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The FLP "recombinase" of the 2-micron circle yeast plasmid can resolve synthetic FLP site-Holliday junctions. Mutants of the FLP protein that are blocked in recombination but are normal in substrate cleavage can also mediate resolution. The products of resolution by these mutants are almost exclusively nicked molecules with a protein-bound 3' end. There is no significant asymmetry in strand cleavage (top versus bottom) by the mutants in linear or in circular FLP substrates; nor is there a bias in resolution (toward parentals or toward recombinants) of Holliday junctions (corresponding to top- or to bottom-strand exchange) by wild-type FLP. During normal FLP recombination, a small amount of the expected Holliday intermediate can be detected.  相似文献   

In previous studies, Holliday junctions generated during RecA-mediated strand-exchange reactions were resolved by fractionated Escherichia coli extracts. We now report the specific binding and cleavage of synthetic Holliday junctions (50 base pairs long) by a fraction purified by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, phosphocellulose, and single-stranded DNA-cellulose. The cleavage reaction provided a sensitive assay with which to screen extracts prepared from recombination/repair-deficient mutants. Cells with mutations in ruvC lack the nuclease activity that cleaves synthetic Holliday junctions in vitro. This deficiency was restored by a multicopy plasmid carrying a ruvC+ gene that overexpressed junction-resolving activity. The UV sensitivity and deficiency in recombinational repair of DNA exhibited by ruv mutants lead us to suggest that RuvC resolves Holliday junctions in vivo.  相似文献   

The RuvA, RuvB, and RuvC proteins of Escherichia coli are required for the recombinational repair of ultraviolet light- or chemical-induced DNA damage. In vitro, RuvC protein interacts with Holliday junctions in DNA and promotes their resolution by endonucleolytic cleavage. In this paper, we investigate the interaction of RuvA and RuvB proteins with model Holliday junctions. Using band-shift assays, we show that RuvA binds synthetic Holliday structures to form specific protein-DNA complexes. Moreover, in the presence of ATP, the RuvA and RuvB proteins act in concert to promote dissociation of the synthetic Holliday structures. The dissociation reaction requires both RuvA and RuvB and a nucleotide cofactor (ATP or dATP) and is rapid (40% of DNA molecules dissociate within 1 min). The reaction does not occur when ATP is replaced by either ADP or the nonhydrolyzable analog of ATP, adenosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate. We suggest that the RuvA and RuvB proteins play a specific role in the branch migration of Holliday junctions during postreplication repair of DNA damage in E. coli.  相似文献   

Stable three-stranded DNA made by RecA protein.   总被引:15,自引:8,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
When RecA protein, in the form of a nucleoprotein filament containing circular single-stranded DNA (plus strand only), reacts with homologous linear duplex DNA, a directional transfer ensues of a strand from the duplex DNA to the nucleoprotein filament, resulting in the displacement of the linear plus strand in the 5' to 3' direction. The initial homologous synapsis, however, can occur at either end of the duplex DNA, or anywhere in between, and when homology is restricted to different regions of the duplex DNA, the joint molecules that form in each region show striking differences in stability upon deproteinization: distal joints greater than proximal joints much greater than medial joints. In the deproteinized distal joints, which are thermostable, 2000 nucleotide residues of the circular plus strand are resistant to P1 nuclease; both strands of the original duplex DNA remain resistant to P1 nuclease, and the potentially displaceable linear plus strand, which has a 3' homologous end, remains resistant to Escherichia coli exonuclease I. These observations suggest that RecA protein promotes homologous pairing and strand exchange via long three-stranded DNA intermediates and, moreover, that, once formed, such triplex structures in natural DNA are stable even when RecA protein has been removed.  相似文献   

Dual role for Escherichia coli RecA protein in SOS mutagenesis.   总被引:26,自引:10,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
Induction of the Escherichia coli SOS system increases the ability of the cells to perform DNA repair and mutagenesis. Previous work has shown that this increased mutagenesis is the result of derepression of specific genes through a complex regulatory mechanism controlled by LexA and RecA proteins. One role of RecA protein in this process is to facilitate proteolytic cleavage of LexA protein (the repressor) in response to an inducing signal that reversibly activates RecA protein to perform this function. We show that activated RecA protein plays a second role in SOS mutagenesis, as revealed by analyzing repair of UV-damaged phage lambda in host mutants with alterations in the SOS regulatory system. First, phage mutagenesis was not expressed constitutively in a mutant that is derepressed through lack of functional LexA protein; activated RecA protein was still required. Second, phage mutagenesis was constitutively expressed in the presence of recA mutations that alter RecA protein so that it is activated in normally growing cells. There was also RecA-dependent constitutive expression of SOS mutagenesis in host mutants that lack functional LexA protein and carry plasmids. We discuss several possible biochemical mechanisms for this second role of activated RecA protein in SOS mutagenesis.  相似文献   

