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Summary Immunocytochemistry of fetal and adult monkey thalamus reveals a dense concentration of tachykinin immunoreactive fibers and terminals in the dorsolateral part of the VPM nucleus in which the contralateral side of the head, face and mouth is represented. The immunoreactive fibers enter the VPM nucleus from the thalamic fasciculus and electron microscopy reveals that they form large terminals resembling those of lemniscal axons and terminating in VPM on dendrites of relay neurons and on presynaptic dendrites of interneurons. Double labeling strategies involving immunostaining for tachykinins after retrograde labeling of brainstem neurons projecting to the VPM failed to reveal the origin of the fibers. The brainstem trigeminal nuclei, however, are regarded as the most likely sources of the VPM-projecting, tachykinin positive fibers.Abbreviations AB ambiguus nucleus - AN abducens nucleus - C cuneate nucleus - CD dorsal cochlear nucleus - CL central lateral nucleus - CM centre médian nucleus - D dendrite - DR dorsal raphe - DV dorsal vagal nucleus - EC external cuneate nucleus - FM medial longitudinal fasciculus - FN facial nucleus - G gracile nucleus - Gc gigantocellular reticular formation - HN hypoglossal nucleus - ICP inferior cerebellar peduncle - IO inferior olivary complex - LC locus coeruleus - LL lateral lemniscus - LM medial lemniscus - M5 motor trigeminal nucleus - NS solitary nucleus - OS superior olivary complex - P dendritic protrusion - Pb parabrachial nucleus - Pc parvocellular reticular formation - PLa anterior pulvinar nucleus - Pp prepositus hypoglossi nucleus - Ps presynaptic region - Py pyramidal tract - P5 principal sensory trigeminal nucleus - R reticular nucleus - RF reticular formation - RL lateral reticular nucleus - S5 spinal trigeminal nucleus - T terminal - T5 spinal trigeminal tract - VL lateral vestibular nucleus - VM medial vestibular nucleus - VMb basal ventral medial nucleus - VPI ventral posterior inferior nucleus - VPL ventral posterior lateral nucleus - VPM ventral posterior medial nucleus - VR ventral raphe - VS superior vestibular nucleus - VSp spinal vestibular nucleus - ZI zona incerta - 5 trigeminal nerve - 6 abducens nerve - 7 facial nerve  相似文献   

Summary Ascending projections from the nucleus of the brachium of the inferior colliculus (NBIC) in the cat were studied by the autoradiographic tracing method. Many fibers from the NBIC ascend ipsilaterally in the lateral tegmentum along the medial border of the brachium of the inferior colliculus. At midbrain levels, fibers from the NBIC end in the superior colliculus, the pretectum, the central gray and the peripeduncular tegmental region bilaterally with ipsilateral predominance. NBIC fibers to the superior colliculus are distributed densely to laminae VI an III throughout the whole rostrocaudal extent of the colliculus. In the pretectum, NBIC fibers terminate in the anterior and medial nuclei and the nucleus of the posterior commissure. NBIC fibers to the dorsal thalamus are distributed largely ipsilaterally. Many NBIC fibers end in the dorsal and medial divisions of the medial geniculate body, but few in the ventral division. The NBIC also sends fibers to the suprageniculate, limitans and lateralis posterior nuclei and the lateral portion of the posterior nuclear complex; these regions of termination of NBIC fibers constitute, as a whole, a single NBIC recipient sector. Additionally, the NBIC sends fibers to the centralis lateralis, medialis dorsalis, paraventricular and subparafascicular nuclei of the thalamus.Abbreviations APtC Pars compacta of anterior pretectal nucleus - APtR Pars reticulata of anterior pretectal nucleus - BIC Brachium of infertior colliculus - CG Central gray - CL Nucleus centralis lateralis - CP Cerebral peduncle - D Dorsal division of medial geniculate body - IC Inferior colliculus - LG Lateral geniculate body - LP Nucleus lateralis posterior - Lim Nucleus limitans - M Medial division of medial geniculate body - MD Nucleus medialis dorsalis - ML Medial lemniscus - NBIC Nucleus of brachium of inferior colliculus - NPC Nucleus of posterior commissure - PN Pontine nuclei - Ppr Peripeduncular region - Pt Pretectum - Pbg Parabigeminal nucleus - Pol Lateral portion of posterior nuclear complex - Pom Medial portion of posterior nuclear complex - Pul Pulvinar - Pv Nucleus paraventricularis - R Red nucleus - SC Superior colliculus - Sg Nucleus suprageniculatus - Spf Nucleus subparafascicularis - V Ventral division of medial geniculate body - VPL Nucleus ventralis posterolateralis - VPM Nucleus ventralis posteromedialis - II,III,IV,VI Tectal laminae  相似文献   

