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Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosome arm 9q is the most frequent genetic alteration found in superficial and invasive transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) in a previous microsatellite-based deletion mapping study of the bladder and upper urinary tract, indicating the presence of one or more important tumor suppressor genes (TSGs). One of the putative tumor suppressor loci on 9q (DBC1) was mapped to 9q32-33 and the candidate region was localized within a single YAC. We report here a case of superficial papillary TCC, which showed a homozygous deletion encompassing this candidate tumor suppressor region. The region of homozygous deletion spanned the interval between D9S275 and AFMA239XA9 at 9q32-33, and was estimated to be 相似文献   

The frequent presence of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at 21q21 in lung cancer suggests the existence of putative tumor suppressor genes in this genomic region. Furthermore, the identification of a homozygous deletion in this region has lent further support for its potential involvement in pathogenesis. In the present study, extensive screening of a large panel of lung cancer cell lines resulted in the identification of a homozygous deletion at 21q21.1 in the large cell lung carcinoma cell line Calu-6. Subsequent detailed characterization allowed us to narrow down the extent of the shortest region of overlap of homozygous deletions at 21q21.1 to 3.4 Mbp. Together with existing information showing a relationship with the shortest region of overlap and LOH in lung cancer, the overlapping 1.8-Mbp region was suggested to be a prime candidate for a genomic region that may harbor putative tumor suppressor genes. We found frequent downregulation of two coding genes, SAMSN1 and USP25, as well as of three miRNA genes, miR-99a, let-7c, and miR-125b-2, which reside in the commonly deleted region in human lung cancer. In addition, initial attempts were made to investigate their potential alterations and functional involvements in the development of lung cancer.  相似文献   

Xia J  Deng H  Feng Y  Zhang H  Pan Q  Dai H  Long Z  Tang B  Deng H  Chen Y  Zhang R  Zheng D  He Y  Xia K 《Journal of human genetics》2002,47(12):0635-0640
 Hearing impairment is an extremely heterogeneous disorder. A total of 35 loci and 17 related genes for autosomal dominant nonsyndromic hearing loss have been identified. In a Chinese pedigree characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance with bilateral, postlingual, progressive, and sensorineural nonsyndromic hearing impairment, the putative disease gene locus was localized to chromosome 5q31.1-32 by a genome-wide scan. Fine mapping indicated that the disease gene was located within an 8.8-cM region between markers D5S2056 and D5S638, with a maximum two-point logarithm of differences (LOD) score of 6.89 (θ = 0) at D5S2017. By the candidate gene approach, mutation screening of the DIAPH1 and POU4F3 genes at 5q31 was performed. No mutation was found, suggesting that this is a novel deafness locus, which has been named DFNA42. Received: May 8, 2002 / Accepted: October 1, 2002  相似文献   

Follicular lymphoma (FL) is characterised by the presence of the t(14;18)(q32;q21) and represents approximately 25% of new cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. While the t(14;18) is a well-documented rearrangement, the role of secondary cytogenetic abnormalities in the development and progression of these tumours remains unclear. Comparative genomic hybridisation was used to characterise changes in DNA copy number in tumour DNA from patients with this malignancy. The mean numbers of deletion and amplification events found in each of the 45 samples studied were 1.8 and 2.3, respectively. Regions of recurrent (>10% tumour samples) gain involved chromosomes 2p13-16 (16%), 7 (20%), 12 (16%), 13q21-33 (18%), 18 (27%), and X (36%) and frequent losses localised to 6q (29%) and 17p (20%). Amplification of chromosome 13 represents a novel finding in FL. The minimal amplified region was refined to a 6.8-Mb interval of 13q32-33 between the BAC clones 88K16 and 44H20 by fluorescence in situ hybridisation studies using metaphase chromosomes derived from tumour material. There are a number of reports in the literature suggesting that amplification of chromosome 13 also occurs in other human cancers. The location of the putative oncogene on 13q described here in follicular and transformed lymphoma may also be important in the evolution of many other malignancies.  相似文献   

