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The demand-control model for coronary heart disease was tested using ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Male patrol officers (N = 118) wore ambulatory blood pressure monitors during 1 of their day shifts with readings taken every 30 min. Following each reading, officers completed a questionnaire using a handheld computer. Significant interactions were obtained between job demands and decisional control for heart rate and pressure rate product such that both variables were highest under conditions of high demand and low control. Main effects were obtained for control such that diastolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure were significantly higher under conditions of low control. These results support the demand-control model and emphasize the importance of psychological control in cardiovascular responses.  相似文献   

Sensory processing is modulated by attention, which is a function of network states. Here we show that changes in such states do more than a simple gating of stimuli: they actually re-arrange cortical coding space to emphasize emotional valences. We delivered taste stimuli to rats before and after a spontaneous state change ("disengagement") that is associated with a reduction in attention and a concurrent emergence of cortical mu rhythms. The percentage of cortical neurons that responded to tastes, and the average response across neurons, remained stable with disengagement, but the particulars of the responses changed drastically. The distinctiveness of sucrose and quinine-which represent the high and low ends of the palatability spectrum-increased, the distinctiveness of the two aversive tastes (quinine and citric acid) decreased, and the distinctiveness of sucrose and NaCl, which were almost identically palatable to start with, did not change. Overall, then, the changes appeared to be palatability-specific. Two additional findings were consistent with this conclusion: rats' palatability-related behavioral responses to the tastes changed in similar ways with disengagement and disengagement-related neural changes specifically appeared late in the response, when palatability-specific information emerges in cortical responses. These data suggest that neural state changes can change the content of neural codes.  相似文献   

The changes in arterial blood pressure, heart period, and respiration evoked by carotid sinus nerve (CSN) stimulation were studied in closed-chest, anesthetized dogs. Multifactorial regression equations were derived to express the various steady-state responses as functions of the parameters of stimulation. With the CSN and vagi intact, the changes in arterial pressure produced by CSN stimulation were much less pronounced than after the CSN and vagi were interrupted. When the CSN and vagi were intact, changes in stimulus duration had relatively little influence on heart period at the lower voltage levels. However, at higher voltages, increases in pulse duration produced substantial increments in heart period. TheRR interval increased progressively as the frequency of CSN stimulation was varied from 15 to 45 Hz; the magnitude of this effect varied directly with the stimulus voltage. This work was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grants HL 15758 and HL 10951 from the National Heart and Lung Institute.  相似文献   

Orbital measurements of the cardiac function of Space Shuttle crew members have shown an initial increase in cardiac stroke volume upon entry into weightlessness, followed by a gradual reduction in stroke volume to a level approximately 15% less than preflight values. In an effort to explain this response, it was hypothesized that gravity plays a role in cardiac filling. A mock circulatory system was designed to investigate this effect. Preliminary studies carried out with this system on the NASA KC-135 aircraft, which provides brief periods of weightlessness, showed a strong correlation between cardiac filling, stroke volume, and the presence or absence of gravity. The need for extended periods of high quality zero gravity was identified to verify this observation. To accomplish this, the aircraft version of the experiment was reduced in size and fully automated for eventual integration into a Get Away Special canister to conduct an orbital version of the experiment. This article describes the automated system, as well as the development and implementation of a control algorithm for the servoregulation of the mean aortic pressure in the orbital experiment. Three nonlinearities that influence the ability of the apparatus to regulate to a mean aortic pressure of 95 mm Hg were identified and minimized. In preparation for a Space Shuttle flight, the successful function of the servoregulatory scheme was demonstrated during ground tests and additional test flights aboard the KC-135. The control algorithm was successful in carrying out the experimental protocol, including regulation of mean aortic pressure. The algorithm could also be used for the automated operation of long-term tests of circulatory support systems, which may require a scheduled cycling of the pumping conditions on a daily basis.  相似文献   

