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Ideals of masculinity and femininity may limit South African women's decision making power in relationships and increase their risk of HIV infection. We conducted 30 in-depth interviews with 18–24-year-old women in inner-city Johannesburg with the aim of understanding young women's expectations of intimate relationships with men, their perceptions of gender and power and how this influences HIV risk. We found that the majority of young women reported expectations of power in relationships that conform to a model of femininity marked by financial independence, freedom to make decisions, including over sexuality, and equality (resistant femininity). The majority of young women, however, were in relationships marked by intimate partner violence, infidelity or lack of condom use. In spite of this, more young women who subscribed to a resistant model of femininity were in less risky relationships than young women who subscribed to acquiescent models, in which power was vested in their male partners. Further, young women who subscribed to resistant femininity had more education than women who subscribed to an acquiescent model. The disconnect between expectations of relationships and young women's lived realities emphasises the need for structural changes that afford women greater economic and thus decision making power.  相似文献   

In South Africa, both HIV and gender-based violence are highly prevalent. Gender inequalities give men considerable relational power over young women, particularly in circumstances of poverty and where sex is materially rewarded. Young women are often described as victims of men, but this inadequately explains women's observed sexual agency. This paper takes a different approach. We use qualitative interviews and ethnographic observation among 16 young women from the rural Eastern Cape to explore ways young women construct their femininities and exercise agency. The data were collected as part of an evaluation of Stepping Stones, which is a participatory behavioural intervention for HIV prevention that seeks to be gender transformative. Agency was most notable in particular stages of the dating 'game', especially relationship initiation. Constructions of desirable men differed but generally reflected a wish to avoid violence, and a search for mutual respect, sexual pleasure, romance, modernity, status and money. Agency was constrained once relationships were consented to, as men expected to control their partners, using violent and non-violent methods. Women knew this and many accepted this treatment, although often expressing ambivalence. Many of the women expressed highly acquiescent femininities, with power surrendered to men, as a 'choice' that made their lives in cultural terms more meaningful. In marked contrast to this was a 'modern' femininity, centred around a desire to be 'free'. A visible third position, notably emerging after the Stepping Stones intervention, rested not on a feminist challenge to patriarchy, but on an accommodation with men's power whilst seeking to negotiate greater respect and non-violence within relations with men. These multiple and dynamic femininities open up possibilities for change. They demonstrate the need to engage with women, both as victims of patriarchy and active supporters of the gender order. The multiplicity of women's hopes and desires and circumstances of emotional and relational fulfillment provides potential for interventions with women that acknowledge existing gender inequalities, validate women's agency, reduce violence and prevent HIV.  相似文献   

This study sought to determine how power and control in intimate relationships influenced women's exposure to sexual violence. Multilevel modeling was used to determine the risk of partner sexual violence in the past 12 months among 2240 women aged 15–49 years who were currently married or cohabiting. The data were drawn from the 2000 Haiti Demographic and Health Survey. Strong positive effects on intimate partner sexual violence were found for husband's jealousy and perpetration of controlling behavior and women's endorsement of traditional norms concerning a husband's rights to beat his wife. Female dominance in decision making about purchases for daily household needs was positively associated with intimate partner sexual violence but its effects were mediated by relationship quality. The effect of wife's education on intimate partner violence was nonlinear. The analysis also showed that high community female headship rates were independently associated with higher risks of partner sexual violence. The findings highlight the importance of adopting a multidimensional approach to the measurement of power in sexual relationships and the need for programs to work at multiple levels to address gender-based norms and the structural factors that put women at increased risk of sexual violence.  相似文献   

Notions of womanhood inculcate naturalised ideologies of femininity, sexuality, motherhood and caregiving. The paper asks how disability stigma intersects with womanhood to characterise intimate partnerships in South Africa. In-depth interviews with 30 women with a range of disabilities were conducted in informal settlements in Cape Town. Findings suggest that disability stigma may hamper attainment of normative womanhood and sexual relationships for women with disabilities in South Africa. Limited opportunities to meet potential partners, hegemonic gender expectations and restricted sexual and physical contact shape their intimate partnerships. However, women with disabilities also challenge ableist constructs of normalcy and discredit negative images of disabled womanhood. Because of this, theoretical models of intimate partner violence should consider the influence of disability on constructions of sexuality and norms in intimate partnerships. Building on women with disabilities’ stigma-avoidance strategies will help facilitate better relationship outcomes. Social norms interventions with broader society, communities, women with disabilities and their partners, family and carers can help destabilise assumptions that women with disabilities are unable to have long-lasting and fulfilling sexual and intimate partnerships. Moreover, accessible and relevant sexuality education and information on relationships, intimate partner violence, maternal and sexual and reproductive health care can ensure healthy and safe intimate partnerships for women with disabilities.  相似文献   

