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OBJECTIVES: The GMC recommends that students become independent learners, while tutor time is an increasingly precious resource. A set of structured learning materials requiring students to undertake and reflect on practical tasks in five learning areas was developed. DESIGN: The study used a randomized control trial to evaluate the effectiveness of using these structured learning materials in place of conventional teaching for 228 third-year undergraduate students and 55 teachers, on both hospital and community based medical and general practice firms. Evaluation involved assessing student performance on an examination question and a writing task, together with a student and tutor satisfaction questionnaire. SETTING: King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry, London. SUBJECTS: Third-year medical (first-year clinical) undergraduates. RESULTS: No significant difference in learning outcome was found for students on community- and hospital-based medical and general practice firms between students who had used the structured materials and those who had had conventional teaching on the same topic. The packs were acceptable to tutors and students. CONCLUSIONS: Such resources represent a mid-point between formal didactic teaching and self-directed learning. They may be particularly suitable for promoting independent learning for students on traditional medical courses. They offer an appropriate way to cover certain topics in the clinical curriculum and help to protect tutor time for topics which cannot be effectively taught in other ways.  相似文献   

The current emphasis on providing quality undergraduate and postgraduate medical education has focused attention on the educational responsibilities of all doctors. There is a greater awareness of the need to train doctors as educators and courses have been set up to satisfy this need. Some courses, such as those on how to conduct appraisal, are specific to one task facing a medical educator. Other courses take a broader view and relate educational theory to practice. In this paper we describe an outcome-based approach in which competence in teaching is defined in terms of 12 learning outcomes. The framework provides a holistic approach to the roles of the teacher and supports the professionalism of teaching. Such a framework provides the basis for the development of a curriculum for teaching excellence. It helps to define important competences for different categories of teachers, communicate the areas to be addressed in a course, identify gaps in course provision, evaluate courses, assist in staff planning and allow individuals to assess their personal learning needs. The framework is presented to encourage wider debate.  相似文献   