Gorlin's syndrome or nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by a familial or hereditary predisposition to basal cell carcinomas (generally multiple and of early onset), odontogenic keratocysts (jaw cysts), palmar and plantar pits, a wide variety of developmental defects, as well as cancers such as medulloblastomas and ovarian fibromas. The gene for NBCCS has been mapped to human chromosome region 9q22.1–q31 by linkage analysis and by cytogenetic evidence of deletions in this region in patients with the syndrome. This is supported by loss of heterozygosity in tumors of polymorphic marker loci flanked by D9S197 and D9S180. We have utilized sequence tagged site (STS) mapping and somatic cell hybrid panel analysis to construct two overlapping yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) contigs spanning this region of the genome. We used the YAC contigs to identify a new zinc finger gene containing a highly informative microsatellite locus. Genes Chromosom. Cancer 18:212–218, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A novel gene encoding a B-box protein within the BRCA1 region at 17q21.1   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A novel cDNA clone was Isolated using a polyclonal serum directedagainst partially purified ovarian carcinoma antigen CA125.The deduced peptide sequence lacked membrane protein characteristicsexpected for CA125 but encompassed a B-box/coiled coll motifpresent in many genes with transformation potential. The genewas mapped by fluorescence In situ hybridization within theminimum region known to contain the familial breast/ovariancarcinoma gene, BRCA1. YAC and cosmid clones were isolated andused to refine the location of this gene adjacent and proximalto the RNU2 locus. The exon structure of the gene was determined.Extensive SSCP and sequence analysis of over 100 tumour andnormal DNAs from familial and sporadic breast cancers and sporadicovarian cancers failed to detect mutations In the coding regionof this gene.  相似文献   

Atopy and asthma are complex genetic diseases resulting from the interactions of a number of genetic and environmental factors. We had previously reported allelic association between the IL9 marker on chromosome 5q31-33 and atopy. In order to further investigate the role of susceptibility genes on 5q31-33 in the development of atopy and asthma we have studied 240 UK families comprising 131 families selected at random, 60 multiplex families with affected sib pairs, and 49 single proband nuclear families. Polymorphic markers on 5q31-33 were genotyped and both single and multipoint linkage analysis was undertaken using the BETA program. We have used both affection status and quantitative scores for atopy and asthma for phenotypic variables, combining data into scores for asthma and atopy. The strongest suggestion of linkage using multipoint analysis was centred around D5S410 with a maximum Lod of 1.946 at location 171.3 cM and a standard error of 3.3 for the asthma quantitative score. There was no evidence of linkage with atopy, the atopy quantitative score or total serum IgE.  相似文献   

Asthma is a common, complex human disease. Gene discovery inasthma has been complicated by substantial etiological heterogeneity,the possibility of genes of small effect and the concomitantrequirement for large sample sizes. Linkage to asthma phenotypeshas been investigated most intensively in the 5q chromosomalregion, although results have been inconsistent across studiesand all studies have had modest sample sizes. One potentialsolution to these issues is to combine data from multiple studiesin a retrospective meta-analysis by pooling either summary statisticsor raw data. The International Consortium on Asthma Genetics combined data from 11 data sets (n = 6277 subjects) to investigateevidence for linkage of 35 markers spanning the cytokine clusteron chromosome 5q31–33 to ‘asthma’ dichotomyand total serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels. Chromosome 5qmarkers typed in different centers were integrated into a consensusmap to facilitate effective data pooling. Multipoint linkageanalyses using a new Haseman–Elston method were performedwith all data sets pooled together, and also separately withthe resulting linkage statistics pooled by meta-analytic methods.Our results did not provide any evidence significant at the5% level that loci conferring susceptibility to asthma or atopyare present in the 5q31–33 region; however, there wassome weak evidence (empirical P = 0.077) of linkage toasthma affection. This study suggests that loci in 5q31–33have at most a modest effect on susceptibility to asthma ortotal serum IgE levels, may not be detectable or present inall human populations and are difficult to detect even usingcombined linkage evidence from 2400–2600 full siblingpairs. + To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +1 617 5250872; Fax: +1 617 525 0958; Email: reljp@channing.harvard.edu.  相似文献   

