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目的 探讨6%羟乙基淀粉130/0.4在小儿腹部手术中容量治疗的应用效果。方法60例拟行腹部手术的患儿随机分为观察组和对照组,每组各30例。观察组术中容量治疗使用6%羟乙基淀粉130/0.4及晶体液;对照组未使用6%HES130/0.4,所使用的晶体液与观察组相同,可选用胶体液为浓缩红细胞。观察两组患儿手术前后心率、血压.总输液量及晶体液、胶体液、浓缩红细胞输入量等。记录观察组因输注6%羟乙基淀粉可能出现的不良反应,如:过敏(包括低血压、皮疹等)。结果两组输液总量无显著性差异。观察组与对照组相比:胶体液用量、晶体液用量、浓缩红细胞用量均有显著性差异,(P〈0.05)。观察组未发现因输注6%羟乙基淀粉130/0.4而出现的不良反应。结论6%羟乙基淀粉130/0.4可安全、有效的用于小儿腹部大手术中的容量治疗。  相似文献   

背景血容量替代治疗是肝移植围手术期管理的重要部分。目前尚缺乏羟乙基淀粉(HES)应用于肝移植患者的相关安全性数据。我们评估了新一代羟乙基淀粉130/0.4应用于肝移植围手术期管理的安全性,并着重分析了其对肾功能的影响。方法行活体肝移植的40例患者被预先随机分成两组。ALB组患者(n=20)给予5%人血自蛋白,HES组(n=20)给予第三代羟乙基淀粉(6%HES130/0.4)。胶体总量被限制在50ml·kg^-1·d^-1,容量输注使肺小动脉楔压或中心静脉压维持在5—7mmHg。如需要额外的液体,则用平衡盐溶液替代。麻醉和手术操作过程均被标准化。分别测定麻醉诱导后、手术结束时、手术后前4天的动脉血肌酐和血清半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂C(cystatin C)血浆水平。结果所有40例登记患者完成了研究。两组患者的人口统计学及手术中变量均具有可比性。手术后胶体液输入量分别是HES组6229±1140ml和ALB组4636±1153ml(P=0.003)。与ALB组(1100±900m1)相比,HES组(3047±2000ml)有更大的净累积液体平衡量(P=0.029)。两组血肌酐水平、肌酐清除率、cystafin C血浆水平差异无显著性。每组各有一例患者合并急性肾功能衰竭需行肾脏替代治疗。结论HES130/0.4做为人血白蛋白的替代品对肝移植术后肾功能的影响与后者相似。  相似文献   

目的探讨7.5%高渗盐水(Hs)和6%羟乙基淀粉(HES)对择期腹部大手术后液体平衡和,临床结果的影响。方法2003年6月至2005年12月江汉大学附属医院共对120例胃肠道肿瘤病人行根治性切除术。所有病人术毕进入外科ICU后分为3组,HS/HES组(n=40)输注7.5%高渗盐水(4mL/kg)后续6%羟乙基淀粉500mL,再续平衡液;HS组(n=40)输注7、5%高渗盐水(4mL/kg)后续平衡液;RL(单用平衡液)组(n=40)仅输平衡液。比较3组病人的输液量、尿量、液体平衡、体重变化、动脉血氧分压/吸氧浓度分数(PaO2/FiO2).以及并发症发生率和病死率。结果HS/HES组、HS组与RL组相比,HS/HES组、HS组手术日尿量较多.输液量减少;术后48h的液体正平衡量减少;术后体重增加值降低,PaO2/FiO2比值较高,总体并发症发生率和肺部感染发生率较低。HS/HES组与HS组相比,HS/HES组液体正平衡量减少及术后体重增加值降低更显著。结论7.5%高渗盐水有明显的利尿作用,可减少腹部大手术后的输液量和液体正平衡量,促进液体负平衡提前出现;并使术后总体并发症发生率和肺部感染发生率降低。联合应用6%羟乙基淀粉后效果更显著。  相似文献   