In the upright position, gravity fills the low-pressure systems of human circulation with blood and interstitial fluid in the sections below the diaphragm. Without gravity one pressure component in the vessels disappears and the relationship between hydrostatic pressure and oncotic pressure, which regulates fluid passage across the capillary endothelium in the terminal vascular bed, shifts constantly. The visible consequences of this are a puffy face and "bird" legs. The plasma volume shrinks in space and the range of cardiovascular control is reduced. When they stand up for the first time after landing, 30-50% of astronauts suffer from orthostatic intolerance. It remains unclear whether microgravity impairs cardiovascular reflexes, or whether it is the altered volume status that causes the cardiovascular instability following space flight. Lower body negative pressure was used in several space missions to stimulate the cardiovascular reflexes before, during and after a space flight. The results show that cardiovascular reflexes are maintained in microgravity. However, the astronauts' volume status changed in space, towards a volume-retracted state, as measurements of fluid-regulating hormones have shown. It can be hypothesized that the control of circulation and body fluid homeostasis in humans is adapted to their upright posture in the Earth's gravitational field. Autonomic control regulates fluid distribution to maintain the blood pressure in that posture, which most of us have to cope with for two-thirds of the day. A determined amount of interstitial volume is necessary to maintain the dynamic range of cardiovascular control in the upright posture; otherwise orthostatic intolerance may occur more often.  相似文献   

Ten females (25–50 years of age) performed isometric shoulder flexions, holding the right arm straight and in a horizontal position. The subjects were able to see the rectified surface electromyogram (EMG) from either one of two electrode pairs above the upper trapezius muscle and were instructed to keep its amplitude constant for 15 min while gradually unloading the arm against a support. The EMG electrodes were placed at positions representing a “cranial” and a “caudal” region of the muscle suggested previously to possess different functional properties. During the two contractions, recordings were made of: (1) EMG root mean square-amplitude and zero crossing (ZC) frequency from both electrode pairs on the trapezius as well as from the anterior part of the deltoideus, (2) supportive force, (3) heart rate (HR) and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), and (4) perceived fatigue. The median responses during the cranial isoelectric contraction were small as compared to those reported previously in the literature: changes in exerted glenohumeral torque and ZC rate of the isoelectric EMG signal of ?2.81%?·?min?1 (P = 0.003) and 0.03%?·?min?1 (P= 0.54), respectively, and increases in HR and MAP of 0.14 beats?·?min?2 (P= 0.10) and 0.06?mmHg?·?min?1 (P= 0.33), respectively. During the contraction with constant caudal EMG amplitude, the corresponding median responses were ?2.51%?·?min?1 (torque), 0.01%?·?min?1 (ZC rate), 0.31 beats?·?min?2 (HR), and 0.93 mmHg ·?min?1 (MAP); P=0.001, 0.69, 0.005, and 0.003, respectively. Considerable deviations from the “isoelectric” target amplitude were common for both contractions. Individuals differed markedly in response, and three distinct subgroups of subjects were identified using cluster analysis. These groups are suggested to represent different motor control scenarios, including differential engagement of subdivisions of the upper trapezius, alternating motor unit recruitment and, in one group, a gradual transition towards a greater involvement of type II motor units. The results indicate that prolonged low-level contractions of the shoulder muscles may in general be accomplished with a moderate metabolic stress, but also that neuromuscular adaptation strategies differ significantly between individuals. These results may help to explain why occupational shoulder-neck loads of long duration cause musculoskeletal disorders in some subjects but not in others.  相似文献   

