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A total of 281 strains of miscellaneous members of the family Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and other gram-negative bacteria were evaluated by use of identification tests with the VITEK 2 system (bioMérieux) and an API identification system (bioMérieux). A total of 237 (95%) strains were correctly identified to the species level. Only six (2.1%) strains were misidentified, and eight (2.8%) strains were not identified. Among 14 strains with discrepant identifications, 8 (57.1%) strains were nonfermenters. The susceptibilities of 228 strains to 11 antibiotics including amikacin, netilmicin, tobramycin, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, imipenem, meropenem, ceftazidime, cefepime, piperacillin, and piperacillin in combination with tazobactam were tested with the VITEK 2 AST-No. 12 card and by the broth microdilution (MB) method, according to NCCLS guidelines, as a reference. For the 2,508 organism-antibiotic combinations, the rates at which duplicate MICs correlated within +/-1 dilution ranged from 84.2 to 95.6%. Only 13 (0.5%) and 10 (0.4%) of the susceptibility tests gave major errors (resistant with the VITEK 2 system but sensitive by the MB method) and very major errors (sensitive with the VITEK 2 system but resistant by the MB method), respectively. Both VITEK 2 ID-GNB (an identification system) and VITEK 2 AST-No. 12 (a susceptibility testing system) card systems gave rapid, reliable, and highly reproducible results.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to compare the performance of species-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR), matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) and phenotypic identification systems for the identification of Enterococcus species. A total of 132 clinical isolates were investigated by the following: (1) a multiplex real-time PCR assay targeting ddl Enterococcus faecium, ddl Enterococcus faecalis, vanC1 and vanC2/C3 genes, and a high-resolution melting (HRM) analysis of the groESL gene for the differentiation of Enterococcus casseliflavus and Enterococcus gallinarum; (2) Bruker MS; (3) VITEK MS; and (4) the VITEK 2 system. 16S rRNA gene sequencing was used as a reference method in the study. The 132 isolates were identified as 32 E. faecalis, 63 E. faecium, 16 E. casseliflavus and 21 E. gallinarum. The multiplex PCR, Bruker MS and VITEK MS were able to identify all the isolates correctly at the species level. The VITEK 2 system could identify 131/132 (99.2?%) and 121/132 (91.7?%) of the isolates at the genus and species levels, respectively. The HRM-groESL assay identified all (21/21) E. gallinarum isolates and 81.3?% (13/16) of the E. casseliflavus isolates. The PCR methods described in the present study are effective in identifying the enterococcal species. MALDI-TOF MS is a rapid, reliable and cost-effective identification technique for enterococci. The VITEK 2 system is less efficient at detecting non-faecalis and non-faecium Enterococcus species.  相似文献   

The new VITEK 2 system is a fully automated system dedicated to the identification and susceptibility testing of microorganisms. In conjunction with the VITEK ID-YST card the VITEK 2 system allows the identification of clinically important yeasts and yeast-like organisms in 15 h due to a sensitive fluorescence-based technology. The ID-YST card consists of 47 biochemical reactions. The database comprises 51 taxa, including newly described species. In this study we evaluated the reliability of the VITEK ID-YST card for the identification of yeasts and yeast-like organisms encountered in a clinical microbiology laboratory. A total of 241 strains representing 21 species were studied. The strains were isolated from clinical samples within a period of 60 days prior to the identification. The tests were performed using 24-h to 55-h subcultures on Sabouraud-gentamicin-chloramphenicol agar. Each strain was tested in parallel using the ID 32C strip as a comparison method combined with microscopic morphology and an agglutination test for C. krusei. Overall, 222 strains (92.1%) were unequivocally identified including 11 isolates (4.6%) identified with low discrimination resolved by simple additional tests. Ten strains (4. 1%) for which results were given with low discrimination could not be unequivocally identified with supplemental tests, 4 strains (1. 7%) were misidentified and 5 strains (2.1%) could not be identified. In conclusion, we found that the VITEK 2 system is a rapid and accurate method for the identification of medically important yeasts and yeast-like organisms.  相似文献   