The development of an appraisal questionnaire which measures junior doctors' opinions about their hospital experiences is described. The first section of the questionnaire consists of seven reliable subscales which measure opinions about teaching and learning, registrar teaching, consultant teaching, staff support, workload, administration and overall experiences during a period of attachment or term. The second part of the survey contains 11 reliable questions about the hours spent on service and education during the term. The responses to this measure of 257 randomly selected Australian junior doctors are described. The questionnaire may be used to contrast the experiences of junior doctors in different types of terms, different hospitals or varying levels of training. The data generated from the instrument can provide useful information about hospitals, such as the work practices of junior staff and the effectiveness of educational programs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore female pre-registration house officers (PRHOs) views of surgery as a possible career choice. DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS: In this qualitative study in-depth semistructured interviews were carried out with 15 female PRHOs. They were part of a larger sample of 24 PRHOs (15 women and nine men) who were being interviewed primarily to explore their ways of learning in both hospital and general practice settings. This paper focuses on the responses of the 15 women in relation to surgery as a possible career choice. METHODS: Interviews incorporated a checklist of topics to encourage participants to discuss their experiences of learning and working as PRHOs, including factors which had impacted on future career choices. Common themes were identified by comparing narratives. RESULTS: Only three of the 15 women PRHOs were considering a career in surgery. The importance of positive surgical placements and contact with female surgical registrars and consultants during undergraduate training was highlighted. The changing nature of the surgical PRHO job with its lack of surgical exposure was unlikely to change the future career plans of female PRHOs. Factors such as the perceived difficulties of combining a family with a surgical career and the lack of women in particular surgical specialties were of considerable concern. CONCLUSIONS: Strategies for ensuring that female medical students receive a more positive view of surgery need to be implemented. Surgical PRHO jobs should be re-evaluated to assess the surgical experience being gained by doctors, particularly in light of the reduction in junior doctors' hours. Despite policy initiatives, many newly qualified women doctors have already decided against a surgical career.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to help hospital consultants identify their needs in relation to teaching skills, leading to the development of a teacher training programme. DESIGN: The study was directed at all 869 consultants in the region and initially involved a postal questionnaire which had a 60.5% response rate. SETTING: Hospitals throughout Northern Ireland. SUBJECTS: Hospital consultants. RESULTS: Results from this questionnaire indicated that while the majority of respondents were interested teachers, only 34% had received any teacher training. The questionnaire was followed by a focus group study involving three groups of consultants drawn randomly from those who had responded to the questionnaire. Participants in these groups identified the following key areas of hospital education: qualities of hospital teachers; selection procedures; problems of teaching in hospitals; the need for teacher training and how it should be provided. CONCLUSION: The study highlighted that hospital teachers need to acquire and update their teaching skills through attending courses that should include basic teaching and assessment/appraisal skills. These courses should last 1 or 2 days and be provided at a regional or subregional level. As a result of this study, teacher training courses have been developed in this region.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore attitudes among National Health Service consultants responsible for delivering basic clinical teaching to medical students. DESIGN: Postal questionnaire. SUBJECTS AND SETTING: A total of 308 acute hospital trust consultants working in 4 'new' and 4 'established' teaching hospitals in the West Midlands metropolitan area, and involved in the delivery of clinical teaching to Year 3 medical students at the University of Birmingham Medical School during 2002-03. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): The questionnaire explored contractual requirements, actual teaching commitments and perceptions of medical students' knowledge and attitudes. Responses from doctors and surgeons and from respondents working in established and new teaching hospitals were compared. RESULTS: A total of 249 responses were received (response rate 80.8%). Although many consultants enjoy teaching students, their enjoyment and their ability to deliver high standards of teaching are compromised by time and resource constraints. For many the situation is aggravated by the perceived inappropriate organisation of the clinical teaching curriculum and the inadequate preparation of students for clinical practice. Linking these themes is the overarching perception among teachers that neither service nor educational establishments afford teaching the levels of recognition and reward associated with clinical work or research. CONCLUSION: To overcome barriers to teaching requires more reciprocal links between hospital staff and medical schools, opportunities for consultants to understand and to comment on curricular and timetable developments, and, perhaps most importantly, recognition (in contractual, financial, managerial and personal terms) of the importance of undergraduate teaching in the competing triad of service, research and education.  相似文献   

A valid and reliable questionnaire was developed which assesses eight subscales relating to key areas of medical hospital-based work. This was used to evaluate junior doctors' perceptions of the adequacy of their undergraduate medical training to prepare them for hospital practice. Data from 139 (60%) first-year doctors (interns) showed that graduates from the problem-based medical school rated their undergraduate preparation more highly than traditional medical school graduates in preparing them for practice in the areas of interpersonal skills, confidence, collaboration with other health care workers, preventive care, holistic care and self-directed learning. These findings persisted when ratings were adjusted for the effects of age and gender. There were no differences between the intern groups for patient management and understanding science. This research suggests that educational experiences in different undergraduate medical courses are important in preparing doctors for their early working life.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The principal aim was to assess the psychiatric topics that doctors and students considered most important for undergraduate teaching. Differences between doctors and students, men and women, physicians/students with or without an interest in psychiatry were examined. DESIGN: A mailed questionnaire was used concerning the knowledge and skills of psychological/psychiatric medi- cine considered to be needed in medical practice. SETTING: The Medical School of the University of Geneva. SUBJECTS: Doctors and undergraduate medical students in their last 2 years of medical training. RESULTS: Both doctors and students agreed on most topics, even though the students tended to give all items a higher rating. Both groups agreed on the importance of the following main topics: the doctor-patient relationship, identification and management of the principal psychiatric disorders and their associated risks and problems of a psychosocial nature. Those doctors showing an interest in psychiatry tended to accentuate the importance attached to interpersonal skills. The male and female doctors and students expressed very similar opinions. The female doctors, however, tended to attach greater importance to relational-emotional aspects and to disorders affecting children and adolescents than did their male colleagues, which is probably a reflection of the specific role that women still play within our society. When asked to assess the current teaching they received in medical school, the students considered that certain important aspects of psychiatry were insufficiently taught. CONCLUSION: These results confirm the importance of teaching psychiatry with an emphasis on problems encountered in general practice.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate cognitive schemas and schema systems used by hospital doctors to influence prescribing, particularly in terms of making appropriate prescribing decisions, and to compare the numbers and content of schemas between doctors with different levels of experience. DESIGN: Qualitative interviews with a purposively selected sample. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: Seven pre-registration (PRHOs) and 5 senior house officers (SHOs) and 5 consultants from a range of medical specialties in a teaching hospital. RESULTS: The qualitative analysis of the themes and patterns explored during the interviews indicated that all doctors articulated schemas that influenced their behaviour. The junior doctors seemed to have simplistic schemas, with interdoctor agreement; the consultants appeared to have more sophisticated schemas, with greater individual variation. Those schemas adopted by the PRHOs (prescribing "novices") could be subsumed by, rather than contradicted by, those of the consultants (prescribing "experts"), with a transitional stage demonstrated by the SHOs. The most noticeable distinction was the greater emphasis by consultants on holistic patient care and what might be seen as their separate schemas for appropriate prescribing stemmed from that premise. In contrast, junior doctors appeared to have had a single schema that encompassed both prescribing generally and appropriate prescribing. CONCLUSIONS: Although the design of this study was cross-sectional rather than longitudinal, the findings suggest that the acquisition and adjustment of schemas and schema systems are significant factors in the professional development of the hospital doctor from novice through to expert. It could be hypothesised that house officers possess simpler schemas as a way of coping with their job demands, which evolve in complexity as they gain experience. However, the transitional stage found with the SHOs is critical during cognitive development, with implications for the training and support available to doctors throughout their professional careers.  相似文献   

