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Summary Subcortical connections of the superior colliculus were investigated in albino and pigmented rats using retrograde and anterograde tracing with horseradish peroxidase (HRP), following unilateral injection of HRP into the superior colliculus. Afferents project bilaterally from the parabigeminal nuclei, the nucleus of the optic tract, the posterior pretectal region, the dorsal part of the lateral posterior-pulvinar complex and the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus; and ipsilaterally from the substantia nigra pars reticulata, the pars lateralis of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, the intergeniculate leaflet, the zona incerta, the olivary pretectal nucleus, the nucleus of the posterior commissure, the lateral thalamus, Forel's field H2, and the ventromedial hypothalamus. Collicular efferents terminate ipsilaterally in the anterior, posterior and olivary pretectal nuclei, the nuclei of the optic tract and posterior commissure, the ventrolateral part of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, the pars lateralis of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, the intergeniculate leaflet, and the zona incerta; and bilaterally in the parabigeminal nuclei and lateral posterior-pulvinar complex (chiefly its dorsal part). The general topographical patterns of some of the afferent and efferent projections were also determined: the caudal and rostral parts of the parabigeminal nucleus project to the caudal and rostral regions, respectively, of the superior colliculus; caudal superior colliculus projects to the most lateral, and lateral superior colliculus to the most caudal part of the terminal field in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus; caudolateral superior colliculus projects to the caudal ventrolateral part of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, while rostromedial parts of the colliculus project more rostrally and dorsomedially. Following comparable injections in pigmented and albino animals, fewer retrogradely labelled cells were found in subcortical structures in the albino than in the pigmented rats. The difference was most marked in nuclei contralateral to the injected colliculus. Thus, the effects of albinism on the nervous system may be more widespread than previously thought.M. R. C. Scholar  相似文献   

Summary The origin and termination of the fibers projecting from the inferior colliculus to the superior olivary complex have been studied in rat by means of the Fink and Heimer and horseradish peroxidase techniques (anterograde and retrograde transport of free horseradish peroxidase and peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin). The colliculoolivary fibers originate in layer 3 of the external cortex and the adjacent part of the central nucleus, particularly in the former. Via the lateral lemniscus the fibers reach the ipsilateral periolivary region where they terminate in the rostral and medioventral zones. The terminal field contains at least two types of cells which could constitute the next link in the descending projection to the cochlea and/or the cochlear nuclei. One of these is the large olivocochlear neuron, and the other a smaller neuron projecting to the cochlear nuclei. Judged by their topographic relationship in the inferior colliculus and in the superior olive, the colliculoolivary neurons may form a link in a oligosynaptic projection from the auditory cortex to the cochlea and/or the cochlear nuclei. The observations are based on light microscopy, however, and do not allow conclusions concerning synaptic contacts.Abbreviations A aqueduct - BIC brachium of IC - BC brachium conjunctivum - BP brachium pontis - Cb cerebellum - CN central nucleus of IC - CoIC commissure of IC - CoLL commissure of the lateral lemniscus - CP cerebral peduncle - CPO caudal zone of periolivary region - CR corpus restiforme - CS corticospinal tract - DC dorsal cortex of IC - DCN dorsal cochlear nucleus - DMPO dorsomedial zone of periolivary region - DNLL dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus - EC external cortex of IC - IC inferior colliculus - INLL intermediate nucleus of the lateral lemniscus - IO inferior olivary complex - LL lateral lemniscus - LSO lateral nucleus of SO - LVPO lateroventral zone of periolivary region - ML medial lemniscus - MVPO medioventral zone of periolivary region - NTB nucleus of the trapezoid body - OP optic layer of SSC - P pyramidal tract - PAG periaqueductal grey - PN pontine nuclei - Re recess of IC - RF reticular formation - RPO costral zone of periolivary region - RS rubrospinal tract - SaS subarachnoidal space - SC superior colliculus - SO superior olivary complex - SPN superior periolivary nucleus - Sp5 trigeminal spinal tract - TB trapezoid body - VCN ventral cochlear nucleus - VD dorsal vestibular nucleus - VL lateral vestibular nucleus - VM medial vestibular nucleus - VNLL ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus - VR rostral vestibular nucleus - IV forth ventricle - 1–3 layers of EC - 5 trigeminal nucleus - 5N trigeminal nerve - 7 facial nucleus - 7N facial nerve - 8C cochlear nerve - 8V vestibular nerve  相似文献   

