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This paper describes a special form of chronic active hepatitis (CAH) with hypergammaglobulinemia in a ten-year-old girl. Because of unclear symptoms she was admitted to our hospital for exclusion of leukemia. However, further clinical and laboratory investigations suggested an autoimmune hepatitis although the typical antibodies could not be found in the immunofluorescence test. Only the detection of liver-pancreas-specific, complement-fixing autoantibodies (LP-antibodies) confirmed the diagnosis of an autoimmune hepatitis. Histology showed typical infiltrations of plasma cells and lymphocytes in the periportal area. LP-antibodies had been recently described in 20 adults with HBs-Ag-negative CAH [6]. To our knowledge this is the first report on LP-positive hepatitis in childhood. As a therapeutic response is likely, early immunosuppressive treatment is indicated.  相似文献   

Autoimmune hepatitis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Autoimmune hepatitis can present as either acute or chronic disease in children. Clinical and laboratory features, including association with extrahepatic autoimmune syndromes and prompt response to immunosuppressive treatment, circulating autoantibodies and hypergammaglobulinemia, suggest an immune etiology. However, the disease mechanism remains uncertain. Different types of autoimmune hepatitis are defined on the basis of which autoantibodies are present: anti-smooth muscle (type 1), anti-liver/kidney microsomal (type 2), or anti-soluble liver antigen (type 3). Diseases which may be clinically similar to autoimmune hepatitis must be excluded before the diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis is established: Wilson’s disease, primary sclerosing cholangitis, chronic hepatitis B or C, and drug-induced liver disease are among the most important entities. Corticosteroids alone or with azathioprine constitute the usual treatment for autoimmune hepatitis. Although some children achieve a complete remission, or even recovery, and can stop immunosuppressive treatment, others require low-dose prednisone treatment indefinitely.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old girl with a 1-year history of elevated serum alanine transferase was hospitalized because of liver failure. Low prothrombin time (12%) prevented needle liver biopsy. Because of a high titer of antismooth-muscle antibodies (1:500), a tentative diagnosis of "autoimmune" chronic active hepatitis was made and immunosuppressive therapy was started. Despite the severity of the liver disease, of her poor general condition, and of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, she dramatically responded to treatment, prothrombin time returning to normal within 5 months. Diagnosis of chronic active hepatitis was later confirmed by liver biopsy. This report indicates that immuno-suppressive therapy can be life saving in children with severe chronic active hepatitis even when major signs of liver failure are present.  相似文献   

Abstract Six girls and one boy with chronic active hepatitis (CAH) of unknown etiology were between 9 and 15 years at the clinical onset of their illness. After beginning immunosuppressive therapy the course of their disease was followed from one to ten years. All had markedly increased IgG, high titres of smooth muscle antibodies (SMA) and antinuclear antibodies of IgG class in the earliest serum specimens tested. Therapy resulted in an improved sense of well-being and a decrease in SGOT, IgG and titres of SMA. Very high titres of measles antibodies were observed in all cases. In one of the cases CAH manifested itself after measles and in another after rubella infection. The first case in our series of patients died of liver failure after 5 years of illness. The other patients have survived and are able to live a normal life. The possibility of CAH should be considered when children develop symptoms of hepatitis. Long-term immunosuppressive treatment with regular clinical and laboratory evaluation is important. Estimation of titres of SMA is an additional parameter of value in following of the activity of CAH in these young patients.  相似文献   

Six patients with chronic hepatitis C who were cured of malignancy were treated with recombinant interferon-alpha at the dose of 4 MU/m2 for 12 months; the post-treatment follow up period was 12 months. Therapy was stopped within 6 months in three patients because of persistently abnormal alanine aminotransferase levels. In the remaining three patients, a complete normalization of alanine amnotransferase levels was obtained during treatment but it was not maintained after the end of interferon therapy. In addition, no patient cleared hepatitis C virus ribonucleic acid in serum. These results suggest that recombinant interferon is not effective in patients with chronic hepatitis C who were cured of a previous malignancy.  相似文献   