A plasmid that expresses the Escherichia coli RecA protein partially restored DNA repair and recombination capability and induction of the SOS-like (SOB) response in a recE4 mutant of Bacillus subtilis. In the presence of DNA-damaging agents, the E. coli RecA protein induced din operon expression, Weigle-reactivation activity, and synthesis of a B. subtilis recombination protein (Recbs) analogous to RecA but was unable to stimulate prophage induction. In addition, the RecA protein was capable of inducing the SOB response in competent recE4 strains of B. subtilis, independent of exposure to DNA-damaging agents. The results suggest that (i) the SOS response of E. coli and the SOB response of B. subtilis are strikingly similar from both a phenotypic and a regulatory standpoint and that RecA and LexA protein analogs exist in B. subtilis, (ii) the Recbs protein is capable of regulating its own production, and (iii) SOS-inducing (RecA-activating) signals are generated in B. subtilis following either DNA damage or the development of physiological competence.  相似文献   

RecA protein stimulates homologous recombination in plants.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
A number of RecA-like proteins have been found in eukaryotic organisms. We demonstrate that the prokaryotic recombination protein RecA itself is capable of interacting with genomic homologous DNA in somatic plant cells. Resistance to the DNA crosslinking agent mitomycin C requires homologous recombination as well as excision repair activity. Tobacco protoplasts expressing a nucleus-targeted RecA protein were at least three times as efficient as wild-type cells in repairing mitomycin C-induced damage. Moreover, homologous recombination at a defined locus carrying an endogenous nuclear marker gene was stimulated at least 10-fold in transgenic plant cells expressing nucleus-targeted RecA. The increase in resistance to mitomycin C and the stimulation of intrachromosomal recombination demonstrate that Escherichia coli RecA protein is functional in genomic homologous recombination in plants, especially when targeted to the plant nucleus.  相似文献   

The RuvC protein of Escherichia coli catalyzes the resolution of recombination intermediates during genetic recombination and the recombinational repair of damaged DNA. Resolution involves specific recognition of the Holliday structure to form a complex that exhibits twofold symmetry with the DNA in an open configuration. Cleavage occurs when strands of like polarity are nicked at the sequence 5'-WTT decreases S-3' (where W is A or T and S is G or C). To determine whether the cleavage site needs to be located at, or close to, the point at which DNA strands exchange partners, Holliday structures were constructed with the junction points at defined sites within this sequence. We found that the efficiency of resolution was optimal when the cleavage site was coincident with the position of DNA strand exchange. In these studies, junction targeting was achieved by incorporating uncharged methyl phosphonates into the DNA backbone, providing further evidence for the importance of charge-charge repulsions in determining DNA structure.  相似文献   

The mutation rate of Escherichia coli increases approximately 100-fold after treatment with replication-inhibiting agents such as UV light. This enhanced mutation rate requires the action of the UmuD and UmuC proteins, which are induced as part of the SOS response to DNA damage. To initiate a biochemical characterization of the role of these proteins, we have developed a plasmid system that gives efficient expression of the umuD and umuC genes. The umuD and umuC genes were placed under the control of a regulated phage lambda PL promoter and a synthetic ribosome-binding site, and the distance to the UmuD start was adjusted to maximize gene expression. Starting from this overproduction system, we have purified the UmuD protein and studied its interaction with RecA. The SOS response is turned on by the capacity of RecA protein to mediate cleavage of the LexA repressor for SOS-controlled operons. Others have shown that UmuD exhibits sequence homology to LexA around the cleavage site, suggesting a possible cleavage reaction for UmuD. We show that RecA mediates cleavage of UmuD, probably at this site. As with LexA, UmuD also undergoes a self-cleavage reaction. We infer that RecA-mediated cleavage of UmuD is another role for RecA in SOS mutagenesis, probably activating UmuD for its mutagenic function.  相似文献   