This study explores the possibility of combining the BacT/Alert Microbial Detection System with the VITEK 2 system to achieve rapid bacterial identification and susceptibility testing. Direct inoculation of bacterial suspension to the VITEK 2 ID-GNB card and AST-NO09 card was made by differential centrifugation of blood cultures of organisms with gram-negative enteric bacillus-like morphology. A total of 118 strains were investigated; of these, 97 (82.2%) strains were correctly identified to the species level and 21 (17.8%) strains were not identified; by comparing the results with those of the reference method of API identification systems using a pure culture, it was found that no strain had been misidentified. Among the 21 strains with no identification, 13 (61.9%) strains were nonfermenters. The direct-identification reporting time of VITEK 2 was 3.3 h. Direct testing of susceptibility to 11 antibiotics, i.e., amikacin, cefepime, ceftazidime, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, imipenem, meropenem, netilmicin, piperacillin, piperacillin-tazobactam, and tobramycin, was also performed by using the broth microdilution (MB) method according to the NCCLS guidelines as a reference. After comparing the MICs of the VITEK 2 system with those obtained by the MB method within +/-twofold dilution, it was determined that the 1,067 organism-antibiotic combinations had an overall correct rate of 97.6% (1,041 combinations). The rates of susceptibility to the 11 antibiotics ranged from 88.7 to 100%, respectively. Only two (0.2%) and four (0.4%) combinations of the susceptibility tests gave very major errors (i.e., reported as sensitive by the VITEK 2 system but shown to be resistant by the MB method) and major errors (i.e., reported as resistant by the VITEK 2 system but shown to be sensitive by the MB method), respectively. The reporting time for the direct testing of susceptibility against the 11 antibiotics for 97 blood culture isolates by the VITEK 2 system ranged from 3.3 to 17.5 h. Compared with conventional methods that require 1 or 2 days, this method can make same-day reporting possible and thus permit better patient management.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the accuracy of the new VITEK 2 system (bioMérieux, Marcy l' Etoile, France) for the detection of methicillin resistance in coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) by using AST-P515 and AST-P523 test cards. Analyses of the VITEK 2 oxacillin MIC determination evaluated according to the actual breakpoint (>/=0.5 micro g/ml) of the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards resulted in a high sensitivity of 99.2% but a moderate specificity of 80%. The newly included oxacillin resistance (OR) test of the VITEK 2 system displayed a high sensitivity and a high specificity of 97.5 and 98.7%, respectively. Concordance between the results of the mecA PCR and the VITEK 2 oxacillin MIC was observed for almost all Staphylococcus epidermidis strains, but the reduced specificity was attributable to higher oxacillin MICs for mecA-negative non-S. epidermidis strains, especially S. saprophyticus, S. lugdunensis, and S. cohnii. Evaluation of alternative oxacillin MIC breakpoints of 1, 2, or 4 micro g/ml resulted in improved degrees of specificity of 84, 90.7, and 97.3%, respectively. Only minor changes occurred in the corresponding sensitivity values, which were 98.4, 97.5, and 97.5%, respectively. Methicillin resistance in CoNS was detected after 7 and 8 h in 91.1 and 93.5% of the mecA-positive strains, respectively, by the VITEK 2 OR test and in 86.3 and 89.5% of the mecA-positive strains, respectively, by VITEK 2 oxacillin MIC determination. After 7 and 8 h the VITEK 2 OR test classified 59.2 and 78.9% of the mecA-negative strains, respectively, as susceptible to oxacillin, whereas comparable values were obtained 2 h later by VITEK 2 oxacillin MIC determination. The results of our study encourage the use of the VITEK 2 system, which proved to be a highly reliable and rapid phenotypic method for the detection of methicillin resistance in CoNS.  相似文献   

