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《针灸学》是中医专业的一门必修课。因针灸疗法临床实用性强、应用范围广,加之《针灸学》内容近年在全国中医、中西医结合执业医师资格考试中所占的比例较大,故《针灸学》这门课现倍加受到大家重视。然而因这门课内容复杂繁多、涉及面广,如学习方法不当,则较难学好之。为了帮助在校中医大学生更好地学习和掌握这门课,笔者在总结自己早年学习针灸的经验和多年从事针灸教学工作的基础上,对《针灸学》这门课的学习方法进行了一定的探索,兹谈谈自己的看法。1学经络应找普遍规律经络理论是针灸学的核心理论,经脉循行是经络理论中十分重要的内容…  相似文献   

古代文物文献中对十二经脉循行方向记载大有不同,然而后世多宗《灵枢·经脉》所论。马王堆帛书、绵阳双包山漆人和成都老官山经脉漆人等针灸文献文物的出土为古代经脉循行研究提供了进一步的研究依据,本文拟通过西汉的经脉漆人、马王堆帛书、《灵枢》及《难经》中经脉循行的对比管窥古代经脉循行方向的发展。  相似文献   

针灸学是一门临床学科 ,而《腧穴学》则是针灸专业课程中最重要的基础课程之一。如在学习《经络学》后就必须通过《腧穴学》课程 ,学习分布在经脉上的穴位 ;学习《刺法灸法学》时 ,其中的各种类型的针灸操作方法 ,都必须以腧穴作为刺激点 ;学习《针灸治疗学》过程中 ,若对某病作出诊断、辨证后 ,就要进行适当的取穴治疗等。这些都说明了《腧穴学》在针灸专业课程中具有十分重要的地位 ,因而就需要学生很好地从理论和操作上全面掌握该门学科。《腧穴学》课程操作能力培养的目标 ,就是要求学生必须真正掌握腧穴的具体定位方法及其针法灸法。为…  相似文献   

滑寿是元末明初卓有成就的医家,撰著《十四经发挥》和《难经本义》,其针灸学术成就主要体现在将任督二脉与十二正经合论为十四经,首次提出了"十四经脉"的概念;明确了经络与脏腑的关系;丰富和完善了奇经八脉理论;厘定腧穴657个,绘制经穴图谱16幅,编写腧穴歌诀;注释《灵枢·经脉》和《难经》,训释名物,多有新意。其针灸学术影响从古至今,且远及日本和朝鲜,为针灸学发展作出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

《实验针灸学》是传统针灸学与现代科学相结合的产物,是在中西医学科学理论指导下,应用现代科学技术和实验方法,研究针灸学基础理论、刺灸效应和机理,探索针灸对人体生命活动影响规律的一门新兴学科。这门课程是针灸推拿专业的学生在系统学习了《经络腧穴学》、《刺法灸法学》、《针灸治疗学》等专业课程的基础上开设的,通过《实验针灸学》课程的学习,加深学生对针灸专业基础理论的进一步认识,明确针灸临床效果,开拓针灸科研思路。  相似文献   

《经络学》作为针灸推拿专业必修课,主要讨论人体经络系统的组成、经脉的循行分布、生理功能、病理变化,是针灸专业学生接触的第一门专业基础课程,由于该课程经典性强,尽管我们利用了挂图、模型等手段进行教学,学生仍感到空洞抽象、枯燥乏味,难以掌握。为提高教学效果,激发学习兴趣,把空洞抽象知识变得具体形象,让学生觉得直观易懂,易于掌握运用,我们1999年开始对《针灸学》、《经络学》进行多媒体教学初步尝试与实践。  相似文献   

众所周知,中医理论深奥难懂。《针灸学》是中医学的一部分。在针灸学中,经络看不到,摸不着;腧穴遍布全身,剌灸补泻又不易掌握,这些都给针灸学的教学带来很大的困难。但是,我认为《针灸学》是一门学科,有它一定的规律性,只要下功夫去研究,就一定能够摸索出它的规律性来。中医  相似文献   

自1980年伊始,我国中医院校相继建立针灸系,以培养专门的针灸人才.在此思想指导下,将原来的《针灸学》一门课程分化成《经络学》、《腧穴学》、《针法灸法学》、《实验针灸学》、《针灸治疗学》等多门课程,加大了课时量,但却挤掉了必要的中医基本知识(如四部经典)和诸多临床课程(如《中医妇科学》、《中医儿科学》、《中医外科学》、《中医五官科》)的教学.因此培养的学生虽然在针灸学知识方面有所加强,但却不能掌握一名中医工作者必须具备的基本知识和防治疾病的基本技能.因此,这些年来,针灸系培养的学生,知识面窄,防治疾病手段单调.不适应当今社会发展的需求,因此针灸专业临床课教学必须改革.  相似文献   

《素问·热论》篇经脉理论属于足六经理论体系 ,本篇经脉理论在经脉循行、与脏腑属络关系、经脉病候等方面均不同于《灵枢·经脉》篇 ,明显属于从出土经脉文献到《灵枢·经脉》篇之间的时段。《内经》中还有多篇属于足六经理论体系 ,重视并加强足六经理论研究有助于全面认识经脉学说。  相似文献   