背景羟乙基淀粉(hydroxyethyl starches,HES)已广泛应用于外科、急诊科、重症监护患者的血管内容量治疗,但可能会影响凝血功能、肾功能,造成瘙痒、组织潴留和一定的死亡率。一般认为第三代羟乙基淀粉(HES130/0.4)能减少这些并发症。在达到相似的血流动力学终点时所需晶体与胶体量之比为(3—4):1。我们的研究目的在于评定以往发表的有关HES130/0.4进行复苏的试验是否设计足够科学,从而得出HES130/0.4是否安全的结论。此外,我们还将评价目标导向液体治疗中的晶体与胶体容量之比。方法系统回顾HES130/0.4用于复苏的随机对照研究。结果我们选取了56个HES130/0.4用于急性低血容量治疗的随机对照研究(randomized controlledtrials,RCTs),主要是择期外科手术(45例)。外科手术研究大多样本量小(HES组病例数中位数为25,全距为10。90)、观察时间短(中位数为12小时,全距为0.5—144小时),HES累积量的中位数为2465mi(全距为328—6229m1),相当于70kg的患者使用量为35ml/kg,一天的最大用量为50ml/kg。临床监测指标各异。60%的对照组使用的液体为其他的羟乙基淀粉、明胶或右旋糖酐,这些液体与羟乙基淀粉不良反应相似。由于这些研究样本量太小,对照组液体选择不合适,观察时间太短,因此并没有针对临床重要的安全性结局进行设计。而且由于患者选择组不一样,以及评价结果的定义不一样,因此这些研究的结果很难结合在一起。这些研究没有做出任何有关HES130/0.4安全性的结论。一般均认为需要3—4倍胶体量的晶体才能达到与胶体相似的血流动力学指标,我们发现在一些外科研究中这一比例可能更低(平均数为1.8,标准差为0.1)。结论总之,HES130/0.4治疗时所需液体量的降低在某种程度上被高估了。老的羟乙基淀粉可能会引起一些严重的副作用,临床医生应知道,尽管有关的研究报道很多,但目前仍没有明确的证据表明HES130/0.4能安全应用于外科、急诊和重症监护患者。  相似文献   

背景羟乙基淀粉溶液(hydroxyethyl starch,HES)对凝血功能的影响一直受到关注。因此诞生了对血块强度影响较小的快速降解羟乙基淀粉溶液。由于体外循环后出血的风险增加,因此作者研究了心脏手术后给予这些类型的羟乙基淀粉溶液是否会产生凝血功能的变化。方法本研究在45例择期接受心脏大手术的患者中比较了给予2种新型的快速降解的羟乙基淀粉溶液与人血白蛋白对凝血功能的影响。住入心脏外科重症监护病房后,患者随机短时(70~240分钟)输注低分子量羟乙基淀粉溶液15ml/kg(6%HES200/0.5或6%HES130/0.4)或4%的人血白蛋白溶液。结果输注2种羟乙基淀粉溶液的研究组中的血栓弹性描记法检测结果显示:血块生成时间延长且最大血凝块强度降低,这种损害在完成输液2小时后的血栓形成描记中可部分恢复(使用InTEM和ExTEM凝血激活因子)。所有治疗组中,血小板在血块最大硬度中的作用均不受影响。羟乙基淀粉溶液不会引起纤维蛋白溶解。输注人血白蛋白组在血栓形成描记上无显著变化。研究中各组胸导管引流情况大致相同。结论心脏手术后短时间内输注迅速降解的羟乙基淀粉溶液对纤维蛋白的生成和血栓弹性描记中血凝块的强度有削弱作用。而本临床研究中,人血白蛋白不影响止血功能。  相似文献   

