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OBJECTIVE: This study is one of the first to examine the association between sexual orientation and health risk behaviors among a representative, school-based sample of adolescents. DESIGN: This study was conducted on an anonymous, representative sample of 4159 9th- to 12th-grade students in public high schools from Massachusetts' expanded Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1995 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Sexual orientation was determined by the following question: "Which of the following best describes you?" A total of 104 students self-identified as gay, lesbian, or bisexual (GLB), representing 2.5% of the overall population. Of GLB youth, 66.7% were male and 70% were white (not Hispanic). Health risk and problem behaviors were analyzed comparing GLB youth and their peers. Those variables found to be significantly associated with GLB youth were then analyzed by multiple logistic regression models. RESULTS: GLB youth were more likely than their peers to have been victimized and threatened and to have been engaged in a variety of risk behaviors including suicidal ideation and attempts, multiple substance use, and sexual risk behaviors. Four separate logistic regression models were constructed. Model I, Onset of Behaviors Before Age 13, showed use of cocaine before age 13 years as strongly associated with GLB orientation (odds ratio [OR]: 6.10; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.45-15.20). Early initiation of sexual intercourse (2.15; 10.6-4.38), marijuana use (1.98; 1.04-4.09), and alcohol use (1.82; 1.03-3.23) also was associated with GLB orientation. Model II, Lifetime Frequencies of Behaviors, showed that frequency of crack cocaine use (1.38; 1.06-1.79), inhalant use (1.30; 1.05-1.61), and number of sexual partners (1.27; 1.06-1.43) was associated with GLB orientation. Model III, Frequency of Recent Behaviors, showed smokeless tobacco use in the past 30 days (1.38; 1. 20-1.59) and number of sexual partners in the previous 3 months (1. 47; 1.31-1.65) were associated with GLB orientation. Model IV, Frequency of Behaviors at School, showed having one's property stolen or deliberately damaged (1.23; 1.08-1.40) and using marijuana (1.29; 1.05-1.59) and smokeless tobacco (1.53; 1.30-1.81) were associated with GLB orientation. Overall, GLB respondents engaged disproportionately in multiple risk behaviors, reporting an increased mean number of risk behaviors (mean = 6.81 +/- 4.49) compared with the overall student population (mean = 3.45 +/- 3.15). CONCLUSION: GLB youth who self-identify during high school report disproportionate risk for a variety of health risk and problem behaviors, including suicide, victimization, sexual risk behaviors, and multiple substance use. In addition, these youth are more likely to report engaging in multiple risk behaviors and initiating risk behaviors at an earlier age than are their peers. These findings suggest that educational efforts, prevention programs, and health services must be designed to address the unique needs of GLB youth.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic studies have shown that insomnia is the most prevalent sleep disorder at all ages, associated with sociodemographic and environmental factors and lifestyle. The aim of this study was to quantify the prevalence of insomnia and analyze its determinants among Portuguese adolescents. In a cross-sectional study, we evaluated 6,919 students from the 7th to the 12th grade from 26 secondary schools, during 2012. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Insomnia was defined based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV criteria. Prevalences were expressed in proportions with 95 % confidence intervals (CI), and the magnitude of association between variables was detailed using odds ratio (OR). The prevalence of symptoms of insomnia was 21.4 %, and the prevalence of insomnia was 8.3 %. After adjustment for gender and age, insomnia was associated with female gender (adjusted OR?=?1.82; CI 95 %: 1.56–2.13), age ≥16 years (adjusted OR?=?1.17; CI 95 %: 1.01–1.35), coffee and alcohol consumption (adjusted OR?=?1.40; CI 95 %: 1.20–1.63 and adjusted OR?=?1.21; CI 95 %: 1.03–1.41, respectively), and depressive symptoms (adjusted OR?=?3.59; CI 95 %: 3.04–4.24). Conclusions: The high prevalence of insomnia in our sample of Portuguese adolescents confirms findings from epidemiologic studies that have shown insomnia to affect from 4.4 to 13.4 % of adolescents. The main risk factors for insomnia among these adolescents are gender (female), age (≥16 years), depression, and coffee and alcohol consumption, which is also in concordance with those in the literature.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence, risk factors, and risk behaviors associated with depressive symptoms in a nationally representative, cross-sectional sample of young adolescents. DESIGN: A school-based survey collected through self-administered questionnaires in grades 6, 8, and 10 in 1996. SETTING: Schools in the United States. PARTICIPANTS: 9863 students in grades 6, 8, and 10 (average ages, 11, 13, and 15). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Depressive symptoms, substance use, somatic symptoms, scholastic behaviors, and involvement in bullying. RESULTS: Eighteen percent of youths reported symptoms of depression. A higher proportion of females (25%) reported depressive symptoms than males (10%). Prevalence of depressive symptoms increased by age for both males and females. Among American Indian youths, 29% reported depressive symptoms, as compared with 22% of Hispanic, 18% of white, 17% of Asian American, and 15% of African American youths. Youths who were frequently involved in bullying, either as perpetrators or as victims, were more than twice as likely to report depressive symptoms than those who were not involved in bullying. A significantly higher percentage of youths who reported using substances reported depressive symptoms as compared with other youths. Similarly, youths who reported experiencing somatic symptoms also reported significantly higher proportions of depressive symptoms than other youths. CONCLUSIONS: Depression is a substantial and largely unrecognized problem among young adolescents that warrants an increased need and opportunity for identification and intervention at the middle school level. Understanding differences in prevalence between males and females and among racial/ethnic groups may be important to the recognition and treatment of depression among youths.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether African American adolescents, whose recent sex partners reported having another sex partner, are at increased risk for exposure to genital chlamydial infection or gonorrhea. STUDY DESIGN: A household sample of low-income urban African American adolescents 14 to 19 years of age, up to two of their close friends, and their sex partners were interviewed and tested for gonorrhea and chlamydial infection. RESULTS: Thirty-four of 145 adolescents had at least one recent sex partner infected with Neisseria gonorrhoeae and/or Chlamydia trachomatis. The adjusted model showed that adolescents, whose recent sex partners reported having another sex partner, were more likely to have a recent sex partner with gonorrhea and/or chlamydial infection. CONCLUSION: In addition to individual factors, network factors may explain why African American adolescents are at increased risk for exposure to sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Multi-level community-based interventions may need to address network factors along with personal behaviors in order to prevent STIs among low-income urban African American adolescents.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence and correlates of hepatitis C virus infection in a sample of detained adolescents. DESIGN/SETTING/PARTICIPANTS: Cross-sectional prevalence study with 10- to 18-year-old adolescents who were consecutively admitted to a juvenile detention center in San Antonio, Tex. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection and associated risk factors. RESULTS: Of the 1002 participants, 75% were Hispanic and the mean age was 15 years. Twenty adolescents had laboratory data consistent with hepatitis C virus infection, giving an overall prevalence of 2.0% (95% confidence interval, 1.2-3.1). All adolescents infected with hepatitis C virus were Hispanic (13 boys and 7 girls). Although a high proportion of the participants reported having had intranasal drug use (55.6%), tattooing (50.5%), or body piercing (25.3%), the only factor significantly associated with hepatitis C virus infection was having a history of injection drug use. Injection drug use was reported by 5.3% of the participants but by 95% (19/20) of those infected with the hepatitis C virus. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that injection drug use was linked with the majority of hepatitis C virus infections in this population of detained adolescents, similar to findings in adults. These adolescents reported a high frequency of other behaviors that could potentially pose a risk for contracting bloodborne infections. Effective prevention and awareness programs in a detention setting need to be comprehensive and include screening, hepatitis A and B immunizations, and risk-reduction counseling.  相似文献   

