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The local lymph node assay (LLNA) is being used increasingly in the identification of skin sensitizing chemicals for regulatory purposes. In the context of new chemicals legislation (REACH) in Europe, it is the preferred assay. The rationale for this is that the LLNA quantitative and objective approach to skin sensitization testing allied with the important animal welfare benefits that the method offers. However, as with certain guinea pig sensitization tests before it, this increasing use also brings experience with an increasingly wide range of industrial and other chemicals where the outcome of the assay does not always necessarily meet with the expectations of those conducting it. Sometimes, the result appears to be a false negative, but rather more commonly, the complaint is that the chemical represents a false positive. Against this background we have here reviewed a number of instances where false positive and false negative results have been described and have sought to reconcile science with expectation. Based on these analyses, it is our conclusion that false positives and false negatives do occur in the LLNA, as they do with any other skin sensitization assay (and indeed with all tests used for hazard identification), and that this occurs for a number of reasons. We further conclude, however, that false positive results in the LLNA, as with the guinea pig maximization test, arise most commonly via failure to distinguish what is scientifically correct from that which is unpalatable. The consequences of this confusion are discussed in the article, particularly in relation to the need to integrate both potency measurement and risk assessments into classification and labelling schemes that aim to manage potential risks to human health.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review, and make recommendations for, the use of relevant skin sensitization test methods, for the purposes of determination of relative potency and the threshold dose necessary for the induction of skin sensitization, and for risk assessment. In addressing the first area, the utility of three guinea pig tests (the guinea pig maximization test, the occluded patch test, and the open epicutaneous test) of the local lymph node assay (LLNA) and of human volunteer testing for the assessment of relative potency and identification of thresholds for sensitization were considered. The following conclusions were drawn. (1) Although attempts have been made to modify the guinea pig maximization test for the purposes of deriving dose-response relationships, this method is usually unsuitable for determination of relative sensitizing potency. (2) Guinea pig methods that do not require the use of adjuvant and which employ a relevant route of exposure (the occluded patch test and the open epicutaneous test) are more appropriate for the assessment of relative skin-sensitizing potency. (3) The LLNA is suitable for the determination of relative skin sensitizing potency, and the adaptation of this method for derivation of comparative criteria such as EC3 values (the estimated concentration of test chemical required to induce a stimulation index of 3 in the LLNA) provides an effective and quantitative basis for such measurements. (4) For all the methods identified above, potency is assessed relative to other chemical allergens of known skin sensitizing potential. The estimation of likely threshold concentrations is dependent upon the availability of suitable benchmark chemicals of known potency for human sensitization. (5) Human testing (and specifically, the Human Repeat Insult Patch Test) can provide information of value in confirming the absence of skin sensitizing activity of formulations and products under specific conditions of use and exposure. Based on the above, the following recommendations are made. (1) If results are already available from suitable guinea pig tests, then judicious interpretation of the data may provide information of value in assessing relative skin sensitizing potency. This option should be explored before other analyses are conducted. (2) The LLNA is the recommended method for new assessments of relative potency, and/or for the investigation of the influence of vehicle or formulation on skin sensitizing potency. (3) Whenever available, human skin sensitization data should be incorporated into an assessment of relative potency. With respect to risk assessment, the conclusion drawn is that all the available data on skin-sensitizing activity in animals and man should be integrated into the risk-assessment process. Appropriate interpretation of existing data from suitable guinea pig studies can provide valuable information with respect to potency, as the first step in the development of a risk assessment. However, for de novo investigations, the LLNA is the method favored for providing quantitative estimations of skin-sensitizing potency that are best suited to the risk assessment process. Finally, human testing is of value in the risk assessment process, but is performed only for the purposes of confirming product safety.  相似文献   

It is important that predictive toxicological test methods are selective for their intended endpoint and that their limitations are understood and acknowledged. The local lymph node assay (LLNA) is a relatively new predictive test for skin sensitization potential that can replace traditional guinea pig tests and offers significant scientific and animal welfare advantages. However, there has been some concern that certain irritant materials may yield false positive results, although it must be emphasized that false positives also occur in guinea pig methods. Consequently, we have examined the performance in the LLNA of a range of skin irritants, from varying chemical classes and covering a range of irritation potency. The results presented here demonstrate clearly that the majority of skin irritants are negative in the LLNA. These results are reviewed in the context of the occurrence of false positive reactions in the guinea pig maximization test and the strategies for dealing with such results are discussed. The need for careful scientific evaluation of the results in all predictive tests for sensitization is thus emphasized. In terms of specificity, the LLNA has been more fully evaluated than other predictive test methods and is at least as accurate. In terms of animal welfare, objectivity, reproducibility and reliability it is superior to other methods. In summary, all predictive skin sensitization test results should be evaluated in a scientifically rigorous manner and the additional data provided herein further support the adoption of the LLNA as a complete replacement for the traditional guinea pig methods.  相似文献   