AIMS: To obtain the perceptions of first-year clinical medical students of the relative advantages and disadvantages of community-based and hospital-based clinical teaching. METHODS: A qualitative study. A purposive sample of first-year clinical medical students who had experienced both community-based and hospital-based teaching was invited to participate in individual semistructured interviews or focus groups. Interviews and focus groups were audiotaped and transcribed to facilitate content analysis of the data. A total of 24 students participated in individual interviews and a further 18 took part in focus groups. RESULTS: Respondents identified advantages and disadvantages specific to teaching in each setting. Chief advantages of hospital-based learning were perceived to include learning about specialties and the management of acute conditions, and gaining experience of procedures and investigations. Community-based learning was perceived as particularly appropriate for learning about psychosocial issues in medicine, for increasing students' awareness of patient autonomy and for improving communication skills. In addition, aspects of organization and of teaching methods employed by community tutors, although not site-specific, were viewed as conducive to a positive educational experience. Students perceived some areas, such as clinical skills acquisition, to be equally well learned in either setting. DISCUSSION: As community-based teaching forms a greater proportion of the undergraduate medical experience, medical educators must find ways of determining the specific advantages that community and hospital settings can contribute to undergraduate learning and of using these resources effectively to develop comprehensive and integrated curricula. Innovations in teaching methods may also be necessary to provide an effective educational experience and promote active learning.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the feasibility and effectiveness of shared hospital and general practice clinical teaching for medical undergraduates. DESIGN: A multifaceted approach employing quantitative and qualitative techniques. SETTING: All medical schools in North Thames Region. SUBJECTS: Students, GP tutors and hospital specialists. RESULTS: The model was successfully adopted in a broad range of clinical specialties in all of the participating medical schools, resulting in a doubling of the involvement of general practice in clinical teaching. Participating students provided an overwhelmingly positive evaluation of the attachments and there was a clear perception of benefit amongst the participating GPs. However, the views of the participating hospital clinicians were less positive and the true nature and extent of the educational impact proved difficult to assess. CONCLUSIONS: This model of collaborative clinical teaching between hospital and general practice can be implemented in accordance with the project's key aims, but the enthusiastic involvement of hospital clinicians may be difficult to secure.  相似文献   