Summary Stereotaxic injection of horseradish peroxidase into the superior colliculus produced retrograde labelling of layer V pyramides in the Clare Bishop area and the lateral bank of the suprasylvian sulcus, in area 17,18 and 19. Single labelled cells were also found scattered in the splenial, the suprasplenial, the lateral and the suprasylvian gyri. In the cruciate sulcus no labelled cells were observed. Autoradiographically, the lateral bank of the suprasylvian sulcus was also shown to give rise to fibres to the superior colliculus.  相似文献   

Summary We have studied the laminar distribution of reduced nicotinamide dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPH-d) activity and the morphology of positive neurons in the superior colliculus (SC) and the underlying periaqueductal gray (PAG) of the rat. The morphology of NADPH-d-positive neurons has been compared to that of Golgi-impregnated cells. The highest activity occurs in the stratum zonale and stratum griseum superficiale, contrasting with the pale neuropil in the stratum opticum, where only a few positive neurons are found. In the stratum griseum intermedium positive neurons are grouped in patches separated by narrow, NADPH-d-negative bands. In the deeper layers, the neuropil is NADPH-d-negative, and few neurons show enzymatic activity. In contrast, numerous neurons in the dorsolateral part of the PAG are intensely positive. They are continuous with the positive neurons in the stratum album profundum, with no clear border between the two centers. In both SC and PAG, only small and medium sized neurons are NADPH-d-positive. In comparison with Golgi material, all types of small neurons in the superficial layers show NADPH-d activity; NADPH-d histochemistry, however, does not visualize the characteristic dendritic appendages of these neurons. The large neurons of the SC and PAG, probably representing the long-projecting neurons of these centers, do not contain the enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary The visual representation in the uncrossed retinal projection to the superior colliculus (SC) was examined electrophysiologically by recording multiunit responses in paralysed, anaesthetised adult rats (both pigmented and albino), which had been monocularly enucleated either prenatally or soon after birth. This manipulation partially stabilises an exuberant neonatal projection from the remaining eye to the ipsilateral SC. Neuronal responses were also stronger and the multi-unit receptive fields larger than in intact animals. Many of the visual fields recorded on penetrations in caudal SC were located in the peripheral ipsilateral visual hemifield, corresponding to nasal retina. Such receptive fields are not seen in normal animals and were not found in animals enucleated on day 3 or later. The topographic representation of the dorso-ventral retinal axis, lateral to medial in the SC, was normal in all experimental animals. The representation of the naso-temporal retinal axis was abnormal and more variable. In all operated animals as the recording electrode was moved caudally away from the rostral pole of the SC, the corresponding receptive fields moved gradually from up to 40° in the ipsilateral visual hemifield to about 40° into the contralateral hemifield (a location corresponding to the peripheral edge of the temporal retina). This is the mapping polarity found in the normal uncrossed retinal projection. In the enucleated animals, the map was expanded and frequently displayed a clustering of fields arising from far temporal retina. In animals enucleated prenatally or on the day of birth, visual responses could be recorded in more caudal SC. The corresponding receptive fields now moved nasally on the retina, generating reversals in the map. The most caudal penetrations in these early enucleates frequently gave receptive fields located in retina nasal to the optic disc, up to 90 degrees into the ipsilateral visual hemifield. These results demonstrate that a temporal relationship exists between the order and mapping polarity of the visual field in SC and the time of enucleation. Prenatal enucleation produces reversals of the mapping polarity in caudal SC while neonatal enucleation produces an expanded map but one with a mapping polarity appropriate for an uncrossed projection  相似文献   