The local lymph node assay (LLNA) is the assay of choice in European regulatory toxicology. As with other toxicology/sensitisation assays, it has a potential for false results, the anionic surfactant sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) representing a classic example. In the work reported here, examples of false positives in the LLNA are compared to published “benchmarks” such as SLS. Clear false positives (e.g. oleic acid) are also contrasted with examples where data interpretation is more challenging. As the LLNA will be applicable to >30,000 chemicals under REACH, and in the light of animal welfare considerations to do no more than the absolute minimum of animal testing, results from a single LLNA often represent the only available data on sensitisation. This reinforces the need to ensure data from this assay are interpreted intelligently, using scientific analysis of results and considering the weight of evidence, before decisions are made on which substances should be classified as representing a skin sensitisation hazard. In chemical classes where the LLNA has been shown to be an inappropriate assay other standardised methods (e.g. the Buehler or Magnusson and Kligman guinea pig tests [OECD 406]) should be employed as the first choice assays.  相似文献   

The Local Lymph Node Assay (LLNA) is the preferred test for the identification of skin-sensitizing potentials of chemicals in Europe and is also the first choice method within REACH. In the formal validation, only a very few surfactant chemicals were evaluated and SDS was identified as a false positive. In this study, 10 nonionic sugar lipid surfactants were tested in an LLNA, guinea pig maximization test (GPMT) and human repeated insult patch test. Of the 10 surfactants tested in the LLNA, 5 showed stimulation indices above 3.0. Three of five positive reactions were concomitant with signs of skin irritation indicated by an increase in ear thickness. In the GPMT, all test products were classified as nonsensitizers. In human volunteers, no skin reactions suggestive of sensitization were reported. In conclusion, these results are indicative of the LLNA overestimating sensitization potentials for this category of chemicals. This may in part be due to irritant effects generated by these surfactants. Until suitable nonanimal alternative tests obtain regulatory acceptance, use of other tests, e.g. GPMTs, may in cases be justified. Results such as these need be taken into account when developing nonanimal alternative methods to ensure reliable data sets for method validation purposes.  相似文献   

The validation status of the murine local lymph node assay (LLNA), a method for assessing the allergic contact dermatitis potential of chemicals, was evaluated by an independent peer review panel (Panel) convened by the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM). The LLNA measures lymphocyte proliferation using incorporation of radioactive thymidine or iododeoxyuridine into cells of the draining lymph nodes of mice topically exposed to a test article. The Panel concluded that the assay performed as well as currently accepted guinea pig methods [guinea pig maximization test (GPMT)/Buehler assay (BA)] for the hazard identification of strong to moderate chemical sensitizing agents, but that it might not correctly identify all weak sensitizers or metals (potential false negative response) or all strong irritants (potential false positive response). The Panel concluded also that the LLNA involves less pain and distress than conventional guinea pig methods. The Panel unanimously recommended the LLNA as a stand-alone alternative for contact sensitization hazard assessment, provided that certain protocol modifications were made. These included collection of individual, rather than pooled, animal response data; the inclusion of a concurrent positive control; and consideration of dose-response information and statistical analyses. A standardized LLNA protocol is provided.  相似文献   

The local lymph node assay (LLNA) assesses the sensitizing activity of chemicals by measurement of primary lymphocyte proliferation in lymph nodes draining the site of application. In this final inter-laboratory study the consistency of LLNA results between laboratories and with guinea pig maximization test (GPMT) data was examined under 'field' conditions. Nine chemicals were evaluated independently by each laboratory according to guidelines for test concentration and vehicle selection developed during previous validation studies to ensure assay optimization. Equivalent predictions of sensitization potential were obtained by all laboratories for eight chemicals. Five of seven chemicals identified as sensitizers in the GPMT were correctly identified in the LLNA--four by all laboratories and 1 (4-chloroaniline) by one laboratory only--although in this latter case, two other laboratories obtained clear dose responses, suggestive of sensitization. The LLNA identified correctly those chemicals predicted to be extreme or strong sensitizers in the GPMT. The remaining two chemicals were non-sensitizers in the guinea pig and failed to elicit positive proliferative responses in the LLNA. These data demonstrate that sensitivity and reliability of the LLNA is retained when chemicals are evaluated independently, and that it provides a reliable pre-screen for the identification of chemicals with significant sensitization potential.  相似文献   

