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Dofetilide is a relatively new class III antiarrhythmic agent that selectively blocks the rapid component of the cardiac ion channel delayed rectifier current. This results in an increase in the action potential duration and effective refractory period of the myocyte, thereby terminating reentrant tachyarrhythmias and preventing their re-induction. Oral dofetilide is effective in the conversion of atrial fibrillation and flutter to sinus rhythm and in the maintenance of sinus rhythm after conversion. It is generally well tolerated but like other antiarrhythmic agents in its class, torsades de pointes may be induced as a consequence of therapy. This risk is minimized by dosage adjustment according to creatinine clearance and QT(c) interval, by selecting patients without known risk factors for torsades and by initiating treatment in a monitored hospital setting for the first 3 days. Unlike other antiarrhythmic agents, oral dofetilide did not increase mortality in patients with a recent myocardial infarction or congestive heart failure, hence its importance as an alternative medication for the pharmacological conversion of atrial fibrillation and flutter, and maintenance of sinus rhythm after conversion in patients at high risk of sudden death.  相似文献   

The electrophysiologic and antifibrillatory properties of UK-68,798 were studied in vivo in a conscious canine model of sudden coronary death. Electrophysiologic testing was performed on conscious male mongrel dogs (14.5-21.5 kg) 3 to 5 days after surgical induction of an anterior myocardial infarction by occlusion (2 h)-reperfusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery. Compared to saline-treated control animals, UK-68,798 at a dose of 0.9 mg/kg i.v. did not (P = .083) suppress the induction of ventricular tachycardia by programmed electrical stimulation. Six of 12 UK-68,798-treated dogs remained inducible, whereas 10 of 12 vehicle-treated dogs responded to electrical induction of arrhythmia. When compared to predrug inducibility, UK-68,798 significantly (P = .007) reduced the incidence of programmed electrical stimulation-induced ventricular tachycardia. In five of the six dogs inducible after UK-68,798 administration, the cycle length of the induced ventricular tachycardia was prolonged (P = .007) compared to the predrug cycle length. Heart rate, PR interval and QRS duration were not affected by UK-68,798 administration. The rate-corrected QT interval was prolonged (P less than .05) by UK-68,798. The ventricular effective refractory period was increased by UK-68,798 (158 +/- 7 msec, predrug vs. 185 +/- 7 msec, postdrug). Subsequent to programmed electrical stimulation, a 150 microA anodal current was applied to the luminal surface of the left circumflex coronary artery to induce transient episodes of posterolateral ischemia in response to electrolytic injury of the vessel wall.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Bretylium tosylate, the only approved class III antiarrhythmic agent, is a unique quaternary ammonium compound with prominent experimental and clinical antifibrillatory effects. Intravenous bretylium causes a biphasic hemodynamic response; initial norepinephrine release is followed by sympathetic ganglionic blockade. Cardiac output is well maintained. Electrocardiographic intervals are unchanged, and global conduction unchanged or facilitated. With long-term experimental use, proportionate lengthening of ventricular action potential and refractory period occurs. Bretylium is largely eliminated unchanged in the urine, with a long terminal half-life of about 13 hours. Bretylium demonstrates substantial activity in several animal models and clinical circumstances of ventricular fibrillation, including those in which standard antiarrhythmic therapy is ineffective. Bretylium is thus currently approved as a first-line agent for prophylaxis and treatment of ventricular fibrillation, and as a second-line agent for ventricular tachycardia and other prefibrillatory ventricular arrhythmias. In contrast, bretylium's weak antiectopic activity and limited oral absorption make it a poor choice for management of simple ventricular ectopy. Side effects of bretylium are generally limited to its hemodynamic actions (eg, postural hypotension). Nausea may occur with rapid intravenous administration. Emerging clinical concepts emphasize the clinical importance of antifibrillatory action over antiectopic effects alone. Bretylium is thus likely to continue to find increasing usage in the acute management of malignant ventricular arrhythmia.  相似文献   

Current understanding of lidocaine as an antiarrhythmic agent: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lidocaine generally is the agent of first choice against acute ventricular arrhythmias arising from many causes. It is clinically effective and well tolerated, having a rapid onset of action and a favorable electrophysiological profile. Unlike other antiarrhythmic agents, lidocaine does not interact with the autonomic nervous system. A review of the literature highlights current knowledge about this antiarrhythmic drug.  相似文献   

Drugs with a class III antiarrhythmic action   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

UK-68,798 increased the duration and effective refractory period of cardiac action potentials recorded in vitro from canine ventricular muscle and Purkinje fibers in a concentration dependent manner from 5 nM to 1 microM. The resting membrane potential, amplitude and maximum upstroke velocity of action potentials were unaffected by UK-68,798, indicating the selective class III antiarrhythmic properties of this agent. UK-68,798 (5 nM-1 microM) increased the effective refractory period of isolated guinea pig papillary muscles at stimulation frequencies of 1 Hz and 5 Hz without influencing the conduction velocity, further confirming that UK-68,798 is devoid of class I antiarrhythmic activity including block of the sodium channel. Studies using single voltage clamped guinea pig ventricular myocytes indicated that UK-68,798 at concentrations of 50 nM and 2 microM blocks a time-dependent K+ current, with no appreciable effects on the time-independent K+ current or the inward calcium current. UK-68,798 is therefore a highly selective K+ channel blocking agent with class III antiarrhythmic properties, a profile that holds considerable promise for the therapy of life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias.  相似文献   

