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Expression of neurofilament proteins in granule cells of the cerebellum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have used a panel of monoclonal antibodies directed against the low, middle and high molecular weight subunits of neurofilament triplet, to study their expression in mouse cerebellar granule cells. We demonstrate that in situ such cells only express the 2 lower molecular weight subunits either at various developmental stages or in the adult. The same results were obtained in vitro. This pattern of neurofilament protein expression in adult granule cells is therefore similar to that observed in developing neurons but differs from most neurons in the adult brain. The retention of such 'immature' pattern of neurofilament protein expression throughout adulthood could explain the lack of cytologically identifiable intermediate filaments in these neurons when examined with conventional electron microscopic techniques. It furthermore suggests that various neuronal populations might be characterized by the expression of specific subsets of neuronal intermediate filaments.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies (mabs) which recognized the 68 kDa subunit of the rat neurofilament triplet were isolated. In immunoblots with SDS-solubilized and reduced proteins, these mabs recognized their epitopes equally well in embryonic and in adult tissue. However, these epitopes were developmentally regulated in paraformaldehyde-fixed rat brain sections. They were abundant in all compartments of differentiating neurons, whereas in mature neurons their presence was markedly attenuated, with a moderate abundance in perikarya and larger dendrites and low concentrations in axons. Thus, a differential developmental modification, possibly involving the masking of an epitope, is demonstrated for the small neurofilament polypeptide in rat and monkey brain tissue.  相似文献   

The extent to which all neurofilament (NF) subunits (NF68, NF150, NF200) are expressed by different populations of mature CNS and PNS neurons is controversial. We addressed this issue in immunohistochemical studies of mature bovine tissues using monoclonal antibodies specific for each bovine NF subunit. All three NF subunits were detected in the perikarya and neurites of both CNS and PNS neurons; they were seen in nearly all PNS neuronal perikarya, and in all identifiable CNS and PNS axons. Most, but not all, CNS neuronal perikarya contained each of these NF antigens. CNS neurons devoid of immunodetectable NF antigens were generally small. The presence of low levels of NF antigens in neurons with scant perikaryal cytoplasm may account for the apparent absence of NF immunoreactivity in some classes of neurons, although other explanations, such as microheterogeneity among NF proteins, could account for this finding. NF antigens were also seen in some cells of the diffuse neuroendocrine system (adrenal chromaffin cells and cells of the pars distalis and pars intermedia), but not in other cell types. We suggest that the expression of all three NF subunits is a common feature of CNS and PNS neurons and their processes, and of some cells of the diffuse neuroendocrine system. These findings have implications for hypotheses concerning the structure and function of the intermediate filaments of neurons, and for hypotheses concerning neurodegenerative diseases involving NF proteins.  相似文献   

Motoneurons were recorded intracellularly in the isolated perfused spinal cord of 10 - 16-day chick embryos. Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) were present in motoneurones of all ages studied and could be evoked by both ventral white column and dorsal root stimulation. IPSPs produced by orthodromic stimulation displayed many features of mature vertebrate motoneuronal IPSPs including the chloride dependence and sensitivity to currents passed through the cell membrane. Strychnine and chloride-free solution produced marked disinhibitory effects in the spinal cord indicating the presence of inhibitory synapses in interneuronal circuits of at least 11-day and older embryos. Possible sources of descending inhibitory influences on motoneurones and some functional aspects are discussed. The results support the hypothesis that the inhibition starts in the embryonic chick spinal cord rather early, before the 10th day of development.  相似文献   