The neocortical projection to the inferior colliculus in the albino rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The purpose of the present study was to define the field of termination of the neocortical projection to the inferior colliculus in rat. The study was based on fiber degeneration following large lesions of the cerebral cortex, and anterograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin horseradish peroxidase ejected inotophoretically into more restricted neocortical loci. Neocortical fibers were found to supply the dorsal and external cortices of the inferior colliculus. The central nucleus, in contrast, did not receive such fibers. The results speak in favor of three separate projections, one partly bilateral to the deeper part of the dorsal collicular cortex, a second ipsilateral to the superficial part of this subdivision, and a third ipsilateral to the external collicular cortex.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of anterogradely-transported horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was examined in the rostral mesencephalon and thalamus of cats and raccoons that had received injections of HRP in the cervical and/or lumbosacral enlargements of the spinal cord. Labeling was consistently observed in a large number of loci. All regions previously identified as targets of spinomesencephalic or spinothalamic fibers were included. Evidence of topographical organization was obtained in several regions. Adjacent fields of labeling were often separable on the basis of the distribution, appearance and topographical organization of the labeling. Subject to the methodological constraints imposed by the possibilities of transneuronal and/or collateral labeling, we conclude that a wide variety of loci in the thalamus receive direct spinal input. The organization of these projections suggests that each terminal region may be associated with different aspects of spinal cord function.Abbreviations A anterior pretectal nucleus - AD anterodorsal n. - AM anteromedial n. - AV anteroventral n. - CeM centromedial n. - CD centrodorsal n. (raccoon) - CL centrolateral n. - CM centre median - H habenula - L n.a limitans - LD laterodorsal n. - LG lateral geniculate - LGv lateral geniculate, ventral subnucleus - LP lateral posterior n. - LPvi lateral posterior n., ventral intermediate part - M medial pretectal n. - mc medial geniculate, magnocellular subnucleus - MD mediodorsal n. - MG medial geniculate - ML medial lemniscus - N pretectal nucleus of the optic tract - nBIC n. of the brachium of the inferior colliculus - O olivary pretectal n. - OT optic tract - P posterior nucleus of Rioch - Pc paracentral n. - Pf parafascicular n. - PO posterior group of thalamus - PP posterior pretectal n. - Pt parataenial n. - Pul pulvinar - Pv paraventricular n. of thalamus - R reticular n. - Re n. reuniens - Rh rhomboid n. - RN red nucleus - SG suprageniculate n. - Sm n. submedius - SN substantia nigra - Spf subparafascicular n. - Tg mesencephalic tegmentum - VA ventroanterior n. - VP ventroposterior thalamus (i.e. VPM, VPI, and VPL) - VL ventrolateral n. - VM ventromedial n. - VMb ventromedial n., basal part - VPI ventroposteroinferior n. - VPL1a ventroposterolateral n., lateral part - VPLm ventroposterolateral n., medial part - VPM ventroposteromedial n. - ZI zona incerta  相似文献   

Summary We investigated the effect of superior colliculus lesions on the performance of a visually guided paw movement. Six cats were trained to perform a paw movement toward a lever moving in front of them at an adjustable speed. The target was visible and accessible for approximately 700 ms, corresponding to the time needed to traverse the aperture situated in front of the animal. To receive a food pellet reward the cat had to press on the lever during this presentation period. Efficient and misguided movements were recorded, and their relative proportions calculated. For each rewarded movement, the response time (delay between the appearance of the lever in the aperture and the cat's press) was automatically computed. After stabilization of their performance, each cat underwent a bilateral electrolytic lesion of the superior colliculi. In all cases it markedly affected precision. The cats first recovered their ability to reach an immobile lever and later on their ability to point to the lever while it was moving. However, even after two months of postoperative training, two cats had still not completely recovered their preoperative precision. All lesioned animals displayed a perturbation in their response time distribution. Anterior lesions, involving area centralis projection, were more effective in producing the deficits than more posterior ones. The results are discussed in relation to the involvement of the superior colliculus in the analysis of peripheral fixed or moving stimuli.  相似文献   