A case is reported of a patient with functional duality of AV nodal conduction in whom, during ventricular extrastimulus testing, there was a gap in retrograde fast pathway conduction which allowed the temporary expression of retrograde slow pathway conduction. The administration of the antiarrhythmic agent flecainide, which has disparate effects on retrograde fast and slow pathway conduction characteristics, accentuated this phenomenon. The electrophysiological basis of gap phenomena is discussed.  相似文献   

Ranolazine is a novel antianginal agent capable of producing anti-ischemic effects at plasma concentrations of 2 to 6 microM without a significant reduction of heart rate or blood pressure. This review summarizes the electrophysiologic properties of ranolazine. Ranolazine significantly blocks I(Kr) (IC(50) = 12 microM), late I(Na), late I(Ca), peak I(Ca), I(Na-Ca) (IC(50) = 5.9, 50, 296, and 91 microM, respectively) and I(Ks) (17% at 30 microM), but causes little or no inhibition of I(to) or I(K1). In left ventricular tissue and wedge preparations, ranolazine produces a concentration-dependent prolongation of action potential duration (APD) in epicardium, but abbreviation of APD of M cells, leading to either no change or a reduction in transmural dispersion of repolarization (TDR). The result is a modest prolongation of the QT interval. Prolongation of APD and QT by ranolazine is fundamentally different from that of other drugs that block I(Kr) and induce torsade de pointes in that APD prolongation is rate-independent (ie, does not display reverse rate-dependent prolongation of APD) and is not associated with early after depolarizations, triggered activity, increased spatial dispersion of repolarization, or polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. Torsade de pointes arrhythmias were not observed spontaneously nor could they be induced with programmed electrical stimulation in the presence of ranolazine at concentrations as high as 100 microM. Indeed, ranolazine was found to possess significant antiarrhythmic activity, acting to suppress the arrhythmogenic effects of other QT-prolonging drugs. Ranolazine produces ion channel effects similar to those observed after chronic exposure to amiodarone (reduced late I(Na), I(Kr), I(Ks), and I(Ca)). Ranolazine's actions to reduce TDR and suppress early after depolarization suggest that in addition to its anti-anginal actions, the drug possesses antiarrhythmic activity.  相似文献   

The mechanical effects of RP 62719 [(-)1-[-2-(3,4-dihydro-2H-1- benzopyran-4-yl)ethyl]-4-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-piperidine] were tested in vitro on guinea pig left ventricular papillary muscle. RP 62719 is a novel pure class III antiarrhythmic agent known to prolong the cardiac action potential duration by selectively blocking the inward rectifying K+ current. Mechanical parameters were determined from contraction and relaxation phases under isotonic and isometric conditions. At a concentration of 0.02 microM, RP 62719 did not produce significant effects on inotropy or lusitropy. At 0.2 and 2 microM, the drug improved contraction under both heavy and low loading conditions, as evidenced by a 30% increase in maximum unloaded shortening velocity (Vmax, P < .001), peak amplitude of shortening (delta L, P < .001), peak isometric active force normalized per cross-sectional area (AF/s, P < .001) and positive peak of the force derivative per mm2 (+dF/s, P < .001). At the same concentrations, positive lusitropic effects were evidenced by an increase in maximum lengthening velocity (maxVr) and negative peak of force derivative per mm2 (-dF/s, P < .001). At a higher concentration (20 microM), effects of RP 62719 on inotropy and lusitropy were less marked, thus accounting for the bell-shaped form of the dose-response curve. An increase in the extracellular Ca++ concentration from 2.5 to 3.75 mM improved inotropy to a similar extent (+30-50%) as did 2 microM RP 62719. However, lusitropy and mechanical coupling between contraction and relaxation were not modified in the same proportion under RP 62719 and under 3.75 mM Ca++.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Gliptins: a new class of oral hypoglycaemic agent   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The epidemic of type 2 diabetes worldwide continues unabated. Despite a number of existing therapies, treatment goals are seldom fully achieved. While insulin resistance and beta cell failure remain important in the pathogenesis of the condition, the role of incretin hormones in glucose homeostasis has recently become clearer. Incretins have several glucoregulatory mechanisms, and a novel approach to the treatment of type 2 diabetes focuses on enhancing and prolonging the physiological actions of these hormones. Gliptins inhibit the enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV), which degrades incretin hormones. These drugs are a promising new class of oral hypoglycaemic medication, which appear to be weight-neutral and have few side-effects, although the published clinical studies are mainly regulatory licensing studies. As these drugs now are available for clinical use, we discuss the mechanism of action, efficacy and potential adverse effects of this new class of oral hypoglycaemic agent.  相似文献   

