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目的 探讨三维CT在支气管异物诊断和鉴别诊断中的作用.方法 对37例可疑支气管异物的患儿行螺旋CT检查,并进行支气管三维CT重建,通过支气管镜检术、保守及手术治疗的结果 判断三维CT检查结果 的准确性.结果 37例可疑支气管异物的患儿中,X线胸部透视提示支气管异物8例(A组);X线胸部透视不提示支气管异物29例(B组).A组中,CT提示肺内感染5例、先天性肺发育异常-肺叶缺如2例、气管食管瘘1例.B组29例患儿中,CT提示支气管异物25例,经支气管镜检证实其中24例存在植物性异物,1例为气管内肿物;CT不提示支气管异物4例,证实为肺内感染、小儿急性喉炎各2例.手术证实存在植物性异物的24例中,CT显示气管支气管内异物影共14例次,不规则狭窄共6例次;阻塞性肺不张、肺气肿、肺炎共7例次;前两项为直接征象,占74%(20/27),后三项为间接征象,占26%(7/27).结论 三维CT检查对支气管异物的诊断及鉴别诊断有重要意义,有助于疑难病例的诊断和鉴别诊断.  相似文献   

气管、支气管异物属于急重症,如果不及时诊断和手术,就有生命危险。尽管人们已开始应用MRI、冠状位CT扫描等技术探讨了其在诊断气管异物中的价值。但传统的胸部X线及透视下观察纵隔摆动的检查方法因诊断迅速、费用低廉,仍为诊断呼吸道异物首选辅助检查。我们分析了220例气管、支气管异物患儿胸部X线表现特点,并探讨其在确定气管、支气管异物位置和判断手术效果中的作用。  相似文献   

小儿气管支气管异物诊治230例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的总结小儿气管支气管异物的诊治经验。方法回顾性分析我院近两年来收治的230例小儿气管支气管异物病例资料。结果2岁以下婴幼儿180例(78.3%),其中来自农村地区188例(81.8%)。32例(13.9%)被误诊。行支气管CT检查40例,其中阳性38例,均得到气管镜证实。结论小儿气管支气管异物重在预防,有无异物吸入史是诊断的重要依据,支气管冠状位CT检查对气管异物有较高的诊断价值;全麻下支气管镜检及异物取出术安全,手术成功率高。  相似文献   

气管、支气管异物属于急重症,如果不及时诊断和手术,就有生命危险。尽管人们已开始应用MRI[1]、冠状位CT扫描[2]等技术探讨了其在诊断气管异物中的价值,但传统的胸部X线及透视下观察纵隔摆动的检查方法因诊断迅速、费用低廉,仍为诊断呼吸道异物首选辅助检查。我们分析了220例气管、支气管异物患儿胸部X线表现特点,并探讨其在确定气管、支气管异物位置和判断手术效果中的作用。1材料和方法1.1临床资料全部病例为我院2001年8月~2004年2月住院的气管、支气管异物患儿220例。最大年龄12岁,最小年龄7个月,平均25.5个月,男154例,女66例。手术…  相似文献   

计算机X线断层照像术在支气管异物诊断中的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨计算机X线断层照像术(CT)在儿童支气管异物诊断中的临床意义。方法对21例可疑支气管异物的患儿进行螺旋CT横断面扫描和冠状面重建,采用支气管镜术证实诊断。结果患儿均显示异物的直接征象,CT显示异物位于右肺主支气管12例,右中间支气管1例,右下叶支气管2例,左肺主支气管6例。支气管异物均经支气管镜术取出。结论CT扫描可显示儿童支气管异物,并能精确定位,对病史、体征和常规X线表现不典型的患儿有重要诊断价值。  相似文献   

目的 探讨多排螺旋CT(MDCT)在小儿气管、支气管异物临床诊断中的价值.方法 回顾性分析临床高度怀疑气管、支气管异物且行MDCT扫描并行支气管镜检查的97例患儿的临床及MDCT表现.MDCT重建方法采用多平面重建(MPR)、CT仿真支气管镜(CTVB)、表面遮盖 (SSD)、最小密度投影(MinIP)等技术重建.结果 气管、支气管异物患儿大多数临床症状不典型,以喘息、咳嗽及肺部某一部位反复感染为常见症状.97例患儿中,异物种类以不透光植物性异物为主,且大多数位于肺叶、段以下支气管内及左、右主支气管.其中89例通过各种MDCT重建方式直接显示异物,并发现由异物所引起的阻塞性肺炎、肺气肿、肺不张及纵隔气肿等各类并发症.4例未显示异物,仅显示一侧阻塞性肺气肿及肺内斑片状炎症,支气管镜探查取出异物.4例经支气管镜检查,在MDCT提示异物的支气管管腔内未发现异物,其中2例为黏稠痰栓,此4例经抗炎治疗后肺部炎症及临床症状消失.在CT影像结果指导下行支气管镜检查,93例钳取到异物.MDCT诊断小儿气管、支气管异物准确性为95.9%.结论 MDCT在小儿气管、支气管异物诊断中有实用价值,但在使用时要密切结合临床病史及体征.  相似文献   

