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目的研究颈动脉的形态与动脉粥样硬化的情况,为颈总、颈内动脉狭窄的诊治提供形态学基础。方法解剖观测成尸30(男24、女6)侧颈动脉,观测颈动脉的形态及动脉粥样硬化情况。结果①颈总动脉中段外径,左侧(8.75±1.56)mm;右侧(8.31±0.99)mm。②颈内动脉根部外径,左侧(8.15±1.42)mm;右侧(7.51±1.63)mm。③颈外动脉中段外径,左侧(4.87±1.09)mm;右侧(4.39±0.89)mm。④颈动脉粥样硬化发生率占60%(18侧),其中颈内动脉根部四壁明显动脉硬化,内腔直径1.6mm严重狭窄1侧,占总数的3.33%。结论颈动脉粥样硬化发生率最高为颈动脉窦,占颈动脉硬化标本的100%,可致颈内动脉内腔狭窄。  相似文献   

目的:报道1例偶然发现的右侧永久性三叉动脉形态、特点,并进行文献复习。方法:利用显微解剖对此例永久性三叉动脉的起源、走行、分支、分布、与后循环连接关系、以及相关动脉解剖特点等进行了研究。结果:此例永久性三叉动脉与脑膜垂体干共干起源于颈内动脉海绵窦段,于展神经外侧进入后颅窝,分支与基底动脉和小脑上动脉吻合,其终末支之一延续为同侧的小脑下后动脉,此动脉与三叉神经关系密切,分支分布于脑干和小脑。结论:永久性三叉动脉与后循环关系复杂,广泛参与正常脑组织供血。  相似文献   

During a cadaver dissection in the anatomy department of the University of Liege, Belgium, an anatomic variation of the superior thyroid and lingual arteries was observed on the right side in a 68-year-old woman. Both arteries arose from a common trunk located 30 mm beneath the carotid bifurcation. After a 5.2 mm course, the thyrolingual trunk divided into superior thyroid and lingual arteries which followed an unusual course towards their respective organs. Knowledge of this anomaly is important for those who are involved with neck surgery and anatomy.  相似文献   

We present a case with right coronary ostium agenesis with anomalous origin of the right coronary artery from the left circumflex artery, which caused a non-ST elevation coronary syndrome. A review of the literature indicates this to be an extremely rare case.  相似文献   

经蝶海绵窦手术相关动脉的解剖学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:对经蝶海绵窦手术中相关动脉结构的解剖学数据和形态学特点进行研究,为临床手术提供解剖学基础;方法:取动脉灌注的固定尸头标本10例20侧(6男4女),通过经蝶手术暴露鞍旁段颈内动脉(PSICA)后,小心分离各动脉分支,对其进行解剖学描述,并和经颅手术中海绵窦内血管结构进行对比;结果:经蝶入路颈内动脉可分为PSICA和斜坡旁段颈内动脉(PCICA),打开海绵窦下壁即暴露PSICA,根据其形态可分为上、下水平部和垂直部,脑膜垂体干源于PSICA下水平部末段内壁占45%(9侧)、顶壁占20%(4侧)、外壁占25%(5侧)、上水平部中段内壁占10%(2侧);海绵窦下动脉源于PSICA垂直部中段外壁占80%(16侧),下水平部中段占5%(1侧);另15%(3侧)源于脑膜垂体干;仅在25%标本(5侧)中发现McConnell’s背囊动脉,其源于垂直部上段的内壁上,口径细小(0.85±0.21)mm;结论:经蝶入路中,向内侧走行的动脉分支是出血的主要原因,了解相关动脉结构在解剖形态上的变化,对于减少术中出血、外科安全治疗具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We report a case of successful endovascular treatment of bilateral carotid artery occlusion with concurrent basilar apex aneurysm. An elderly female patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) onset was admitted to the hospital. Computed tomography (CT) and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) confirmed the presence of bilateral carotid artery occlusion with concurrent basilar apex aneurysm. Brain blood supply was provided by the bilateral vertebral artery through the basilar artery. We treated the aneurysm with the endovascular approach by embolizing the aneurysm with three coils. The patient recovered well after surgery and showed no recanalization of the aneurysm on a one-year follow-up DSA. We also reviewed six similar cases found with a PUBMED database search (1980-2010), including those with bilateral common carotid artery occlusion. In conclusion, by using the endovascular approach, bilateral carotid artery occlusion with concurrent basilar apex aneurysm was efficiently treated.  相似文献   

