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There are various definitions, aims and objectives of, and settingsfor, detoxification. Careful assessment is essential beforeany client can be detoxified at home. Scales and biologicalmarkers exist to aid this process. Close supervision (i.e twoor three home visits a day) is then required for at least 3days. Supervision of clients can be done by the client's generalpractitioner (GP) or any member of a primary health care teamas long as there is adequate specialist support. Clients canusually complete home detoxification within 9 days. It is safeand clinically effective for the vast majority of problem drinkers.Despite increasing the demand for detoxification, it is alsocost-effective because it allows better utilization of in-patientfacilities in the short term and should prevent more resourcesbeing required further along the treatment continuum. Home detoxificationhas wide support from both clients and their GPs. Indeed, thereare many advantages for the client in detoxifying at home. Howeverinpatient detoxification can never be replaced entirely. Therewill always be some problem drinkers for whom home detoxificationis not a viable alternative (such as those with severe withdrawalsymptoms and those lacking a suitable home environment). 相似文献
131I治疗甲亢及引起甲减危险因素的国内外研究概况 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在国外,放射性131碘已经被公认为治疗成人及儿童Graves'甲亢的有效、安全、简便的方法.但在我国目前还未能普遍推广,主要原因是该法可引起高发生率的甲状腺机能减退症(甲减).我国甲亢患者难以承受甲减带来的生理、心理、经济等方面的压力和负担.因此,一些学者对采用131I治疗甲亢,既要提高治愈率,又要尽量减少甲减的发生率进行了研究.他们认为采用131I治疗甲亢发生甲减与年龄、有无突眼、甲亢病程、治疗前抗甲状腺药物的应用、131I的应用剂置、131I治疗次数、甲状腺大小、甲状腺组织对131I的敏感性、131I在体内的有效半减期、自身免疫状况等因素有关.我院认为与发病年龄小,病情较轻、病程较短、甲状腺质量小、质软等因素有关.可见,探讨采用131I治疗甲亢及其引起甲减危险因素,是我国采用放射性131碘治疗甲亢亟待需要解决的课题. 相似文献
HARRISON LARRY; CARR-HILL ROY; SUTTON MATT 《Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire)》1993,28(6):715-723
These has been controversy over the relationship between alcoholconsumption and related problems amongst the Irish in England.Irish migrants have high Standardised Mortality Ratios for chronicliver disease and cirrhosis and high hospital admission ratesfor alcohol-related diagnoses in England. Yet it has been consideredthat people from the Republic of Ireland, whether living inIreland (Conniffe et al., 1990) or in England (Pearson et al.,1991), actually drink less than the English. This paper reviewsthe evidence. In recent years Irish per capita volume alcoholconsumption has been comparable to that of the U.K., althoughthe distribution of consumption differs. Women in Ireland areless likely to drink than women in England and Wales, whilemen in Ireland are more likely to drink at high-risk levelsthan men in England and Wales: their average weekly consumptionlevels are closer to those of high-consuming men in Yorkshireand Humberside, who also drink more than the U.K. national average.Men in Ireland also appear to be more likely to experience drinkingproblems than their counterparts in England and Wales, althoughthis may be related to factors other than the total amount ofalcohol consumed. Although a previous study of General HouseholdSurvey data indicated low-risk alcohol consumption levels forpeople from the Irish Republic living in Britain, a reanalysisof these data adjusting for age and gender shows drinking ratesthat are very high. While it is important to avoid unhelpfulstereotypes about Irish drunkenness, attempts to minimise ordeny the scale of problems faced by a disadvantaged migrantgroup will result in the Irish community not receiving the resourcesand help that it needs. 相似文献
Wistar rats can develop a high preference for 3% alcohol aftera period of forced alcohol exposure and 2 days of alcohol withdrawal.If these rats are selected at a medium ( 相似文献