Neurofilament (NF) proteins isolated from human, rabbit, rat, and chicken spinal cord white matter were immunoblotted with monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) raised to bovine NF immunogens. The aim of these experiments was to test the degree of epitope conservation among NF proteins from different vertebrate species. In so doing, the validity of using antibodies raised to NF from one species (cow) for detecting NF proteins of other species was also tested. The MAbs used for these experiments were characterized using bovine NFs to define polypeptide specificity, the approximate location of epitopes within each NF polypeptide, and the effects on antibody recognition of the presence or absence of phosphorylated residues in these polypeptides (see Carden et al., 1985). Our findings indicate that epitopes located in the alpha-helical core domains of NF-H, NF-M, and NF-L are distinct from each other, yet are strongly conserved among the different species. Epitopes located in the noncore or peripheral domains of the NF polypeptides show variable degrees of cross-species preservation. For example, all epitopes in the peripheral domains of bovine NF-H that require the presence of phosphate groups for recognition (phosphorylation dependent) are widely expressed in all species studied. Many phosphorylation-dependent epitopes of bovine NF-H are also present in bovine NF-M, as well as in NF-H of non-bovine species. In addition, epitopes in the peripheral domain of NF-H that require dephosphorylation of NF polypeptides for recognition (dephosphorylation dependent) are also found in NF-H of other mammalian species but not in NF-H of chicken.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Animal studies suggest that Purkinje cells internalize proteins from the blood and CSF. This process may relate to the pathogenesis of paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration in patients with anti-Purkinje cell antibodies. To determine if human Purkinje cells may also internalize plasma proteins, cerebellar tissue was taken from routine autopsies of eight patients without neurologic or neoplastic disease. Several plasma proteins including IgG, IgA, IgM, transferrin, albumin and alpha-2-macroglobulin were detected by immunohisto-chemistry within the cytoplasm of Purkinje cells. Internalized proteins frequently filled the entire soma and major dendrites, sparing the nucleus. Vascular structures were also immunolabeled, while glia internalized plasma proteins differentially, with oligodendrocytes selectively internalizing transferrin. Purkinje cells were the most numerous and heavily labeled neuronal cell type in spite of their small numerical representation in the cerebellar neuronal population. Our results are compatible with previous animal studies, and suggest that internalization of specific antibodies could contribute to the pathogenesis of Purkinje cell loss in paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration.  相似文献   

The paraneoplastic cerebellar syndrome presents as severe neuroimmunological disease associated with malignancies. Antibodies against antigens expressed by tumor cells cross-react with proteins of cerebellar Purkinje cells leading to neuroinflammation and neuronal loss. These antineuronal antibodies are preferentially investigated by serological analyses while examination of the cerebrospinal fluid is only performed infrequently.

We retrospectively investigated 12 patients with antineuronal antibodies against Purkinje cells with a special focus on cerebrospinal fluid.

Our results confirm a subacute disease with a severe cerebellar syndrome in 10 female patients due to anti-Yo antibodies associated mostly with gynecological malignancies. While standard cerebrospinal fluid parameters infrequently revealed pathological results, all patients presented oligoclonal bands indicating intrathecal IgG synthesis. Analyses of anti-Yo antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid by calculating the antibody specific index revealed intrathecal synthesis of anti-Yo antibodies in these patients. In analogy to anti-Yo syndrome, an intrathecal production of anti-Tr antibodies in one patient who presented with a paraneoplastic cerebellar syndrome was detected. In an additional patient, anti-Purkinje cell antibodies of unknown origin in the cerebrospinal fluid but not in serum were determined suggesting an isolated immune reaction within the central nervous system (CNS) and underlining the importance of investigating the cerebrospinal fluid.

In conclusion, patients with a cerebellar syndrome display a distinct immune reaction within the cerebrospinal fluid including intrathecal synthesis of disease-specific antibodies. We emphasize the importance of a thorough immunological work up including investigations of both serum and cerebrospinal fluid.  相似文献   

Mature Purkinje cells in mouse cerebellar tissue cultures were morphologically analyzed by electron microscopy. Explants maintained for 19 to 31 days in vitro contained Purkinje cells that were similar in most respects to those described in vivo except for incomplete arborization of the dendritic trees. Typical features included (1) absence of Purkinje cell perisomatic spines; (2) a paucity of naked Purkinje cell dendritic spines; (3) a 1:1 relationship of Purkinje cell dendritic spines to parallel fiber terminals; and (4) almost complete astroglial investment of Purkinje cell somata and dendrites. Minimal extracellular space was present in the neuropil of the explants and unusual synapses involving Purkinje cells were absent. Atypical features described by some investigators may be a function of retarded development in suboptimal culture conditions and do not represent the limit of tissue culture methodology.  相似文献   

Summary A 34-year-old male patient developed a neurological disorder and signs of cerebellar degeneration, with antibodies against Purkinje cells in the serum, a syndrome previously described as paraneoplastic cerebellar atrophy. Antibody reaction of the patient's serum was demonstrated by immunohistochemistry on sections through the rat and human cerebellum. Purkinje cells demonstrated granular staining of cytoplasmic proteins and proximal dendrites with nuclear sparing. In an immunoblot, the antibodies from the patient's serum reacted with proteins from an extract of rat cerebellum. Only a few distinct proteins from the complex mixture of cerebellar proteins were found to bind with the serum antibodies when using a combination of affinity chromatography and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) gel electrophoresis. The molecular masses of the proteins differed significantly from those identified in patients reported in the literature. Protein denaturation by SDS and 2-mercaptoethanol resulted in a decrease of antibody binding capacity. After immunosuppressive therapy and plasmapheresis, the reaction of the patient's serum with Purkinje cells was greatly diminished; however, only slight clinical improvement was observed. No sign of neoplasm could be found with repeated examinations. The immunological aspects of this case suggest that cerebellar degeneration may be linked to a previously unreported autoimmune response.  相似文献   