The compliance with vaccination recommendations in adolescence has not been well documented in Greece. The aims of the present study were to estimate the vaccination coverage in a sample of adolescents and to identify risk factors associated with incomplete immunization. Α total of 1,005 adolescents aged 11 to 19 years who were outpatient visitors at an Adolescent Health Unit were included in this study. Participation required parental presence and consent and presentation of the official Child Health Booklet, from which immunizations were transcribed. The highest coverage rates were observed for childhood immunizations: poliomyelitis and hepatitis B (both 96%), measles/mumps/rubella (MMR; 93.1%), and meningitidis C (MenC; 83.4%). By contrast, lower rates were shown for the booster dose of tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis (39.6%), for hepatitis A (HAV; 59.1%), for the varicella vaccine (13.8% among adolescents without disease history), and among girls for the human papillomavirus vaccine (11.9%). We found a significant association between age and series completion for MMR, MenC, and HAV, with lower uptake among older adolescents . Overall, 22.7% of study participants were fully vaccinated according to criteria employed. In particular, non-urban residents, non-nationals, and females had lower likelihood of being fully vaccinated. In conclusion, our findings suggest suboptimal vaccination coverage among our sample’s adolescents, mandating that every effort should be made to increase uptake, particularly among the geographically dispersed and the culturally diverse and female adolescents.  相似文献   

目前,心血管疾病等膳食相关性非传染性慢性病的发病率在发展中国家或处于营养转型期的国家快速上升。中国心血管病现患人数至少2.3亿,与之相关的代谢性心血管病危险因素包括高血压、血脂异常、糖尿病及肥胖等患病率在近20年均呈持续增长趋势。根据2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查(CNNHS).20数据,中国18岁以上人群中,高血压患病率为18.8%,血脂异常患病率为18.6%,糖尿病患病率为2.6%,据此估计全国高血压人口达2亿,与1991年相比增长了1倍;  相似文献   

