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L-PRF (leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin) is one of the four families of platelet concentrates for surgical use and is widely used in oral and maxillofacial regenerative therapies. The first objective of this article was to evaluate the mechanical vibrations appearing during centrifugation in four models of commercially available table-top centrifuges used to produce L-PRF and the impact of the centrifuge characteristics on the cell and fibrin architecture of a L-PRF clot and membrane. The second objective of this article was to evaluate how changing some parameters of the L-PRF protocol may influence its biological signature, independently from the characteristics of the centrifuge.

In the first part, four different commercially available centrifuges were used to produce L-PRF, following the original L-PRF production method (glass-coated plastic tubes, 400 g force, 12 minutes). The tested systems were the original L-PRF centrifuge (Intra-Spin, Intra-Lock, the only CE and FDA cleared system for the preparation of L-PRF) and three other laboratory centrifuges (not CE/FDA cleared for L-PRF): A-PRF 12 (Advanced PRF, Process), LW-UPD8 (LW Scientific) and Salvin 1310 (Salvin Dental). Each centrifuge was opened for inspection, two accelerometers were installed (one radial, one vertical), and data were collected with a spectrum analyzer in two configurations (full-load or half load). All clots and membranes were collected into a sterile surgical box (Xpression kit, Intra-Lock). The exact macroscopic (weights, sizes) and microscopic (photonic and scanning electron microscopy SEM) characteristics of the L-PRF produced with these four different machines were evaluated.

In the second part, venous blood was taken in two groups, respectively, Intra-Spin 9 ml glass-coated plastic tubes (Intra-Lock) and A-PRF 10 ml glass tubes (Process). Tubes were immediately centrifuged at 2700 rpm (around 400 g) during 12 minutes to produce L-PRF or at 1500 rpm during 14 minutes to produce A-PRF. All centrifugations were done using the original L-PRF centrifuge (Intra-Spin), as recommended by the two manufacturers. Half of the membranes were placed individually in culture media and transferred in a new tube at seven experimental times (up to 7 days). The releases of transforming growth factor β-1 (TGFβ-1), platelet derived growth factor AB (PDGF-AB), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) were quantified using ELISA kits at these seven experimental times. The remaining membranes were used to evaluate the initial quantity of growth factors of the L-PRF and A-PRF membranes, through forcible extraction.

Very significant differences in the level of vibrations at each rotational speed were observed between the four tested centrifuges. The original L-PRF centrifuge (Intra-Spin) was by far the most stable machine in all configurations and always remained under the threshold of resonance, unlike the three other tested machines. At the classical speed of production of L-PRF, the level of undesirable vibrations on the original centrifuge was between 4.5 and 6 times lower than with other centrifuges. Intra-Spin showed the lowest temperature of the tubes. A-PRF and Salvin were both associated with a significant increase in temperature in the tube. Intra-Spin produced the heaviest clot and quantity of exudate among the four techniques. A-PRF and LW produced much lighter, shorter and narrower clots and membranes than the two other centrifuges. Light microscopy analysis showed relatively similar features for all L-PRF types (concentration of cell bodies in the first half). However, SEM illustrated considerable differences between samples. The original Intra-Spin L-PRF showed a strongly polymerized thick fibrin matrix and all cells appeared alive with a normal shape, including the textured surface aspect of activated lymphocytes. The A-PRF, Salvin and LW PRF-like membranes presented a lightly polymerized slim fibrin gel and most of the visible cell bodies appeared destroyed (squashed or shrunk).

In the second part of this study, the slow release of the three tested growth factors from original L-PRF membranes was significantly stronger (more than twice stronger, p<0.001) at all experimental times than the release from A-PRF membranes. No trace of BMP2 could be detected in the A-PRF. A slow release of BMP2 was detected during at least 7 days in the original L-PRF. Moreover, the original L-PRF clots and membranes (produced with 9 mL blood) were always significantly larger than the A-PRF (produced with 10 mL blood). The A-PRF membranes dissolved in vitro after less than 3 days, while the L-PRF membrane remained in good shape during at least 7 days.

Each centrifuge has its clear own profile of vibrations depending on the rotational speed, and the centrifuge characteristics are directly impacting the architecture and cell content of a L-PRF clot. This result may reveal a considerable flaw in all the PRP/PRF literature, as this parameter was never considered. The original L-PRF clot (Intra-Spin) presented very specific characteristics, which appeared distorted when using centrifuges with a higher vibration level. A-PRF, LW and Salvin centrifuges produced PRF-like materials with a damaged and almost destroyed cell population through the standard protocol, and it is therefore impossible to classify these products in the L-PRF family.