The validation status of the murine local lymph node assay (LLNA), a method for assessing the allergic contact dermatitis potential of chemicals, was evaluated by an independent peer review panel (Panel) convened by the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM). The LLNA measures lymphocyte proliferation using incorporation of radioactive thymidine or iododeoxyuridine into cells of the draining lymph nodes of mice topically exposed to a test article. The Panel concluded that the assay performed as well as currently accepted guinea pig methods [guinea pig maximization test (GPMT)/Buehler assay (BA)] for the hazard identification of strong to moderate chemical sensitizing agents, but that it might not correctly identify all weak sensitizers or metals (potential false negative response) or all strong irritants (potential false positive response). The Panel concluded also that the LLNA involves less pain and distress than conventional guinea pig methods. The Panel unanimously recommended the LLNA as a stand-alone alternative for contact sensitization hazard assessment, provided that certain protocol modifications were made. These included collection of individual, rather than pooled, animal response data; the inclusion of a concurrent positive control; and consideration of dose–response information and statistical analyses. A standardized LLNA protocol is provided.  相似文献   

Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is a common skin disease with a significant social and economic impact. In contrast to irritation, skin sensitization is a response of the adaptive immune system, in which there is a delayed T-cell-mediated allergic response to chemically modified skin proteins. The chemicals that can covalently modify the skin proteins and trigger an allergic reaction are referred to as haptens or sensitizers. Attempts have been made in many countries to reduce the problems of ACD by the implementation of legislations related to skin-sensitizing chemicals, as well as by the early detection and risk assessment of substances with sensitizing properties. For many years, the simple identification of sensitizing chemicals was performed in guinea pig tests. A murine test, the local lymph node assay (LLNA), has been validated as a replacement for the guinea pig tests. Despite the recent introduction of in vitro methods for the identification of sensitizing chemicals, the LLNA results (when coupled with good exposure data) can be used as the starting point for a quantitative risk assessment. The quantitative risk assessment is aimed to identify the safe use thresholds for any potential skin sensitizer.  相似文献   

Discordant results were observed when testing five prototype polyfunctional silicone materials for skin sensitization potential in the murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) and in the guinea pig maximization test (GPMT). While all five silicone materials were consistently negative in the GPMT, the testing in the LLNA revealed weak to moderate skin sensitisation potential for four of the five test materials. Neither study quality nor other known chemical factors could explain these findings. Further analysis did not provide sufficient evidence for a link between the LLNA responses and the irritancy of the test substances. Only in the case of one of the test materials, the occurrence of an excessive level of irritation could be linked to the positive LLNA result. Considering all existing information including physico–chemical and structure activity and animal data as well as existing human experience from silicone exposures at the workplace or their use in cosmetic products, the weight of evidence suggests that none of the examined silicone materials represents a significant skin sensitization hazard to humans. The suitability of the LLNA appears questionable for this class of materials. In case of any additional data needs for other or new silicone materials, the skin sensitization testing strategy will require careful evaluation and will need to be set up on a case by case basis.  相似文献   


Summary: The murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) has been developed as an alternative method for the identification of skin sensitizing chemicals. Measurement is made of the proliferation of lymphocytes within lymph nodes draining the site of exposure to the test chemical. This report describes a collaborative study in which 25 test chemicals were evaluated in each of four participating laboratories and the results compared with existing data from guinea pig predictive tests. Nineteen chemicals were predicted to be sensitizers in the guinea pig. Of these, 14 were correctly identified in the LLNA (9 by all laboratories and 5 by two or three laboratories). Five chemicals predicted to be contact allergens by guinea pig tests failed to elicit positive LLNA responses. With adoption of a 5 day rather than a 4 day exposure period to the test chemical and administration of maximum soluble test concentrations, positive reactions could be obtained with each of the chemicals initially negative in the LLNA. The LLNA and guinea pig tests were in agreement for all three chemicals predicted to be nonsensitizers in the guinea pig. Positive LLNA responses were obtained with four chemicals (including a re-evaluation of one initially negative in the LLNA) for which guinea pig results were equivocal in three cases and negative in another. These results suggest that the LLNA may provide a rapid and reliable elective prescreen for the identification of contact allergens.  相似文献   