Summary Extracellular recordings were made in the thalamus of cats anaesthetized with chloralose and urethane following electrical, mechanical and chemical stimulation of the superior sagittal sinus or middle meningeal artery. Facial receptive fields were looked for using electrical and mechanical stimuli. The locations of fifty-six cells were verified histologically. Twenty six cells were located in the ventroposteromedial nucleus (VPM) and six in its ventral periphery (VPMvp). All units in VPM had facial receptive fields, usually involving the first trigeminal division. Cells with nociceptive receptive fields or responding to the craniovascular application of bradykinin were often found in the periphery or “shell” region of VPM. Other craniovascular nociceptive cells were found in VPMvp, in the posterior group and in the intralaminar complex. This study shows that craniovascular afferents in the cat project to several thalamic nuclei and implicate VPM especially in craniovascular nociception.  相似文献   

This study addresses the origins of multiwhisker-receptive fields of neurons in the thalamic ventral posterior medial (VPM) nucleus of the rat. We sought to determine whether multiwhisker-receptive field synthesis occurs in VPM through convergent projections from the principalis (PrV) and interpolaris (SpVi) nuclei, or in PrV by intersubnuclear projections from the spinal trigeminal complex. We tested these hypotheses by recording whisker-evoked responses in PrV and VPM before and after electrolytic lesion of the SpVi in lightly anesthetized rats. Before the lesion PrV cells responded, on average, to 3.2 +/- 1.2 whiskers but responsiveness was reduced to 1.07 +/- 0.31 whisker after the lesion. A similar reduction of receptive field size was observed in VPM, where neurons responded, on average, to 2.94 +/- 0.95 whiskers before the lesion and to 1.05 +/- 0.22 whisker after the lesion. Thus one can conclude that intersubnuclear projections mediate surround whisker-receptive fields in PrV, and therefore in VPM. However, it has previously been shown that parasagittal brain stem transection, which severed ascending projections from SpVi, but left intersubnuclear connections intact, rendered VPM cells monowhisker responsive. We wondered whether midline brain stem lesion modified receptive field properties in SpVi. In normal rats SpVi cells responded, on average, to 7.52 +/- 4.25 whiskers, but responsiveness was dramatically reduced to 1.47 +/- 1.07 whisker after the lesion. Together these results indicate that the synthesis of surround receptive fields in subcortical stations relies almost exclusively on intersubnuclear projections from the spinal trigeminal complex to the PrV.  相似文献   

Summary A double labeling method that permits accurate delineation of the terminals of medial lemniscal fibers was used to determine whether thalamic neurons projecting to motor cortex in the cat are in a position to be contacted by such terminals. Thalamic neurons in the VL nucleus were retrogradely labeled by injections of fluorogold placed in the cytoarchitectonically defined area 4, while lemniscal axons and their terminal boutons were anterogradely labeled, in a Golgi-like manner, from injections of Fast Blue placed under physiological control in different parts of the contralateral dorsal column nuclei. In additional experiments, spinothalamic fibers were similarly labeled by injections of Fast Blue in the spinal cord. The results reveal that there is no significant overlap in the distributions of lemniscal terminals and motor cortex-projecting neurons and that no somata or proximal dendrites of motor cortex-projecting neurons are in a position to receive lemniscal terminals. Spinothalamic terminals, on the other hand, end in clusters around motor cortex-projecting neurons in the VL nucleus as well as in other nuclei and are a more likely route for short latency somatosensory inputs to the motor cortex.Abbreviations AD anterodorsal nucleus - AM anteromedial nucleus - AP area postrema - AV anteroventral nucleus - C cuneate nucleus - CeM central medial nucleus - CL central lateral nucleus - CM centre médian nucleus - EC external cuneate nucleus - G gracile nucleus - L limitans nucleus - LD lateral dorsal nucleus - LP lateral posterior nucleus - MGM magnocellular medial geniculate nucleus - MD mediodorsal nucleus - MTT mamillothalamic tract - MV medioventral nucleus - Pc paracentral nucleus - Pf parafascicular nucleus - Po posterior nuclei - R reticular nucleus - RF fasciculus retroflexus - S solitary nucleus - SG suprageniculate nucleus - T spinal trigeminal nucleus - VA ventral anterior nucleus - VIN vestibular nuclei - VL ventral lateral nucleus - VMb basal ventral medial nucleus - VMp principal ventral medial nucleus - VPL ventral posterior lateral nucleus - VPM ventral posterior medial nucleus - ZI zona incerta - 1,2,3a,3b,4 fields of cerebral cortex - C4, C5, C6 spinal cord segments - 5SP,5ST spinal trigeminal nucleus and tract - 10, 12 vagal and hypoglossal nuclei  相似文献   