Moreover, when using the same centrifuge, the original L-PRF protocol allowed producing larger clots/membranes and a more intense release of growth factors (biological signature at least twice stronger) than the modified A-PRF protocol. Both protocols are therefore significantly different, and the clinical and experimental results from the original L-PRF shall not be extrapolated to the A-PRF. Finally, the comparison between the total released amounts and the initial content of the membrane (after forcible extraction) highlighted that the leukocytes living in the fibrin matrix are involved in the production of significant amounts of growth factors. The centrifuge characteristics and centrifugation protocols impact significantly and dramatically the cells, growth factors and fibrin architecture of L-PRF.  相似文献   

Julia Etulain 《Platelets》2018,29(6):556-568
Although platelets are widely recognized as having a critical role in primary hemostasis and thrombosis, increasing experimental and clinical evidence identifies these enucleated cells as relevant modulators of other physiopathological processes including inflammation and tissue regeneration. These phenomena are mediated through the release of growth factors, cytokines, and extracellular matrix modulators that sequentially promote (i) revascularization of damaged tissue through the induction of migration, proliferation, differentiation, and stabilization of endothelial cells in new blood vessels; (ii) restoration of damaged connective tissue through migration, proliferation, and activation of fibroblasts; and (iii) proliferation and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into tissue-specific cell types. For these reasons, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) derivatives are used in regenerative medicine for the treatment of several clinical conditions including ulcers, burns, muscle repair, bone diseases, and tissue recovery following surgery. The benefits of PRP administration are associated with an economical advantage, taking into consideration that PRP administration does not require complex equipment or training for its execution. Moreover, due to their primary autologous origin, concerns of disease transmission or immunogenic reactions can be disregarded. Thus, platelet-enriched materials have become highly relevant in the last decade and constitute a growing focus of experimental and clinical study in the context of wound healing and tissue regeneration. However, despite the diverse applications, the efficacy of regenerative treatments using PRP is being called into question due to the lack of large controlled clinical trials and the lack of consensus regarding the PRP preparation techniques. This review describes the biological mechanisms underlying PRP’s regenerative effects, the different methods of preparation and application of these biomaterials, and the controversies and future prospects related to the use of PRP in regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Different systems for preparation of platelet-rich plasma are commercially available, but data for comparison of these systems have not been published so far. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We investigated the performance of Vivostat PRF Preparation Kit, PCCS Platelet Concentrate Collection System, Harvest SmartPReP 2 APC 60 Process, and Fibrinet Autologous Fibrin & Platelet System. The preparations provided by these systems are platelet concentrates with high numbers of platelets in a small volume of plasma and PDGF-AB is released continuously during the 5 days after preparation. RESULTS: Vivostat PRF Preparation Kit, PCCS Platelet Concentrate Collection System, Harvest SmartPReP 2 APC 60 Process are comparable in platelet yield and total amount of released PDGF-AB after 120 h while with Fibrinet the lowest platelet yield and PDGF-AB content of supernatant was achieved. The ability of growth factor release was equal in all four systems. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, all four systems for preparation of platelet-rich plasma investigated result in considerable growth factor release. In what extent the total content of PDGF-AB as a consequence of platelet yield has an impact on wound healing has to be further investigated.  相似文献   

Plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) is a biological therapy that uses patient’s own growth factors for promoting tissue regeneration. Given the current European regulatory framework in which anticoagulant solution in blood extraction tubes could be considered as a medicinal product, a new PRGF protocol has been developed. The actual protocol (PRGF-A) and the new one (PRGF-B) have been performed and compared under Good Laboratory Practices. PRGF-A protocol uses extraction tubes with 0.9 mL of trisodium citrate as anticoagulant and 50 μL of calcium chloride/mL PRGF to activate it. The PRGF-B reduces the amount of sodium citrate and calcium chloride to 0.4 mL and to 20 μL, respectively. Basic hematological parameters, platelet function, the scaffold obtaining process, growth factors content, and the biological effect were compared between both PRGF obtaining protocols. Results: PRGF-B protocol led to a statistically significant higher enrichment and recovery of platelets regarding to the PRGF-A. Hypotonic stress response by platelets was significantly better in the new protocol. A statistically significant decrease in the basal platelet activation status of PRGF-B compared to PRGF-A was also observed. The duration of the lag phase in the platelet aggregation assay was statistically lower for the PRGF-B protocol. Both the clotting and the clot retraction time were significantly reduced in the B protocol. A higher growth factor concentration was detected in the plasma obtained using the PRGF-B protocol. The new PRGF obtaining protocol, with a reduction in the amount of anticoagulant and activator, has even improved the actual one.  相似文献   