目的 探讨精准肝切除术后应用羟乙基淀粉(130/0.4)对合并肝硬化的原发性肝癌患者术后恢复的影响.方法 采用前瞻性、非随机对照研究的方法 ,将自2009年1月-2010年5月,在南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院行肝切除术的108例合并肝硬化的原发性肝癌患者,分为(1)羟乙基淀粉治疗组:54例.术后3 d内使用羟乙基淀粉(1 30/0.4)500 mL/d;(2)白蛋白治疗组:54例.术后3 d内使用人血白蛋白者10 g/d.比较两组患者术前、术后2,4,7 d的ALT,AST,白蛋白,C-反应蛋白(CRP)水平,以及术后并发症发生率,住院天数.结果 术前两组临床资料、肝切除类型、范围及术中出血量均具有可比性(均P>0.05).与白蛋白治疗组比较,羟乙基淀粉治疗组患者在术后2,4,7 d的ALT,AST,自蛋白水平,术后住院天数均无统计学差异(P>0.05).羟乙基淀粉治疗组术后2 d的CRP较白蛋白治疗组有所下降,差异有统计学意义(t=6.351,P=0.000);术后4,7d的CPR也有所下降,但无统计学差异(P>0.05).术后并发症包括切口感染、胸腔积液、腹腔积液、肺部感染、腹腔出血、胆汁漏及腹腔感染.羟乙基淀粉组共有28例发生一种或两者上述并发症,发生率为51.9%(28/54),白蛋白组共有39例发生一种或两者上述并发症,发生率为72.2%(39/54),两组比较有统计学差异(χ2=4.757,P=0.047).结论 羟乙基淀粉在合并肝硬化的原发性肝癌患者行肝切除术后早期应用可以有效节约白蛋白的用量,控制术后的炎症反应,降低围手术期并发症的发生率.  相似文献   

目的 通过观察血液动力学及应激反应指标的变化,评价3种补液方案对食管癌根治术患者液体治疗的效应。方法 择期行食管癌根治术的男性患者60例,ASAⅠ或Ⅱ级,随机分为3组:限制性补液组(A组,n=20),常规补液组(B组,n=20),急性高容量血液稀释(AHH)组(C组,n=20)。A组输入液体总量=生理需要量+累计缺失量+继续损失量。B组输入液体总量=补偿性扩容量+生理需要量+累计缺失量+继续损失量+第三间隙丢失量。C组在B组的基础上,于麻醉诱导后至切皮前以6%羟乙基淀粉溶液(HES130/0.4)15ml/kg在30min内静脉输注实施AHH。术中监测入室(T1)、切皮时(T2)、开膈肌时(T3)、吻合时(T4)、术毕(T5)的平均动脉压(MAP)、心率、心电图、脉搏血氧饱和度、心输出量(CO)、每搏量(SV)及BIS。于T1、T3、T4、T5时点抽取静脉血以放免法检测皮质醇(Cor)、抗利尿激素(ADH)、醛固酮(ALD)、血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)的浓度,以酶免法检测去甲肾上腺素(NE)浓度。结果3组MAP诱导后均降低,C组MAP、CO、SV术中高于A组与B组。血液动力学不良事件A组高于B组与C组。C组术中Cor、ADH、ALD、AngⅡ、NE浓度低于A组与B组(P〈0.05)。结论 食管癌根治术患者采用不同的补液方案其治疗效应也不同,AHH的治疗效应优于限制性补液与常规补液。  相似文献   

目的 评价不同液体容量复苏对失血性休克犬血管外肺水的影响。方法 杂种犬32只,雌雄不拘,随机分为4组:NS组、HES组、HS组和HHS组,每组8只,股动脉放血建立失血性休克模型后,各组分别静脉输注容积相当于3倍失血量的生理盐水、失血量等容积的6%羟乙基淀粉130/0.4溶液、7.5%氯化钠溶液6 ml/kg及7.5%氯化钠-6%羟乙基淀粉130/0.4溶液6 ml/kg行容量复苏。经右颈内静脉持续监测中心静脉压、右股动脉置入PiCCO导管监测平均动脉压、心脏指数、每搏输出量、体循环阻力指数、血管外肺水指数及全心舒张末期容量指数,记录放血之前(基础值)、失血性休克模型成功即刻、容量复苏开始后5、30、60、120及180min的上述指标。结果 (1)各组在失血性休克的早期复苏中均可改善血液动力学,HES组、HHS组、HS组和NS组血液动力学改善持续时间依次缩短;(2)复苏早期HS组与HHS组血管外肺水无增加,NS组明显增加,而HES组下降。结论 (1) 7.5%氯化钠溶液与7.5%氯化钠-6%羟乙基淀粉130/0.4溶液小容量液体复苏可有效恢复犬失血性休克早期血液动力学的稳定,且不增加休克后血管外肺水,7.5%氯化钠-6%羟乙基淀粉130/0.4溶液效果较好;(2)6%羟乙基淀粉130/0.4溶液用于犬失血性休克早期复苏不仅可以改善血液动力学,而且能防止复苏后肺水肿。  相似文献   