The advent of the local lymph node assay (LLNA), and efforts to develop in vitro alternatives for the identification of skin sensitizing chemicals has focused attention on the issue of false positive and false negative results. In essence, the question becomes ‘what is the gold standard?’ In this context, attention has focused primarily on the LLNA as this is now the preferred assay for skin sensitization testing. However, for many years prior to introduction of the LLNA, the guinea pig maximization test and the occluded patch test of Buehler were the methods of choice. In order to encourage a more informed dialogue about the relative performance, accuracy and applicability of the LLNA and guinea pig tests, we have here considered the extent to which guinea pig methods were themselves subject to false positives and negative results. We describe and discuss here well‐characterized examples of instances where both false negatives (including abietic acid and eugenol) or false positives (including vanillin and sulfanilic acid) have been recorded in guinea pig tests. These and other examples are discussed with particular reference to the fabrication of a gold standard dataset that is required for the validation of in vitro alternatives. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For more than 15 years, the murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) has undergone development, evaluation and validation as an alternative approach to the predictive identification of skin sensitizing chemicals. The criteria by which sensitizing chemicals are distinguished from those without significant skin sensitising hazard were developed empirically and were based on experience rather than a mathematical formula or statistical method. The current practice is to classify, as skin sensitizers, those chemicals which at one or more test concentrations stimulate a threefold or greater increase in the proliferative activity in draining lymph node cells. Despite the apparent confirmation of the utility of this approach from the extensive data available, there has not previously been any attempt to substantiate the accuracy of this criterion. In this present investigations, data from 134 chemicals tested in the LLNA and in the guinea pig and/or for which there exists clear evidence relating to human skin sensitization potential, have been subjected to a rigorous statistical evaluation using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves. Whether the analysis is based on a comparison with guinea pig or human data, the results indicate that the empirically derived threefold threshold is an acceptable practical value for hazard identification.  相似文献   

Because of regulatory constraints and ethical considerations, research on alternatives to animal testing to predict the skin sensitization potential of novel chemicals has become a high priority. Ideally, these alternatives should not only predict the hazard of novel chemicals but also rate the potency of skin sensitizers. Currently, no alternative method gives reliable potency estimations for a wide range of chemicals in differing structural classes. Performing potency estimations within specific structural classes has thus been proposed. Detailed structure-activity studies for the in vivo sensitization capacity of a series of analogues of phenyl glycidyl ether (PGE) were recently published. These studies are part of an investigation regarding the allergenic activity of epoxy-resin monomers. Here we report data on the same chemicals in the KeratinoSens in vitro assay, which is based on a stable transgenic keratinocyte cell line with a luciferase gene under the control of an antioxidant response element. A strong correlation between the EC3 values in the local lymph node assay (LLNA) and both the luciferase-inducing concentrations and the cytotoxicity in the cell-based assay was established for six analogues of PGE. This correlation allowed the potency in the LLNA of two novel structurally closely related derivatives to be predicted by read-across with errors of 1.4- and 2.6-fold. However, the LLNA EC3 values of two structurally different bifunctional monomers were overpredicted on the basis of this data set, indicating that accurate potency estimation by read-across based on in vitro data might be restricted to a relatively narrow applicability domain.  相似文献   

It is clear that contact allergens vary substantially with regard to the relative potency with which they are able to induce skin sensitisation. Considerations of potency will in the future become a significant factor in the classification of skin sensitising chemicals. It is therefore appropriate to establish what is known of potency and thresholds in the induction of skin sensitisation and the elicitation of allergic contact dermatitis, and to identify approaches that might be available for assessment of relative potency for the purposes of categorising chemical allergens. This paper was prepared by an ECETOC (European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology) Task Force that had the objective of recommending approaches for the measurement of potency and definition of thresholds for both the induction and elicitation of contact sensitisation. The deliberations recorded here build upon recommendations made previously by an ECETOC Task Force that considered the conduct of standard skin sensitisation test methods for the purposes of hazard identification and risk assessment (ECETOC, Monograph No. 29, Brussels, 2000). The emphasis in this present paper is also on standard and accepted methods for the assessment of skin sensitisation, and for which OECD guidelines are available: the local lymph node assay (LLNA), the guinea pig maximisation test and the occluded patch test of Buehler. For various reasons, discussed in detail herein, attention focused primarily upon consideration of categorisation of chemical allergens and the identification of thresholds with respect to the induction of skin sensitisation, rather than the elicitation of allergic contact dermatitis. It is concluded that although the LLNA is the method of choice for the determination of skin sensitisation potency for the purposes of categorisation, if data are already available from appropriate guinea pig tests then their judicious interpretation may provide information of value in determinations of potency and categorisation. Included here are detailed and specific recommendations for how best the results of the three test methods considered can be used for the categorisation of chemical allergens as a function of skin sensitisation potency.  相似文献   