During wound healing, biologically active molecules are released from platelets. The rationale of using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) relies on the concentration of bioactive molecules and subsequent delivery to healing sites. These bioactive molecules have been seldom simultaneously quantified within the same PRP preparation. In the present study, the flexible Bio-Plex system was employed to assess the concentration of a large range of cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors in 16 healthy volunteers so as to determine whether significant baseline differences may be found. Besides IL-1b, IL-1ra, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, IL-13, IL-17, INF-γ, TNF-α, MCP-1, MIP-1a, RANTES, bFGF, PDGF, and VEGF that were already quantified elsewhere, the authors reported also on the presence of IL-2, IL-5, IL-7, IL-9, IL-10, IL-15 G-CSF, GM-CSF, Eotaxin, CXCL10 chemokine (IP-10), and MIP 1b. Among the most interesting results, it is convenient to mention the high concentrations of the HIV-suppressive and inflammatory cytokine RANTES and a statistically significant difference between males and females in the content of PDGF-BB. These data are consistent with previous reports pointing out that gender, diet, and test system affect the results of platelet function in healthy subjects, but seem contradictory when compared to other quantification assays in serum and plasma. The inconsistencies affecting the experimental results found in literature, along with the variability found in the content of bioactive molecules, urge further research, hopefully in form of randomized controlled clinical trials, in order to find definitive evidence of the efficacy of PRP treatment in various pathologic and regenerative conditions.  相似文献   

Current advances in diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) treatment are discussed. Normal and pathological wound healing process are observed and the role of growth factors (GFs) is elucidated. Current techniques involving GFs and platelet rich plasma (PRP) are compared. Up-to-date research suggests that treatment with single growth factor (GF) could be insufficient and not encompassing all pathological changes in DFU bed. Efficiency of PRP is rather controversial and lacks evidence. Thus the use of cocktail of particular GFs is suggested. Pro et contra of each approach are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated effects of Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and Platelet factor 4 (PF-4) on the functional characteristics of native, human acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) blasts. AML blast expression of the PDGF-receptor alpha-chain was detected for a subset of patients (45%), whereas PDGF-receptor beta-chain expression was detected for most patients (90%). Constitutive AML blast release of the PDGF-AB isoform (the major form also derived from normal platelets) was detected for 43% of patients, whereas PDGF-BB release was not detected for any patient. The PDGF isoforms AA, AB and BB had dose-dependent and divergent effects on spontaneous and cytokine-dependent AML blast proliferation, whereas for constitutive cytokine secretion (IL-1beta, IL-6, TNF-alpha) inhibitory effects were rare and all three isoforms usually had no effect or enhanced the constitutive secretion. The PDGF effects were caused by a direct effect on the AML blasts and were not dependent on the presence of serum. The PDGF effects could also be detected after in vitro culture of AML cells in the presence of IL-4+granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor. PF-4 had divergent effects on proliferation and cytokine secretion by native AML blasts. Our results suggest that exogenous (e.g. platelet-secreted) PDGF and PF-4 can function as regulators of leukemic hematopoiesis and possibly also modulate the function of residual AML cells in peripheral blood stem cell grafts. On the other hand, endogenous release of PDGF-AB by native blasts may modulate the function of normal cells in the bone marrow microenvironment (e.g. bone marrow stromal cells).  相似文献   

We investigated effects of Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and Platelet factor 4 (PF-4) on the functional characteristics of native, human acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) blasts. AML blast expression of the PDGF-receptor alpha-chain was detected for a subset of patients (45%), whereas PDGF-receptor beta-chain expression was detected for most patients (90%). Constitutive AML blast release of the PDGF-AB isoform (the major form also derived from normal platelets) was detected for 43% of patients, whereas PDGF-BB release was not detected for any patient. The PDGF isoforms AA, AB and BB had dose-dependent and divergent effects on spontaneous and cytokine-dependent AML blast proliferation, whereas for constitutive cytokine secretion (IL-1beta, IL-6, TNF-alpha) inhibitory effects were rare and all three isoforms usually had no effect or enhanced the constitutive secretion. The PDGF effects were caused by a direct effect on the AML blasts and were not dependent on the presence of serum. The PDGF effects could also be detected after in vitro culture of AML cells in the presence of IL-4+ granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor. PF-4 had divergent effects on proliferation and cytokine secretion by native AML blasts. Our results suggest that exogenous (e.g. platelet-secreted) PDGF and PF-4 can function as regulators of leukemic hematopoiesis and possibly also modulate the function of residual AML cells in peripheral blood stem cell grafts. On the other hand, endogenous release of PDGF-AB by native blasts may modulate the function of normal cells in the bone marrow microenvironment (e.g. bone marrow stromal cells).  相似文献   

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