Summary The postnatal development of ipsilateral retinofugal projections to the lateral geniculate body in normal albino rats, and in rats unilaterally enucleated at birth has been examined. At postnatal ages ranging from 1 day to 6 months, horseradish peroxidase was injected into one eye of normal rats and into the remaining eye of neonatally enucleated animals. After approximately 20 hours, the animals were perfused, the brains sectioned and reaction product visualised using tetramethylbenzidine.Ipsilateral retinal projections to the lateral geniculate body in normal animals were extensive on postnatal day 1 and became reduced over the next few days, the adult pattern being established between days 9 and 12. In the enucleated group, the terminal fields of the ipsilateral projections to the lateral geniculate body from the remaining eye remained larger and displayed a greater density of terminal labelling than in age-matched controls. In addition, the ipsilateral terminal field in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus occupied a more lateral position than in control animals.These findings support previous suggestions that the abnormally large ipsilateral retino-fugal projections observed in adult rats following removal of one eye, at or close to, birth, result from a failure of the ipsilateral projection to become restricted and that terminal or preterminal sprouting of retinal axons may also make a small contribution to the formation of the exuberant ipsilateral projection.  相似文献   

In most mammals the superior colliculus (SC) and the pretectal nucleus of the optic tract (NOT) receive direct input from the ipsilateral visual cortex via projection neurons from infragranular layer V. We examined whether these projection neurons belong to different populations and, if so, whether it is possible to correlate the electrophysiological features with the suggested function of these neurons. Projection cells were retrogradely labeled in vivo by rhodamine-coupled latex beads or fast blue injections into the SC or the NOT 2–5 days prior to the electrophysiological experiment. Intracellular recordings of prelabeled neurons were made from standard slice preparations and cells were filled with biocytin in order to reveal their morphology. Both cell populations consist of layer V pyramids with long apical dendrites that form terminal tufts in layer I. In electrophysiological terms, 12 of the corticotectal cells could be classified as intrinsically bursting (IB), while two neurons showed a doublet firing characteristic and one neuron was classified as regular-spiking (RS). Intracortical microstimulation of cortical layer II/III revealed that SC-projecting neurons responded optimally to stimulation sites up to a distance of 1000 μm from the recorded cell. The morphological features of the SC-projecting cells reveal an apical dendritic tuft in layer I with a lateral extension of 300 μm, a mean spine density of 65 spines per 40 μm on the apical dendrites located in layer II/III, and a bouton density of 13 boutons per 100 μm on the intracortical axons. Sixteen NOT-projecting neurons exhibited an IB and five cells an RS characteristic. Intracortical microstimulation of cortical layer II/III showed that NOT-projecting neurons responded optimally to stimulation sites up to a distance of 1500 μm. Their morphological features consist of an apical dendritic tuft with a lateral extension of 500 μm, a mean spine density of 25 spines per 40 μm on the apical dendrites located in layer II/III, and a bouton density of 6 boutons per 100 μm on the intracortical axons. When the passive membrane parameters, responses to intracortical microstimulation in layer V, the extension of the basal dendritic field, and spine densities in layers I or V were compared between SC- and NOT-projecting cells, no differences were revealed. Differences were only consistently found in the supragranular layers, either for morphological parameters or for intracortical microstimulation. The results suggest that NOT-projecting and SC-projecting neurons, although biophysically similar, could integrate and transmit different spatial aspects of cortical visual information to their target structures. Received: 22 November 1996 / Accepted: 8 October 1997  相似文献   