Approaches to the interpretation of guinea pig skin sensitization data for both hazard identification and potency assessment have been understood for many years. More recently, the local lymph node assay has to a large extent replaced the earlier guinea pig assays, not least because it provides a more clearly defined and transparent means of identifying hazard, and the ability to measure relative skin sensitization potency. However, beginning in 2009 there will be considerable pressure replace all in vivo assays for skin sensitization with alternative approaches that do not require the use of animals (in vitro and/or in silico methods). As there is a common view that multiple assays will be needed to achieve complete replacement of the in vivo tests, a strategy for the integration of the available data will be required. There has been at least one previous attempt to develop a framework that would provide for integration of relevant information from different sources to reach informed decisions about skin sensitization potential and potency. It is timely now, in the light of recent developments and initiatives, to revisit this paradigm with a view to developing recommendations for modification and refinement. In addition to this, the need for performance standards and an agreed ‘gold standard’ dataset against which to validate both alternatives and new prediction models is discussed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Skin sensitization is an important aspect of safety assessment. The mouse local lymph node assay (LLNA) developed in the 1990s is an in vivo test used for skin sensitization hazard identification and characterization. More recently a reduced version of the LLNA (rLLNA) has been developed as a means of identifying, but not quantifying, sensitization hazard. The work presented here is aimed at enabling rLLNA data to be used to give quantitative potency information that can be used, inter alia, in modeling and read-across approaches to non-animal based potency estimation. A probit function has been derived enabling estimation of EC3 from a single dose. This has led to development of a modified version of the rLLNA, whereby as a general principle the SI value at 10%, or at a lower concentration if 10% is not testable, is used to calculate the EC3. This version of the rLLNA has been evaluated against a selection of chemicals for which full LLNA data are available, and has been shown to give EC3 values in good agreement with those derived from the full LLNA.  相似文献   

Sensitization to chemicals resulting in an allergy is an important health issue. The current gold‐standard method for identification and characterization of skin‐sensitizing chemicals was the mouse local lymph node assay (LLNA). However, for a number of reasons there has been an increasing imperative to develop alternative approaches to hazard identification that do not require the use of animals. Here we describe a human in‐vitro skin explant test for identification of sensitization hazards and the assessment of relative skin sensitizing potency. This method measures histological damage in human skin as a readout of the immune response induced by the test material. Using this approach we have measured responses to 44 chemicals including skin sensitizers, pre/pro‐haptens, respiratory sensitizers, non‐sensitizing chemicals (including skin‐irritants) and previously misclassified compounds. Based on comparisons with the LLNA, the skin explant test gave 95% specificity, 95% sensitivity, 95% concordance with a correlation coefficient of 0.9. The same specificity and sensitivity were achieved for comparison of results with published human sensitization data with a correlation coefficient of 0.91. The test also successfully identified nickel sulphate as a human skin sensitizer, which was misclassified as negative in the LLNA. In addition, sensitizers and non‐sensitizers identified as positive or negative by the skin explant test have induced high/low T cell proliferation and IFNγ production, respectively. Collectively, the data suggests the human in‐vitro skin explant test could provide the basis for a novel approach for characterization of the sensitizing activity as a first step in the risk assessment process. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The goal of eliminating animal testing in the predictive identification of chemicals with the intrinsic ability to cause skin sensitization is an important target, the attainment of which has recently been brought into even sharper relief by the EU Cosmetics Directive and the requirements of the REACH legislation. Development of alternative methods requires that the chemicals used to evaluate and validate novel approaches comprise not only confirmed skin sensitizers and non-sensitizers but also substances that span the full chemical mechanistic spectrum associated with skin sensitization. To this end, a recently published database of more than 200 chemicals tested in the mouse local lymph node assay (LLNA) has been examined in relation to various chemical reaction mechanistic domains known to be associated with sensitization. It is demonstrated here that the dataset does cover the main reaction mechanistic domains. In addition, it is shown that assignment to a reaction mechanistic domain is a critical first step in a strategic approach to understanding, ultimately on a quantitative basis, how chemical properties influence the potency of skin sensitizing chemicals. This understanding is necessary if reliable non-animal approaches, including (quantitative) structure-activity relationships (Q)SARs, read-across, and experimental chemistry based models, are to be developed.  相似文献   

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