为探讨HBsAg阳性母亲的婴儿接种乙肝疫苗后慢性HBV感染相关因素及机制,对624名儿童随访了(6.34±1.71)年。结果发现慢性HBV感染89例,其中82.0%始于6月龄前。HBeAg同时阳性母亲的婴儿慢性HBV感染率高于单阳性母亲的婴儿(单用疫苗,P<0.005;HBIG+疫苗,P<0.05),且在6月龄内出现HBsAg阳性时,慢性化率也高(单用疫苗,P<0.025)。联合使用HBIG和疫苗可进一步减少慢性HBV感染率(单阳性组,P<0.025,双阳性组,P<0.005)及在1月~6月HBsAg阳性婴儿慢性化率(双阳性组,P<0.025)。提示HBsAg阳性母亲的婴儿接种乙肝疫苗后慢性HBV感染主要发生于宫内或产程中。双阳性母亲的婴儿更易形成慢性HBV感染,HBIG联合疫苗的预防效果优于单用疫苗。  相似文献   

<正>多种病毒感染均可引起肝脏炎症,然而一般所称病毒性肝炎常仅指由嗜肝病毒感染引起者。迄今为止,有明确临床意义的嗜肝病毒包括甲型肝炎病毒(HAV)、乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)、丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)、丁型肝炎病毒(HDV)  相似文献   

Eight Japanese hemophiliacs with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) received interferon (IFN) therapy and four of them (50%) responded completely. Non-responders included 3 double-infected patients: I with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and 2 with human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1). In one of the patients with HIV-1 double infection, the absolute number of CD4* lymphocytes decreased during IFN therapy. These findings suggest that hemophiliac patients with CHC can respond well to IFN therapy, but in patients who are double-infected with HBV and HIV-1, the indication of IFN therapy should be considered seriously.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The pathogenic role of TT virus (TTV) is not clear in patients with chronic hepatitis B. The aims of the present study were to determine the frequency of TTV positivity in serum and saliva samples and the possible role of TTV in children with chronic hepatitis B. METHODS: Sera and saliva from 29 healthy children and 25 children with chronic hepatitis B were tested for TTV-DNA by means of real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). RESULTS: Fifty-two percent (13/25) of the serum samples and 32% (8/25) of the saliva samples were positive for TTV-DNA in children with chronic hepatitis B. In healthy non-transfused children, TTV-DNA was detected in 58% (17/29) of the serum samples and 41% (12/29) of the saliva samples. Six (46%) of 13 children with chronic hepatitis and 10 (59%) of 17 healthy children had TTV-DNA positivity both in serum and saliva samples. Two serum samples were negative for TTV-DNA while the saliva samples were positive for TTV-DNA in chronic hepatitis B and control groups. Mean age, sex, serum alanine aminotransferase levels, hepatitis B virus (HBV)-DNA values were similar in TTV-positive and -negative children with chronic hepatitis B. However, total histologic activity index (HAI), periportal necrosis and portal inflammation scores were significantly higher in children with HBV-DNA and TTV-DNA viremia (P = 0.013, P = 0.008, P = 0.015, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Because total HAI, periportal necrosis and portal inflammation scores were higher in children with TTV coinfection, TTV infection may contribute to the progression of liver damage in children with chronic hepatitis B.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the side-effects of interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) therapy in children with chronic hepatitis B. METHODS: This prospective study was performed on one hundred children by interviewing the patients and their parents; clinical examinations and laboratory investigations were performed during and after therapy. RESULTS: The most frequent side-effects of IFN-alpha therapy were fever, flu-like symptoms, and headaches. Lowering of the mean haemoglobin level, leukocyte and platelet count was significant, but transient during INF-alpha treatment. No increase in autoantibody titres or significant alterations in thyroid function was observed. Twelve months after treatment, hepatitis Be antigen (HBeAg) elimination and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) normalization was achieved in 46% of the children; HBeAg and hepatatis B surface antigen (HBsAg) elimination, together with ALT normalization, was achieved in 14% of the cases. CONCLUSION: The side-effects of the IFN-alpha therapy in children such as fever, flu-like symptoms and bone marrow suppression are common, but transient and mild.  相似文献   