Studies of chloroplast DNA variations, and several direct experimental observations, indicate the existence of recombination ability in algal and higher plant plastids. However, no studies have been done of the biochemical pathways involved. Using a part of a cyanobacterial recA gene as a probe in Southern blots, we have found homologous sequences in total DNA from Pisum sativum and Arabidopsis thaliana and in a cDNA library from Arabidopsis. A cDNA was cloned and sequenced, and its predicted amino acid sequence is 60.7% identical to that of the cyanobacterial RecA protein. This finding is consistent with our other results showing both DNA strand transfer activity and the existence of a protein of the predicted molecular mass crossreactive with antibodies to Escherichia coli RecA in the stroma of pea chloroplasts.  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated that two ATP analog affinity labels, 8-azidoadenosine 5'-triphosphate (N3ATP) and 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenosine (5'FSBA), covalently modify RecA protein of Escherichia coli at a specific tyrosine residue (Tyr-264) located within a 24-residue tryptic peptide (T-31) spanning residues 257-280. Here we show that N3ATP efficiently modifies purified peptide T-31 and show that the interaction is specific by the following criteria: photolabeling of peptide T-31 is saturable with respect to the N3ATP concentration; photolabeling is competitive with ATP and adenosine but not with adenine, UTP, or TTP; and other peptides derived from RecA protein were poor substrates for photolabeling except for one fragment that showed a nonspecific interaction with the photoaffinity analog. Analysis of N3ATP-modified T-31 shows that the photolabel attaches to more than one site within the peptide. These data argue that peptide T-31 contains some sites of contact for adenine and ribose moieties of ATP when it is bound to RecA protein.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination between two duplex DNA molecules might result in two duplex DNA molecules (conservative) or, alternatively, it might result in only one recombinant duplex DNA molecule (nonconservative). Here we present evidence that the mode of homologous recombination is nonconservative in an Escherichia coli strain with an active RecF pathway (a recBC sbcBC mutant). We employed plasmid substrates that enable us to recover both recombination products. These plasmids carry two mutant alleles of neo gene in direct orientation, two drug-resistance marker genes, and two compatible replication origins. After their transfer to the cells followed by immediate selection for the recombination to neo+, we could recover only one recombination product. A double-strand break at the region of homology increased this nonconservative recombination. If a nonconservative exchange should leave an end, this end may stimulate another exchange. Such "successive half crossing-over events" can explain several recombination-related phenomena in E. coli, including the origin of plasmid linear multimers and of transcribable, nonreplicated recombination products, and also in yeast and mammalian cells.  相似文献   

A question remaining to be answered about RecA protein function concerns the role of ATP hydrolysis during the DNA-strand-exchange reaction. In this paper we describe the formation of joint molecules in the absence of ATP hydrolysis, using adenosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate (ATP[gamma S]) as nucleotide cofactor. Upon the addition of double-stranded DNA, the ATP[gamma S]-RecA protein-single-stranded DNA presynaptic complexes can form homologously paired molecules that are stable after deproteinization. Formation of these joint molecules requires both homology and a free homologous end, suggesting that they are plectonemic in nature. This reaction is very sensitive to magnesium ion concentration, with a maximum rate and extent observed at 4-5 mM magnesium acetate. Under these conditions, the average length of heteroduplex DNA within the joint molecules is 2.4-3.4 kilobase pairs. Thus, RecA protein can form extensive regions of heteroduplex DNA in the presence of ATP[gamma S], suggesting that homologous pairing and the exchange of the DNA molecules can occur without ATP hydrolysis. A model for the RecA protein-catalyzed DNA-strand-exchange reaction that incorporates these results and its relevance to the mechanisms of eukaryotic recombinases are presented.  相似文献   

Homogeneous recA protein catalyzes the hybridization of single-stranded DNA to homologous regions in duplex DNA. The products are D-loops, which are formed with equal efficiency in linear and supercoiled molecules. This assimilation reaction can be separated into two partial reactions. In the first, recA protein binds to duplex DNA and produces a reA protein-DNA complex. The binding shows a sigmoidal dependence on recA protein concentration, requires ATP, GTP or the gamma-thio analog of ATP, and Mg2+, but does not require hydrolysis of the nucleoside triphosphate. In the second reaction, single-stranded regions of the recA protein-ATP-duplex DNA intermediate hybridize with free complementary single strands to produce D-loop structures. This reaction is coupled to ATP hydrolysis and is analogous to the renaturation of single-stranded DNA catalyzed by the recA protein [Weinstrock, G.M., McEntee, K. & Lehman, I.R. (1979) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76, 126-130]. Hydrolysis of ATP appears to be required in these reactions for dissociation of recA protein from the DNA.  相似文献   