背景血流动力学和全身氧输送的变化无法反映内脏低灌注,从而导致无法认识到对失血性休克的处理不足。液体复苏后扩容对改善失血性休克时全身和局部的氧供是必不可少的。我们假设,与传统的代血浆相比,应用少量的扩容剂7.5氯化钠/6%羟乙基淀粉(hydroxyethyl starch.hypertonic saline,HHES)溶液,可能提供较少的全身氧输送和胃血流灌注。我们为失血的狗进行临床上严重出血时常用的固定量液体单次输注,分别观察HHES、乳酸林格液(1actatedRinger,LR)和6%羟乙基淀粉(hydroxyethyl starch,HES)溶液对血管内扩容、早期全身氧合和胃灌注的影响。方法30只狗,出血30ml/kg,保持平均动脉压在40~50mmHg,持续45分钟后,分3组进行复苏:LR组(n=10),输注3倍出血量的液体;HES组(平均分子量130KDa,替代级0.4)(n=10),输注出血量等量的液体;HHES组(n=10),以4ml/kg的速度输注。测定血管内容量增加情况(用Evans蓝和血红蛋白稀释)、血流动力学、全身氧合、静动脉CO2分压差(Pv-aco2)和胃黏膜-动脉血CO2分压差(Pco2间隙)变化,测定时间点为基础值、出血45分钟后以及液体复苏5分钟、45分钟、90分钟时。结果由于HHES的高扩容效力增加了血容量,但它对血管内容量的扩张作用是各溶液中最小的(P〈0.05)。3种溶液对血流动力学影响相同,但相对于LR组和HES组,HHES组相混合静脉血Po,更低,全身氧合、Pv-aco2和胃黏膜Pco2间隙更大(P〈0.05)。结论对狗进行按血压调节的失血性休克和固定容量的复苏,尽管HHES有高效扩容作用,但相比LR和HES,由于输注量受限,它的血管内容量扩充能力较小,全身氧合和胃血流灌注较差。  相似文献   

不同取代级羟乙基淀粉对血小板膜糖蛋白表达的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨不同取代级羟乙基淀粉对血小板凝血功能的影响。方法择期行外科小手术患者60例,ASAⅠ级,年龄25~45岁,体重51~70 kg,随机分为乳酸钠林格氏液组(LR组)、HES 200/0.5组(H组)和HES 130/0.4组(V组),每组20例。麻醉诱导后,3组患者分别静脉输注乳酸钠林格氏液、HES 200/0.5和HES 130/0.4 20 ml·k-1,30-60 min内输注完毕。采用流式细胞术测定3组患者在术前(T1,基础值)、输注完毕后15 min(T2)、输注完毕后6 h(T3)各时点静脉血中静息态血小板与活化态血小板CD42b、CD61/41、CD62p的表达。结果3组患者输注前后静息态血小板膜糖蛋白表达差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。与基础值比较,H组和V组T1时ADP活化血小板CD42b、CD61/41、CD62p表达降低(P<0.05或0.01),H组T3时以上指标表达降低(P<0.01),V组T3时以上指标表达差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论HES 130/0.4抑制血小板凝血功能的程度较HES 200/0.5低。HES 130/0.4液体治疗有助于降低术后出血的发生。  相似文献   

半肝血流阻断在肝硬化肝癌半肝切除术中的意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的探讨半肝血流阻断在肝硬化肝癌半肝切除术中的意义。方法将26例肝癌合并肝硬化行半肝切除的病人分为半肝血流阻断组(HVC,n=14)和第一肝门阻断组(Pringle,n=12)。比较两组病人术中出血量和手术时间,术后肝功能的恢复,以及术后并发症。结果两组病人术中出血量和手术时间均无显著差异。HVC组术后3天和7天的血清谷丙转氨酶明显低于Pringle组,且下降程度也较后者明显。Pringle组有2例死于肝功能衰竭。Pringle组病人术后并发腹水显著高于HVC组。结论半肝血流阻断法比第一肝门阻断更利于术后肝功能恢复,减少手术并发症,降低死亡率。  相似文献   