Adults with intellectual disabilities (IDs) have poor lifestyle-related health compared with the general population. Our aim was to study whether such differences are present already in adolescents.
Aim: To compare the prevalence and severity of cardio-metabolic risk factors and cardio-vascular fitness in adolescents with and without IDs.
Methods: Intellectual disability (ID) students (n = 66) and non-intellectual disability (non-ID) students from practical (non-ID-p) (n = 34) and theoretical (non-ID-t) (n = 56) programmes were recruited from three upper secondary schools. Anthropometric data, blood pressure, body composition, fasting-insulin, fasting-glucose, fasting-lipids and cardio-vascular fitness were measured.
Results: Participants with and without ID differed significantly in the prevalence of cardio-metabolic risk factors with participants with ID having a higher percentage of total fat mass, wider waist circumferences (WCs), lower levels of fat-free mass (FFM), lower bone mineral density (BMD) and higher insulin and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA) levels and poorer cardio-vascular fitness. The healthiest levels were found in the non-ID-t group compared to the group with ID and the group with non-ID-p in between.
Conclusion: The prevalence of cardio-metabolic risk factors and poor cardio-vascular fitness was found to be high in this young population with intellectual disabilities. Measures should be taken to improve the health messages directed towards children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities.  相似文献   

Six hundred seventy-seven adolescents in grades 7 through 9 of a blue-collar, midwestern junior high school responded to a survey of sexual behavior and self-esteem. The focus of this study was on the relationship between sexual experience and self-esteem. Fifty-five percent of the students reported having had at least one coital experience; 7% reported having intercourse about once a week. The proportion of sexually experienced adolescents increased with age; 28% of 12-year-olds, 52.7% of 13-year-olds, 60.1% of 14-year-olds, 73.6% of 15-year-olds, and 90% of 16-year-olds reported having intercourse on at least one occasion. More boys of all ages were sexually active than girls. Six percent of students had had, or were suspicious of having had, a sexually transmitted disease; 7.8% were involved in a pregnancy. The average of the self-esteem scores for girls was significantly lower than the average for boys. There was an interaction effect between gender and coital history for self-esteem. Girls who reported having had intercourse had lower self-esteem scores than those who did not. On the other hand, self-esteem of sexually experienced and inexperienced boys did not differ, nor did self-esteem of virginal boys and girls. Boys and girls with a history of sexually transmitted diseases had lower self-esteem than all others. Pregnancy, on the other hand, did not seem to affect self-esteem of the sexually experienced adolescents. This cross-sectional study does not permit determination of whether the lower average self-esteem among certain girls was antecedent to or a consequence of sexual experience.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Little is known about the prevalence of partner violence among adolescents, nor of the factors with which it is associated. The objectives of this study were to document prevalence rates for partner violence among high school students in Cape Town, and to explore factors that are associated with such violence. METHOD: The sample consisted of 596 Grade 8 and 11 students attending public high schools in Cape Town, who were selected using a multistage cluster design. They completed an anonymous and confidential questionnaire. The dependent variable was whether they had ever perpetrated partner violence, or intended to do so. The independent variables, which were derived from a modified version of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), included attitudes, subjective norms (general and peer social influence and outcome expectancy) and self-efficacy. Separate multiple logistic regression models were developed of partner violence intentions or behaviours on the scales derived from the TPB and demographic variables. Regression coefficients from adjusted models were used to examine the potential mediating role of partner violence intentions in the association between each scale and partner violence behaviours using the Sobel test. RESULTS: Among participants who reported being in a relationship, 20.7% reported perpetrating partner violence, and 16.4% reported intending to do so. After adjusting for demographic characteristics and other predictor scales, perpetration of partner violence was significantly associated with attitudes and outcome expectancy, while intention to perpetrate partner violence was significantly associated with attitudes and general social influence. The influence of attitude and general social influence on violent behaviours were each partially mediated by partner violence intentions. CONCLUSIONS: There are high levels of partner violence among high school students in Cape Town. Interventions to address this problem should focus on violence-related attitudes and outcome expectancy.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationships among experiences of childhood abuse, psychiatric disorders, self-reported victimization, and violent behavior, with a focus on gender differences. Data were obtained from treatment entry and 5-year post-treatment interviews of 446 adolescent clients in therapeutic community (TC) drug treatment programs throughout the United States and Canada. Fifty-eight percent of the sample indicated that they engaged in serious violent behaviors (e.g., beatings, threatening or using weapons against other people, or violent crimes such as assaults, rapes, murders) in the 5 years following their separation from TC treatment. Multivariate logistic regression analyses revealed that victimization in the posttreatment period was the most significant factor associated with violent behavior, and pretreatment childhood abuse experiences and psychiatric disorders were not significantly related to the odds of violent behavior. There were significant gender differences in self-reported victimization and violent behavior. The findings suggest that violence in young adulthood for males is related to increasing involvement in violent lifestyles that include drug trafficking, while violence among females is associated with the social and psychological consequences of drug involvement and victimization. High rates of violent involvement and victimization among former adolescent clients suggests the utility of incorporating interventions such as safety-oriented strategies for females or interventions that address involvement in the drug use lifestyles (i.e., use and dealing) for both males and females into residential treatment to reduce the likelihood of future violence.  相似文献   

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