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为了解女性绝育术前后的心理卫生状况,采用焦虑自评量表和抑郁自评量表对98例农村育龄妇女进行测试调查,以SAS≥45和SDS≥50为界值,术前给予相应的心理疏导,术后半年内随访。结果显示,SAS和SDS分值比较,有非常显著性差异,资料显示,绝育术前有36.3%存在不同程度的心理障碍,术后身心症状逐步恢复正常。  相似文献   

综合医院疼痛门诊抑郁自评量表调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文采用抑郁自评量表,对综合医院痛门诊患者进行调查。结果表明,有38%的患者可诊断为抑郁症,疼痛门诊医生诊为抑郁症者仅占20%(32/160),有40%的抑郁症患者接受抗抑郁剂治疗,提示综合医院疼痛门诊医生对抑郁症的识别力较薄弱,在综合医院应加强精神病学的继续教育,开展会诊-联络精神病学极为必要。  相似文献   

焦虑抑郁量表评价分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在综合医院中,抑郁障碍约占门诊病人的9%-20%,住院病人的22%- 33%。抑郁障碍在我国综合医院中的确诊率较低,上海579例的统计显示,内科医师的识别率仅为15.9%。量表作为一种非诊断工具,对非精神科医师提高识别率有非常重要的价值。焦虑抑郁量表很多,如何选择更适合神经科门诊医师使用的量表,是本研究想解决的问题。  相似文献   

2462名青少年焦虑自评量表测查结果分析   总被引:60,自引:4,他引:60  
应用焦虑自评量表(SAS)调查了2462名13~22岁的青少年学生,结果表明青少年SAS均分为40.65±9.47,以SAS标准分50为划界分,16%的青少年有不同程度的焦虑症状。SAS标准分和焦虑症状的发生率18岁始有明显下降的趋势,但性别间无显著性差异。  相似文献   

铁路列车乘务员焦虑自评量表测查结果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,铁路列车乘务员特殊的劳动条件(空间狭小、作用时间长、体力强度大、不良的微小气候、噪声大、振动强、照度不足等),引起了医务工作者的高度重视,对这一人群的生理性疾病进行了大量研究[1、2],但对其心理健康研究却较少。心理学家认为,情绪障碍是心理健康的主要问题,而焦虑(Anxiety)是一种最常见的情绪障碍,是一个和人格、创造能力、社会的适应行为密切相关的问题,对人的健康和社会工作、生活能力具有直接的意义[3]。焦虑自评量表(SAS)目前已广泛应用于我国精神科临床、精神卫生调查和心理咨询中[4]。本文通过对347名铁路列车乘务…  相似文献   

目的 分析看守所在押人员抑郁和焦虑状态,为监管工作提供科学依据.方法 采用抑郁自评量表(SDS)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)对95名男性在押人员进行心理测评.结果 看守所在押人员焦虑和抑郁状态的阳性检出率分别达到整个群体的35.8%和43.2%.结论 看守所在押人员抑郁和焦虑状态高于普通群体,监管难度大.  相似文献   

330名大学新生考期焦虑、抑郁状况及相关因素研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的了解大学新生考期焦虑、抑郁情绪状况,以利于更好的组织教学和管理。方法采用Zung焦虑、抑郁自评量表对理工科、综合性两所不同高校330名大学新生进行施测。结果大学新生焦虑、抑郁均值都高于全国常模,且具有显著性差异(P〈0.01);大学新生女生焦虑、抑郁均值均高于男生,且具有极其显著性差异(P〈0.001),理工科大学和综合性大学学生焦虑、抑郁均值比较,无显著性差异(P〉0.05);高分组女生比例高于男生,除了中重度焦虑外,轻度焦虑、轻度抑郁和中重度抑郁均有显著性差异(P〈0.05);高分组学校间理工科大学比例高于综合性大学,但焦虑、抑郁不同程度均无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。结论大学新生焦虑、抑郁情绪状况不良,高于全国常模水平;女生焦虑、抑郁均值和高分组比例均高于男生;理工科大学和综合性大学间焦虑、抑郁均值和高分组比例无显著性差异。  相似文献   