Afferent projections to the inferior colliculus in the North American opossum have been examined using the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. Projections to primarily the contralateral inferior colliculus arise in the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei, the auditory nerve nucleus and the spinal trigeminal nucleus pars caudalis, while ipsilateral projections arise in the superior paraolivary nucleus, the ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body, the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, the paralemniscal nucleus, the deep layer of the superior colliculus and the parabrachial nucleus. Bilateral projections to the inferior colliculus originate within the dorsal column nuclei, the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis pars ventralis, the lateral and medial superior olivary nuclei, the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus and the auditory cortex. Nissl, fiber and Golgi-stained preparations were used to study the neuronal organization of those auditory nuclei with projections to the inferior colliculus. Anterograde axonal degeneration and transport techniques revealed that the inferior colliculus is innervated differentially by the dorsal and ventral cochlear nucleus, the superior olivary complex and the auditory neocortex. Axons from the contralateral dorsal cochlear nucleus and the ipsilateral superior olivary complex innervate both the central nucleus and external cortex, whereas those from ventral cochlear nucleus and contralateral, superior olivary complex project to only the central nucleus. Projections from auditory cortex form the complement of those from the cochlear nuclei and superior olivary complex, that is, they terminate in a thin band overlying the dorsal cortex and the superficial layer of external cortex.

Our results have been compared with those obtained from eutherian mammals and it is clear that there are striking similarities in neuronal organization and connectivity. Since the opossum is born 12 days after conception and has an extended development in an external pouch, it may be suited for developmental studies of the mammalian auditory connections and the behaviors dependent of them.  相似文献   

Summary Retrograde tracing experiments using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) have been utilized for demonstrating the origin of efferent projections of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNv) in the cat. HRP-positive cells identifiable as origins of thalamic projections were found in LGNv after injections of HRP into the lateral central intralaminar nucleus. The labeled cells appeared concentrated in the medial part of the internal division of LGNv, consisting of medium-sized multipolar cells. Contralaterally, fewer labeled cells were present in the corresponding part of LGNv. In the case of injections of HRP into the midbrain (pretectum and superior colliculus), labeled cells in LGNv were distributed almost exclusively in its external division, composed of mainly small cells. Little overlap of the distribution of HRP-positive cells was seen in LGNv between the thalamic and midbrain injection cases.Abbreviations Ad Dorsal anterior nucleus - Am Medial anterior nucleus - Av Ventral anterior nucleus - BSC Brachium of superior colliculus - Cg Central gray - Cl Lateral central nucleus - Ld Dorsal lateral nucleus - LGNd Dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus - LGNv Ventral lateral geniculate nucleus - Lp Posterior lateral nucleus - Md Dorsal medial nucleus - NIII Oculomotor complex - NOT Nucleus of the optio tract - NPC Nucleus of posterior commissure - OT Optic tract - P Posterior nucleus (Rioch 1929) - Pc Paracentral nucleus - Po Posterior group of thalamic nuclei - Pt Parataenial nucleus - PTa Anterior pretectal nucleus - PTm Medial pretectal nucleus - PTp Posterior pretectal nucleus - Pul Pulvinar - R Red nucleus - Rt Thalamic reticular nucleus - Sg Suprageniculate nucleus - Va Anterior ventral nucleus - VI Lateral ventral nucleus - Vm Medial ventral nucleus - Vpl Posterolateral ventral nucleus - Vpm Posteromedial ventral nucleus - Zi Zona incerta - II Layer of superior colliculus - III Layer of superior colliculus - IV (Kanaseki and Sprague, 1974)  相似文献   