Summary Anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase — wheat germ agglutinin (HRP-WGA) was used to examine the effect of unilateral neonatal ablation of the sensorimotor cortex on the remaining corticofugal projections to the midbrain in the rat. In unlesioned animals, the sensorimotor cortical efferents to the midbrain were entirely ipsilateral, terminal labeling being evident in the red nucleus, the midbrain reticular formation, the periaqueductal gray, the intermediate gray layer of the superior colliculus, the nucleus parafascicularis prerubralis and the perilemniscal area. Corticorubral fibers were seen to reach the midbrain through the thalamus or the cerebral peduncle. In the red nucleus, terminal labeling was essentially restricted to the parvocellular region. In neonatally lesioned adults, aberrant corticofugal fibers crossed the midline to terminate in the contralateral red nucleus, the midbrain reticular formation, the periaqueductal gray, the nucleus parafascicularis prerubralis and the intermediate gray layer of the superior colliculus. The aberrant projections maintained the topographic specificity of the normal ipsilateral projections. This was most evident in the corticorubral projection, where the aberrant contralateral fibers terminated in the parvocellular area of the red nucleus.Abbreviations 3V Third ventricle - Aq Cerebral aqueduct - CP Cerebral peduncle - DG Deep gray layer of the superior colliculus - fr Fasciculus retroflexus - HRP-WGA Horseradish peroxidase — wheat germ agglutinin - IG Intermediate gray layer of the superior colliculus - mc Magnocellular red nucleus - pc Parvocellular red nucleus - RF Reticular formation - SG Superficial gray layer of the superior colliculus - SMC Sensorimotor cortex  相似文献   

In rodents, the superior paraolivary nucleus (SPON) is one of the major nuclei of the superior olivary complex that innervate the inferior colliculus. To analyze the intrinsic organization of the SPON and to gain further insight into its relationship with the inferior colliculus, the neuroanatomical tracers biotinylated dextran and horseradish peroxidase were unilaterally injected into different regions of the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus of adult albino rats. Both tracers resulted in retrograde labeling of SPON cell bodies. In addition, biotinylated dextran rendered excellent filling of dendri-tic and axonal processes within the nucleus. Our results confirm that the projection from the SPON to the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus is nearly exclusively ipsilateral and strictly topographic. Furthermore, our data show that virtually all SPON neurons participate in this projection. The labeling with biotinylated dextran reveals that typical SPON neurons are medium to large multipolar cells with four to seven thick, long, scarcely branched and smooth dendrites that extend over long distances within a nearly parasagittal plane and intermingle with similarly oriented axonal plexuses. Some of the neurons located ventrally within the nucleus possess dendrites that extend ventrally beyond the limits of the SPON to penetrate into the underlying ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body. The parallel arrangement of flattened dendritic and axonal fields within the SPON is reminiscent of the fibrodendritic laminae found in other mammalian auditory nuclei. This fact and the available data about the connectivity of the nucleus stress the similarities between the SPON and the principal nuclei of the superior olivary complex. Accepted: 7 April 2000  相似文献   

Summary Thalamic projections to the visual cortex were investigated using the Horseradish peroxidase tracing technique. Besides confirmation of a distinct origin of thalamic projections to striate and extra-striate visual cortex, afferents of the intralaminar nuclei (ILN) to visual cortex were demonstrated. These projections of ILN were shown to be specific in that they terminate in areas 18, 19 and Clare Bishop but not area 17. The coupling of these intralaminar projections on to the extra-striate visual system is considered with respect to orientation of gaze.  相似文献   

Summary The projection from the lateral reticular nucleus (LRN) to the cerebellar cortex was studied in the rat by utilizing the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). In order to study the topographic features of this projection, small amounts of HRP were injected into various sites in the cerebellar cortex. The results demonstrated that the caudal lobules of the anterior lobe vermis tend to receive afferents from the medial LRN and the rostral lobules of the vermis receive afferents from more laterally situated cells. Lobules IV and V receive inputs primarily from the magnocellular division of the LRN of both the ventromedial and dorsolateral parts of the LRN, while lobules II and III receive inputs mainly from cells which lie in the border area between the parvocellular and magnocellular division of the ventromedial part. Following injections within various areas of the posterior lobe vermis, the results indicated that lobule VIII receives the most abundant projection from the LRN and that the cells of origin are present within the parvocellular and the adjacent part of the magnocellular division throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the LRN. Following injections within lobules VI and VII, few labelled cells were found and they tended to lie within the rostral two-thirds of the magnocellular division. Little or no projection from the LRN to lobule IX was evident. The hemispheres were found to receive a modest projection from the dorsal aspect of the LRN. The projection to lobulus simplex originates mainly from the caudal two-thirds of the magnocellular division, while the projection to the ansiform and paramedian lobules originates mainly from the dorsal aspect of the rostral two-thirds of the magnocellular division. Finally, there appears to be extensive overlapping of the orgins of all three projections to the cerebellar cortex studied, and this occurs within the central area of the magnocellular division throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the LRN.  相似文献   

