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丧偶独居老人的心理问题及护理对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了威胁丧偶独居老人心理健康的心理问题。提出从护理人员、老人自身以及社会支持方面着手,运用适宜的沟通技巧进行护理。满足由低层次向高层次的需要,从而解决不同级别、不同层次的丧偶独居老人的心理问题。 相似文献
丧偶独居老年人抑郁状况及相关因素的调查 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的调查丧偶独居老年人的抑郁状况及影响因素以便采取有效的干预措施。方法采用老年抑郁量表(cos)及自行设计问卷对某社区内的160例丧偶后独居老年人进行问卷调查。结果62.5%的老人存在不同程度的抑郁情绪,其主要原因号隋感障碍、疾病的影响、经济状况、社会支持缺失及缺乏必要的社会活动有关(P〈0.01)。结论丧偶独居老人抑郁发生率高,影响因素复杂,应引起社会和家庭的关注,以改善老人的健康状况,提高生活质量。 相似文献
综述我国农村空巢老人主要的心理问题及相关因素,提出相应的社区护理对策,强调建立全方位、多层次的社区服务网络,深入开展社区护理工作,对改善农村空巢老人心理状况、提高其生活质量意义重大。 相似文献
目的调查了解上海市老西门社区高龄单身独居老人的健康状况,为提高其生活质量及社区卫生部门开展有针对性地服务提供依据。方法采取整群抽样法,用自制问卷对老西门社区共205名高龄单身独居老人进行入户调查。结果被调查者年龄平均(85.51±4.16)岁;不识字者占40%,小学文化程度者占36.5%;因丧偶致独居者占96%;74.5%的调查对象经济来源于退休金;60%的调查对象健康状况自评为一般、23.5%为差;带病生存率高,调查对象中有91.5%至少患有1种疾病,有73%同时患有2种及以上疾病;患病率位于前5位的慢性疾病为高血压病、心脏病、白内障、听力障碍、骨关节病;48%的调查对象平时感到孤独,有55%渴望亲人的探望,21.5%希望得到居委关心。结论高龄单身独居老人是社会弱势群体,其生理和心理健康、物质和精神生活均需得到亲人的关怀和社会的高度关注。 相似文献
目的了解农村丧偶独居老年女性的应对方式特征及其人群比例,探讨影响其应对状况类别的相关因素。方法采用二阶段整群随机抽样法,选取234例湖南省农村丧偶独居老年女性为研究对象,采用简易应对方式量表评估其应对状况,应用潜在类别分析对研究对象的应对状况进行分类,并对不同民族、年龄、文化程度等变量上的应对状况类别分布差异进行检验。结果农村丧偶独居老年女性应对状况可以分为"混合应对"(61.50%)及"应对缺乏"(38.50%)两个潜在类别。应对状况受到文化程度、有无低保、有无急慢性疾病等因素影响,差异均有统计学意义(均P0.05)。结论农村老年丧偶独居女性的应对状况存在不同质的群体差异,提示今后需从积极老龄化的视角出发,制订有针对性的干预措施,以提高其应对能力。 相似文献
目的探讨上海市社区独居老人的生活体验。方法采用质性研究法,对10名独居老人进行半结构式深入访谈,并用现象学分析法进行分析。结果独居老人的生活体验主要有4个方面:与社会维持积极联系,采取各种方式维持独立性,独居产生心理影响,希望得到关心和帮助。结论要特别关注独居老人,尤其关心他们的心理状况,促使老人采用积极的策略应对独居生活。 相似文献
饶岁新 《中华现代护理学杂志》2007,4(11):1041-1042
目的分析艾滋病患者的心理状态,探讨造成精神压力的因素,提出心理支持的护理对策。方法采用抑郁自评量表(SDS)及焦虑自评量表(SAS),通过问卷调查和访谈了解造成心理问题的相关因素。结果艾滋病患者都存在着比其他患者更为严重的心理问题:因害怕艾滋病的不可治愈、担心社会及家人的谴责与歧视、为自己今后的工作生活担忧及着急医疗费用等引起的焦虑、抑郁心理。结论从护理的角度了解艾滋病患者这个特殊的群体,帮助患者建立健康的行为规范,树立信心及正确的人生观,有利于延长生存时间,提高生命质量。 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a home-based nursing program in the diabetic control of elderly people with diabetes mellitus living alone. Patients meeting the sampling criteria were recruited from a medical center and 10 health centers in Taipei for this quasi-experimental study. By matching the effects of age, sex, education, and history of diabetes, subjects were assigned semirandomly to two groups based on the intensity of home-based nursing care visitations. Group I was defined as daily visits to supervise diet, exercise, medication, and self-monitoring blood sugar (n = 15) and Group II as weekly visits to supervise diet, exercise, medication education, and self-monitoring blood sugar (n = 15). Patients who agreed only to receive blood examination were assigned to the control group (n = 14). The results of the study showed that reductions in fasting blood sugar, postmeal blood sugar, and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) in Groups I and II were significantly greater than those in the control group. The reduction in the total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein in Groups I and II was significantly greater than that in the control group. There were no significant differences among the three groups in the improvement of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and triglycerides (TGs). Group I revealed a significantly greater weight reduction compared to Group II. There was no significant difference between Groups I and II in the improvements of diabetes knowledge, depression level, or quality of life. From the research findings, based on cost-effectiveness, it is recommend that Program II be implemented. 相似文献