Cultural context affects people's values regarding emotions, as well as their experiential and behavioral but not autonomic physiological responses to emotional situations. Little research, however, has examined how cultural context influences the relationships among values and emotional responding. Specifically, depending on their cultural context, individuals’ values about emotion control (ECV; the extent to which they value emotion control) may have differing meanings, and as such, be associated with differing responses in emotional situations. We examined this possibility by testing the effect of two cultural contexts (28 female Asian-American (AA) versus 28 female European-American (EA) undergraduate students) on the associations between individuals’ ECV and emotional responding (experiential, behavioral, and cardiovascular) to a relatively neutral film clip and a laboratory anger provocation. In the AA group, greater ECV were associated with reduced anger experience and behavior, and a challenge pattern of cardiovascular responding. In the EA group, greater ECV were associated with reduced anger behavior but not anger experience, and a threat pattern of cardiovascular responding. These results are consistent with the notion that individuals’ values about emotion are associated with different meanings in different cultural contexts, and in turn, with different emotional and cardiovascular responses.  相似文献   

The time—frequency characteristics of muscular sounds (phonomyogram) produced by the contraction of the human diaphragm under various contractile states is evaluated with the cone-kernel distribution. The results show that the instantaneous frequency of the phonomyogram of the diaphragm has a high cross-correlation (an average of 0.91±0.06) with the transdiaphragmatic pressure, with a delay varying between 25 and 35 ms. The instantaneous frequency response of the phonomyogram of the diaphragm shows a behaviour similar to that of the frog muscle; it rapidly rises and then fades out. However, the maximum of the instantaneous frequency of the phonomyogram of the diaphragm is not proportional to the maximum of the transdiaphragmatic pressure. This analysis also demonstrates the usefulness of the cone-kernel distribution for studying frequency-modulated signals like the muscular sound signals.  相似文献   

We examined the way in which the duration of rhythmic muscle compressions affects cardiovascular responses and muscle oxygenation at rest and during dynamic exercise. We measured the mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR) and oxygenation of the vastus lateralis muscle (by near-infrared spectroscopy) in eight healthy male subjects at rest and during supine bicycle exercise (50 and 100 W at 60 r.p.m.) while applying pulsed muscle compressions at 1000 ms intervals. Compression pressure and durations were 150 mmHg and 300, 600, 900 and 1000 ms (1000 ms being static continuous compression), respectively. During exercise, the pulsed leg compression was synchronized to each thigh extensor muscle contraction. The observed changes in muscle oxygenation were dependent on compression duration (increased at 300 ms, no change at 600 ms and decreased at 900 or 1000 ms) and were different from those seen at rest (increases at < 1000 ms and decrease at 1000 ms). This suggests that the effects of external pulsed muscle compression may have a duration threshold below which muscle pumping counteracts the obstruction to flow caused by the compression, and that the threshold is set at a shorter compression duration during exercise than at rest. Although HR and MAP did not change during pulsed compression at rest, during exercise they both increased progressively as compression duration increased. Thus, while exercising, the increased MAP and HR seen during the compression could be due to the combination and interaction of mechanical effects and the muscle mechanoreflex and/or metaboreflex.  相似文献   

Development of the asthma control test: a survey for assessing asthma control   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
BACKGROUND: Asthma guidelines indicate that the goal of treatment should be optimum asthma control. In a busy clinic practice with limited time and resources, there is need for a simple method for assessing asthma control with or without lung function testing. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this article was to describe the development of the Asthma Control Test (ACT), a patient-based tool for identifying patients with poorly controlled asthma. METHODS: A 22-item survey was administered to 471 patients with asthma in the offices of asthma specialists. The specialist's rating of asthma control after spirometry was also collected. Stepwise regression methods were used to select a subset of items that showed the greatest discriminant validity in relation to the specialist's rating of asthma control. Internal consistency reliability was computed, and discriminant validity tests were conducted for ACT scale scores. The performance of ACT was investigated by using logistic regression methods and receiver operating characteristic analyses. RESULTS: Five items were selected from regression analyses. The internal consistency reliability of the 5-item ACT scale was 0.84. ACT scale scores discriminated between groups of patients differing in the specialist's rating of asthma control (F = 34.5, P <.00001), the need for change in patient's therapy (F = 40.3, P <.00001), and percent predicted FEV(1) (F = 4.3, P =.0052). As a screening tool, the overall agreement between ACT and the specialist's rating ranged from 71% to 78% depending on the cut points used, and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.77. CONCLUSION: Results reinforce the usefulness of a brief, easy to administer, patient-based index of asthma control.  相似文献   