目的探讨焦虑和抑郁的共患情况及在性别、年龄、受教育程度的差异。方法采用Zung抑郁自评量表(SDS)和焦虑自评量表(SA S)对374例精神科门诊病人进行测验。结果 374人中抑郁和焦虑同时达到轻度以上的有198人(52.9%),单纯抑郁达到轻度以上的有91人(24.3%),单纯焦虑达到轻度以上的有23人(6.1%),抑郁焦虑未达到轻度标准的有62人(16.6%)(Pearsonχ2=46.69 P<0.01);SDS、SA S总均分均高于国内常模(t=28.83,24.62,P<0.001)。在性别上女性SDS总均分高于男性(t=2.73,P<0.01),SA S总均分高于男性(t=2.48,P<0.05)。在受教育程度上两量表总得分受教育程度低的高于受教育程度高的(F=1.79,8.42,P<0.001);各年龄组得分无统计学差异(F=0.414,0.398,P>0.05)。结论在以SDS、SA S为工具检测的病人中约有52.9%的病人同时具有焦虑和抑郁发生。  相似文献   

医学院校低年级大学生焦虑、抑郁调查分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
应用 Zung焦虑、抑郁自评量表 (SAS、SDS)对医学院校 2 1 1例低年级大学生进行调查评定。结果 本组 SAS、SDS标准分平均值为 3 7.5 5± 7.1 2与 3 9.84± 9.3 6,男性 3 8.42± 7.45与 41 .3 5± 9.2 1高于女性 3 6.68± 6.79与 3 8.3 3± 9.5 1 ,SDS男女差异显著 P<0 .0 5。SAS、SDS≥ 5 0的高分人数 46例占 2 1 .8% ,其中≥ 5 0轻度焦虑、抑郁为 1 6.1 1 % ,≥ 60重度焦虑为 5 .69%。男、女性别组焦虑、抑郁者各 2 3例 ,分别为 2 8.0 5 %与 1 7.83 %。  相似文献   

目的探讨ZUNG氏抑郁自评量表(SDS)作为内科住院患者抑郁障碍常规性筛查工具的可行性。方法首先对符合入组条件的371例内科住院患者进行SDS的初步筛查,然后采用美国《精神障碍诊断与统计手册第4版》轴障碍定式临床检查(SCID)作为标准进行诊断,将SDS抑郁障碍的筛查效能与SCID对抑郁障碍诊断的标准进行比较。结果资料完整的316例患者用SCID诊断抑郁障碍的发生率为46.84%,内科医师对抑郁障碍的识别率仅为4.78%。SDS总诊断符合率为87.34%,阳性预测值为95.76%,阴性预测值为82.32%,灵敏度76.35%,特异度为97.02%,而假阳性率和假阴性率分别为2.98%和23.65%。结论SDS对抑郁障碍具有较高的诊断效能,假阳性和假阴性率均较低,可作为内科住院患者抑郁障碍的常规性筛查工具。  相似文献   

This study hypothesized that social competence and clinical factors previously associated with psychiatric outcome among inpatients would be effective predictors of outcome among outpatients (N = 77) as well. Intake and 2-year outcome status were assessed multidimensionally with absolute-level and residualized indices of functioning, overall clinical status, and symptomatology. Menninger health-sickness proved to be the best single predictor, although Phillips premorbid functioning, Strauss-Carpenter prognosis, social class, and diagnostic severity also predicted well to outcome. Patterns of associated predictor/outcome variable clusters were described. Results suggest that a general social competence factor predicts to psychiatric outcome across the entire range of disorders, but that life events stress does not.  相似文献   

We investigated prevalence and comorbidity of DSM-III dysthymic disorder in a psychiatric outpatient clinic. Seventy-five consecutive outpatients received structured interviews. Prevalence of dysthymic disorder was 36% in the consecutive sample. Thirty-four dysthymic and 56 non-dysthymic patients were compared for comorbidity. Dysthymic subjects were more likely to meet criteria for major depression, social phobia, and avoidant, self-defeating, dependent, and borderline personality disorders. Dysthymic disorder was usually of early onset, predating comorbid disorders, and had often not received adequate antidepressant treatment. These results help define dysthymic disorder as prevalent, usually predating axis I comorbidity, and associated with particular axis II diagnoses.  相似文献   