Because of the importance of relationship power and cultural norms on women's ability to protect themselves from HIV/STDs, effective interventions must address power differentials among men and women. These programs need to be informed by and adapted to the cultural values of the target population. Accordingly, we conducted exploratory interviews with 22 young African American women at risk of HIV/ STDs and unintended pregnancy and their male partners regarding the meaning of power in heterosexual relationships, what makes a woman feel powerful in a relationship with a man, and who makes sexual and reproductive decisions in their relationships. Content analyses suggested that relationship power was linked to control and decision-making for most participants; yet, others appeared to associate power with positive relationship qualities such as respect and security. In addition, most participants reported that they shared decision-making about sexual and reproductive matters with their partners. Subsequently, interviews were conducted with another 40 women to explore and identify cultural beliefs regarding what makes women feel powerful in their relationships with their husbands or partners. Cultural consensus analysis was performed and results indicated that the participants comprise a cultural group with shared beliefs about what makes women feel powerful in their relationships. Participants believed that women's sense of power in their relationships came from (1) knowing what they want and having autonomy and control; (2) the quality of their relationships; (3) having resources to provide for their families; and (4) physical attractiveness and sexual factors.  相似文献   

While much research now demonstrates how social inequalities can drive HIV transmission, relatively little attention is given to the spatialized ‘intersections’ of race, class, and gender. Using this approach, this article considers an understudied phenomenon in Brazilian HIV discussions, the importance of the drug economy in shaping intimacy in favelas. Drawing on interviews with young women in Rio de Janeiro, it documents the intimate relations between young women and male drug workers to situate HIV vulnerability at the juncture of three social-spatial changes: (1) the rise of a drug economy that provides some racialized men, marginalized from mainstream society, with opportunities for work; (2) the precarious economic position of racialized women; and (3) the gendered dynamics including violence that can shape intimate relations. The paper shows how these relationships are contested by women who can cast their partners as living a ‘wrong life.’  相似文献   

Background: Black women in South Africa are vulnerable with limited power in intimate relationships. This study explored whether stressful life events and/or HIV infection were associated with relationship power and whether the impact was moderated by community resources.

Method: One hundred four women living with HIV and 152 women not living with HIV participated in individual interviews.

Results: Undesirable life changes were negatively associated with relationship control. HIV infection and women's knowledge of community resources were associated with mutual decision-making, while frequency of family use of community resources was negatively related to female dominated decisions. Women living with HIV perceived their male partners as less dominant when they perceived their community resources to be more helpful.

Conclusions: Power in intimate relationships may enhance the quality and length of life for black South African women living with HIV. Knowledge of and perceived helpfulness of community resources are avenues for promoting relationship power.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between gender and work roles in Japan by comparing women physicians and nurses. After reviewing women's roles and definitions of femininity in Japan, contrasts are described in socioeconomic background, educational levels, career patterns and patient perceptions. Despite these contrasts, neither women physicians nor nurses are likely to reject the sociocultural expectations of Japanese women and most define their role as housewife/mother as their first priority. This preserves male dominance of the biomedical system by reinforcing both the subordinate status of nursing as a profession and the woman physician's lack of power in the medical system.  相似文献   

Inner city women with severe mental illness may carry multiple stigmatized statuses. In some contexts these include having a mental illness, being a member of an ethnic minority group, being an immigrant, being poor, and being a woman who does not live up to gendered expectations. These potentially stigmatizing identities influence both the way women's sexuality is viewed and their risk for HIV infection. This qualitative study applies the concept of intersectionality to facilitate understanding of how these multiple identities intersect to influence women's sexuality and HIV risk. We report the firsthand accounts of 24 Latina women living with severe mental illness in New York City. In examining the interlocking domains of these women's sexual lives, we find that the women seek identities that define them in opposition to the stigmatizing label of "loca" (Spanish for crazy) and bestow respect and dignity. These identities have unfolded through the additional themes of "good girls" and "church ladies". Therefore, in spite of their association with the "loca", the women also identify with faith and religion ("church ladies") and uphold more traditional gender norms ("good girls") that are often undermined by the realities of life with a severe mental illness and the stigma attached to it. However, the participants fall short of their gender ideals and engage in sexual relationships that they experience as disempowering and unsatisfying. The effects of their multiple identities as poor Latina women living with severe mental illness in an urban ethnic minority community are not always additive, but the interlocking effects can facilitate increased HIV risks. Interventions should acknowledge women's multiple layers of vulnerability, both individual and structural, and stress women's empowerment in and beyond the sexual realm.  相似文献   