Accurate species determination for anaerobes from blood culture bottles has become increasingly important with the reemergence of anaerobic bacteremia and prevalence of multiple-drug-resistant microorganisms. Our knowledge of the taxonomical diversity of anaerobes that cause bloodstream infections is extremely limited, because identification historically has relied on conventional methods. Over a 5-year period, we profiled anaerobic bacteremia at a large tertiary care hospital with 16S rRNA gene sequencing to gain a better understanding of the taxonomical diversity of the bacteria. Of 316 isolates, 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis identified 316 (100%) to the genus or taxonomical group level and 289 (91%) to the species level. Conventional methods identified 279 (88%) to the genus level and 208 (66%) to the species level; 75 (24%) were misidentified at the species level, and 33 (10%) results were inconclusive. High intragenus variability was observed for Bacteroides and Clostridium species, and high intraspecies variability was observed for Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron and Fusobacterium nucleatum. Sequence-based identification has potential benefits in comparison to conventional methods, because it more accurately characterizes anaerobes within taxonomically related clusters and thereby may enable better correlation with specific clinical syndromes and antibiotic resistance patterns.  相似文献   

VITEK 2 is a new automatic system for the identification and susceptibility testing of the most clinically important bacteria. In the present study 198 clinical isolates, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n = 146), Acinetobacter baumannii (n = 25), and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (n = 27) were evaluated. Reference susceptibility testing of cefepime, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, imipenem, meropenem, piperacillin, tobramycin, levofloxacin (only for P. aeruginosa), co-trimoxazole (only for S. maltophilia), and ampicillin-sulbactam and tetracycline (only for A. baumannii) was performed by microdilution (NCCLS guidelines). The VITEK 2 system correctly identified 91.6, 100, and 76% of P. aeruginosa, S. maltophilia, and A. baumannii isolates, respectively, within 3 h. The respective percentages of essential agreement (to within 1 twofold dilution) for P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii were 89.0 and 88.0% (cefepime), 91.1 and 100% (cefotaxime), 95.2 and 96.0% (ceftazidime), 98.6 and 100% (ciprofloxacin), 88.4 and 100% (gentamicin), 87.0 and 92.0% (imipenem), 85.0 and 88.0% (meropenem), 84.2 and 96.0% (piperacillin), and 97.3 and 80% (tobramycin). The essential agreement for levofloxacin against P. aeruginosa was 86.3%. The percentages of essential agreement for ampicillin-sulbactam and tetracycline against A. baumannii were 88.0 and 100%, respectively. Very major errors for P. aeruginosa (resistant by the reference method, susceptible with the VITEK 2 system [resistant to susceptible]) were noted for cefepime (0.7%), cefotaxime (0.7%), gentamicin (0.7%), imipenem (1.4%), levofloxacin (2.7%), and piperacillin (2.7%) and, for one strain of A. baumannii, for imipenem. Major errors (susceptible to resistant) were noted only for P. aeruginosa and cefepime (2.0%), ceftazidime (0.7%), and piperacillin (3.4%). Minor errors ranged from 0.0% for piperacillin to 22.6% for cefotaxime against P. aeruginosa and from 0.0% for piperacillin and ciprofloxacin to 20.0% for cefepime against A. baumannii. The VITEK 2 system provided co-trimoxazole MICs only for S. maltophilia; no very major or major errors were obtained for co-trimoxazole against this species. It is concluded that the VITEK 2 system allows the rapid identification of S. maltophilia and most P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii isolates. The VITEK 2 system can perform reliable susceptibility testing of many of the antimicrobial agents used against P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii. It would be desirable if new versions of the VITEK 2 software were able to determine MICs and the corresponding clinical categories of agents active against S. maltophilia.  相似文献   