We report on an infant with Robin sequence; mild developmental delay; a left ulnar ray defect with absent ulna and associated metacarpals, carpals and phalanges; and a right ulnar nerve hypoplasia. He had a de novo interstitial deletion of 4q32-->q34. The critical region involved in the 4q terminal deletion syndrome may be 4q33. This conclusion was suggested by showing that del(4)(q31qter), del(4)(q32qter), and del(4)(q33qter) result in a similarly severe phenotype. In addition, we propose that genes for distal arm development, in particular for development of the left ulnar ray, central nervous system development, and cleft lip and palate, may be located at 4q33.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND METHODS: Numerous genetic studies have mapped asthma susceptibility genes to a region on chromosome 5q31-33 in several populations. This region contains a cluster of cytokines and other immune-related genes important in immune response. In the present study, to determine the genetic variations and patterns of linkage disequilibrium (LD), we resequenced all the exons and promoter regions of the 29 asthma candidate genes in the chromosome 5q31-33 region. RESULTS: We identified a total of 314 genetic variants, including 289 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 22 insertion/deletion polymorphisms and 3 microsatellites. Standardized variance data for allele frequency revealed substantial differences in SNP allele frequencies among different ethnic groups. Interestingly, significant ethnic differences were observed mainly in intron SNPs. LD block analysis using 174 common SNPs with a frequency of >10% disclosed strong LD within most candidate genes. No significant LD was observed across genes, except for one LD block (CD14-IK block). Gene-based haplotype analyses showed that 1-5 haplotype-tagging SNPs may be used to define the six or fewer common haplotypes with a frequency of >5%, regardless of the number of SNPs. CONCLUSION: Overall, our results provide useful information for the identification of immune-mediated disease genes in the chromosome 5q31-33 region, as well as valuable evidence for gene-based haplotype analysis in disease association studies.  相似文献   

We performed detailed molecular analyses of a suspected homozygous deletion on chromosome 9q32-q33 in a bladder-cancer cell line (KYBTDS) derived from a superficial papillary transitional cell carcinoma (TCC). We examined 13 sequence-tagged site (STS) markers mapped along 9q32-q33 by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and used 13 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)/bacteriophage P1-derived artificial chromosome (PAC) genomic clone probes representing these STS markers as probes for dual-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses to define the deleted region cytogenetically and at the molecular level. Southern blotting confirmed the findings. This combination of techniques revealed that the homozygous deletion in the KYBTDS cell line involved less than 1 megabase of DNA, flanked by markers A003P42 and SGC33380. This interval overlaps part of a common region of deletion observed in a number of primary bladder cancers; moreover, the DNA sequence within the 1-Mb segment corresponds to part of a YAC genomic clone that encompasses a putative tumor suppressor gene, DBCCR1. Received: January 29, 2001 / Accepted: March 26, 2001  相似文献   

The chromosome localizations for 159 gene and DNA segments havebeen refined to one of five intervals in the 7q21–q32region through hybridization analysis with a panel of somaticcell hybrid lines. Seventy-two of these chromosome 7 markersare also mapped on common or overlapping yeast artificial chromosome(YAC) clones. In addition, the breakpoints of chromosome rearrangmentcontained in five of the somatic cell hybrid lines have beendefined by flanking probes within YAC contigs. To provide aframework for further mapping of the 7q21–q32 region,we have established the physical order of a set of referencemarkers: cen-(COL1A2-D7S15-CYP3A4-PON)-D7S456-(breakpoint containedin cell hybrid 1EF2/3/K017)-GUSB-D7S186-ASL-(PGY1-PGY3-GNB2-EPO-ACHE)-D7S238-(proximalbreakpoint in GM1059-Rag5)-D7S240-(CUTL1-PLANHI)-(breakpointsin 1CF2/5/K016 and 2068Rag22–2)-(PRKAR2B-D7S13)-LAMB1-(breakpointin JSR-17S)-DLD-D7S16-MET-WNT2-CFTR-D7S8-tel.  相似文献   