We explored the prevalence and predictors of transactional sex with casual partners and main girlfriends among 1288 men aged 15-26 from 70 villages in the rural Eastern Cape province of South Africa. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews with young men enroling in the Stepping Stones HIV prevention trial. A total of 17.7% of participants reported giving material resources or money to casual sex partners and 6.6% received resources from a casual partner. Transactionally motivated relationships with main girlfriends were more balanced between giving (14.9%) and getting (14.3%). We constructed multivariable models to identify the predictors for giving and for getting material resources in casual and in main relationships. Each model resulted in remarkably similar predictors. All four types of exchange were associated with higher socio-economic status, more adverse childhood experiences, more lifetime sexual partners, and alcohol use. Men who were more resistant to peer pressure to have sex were less likely to report transactional sex with casual partners, and men who reported more equitable gender attitudes were less likely to report main partnerships underpinned by exchange. The most consistent predictors of all four types of transaction were perpetration of intimate partner violence and rape against women other than a main partner. The strong and consistent association between perpetration of gender-based violence and both giving and getting material goods from female partners suggests that transactional sex in both main and casual relationships should be viewed within a broader continuum of men's exercise of gendered power and control. HIV prevention interventions need to explicitly address transactional sex in the context of ideas about masculinity, which place a high emphasis on heterosexual success with, and control of, women.  相似文献   

Developed by Robert Connell, the theory of gender and power is a social structural theory based on existing philosophical writings of sexual inequality and gender and power imbalance. According to the theory of gender and power, there are three major social structures that characterize the gendered relationships between men and women: the sexual division of labor, the sexual division of power, and the structure of cathexis. The aim of this article is to apply an extended version of the theory of gender and power to examine the exposures, social/behavioral risk factors, and biological properties that increase women's vulnerability for acquiring HIV. Subsequently, the authors review several public health level HIV interventions aimed at reducing women's HIV risk. Employing the theory of gender and power among women marshals new kinds of data, asks new and broader questions with regard to women and their risk of HIV, and, most important, creates new options for prevention.  相似文献   

Little is known about whether the timing of marriage is used as a strategy to avoid HIV infection among young people in sub‐Saharan Africa. Analyzing five rounds of longitudinal data from the Malawi Schooling and Adolescent Survey, we do not find support for the hypothesis that young women's perceived chances of future HIV infection are associated with the transition to marriage, but we do find evidence that young married women who see themselves as at risk of future infection have a greater likelihood of divorcing than do women who perceive no chance of future infection. We also use individual‐level fixed‐effects regressions to examine how the transition to marriage affects respondents' expectations of future HIV infection. Respondents are consistently more likely to perceive any chance of future HIV infection in the years following marriage than in the years preceding it. Our findings suggest that young women revise their risk perceptions based on their marital experiences and that divorce may serve as a protective strategy for young married women concerned about their chance of future HIV infection.  相似文献   