A simple procedure is described which permits the rapid identification of clinical herpes simplex virus isolates. The test utilizes Staphylococcus aureus to which anti-viral immunoglobulins had been adsorbed. Adherence of the antibody-coated bacteria to virus-infected cells is readily seen by light microscopy. Indirect immuno-fluorescence and the S aureus adherence reaction were found to be approximately of equal sensitivity for the detection of virus antigens.  相似文献   

We evaluated two new automated identification systems, the BD Phoenix (Becton Dickinson) and the VITEK 2 (bioMérieux), for identification of isolates of the Burkholderia cepacia complex (BCC). The test sample included 42 isolates of the highly virulent and epidemic genomovar III, 45 isolates of B. multivorans, and 47 isolates of other members of the BCC. Rates of correct identification by the BD Phoenix and VITEK 2 were similar when all BCC isolates were considered (50 and 53%, respectively) but differed markedly for genomovar III (71 and 38%; P < 0.01) and for B. multivorans (58 and 89%; P < 0.001). For the BD Phoenix as well as the VITEK 2, taking all 134 isolates of the BCC together, rates of correct identification of clinical isolates (56 and 55%, respectively; n = 85) were higher than those of environmental isolates (21 and 39%, respectively; n = 28). Clinical isolates of genomovar III (n = 27) showed correct identification rates of 81% (BD Phoenix) and 48% (VITEK 2) (P < 0.01). Rates of misidentification for BD Phoenix and VITEK 2 were 9 and 17% for genomovar III, 22 and 7% for B. multivorans, and 36 and 13% for the other BCC members (P < 0.01), respectively. More than half of the isolates misidentified by each instrument were identified as Ralstonia pickettii, Ralstonia paucula (CDC IV C-2 group), Alcaligenes faecalis, Achromobacter spp., or, for the VITEK 2, "various nonfermenters." This study reemphasizes that confirmatory identification of BCC, preferably by molecular methods, is highly recommended.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the possible advantages provided by a genotypic method over commercially available biochemical systems for the identification of clinical isolates of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS). Partial sequencing of the sodA gene was performed for 168 coagulase-negative clinical isolates of staphylococci identified previously with the ID32 STAPH system. Of these, 101 (60.1%) were identified to the species level with ID32 STAPH, while 67 (39.9%) were misidentified or not identified with certainty. Sequencing of sodA proved useful for resolving all ambiguities or inconclusive identifications generated by the commercially available biochemical identification system.  相似文献   

Of 7,871 blood cultures from hospital patients, 22 yielded growth of Streptococcus pneumoniae or Haemophilus influenzae type b. The identities of 19 (86%) of these 22 strains could be verified after 18 to 24 h of incubation by application of the Directigen meningitis test kit to the unheated, uncentrifuged supernatant from the cultures; thus, the turnaround time for these cultures was halved. Growth in 16 (72%) of the Directigen-positive cultures was detected by visual inspection, and that in 3 (14%) of the cultures was detected by acridine orange staining. Growth in the three remaining bottles (14%) was detected by blind subculturing after 18 to 24 h or incubation and, therefore, was delayed by 24 h. The systematic application the acridine orange stain was helpful in 40 (44%) of 91 cases for which macroscopic inspection failed to reveal growth after 24 h of incubation.  相似文献   

Members of the genus Brucella are categorized as biothreat agents and pose a hazard for both humans and animals. Current identification methods rely on biochemical tests that may require up to 7 days for results. We sequenced the 16S rRNA genes of 65 Brucella strains along with 17 related strains likely to present a differential diagnostic challenge. All Brucella 16S rRNA gene sequences were determined to be identical and were clearly different from the 17 related strains, suggesting that 16S rRNA gene sequencing is a reliable tool for rapid genus-level identification of Brucella spp. and their differentiation from closely related organisms.  相似文献   

To evaluate methods for differentiating Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis, 772 putative C. albicans bloodstream isolates were tested for growth at 37 and 42 degrees C. Isolates showing no growth at 42 degrees C, abundant chlamydospore production, and the sugar assimilation pattern of the type strain were confirmed by DNA-based procedures to be C. dubliniensis.  相似文献   