《中医学》是祖先留下的宝贵财富,针灸是其中的一朵奇葩,《腧穴学》则是《针灸学》的基础之一,是中医高等院校针灸专业学生学习的主要课程之一,具有内容多且庞杂的特点,通常需要100学时的学习,  相似文献   

Epistaxis remains one of the most common otolaryngology emergencies. Severe epistaxis may be caused by internal carotid artery (ICA) pseudoaneurysm or cavernous fistula, which is clinically rare but life threatening if it is not diagnosed and treated timely. Most ICA pseudoaneurysms are mainly caused by trauma with few other causes. From January 1998 to December 2005, a total of 8 cases with non-traumatic carotid artery pseudoaneurysm were correctly diagnosed through digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in Ganzhou People's Hospital. The patients had suffered from serious nose bleeding repeatedly and had been resistant to routine treatments.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effect of iron on the growth, physiology and photosynthesis of cyanobacteria. Methods A gradient of iron concentrations was employed to investigate the growth, photo-pigments (chlorophyll A and phycocyanin), and cell chemical contents (C, N, P) of Microcystis aeruginosa in response to different iron additions. Results The specific growth rate during the exponential growth phase, as well as the cell chlorophyll A and the phycocyanin content, was limited by iron below 12.3μmol Fe.L^-1. The growth was inhibited when the iron concentration was at 24.6 μmol Fe.L^-1. The cell chlorophyll A and the phycocyanin content were saturated when the iron concentration was above 12.3μmol Fe.L^-1 and declined slightly at 24.6 μmol Fe.L^-1. At a low iron concentration (about 6.15 μmol Fe-L^-1 and less), the cell nitrogen and carbohydrate content were iron limited, and the variation of the cell phosphorus content was similar to that of the nitrogen and carbohydrate, with a transition point of 12.3 μmol Fe.L^-1. Conclusion The variation ofcynobacteria growth is synchronous with that of the photo-pigments or the cell chemical content, and there exist relationships among photosynthesis, growth and internal chemical content, which could be useful for the growth estimation from the cell characteristics.  相似文献   

Low back pain is a common public health problem in western industrialized societies and the world as well.Studies indicate that the prevalence rate ranges to 35%, with around 10% of patients from 12% becoming chronically disabled. It also places an enormous economic burden on society. Although the exact cause of low back pain has yet to be defined, intervertebral disc degeneration is considered a major source of it. Since patients with degenerative discs are often asymptomatic, the mechanisms of it are still unclear.  相似文献   

Objective: To fred a more effective method of topical transdermal delivery of curcumin. Methods: We prepared curcumin carbopol (CRB) 974P and hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) gel formulations containing menthol or Azone as permeation enhancers In this study, negative mode electrospray ionization and a triple quadruple LC/MS/MS instrument operated in multiple reaction mode was used for curcumin detection. The assay was linear over a concentration range of 10 ng/mL to 400 ng/mL for curcumin (average R2 = 0.997 2). Excised nude mouse dorsal side skin was used in an in vitro skirt permeation study performed using the method of Franz. Results: Our results showed that all of the topical gel formulations we developed were free from skin irritation. The percutaneous flux and enhancement ratio of curcumin across nude mouse epidermis were enhanced markedly by the addition of menthol or Azone to both types of gel formulations. We found that the HPC gels containing quantities of Azone showed an enhanced permeation effect as compared to gels containing menthol. In the case of HPC gels containing Azone, the increase in permeability was significant (P〈0.05) as compared to the gels containing menthol. Conclusion: Azone shows a significantly more remarkable permeation effect than menthol. As such, this novel delivery strategy offers significant promise and is worthy of further exploration in attempts to enhance the medicinal application of curcumin  相似文献   

The central nervous system (CNS) plays a key regulatory role in glucose homeostasis. In particular, the brain is important in initiating and coordinating protective counterregulatory responses when blood glucose levels fall. This may due to the metabolic dependency of the CNS on glucose, and protection of food supply to the brain. In healthy subjects, blood glucose is normally maintained within a relatively narrow range. Hypoglycemia in diabetic patients can increase the risk of complications, such as heart disease and diabetic peripheral neuropathy. The clinical research finds that the use of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a positive effect on the treatment of hypoglycemia. Here the authors reviewed the current understanding of sensing and counterregulatory responses to hypoglycemia, and discuss combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine and the theory of iatrogenic hypoglycemia in diabetes treatment. Furthermore, the authors clarify the feasibility of treating hypoglycemia on the basis of TCM theory and CNS and have an insight on its clinical practice.  相似文献   

Intraditional Chinese medicine (TCM),the so-called津液refers to all the fluid and liquid flowingand maintaining inside the human body.In Chineselanguage,津液is a phrase composed of twoChinese characters which describes two differentkinds of fluid or liquid in the human body .According to the theory of TCM,津refers to thepart of fluid that is thin in texture and flowss moothly inside the body while液refers to thepart of fluid that is thick in texture and mainlymaintains in the joints of the body to nourish andlubr...  相似文献   

The so-called eight principles include阴,阳,表,里,寒,热,虚,实which are usually transliterated and translated as yin,yang,exterior, interior,cold,heat,deficiency and excess.These eight principles serve as a theoretical basis for treatment based on syndrome differentiation. These eight principles are easy to understand, translate and standardize.  相似文献   

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