Tumour recurrence has a major impact on patients with non-invasive papillary urothelial tumours of the bladder. To explore the role of DBC1 (deleted in bladder cancer 1 locus), a candidate tumour suppressor gene located at 9q32-33, as prognostic marker we have performed loss of heterozygosity (LOH) testing in 49 patients with primary papillary urothelial tumours and associated normal urothelium. Data from the 38 tumours and 11 specimens of normal urothelium that were informative in the LOH study (D9S195 marker) showed that LOH in urothelium (45.4%) but not in non-invasive tumours (60.5%) was associated with tumour recurrence (p = 0.026) but not to grade or progression. Also, tumours whose normal urothelium had LOH were larger (p = 0.020) and showed cyclin D1 over-expression (p = 0.032). Non-significant increased expression of p53, p21Waf1, apoptotic index and tumour proliferation, and decreased expression of p27Kip1 or cyclin D3 also characterized tumours whose normal urothelium had LOH. The expression of these G1-S modulators, apoptotic index and tumour proliferation was more heterogeneous in papillary urothelial tumours, irrespective of having retained heterozygosity or LOH. Also, Bax expression decreased in papillary urothelial tumours having LOH (p = 0.0473), but Bcl-2 was unrelated to LOH status. In addition, FGFR3 protein expression decreased in LOH tumours (p = 0.036) and in those having LOH in their normal urothelium (p = 0.022). FGFR3 immunohistochemical expression was validated by western blot in selected cases. The survival analysis selected LOH in normal urothelium as a marker of disease-free survival (log-rank 5.32, p = 0.021), progression-free survival (log-rank 3.97, p = 0.046) and overall survival (log-rank 4.26, p = 0.038); LOH in tumours was significant in progression-free survival (log-rank 3.83, p = 0.042). It is concluded that LOH at the DBC1 locus in normal urothelium seems to be relevant in the prognosis of non-invasive papillary tumours of the bladder via selecting cases with increased proliferation, frequent alterations of the G1-S phase modulators, and decreased FGFR3 protein expression.  相似文献   

Loss of heterozygosity, mutations or deletions of the RB1 gene usually result in loss of pRb expression, which has been regarded as an indicator of loss of pRb function in human tumours. It has previously been shown that in addition to loss of pRb expression, aberrantly high (pRb2+) pRb expression also indicates loss of pRb function in bladder tumours compared with moderate (normal, pRb1+) pRb expression. The aim of this study was to elucidate the mechanism by which pRb is functionally inactivated in bladder tumours expressing aberrantly high levels of pRb. Constitutive phosphorylation was therefore investigated as a mechanism of pRb inactivation in bladder tumours. Of 28 bladder tumours examined, western blotting demonstrated pRb hyperphosphorylation in 5/7 (71%) pRb2+ bladder tumours compared with only 4/11 (36%) pRb1+ tumours (p = 0.002). All cases with undetectable pRb showed moderate to high p16 expression and none showed cyclin D1 expression by immunohistochemistry. All pRb1+ tumours with underphosphorylated pRb showed p16 but not cyclin D1 expression. All pRb2+ tumours with hyperphosphorylated pRb showed loss of p16 expression and/or cyclin D1 overexpression. Thus, elevated pRb expression was associated with pRb hyperphosphorylation, which, in turn, was associated with loss of p16 expression and/or increased cyclin D1 expression. In order to analyse this association in vitro, T24 cells, which express high levels of pRb, were transfected with p16 cDNA. Transfection with p16 cDNA resulted in a marked decrease in pRb phosphorylation, decreased cell proliferation, and a change in expression of pRb from high to moderate phenotype as assessed by immunohistochemistry. This paper gives the biological basis for constitutive alteration of pRb function in human tumours in the presence of an intact, expressed pRb protein; the mechanism of pRb inactivation is through hyperphosphorylation, which results from loss of p16 expression and/or cyclin D1 overexpression. Immunohistochemical expression of pRb appears to be a reliable indicator of pRb function.  相似文献   