Primary sensory information from neurons innervating whisker follicles on one side of a rat's face is relayed primarily through two subnuclei of the brainstem trigeminal complex to the contralateral thalamus. The present experiments were undertaken to separate the contribution of the principal trigeminal nucleus (PrV) from that of the spinal trigeminal nucleus (SpV) to whisker evoked responses in the ventral posterior medial (VPM) nucleus in the adult rat thalamus. Extracellular single-unit responses of VPM neurons to controlled stimulation of the contralateral whiskers under urethane anesthesia were quantified in terms of receptive field size, modal latency, response probability and response magnitude. The SpV contribution to VPM cell responses was isolated by making kainic acid lesions of the PrV. The PrV contribution was ascertained by cutting the trigeminothalamic axons arising from SpV just before they cross the midline. After destruction of the PrV, the SpV pathway alone produced large receptive fields (mean: 9.04 whiskers) and long latency (mean: 11.07 ms) responses from VPM neurons. In contrast, PrV input alone (SpV disconnected) generated small receptive fields (mean: 1.06 whiskers) and shorter latency (mean: 6.74 ms) responses. With both pathways intact the average receptive field size was 2.4 whiskers and peak (modal) response latency was 7.33 ms. The responses with both pathways intact were significantly different from either pathway operating in isolation. Response probability and magnitude followed the same trend. We conclude that normal responses of individual VPM neurons represent the integration of input activity transmitted through both PrV and SpV pathways.  相似文献   

Summary The origins of the dopaminergic innervation of the rat dorsal raphe nucleus (NRD) have been investigated using a combination of fluorescent retrograde tracing and fluorescence histochemistry. Stereotaxic microinjections of True Blue were placed in the central, caudal and lateral portions of the NRD, and after 6–12 days survival the brains were processed for fluorescence histochemical detection of catecholamines. Retrogradely labeled neurons were searched for in the diencephalic A11 and A13 dopaminergic cell groups, substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the linear, central superior and dorsal raphe nuclei. The various NRD injections consistently resulted in retrograde labeling of a small number of catecholamine-containing, presumed dopaminergic cell bodies, confined mainly to three regions: the VTA, the linear and central superior raphe nuclei and the NRD itself. The present findings indicate that not only dopaminergic neurons in the VTA but also the system of catecholamine-containing cells, extending dorsally and caudally from the VTA within the midline raphe area, project to the NRD. Although often similar in size, shape and distribution to the catecholaminergic neurons the majority of retrogradely labeled cells in these regions were, however, found to be non-catecholaminergic.Abbreviations 3 Principal oculomotor nucleus - 4 Trochlear nucleus - Aq Cerebral aqueduct - cp cerebral peduncle - cst cortico-spinal tract - dscp decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle - DTg Dorsal tegmental nucleus - fr fasciculus retroflexus - IF Interfascicular nucleus - IP Interpeduncular nucleus - LL nucleus of the lateral lemniscus - ml medial lemniscus - mlf medial longitudinal fasciculus - mNV mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus - NLC Nucleus linearis caudalis - NLR Nucleus linearis rostralis - NRD Dorsal raphe nucleus - PAG Periaqueductal grey - PN Pontine nucleus - PRN Pontine raphe nucleus - R Red nucleus - RCS Nucleus raphe centralis superior - SN Substantia nigra - VTA Ventral tegmental area - VTg Ventral tegmental nucleus  相似文献   