硫代乙酰胺剂量个体化诱导大鼠肝硬化门脉高压模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探索根据大鼠对硫代乙酰胺(thioacetamide,TAA)反应的个体差异,采用剂量个体化诱导肝硬化门静脉高压模型,以提高成模率和模型质量.方法 50只雄性SD大鼠随机分为3组,第1组(20只),按照传统方法诱导大鼠肝硬化.第2组(20只),剂量个体化诱导大鼠肝硬化.第3组(10只)为对照组.结果 第1组大鼠死亡率为30%(6/20),肝硬化形成率为50%(10/20);第2组死亡率为10%(2/20),肝硬化形成率为80%(16/20);对照组全部存活.与对照组相比第2组门静脉压力、脾髓压力明显增高,平均动脉压显著降低(P<0.05);总胆红素、谷丙转氨酶显著升高(P<0.05);血清白蛋白、红细胞、血红蛋白及血小板显著降低(P<0.05).结论 肝硬化诱导过程中根据大鼠对TAA反应的个体差异,调整TAA的诱导剂量,可成功诱导大鼠肝硬化门静脉高压,与传统制模方法相比,该法明显降低大鼠死亡率,并显著提高肝硬化形成率和质量.  相似文献   

Postoperative acute renal failure is a frequent and serious medical complication following orthotopic liver transplant. Here, we report our experiences with liver transplant recipients who developed acute renal failure in the early period following orthotopic liver transplant. Among 100 liver transplants performed between April 1993 and January 2004, we retrospectively analyzed 91 patients (mean age, 29.9 +/- 14.0 years) who had undergone orthotopic liver transplant. The underlying causes of liver failure were cryptogenic liver cirrhosis (n=27), viral hepatitis (n= 21) (hepatitis-B-related liver cirrhosis [n=13], hepatitis-C-related liver cirrhosis [n=7], and hepatitis-B- and C-related liver cirrhosis [n=1]), autoimmune hepatitis (n=18), Wilson's disease (n=10), primary sclerosing cholangitis (n=8), biliary atresia (n=3), Budd-Chiari syndrome (n=2), and primary biliary cirrhosis (n=2). The immunosuppressive regimen included mycophenolate mofetil (azathioprine for 10 patients), cyclosporine, and steroids. Six patients received a combination of tacrolimus and steroids. Ten patients (10.9%) experienced acute renal failure, 7 (70%) were men, and none of them required renal replacement therapy and/or died. Four patients were diagnosed as having cryptogenic liver cirrhosis; 2 with hepatitis-C-related liver cirrhosis, 2 with autoimmune liver cirrhosis; 1 with primary biliary cirrhosis; and 1 hepatitis-B-related liver cirrhosis. Six patients were Child-Pugh's classification C, and the others were B. The rate of postoperative acute renal failure in our patients was relatively low when compared with other series, and our outcomes were good.  相似文献   

Clearance of HCV before transplantation could avoid recurrence of hepatitis C in the liver allograft, thereby improving graft and patient survival. We report our experience with combined therapy for patients with HCV cirrhosis, including 12 patients with biopsy-proven liver cirrhosis (n = 7) or previous cirrhotic complications (n = 5). The Child-Pugh score was A in eight patients and B in four. Two patients had hepatocellular carcinoma. Genotype distribution was 1a (n = 2), 1b (n = 8) or 3 (n = 1). Patients received peginterferon alpha2b (1.5 microg/kg once weekly) and ribavirin (10.6 g/kg per day) for 48 weeks (genotype 1) or 24 weeks (genotype 3). Twenty-one months after beginning therapy all the patients remained alive; three have undergone liver transplantation. In one patient treatment was discontinued after 2 months due to cachexia. End-of-treatment virologic response was achieved in five patients (41.7%) and sustained virologic response in three patients (25%). Patients who cleared the virus had negative PCR 4 weeks after beginning therapy. All patients had adverse events. The most common clinical events were asthenia, weight loss, fever, and anorexia. Infectious complications resolved in three patients (25%). Hematologic events were common. Seven of 11 patients (63.6%) who completed therapy required dose reduction. We conclude that therapy with peginterferon and ribavirin in patients with HCV cirrhosis has a similar effectiveness to previous treatments. A virologic response 1 month after the beginning of therapy could be a main predictor of a sustained response.  相似文献   