Contrasted good and poor interpersonal problem-solvers (N = 60), as defined by the Means-Ends-Problem-Solving Procedure (MEPS), on indices of psychopathological characteristics, as measured by the Millon Multiaxial Clinical Inventory (MMCI). The results suggest some support for a relationship between performance on the MEPS and psychological adjustment indices (MMCI); however, they do not offer an unambiguous interpretation. Significant differences were found between poor problem-solvers in contrast to good problem-solvers in the direction of relatively more maladjustment for poor problem-solvers. Significant differences were found between black-white good problem-solvers and also between black-white poor problem-solvers. Race may be an important moderator variable in performance on both the MEPS and the MMCI.  相似文献   

Reliability and validity of the short mast among psychiatric inpatients   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Examined the reliability and empirical validity of the Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (SMAST) orally administered as an embedded scale to a sample of 120 male and female psychiatric inpatients, who reported a broad spectrum of current and lifetime drinking problems. Test results showed substantial reliability within and across administrations that spanned 1 to 3 days, but they were related only moderately to the psychiatric diagnosis.  相似文献   

Examined ethnic differences among black, Hispanic, and white applicants for outpatient psychotherapy, using symptoms self-reported on the Symptom Checklist 90-Revised (SCL 90-R). The relationship between self-reported severity of symptoms and therapist-reported severity of psychiatric diagnoses also was examined in order to assess the utility of SCL 90-R as a predictor of diagnostic severity for these ethnic groups. One hundred sixty-five patients completed the SCL 90-R. The patients were predominantly in the low-income social classes. A significant ethnic effect was found on several symptom dimensions, with black patients less likely to report symptoms than Hispanic or white patients. Hispanic patients were found to report the highest symptom levels on 8 of 11 measures. While, overall, therapist diagnostic severity was related significantly to self-reported symptomatology, the relationship was strongest for white patients, significant but less strong for Hispanic patients, and not significant for black patients.  相似文献   

口吃患者MMPI与SAS、SDS的相关分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
口吃是一种常见的言语障碍。在现实生活中困扰着 1- 2 %的人口[1] 。主要表现为发音器官肌肉的痉挛或强直 ,但是其发音器官无任何器质性改变 ,与心理因素关系极大。本研究试图了解口吃患者的人格特征及情绪状态 ,为口吃矫治工作提供一些资料。1 对象与方法1.1对象口吃组 :1996年 8月~ 1997年 3月在沈阳畅通口吃矫正中心接受治疗的口吃患者 10 8名 ,符合CCMD - 2 -R的口吃诊断标准。排除神经系统疾病、言语急促杂乱、抽动障碍、强迫性障碍、精神病性言语零乱。平均年龄 2 1.86± 5.4 3(16~ 4 0 )岁 ,男 70例 ,女 38例。其中学生 89例…  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Significant proportion of patients treated for depression may have various types of bipolar mood disorders. The aim of the study was to assess the frequency of bipolar disorders among outpatients having at least one major depressive episode, treated by 96 psychiatrists, representing all regions of Poland. METHODS: The study included 880 patients (237 male, 643 female), identified to following diagnostic categories: bipolar I, bipolar II, bipolar spectrum disorder and major depressive disorder. RESULTS: Bipolar mood disorders were found in 61.2% of patients studied, bipolar I more frequent in men and bipolar II in women, and bipolar spectrum in 12% of patients. Patients with age ranges 19-49 and 50-65 years did not differ as to the percentage of diagnostic categories. Patients with bipolar mood disorders compared to major depressive disorder had significantly more frequent family history of bipolar disorder, premorbid hyper- or cyclothymic personality, early onset of depression, symptoms of hypersomnia and hyperphagia, psychotic depression, post-partum depression, and treatment-resistant depression. Bipolar spectrum patients had most clinical features similar to classic types of bipolar disorders. LIMITATIONS: Neither structured interview for family history, nor formal criteria for a number of clinical manifestations were used. The population treated by psychiatrists may not be representative and present a subgroup with more severe mood disorders. CONCLUSIONS: Bipolar mood disorders may be very prevalent among depressive outpatients treated by psychiatrists in Poland, which is confirmed by the results of recent studies. Bipolar patients (including bipolar spectrum) significantly differ from major depressive disorder as to numerous clinical features related mostly to depressive episode.  相似文献   

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