Sera from three of four patients with paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) associated with gynecologic cancer had antibodies that stained the cytoplasm of Purkinje cells in a characteristic discrete and coarsely granular pattern. No such antibodies were found in PCD patients with small cell cancer of the lung, in patients with cerebellar degeneration without cancer, in nonneurologic patients with small cell carcinoma or gynecologic cancer, or in normal subjects. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that the antibodies of PCD bound to clusters of ribosomes, granular endoplasmic reticulum, and the trans-face of the vesicles of the Golgi complex in Purkinje cells. Immunostaining was localized in orderly arrays of stacked parallel cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum in the perikaryon and dendritic processes. This pattern suggested that at least one autoantigen of PCD may be a glycoprotein specific cerebellar tissue that is associated with the endoplasmic reticulum. Some patches of Purkinje plasma membrane also were immunostained.  相似文献   

The localization of neurofilament triplet proteins in PC12 cells grown in the absence of (PC12−) or maintained in the presence of (PC12+) nerve growth factor (NGF) was studied using indirect immunofluorescence and monospecific, immunosorbent purified antibodies to 68,000 (P68), 150,000 (P150) and 200,000 (P200) dalton neurofilament proteins. The intensity of immunofluorescent staining of the triplet protein was always greater in PC12+ compared with PC12− cells. Neuritic staining was seen in PC12+ cells with all 3 monospecific antibodies to neurofilament proteins. However, the perikaryal distribution of each of the neurofilament proteins differed in both PC12+ and PC12− ells. Monospecific antibodies to P68 protein yielded a ‘ball-like’ cytoplasmic staining pattern whereas monospecific antibodies to P150 protein stained in a stippled pattern. Monospecific antibodies to P200 on the other hand diffusely stained the perikaryal cytoplasm with very faint but detectable foci of f ‘ball-like’ configurations and stippling. Electron microscopic study of PC12+ and PC12− cells revealed intermediate filaments in the cell bodies of both as well as in the processes of the former. ‘Ball-like’ clusters of such filaments were rarely seen. However, these filaments lacked the three-dimensional organization typical of intact neurofilaments.It is concluded that PC12 cells contain dissociated or incompletely assembled immunoreactive neurofilament triplet proteins and that these proteins can be induced by NGF. The PC12 cells are therefore an attractive model system not only for studies of neuronal differentiation but also for studies of neurofilament metabolism and disorders thereof.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies reacting with the high molecular weight neurofilament polypeptides (NF 150K and NF 200K) were obtained upon immunization with NF 150K and NF 200K isolated from bovine spinal cord by anion exchange chromatography. The five monoclonal antibodies obtained with NF 200K stained only axons. With three monoclonals the reactivity was abolished by digestion with phosphatase and by dilution of the supernatants in sodium potassium phosphate. The nine monoclonal antibodies obtained upon immunization with NF 150K stained both high molecular weight neurofilament polypeptides on immunoblots of bovine and rat spinal cord extracts with the exception of one monoclonal only reacting with the homologous antigen. The antibodies could be divided into two groups, axon-specific and conventional. Conventional antibodies decorated neurofilaments regardless of their location, i.e. axons, perikarya and dendrites. With all these antibodies the immunostaining was not affected by phosphatase digestion of neurofilament protein nor by dilution of the supernatants in sodium potassium phosphate. Axon-specific antibodies reacting with both NF 150K and NF 200K in rat spinal cord only stained the heterologous antigen (NF 200K) in rat optic nerve and sciatic nerve extracts. We suggest that some axon-specific neurofilament antibodies recognize neurofilament modifications other than phosphorylation; or, alternatively that they react with phosphorylated epitopes not accessible to phosphate or to exogenous phosphatases. Furthermore, we suggest that some neurofilament modifications do not occur uniformly throughout the nervous system.  相似文献   