A new PCR-reverse dot blot hybridization (RDBH) assay was developed for the rapid identification of Mycobacterium species in clinical isolates. The assay, which targets the 16S rRNA, was evaluated for 27 mycobacterial reference strains and 340 clinical isolates that were simultaneously identified by DNA sequencing and conventional methods, including growth characteristics, pigment production, colony morphology, and biochemical tests. All reference strains and clinical isolates hybridized to the Mycobacterium genus probe (probe M) on the membrane (100% sensitivity). Each probe had only one hybridization signal with the corresponding Mycobacterium species or complex (100% specificity). Compared with DNA sequencing, the RDBH assay correctly identified 337 (99.1% accuracy) of the 340 isolates tested. One M. asia isolate and one M. neoaurum isolate were not identified by the RDBH assay due to the absence of specific probes for the two species on the membrane. Three isolates with different nucleotide sequences from M. intracellulare reference strains had a negative hybridization signal with probe c, which is specific for M. intracellulare. The whole procedure can be completed within 2.5 h post-PCR processing. A total of 32 of 340 isolates were erroneously identified by conventional methods (90.6% accuracy). Molecular identification based on the 16S rRNA sequence was superior to the conventional approaches in speed, sensitivity, and specificity. Therefore, the RDBH assay can be considered a rapid, simple, and reliable method for routine identification of frequently occurring and clinically relevant mycobacteria.  相似文献   

A total of 303 blood cultures that were positive by examination of Gram-stained smears were tested immediately by counterimmunoelectrophoresis for detection of bacterial antigens. Antigen was detected in all 82 blood cultures containing Streptococcus pneumoniae and 11 of 22 with Klebsiella pneumoniae, two of two with Haemophilus influenzae, and one of one with Neisseria meningiditis. False-positive cross-reactions in 265 tests occurred only with pneumococcal Omniserum in two cases of nongroupable streptococcal bacteremia and with Klebsiella antiserum in one case of Escherichia coli bacteremia (1.1%). A specific identification of the microorganisms at least 24 hours earlier than by subculture technics was accomplished in 91% of the cultures containing the aforementioned bacteria. The procedure was not useful for detecting antigen in blood cultures containing Staphylococcus aureus.  相似文献   

Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) are a large, rapidly evolving group of enzymes that confer resistance to oxyimino cephalosporins and monobactams and are inhibited by clavulanate. Rapid reliable detection of ESBL production is a prerequisite for successful infection management and for monitoring resistance trends and implementation of intervention strategies. We evaluated the performance of the new VITEK 2 ESBL test system (bioMérieux, Inc, Hazelwood, Mo.) in the identification of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae isolates. We examined a total of 1,129 clinically relevant Enterobacteriaceae isolates (including 218 that had been previously characterized). The ESBL classification furnished by the VITEK 2 ESBL test system was concordant with that of the comparison method (molecular identification of beta-lactamase genes) for 1,121 (99.3%) of the 1,129 isolates evaluated. ESBL production was correctly detected in 306 of the 312 ESBL-producing organisms (sensitivity, 98.1%; positive predictive value, 99.3%). False-positive results emerged for 2 of the 817 ESBL-negative isolates (specificity, 99.7%; negative predictive value, 99.3%). VITEK 2 ESBL testing took 6 to 13 h (median, 7.5 h; mean +/- SD, 8.2 +/- 2.39 h). This automated short-incubation system appears to be a rapid and reliable tool for routine identification of ESBL-producing isolates of Enterobacteriaceae.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the new VITEK 2 system (bioMérieux) for identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing of gram-positive cocci. Clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus (n = 100), coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) (n = 100), Enterococcus spp. (n = 89), Streptococcus agalactiae (n = 29), and Streptococcus pneumoniae (n = 66) were examined with the ID-GPC identification card and with the AST-P515 (for staphylococci), AST-P516 (for enterococci and S. agalactiae) and AST-P506 (for pneumococci) susceptibility cards. The identification comparison methods were the API Staph for staphylococci and the API 20 Strep for streptococci and enterococci; for antimicrobial susceptibility testing, the agar dilution method according to the procedure of the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) was used. The VITEK 2 system correctly identified to the species level (only one choice or after simple supplementary tests) 99% of S. aureus, 96.5% of S. agalactiae, 96.9% of S. pneumoniae, 92.7% of Enterococcus faecalis, 91.3% of Staphylococcus haemolyticus, and 88% of Staphylococcus epidermidis but was least able to identify Enterococcus faecium (71.4% correct). More than 90% of gram-positive cocci were identified within 3 h. According to the NCCLS breakpoints, antimicrobial susceptibility testing with the VITEK 2 system gave 96% correct category agreement, 0.82% very major errors, 0.17% major errors, and 2.7% minor errors. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing showed category agreement from 94 to 100% for S. aureus, from 90 to 100% for CNS, from 91 to 100% for enterococci, from 96 to 100% for S. agalactiae, and from 91 to 100% for S. pneumoniae. Microorganism-antibiotic combinations that gave very major errors were CNS-erythromycin, CNS-oxacillin, enterococci-teicoplanin, and enterococci-high-concentration gentamicin. Major errors were observed for CNS-oxacillin and S. agalactiae-tetracycline combinations. In conclusion the results of this study indicate that the VITEK 2 system represents an accurate and acceptable means for performing identification and antibiotic susceptibility tests with medically relevant gram-positive cocci.  相似文献   

ObjectivesBloodstream infection has a high mortality rate. It is not clear whether laboratory-based rapid identification of the organisms involved would improve outcome.MethodsThe RAPIDO trial was an open parallel-group multicentre randomized controlled trial. We tested all positive blood cultures from hospitalized adults by conventional methods of microbial identification and those from patients randomized (1:1) to rapid diagnosis in addition to matrix-assisted desorption ionization–time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) performed directly on positive blood cultures. The only primary outcome was 28-day mortality. Clinical advice on patient management was provided to members of both groups by infection specialists.ResultsFirst positive blood culture samples from 8628 patients were randomized, 4312 into rapid diagnosis and 4136 into conventional diagnosis. After prespecified postrandomization exclusions, 2740 in the rapid diagnosis arm and 2810 in the conventional arm were included in the mortality analysis. There was no significant difference in 28-day survival (81.5% 2233/2740 rapid vs. 82.3% 2313/2810 conventional; hazard ratio 1.05, 95% confidence interval 0.93–1.19, p 0.42). Microbial identification was quicker in the rapid diagnosis group (median (interquartile range) 38.5 (26.7–50.3) hours after blood sampling vs. 50.3 (47.1–72.9) hours after blood sampling, p < 0.01), but times to effective antimicrobial therapy were no shorter (respectively median (interquartile range) 24 (2–78) hours vs. 13 (2–69) hours). There were no significant differences in 7-day mortality or total antibiotic consumption; times to resolution of fever, discharge from hospital or de-escalation of broad-spectrum therapy or 28-day Clostridioides difficile incidence.ConclusionsRapid identification of bloodstream pathogens by MALDI-TOF MS in this trial did not reduce patient mortality despite delivering laboratory data to clinicians sooner.  相似文献   

RAISUS is a system for rapid bacterial identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. RAISUS and VITEK showed 97.8% and 75.9% agreement in identification of 45 Staphylococcus aureus strains and 58 coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS), respectively, and RAISUS and CLSI (formerly NCCLS) methods showed 87.2% and 87.9% agreement in the MICs for S. aureus and CoNS, respectively. RAISUS provided these data within 3.75 h, suggesting its utility for clinical bacteriological laboratories.  相似文献   

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