AIMS: To explore the concerns of pre-registration house officers (PRHOs) and the views of hospital consultants in relation to pre-registration rotations with a general practice component. METHOD: As part of a larger qualitative study evaluating how a group of 24 PRHOs learn in hospital and primary care settings, face-to-face semistructured interviews were conducted with the PRHOs, and semistructured telephone interviews with the PRHOs' educational supervisors were carried out. RESULTS: The interviews with the PRHOs highlighted their concerns about how consultants might view PRHO rotations into general practice. However, the majority of consultants interviewed recognized and valued specific aspects of the experience to be gained by PRHOs in general practice, including the relationship between primary and secondary care; communications skills; specific clinical skills, and an understanding of the natural course of illnesses. The experience was seen as valuable for PRHOs considering either a general practice or a hospital career. Of the 17 consultants, 10 were also confident that 4-month placements in surgery and medicine would give PRHOs adequate experience in either specialty, providing the placements were sufficiently busy. CONCLUSIONS: Medical school deans and medical students considering PRHO rotations with a general practice component can be encouraged by the fact that, in this small study, the majority of hospital consultants interviewed valued the specific experience offered by these rotations, and felt that adequate medical and surgical experience could be gained in busy 4-month hospital placements.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Despite several unique aspects of the medical teacher's role compared to other teachers in higher education, there has been little research in this area. In particular there have been few studies which have explored teachers' perspectives on their role. This study aimed to elicit teachers' perceptions of the teaching environment in a single medical school at a time of curriculum change. METHODS: As part of an ethnographic study to explore the culture of the school, 22 teachers took part in in-depth, semi-structured interviews to ascertain their views and experiences of teaching. Additional data were collected through participant observation of curriculum meetings, and informal data collection. The data were analysed using a grounded approach, which resulted in over 200 analytic codes being assigned, which were later grouped into six main themes. RESULTS: The strongest themes to emerge were teachers' concerns about the students, the infrastructure for teaching and their relationship with the medical school. These included concerns about the lack of student clerking activity, insufficient monitoring of students, poor support or recognition of teaching and a perceived lack of inclusion in the medical school. DISCUSSION: The structure and culture within the medical school and associated hospital trust appeared to offer little support for doctors in their teaching role. This suggested that teaching was not highly valued. Teachers were preoccupied with the practical issues of teaching, leaving little time to consider more fundamental educational issues. These findings have implications for the quality of teaching and implementation of curricular change.  相似文献   

The medical undergraduate curriculum at the University of Dundee has evolved in response to changing needs. The new curriculum, introduced in 1995, combines idealism and pragmatism. Underpinning it is the concept that the curriculum is an educational programme where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. The concepts contributing to this are: the spiral nature of the curriculum, with its three interlocking phases; a body-system-based approach, with themes running through the curriculum, providing a focus for the students' learning; a core curriculum with special study modules or options; the educational strategies adopted, including elements of problem-based and community-based learning and approaches to teaching and learning that encourage the students to take more responsibility for their own learning; an approach to assessment which emphasizes the overall objectives of the course; an organization and management of the curriculum; and an allocation of resources designed to support the educational philosophy.  相似文献   

Objectives  Peer-assisted learning (PAL) has been reported to have educational benefits in cross-year, small-group teaching in other contexts. Accordingly, we explored whether senior medical students are effective tutors for their junior peers in clinical skills education, and how the participants in the learning triad (tutors, learners and simulated patients [SPs]) perceive the learning environment created in PAL.
Methods  Year 2 students were randomly allocated to one of two groups for skills training. Group 1 ( n  = 64) were tutored by volunteer Year 6 students, and Group 2 ( n  = 67) by paid doctors. The results of both groups in a clinical skills examination were compared using an independent samples t -test. Qualitative data, obtained from Year 2 students ( n  = 125) by written questionnaire and Year 6 students ( n  = 11) and SPs ( n  = 3) by focus group interviews, were analysed for themes.
Results  Students receiving PAL did at least as well in the clinical skills examination as students with qualified tutors (difference in mean total score: 0.7 marks out of 112; 95% confidence interval − 3.8 to 2.4). The PAL environment was perceived as 'comfortable' and fostered the development of confidence in all participants. Peer tutors created a more active learning environment than doctor tutors for both learners and SPs and reported personal benefits from teaching.
Conclusions  With appropriate support, volunteer Year 6 student tutors are as effective as graduate doctors for small-group structured tutorials in clinical skills. Educational relationships were forged between all participants in the learning triad.  相似文献   