Dating violence is a significant public health problem in the lives of young women. Their age, in conjunction with perceived pressures to engage in intimate relationships, makes these women particularly vulnerable to dating violence. The pressures to be in relationships can be intense and therefore may add to young women's willingness to overlook, forgive, or excuse the violence that is occurring. The authors' purposes in this feminist study were to examine the experience of dating violence from young women's perspectives; investigate how contextual factors shape their experiences; examine how health is shaped by these experiences; and explore ways that dating violence is perpetuated and normalized in young women's lives. Findings revealed that family environment and gender are critical in shaping young women's experiences. The participants described a range of physical and emotional health problems and perceived few sources of support. Their efforts to obtain support were often met with skeptical and dismissive attitudes on the part of health care providers and other trusted adults. Recommendations for health care practice, education, and research are presented.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Most studies of pregnant victims of intimate partner violence have focused on the violent behaviors, without examining other potentially important dimensions of the relationships. This research studies pregnant abuse victims to examine the frequency of violent behaviors occurring during pregnancy, how women characterize the quality of their relationships, and the association between violence frequency and women's perceptions concerning the overall quality of their relationships. METHODS: Eighty-one women who were physically abused by intimate partners during pregnancy were interviewed. Information was collected concerning the women's: experiences of partner violence during pregnancy; perceptions of other aspects of the quality of their relationships; and sociodemographic characteristics. RESULTS: The most frequent type of violent behavior occurring during pregnancy was verbal aggression, followed by minor violence, and then severe violence. Men perpetrated each type of violent behavior at significantly higher rates than did their female partners. In general, the women were quite negative in their characterizations of many dimensions of their relationships, as well as in their perceptions concerning the overall quality of their relationships, with women who had been victims of more frequent violence being significantly more likely to characterize their relationships as being of lower overall quality (OR = 3.5, 95% CI = 1.4-8.7). CONCLUSIONS: Prenatal care providers are encouraged to screen their patients for intimate partner violence, and to work with others in their community to assure that women in abusive situations are offered appropriate services/interventions including safe and feasible alternatives to staying in unsatisfactory relationships with abusive partners.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study assessed the contraceptive outcomes of the Partners Against Risk-Taking: A Networking, Evaluation and Research Study (PARTNERS). The PARTNERS project developed and evaluated a 3-session intervention to help young women and their male partners reduce their risk for unintended pregnancies, and HIV and other STDs. METHODS: Participating couples were randomly assigned to the 3-session intervention or a 1-session information session for couples. Changes in psychosocial factors related to women's motivation to use contraception and relationship factors were assessed using analysis of variance with repeated measures. Changes in contraceptive outcomes were assessed using logistic regression with generalized estimating equations. RESULTS: Comparison of changes from baseline to 6 months among women who participated in the 3-session intervention with those who participated in the information session showed no significant intervention effect on reports of contraceptive use. Instead, contraceptive use increased in both conditions. Both groups exhibited similar changes in the psychosocial variable measuring the importance of avoiding pregnancy and in the relationship variable measuring women's participation in contraceptive decision making. Members of the intervention group, however, showed greater improvement in the psychosocial variable measuring positive expectations pertaining to partner's support for contraception. CONCLUSION: These findings raise questions for further investigation to better understand couples behavior, and whether and how to intervene with couples.  相似文献   

Objective  To explore women's knowledge and understanding of osteoporosis and of dual energy x-ray absorptiometer (DEXA) scans; the factors influencing their decision to have a scan and their experience of undergoing a DEXA scan.
Design  In-depth interviews (using a topic guide) were carried out with 12 women [before a DEXA scan and after they had discussed the results with their general practitioner (GP)] and with three women who chose not to have a scan.
Setting  Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, UK.
Participants  Women who responded to a primary-care based questionnaire were purposively selected for interview.
Results  The women interviewed had varied levels of understanding of osteoporosis. For the majority of participants the scan was an overwhelmingly positive experience, despite some women's negative expectations. Findings are also explored in terms of the influences on women's decision-making about whether to have a scan and the concept of `knowing' one's risk status.
Conclusions  The main implication for primary care is how to improve women's understanding of osteoporosis and DEXA scans in order to promote the strategy of scanning high-risk women.  相似文献   

The disproportionate impact of HIV/AIDS on Hispanic women in the United States has been variously attributed to a failure to utilize protective measures due to low levels of HIV knowledge, a denial or minimization of risk, and conflicts with cultural norms. It has been hypothesized that women's relative lack of power in relationships may be associated with higher risk sexual behavior. We examined the relationship between higher risk sexual behavior and perceived locus of control in sexual relationships among a sample of Puerto Rican and Mexican women. We interviewed 71 women of self-reported Mexican ethnicity in San Diego, California, and 79 women of self-reported Puerto Rican ethnicity in Cleveland, Ohio, to examine the relationship between HIV risk, HIV knowledge, and locus of control. Univariate logistic regression indicates that among Puerto Rican women, the perception that locus of control in a sexual relationship resides in the male partner was significantly associated with increased HIV risk, while younger age was significantly associated with increased risk among Mexican women only. In a combined sample of both Puerto Rican and Mexican women, multiple logistic regression analysis indicates that younger age, increased length of residence in the United States, and an other-focused locus of control are significantly associated with increased HIV risk. Women who have been in the United States for relatively longer periods of time may be more likely to integrate U.S. sexual norms into their own behavior and may, as a consequence, be at higher risk of HIV infection. Increased HIV prevention efforts must be made available to Mexican and Puerto Rican women born outside of the United States. These prevention efforts must necessarily focus not only on HIV prevention strategies, but also on the dynamics within male-female intimate relations. Increased attention to younger Puerto Rican and Mexican women is also needed.  相似文献   

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