Aim. To explore problem‐solving experiences among older people living alone in eastern Taiwan. Background. Elders living alone in Taiwan have a low participation rate in government social support programmes. Providing sufficient care for this population of elders requires knowing not only their problems, but also how and when they seek help solve their problems. Design. Qualitative research was used to gain a deeper understanding of the problem‐solving experiences of older people living alone. Methods. Elders living alone (n = 9) were recruited from a remote area of Taiwan. Data were gathered in audiotaped, semi‐structured interviews and analysed by content analysis. Results. Participants used both internal and external resources to solve problems through an appraisal process. Their internal resources included self‐perception of health status, preventive coping strategies, flexible coping ability and being resigned to one's situation. Their external resources included both human and environmental resources. Based on their lived experience, participants appraised the usefulness of both internal and external resources before deciding whether to seek help from external resources. Conclusion. In Chinese society, maintaining a balance between internal and external resources is an important mechanism for elders in solving problems. Relevance to clinical practice. Our findings may enhance policy makers’ and healthcare providers’ understanding of the problem‐solving experiences of elders who live alone in Taiwan. In practical terms, these findings can be used to improve the elderly people's use of support systems in their community. 相似文献
老年人跌倒的相关因素及预防护理 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
总结了老年人跌倒的原因、流行概况、危害、预防方法和护理干预措施,提出预防老年人跌倒发生的重点是加强对老年人家庭及社会的健康教育、重视自我保护、纠正不良环境因素、及时治疗急慢性病。使老年人跌倒得到更好的预防,使更多的老年人免受跌倒的伤害和影响。 相似文献
老年重症急性胰腺炎的临床特点与护理对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的通过对37例老年重症急性胰腺炎(SevereAcutePancreatitis,SAP)的护理,探讨老年人SAP的特点及护理要点。方法16例手术治疗(解除梗阻,引流胆汁,简单胰旁引流)。另21例非手术治疗(其中3例加区域性动脉灌注)。结果37例患者,治愈25例,治愈率67.6%。其中手术治疗治愈12例,治愈率75.0%,非手术治疗治愈13例,治愈率61.9%。死亡12例,死亡率为32.4%。结论针对老年人SAP起病急、病情变化快、伴发病多等特点,做好病情观察、预防并发症的发生、保持管道通畅、做好手术后的相关护理及心理护理是老年SAP患者护理关键。 相似文献
Social support as a predictor of health status among older adults living alone in Japan 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
The purpose of this study was to determine social support as a predictor of health status among older adults living alone, based on a 2-year longitudinal study in a rural area of Japan. The self-reported questionnaires were distributed to 624 older adults living alone and were collected during home visits by welfare commissioners as baseline survey. After the follow-up survey of 493 respondents as the baseline survey, we analyzed 340 persons who lived alone over the last 2 years. Women had significantly higher emotional and instrumental support scores than men. Receiving positive support from the neighborhood had a significant effect on retaining activities of daily living for older women living alone. Our results suggest that receiving social support from the neighborhood brought an improvement in the health status of older adults, particularly women living alone. 相似文献
城市社区空巢老人健康问题及对策探讨 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
空巢老人是21世纪我国城市中逐渐扩大的弱势群体,对于其面临的身心及社会问题应从多方面、多角度给予解决。分析了我国城市空巢老人家庭增多的原因及面临的问题,提出完善社区卫生服务网络的建设是当前解决空巢老人健康问题最重要、最有效的措施。 相似文献
Quality of life in elders living alone in Taiwan 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我院护理文书书写中存在的问题及管理对策 总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10
目的探讨护理文书书写中存在的问题及管理对策。方法随机抽取近3年病历3000份,针对护理方面内容逐一检查,对发现的问题进行统计分析。结果医嘱单与护理记录单存在问题326份(10.9%),其中数字涂改82份(25.2%);护理措施及效果记录不客观、不准确、不及时与不连续依次为21份(6.4%)、12份(3.7%)、14份(4.3%)、18份(5.5%);过敏试验结果与测量血压结果未登记分别为25份(7.7%)与154份(47.2%);体温单存在问题350份(11.7%)。结论护理文书存在的问题主要是人为因素,加强护士在职教育、培养敬业精神、充分发挥护理管理人员的作用,可提高护理文书书写质量。 相似文献
基础护理在"医院管理年"督查中存在的问题与对策 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
对"医院管理年"督查中基础护理工作存在的问题进行总结,找出问题的原因予以分析,有针对性地提出解决策略,以提高基础护理质量,实现"医院管理年"活动的目标. 相似文献