Changes in the activities of blood protease inhibitors and acute-phase reactive substances during surgical resection of liver cirrhosis were investigated by measuring the pre- and postoperative blood concentrations of alpha 1-antitrypsin (alpha 1AT), alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2MG), pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (PSTI), urinary trypsin inhibitor (UTI) and C-reactive protein (CRP), in patients with liver cirrhosis who underwent hepatectomy (Group A, n = 19), those without liver cirrhosis who underwent hepatectomy (Group B, n = 6) and those without liver cirrhosis who underwent surgeries other than hepatectomy (Group C, n = 5). On examining the preoperative blood levels of protease inhibitors, Group A had an increased level of alpha 2MG and a decreased level of UTI compared to Groups B and C. alpha 1AT and CRP began to increase on the first day following hepatectomy and formed peaks on the third postoperative day. The increases were significantly higher in Group B than Group A (p less than 0.01). To investigate factors causative of these differences, alpha 1AT and CRP on the third postoperative day were compared in relation to the time of operation, amount of intraoperative bleeding, weight of the resected liver and preoperative ICGR15. alpha 1AT and CRP were significantly correlated to only preoperative ICGR15. PSTI was increased postoperatively but showed no difference between Groups A and B.  相似文献   

Acute renal failure after cadaveric related liver transplantation   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Acute renal failure (ARF) is a frequent medical complication after liver transplantation (LT). We analyzed cadaveric related liver transplant recipients who had developed ARF early in the postoperative course. Between January 1982 and August 2003, a total of 67 patients underwent cadaveric related LT. Their mean age was 28.64 years at LT. The 67 recipients had the following indications: biliary atresia (n = 17), Wilson's disease (n = 15), hepatitis B-related liver cirrhosis (n = 14), hepatitis C-related liver cirrhosis (n = 4), primary biliary cirrhosis (n = 4), hepatitis B-related liver cirrhosis with hepatoma (n = 3), hepatitis C-related liver cirrhosis with hepatoma (n = 2), Budd-Chiari syndrome (n = 2), neonatal hepatitis (n = 1), choledochus cyst (n = 1), autoimmune cirrhosis (n = 1), neuroendocrine tumor (n = 1), and hemangioendothelioma (n = 1). Forty-nine patients received cyclosporine (CsA), azathioprine, and steroids and 18, a combination with tacrolimus (FK506). Eight (11.94%) patients developed ARF at a mean time of 17.25 days after LT. The mean peak serum creatinine was 2.24 mg%. Four of these patients had a diagnosis of hepatitis B-related liver cirrhosis; two, hepatitis C-related liver cirrhosis; one, primary biliary cirrhosis; and one, hepatitis B-related liver cirrhosis with hepatoma. The ARF etiology was multifactorial for the majority of patients. Eight ARF patients had a history of liver cirrhosis, which may be a risk factor for intraoperative ARF. ARF treatment included fluid replacement, decreased or altered immunosuppressive agents, avoiding exposure to nephrotoxic drugs, and adjusting antibiotic dosages. The majority of patients returned to normal renal function at 1 to 3 weeks after the diagnosis of ARF. No patient required dialysis and/or experienced a mortality. We conclude that the incidence of ARF is relatively low and with good outcomes. ARF etiology was multifactorial for the majority of patients, but eight patients had a history of liver cirrhosis, which may be a risk factor for intraoperative ARF. We suggest that in the early postoperative period of LT cases diagnosis and treatment of ARF are important.  相似文献   