The Surfeit locus contains at least six tightly clustered housekeeping genes (Surf-1 to -6) with novel features (Huxley & Fried, 1990). In contrast to the tens to hundreds of kilobases found between most adjacent mammalian genes only a small region separates any two adjacent Surfeit genes. The organization of the Surfeit locus and the juxtaposition of the Surfeit genes is conserved between mouse, human and chicken (600 million years of divergent evolution) (Williams et al. 1988; Yon et al. 1993; Colombo et al. 1992) indicating that the Surfeit locus gene organization may have biological significance. The Surfeit locus has been mapped to human chromosome band 9q34, within the candidate region for Tuberous Sclerosis 1 (TSC1) (Yon et al. 1993). In the process of screening for mutations correlated with TSC1 by single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) (Orita et al. 1989) in this genomic region we detected a polymorphism which occurs at a high frequency.  相似文献   



Recent studies have demonstrated the critical roles of micro-RNAs in tumorigenesis and tumor progression. Here, we describe the regulation and function of miR-490-5p in bladder cancer.

Material and methods

Paired tissue samples were collected from bladder cancer patients (n = 20). Real-time PCR revealed that miR-490-5p expression was significantly down-regulated in human bladder cancer tissues and cells. Also there was an inverse relationship between the expression level of miR-490-5p and the pathological grade of bladder cancer. Western blotting was performed to detect the expression levels of c-FOS and TET1 in 6 matched tumor tissue samples and 4 bladder cell lines. Furthermore, to better understand the underlying mechanisms of miR-490-5p, we conducted gain and loss of function analysis by transfecting bladder cancer T24 cells with chemically synthesized miR-490-5p mimics and inhibitor, respectively.


We found that overexpression of miR-490-5p in T24 cells could inhibit cell proliferation and invasion and induce cell apoptosis. Conversely, suppression of miR-490-5p expression induced cell proliferation and invasion, while it inhibited cell apoptosis. In addition, our bioinformatics prediction and experimental data showed that c-FOS was a potential target of miR-490-5p. The expression level of c-FOS was significantly decreased after miR-490-5p overexpression and significantly increased after miR-490-5p suppression, indicating that c-FOS was a target of miR-490-5p.


These findings suggest that miR-490-5p is a novel tumor suppressor, contributing to the carcinogenesis of bladder cancer by targeting c-FOS.  相似文献   

Graves' disease (GD) is a complex autoimmune thyroid disorder with a strong genetic component. Genome-wide screens resolved several susceptibility loci that contribute to the development of GD. One of the susceptibility loci (GD-1 locus) was mapped on chromosome 14q31. However, a susceptibility gene located within the GD-1 locus remains undefined. Here we screen eighteen single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), each is situated at a corresponding positional candidate gene, located within the GD-1 susceptibility locus on chromosome 14q23-q32, for predisposition to GD using the transmission disequilibrium test in 126 simplex Russian families affected with GD. Among SNPs tested, a significant preferential transmission of the Ala allele (41 transmissions vs. 17 nontransmissions, corrected P=0.031) of the Thr92Ala SNP within the DIO2 gene, encoding type II iodothyronine deiodinase, from parents to affected children was found in a Russian family data set. The Thr92Ala SNP of the DIO2 gene and the D727E substitution of the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) gene have been found to be in pair-wise linkage disequilibrium. The A92/E727 haplotype showed significant preferential transmission from parents to affected sibling (17 transmissions vs. 8 nontransmissions, P=0.039) in simplex families. This suggests that the Thr92Ala variant of the DIO2 gene is associated or may be in linkage disequilibrium with a functional DIO2 polymorphism which involves in the development of GD in a Russian population.  相似文献   

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