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The objective of this study was to describe the cancer prevention-related nutrition knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes of U.S. adults. Data collected for the 1992 National Health Interview Survey Cancer Epidemiology Supplement were ana-lyzed.The Supplement was completed by 12,005 adults aged 18 years and older. Frequency distributions were calculated. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to explore differences in knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes according to selected factors. Most adults (83%) believe that good eating habits may reduce their chances of developing major diseases. Of those who held this belief, 66% named cancer as a disease that might be related to what people eat or drink. Among those who believed cancer to be related to what people eat or drink, eating more fiber (72%), more fruits and vegetables (66%), and less fat (60%) were mentioned most frequently as foods/nutrients that affect cancer risk. Conflicting dietary advice, cost of eating a healthy diet, and social support were the most salient perceived barriers to having a healthful diet. Knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes were found to vary by age, sex, ethnicity, poverty, and education. Findings suggest that, although a moderate majority are aware of the relationship between diet and cancer, fewer are knowledgeable about nutrients/foods that influence risk. Differences found in knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes by various socioeconomic factors suggest that nutrition intervention strategies may need to be targeted and tailored to various population subgroups.  相似文献   

Physical education programs represent an important gateway for encouraging young people to develop life-long exercise habits. In this study of middle school students (N = 603), attitudes toward physical education, knowledge about the benefits of exercise, and beliefs about one's abilities were assessed to determine their influence on exercise intent and current exercise behavior. As predicted, perceived benefits of exercise, current exercise behavior, attitudes toward physical education, self-esteem, and gender contributed significantly and independently to exercise intent (total variance explained = 37%). Exercise intent, outside sports activities, perceived benefits of exercise, gender, and attitudes toward physical education contributed significantly and independently to current exercise behavior (total variance explained = 27%). Programs that make attending physical education a pleasant experience and that explain specific benefits of exercise can influence exercise intent and can enhance students' sense of self-esteem, both of which may increase future exercise behavior.  相似文献   


This cross-sectional survey explored the association between functional health literacy and knowledge of, beliefs and attitudes about, and reported usage of colorectal cancer screening tests. The results indicate that functional health literacy, as assessed by the Short Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (STOFHLA), is not an independent predictor of colorectal cancer screening knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, or behavior. Latino ethnicity and education, however, often predicted screening responses, suggesting that efforts to improve communication about colorectal cancer screening with Latino patients and patients with low education clearly are needed to reduce the disparities in awareness and utilization of colorectal cancer screening tests. This study also explored influences on intended screening behavior. Physician recommendation was found to be a powerful motivator of intention to undergo colorectal cancer screening regardless of literacy level, indicating that interventions aimed at increasing physician recommendation of colorectal cancer screening may be an effective way of increasing screening rates.  相似文献   

Arab immigrants living in the United States total between 1.5 million and 3.5 million, and have been growing in number each decade. New York's Arab population, at 405,000, ranks third in the U.S. after California and Michigan. Despite the large numbers, little health research has focused on this population. Data about the cancer incidence, mortality, and screening practices of Arab Americans is overwhelmingly lacking. To better understand the health care and cancer knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of Arab American immigrants, five single-gender focus groups were convened with Arab men and women in New York City. Attention was given to factors that act as barriers to utilization of general health care services, and of cancer prevention, treatment, and support services. The data revealed the importance of providing culturally and linguistically appropriate health interventions in partnership with trusted community leaders, and the need for follow-up research of this understudied immigrant population.  相似文献   

With growing numbres of reported HIV cases in The People's Republic of China, PRC health officials face the same information dissemination problems that have plagued other nations for a decade. The purpose of this study was to begin to understand Chinese college students' knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about HIV/AIDS as well as the cultural barriers which may prevent the acceptance of AIDS public service efforts. Focus group interviews were conducted with 76 college students at Xiamen University, PRC. Interviews revealed that many inaccurate beliefs exist regarding the AIDS disease and its modes of transmission. While many of the respondents reported that fate was the determining factor in transmission of HIV, most felt distanced-physically, morally and culturally-from those at risk.  相似文献   