We have compared the effect of a new drug d-sotalol which has minimal beta-blocking action with the parent (beta-blocking) compound dl-sotalol on monophasic action potential (MAP) duration in open-chested dogs. In seven experiments d-sotalol was administered in intravenous bolus doses of 1.5, 3 and 6 mg/kg given at 10 min intervals. In a further seven experiments dl-sotalol was administered using the same dosage regimen. The animals were anaesthetized with chloralose and urethane. Atrioventricular block was created by injection of the bundle of His with 0.1 ml of 40% formalin in order to ensure capture by ventricular pacing. After prior beta-blockade with propranolol (0.25 mg/kg), simultaneous epicardial and endocardial MAP were recorded at paced heart rates of 100 and 150 beats/min after each bolus injection. d-Sotalol and dl-sotalol showed similar prolongation of MAP duration (measured at 90% repolarization) in both endocardial and epicardial recording at both paced heart rates. These results show that the dextro-isomer of sotalol possesses similar class III action to the parent compound and that this action is homogeneous with respect to left ventricular endocardium and epicardium at heart rates of 100 beats/min and 150 beats/min over a wide dose range. d-Sotalol may be a useful anti-arrhythmic agent in man.  相似文献   

Class I antiarrhythmic agents are heterogeneous with respect to their cardiac electrophysiological effects and have been subdivided into three categories: la, lb and lc. The purpose of the present study was to determine the classification and investigate the mechanism of action of ACC-9358 [4-hydroxy-N-phenyl-3,5-bis (1-pyrrolidinyl-methyl)benzamide], a novel class I antiarrhythmic agent currently under clinical investigation. The effects of ACC-9358 on action potentials from isolated canine Purkinje fibers and ventricular muscle were examined using standard microelectrode techniques. In Purkinje fibers, ACC-9358 (1-50 microM) exerted a dose-dependent reduction in maximum upstroke velocity (Vmax) and action potential duration at 50 and 90% repolarization (APD50 and APD90). The reduction of Vmax was voltage-dependent (greater at an extracellular potassium concentration of 6 mM than at 2.7 mM), frequency-dependent (greater at a basic cycle length of 500 than at 2000 msec) and very slow in onset (rate constant of 0.017 action potentials-1) and offset (recovery half-time of 66.9 sec). In Purkinje fibers, ACC-9358 attenuated the action potential shortening effects of lidocaine but not that of nicardipine or nicorandil and shortened APD50 to a greater extent at a basic cycle length of 2000 than at 500 msec. In ventricular muscle, ACC-9358 (1-50 microM) exerted a dose-dependent reduction in Vmax and prolongation of APD50 and APD90.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Arrhythmias are a major cause of morbidity and mortality, and atrial fibrillation is the most widespread disorder of cardiac rhythm. Amiodarone is an effective antiarrhythmic agent that has been in clinical use for about 20 years. It is effective for multiple types of arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation, and has a low incidence of cardiac adverse events, including Torsade de Pointes. It has many noncardiac adverse effects that are serious and limit its long-term use. Dronedarone is an investigational antiarrhythmic agent that is designed to have similar cardiac effects to amiodarone but with fewer adverse effects. This review presents some of the animal and human studies that evaluate the effects of dronedarone.  相似文献   

This study reports the use of a novel agent, RSD1000 [(+/-)-trans-[2-(4-morpholinyl)cyclohexyl]naphthalene-1-acetate mono hydrochloride], to test the hypothesis that a drug with pKa close to the pH found in ischemic tissue may have selective antiarrhythmic actions against ischemia-induced arrhythmias. The antiarrhythmic ED50 for RSD1000 against ischemic arrhythmias was 2.5 +/- 0.1 micromol/kg/min in rats. This value was significantly lower than doses that suppressed electrically induced arrhythmias. In isolated rat hearts, RSD1000 was approximately 40 times more potent in producing ECG changes (i.e., P-R and QRS prolongation) in acid (pHo = 6.4) and high [K+]o (10.8 mM) buffer than in normal buffer (pHo = 7.4; [K+]o = 3.4 mM). In patch-clamped, whole-cell rat cardiac myocytes, inhibition of sodium (INa) currents by RSD1000 was pH- and use-dependent. The IC50 for INa blockade was lower (P <.05) in acid (0.8 +/- 0.1 microM) than in pH 7.3 (2.9 +/- 0.3 microM), respectively, whereas the IC50 for blockade of transient outward potassium current (ITO) at pH = 6.4 and 7.3 was 3.3 +/- 0.4 and 2.8 +/- 0.1 microM, respectively. Mixed ion channel block in ischemic myocardium with minimal effects on normal cardiac tissue, as governed by the low pKa of RSD1000, may account for its antiarrhythmic activity against ischemia-induced arrhythmias.  相似文献   

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