Using monospecific antisera against each of the three chicken neurofilament (NF) proteins, NF70, NF160 and NF180, the distribution of each of these proteins in several types of neurons was examined by immunohistochemistry. Striking differences were observed in the relative staining by the three antibodies when the soma of different types of neurons were compared, and also when the soma of some neurons were compared with their axons. Both the soma and axons of dorsal root sensory neurons were brightly stained by each of the antisera. The soma of spinal cord ventral horn neurons, however, were stained only by A-NF70 and A-NF180, not by A-NF160. The axons of these neurons were uniformly stained by A-NF70 and A-NF180, while only gradually becoming NF160-positive over the first several hundred microns. The lack of staining by A-NF160 was also observed in many neuronal soma in cultures of dissociated spinal cord cells. The soma and dendrites of adult cerebellar Purkinje cells were weakly stained by A-NF70 and A-NF180 and not at all by A-NF160, but both A-NF70 and A-NF180 yielded prominent staining of immature Purkinje cells and dendrites. These results suggest that the three NF proteins may be unequally distributed within the soma and processes of different types of neurons and/or may be subject to regionally selective modification.  相似文献   

Immunoaffinity columns are prepared from the monoclonal antibody (MAb) GAD-1. These columns are used to enrich glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) from the cytosolic fraction of rat brain homogenates and from Triton X-100 extracts of the brain membrane fraction. In each case enzyme activity is enriched over 400-fold. The immunopurified fractions were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Fractions purified from the cytosol consisted of a quantitatively major band of 59 kDa, and one band of 63 kDa, as well as a group centered around 55 kDa. Fractions purified from membranes consisted primarily of the 59 and 63 kDa components; only traces of the lower-molecular-weight components were present. The entire set of proteins purified on GAD-1 immunoaffinity columns is strongly recognized by 2 widely used antisera to GAD, those described in Saito et al. (1974) and Oertel et al. (1981). The 59 kDa protein from the cytosolic fraction was purified to homogeneity by preparative SDS-PAGE; a partial amino acid sequence of this protein was obtained. The 59 kDa protein has a high degree of sequence homology with the deduced amino acid sequence of the protein that was coded for by a cDNA for feline GAD (Kaufman et al., 1986; Kobayashi et al., 1987). Thus, these proteins are either products of a single gene that diverged during the evolution of rat and cat from a common ancestor, or are members of a closely related set of genes found in both species. The MAb GAD-6 recognizes the 59 kDa band and the group of bands centered around 55 kDa on Western blots. Therefore, these proteins are immunochemically related. GAD-6 does not recognize the 63 kDa band. In Western blots of unfractionated homogenates of the whole brain, the only band recognized by GAD-6 is a 59 kDa band.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Glutamate receptor (GluR) delta2 selectively expressed in cerebellar Purkinje cells plays a central role in cerebellar long-term depression (LTD), motor learning, and formation of parallel fiber synapses. By yeast two-hybrid screening, we identified members of the Shank family of scaffold proteins as major GluRdelta2-interacting molecules. GluRdelta2 bound directly to the PDZ domain of Shank proteins through an internal motif in the carboxyl-terminal putative cytoplasmic domain. Shank1 and Shank2 proteins as well as GluRdelta2 proteins were localized in the dendritic spines of cultured Purkinje cells. Anti-GluRdelta2 antibodies immunoprecipitated Shank1, Shank2, Homer, and metabotropic GluR1alpha proteins from the synaptosomal membrane fractions of cerebella. Furthermore, Shank2 interacted with GRIP1 in the cerebellum. These results suggest that through Shank1 and Shank2, GluRdelta2 interacts with the metabotropic GluR1alpha, the AMPA-type GluR, and the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) that are essential for cerebellar LTD.  相似文献   

GD3 is a major ganglioside of the immature vertebrate CNS, and its expression is suggested to be characteristic of immature neuroectodermal cells. Using immunocytochemistry on cryostat sections of developing rat cerebellum with a monoclonal antibody specific for GD3, we have found that GD3 begins to be expressed on the plasma membrane of Purkinje cell bodies and dendrites beginning at postnatal day 7. Staining became brighter as the dendritic tree of the cells enlarged. As the Purkinje cells began to mature in different folia, they became GD3+, until by 15 days postnatal all Purkinje cells were GD3+. Positive staining of the dendritic tree was still present in the adult cerebellum. Using a monoclonal antibody 7-8D2, which recognizes cerebellar granule cells and their axons (the parallel fibres), and polyclonal antibodies against a synaptic vesicle component synaptophysin, double-immunofluorescence staining together with anti-GD3 antibodies suggested that the appearance of GD3 immunoreactivity did not correlate either with the ingrowth of parallel fibres or the presence of their synapses on Purkinje cell dendrites. However, comparison with earlier morphological studies showed that the appearance of GD3 immunoreactivity correlated well with the formation of climbing fibre synapses on Purkinje cell dendrites and the onset of the rapid expansion of the dendritic tree. These results are in keeping with the idea that elevated GD3 concentrations are found in certain cell types during periods of rapid growth or high metabolic activity but also show that this is not only restricted to immature cells.  相似文献   