One hundred junior doctors were asked to complete a questionnaire about the training they had received in the use of problem lists. A questionnaire was sent about the training in the use of problems lists at their medical school to the Deans at all 27 British medical schools. Of the 100 junior doctors, 57 reported that problem lists 'had hardly been mentioned' at their medical school. In contrast only one of the 24 Deans who responded thought that problems lists were 'likely to be hardly mentioned' at his medical school. After graduation only 35 junior doctors had worked for a consultant who had demanded the use of problem lists and only 17 of these had worked for more than one such consultant. Most junior doctors have received little training in the use of problem lists as undergraduates and even fewer as postgraduates. Few consultants demand the use of problem lists.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report junior doctors' views on specialist registrar (SpR) training. DESIGN: In 1999, as part of ongoing studies of doctors' careers, we surveyed all doctors who had qualified from UK medical schools in 1993. Structured questions about recipients' careers were accompanied by a form inviting free text comments. Comments about the SpR scheme were extracted for analysis. RESULTS: Doctors commented that there were insufficient national training numbers (NTNs) for those who wanted them, and that more than the minimum entry requirements seemed necessary for shortlisting. Strengthening curricula vitae through research and published work could prolong the duration of training and did not guarantee success. Specialist registrar training was considered by some respondents to be narrow and inflexible, with service work taking priority over training needs. As a result, some respondents feared they would not be competent to practise as consultants. There was a perceived shortage of consultant vacancies and 6 months was considered insufficient time for obtaining a suitable post. DISCUSSION: It is inevitable that doctors may not necessarily be able to pursue their initially chosen career paths. Trainers need to provide realistic advice about career opportunities. Provision of information about NTN availability and formal career counselling could help to prevent delays in career progression. The shortened and more structured programme of training has reduced its flexibility in some doctors' experience. Improvements in educational content will need greater input from consultants, which may require an increase in consultant posts. Time will tell whether concerns about competence to practise as consultants and consultant post availability will be justified.  相似文献   

Summary: Summary. This article summarizes the findings of a survey investigating the extent to which medical schools in the United Kingdom have developed community-based undergraduate teaching: the types of courses being run and their content; whether they are being evaluated; and how the students are assessed. Courses have been categorized under four main headings: (1) based in general practice, for teaching about general practice as a clinical specialty or using practice patients for teaching general medicine and basic clinical skills; (2) community-oriented, led by GP or community tutors; (3) specialist teaching led by hospital consultants; and (4) agency-based teaching. Twenty-eight schools responded to a written request for information and details of 83 courses were received.  相似文献   

Patients teach students: partners in arthritis education   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
CONTEXT: A large metropolitan teaching hospital within The Northern Clinical School, University of Sydney. OBJECTIVE: To assess whether students taught by trained patients (Patient Partners) acquire the same levels of competence in musculoskeletal examination skills for arthritis as students taught by Consultant Rheumatologists. SUBJECTS: Year four medical students in a six-year Undergraduate Medical Programme. METHOD: Students randomized to eight tutorial groups were taught musculoskeletal examination skills in a 75-90 minute tutorial. Four groups were taught by Consultants with an untrained patient present and four groups were taught by Patient Partners. RESULTS: Students' mean self-ratings of skill before and after their tutorial were summed. For both groups, self-ratings before the tutorial were similar. After the tutorial both groups showed substantial gains in levels of skill. Patient Partners' ratings of students' taught by either Consultants or Partners were comparable. CONCLUSIONS: Patient Partners are at least equal to Consultant Rheumatologists in the teaching of musculoskeletal examination techniques for arthritis.  相似文献   

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