颈内动脉海绵窦段分支及分布的显微解剖   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 :为海绵窦的直接手术提供显微解剖学基础。方法 :采用 48侧成人新鲜海绵窦标本 ,颈内动脉灌注苯乙烯 (ABS) ,然后在手术显微镜下解剖观察。结果 :脑膜垂体干出现率为 10 0 % ,脑膜垂体干可分为两型 ,典型的脑膜垂体干出现率为 5 8.3 % ,非典型的脑膜垂体干又分为单干型和非单干型 ,前者出现率为 3 1.3 % ,后者为 10 .4%。海绵窦下动脉出现率为 95 .8% ,垂体被囊动脉为 3 1.3 %。另外眼动脉的出现率为 10 .4%。两侧颈内动脉海绵窦段分支之间的吻合 ,提供了重要的侧支循环血液供应。结论 :本文对颈内动脉海绵窦段分支的显微解剖结果 ,对临床显微外科、血管介入、影像学有指导意义。  相似文献   

大鼠颈内动脉的解剖及其在脑缺血模型中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究大鼠颈内动脉的形态,为制作脑缺血再灌注模型提供解剖学依据.方法成年Wistar大鼠20只,先后用墨汁乳胶液混合液灌注、甲醛固定、盐酸溶液浸泡脱钙,去骨取脑.再用XTT型实体显微镜观测颈内动脉的形态、分布.用JC-10型读数显微镜测量颈内动脉主干及其分支的管径.结果颈内动脉长度为17.23±2.1(152-18.8)mm.主要分支有翼腭动脉、大脑后动脉、大脑中动脉和大脑前动脉,后者借交通支与椎-基底动脉系相连.主干及其分支的管径分别是0.71±0.10 mm、0.52±0.056 mm、0.24±0.048 m、0.24±0.04 mm、0.23±0.048mm.结论栓线法制作局灶性脑缺血模型,除了结扎颈总动脉阻断大脑前动脉的血流外,还要避免大脑后动脉的血供,才能提高成功率.  相似文献   

颈内动脉床突上段的显微外科解剖学   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 :探讨颈内动脉床突上段的毗邻关系、分支特点及其手术意义。方法 :在手术显微镜下观察 3 0侧标本颈内动脉床突上段的形态及周围关系。结果 :颈内动脉床突上段实为出海绵窦后的一段 ,常以纤维结构与周围牵连 ,主干分为眼动脉段、后交通动脉段及脉络膜动脉段 3段。后交通动脉大致发自中点水平 ,脉络膜前动脉大致发自后半的中点。眼动脉段均发出垂体上动脉 ,多数还发出眼动脉 ,少数发出前床突支。在视交叉池内 ,垂体柄前方所见的小动脉几乎均属于垂体上动脉的分支。结论 :有些颈内动脉床突上段术中推移有困难 ,需先松解其纤维连系。打开颈动脉池时应特别留意前床突支 ,防止损伤出血。供垂体柄的分支可以切断 1~ 2支小支 ,而至视路的分支均宜妥善保留。  相似文献   

Summary Familial congenital bilateral acromion absence was found in four members of one family. Only one of them presented with gradually increasing pain in his left shoulder, resembling a shoulder impingement syndrome. The other members did not have any symptoms. This is the first report of familial occurrence of this extremely rare congenital anomaly.
Agénésie familiale bilatérale de l'acromion : une observation illustrée radiologiquement
Résumé L'absence congénitale bilatérale de l'acromion a été observée chez quatre membres d'une même famille. L'un d'eux seulement présentait des douleurs de l'épaule gauche progressivement croissantes ressemblant à un syndrome de blocage de l'épaule. Les autres membres n'avaient aucun symptôme. Il s'agit de la première observation familiale de cette anomalie congénitale extrêmement rare.