Neuroanatomical tract-tracing methods were used to study the topography of the reticulocollicular projections. Injections of gold-HRP or BDA tracers into the medial and/or central portions of the superior colliculus resulted in labelled neurones mainly in the medial reticular formation, whereas injections into the lateral portion of the superior colliculus showed labelling in the medial and lateral reticular formation. When tracer was injected into the lateral portion of the caudal superior colliculus, extensive lateral labelling was observed in the contralateral parvocellular reticular nucleus and the contralateral dorsal medullary reticular nucleus, two areas involved in reflex blinking. The present study shows that these reticular areas project to the lateral superior colliculus, which is known to be involved in the coordination of eye and eyelid movements.  相似文献   

Summary Radioactive wheatgerm agglutinin (WGA) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were injected into portions of the mesencephalic reticular formation at sites where electrical stimulation induced either small or large contralateral horizontal saccadic eye movements. We have designated this region as the Central MRF (cMRF). It contains both cells and fiber tracts, including the efferent output of the superior colliculus (SC), destined for the dorsal tegmental decussation and the predorsal bundle. Cells labelled by WGA and HRP injections were found in the intermediate and deep layers of the superior colliculus and the adjacent central gray matter on the ipsilateral side. Injections into the dorsal cMRF, at sites where small saccades were induced, caused labelling of cells in the rostral intermediate layer of SC. Injections into the ventral cMRF, at points where large saccades were elicited, caused labelling of cells in the caudal intermediate layer of SC. The deepest layers of SC and the adjacent central gray were also labelled from the small eye movement region of dorsal cMRF. We interpret these findings to indicate that the intermediate layers of SC send axonal projections to the horizontal eye movement region of the MRF in a topographic fashion. The projection from the intermediate layer is organized so that regions in SC and cMRF related to small or to large eye movements are interconnected. The results support the hypothesis that cMRF is a topographically organized area, involved, like SC, in the control of eye movements. Since both cMRF and the superior colliculus project to areas of the pons and medulla where saccadic eye movements are produced, they could give rise to parallel pathways for the generation of contralateral saccades.Abbreviations III oculomotor nucleus - IV trochlear nucleus - ap area pretectalis - BC brachium conjunctivum - BSC brachium of the superior colliculus - cg central gray - cMRF central MRF - d deep layer of SC - DAB diaminobenzidine - EOG electro-oculography - h habenula nuclei - HRP horseradish peroxidase - iC interstitial nucleus of Cajal - ic inferior colliculus - li nucleus limitans - mg medial geniculate body - MLF medial longitudinal fasciculus - nIII oculomotor nerve - nIV trochlear nerve - on olivary nucleus - p pulvinar - PC posterior commissure - riMLF rostral interstitial nucleus of the MLF - rn red nucleus, pars magnocellularis - rnp red nucleus, pars parvocellularis - s superficial layer of SC - SC superior colliculus - sl sublentiform nucleus - sn substantia nigra - TMB tetramethyl benzidine - TR tractus retroflexus - WGA wheatgerm agglutinin Supported by NIH Research grant EY 02296, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grant SFB 200/A3 and Core Center grant EY 01867  相似文献   

