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在雷达跟踪中,算法方案的综合评价可通过DS证据理论进行多属性融合。而在实际应用中存在部分指标缺失等问题,导致证据间出现高冲突,使得原始DS证据合成方法失效。在分析了多指标融合中由于3类信息不完整而导致的高冲突证据后,提出了将算法方案的综合评价作为群体证据,把单个证据与群体证据之间的模糊距离作为证据融合权重,基于权重改进DS证据合成方法,解决了高冲突证据下的多属性融合。实验结果表明基于群体证据模糊距离的DS证据合成方法可以较好地解决雷达跟踪中算法方案综合评价问题。  相似文献   

针对工业控制系统日益严峻的信息安全问题,结合工业控制系统信息安全的特点,提出了一种结合D S证据理论和层次分析法的工业控制系统信息安全风险评估方法。首先建立风险评估层次结构,并量化专家的语言评价;然后采用D S证据理论对评估结果进行合成来降低主观因素的影响;最后利用各安全威胁概率的置信区间进行重要性排序,并提出了相关信息安全防护对策。对火电厂工业控制系统的应用结果表明,该方法能够量化各安全威胁的影响,能有效处理工业控制系统信息安全风险评估过程中的不确定性问题。  相似文献   

我国医疗卫生监督工作自从开展以来取得了比较可喜的成果,也完善了我国医疗体制。但是在整个过程中还是会出现不完善的地方,例如证据收集。在收集的过程中,收集过程中证据的证明力以及专业性的问题经常出现。那么,笔者在此给的建议就是要对相关的法律进行熟悉,对于收集到的证据的理解以及收集过程中要保证合法,同时,收集到的证据要具有客观性。  相似文献   

 目的 探讨命案诉讼程序中的传统法医病理学证据在命案中的证明标准。方法 比较了国外不同法系关于证明标准体系的相关特点,深入分析与命案相关的各法医病理学证据要素,并结合司法实践经验对此问题进行了初步探讨。结果 死亡原因、死亡时间、损伤及致伤工具是最为重要的法医病理学证据要素,是命案中证明标准体系的“三大支柱”。结论 命案中的传统法医病理学证据证明标准的划分不仅对于提高检案法医的证据意识具有非常重要的意义,并且对于法医病理学证据要素存在重大瑕疵的案件,可以在诉讼最开始的阶段进行证据补正或终结诉讼,这对于节约司法资源亦有重大价值。  相似文献   

目的 检索并总结缺血性脑卒中患者血脂异常管理的证据。方法 检索国内外数据库及相关协会网站,对纳入的文献进行质量评价,并提取证据。结果 最终纳入18篇文献,其中有13篇指南、5篇专家共识,从评估、管理目标、药物干预、非药物干预、随访管理5个方面总结出28条证据。结论 缺血性脑卒中患者血脂异常管理证据总结可为临床提供循证实践依据。  相似文献   

主观病历是不允许患者复制的,但医疗机构却将其作为诉讼的证据,违背了证据交换原则,由此产生了一些争议。通过对主观病历作为诉讼证据而引发的争议以及主观病历是否能够作为诉讼证据进行相关分析和探讨,提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

证据的产生及推荐意见的形成是制订循证社会照护指南的关键环节,也是保障社会科学领域中决策和实践科学性的重要依据,该过程涉及的方法和步骤较为繁琐、复杂,需考虑诸多因素,但当前尚无完善、严谨的方法学指导从证据产生到推荐意见形成的过程,对循证社会照护指南的制订和推广产生一定的挑战。为使该过程更加系统、透明,本文详细阐述两部分内容:第一,根据NICE发布的《循证社会照护指南制订手册》,总结梳理证据产生及推荐意见形成的过程和方法,并结合案例进行具体说明;第二,在查阅相关研究资料的基础上,探讨和思考证据向推荐意见转化的关键因素,以期明确循证社会照护指南证据产生的方法、清晰指南推荐意见的形成过程,推动循证社会照护指南的研发和应用,保障循证实践的科学性和有效性。  相似文献   