In reactions catalyzed by the RecA protein of Escherichia coli, synapsis between two DNA molecules is believed to occur even in the absence of free homologous DNA ends and to involve a metastable interaction termed paranemic joining. We have used electron microscopic methods to visualize synapse formation between supertwisted M13 double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and linear M13 mp7 single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) with non-M13 sequences at its ends. These non-M13 sequences block strand invasion and make this pairing equivalent to the joining of two fully circular molecules. We observed a high frequency of joining when the ssDNA was initially assembled into presynaptic filaments with RecA protein. Cleavage of the dsDNA in the joined complexes by Hpa I revealed that the joint was at a site of homology. In these joints, the dsDNA entered the presynaptic filament over a length of 360 +/- 80 base pairs, not visibly altering its ultrastructure, and then dissociated from the filament. Although the dsDNA in the complexes appeared topologically relaxed, deproteinization released supertwisted dsDNA, indicating that the dsDNA was unwound by 34 degrees per base pair in the paranemic joint. When supertwisted M13 dsDNA was paired with circular M13 ssDNA, similar joints were observed and both DNA circles appeared topologically relaxed.  相似文献   

Homology requirements for recombination in Escherichia coli.   总被引:53,自引:6,他引:47       下载免费PDF全文
The DNA sequence homology required for recombination in Escherichia coli has been determined by measuring the recombination frequency between insulin DNA in a miniplasmid pi VX and a homologous sequence in a bacteriophage lambda vector. A minimum of approximately equal to 20 base pairs in a completely homologous segment is required for significant recombination. There is an exponential increase in the frequency of recombination when the length of homologous DNA is increased from 20 base pairs to 74 base pairs and an apparently linear increase with longer DNA segments. Mismatches within a homologous segment can dramatically decrease the frequency of recombination. Thus, the process of recombination is sensitive to the length of precisely base-paired segments between recombining homologues.  相似文献   

A procedure for selection of specific cosmid clones by homologous recombination between cosmid clones from a library and sequences cloned into a plasmid has been developed. Cosmid libraries constructed in a rec- host strain are packaged in vivo into lambda particles. Appropriate aliquots are then introduced into a rec+ host containing the sequence used for selection cloned into a plasmid vector without sequence homology to the cosmid vector. After a short time for recombination, the cosmids are packaged in vivo. Cosmids that have taken up the plasmid by homologous recombination are isolated by plating under conditions selecting for the antibiotic resistance markers carried by both vectors. The recombined cosmids can lose the inserted sequence by another homologous recombination event and, after packaging in vivo, these revertants can be identified on appropriate indicator plates.  相似文献   

We describe the formation of homologously paired joint molecules in an in vitro reaction that is dependent on the concerted actions of purified RecA and RecBCD proteins and is stimulated by single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB). RecBCD enzyme initiates the process by unwinding the linear double-stranded DNA to produce single-stranded DNA, which is trapped by SSB and RecA. RecA uses this single-stranded DNA to catalyze the invasion of a supercoiled double-stranded DNA molecule, forming a homologously paired joint molecule. At low RecBCD enzyme concentrations, the rate-limiting step is the unwinding of duplex DNA by RecBCD, whereas at higher RecBCD concentrations, the rate-limiting step is RecA-catalyzed strand invasion. The behavior of mutant RecA proteins in this in vitro reaction parallels their in vivo phenotypes, suggesting that this reaction may define biochemical steps that occur during homologous recombination by the RecBCD pathway in vivo.  相似文献   

An 1871-nucleotide region including the phoA gene (the structural gene encoding alkaline phosphatase, EC was cloned and sequenced from eight naturally occurring strains of Escherichia coli. Alignment with the sequence from E. coli K-12 made apparent that there were 87 polymorphic nucleotide sites, of which 42 were informative for phylogenetic analysis. Maximum parsimony analysis revealed six equally parsimonious trees with a consistency index of 0.80. Of the 42 informative sites, 22 were inconsistent with each of the maximum parsimony trees. The spatial distribution of the inconsistent sites was highly nonrandom in a manner implying that intragenic recombination has played a major role in determining the evolutionary history of the nine alleles. The implication is that different segments of the phoA gene have different phylogenetic histories.  相似文献   

An in vitro system is described in which the cutting of crosslinked phiX replicative form (RF) I DNA molecules by the uvr system of Escherichia coli induces the cutting of homologous undamaged DNA during incubation with crude extracts of thermally induced E. coli (lambda precA+) lysogens. This reaction, which has also been observed in intact E. coli lysogens infected with lambda phages, is dependent on the presence of functional recA+ and uvrB+ gene products. Extracts from thermally induced lambda precA+ lysogens of E. coli proved to be substantially more active than extracts from nonlysogenic cells of the same strain. The results provide preliminary evidence for an endonuclease activity that cuts intact superhelical DNA in response to interaction with homologus damaged DNA. In the present paper, we describe an in vitro system in which both the endonucleolytic cutting of DNA containing crosslinks and the induced cutting of undamaged DNA can be studied without purification of the participating enzymes. Although the information obtained is fragmentary and often puzzling, we feel that this system can contribute to an understanding of the complex mechanisms involved in repair and recombination.  相似文献   

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