The case history and autopsy findings of a 32-year-old male, who suffered a mild closed-head injury and then had repeated epistaxis beginning 5 months later, is presented. The condition culminated in an episode of fatal epistaxis 1 year after the injury. At one time during the course of his work-up, the etiology of his repeated epistaxis was thought to be a vascular nasopharyngeal neoplasm. The diagnosis of an intracavernous internal carotid artery aneurysm was made only at autopsy. The principles of management of traumatic intracavernous internal carotid artery aneurysm presenting with epistaxis are discussed.  相似文献   

Clinical examination and surgical procedures require the knowledge of anatomical structures of such a complex area as neck, especially the developmental anomalies in vascular drainage may occur. The aim of this study was to describe the common carotid artery bifurcation to its surrounding structures to locate it properly by using external and internal landmarks. Measurements were performed on 43 Thai cadavers by the direct inspection method. Carotid bifurcation level was compared to the level of cervical vertebra, isthmus of thyroid cartilage, angle of mandible and origins of superior thyroid artery, and lingual artery. Most of carotid bifurcations were found at the level of C3, between C3 and C4, and C4 vertebra, as well as the tendency to lower position in men was noted. Measurements to the angle of mandible on the left sides were significantly different in studied groups (P = 0.02), also with lower position of bifurcation in men. The mean level of carotid bifurcation was approximately 6 mm above ITC, which literally is at the level of the superior border of thyroid cartilage. Moreover, in four cases, common carotid artery did not bifurcate bilaterally, and in four cases, no bifurcations were found at the right side of neck. Further, many superior thyroid arteries originated from common carotid artery. To sum up, during the clinical procedures, the level of thyroid cartilage is mostly advised to follow to locate the carotid sinus. Further, the described variations in topography of carotid bifurcation and arteries origins may have important clinical implications.  相似文献   

We describe herein a rare and hitherto not reported variation, found in a Japanese male cadaver, in which a posterior sinus node (SN) artery and an accessory atrioventricular node (AN) artery originate from a common trunk branching from the posterior segment of the circumflex artery. After arising in this manner, the posterior SN artery passed in a clockwise direction around the posterior, lateral, and finally anterior wall of the left atrium to the sinus venosus, giving off a branch to the SN from posteriorly. The accessory AN artery coursed in a counterclockwise direction on the posterior wall of the left atrium as far as the crux of the heart, where it bent anterosuperiorly and continued within the interatrial septum. It entered the AN from superiorly and, crossing deep to the principal AN artery, reached the inferior and superficial portion of this node. It could be considered that the accessory AN artery in this study is a modified version of arteries entering and coursing in the interatrial septum, as exemplified by Kugel's anastomotic artery. Clin. Anat. 11:106–111, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The extracranial internal carotid artery (ICA) refers to the anatomic location that reaches from the common carotid artery proximally to the skull base distally. The extracranial ICA belongs to the C1 segment of the Bouthillier classification and is at considerable risk for injury. Currently, the understanding of endovascular treatment (EVT) for blunt injury of the extracranial ICA is limited, and a comprehensive review is therefore important. In this review, we found that extracranial ICA blunt injury should be identified in patients presenting after blunt trauma, including classical dissection, pseudoaneurysm, and stenosis/occlusion. Computed tomography angiography (CTA) is the first-line method for screening for extracranial ICA blunt injury, although digital subtraction angiography (DSA) remains the “gold standard” in imaging. Antithrombotic treatment is effective for stroke prevention. However, routine EVT in the form of stenting should be reserved for patients with prolonged neurological symptoms from arterial stenosis or considerably enlarged pseudoaneurysm. Endovascular repair is now emerging as a favored therapeutic option given its demonstrated safety and positive clinical and radiographic outcomes.  相似文献   

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