筛选证据来源和检索最好的证据是临床医生在临床决策中实践循证医学的重要步骤之一,同时也是进行循证医学研究的不可缺少的步骤。目前可提供临床医生使用的数据库较多,检索途径和方法也多种多样,但只有针对临床需要进行检索策略的设计,并针对现有条件,才能确定什么是当前最相关的数据库和基本相关的数据库。为了更有效地获取证据,对证据的检索可分类、分步骤进行,并应先检索对临床工作最有指导价值的最相关的数据库,不能满足需要时再检索基本相关的数据库。以下分类列出对循证医学临床实践有帮助的信息资源以及检索中应注意的问题。1用于临…  相似文献   

随着临床流行病学、医学统计学、计算机互联网等学科和技术的迅速发展及医疗费用的迅速增长,现代医学模式正逐步从经验医学向循证医学转化。循证医学是指认真、明确和明智地应用现有的最好证据,同时结合医生的个人专业技能和临床经验,考虑病人的愿望,对患者作出医疗决策。循证医学实践就是结合临床经验与最好证据对患者进行处理的过程,包括提出问题,检索证据,评价证据,结合临床经验与最好证据对患者作出处理和效果评价的5个步骤。因此证据及其质量是循证医学与循证医学实践的核心。临床研究证据分为原始研究证据和二次研究证据两大类。原始…  相似文献   

提高证据意识加强医疗机构的自身保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的为了更好地为患者提供优质的医疗服务,尽可能的减少医疗风险.方法从医疗保护的角度结合<医疗事故处理条例>的变化,谈谈医院应如何提高证据意识,加强医疗保护.结果加强医疗机构的自身保护,减少损失和风险.结论为了预防和及时妥善处理医疗侵权纠纷,承担举证责任,医方在诊疗过程中应当提高证据意识,注意收集证据.  相似文献   

宋儒亮 《循证医学》2014,14(4):244-256
国外Cochrane系统评价是一种典型的循证医学证据。本文以具代表性的国外Cochrane系统评价为例,就循证医学证据在国内首次直接用于医疗及侵权诉讼时,面临诸如是否属于民事诉讼证据、属于哪类民事诉讼证据以及能否直接被法院采纳等争议进行研究和分析。同时,就如何处理Cochrane系统评价的变化性与法律证据的稳定性的矛盾、循证医学的新旧证据冲突、Cochrane系统评价适用本土化争议、循证医学证据对包括教科书等在内既有医学理念与结论之冲击、三者(循证医学证据、患者意愿和医师经验)该如何选择与取舍、国外循证医学证据在中国医疗及医疗侵权首次适用面临的医法转化困境以及循证医学证据的司法化等问题进行医法结合性论述。循证医学证据在医疗及医疗侵权类诉讼中的选择和运用是循证医学证据具有生命力的又一明证。  相似文献   

以Fagin Halpern Dempster Shafer条件证据理论为依据,提出了一种基于条件证据更新的机动目标分类方法。该方法将空中目标的机种类型与机动状态相互作为条件证据,以获得交叉验证的条件信任度分配函数,并通过识别框架的拓展,实现基本信任度分配的更新。实验结果验证了所提方法能够有效提高目标分类的准确性和可信度。  相似文献   



Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) practice requires practitioners to extract evidence from published medical research when answering clinical queries. Due to the time- consuming nature of this practice, there is a strong motivation for systems that can automatically summarise medical documents and help practitioners find relevant information.


The aim of this work is to propose an automatic query- focused, extractive summarisation approach that selects informative sentences from medical documents.


We use a corpus that is specifically designed for summarisation in the EBM domain. We use approximately half the corpus for deriving important statistics associated with the best possible extractive summaries. We take into account factors such as sentence position, length, sentence content, and the type of the query posed. Using the statistics from the first set, we evaluate our approach on a separate set. Evaluation of the qualities of the generated summaries is performed automatically using ROUGE, which is a popular tool for evaluating automatic summaries.


Our summarisation approach outperforms all baselines (best baseline score: 0.1594; our score 0.1653). Further improvements are achieved when query types are taken into account.