Summary Injections of combined lectin-conjugated and unconjugated horseradish peroxidase were made in the dorsal (d) and ventral (v) divisions of the paramedian reticular nucleus (PRN), a precerebellar relay nucleus, of the cat. The origins of supramedullary afferent projections to the PRN were identified in the pons, midbrain and cerebral cortex using the transverse plane of section. The data indicate a segregation of input from a number of sites to the dPRN and vPRN. The interstitial nucleus of Cajal projects bilaterally to the dPRN and predominantly to the ipsilateral side. The vPRN receives only a unilateral projection from the ipsilateral nucleus of Cajal. Major afferent projections to the vPRN arise from the ipsilateral nucleus of Darkschewitsch and the intermediate layer of the contralateral superior colliculus. Neither of these sites projected to the dPRN. The raphe nuclei and medial reticular formation of the pons and midbrain contribute a moderate input to both divisions of the PRN. A moderate bilateral cerebral cortical projection arises from the first somatomotor area (SMI). The ventral coronal and anterior sigmoid gyri project mainly to the dPRN and vPRN respectively. Smaller afferent projections arise from the posterior sigmoid gyri and area 6 of Hassler and Mühs-Clement (1964) in the medial wall of the anterior sigmoid gyrus. Inputs from the accessory oculomotor nuclei, tectal regions and the first somatomotor cortex suggest a role in postural control for the PRN which may underlie its involvement in mediating orthostatic reflexes.Abbreviations 3N oculomotor nerve - 5ME mesencephalic nucleus (trigeminal) - 5MN motor nucleus (trigeminal) - 5PN sensory nucleus, parvocellular division (trigeminal) - 5SM sensory nucleus, magnocellular division (trigeminal) - 12M hypoglossal nucleus - 12N hypoglossal nerve - AQ aqueduct - BC brachium conjunctivum - BP brachium pontis - CAE nucleus caeruleus - Cl inferior central nucleus (raphe) - CM centromedian nucleus - CNF cuneiform nucleus - CS superior central nucleus (raphe) - D nucleus of Darkschewitsch - DRM dorsal nucleus of the raphe (median division) - EW Edinger-Westphal nucleus - FTC central tegmental field - FTG gigantocellular tegmental field - FTP paralemniscal tegmental field - ICA interstitial nucleus of Cajal - ICC inferior colliculus (central nucleus) - INC nucleus incertus - INT nucleus intercalatus - ION inferior olivary nucleus - LLV ventral nucleus of lateral lemniscus - LP lateral posterior complex of thalamus - MGN medial geniculate nucleus - MLF medial longitudinal fasciculus - TN nucleus of optic tract - P pyramidal tract - PCN nucleus of posterior commissure - PF parafascicular nucleus - PH nucleus praepositus hypogloss - PRN paramedian reticular nucleus (a — accessory division; d — dorsal division; v — ventral division) - PUL pulvinar - SCD superior colliculus (deep layer) - SNC substantia nigra (compact division) - SON superior olivary nucleus - RM red nucleus (magnocellular) - RR retrorubral nucleus - TB trapezoid body - TDP dorsal tegmental nucleus (pericentral division) - TRC tegmental reticular nucleus (central division) - TV ventral tegmental nucleus - V3 third ventricle - V4 fourth ventricle - VB ventrobasal complex of thalamus - VIN inferior vestibular nucleus - VSN superior vestibular nucleus - ZI zona incerta Supported by the Medical Research Council of Canada  相似文献   

In urethane-chloralose-anesthetized cats, trigeminal wide dynamic range (WDR) neurons were explored in the posterior thalamus. They were found within a narrow zone (about 300 μm wide) of the shell region of the nucleus ventralis posteromedialis (VPM), just rostral to the region where trigeminal nociceptive specific (NS) neurons were located. This narrow zone was somatotopically organized with respect to the center of the receptive field. The mandibular division was represented ventromedially, the ophthalamic division were represented dorsolaterally, and the maxillary division fell in between. Neither NS nor WDR trigeminal units were found within the medial part of the posterior complex of the thalamus (POm).  相似文献   

Retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was used to define the origin of afferents to the inferior olivary complex (IOC) in rats. Using both ventral and dorsal surgical approaches to the brainstem, HRP was injected into the IOC through a micropipette affixed to the tip of a 1-μl Hamilton syringe. After a 2-day postoperative survival, animals were sacrificed by transcardiac perfusion with a 1% paraformaldehyde-1.25% gluteraldehyde solution, and brains were processed according to the DeOlmos protocol (1977), using o-dianisidine as the chromogen. Labeled cells were found at many levels of the nervous system extending from lumbar spinal cord to cerebral cortex. This wide-ranging input from numerous regions clearly underscores the complexity of the IOC and its apparent involvement in several functions. Within the spinal cord, labeled neurons were identified from cervical to lumbar but not at sacral levels. These neurons were found contralaterally in the neck region of the dorsal horn and in the medial portions of the intermediate gray. In the caudal brainstem, reactive cells in the dorsal column nuclei, the spinal trigeminal nucleus, and the subnucleus y of the vestibular complex were observed primarily contralateral to the injection sites. Labeling within the gigantocellular, magnocellular, ventral, and lateral reticular nuclei and the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi was primarily ipsilateral. Reactive neurons in the medial and inferior vestibular nuclei were predominantly ipsilateral or contralateral to HRP injections into the caudal or rostral IOC, respectively. The dentate and interposed nuclei of the cerebellum contained small, lightly labeled neurons primarily contralateral to the injection site, while the fastigial nuclei contained a few relatively large, heavily labeled cells bilateral to caudal olivary injections. Ipsilaterally labeled mesencephalic regions included the periaqueductal gray, interstitial nucleus of Cajal, rostromedial red nucleus, ventral tegmental area, medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract, nucleus of the optic tract, and the lateral deep mesencephalic nucleus. The caudal part of the pretectum and small cells of the stratum profundum of the superior colliculus were labeled predominantly contralateral to the injection. In the caudal diencephalon labeled neurons were most numerous within the nucleus of Darkschewitsch and the subparafascicular nucleus, primarily ipsilateral to olivary injections. Scattered reactive neurons were also found within the ipsilateral zone incerta. With the exception of the zona incerta, all labeled mesencephalic and diencephalic nuclei had some bilateral representation of labeled cells. No labeled neurons were identified within the basal ganglia, while numerous reactive cells were found bilaterally within layer V of the frontal and parietal cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Injections of tritiated L-leucine were placed in the reticular formation of the medulla, the spinal trigeminal and lateral reticular nuclei of cats and silver grain accumulations in the inferior olivary nucleus were demonstrated by autoradiography. Cells of the reticular formation located at the junction of nuclei reticularis magnocellularis and reticularis parvocellularis in the rostral medulla and within nucleus reticularis ventralis in the caudal medulla contribute four distinct projections to the olive. Three projections are distributed ipsilaterally in the caudal part of the medial accessory olive, at mid-level of the dorsal accessory olive and in the ventrolateral bend of the principal olive, at rostral levels. There is also a small controlateral projection to the caudal part of the medial accessory olive. the spinal trigeminal nucleus sends crossed projections to the rostral part of the dorsal accessory olive and adjacent ventral lamella as well as to the caudal part of the medial accessory olive. The lateral reticular nucleus sends an extensive ipsilateral projection to the caudal part of the medial accessory olive and provides a small contribution to the same subdivision, contralaterally. All these projections converge with other known afferents to the olive.  相似文献   

Autoradiographic and axonal degeneration techniques were employed to determine the distribution patterns of inferior olivary afferents whose origins were determined using the horseradish peroxidase method.70 The Fink-Heimer stain for degenerating axons was used following lesions of the cerebral cortex and spinal cord, while brainstem and cerebellar afferents were mapped by tritiated leucine autoradiography.After unilateral lesions of the mid-thoracic spinal cord, degenerating axons were observed within the subnuclei a and b of the caudolateral medial accessory olive and in the caudolateral dorsal accessory olive. Degeneration after upper cervical cord lesions extended more rostrally and medially within the same olivary subdivisions.Several nuclei within the caudal brainstem projected to the inferior olivary complex. The dorsal column nuclei distributed fibers primarily contralaterally to the lateral part of the dorsal accessory olive and to the caudolateral part of the medial accessory olive; the spinal trigeminal nucleus projected contralaterally to the rostromedial dorsal accessory olive; the medial and inferior vestibular nuclei projected to the ipsilateral subnuclei b, c, and β of the medial accessory olive and to the contralateral dorsomedial cell column; the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi sent fibers to the subnuclei c and β, the dorsal cap and the ventrolateral outgrowth; the lateral reticular nucleus projected to the subnucleus a of the caudolateral medial accessory olive bilaterally; and the reticular formation distributed fibers to the dorsal accessory olive contralaterally and to the β subnucleus ipsilaterally.Study of inferior olivary complex afferents from the deep cerebellar nuclei showed a projection from the fastigial nucleus to the β subnucleus and the ventrolateral outgrowth. The dentate and interpositus nuclei demonstrated topographic connections from these nuclei to the principal olive and accessory olives, respectively. All cerebellar connections were predominantly contralateral.Analysis of mesencephalic and diencephalic areas also demonstrated several inferior olivary complex afferent systems: the caudal pretectum and the superior colliculus projected to the subnucleus c contralaterally and the dorsal lamella of the principal olive ipsilaterally; the nucleus of the optic tract sent fibers to the dorsal cap; the lateral deep mesencephalic nucleus distributed fibers to the ipsilateral dorsal accessory olive and β subnucleus; the medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract projected ipsilaterally to the ventrolateral outgrowth; and several areas including the medial deep mesencephalic nucleus, periaqueductal gray, the nucleus of Darkschewitsch, the subparafascicular nucleus, the rostral red nucleus and the prerubral field all projected ipsilaterally to the principal olive, rostral medial accessory olive, ventrolateral outgrowth and, to a lesser extent, the caudal medial accessory olive, dorsal cap and β subnucleus.Lesions of the frontal cortex produced axonal degeneration primarily ipsilaterally within many olivary subdivisions, especially the medial dorsal accessory olive and the caudomedial medial accessory olive.Although some notable differences in the distribution and laterality of fibers are described, our findings generally corroborate several earlier reports which used different techniques on a variety of species. Inferior olivary afferents from functionally related areas typically demonstrated similar distribution patterns within the subdivisions of the inferior olivary complex. These patterns suggest a functional localization within the inferior olivary complex which may facilitate an understanding of afferents from areas whose functions are not clearly known.  相似文献   