朱中平  赵萍  范雅萍 《职业与健康》2010,26(23):2738-2740
目的了解深圳社区医院医务人员HIV职业暴露防护知识、态度、信念和行为(KABP),为特区卫生行政部门制定相关政策提供科学依据。方法采用整体抽样方法,抽取深圳市某区社康中心29家258名医务人员,用自制调查表对其进行HIV职业暴露防护知识KABP调查。结果①仅有34.62%的被调查人员参加过与HIV职业暴露防护知识相关的培训班或讲座。②社区医院医务人员艾滋病职业暴露防护知识总体知晓率为77.13%;③67.83%的医务人员知道用过后的锐利废弃物正确处理方式。病人的分泌物或血液意外溅入眼、鼻、口后,81.40%的医务人员知道正确的处理方式。结论深圳社区医院医务人员HIV职业暴露防护知识总体水平有待提高,HIV职业暴露感染风险较大,应加强医务人员HIV职业暴露防护知识培训教育,以减少职业性损伤。  相似文献   

医学生营养知识、态度、行为的调查   总被引:42,自引:2,他引:42  
目的 了解湘雅医学院大学生的营养知识、态度、行为状况 ,为今后的营养健康教育提供参考依据。 方法 采用 K- A- P问卷方式对不同营养教育程度的 30 4名医学生进行营养知识、态度和饮食行为的调查。 结果 营养知识测试中 ,营养教育程度越高的学生成绩越好 ,大部分学生营养态度端正 ,行为良好 ,但部分学生也存在一些问题如 :按照口味而不是按营养需要选择食物 ,不常吃水果 ,常吃夜宵、零食等。大部分学生都有良好的求知欲望 ,希望通过多种途径获得营养知识。 结论 课堂教育对提高医学生的营养知识水平有重大作用 ;在加强课堂营养知识教育的同时 ,应注重综合性的宣传教育 ,以提高学生的营养知识水平 ,建立良好的饮食行为。  相似文献   

Since the introduction of the new U.S. Dietary Guidelines in 1990, the focus of interest has been the rationale and nature of the Guidelines. In 1993 progess of the implementation of the Guidelines will be measured. Training has been identified as the primary barrier to implementation. This study assesses the existing nutrition knowledge and personal dietary compliance of school food service employees. Recommendations for effective training strategies are suggested.  相似文献   

[目的]了解大学食品专业学生的营养知识、态度及饮食行为现状,为今后的营养健康教育提供参考依据。[方法]2008年5月,对徐州市某大学食品专业学生进行调查。[结果]调查大学一年级、四年级学生265人,营养知识得分(满分10分)为(6.83±1.32)分,均认为早餐很重要,酗酒有害身体健康,40.75%会为健康而改变现有饮食习惯。77.74%每天吃早餐,46.42%经常多喝酒,31.70%吸烟。[结论]食品专业大学生营养知识水平较高,有较强的健康饮食意识,但仍然存在一些不良饮食行为。  相似文献   

This study was performed to assess the effect of a nutrition education intervention on the nutrition-related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of Hispanic children, ages 6–10 years, in a local after-school program. The intervention included seven weekly lessons that lasted an average of 30 minutes each. Pre- and post-tests were used to evaluate the program. There was a statistically significant difference, p < .04, observed for the intervention group (n = 7) between the pre- and posttest scores for knowledge. In addition, the posttest scores for the intervention group were significantly higher, p < .04, than for the control group (n = 3). Changes in nutrition-related attitudes and behavior were not significant. The only measure that showed significant improvement was knowledge about the differences between healthy and unhealthy food choices after the intervention, which is crucial in the development of healthy behaviors.  相似文献   

Asian ethnic subgroups are often treated as a single demographic group in studies looking at cancer screening and health disparities. To evaluate knowledge and health beliefs associated with colorectal cancer (CRC) and CRC screening among Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese subgroups, a survey assessed participants’ demographic characteristics, healthcare utilization, knowledge, beliefs, attitudes associated with CRC and CRC screening. Exploratory factor analysis identified six factors accounting >60 % of the total variance in beliefs and attitudes. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients assessed internal consistency. Differences among Asian subgroups were assessed using a Chi square, Fisher’s exact, or Kruskal–Wallis test. Pearson’s correlation coefficient assessed an association among factors. 654 participants enrolled: 238 Chinese, 217 Korean, and 199 Vietnamese. Statistically significant differences existed in demographic and health care provider characteristics, knowledge, and attitude/belief variables regarding CRC. These included knowledge of CRC screening modalities, reluctance to discuss cancer, belief that cancer is preventable by diet and lifestyle, and intention to undergo CRC screening. Chinese subjects were more likely to use Eastern medicine (52 % Chinese, 25 % Korean, 27 % Vietnamese; p < 0.001); Korean subjects were less likely to see herbs as a form of cancer prevention (34 % Chinese, 20 % Korean, 35 % Vietnamese; p < 0.001). Vietnamese subjects were less likely to consider CRC screening (95 % Chinese, 95 % Korean, 80 % Vietnamese; p < 0.0001). Important differences exist in knowledge, attitudes, and health beliefs among Asian subgroups. Understanding these differences will enable clinicians to deliver tailored, effective health messages to improve CRC screening and other health behaviors.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTest a dietary sodium survey in a US adult population of college students using a survey previously validated in a non-US adult population.MethodsCross-sectional study of a convenience sample of college students from a Midwest (n = 168) and Pacific Island (n = 152) university. Main outcome measures were knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding dietary sodium (38 items). Sum scores and percentages for constructs were calculated. A score <75% was considered unfavorable; t test or ANOVA were used to examine group differences.ResultsMidwest students were primarily non-Hispanic White individuals (81%) and 65% female. Pacific Island students were predominantly Asian (51%) and 66% female. Mean ± SD construct scores (percentage) for knowledge, attitudes, and practices were 58.69 ± 10.62, 63.96 ± 16.18, 66.00 ± 12.34 (Midwest) and 57.54 ± 10.93, 64.84 ± 14.96, 64.94 ± 13.18 (Pacific Island), respectively; there were no significant differences between schools or race.Conclusions and ImplicationsCollege students scored low in knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding sodium. Results from this formative study may inform assessment strategies in future dietary sodium interventions.  相似文献   

