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我院在氧气管道系统上,安装了医学工程科自行研制开发的中心供氧的计量计费管理系统。经过数年运行,效果良好,解决了医院临床科室集中供氧的核算管理问题。我们通过该系统,远程监控各个护理单元氧气使用状况。及时掌握氧气管道工作状况,发现异常及时处理,极大的提高了工作效率和管理水平。氧气管路出现泄漏的部位,绝大多数发生在管道终端的接头上。一般的检查方法有:人耳辨别,肥皂水涂抹,小型氧浓度测量仪检查。人耳辨别的方法简单易行,医护人员就可以直接发现报修,但是精度不高。我们通过中心供氧的计量计费管理系统,进行了相应的测试,发现… 相似文献
本文针对医院供氧氧气源氧气含量变化时,几种呼吸机随之发生氧浓度显示报警后,工程师对重新将呼吸机氧气浓度定标的过程进行了较详细说明。 相似文献
本文主要介绍了Evita型呼吸机氧浓度监测的原理,多种由氧检测失灵引起的故障现象及相应的解决方法。 相似文献
目的探讨两种消毒方法对中心供氧终端氧气插孔的消毒效果,更有效地控制院内感染。方法将三个病区192个氧气插孔分为两组各96个,分别用0.5%碘伏和75%酒精消毒后采样,观察2种消毒剂的消毒效果。结果两种消毒剂消毒后均达到标准要求,未检出致病菌,0.5%碘伏消毒后无菌率达95.8%,75%酒精消毒后无菌率87.5%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 0.5%碘伏消毒效果最佳,操作方法简便,建议临床使用。 相似文献
1前言由于传统的氧气湿化瓶腔内的氧气引入管逸出到湿化瓶水内的氧气泡体积较大,上浮较快,以致氧气泡表面以内的氧气在尚未得到充分交换流动携水的情况下便浮出水面,因而传统的氧气湿化瓶仍不能满足临床治疗的需要,为此我们研究设计了一种水、氧自动搅拌式氧气湿化袋,经模型试用效果满意,现介绍如下。2装备设计如图1所示,氧气引入管(8)自容水软袋(3)的底部进入到它的腔内,氧气引入管(8)的出氧口(7)上有一个氧流驱动式水、氧搅拌器(5),该氧流驱动图1氧气湿化袋结构示意图1.出氧接口2.悬挂件3.容水软袋4.… 相似文献
病员吸氧用氧气用量计的研制 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
本文介了自行研制的单个病员吸氧用氧气用量计的原理 ,即不改变原氧气减压湿化器的结构和原吸氧管路 ,利用氧气减压湿化器上原有的珠式流量计 ,加装光电检测电路 ,由单片机对流量与时间进行积算等数据处理 ,数字显示吸氧时间、氧气用量等参数。 相似文献
PURPOSE: Measurement error is a pervasive problem in behavioral epidemiology, and available methods of correction all have generally untenable assumptions. We propose a multivariate method with more realistic assumptions. METHODS: The method uses two concentration biomarkers for each nutritional variable of interest and structural equation modeling. This produces corrected estimates of the effects on an outcome variable of changing the true exposure variables by one standard deviation, a standardized regression calibration. However, hypothesis testing in original units is preserved. The main assumptions are that certain error correlations between dietary estimates and biomarkers or between biomarkers be close to zero. RESULTS: Two illustrative models used simulated data with the covariance structure of a real data set. The corrections produced often were very substantial. A sensitivity analysis allowed error correlations to depart from zero over a modest range. Root mean square biases show the advantage of the corrected approach. Relatively large calibration studies are needed for adequate precision. CONCLUSIONS: As long as concentration biomarkers are selected carefully, error-corrected multivariate hypothesis testing and standardized effect estimation is possible. With the deviations from assumptions that were tested, the corrected method usually produces much less biased results than an uncorrected analysis. 相似文献
As multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) come to be used in a wider range of products, increasing production is expected to result in greater exposure of workers to MWCNTs. In this research, we present a method for evaluating the concentration of MWCNT aerosols distinctively on the basis of the elemental carbon (EC) concentration. Respirable dust is sampled using a Sioutas cascade impactor (SCI) for a certain volume of workplace air. The SCI can collect size-segregated particles having aerodynamic diameters of 2.5 μm, 1.0 μm, 0.5 μm, 0.25 μm and <0.25 μm. MWCNTs in sampled particles are determined by carbon analysis. Based on the phenomenon that MWCNTs easily aggregate/agglomerate, the present procedure for distinguishing MWCNTs uses the EC in particles larger than 1 μm as an index of MWCNT; the EC is oxidized at a high temperature, 920°C, in carbon analysis. We propose a three-step procedure for distinguishing between MWCNT aerosol and atmospheric particulate matter, and for measuring MWCNT concentrations in workplace air on the basis of EC concentration. 相似文献