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中华人民共和国卫生部令第  4 号  现发布《医师资格考试暂行办法》 ,请遵照执行。部 长 张文康一九九九年七月十六日第一章 总则第一条 根据《中华人民共和国执业医师法》(以下简称《执业医师法》第八条的规定 ,制定本办法。第二条 医师资格考试是评价申请医师资格者是否具备执业所必须的专业知识与技能的考试。第三条 医师资格考试分为执业医师资格考试和执业助理医师资格考试。考试类别分为临床、中医 (包括中医、民族医、中西医结合 )、口腔、公共卫生四类。考试方式分为实践技能考试和医学综合笔试。医师资格考试方式的具体…  相似文献   

为了控制药品费用不合理增长,促进医院合理用药,根据国务院办公厅转发国务院体改办等八部门《关于城镇医药卫生体制改革的指导意见》(国办发[2000]16号)对医院药品收入实行收支两条线管理的有关精神,制定本办法。  相似文献   

目的促进保健食品广告市场良性发展,为拟制定保健食品广告审查相关法规提供借鉴。方法通过分析我国保健食品广告情况,得出目前我国食品保健广告审查中出现的问题,为保健食品广告审查法规更加完整提出建议和对策。结论当前我国保健食品广告审查法规已无法适应保健食品广告市场发展速度,通过分析探讨一些存在于修订保健食品广告的相关细节,促进整个过程的的不断完善,使保健食品广告也步入健康发展的轨道,引导消费者采购安全保健食品。  相似文献   

第一条为了规范我省互联网医疗卫生信息服务活动,促进互联网医疗卫生信息服务健康有序发展,根据国务院发布的《互联网信息服务管理办法》和卫生部《互联网医疗卫生信息服务管理办法》、《医疗广告管理办法》及有关卫生法律法规,制定本办法。[第一段]  相似文献   

<正> 中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理局与中华人民共和国卫生部于1993年联合发布了《食品广告管理办法》(以下简称“办法”),“办法”实施6年多了,我们就黑龙江省食品广告审批、刊播管理工作进行了调查,并将此项工作在实施“办法”过程中存在的问题及相应对策进行探讨。 从抽查的省、地(市)级食品卫生监督机构在1995年初至1999年末审批的1083份食品广告证明看,100%符合“办法”的要求,从而有效地切断了扩大宣传、虚假宣传以及误导消费者宣传的广告刊播途径。1 存在的主要问题  相似文献   

医疗、药品、医疗器械等产品和服务直接关系到人们的身体健康甚至生命安全,此类广告应该十分严谨。但受经济利益驱动,有些广告主、广告代理公司大量制作虚假广告,有些媒体不对所要发布的广告进行严格审查,以致违法广告屡禁屡现。近日,北京市工商局广告监督管理处刘斌先生就违法医疗广告的表现形式、工商局施政思路、广告处监管手段等向本刊记者做了详细介绍。  相似文献   

目的开发放射科语音播放系统,减轻放射科工作人员的劳动强度。方法充分利用医院现有计算机硬件资源,采用TTS技术开语音播放系统。结果播放系统声音标准、清晰,使用灵活。结论TTS编程技术使系统开发周期短,兼容性强,投入资金少。  相似文献   

The main objective of the study was to analyze the amount and quality of food advertisement on Brazilian television in three different times of the day. The results showed that food products, when compared to other products, were the most frequently advertised, regardless of the time of the day in a given week analyzed. Television promotes food predominantly high in fat and/or sugar and salt. The large number of high fat and/or sugar and salt products advertised can contribute to changing food habits of children and teenagers, and increasing the incidence of obesity in the population.  相似文献   

Exposure to radio frequency (RF) nonionizing radiation from telecommunications is pervasive in modern society. Elevated disease risks have been observed in some populations exposed to radio and television transmissions, although findings are inconsistent. This study quantified RF exposures among 280 residents living near the broadcasting transmitters for Denver, Colorado. RF power densities outside and inside each residence were obtained, and a global positioning system (GPS) identified geographic coordinates and elevations. A view-shed model within a geographic information system (GIS) characterized the average distance and percentage of transmitters visible from each residence. Data were collected at the beginning and end of a 2.5-day period, and some measurements were repeated 8-29 months later. RF levels logged at 1-min intervals for 2.5 days varied considerably among some homes and were quite similar among others. The greatest differences appeared among homes within 1 km of the transmitters. Overall, there were no differences in mean residential RF levels compared over 2.5 days. However, after a 1- to 2-year follow-up, only 25% of exterior and 38% of interior RF measurements were unchanged. Increasing proximity, elevation, and line-of-sight visibility were each associated with elevated RF exposures. At average distances from > 1-3 km, exterior RF measurements were 13-30 times greater among homes that had > 50% of the transmitters visible compared with homes with < or = 50% visibility at those distances. This study demonstrated that both spatial and temporal factors contribute to residential RF exposure and that GPS/GIS technologies can improve RF exposure assessment and reduce exposure misclassification.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Metabolites of estrogen (estrone-3-glucuronide [E1G]) and melatonin (6-hydroxymelatonin sulfate [6-OHMS]) were characterized among women living in a community with increased radiofrequency (RF) exposure from radio and television transmitters. METHODS: RF spot measurements, and personal 60-Hz magnetic field and residential parameters were collected. Overnight urine samples were assayed for E1G and 6-OHMS excretion. RESULTS: Among premenopausal women, there were no associations between RF or 60-Hz nonionizing radiation and E1G or 6-OHMS excretion. Among postmenopausal women, increased residential RF exposures, transmitter proximity and visibility, and temporally stable 60-Hz exposures were significantly associated with increased E1G excretion. This association was strongest among postmenopausal women with low overnight 6-OHMS levels. CONCLUSIONS: RF and temporally stable 60-Hz exposures were associated with increased E1G excretion among postmenopausal women. Women with reduced nocturnal 6-OHMS excretion may represent a sensitive subgroup.  相似文献   

“天下第一套”桂林露脸性用品广告走到地上 不久前的一天,在山水秀甲天下的世界著名旅游城市广西桂林市,一群群擅长高空作业的“蜘蛛人”围着城南区一幢易拉罐型的标志性建筑——桂林香江饭店忙碌了起来。这家地处十字路口的三星级酒店主楼高67.8米(20层),周长近百米。  相似文献   

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