Pregnancy weight gain may be a risk factor for the development of obesity highlighting the importance of identifying psychosocial risk factors for pregnancy weight gain. The goal of this qualitative pilot study was to evaluate knowledge, attitudes and beliefs regarding weight gain during pregnancy among predominantly Puerto Rican women, a group with higher rates of obesity as compared to non-Hispanic white women. We conducted four focus groups stratified by level of acculturation and BMI. Women reported receiving advice about pregnancy weight gain predominantly from nutritionists and family members rather than from their physicians. The majority of overweight/obese women reported that they had not received any recommendations for weight gain during pregnancy from physicians. Pregnancy weight gain advice was not consistent with the 1990 Institute of Medicine Guidelines. Overall, attitudes towards weight gain recommendations differed by weight status, whereas feelings and dietary beliefs about weight gain differed according to level of acculturation. Our findings inform behavior change strategies for meeting pregnancy weight gain recommendations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Context: Increased fruit and vegetable intake can reduce cancer risk. Information from this study contributes to research exploring health disparities in high-risk dietary behavior. Purpose: Changes in fruit and vegetable behavior were evaluated to assess the effects of a low-intensity, physician-endorsed dietary intervention in a rural population. Methods: The study was a randomized trial of 754 patients from 3 physician practices in rural Virginia. Low-literacy nutrition education materials and personalized dietary feedback were administered by mail and telephone. Mixed model analysis of variance was used to determine the effect of the intervention on fruit and vegetable intake behavior, knowledge, intentions, and self-efficacy at 1, 6, and 12 months. Findings: The intervention effect was moderated by age, race, sex, and education. Intake at 1 and 6 months was increased for older and younger participants and those with some college, and further maintained at 12 months by those who did not complete high school. African Americans in the intervention group displayed significantly greater intentions to increase fruit/vegetable intake than whites/others. Knowledge of fruit/vegetable recommendations significantly increased in the intervention group at 12 months, particularly for men. Conclusions: For the rural population, a low-intensity physician-endorsed self-help dietary intervention was successful in initiating fruit and vegetable dietary changes at 1 and 6 months post-intervention, and increasing intentions to change in African Americans. The relationship of the moderating effects of age, race, sex and education need to be further explored in relation to dietary intervention and dietary behavior change for the rural population.  相似文献   

Men enrolled in an urban university participated in focus groups (k = 6; n = 45) to explore knowledge about human papillomavirus and attitudes toward prophylactic vaccine. Results suggest that regardless of whether vaccines become available to men, educational efforts should include them, as men tend to have many misconceptions and do not perceive themselves to be vulnerable.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Previous research has shown that bicycle helmet use among older children and adolescents continues to be low. This study determined middle school students' knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors related to bicycle helmet use. Six middle schools in Hillsborough County, Fla., served as the research settings. A pretested survey instrument was administered to students. Overall. 3,333 sixth and seventh graders responded. Results showed that most children owned a bicycle, 38.1% owned a helmet, but only 15.8% wore a helmet the last time they rode a bike. Many students (49.7%) did not know or did not believe there was a bicycle helmet law in Florida. Predictors of helmet use were intention to use a helmet the next time one rides a bike, having a helmet, siblings' use of helmets, and friends' use of helmets.  相似文献   

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