Summary Extracellular recordings were obtained from inferior olivary neurones of the rat. The responses of fifty neurones evoked by electrical stimulation of a branch of the trigeminal nerve were recorded. Maxillary nerve stimulation was most effective. The response was characterized by an early discharge (single spike and wave, typically with latencies between 16 and 30 msec) and a weak late discharge which followed a period of inhibition of about 100 msec. Half of the neurones responded to one branch of the trigeminal nerve only whereas the other neurones displayed a varying degree of convergence, including sometimes a convergence from limb nerves. Forty-nine olivary neurones were tested for cutaneous receptive fields. Ten out of these had small receptive fields (<20% of the contralateral face) and a low threshold to mechanical stimuli. Twenty neurones which had larger receptive fields responded also to low-threshold or to medium-threshold (i.e. non-nociceptive) mechanical stimuli. None of the neurones displayed receptive fields more extensive than half of the contralateral face and some of the larger fields had a small, low-threshold focus. Olivary neurones responding to electrical stimulation of trigeminal nerves or mechanical stimulation of the face were located in the medial segment of the olivary complex (dorsal accessory and principal olive). A few cells only were located in the lateral segment.It is concluded that neurones of the inferior olive receive a substantial input from trigeminal afferents and are capable of transmitting precise somatotopical information to the cerebellum.  相似文献   

Summary The corticothalamic projections from the gyrus proreus and the medial wall of the rostral hemisphere have been studied in the cat with the silver method of Nauta. The gyrus proreus projects upon the following nuclei (for abbreviations, see list on page 133), ipsilateral R, VA, VM, VL, MD, Pc, CL, CM, Pf, VPM, VPMpc. VPI and to the contralateral principal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. The medial wall of the rostral hemisphere projects bilaterally upon R, VA, VM, VL, MD, Pc, CL, CM, Pf, VPM, VPMpc, VPI, VPL, the dorsal column nuclei and the principal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. The ipsilateral thalamic projection is more abundant than the contralateral. The latter appears to increase in amount as the lesion is placed successively more ventrally on the medial wall of the rostral hemisphere. Some degenerating fibers cross in the corpus callosum and descend in the contralateral internal capsule but the majority cross in the dorsal part of the anterior commissure and reach the medial aspect of the anterior limb of the contralateral internal capsule. A somatotopical organization of the medial wall of the rostral hemisphere has been demonstrated. The rostrocaudal part projects upon the ipsilateral VPL lateralis (VPLl) and nucleus cuneatus and the contralateral nucleus gracilis and VPL medialis (VPLm). The caudal part of this cortical area sends fibers bilaterally to VPM, VPMpc, and the principal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. The intermediate part, which also includes agranular cortex on the medial wall, projects upon ispsilateral VPLm and nucleus gracilis and upon contralateral VPLl and nucleus cuneatus. — The fibers to the ventro-basal complex, dorsal column nuclei and the principal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve are rather thick. The corticofugal fibers to the other thalamic nuclei are quite thin. — The findings are discussed in light of relevant anatomical and physiological observations in the literature and special emphasis has been laid on reported observations on the supplementary motor area.  相似文献   

After injecting horseradish peroxidase into the facial nucleus regions containing orbicularis oculi motoneurons, labeled neuronal cell bodies were found in the lateral medullary reticular formation, pretectal olivary nucleus, sensory trigeminal nuclei, lateral and medial parabrachial nuclei, ventromedial reticular formation medial to the facial nucleus, red nucleus and its surroundings, anterior horn of the upper cervical cord, medullary raphe nuclei, oculomotor nucleus and its surroundings, nuclei of Darkschewitsch, Cajal and Edinger-Westphal, ventral part of the midbrain central gray, pontine tegmentum, lateral vestibular nucleus and deep layers of the superior colliculus.  相似文献   