CT扫描诊断支气管异物6例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
气管支气管异物临床多依靠临床表现、普通X线检查来确.定异物的存在和部位,我院用CT扫描确诊气管支气管异物6例,均经临床取出证实,现总结如下.检查方法使用西门子SomaxomCR全身扫描机;层厚4mm,从隆突上水平向下连续扫描或根据临床可疑异物存留部位上下区域扫描;在CT可疑异物处进行重迭扫描或层厚2mm的薄层扫描,以进一步确定异物的存在。在扫描前给患儿口服或肌注镇静剂,使其进入睡眠状态,然后进行扫描。一般资料6例患儿中,男1例,女5例,年龄1~11岁,4例异物为花生米,1例为葵花子,1例为破碎的气球皮;病程2小时至28天不…  相似文献   

目的 探讨支气管镜检和支气管肺泡灌洗在幼儿气道阻塞性疾病中的应用价值.方法 58例发生气道阻塞常规治疗欠佳的难治性肺部疾病患儿适时给予支气管镜检及支气管肺泡灌洗,对其临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 58例患儿经交气管镜检明确诊断,经吸除分泌物、取出异物、清除肉芽、灌洗后及对症处理后,症状改善明显,疗效显著.结论 对保守治疗疗效不佳的难治性肺部疾病,支气管镜检和支气管肺泡灌洗起着重要的诊断和治疗作用.  相似文献   

目的 探讨支气管镜检和支气管肺泡灌洗在幼儿气道阻塞性疾病中的应用价值.方法 58例发生气道阻塞常规治疗欠佳的难治性肺部疾病患儿适时给予支气管镜检及支气管肺泡灌洗,对其临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 58例患儿经交气管镜检明确诊断,经吸除分泌物、取出异物、清除肉芽、灌洗后及对症处理后,症状改善明显,疗效显著.结论 对保守治疗疗效不佳的难治性肺部疾病,支气管镜检和支气管肺泡灌洗起着重要的诊断和治疗作用.  相似文献   

目的 探讨支气管镜检和支气管肺泡灌洗在幼儿气道阻塞性疾病中的应用价值.方法 58例发生气道阻塞常规治疗欠佳的难治性肺部疾病患儿适时给予支气管镜检及支气管肺泡灌洗,对其临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 58例患儿经交气管镜检明确诊断,经吸除分泌物、取出异物、清除肉芽、灌洗后及对症处理后,症状改善明显,疗效显著.结论 对保守治疗疗效不佳的难治性肺部疾病,支气管镜检和支气管肺泡灌洗起着重要的诊断和治疗作用.  相似文献   

Background: The aim of the present study was to investigate the value of chest multidetector computed tomography (CT) in the evaluation of children with suspected foreign body aspiration. Methods: Chest CT was performed in 45 consecutive children with suspected foreign body aspiration, and plain chest X‐ray was conducted at the same time. Multiplanar reformatted imaging was carried out after multidetector CT. Rigid bronchoscopy and removal of the foreign body was performed under general anesthesia. Results: All 42 patients (100%) with tracheobronchial foreign bodies were identified on chest CT. Three patients avoided unnecessary operations due to negative CT scans. For the patients with tracheobronchial foreign bodies, the occurrence of unilateral hyperlucent lung and post‐obstructive lobar or segmental infiltrates on plain chest X‐ray was 42.9% (18/42) and 4.8% (2/42), respectively. Twenty‐two of the 42 patients (52.4%) had no abnormalities on plain X‐ray. The difference between multidetector CT and plain X‐ray results was statistically significant (P < 0.001). Surgical plans were designed and appropriate foreign body forceps were selected based on the CT scans. All foreign bodies were removed successfully, and no severe complications were observed. The location, shape, and volume of the foreign bodies found at surgery were consistent with the CT images. Conclusions: The diagnosis of foreign body aspiration of the airway in children can be accomplished by using chest multidetector CT. It is often useful in delineating the exact shape, location, volume and form of a bronchial foreign body and can help the surgeon plan for operative bronchoscopy and safe removal of the foreign body.  相似文献   

