRK1A inhibitor, on the development of neuronal progenitor cells (NPCs) isolated from the periventricular zone of newborn mice with segmental trisomy 16 (Ts65Dn mice), a mouse model for DS that overexpresses Dyrk1A by 1.5-fold. Trisomy did not affect the ability of NPCs to expand in culture. Twenty-four hours after stimulation of migration and neuronal differentiation, NPCs showed increased expression of Dyrk1A, particularly in the trisomic cultures. After 7 days, NPCs developed into a heterogeneous population of differentiating neurons and astrocytes that expressed Dyrk1A in the nuclei. In comparison with disomic cells, NPCs with trisomy showed premature neuronal differentiation and enhanced γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic differentiation, but astrocyte development was unchanged. Harmine prevented premature neuronal maturation of trisomic NPCs but not acceleration of GABA-ergic development. In control NPCs, harmine treatment caused altered neuronal development of NPCs, similar to that in trisomic NPCs with Dyrk1A overexpression. This study suggests that pharmacological normalization of DYRK1A activity may have a potential role in DS therapy.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that the natural flavonoid luteolin has neurotrophic activity. In this study, we investigated the effect of luteolin in a mouse model of Down syndrome. Ts65 Dn mice, which are frequently used as a model of Down syndrome, were intraperitoneally injected with 10 mg/kg luteolin for 4 consecutive weeks starting at 12 weeks of age. The Morris water maze test was used to evaluate learning and memory abilities, and the novel object recognition test was used to assess recognition memory. Immunohistochemistry was performed for the neural stem cell marker nestin, the astrocyte marker glial fibrillary acidic protein, the immature neuron marker DCX, the mature neuron marker NeuN, and the cell proliferation marker Ki67 in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Nissl staining was used to observe changes in morphology and to quantify cells in the dentate gyrus. Western blot assay was used to analyze the protein levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF) and phospho-extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2(p-ERK1/2) in the hippocampus. Luteolin improved learning and memory abilities as well as novel object recognition ability, and enhanced the proliferation of neurons in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Furthermore, luteolin increased expression of nestin and glial fibrillary acidic protein, increased the number of DCX~+ neurons in the granular layer and NeuN~+ neurons in the subgranular region of the dentate gyrus, and increased the protein levels of BDNF and p-ERK1/2 in the hippocampus. Our findings show that luteolin improves behavioral performance and promotes hippocampal neurogenesis in Ts65 Dn mice. Moreover, these effects might be associated with the activation of the BDNF/ERK1/2 pathway.  相似文献   

The segmental trisomy Ts65Dn mouse is a novel model of Down syndrome (DS). The purpose of this study was to measure brain levels of myo-inositol (ml), N-acetylaspartate (NAA), and other metabolites in Ts65Dn mice using in vivo 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), and to determine whether lithium (Li) treatment alters brain ml level. The ratio of ml over total creatine (Cr), ml/Cr, was significantly elevated (mean change +38%), while NAA/Cr was significantly decreased (mean change -18%) in Ts65Dn mice (n=5) compared with control mice (n= 7). This is consistent with 1H MRS findings in DS human adults. Brain ml/Cr of the entire sample group (n= 12) was reduced (mean change -15%) following Li treatment, supporting the Li-induced ml depletion hypothesis.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to investigate short-term memory and working memory deficits in aphasics in relation to the severity of their language impairment. Fifty-eight aphasic patients participated in this study. Based on language assessment, an aphasia score was calculated for each patient. Memory was assessed in two modalities, verbal and spatial. Mean scores for all memory tasks were lower than normal. Aphasia score was significantly correlated with performance on all memory tasks. Correlation coefficients for short-term memory and working memory were approximately of the same magnitude. According to our findings, severity of aphasia is related with both verbal and spatial memory deficits. Moreover, while aphasia score correlated with lower scores in both short-term memory and working memory tasks, the lack of substantial difference between corresponding correlation coefficients suggests a possible primary deficit in information retention rather than impairment in working memory.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS; trisomy 21) is one of the most common genetic causes of intellectual disability, which is attributed to triplication of genes located on chromosome 21. Elevated levels of several microRNAs (miRNAs) located on chromosome 21 have been reported in human DS heart and brain tissues. The Ts65Dn mouse model is the most investigated DS model with a triplicated segment of mouse chromosome 16 harboring genes orthologous to those on human chromosome 21. Using ABI TaqMan miRNA arrays, we found a set of miRNAs that were significantly up- or downregulated in the Ts65Dn hippocampus compared to euploid controls. Furthermore, miR-155 and miR-802 showed significant overexpression in the Ts65Dn hippocampus, thereby confirming results of previous studies. Interestingly, miR-155 and miR-802 were also overexpressed in the Ts65Dn whole blood but not in lung tissue. We also found overexpression of the miR-155 precursors, pri- and pre-miR-155 derived from the miR-155 host gene, known as B cell integration cluster, suggesting enhanced biogenesis of miR-155. Bioinformatic analysis revealed that neurodevelopment, differentiation of neuroglia, apoptosis, cell cycle, and signaling pathways including ERK/MAPK, protein kinase C, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, m-TOR and calcium signaling are likely targets of these miRNAs. We selected some of these potential gene targets and found downregulation of mRNA encoding Ship1, Mecp2 and Ezh2 in Ts65Dn hippocampus. Interestingly, the miR-155 target gene Ship1 (inositol phosphatase) was also downregulated in Ts65Dn whole blood but not in lung tissue. Our findings provide insights into miRNA-mediated gene regulation in Ts65Dn mice and their potential contribution to impaired hippocampal synaptic plasticity and neurogenesis, as well as hemopoietic abnormalities observed in DS.  相似文献   

Hyde LA  Crnic LS 《Brain research》2002,945(1):26-30
Ts65Dn mice, a model for Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease, have a spontaneous age-related reduction of cholinergic markers in medial septal neurons, hippocampal abnormalities, and an age-related learning deficit in a task that requires an intact hippocampus. Others have shown that when normal rodents explored an open field with objects, they detected the displacement of some of the familiar objects within the arena (spatial novelty) and the presence of a new object (object novelty); whereas rodents with hippocampal, fornix, or neonatal selective basal forebrain cholinergic lesions were impaired in detecting spatial, but not object, novelty. In this study, both control and Ts65Dn mice responded to both the spatial and object changes. This unexpected finding could have several explanations. One may be related to recent studies that suggest that only rats with neonatal, but not adult, basal forebrain cholinergic 192 IgG-saporin lesions are impaired in reacting to spatial novelty.  相似文献   

Recently, we have demonstrated that potassium channels containing G-protein-activated potassium channel 2 (GIRK2) subunits play a significant role in hypothermia induced by several neurotransmitter receptor agonists, including the serotonin (5-HT)1A/5-HT7 receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT [R-(+)-8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino) tetralin]. The GIRK2 gene is located in human chromosome 21 (its mouse ortholog, Girk2, is in mouse chromosome 16). Down syndrome is produced by the trisomy of chromosome 21. Here, we used quantitative radiotelemetry to investigatehypothermic responses to 8-OH-DPAT in the Down syndrome mouse model Ts65Dn (which carries an extra chromosomal 16 segment containing Girk2). Our results indicate that, in relation to euploid controls, Ts65Dn mice display significantly increased hypothermic responses to 8-OH-DPAT. This finding may be relevant to the understanding of previously reported differences in serotoninergic neurotransmission in persons with Down syndrome.  相似文献   

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