K Sato  J H Zhang  T Saika  M Sato  K Tada  M Tohyama 《Neuroscience》1991,43(2-3):381-395
The localization of glycine receptors in the rat brain was examined by means of in situ hybridization histochemistry using an oligonucleotide probe to the sequence of the alpha 1 subunit. Strongly- or moderately-labeled neurons were found in the cranial nuclei, sensory nuclei such as the spinal trigeminal nucleus, principal trigeminal nucleus, gracile and cuneate nuclei, dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei, superior olivary nucleus, medial and lateral trapezoid nuclei, lateral lemniscus and vestibular nuclei, red nucleus, parabrachial area, cerebellar nuclei, dorsal tegmental nucleus, reticular formation and parafascicular nucleus. This study thus demonstrated the localization of neurons which are regulated by glycine via strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in the rat brain.  相似文献   

Summary In the well laminated superior colliculus of the grey squirrel the cells of origin of the crossed descending pathway to the brainstem gaze centers are contained within the inner sublamina of the intermediate grey layer. The technique of anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase was used to determine whether the pathway from the cerebellum to the superior colliculus terminates in this region. The technique of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase was used to localize the source of this pathway within the cerebellum and to determine the morphology of the cerebellotectal neurons. The grey squirrel cerebellotectal pathway provides two terminal fields to the superior colliculus: a diffuse projection into the deep grey layer and a more concentrated, interrupted projection into the inner sublamina of the intermediate grey layer. The more concentrated projection overlies precisely the tectal sublamina that contains the cells of origin of the predorsal bundle. In contrast to animals with frontal eyes, the cerebellotectal pathway in the grey squirrel was found to project almost entirely contralaterally and the vast majority of the cells of origin for the pathway were distributed ventrally, in the caudal pole of the posterior interpositus nucleus and the adjacent region of the dentate. The labelled cells in both cerebellar nuclei were large and displayed similar morphologies.Abbreviations BC Brachium conjunctivum - BP Brachium pontis - CN Cochlear nuclei - D Dentate nucleus of the cerebellum - DLG Dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus - DLPG Dorsal lateral pontine grey - I Interpositus nucleus of the cerebellum - IC Inferior colliculus - III Oculomotor nucleus - IO Inferior olive - ITB Ipsilateral tectobulbar pathway - F Fastigial nucleus of the cerebellum - MG Medial geniculate nucleus - NRTP Nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis - OPT Stratum opticum - PAG Periaqueductal grey - PDB Predorsal bundle - PB Parabigeminal nucleus - PH Prepositus hypoglossi - PUL Pulvinar nucleus - PT Pretectum - RN Red nucleus - SAI Stratum album intermediale (intermediate white layer) - SAP Stratum album profundum (deep white layer) - SGI Stratum griseum intermediale (intermediate grey layer) - SGP Stratum griseum profundum (deep grey layer) - SGS Stratum griseum superficiale (superficial grey layer) - SN Substantia nigra - sV Sensory division of the trigeminal complex - Ve Vestibular nuclei - VII Facial nucleus - VLG Ventral lateral geniculate nucleus  相似文献   

Somatosensory units in the cat's intercollicular region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sampling of unitary, neural activity was made with tungsten electrodes in the mesencephalon of cats anaesthetized with chloralose. Possible activation was studied with adequate somatosensory, visual and acoustic stimuli as well as electrical nerve stimulation via electrodes embedded in each forelimb and the contralateral hindlimb. Fifty units or about 10% of the total population were found in clusters of strictly somatosensory units which were activated by light tactile stimulation and with short latency from the contralateral body half. Some of these units had small receptive fields, but others showed convergence of information from large receptive fields which sometimes included parts of the ipsilateral body half. The different clusters appeared to constitute parts of a coherent structure which is located between 3-5 mm lateral to the midline at the anterior/posterior level of the trochlear nucleus, and with slanted dorsal-ventral distribution with the caudal parts above and the rostral parts below the Sylvian aqueduct. A somatotopical arrangement was found with the forelimb rostral to the hindlimb, and the suggested structure may be the somatosensory intercollicular nucleus which has been described by others.  相似文献   

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