The quality of extractive summarisation in the medical domain can be significantly improved by incorporating domain knowledge and statistics derived from a specialised corpus. Such techniques can therefore be applied for content selection in end-to-end summarisation systems.  相似文献   

Traditional Japanese medicine,Kampo,is used by over 80%of medical doctors in Japan.Owing to its high quality and safety,Kampo has been integrated into modern medicine,and there are 345 randomized controlled trials using Kampo in Japan as of 2010.Although there are a number of articles in top journals about basic science research,we can find only small numbers of high-quality clinical evidence.Since undergraduate education on Kampo has been established,integrative approach with the balanced combination of modern medicine and Kampo is expected to generate good clinical evidence in the near future.  相似文献   

跨组织工作流致力于跨越组织界限的业务重组,经过组织体间的网络行为的直接交互与间接推荐,从而形成松散藕合的工作流联盟。这种基于网络行为形成的联盟信任机制具有身份信任不可替代的作用。文章提出了一种基于网络行为的联盟信任模型,研究了D-S证据理论和冲突处理方法在工作流联盟信任模型中的应用。为了解决间接信任度的计算问题,对经验推荐路径的搜索进行了研究。利用这些理论来解决模型中信任的度量、传递和组合问题。结果分析表明,与已有的工作流联盟模型相比,提出的工作流联盟信任模型具有更细的可信实体粒度和更精确的组合信任度。模拟实验结果证实了工作流信任模型可有效提高联盟的稳定性,提高了工作流执行的成功率。  相似文献   

Evidence based medicine demands the highest form of scientific evidence to demonstrate the efficacy and clinical effectiveness for any therapeutic intervention in order to provide best care. It is however accepted that in the absence of scientific evidence, personal experience and expert opinion together with professional judgement are critical. Obtaining evidence for drug safety, postmarketing surveillance (PMS) has focussed on follow up of observational cohorts exposed to a particular drug in order to estimate the incidence of adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Evidence on PMS of Chinese herbal products is still limited, in particular for herbal injections. The aim of this article is to suggest a new model of ascertaining the safety of Chinese medicine using a more comprehensive approach for collecting data. To collect safety data on the Chinese herbal injection, Kudiezi, a mixed methods approach is proposed using 18 hospital information systems to detect ADRs in order to prospectively observe 30,000 patients over 3 years. Evidence will also be collected using a questionnaire survey and through a sample of semi structured interviews. This information based on the expert opinion and the experience of clinicians will produce additional data on the frequency and types of side effects in clinical practice. Furthermore semi structured interviews with a random sample of patients receiving the injection will be carried out to ascertain any potential side effects missed. It is hoped that this comprehensive approach to data collection will accumulate wider evidence based on individual traditional Chinese medicine care and treatment and provide important feedback to the national data collection system to ensure completeness of ADR data recording, monitoring and any potential wider effects through developing improved ADR guidelines.  相似文献   

With the increasing amount of medical data available on the Web, looking for health information has become one of the most widely searched topics on the Internet. Patients and people of several backgrounds are now using Web search engines to acquire medical information, including information about a specific disease, medical treatment or professional advice. Nonetheless, due to a lack of medical knowledge, many laypeople have difficulties in forming appropriate queries to articulate their inquiries, which deem their search queries to be imprecise due the use of unclear keywords. The use of these ambiguous and vague queries to describe the patients’ needs has resulted in a failure of Web search engines to retrieve accurate and relevant information. One of the most natural and promising method to overcome this drawback is Query Expansion. In this paper, an original approach based on Bat Algorithm is proposed to improve the retrieval effectiveness of query expansion in medical field. In contrast to the existing literature, the proposed approach uses Bat Algorithm to find the best expanded query among a set of expanded query candidates, while maintaining low computational complexity. Moreover, this new approach allows the determination of the length of the expanded query empirically. Numerical results on MEDLINE, the on-line medical information database, show that the proposed approach is more effective and efficient compared to the baseline.  相似文献   

The problem of resource allocation in health has stimulated much thought and research, in attempts to provide objective, rational methods by which necessary choices can be made. One such method was proposed in a paper in this journal. The authors argued for a utilitarian approach, which they claimed to demonstrate was acceptable to society at large. This paper argues that the evidence supporting such a claim was flawed; such a utilitarian approach is not socially acceptable, and is therefore not relevant. Rather more relevant directions for research are discussed, based on the assertion that a degree of realism is essential when considering the problems of resource allocation.  相似文献   

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