Foreign body aspiration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
OBJECTIVE:To analyze the clinical and radiological profile of foreign body aspiration in children reaching a tertiary care center and identify areas of possible interventions for proper management of such cases. SETTING: Tertiary level teaching hospital. SUBJECTS: Case records of patients suspected to have foreign body aspiration over the past four years were analyzed. Clinico-radiological features, types and location of foreign bodies were studied. RESULTS: Of 75 children who underwent rigid bronchoscopy, 70 had tracheo-bronchial foreign bodies. History of choking was elicited in 90 percent cases. In 30 percent cases chest radiographs were non-contributory, while the commonest finding (63 percent) was distal emphysema. Over three-fourth of the cases were below the age of 2 years. Vegetative foreign bodies, mainly peanuts, were commonly present. In many cases, referral was delayed as the diagnosis was missed initially. CONCLUSION: Foreign body aspiration remains a common unintentional childhood injury due to improper exposure of young children to otherwise innocuous looking nuts and other small objects.  相似文献   

目的 探讨小儿呼吸道透X线异物的临床特点,比较数字X线成像(DR)与16排螺旋CT对其的检出效果.方法 收集本院2007年1月-2011年1月收治的50例经纤维支气管镜检查证实为呼吸道异物患儿的临床资料.男28例,女22例;年龄10个月~11岁.有明确异物吸入史31例,可疑异物吸入史并伴相应症状3例.患儿均经DR行胸部正侧位检查,以及16排螺旋CT检查和CT呼吸道三维重建.结果 31例患儿首诊有异物吸入史,均有不同程度刺激性呛咳、发热、喘鸣等.体格检查发现呼吸音减弱32例,发绀21例,三凹征19例.50例患儿胸部DR均不能直接发现透X线异物;16排螺旋CT三维重建模拟支气管镜可直接发现呼吸道透X线异物.异物附着在管壁上或嵌顿于管腔内.胸壁双边影15例;节段性肺不张12例;纵隔双边影或纵隔移位8例;支气管扩张18例;肺部感染8例;肺野静止征16例.CT的诊断阳性符合率为96%,DR为62%.结论 16排螺旋CT对小儿呼吸道透X线异物的诊断及手术定位具有重要价值,与DR相比具有明显的优势.  相似文献   

Background Foreign body aspiration is common in children, especially those under 3 years of age. Chest radiography and CT are the main imaging modalities for the evaluation of these children. Management of children with suspected foreign body aspiration (SFBA) mainly depends on radiological findings. Objective To investigate the potential use of low-dose multidetector CT (MDCT) and virtual bronchoscopy (VB) in the evaluation and management of SFBA in children. Materials and methods Included in the study were 37 children (17 girls, 20 boys; age 4 months to 10 years, mean 32 months) with SFBA. Chest radiographs were obtained prior to MDCT in all patients. MDCT was performed using a low-dose technique. VB images were obtained in the same session. Conventional bronchoscopy (CB) was performed within 24 h on patients in whom an obstructive abnormality had been found by MDCT and VB. Results Obstructive pathology was found in 16 (43.25%) of the 37 patients using MDCT and VB. In 13 of these patients, foreign bodies were detected and removed via CB. The foreign bodies were located in the right main bronchus (n = 5), in the bronchus intermedius (n = 6), in the medial segment of the middle lobe bronchus (n = 1), and in the left main bronchus (n = 1). In the remaining three patients, the diagnosis was false-positive for an obstructive pathology by MDCT and VB; the final diagnoses were secretions (n = 2) and schwannoma (n = 1), as demonstrated by CB. In 21 patients in whom no obstructive pathology was detected by MDCT and VB, CB was not performed. These patients were followed for 5–20 months without any recurrent obstructive symptomatology. Conclusions Low-dose MDCT and VB are non-invasive radiological modalities that can be used easily in the investigation of SFBA in children. MDCT and VB provide the exact location of the obstructive pathology prior to CB. If obstructive pathology is depicted with MDCT and VB, CB should be performed either for confirmation of the diagnosis or for the diagnosis of an alternative cause for the obstruction. In cases where no obstructive pathology is detected by MDCT and VB, CB may not be clinically useful.  相似文献   

Foreign body aspiration (FBA) into the tracheobronchial tree is a frequent and serious cause of respiratory problems in children. Chest X-ray (CXR) is often inaccurate in diagnosing FBA when the object is radiolucent. Three-dimensional computed tomography (CT) is a noninvasive technique that can detect the narrowing of the airway resulting from the presence of a foreign body. We conducted a retrospective study comparing the performance of CT scan and CXR in the diagnosis of FBA. Eleven patients (mean age 2.1 years) with a history suggestive of foreign body aspiration were examined by three-dimensional chest CT and CXR during the study. The presence of foreign bodies was confirmed and they were removed by rigid or flexible bronchoscopy under general anesthesia. Foreign body aspiration (FBA) was detected in all the 11 patients by CT scan (sensitivity, 100%), but CXR of three of the patients showed no evidence of FBA (sensitivity, 72.7%). The foreign bodies were located in the right main bronchus (n = 4), the left main bronchus (n = 5), and the trachea (n = 2). The mean length of hospital stay was 3.8 days. In our study, three-dimensional chest CT scan was more sensitive than CXR in detecting the presence of aspirated foreign bodies in children. The superior sensitivity and short time required for CT should help to reduce delays in diagnosis. These benefits may prompt further studies to determine whether CT could be used to reduce the number of unnecessary bronchoscopies performed in children being evaluated for FBA.  相似文献   