The studies described here characterize abnormalities in the expression of neurofilament (NF) proteins in a clonal rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cell line as compared with normal NF proteins in cultured rat sympathetic neurons (RSNs). Cytoskeletal extracts from PC12 cells grown in the presence (PC12+ cells) or absence (PC12- cells) of nerve growth factor (NGF) and from RSNs grown in the presence of NGF were analyzed in nitrocellulose replicas of one- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels by the immunoblot method using monoclonal antibodies and antiserum to individual NF subunits. RSNs failed to express the high molecular weight NF subunit (NF200) for the first 10 days in culture although both lower molecular weight NF subunits (NF68 and NF150) were expressed by these cells. At later times in culture, all three NF subunits were present in immunoblots of RSNs. The immunoblot profile of NF proteins in PC12- cells was identical to that of RSNs grown in culture for up to 10 days. Growth of PC12 cells in NGF for up to 3 weeks did not alter this immunoblot profile except that no immunoband corresponding in NF200 was seen and the immunobands corresponding to NF68 and NF150 became more prominent. These data suggest that abnormalities in NF protein expression in PC12 cells are due to a paucity of NF200 or to the presence of immunochemically altered NF200. PC12 cells are an attractive model system for probing abnormal NF metabolism.  相似文献   

Neurofilament phosphorylation in rat nervous system development was studied by indirect immunofluorescence with monoclonal antibodies reacting with phosphorylated epitopes in tissue sections and in primary dissociated cultures. The antibodies either decorated neurofilaments shortly after their appearance or after a considerable delay (from 4 to 9 days in vivo and from 12 to 27 days in vitro), thus suggesting the existence of at least two classes of phosphorylated epitopes. With most antibodies there was a good correlation between in vivo and in vitro findings as to the early or late appearance of phosphorylated epitopes. Monoclonal NE14 was the main exception in that immunoreactivity with this antibody was present in 1-day cultures, while it only occurred 4 days after the first appearance of neurofilaments in vivo. The effect of phosphorylation on neurofilament structure and function remains to be determined. Neurofilament expression is an early phenomenon in ontogeny coinciding with neuronal differentiation. It is possible that late phosphorylation events may stabilize the axonal cytoskeleton following the massive loss of axons that occurs in several fiber tracts during late fetal and neonatal life.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Previous studies of small numbers of patients have shown that antisulphatide autoantibodies are associated with polyneuropathies having a prominent sensory component. However, clinical and electrodiagnostic features are variable. The range of clinical and electrodiagnostic findings in 19 patients with polyneuropathies and high titre (> 4500) serum IgM antisulphatide antibodies is described, together with testing for serum monoclonal (M) proteins. METHODS: About 20000 serum samples that were referred to the clinical laboratory from 1990 to the end of 1994 were screened by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for specific high titre antisulphatide antibodies. The clinical and electrodiagnostic data in 23 patients with positive results were reviewed. IgM binding to peripheral nerve structures was also evaluated in these patients. RESULTS: Nineteen patients had predominantly distal, symmetric pansensory loss. Patients with IgM antisulphatide antibodies and no serum M protein usually had clinical syndromes that included: (1) neuropathic pain or dysaesthesiae, (2) no functionally significant weakness, and (3) an axonal neuropathy on electrodiagnostic testing. On immunocytochemical studies serum IgM from the patients without M proteins usually (nine of 10; 90%) bound to peripheral nerve axons, but never to myelin. Patients with antisulphatide antibodies and a serum M protein, usually IgM, were more likely than patients without a serum M protein, to have syndromes with: (1) no pain or dysaesthesiae, (2) motor abnormalities, and (3) a demyelinating polyneuropathy by electrodiagnostic criteria. In immunocytochemical studies serum IgM most often bound to either peripheral nerve myelin or endoneurial structures. CONCLUSION: Patients with polyneuropathy and high titre serum IgM antisulphatide antibodies can be classified into subgroups according to the presence or absence of a serum M protein. Patients without an M protein are more likely to have pure sensory syndromes, pain, an axonal neuropathy, and serum IgM binding to axons. Patients with a serum M protein commonly had syndromes with prominent motor involvement, no pain, and a demyelinating neuropathy.  相似文献   

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