Tumor vascular invasion is one of the worst factors of metastasis and/or recurrence in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients after living donor liver transplantation (LDLT), leading to poor outcomes. We investigated the relevance between preoperative parameters and histological vascular invasion among HCC patients who underwent LDLT. We enrolled 27 HCC patients who underwent LDLT from September 2003 to February 2011 in our hospital. Their primary diseases were hepatitis C (n = 16) hepatitis B (n = 9), primary biliary cirrhosis (n = 1), and cryptogenic liver cirrhosis (n = 1). The 2 groups were positive (N = 7) versus negative (N = 20) histological vascular invasion. We compared the greatest size and numbers of tumors from preoperative enhanced computerized axial tomography (CAT) scans, preoperative serum levels of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and protein induced by vitamin K absence or antagonist-II (PIVKA-II), as well as preoperative anticancer therapy. The preoperative greatest average diameter and numbers of tumor were 2.99 cm and 2.43, respectively, among positive patients, and 1.93 cm and 1.3, respectively, among patients with negative vascular invasion. The mean values of AFP and PIVKA-II were 3568.7 ng/mL and 2511.7 mAU/mL, respectively, among positive patients, and 812.8 ng/mL and 134.8 mAU/mL, respectively, among patients with negative vascular invasion. Five positive and 11 negative patients received preoperative anticancer therapy. Even if the tumor was within Milan criteria, namely, maximum size 3 cm and number of tumors 3, preoperative treatment may be a preoperative predictive factor for positive histological vascular invasion.  相似文献   

Despite numerous studies in the past it is not possible yet to predict postoperative liver failure and safe limits for hepatectomy. In this study the following liver function tests ICG-ER (indocyaninegreen elimination rate), GEC (galactose elimination capacity) and MEGX-F (monoethylglycinexylidid formation) are examined with regard to loss of liver tissue and prediction of operative risk. Liver function tests were assessed in 20 patients prior to liver resection and on the 10th. postoperative day. Liver and tumor volume were measured by ultrasound and pathologic specimen and the parenchymal resection rate was calculated. In patients without cirrhosis (n = 10) ICG-ER and MEGX-F remained unchanged after resection, GEC was reduced but did not correspond to the resection rate. Patients with cirrhosis (n = 10) had a significantly lower ICG-ER and GEC before resection than patients without cirrhosis. After resection these tests were unchanged. Patients with liver related complications and cirrhosis (n = 5) had lower ICG-ER and GEC than patients with cirrhosis and no complications. In the postoperative course all liver function tests in these patients were significantly lower compared to preoperative results. Comparing liver function tests ICG serves best to indicate postoperative liver failure. Liver function tests do not correspond with loss of liver tissue.  相似文献   

目的探讨原发性肝癌、肝硬化、良性肝病患者和健康人血液中XAGE-1b mRNA表达的差异及意义.方法采集125例原发性肝癌患者、23例肝硬化患者、34例良性肝病患者、41例健康志愿者静脉血,实时荧光定量PCR检测其中XAGE-1b mRNA的表达.结果原发性肝癌患者、肝硬化患者、良性肝病患者、健康人血液中XAGE-1b mRNA的表达量分别为3.72(0.93,10.2)×10-5、0(0,0.56)×10-5、0(0,0)×10-5、0(0,0)×10-5.原发性肝癌患者表达量显著高于肝硬化、良性肝病患者和健康人,肝硬化患者表达量高于良性肝病患者和健康人,良性肝病患者与健康人的表达量差异无统计学意义.以8.385×10-7为最佳临界值,XAGE-1b mRNA诊断原发性肝癌的敏感性为80.0%,特异性为89.8%,阳性预测值90.9%,阴性预测值77.9%.肝癌患者的阳性率为80.0%,肝硬化患者的阳性率为30.4%.结论XAGE-1b mRNA可作为一种肿瘤标志物诊断原发性肝癌,并有利于肝癌、肝硬化、良性肝病的鉴别.  相似文献   

The treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been a revolution in hepatology. Since the beginning of transplantation, liver cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma on HCV cirrhosis has been the main etiology of liver transplantation. We set out to analyze the impact that C virus treatment has had on liver transplantation. To do so, we divided our cohort into 2 periods, one before virus treatment (from 2000-2014) and one after the onset of treatment (2014-2020). Taking into account this differentiation, we analyzed the percentage of patients transplanted for hepatocarcinoma over cirrhotic liver by HCV in both groups. Among the patients transplanted for HCV, we analyzed whether there were differences in hepatocarcinoma recurrences according to their serologic status at the time of transplantation.  相似文献   

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