目的 了解儿童气管支气管异物的临床特征,为实施切实可行的预防措施提供依据。方法 回顾性分析2012年2月至2013年2月114例经纤维支气管镜确诊的气管支气管异物患儿的临床资料。结果 儿童气管支气管异物主要发生在1~3岁(71.9%),男童多于女童,性别比为2:1。冬季发生比例高于夏季。农村儿童气管支气管异物的发生比例较城市高。不同部位气管、支气管异物的CT阳性率存在明显差异,气管异物病例的胸部CT阳性率明显低于左、右主支气管异物(PP结论 儿童气管支气管异物的预防相关健康教育应以农村地区为重点;气管支气管异物多发于1~3岁幼儿;对于气管支气管异物疑诊病例,需尽早行支气管镜检查确诊。  相似文献   

Foreign body aspiration in children is frequently associated with unilateral emphysema or atelectasis on chest x-ray. Two cases are reported of tracheal or bilateral foreign bodies in which the original chest x-rays were read as normal, but the history was suggestive of the foreign body aspiration. Early bronchoscopy can prevent the long-term morbidity that results from unrecognized tracheobronchial foreign bodies.  相似文献   

Foreign body aspiration in children: diagnosis and treatment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A total of 235 children, aged between 7 months and 15 years had bronchoscopy on suspicion of foreign body aspiration. The histories of these patients were studied to examine the diagnostic value of symptoms, signs, and chest x-rays, and rate of negative bronchoscopy. The sensitivity of choking and coughing was high (82% and 80%), but the specificity was poor (37% and 34%). The sensitivity of a chest radiograph was 66%, the specificity was 51%. The sensitivity of asymmetric auscultation was 80% and specificity was 72%. The sensitivity and specificity of combination of symptoms, signs and abnormal chest radiograph was 61% and 83%, respectively. In 206 (87.7%) children a foreign body was identified and extracted. The remaining 29 patients (12.3%) had negative bronchoscopy. A wide variety of objects was recovered, the most common being seeds and peanuts. Foreign bodies were in the right and left main bronchus in 72 (35%), 50 (24.3%) cases, respectively, while in the remaining 84 cases, the foreign bodies were in other parts of the respiratory tree. In 204 (99%) patients with foreign body aspiration, the foreign bodies were removed successfully using a rigid bronchoscopy. Minor complications like subglottic edema and bronchospasm occurred in 4 children. In conclusion, rigid bronchoscopy is a safe procedure and the only tool that will give certainty about the correct diagnosis of foreign body aspiration in children. Asymmetric auscultation is more specific than history and chest radiograph. The combination of history, clinical signs and radiological signs are more specific than each one separately.  相似文献   

Foreign body aspiration in children   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: The aim was to investigate the role of physical and radiological findings before bronchoscopy in the diagnosis of foreign body aspiration (FBA). METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the clinical records for 82 patients (mean age 26.4 +/- 21.4 months, range 9 months to 13.5 years; 49 males) with a history suggestive of foreign body aspiration. RESULTS: The presence of a foreign body in the airways was confirmed in 70 children (85.4%) (mean age 25 +/- 14.1 months, 45 boys). Of the 70 children, 63 patients (90%) were under 3 years of age, with a peak incidence during the second year. Of the 70 foreign bodies retrieved, 46 (60%) were vegetable and 35 (76%) of these were nuts. In 42% of the patients the foreign body was located in the right bronchial tree. The most frequent physical findings observed in our patients were persistent cough (75%), localized decreased breath sound (62.8%) and localized wheezing (30%). The clinical triad (concomitant cough, localized wheezing and decreased breath sound) was present in 11 patients (15.7%). All clinical findings had a high positive predictive value with poor sensitivity. In 11 patients (20%) chest X-rays were normal. Five foreign bodies (9.1%) were radiopaque. The most frequent radiological findings observed were localized air trapping (43.6%), followed by atelectasis (40%). The diagnostic sensitivity was 80% and the specificity 33% for the presence of a single positive radiological finding. CONCLUSIONS: Our study confirmed that clinical symptoms and radiological findings before bronchoscopy have a low diagnostic value in children with a history of FBA.  相似文献   

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