Summary In the course of our study on the neuronal connections of the subparafascicular nucleus (SPF) in the rat, descending projections from the SPF to the lower brain stem were examined by using the anterograde tracer PHA-L (Phaseolus vulgaris leukoagglutinin) and retrograde tracer WGA-HRP (horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin). When PHA-L was injected into the magnocellular and/or parvicellular division of the SPF (SPFm and/or SPFp), presumed terminal labeling was seen, bilaterally with an ipsilateral dominance, in the mesencephalic and pontine central gray matter, peripheral shell regions of the inferior colliculus, cuneiform nucleus, and superior olivary complex (mainly in the superior paraolivary nucleus, and additionally in the nuclei of the trapezoid body). A few labeled axon terminals were also seen in the cochlear nuclei bilaterally with a contralateral dominance. In the second set of experiments, WGA-HRP was injected into the inferior colliculus, superior olivary complex, or cochlear nuclei. When WGA-HRP was injected into the peripheral shell regions of the inferior colliculus or the superior olivary complex, many labeled neuronal cell bodies were seen in the SPFm bilaterally with an ipsilateral dominance, and a moderate number of labeled neuronal cell bodies were observed in the SPFp (lateral SPF) bilaterally with an ipsilateral dominance. When WGA-HRP was injected into the cochlear nuclei, a moderate number of labeled neuronal cell bodies were observed in the SPFm and SPFp bilaterally with a contralateral dominance. The results indicate that the SPFm and SPFp (lateral SPF) of the rat send a considerable number of projection fibers to the lower brain stem. The target regions of these projection fibers include the auditory relay nuclei, such as the inferior colliculus, superior olivary complex, and cochlear nuclei.  相似文献   

We have studied GABAergic projections from the thalamic reticular nucleus to the anterior thalamic nuclei of the rat by combining retrograde labelling with horseradish peroxidase and GABA-immunohistochentistry. Small iontophoretic injections of the tracer into subnuclei of the anterior thalamic nuclear complex resulted in retrograde labelling of cells in the rostrodorsal pole of the ipsilateral thalamic reticular nucleus. All of these cells were also GABA-positive. The projections were topographically organized. Neurons located in the most dorsal part of the rostral reticular nucleus projected to the dorsal half of both the posterior subdivision and the medial subdivision of the anteroventral thalamic nucleus, and to the rostral portion of the anterodorsal thalamic nucleus. Immediately ventral to this group of neurons, but still within the dorsal portion of the reticular nucleus, a second group of neurons, extending from the dorsolateral to the dorsomedial edge of the nucleus, projected to the ventral parts of the posterior and medial subdivisions of the anteroventral nucleus. Following injection of tracer into the dorsal part of the rostral anteroventral nucleus, retrograde labelled GABA-containing cell bodies were also found in the ipsilateral anterodorsal nucleus.  相似文献   

The nucleus raphe magnus and rostral parts of the nucleus raphe obscurus were found to have extensive efferent projections: a major ascending non-serotonergic (5-HT) projection through the median forebrain bundle, and a descending system consisting of both 5-HT and non-5-HT neurons. Differences in the localizations of their cells of origin suggest that they form two distinct efferent systems from the caudal medullary raphe nuclei.  相似文献   

Summary The hippocampus has previously been shown to influence cardiovascular function, and this effect appears to be mediated by the connection the hippocampus has with the infralimbic area of the medial frontal cortex (MFC), a region which projects directly to the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) in the dorsal medulla. In the present study, anatomical and electrophysiological techniques were utilized to determine the degree of convergence of hippocampal input to the MFC on neurons in the MFC which project to the NTS. Injections of the anterograde and retrograde neuroanatomical tracer wheatgerm agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) into the NTS retrogradely labelled cells in the infralimbic and prelimbic regions of the MFC. Injections of WGA-HRP into the ventral hippocampus anterogradely labelled terminals in the MFC which, at the light microscopic level, closely overlapped the origin of the descending projection from the MFC to the brainstem. Electron microscopic analysis revealed that anterogradely labelled terminals make synaptic contact primarily on dendritic processes in the neuropil adjacent to retrogradely labelled cells. In addition, anterogradely labelled terminals did, in some cases, make synaptic contact on the somas of retrogradely labelled cells. Electrical stimulation of the NTS antidromically activated cells in the infralimbic and prelimbic areas of the MFC. The average latency of antidromic activation was 30 msec, corresponding to a conduction velocity of approximately 0.7 m/s. Electrical stimulation of the ventral hippocampus orthodromically activated cells in the MFC. With an appropriate delay between the hippocampal and NTS stimuli, the orthodromic and antidromic potentials could be made to collide. The results of this study establish a structural as well as functional link between the hippocampus and NTS-projection neurons in the MFC.  相似文献   

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