A 7-y-old girl presented with prolonged fever, arrhythmia and cardiomegaly during the treatment course of group A β-haemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis. The isolated rheumatogenic strain M1 suggested the diagnosis of rheumatic fever. However, serous pericardial effusion contained high levels of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNA. Clonally proliferating EBV+ T cells were determined in the circulation. The atypical carditis without valvitis was then complicated by coronary artery dilatations. Four months after the start of prednisolone plus antiviral/bacterial therapy, EBV+ T-cell lymphoma developed in the thigh.
Conclusion: Atypical carditis may be a notable and life-threatening presentation of chronic active EBV infection to be differentiated from rheumatic fever.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old boy presented in 1995 with a 2-year history of hypertransaminasemia and hypergammaglobulinemia. Afterwards the patient displayed onychosis with a positive culture test for Candida albicans (CA). Because of the persistence of hypertransaminasemia, a percutaneous liver biopsy was performed showing ‘low grade chronic active autoimmune hepatitis’ (AIH), positive for liver-kidney microsomal autoantibodies and antibodies to the hepatic autoantigen cytochrome P450-1A2. Immunosuppressive treatment was initiated. In 2003 he developed Addison’s disease resulting in the diagnosis of autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis-ectodermal dysplasia (APECED) syndrome, also known as autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 (APS1). Anti-17OH hydroxylase antibodies tested negative, anti-21-OH hydroxylase autoantibodies were positive. Among the other relevant organ- and non organ- specific autoantibodies, aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (ADDC) autoantibodies and anti-tryptophan hydroxylase autoantibodies were positive. The patient also presented polyuria and polydypsia with diabetes insipidus. Because of the presence of two diagnostic criteria of APS1, mutations in the autoimmune regulator gene (AIRE) were performed, which revealed the presence of a novel mutation (c1314- 1326 del 13/insGT) in exon 11. In conclusion, the diagnosis of APECED should be suspected in any child with minimal hypertransaminasemia, anti-microsomal autoantibodies and Candida albicans onychosis.  相似文献   

慢性活动性EB病毒感染的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
慢性活动性EB病毒感染(Chmnic active EBV infection,CAEBV)是一种少见的发生在无明确免疫缺陷个体的综合征,临床表现多种多样,其病理改变几乎可涉及到各个器官。主要表现为EBV感染后出现慢性或复发性传单样症状,伴随EBV抗体的异常改变或病毒载量的升高,病程中可出现严重的或致死的并发症。文章就其发病机制、临床表现、实验室检查及诊治方案进展作一介绍,以提高临床对慢性活动性EBV的诊治水平。  相似文献   