The authors propose a simulated first heart sound (S1) signal that can be used as a reference signal to evaluate the accuracy of time-frequency representation techniques for studying multicomponent signals. The composition of this simulated S1 is based on the hypothesis that an S1 recorded on the thorax over the apical area of the heart is composed of constant frequency vibrations from the mitral valve and a frequency modulated vibration from the myocardium. Essentially, the simulated S1 consists of a valvular component and a myocardial component. The valvular component is modelled as two exponentially decaying sinusoids of 50 Hz and 150 Hz and the myocardial component is modelled by a frequency modulated wave between 20 Hz and 100 Hz. The study shows that the simulated S1 has temporal and spectral characteristics similar to S1 recorded in humans and dogs. It also shows that the spectrogram cannot resolve the three components of the simulated S1. It is concluded that it is necessary to search for a better time-frequency representation technique for studying the time-frequency distribution of multicomponent signals such as the simulated S1.  相似文献   

Knee extension strength training of one leg (ST) (120 maximal contractions per day, 5 days per week for 9 weeks) was performed by 9 healthy young men. Before and after ST, biopsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis muscle of each leg and static quadriceps contractions (SQC) lasting 2 min were performed with each leg under control conditions and after combined vagal and beta-adrenergic blockade with atropine and metoprolol. Maximal voluntary contraction strength (MVC) increased more for the trained leg (TL) than for the untrained leg (UTL) but thigh circumferences and muscle fibre diameters gave little evidence for muscle hypertrophy. In pre- vs. post-training comparisons during SQC at the same relative force (40% of MVC) mean blood pressure (MBP), heart rate (HR) and smoothed rectified electromyographic activity were similar for TL and UTL. Similar findings were obtained for MBP after attenuation of the HR response by autonomic blockade, indicating that MBP, per se, was closely linked to the relative force of SQC. Pre- to post-training reductions in MBP and HR during SQC with each leg at an absolute force of 40% of pre-training MVC were likely due to changes in the pattern of motor unit activation. A lower MBP response to SQC and TL than of UTL after training correlated with a greater capillary density and a lower muscle lactate level for TL.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with the analysis of the phonocardiogram signals (PCG) in the time-frequency domain. Three techniques are studied and evaluated in PCG signal analysis. These are the short time Fourier transform (STFT), the Wigner distribution function (WD) and the continuous wavelet transforms (CWTs). The analysis is first carried out on the second cardiac sound (S2) in order to show the aptitude of each method in distinguishing the internal components of this sound. The results we obtain show that the STFT cannot detect the two internal components of S2 (A2 and P2, respectively, the aortic and pulmonary components). The WD can provide time-frequency characteristics of S2, but with insufficient diagnostic information: the two components are not accurately detected and appear to be only one component. It is found that the CWT (it can also provide the time-frequency characteristic of S2) is capable of detecting its two components, A2 and P2, allowing therefore the measurement of the delay between them. This delay, called the split, is very important in the diagnosis of many pathological cases, as it is emphasized in the results we obtain by applying the CWT on different pathological cases (mitral stenosis, pulmonary stenosis and atrial septal defect).  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the heart rate variability during the Valsalva manoeuvre. The more frequently used time-frequency distributions were applied in order to analyse the dynamical behaviour of several spectral indexes during the manoeuvre. The influence of the branches of the autonomous system can be predicted following the evolution of the studied indexes. The exponential time-frequency distribution showed the best results in the graphical representation, as well as in the indexes calculation. The total power, the low-to-high frequency ratio and the fractal dimension were analysed throughout the different phases of the manoeuvre and a representative model of these parameters' evolution was proposed.  相似文献   

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