Data from a probability sample of casualty patients treatedat a county hospital emergency room (ER) during a 1 year period(N = 1124) are compared to data from coroner reports of allfatalities arising from unnatural causes during the same timeperiod in the same county (N = 304). The two samples are comparedon: demographic characteristics, causes of casualty (fall, laceration/puncturewound, motor vehicle, fire, ingestion, other cause), place ofinjury, and alcohol and drug use prior to the event. Alcoholand drug use data were obtained by breathalyzer and self-reportsin the ER sample and by toxicology screening of blood upon autopsyin the coroner sample. The coroner sample was significantlymore likely to be male, younger and white compared to the ERsample. A significantly larger proportion of the coroner samplewas positive for alcohol (43%) compared to those breathalyzedwithin 6 hr of injury who reported no drinking after the event(11%) and to those who reported drinking within the 6 hr priorto the event (28%) in the ER sample. Among those who were alcoholpositive no difference was found between the coroner sampleand the ER sample for the proportion of those who were alsodrug positive (24% in each). Cases in the coroner sample wereno more likely to involve violence (17%) than those in the ERsample (20%). Violence-related fatalities were more likely toinvolve alcohol (47%) than non-fatal injuries (19%), but wereno more likely to involve drug use in combination with alcohol(39% vs. 31%, respectively). 相似文献
Debra Blaze-Temple Peter Howat Judy Barney Bill Saunders Stan Saxon 《Australian and New Zealand journal of public health》1989,13(4):463-470
The rationale for comprehensive alcohol and other drug policy at a tertiary institution is presented here as a health promotion strategy for educating University policy makers. Particular emphasis is placed on a discussion of humanitarian issues, that is, the right to a healthy environment, and the potential for legal liability in an environment where alcohol is readily available and other drugs are present. There is little attention paid to drug use related legal issues in the University, but at the same time drawing the attention of policy makers to the organisation's vulnerability to lawsuits has been reported to be a motivating force for adoption of drug use policy. Universities do experience problems related to alcohol and other drug use by staff and students. Problem reduction, and better management of problems, are the major goals of policy in this area. Local initiatives, for example at the organisational level, make important contributions to the overall drug prevention efforts of the nation. Well-developed policy and procedures and effective implementation constitute an important structural health promotion strategy. Such policy would comply with the immediate requirements of Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare legislation and provide some protection against wrongful dismissal claims and negligence lawsuits, as well as providing long-term educative effects. Situations for which policies are needed, range widely due to the University's unique environment and complex roles. 相似文献
This investigation traces the development of alcohol-relatedknowledge and attitudes of 228 children aged 5.510.5years, using methods adapted from a study by Jahoda and Cramond(Children and Alcohol. HMSO, 1972). Preliminary results indicatethat attitudes have changed Little over the past 20 years. Youngchildren's attitudes remain distinctly negative towards adultdrinking, and are particularly negative in relation to womendrinkers. As age increased, this negativity intensified. Moreover,girls were more condemnatory of women drinkers than were boys.The results are described in terms of a socio-cognitive theoryof attitude development. The implications for primary interventionstrategies are also discussed. 相似文献
MURPHY D. J.; SHAW G. K.; CLARKE I. 《Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire)》1983,18(3):227-237
Sixty-eight patients undergoing withdrawal from alcohol wererandomly allocated to treatment with tiapride, which is a dopamineblocking drug, chlormethiazole or placebo. The placebo groupwas discontinued early in the trial because of the high rateof major complications, a finding which supports the need foractive treatment in withdrawal. Tiapride was less effectivein preventing hallucinosis but was more successful in alleviatinggastrointestinal and psychological distress. Our findings supplementother work suggesting a disturbance of dopaminergic transmissionin alcohol dependency and withdrawal. 相似文献
目的为了解中老年人肥胖相关指标与血压之间的关系,尽早发现肥胖,从而预防高血压。方法采用两阶段整群随机抽样方法,抽取1 667名中老年人;采用体格测量的方法,测量调查对象的身高、体重、腰围、臀围和血压。分析不同肥胖指标与高血压流行情况的关系。结果调查显示,对于45岁~组的中年人而言,高血压患者腰臀比异常、腰围身高比异常和超重的比例均远高于正常人群;对60岁以上的老年人而言,腰围和肥胖的情况与是否患高血压有密切关系,高血压患者的腰围异常和肥胖的比例明显高于正常人群。结论通过简单易测的肥胖指标BMI、腰围和腰围身高比等,积极控制肥胖,是预防高血压的关键。 相似文献
所谓医院形象,就是医院通过自身的存在形式和行为向公众展示的本质特征,进而给公众留下的关于医院整体性的印象和评价。塑造良好的医院形象是提升医院综合实力、增强竞争力的重要手段,是医院无形的又是十分宝贵的财富和资源。我院近年来通过狠抓医疗质量、发挥中医特色优势、强化服务意识、改善医院环境等措施,全面塑造中医院形象,服务社会,取得了较好的社会效益和经济效益。 相似文献