Renal transplantation in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is known to be associated with an increased risk for exacerbation of liver dysfunction. Lamivudine has been proven to be a potent inhibitor of hepatitis B virus replication in adults after kidney transplantation. Little is known about its efficacy and safety in pediatric renal transplant recipients. Three cases serve for the discussion to demonstrate the complexity of the clinical course and effective treatment of chronic hepatitis B in pediatric patients awaiting renal transplantation. Two patients on dialysis with a high HBV replication rate were treated with lamivudine before transplantation. After the viral load had decreased below the detection limit, they underwent transplantation successfully. Despite intensified immunosuppression to treat a rejection episode in one and a relapse of the nephrotic syndrome in the other patient, the viral load remained <2.5 pg/mL. Both patients developed a mutation in the YMDD motif of the HBV genome associated with an increase in the HBV replication rate >10,000 pg/mL without deterioration of the liver function. In a third patient with a chronic HBV infection with a low replication rate, lamivudine was started about nine months after kidney transplantation due to an increasing viral load after treatment of an acute rejection episode. Six months later, the HBV DNA was no longer detectable. The patient had no signs of liver dysfunction. Lamivudine in the treatment of chronic HBV infection in pediatric renal recipients seems to be safe and effective in preventing acute liver deterioration. Three clinical cases are discussed with regard to current options in monitoring and antiviral treatment of chronic HBV in pediatric renal transplant recipients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to determine the leptin levels in children with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, and to evaluate the effect of serum leptin levels on the end of therapy response (ETR). It is known that leptin stimulates T-cell immunity and so T-cell mediated immune response is critical in the outcome of chronic HBV infection. METHODS: Leptin levels in children with chronic HBV infection were investigated and its effects on the ETR in 24 children who were treated with interferon-alpha and lamivudine combination therapy were evaluated. RESULTS: The mean leptin level of the patients was higher than that of healthy children (P = 0.034). Of the patients, seven (29.2%) had ETR. The mean hepatic activity index and portal inflammation score were higher, the HBV DNA was lower, and the leptin level was similar in children with ETR when compared to others (P = 0.017, P = 0.04, P = 0.007, P = 0.34, respectively). HBV DNA and the fibrosis score were positively correlated (P = 0.016). CONCLUSION: Although the higher leptin value observed in children with ETR was not statistically significant, because of close interactions between leptin, cytokines and lymphocytes, it is thought that leptin should be investigated as a predictive factor of ETR in further studies.  相似文献   

Comprehensive guidelines on seropositive autoimmune hepatitis have been published for both adults and children, although these guidelines comprise only limited knowledge about seronegative autoimmune hepatitis. Autoimmune hepatitis presents as an acute or chronic progressive disease and poor outcomes are inevitable if left untreated. The absence of autoantibody positivity, hypergammaglobulinemia and lack of comprehensive algorithms makes seronegative autoimmune hepatitis a mysterious disease. In general, seronegative autoimmune hepatitis often presents with acute hepatitis, and its treatment and prognosis similar to seropositive autoimmune hepatitis. The present review focuses on the known characteristics of seronegative autoimmune hepatitis in childhood, and those of which current knowledge is vague.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although elevated serum levels of immunoglobulins are frequently observed in patients with chronic active Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection, there have been no reports concerning levels of IgG subclasses. METHODS: Serum levels of IgG subclasses were measured by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 30 children with severe chronic active EBV infection. RESULTS: Serum levels of IgG1 were elevated in most patients, except for one who showed an abnormally low level of IgG1 and progressive hypogammaglobulinemia. Serum levels of IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4 in the patients were comparable to those in control children, while abnormally low levels of IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4 were observed in six, three and four cases, respectively. CONCLUSION: Although not always susceptible to bacterial infections, low levels of IgG2 were frequently observed in patients with chronic active EBV infection and elevated IgG1 is responsible for the increase of serum IgG in these patients.  相似文献   

Fifteen serum proteins were estimated by linear immunodiffusion in blood samples from children with acute hepatitis.Blood was drawn at the beginning of the disease and three weeks later. The results were compared with results obtained from a group of age-matched normal children.At the beginning of the disease prealbumin and beta-2-glycoprotein I were depressed, whereas alpha-1-acid-glycoprotein, alpha-1-antitrypsin, ceruloplasmin and alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein were found to be elevated.Alpha-2-macroglobulin, transferrin and beta-lipoprotein showed a significant elevation after three weeks. Beta-1-A/C, IgM and IgG remained elevated during the time of observation.Albumin, haptoglobin and IgA were similar in patients and controls and did not change during the period of observation.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. H. Bickel on the occasion of his 60th birthdaySupported by Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftThis work is part of the M.D. thesis of C.M. and was presented in part at the 26th congress of the Süddeutschen Kinderärzte, Stuttgart, June 1977  相似文献   

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