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辽宁省中老年人群口腔疾病就医观念和行为的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究辽宁省居民口腔疾病的就医观念和行为习惯,为卫生行政部门进一步合理分配有限的口腔卫生资源提供依据。方法采用多阶段分层等容量随机抽样的方法.在辽宁省的6个抽样地区随机抽取35~44岁的中年人792例,65~74岁的老年人396例作为问卷调查对象,由问卷调查员面对面询问的方法收集资料并记录。结果中年人就医需要高于老年(x^2=29.41,P〈0.01).城市老年人就医需要高于农村(x^2=4.675,P〈0.01)。在过去12个月,仅有17.1%的中年人和19.7%的老年人因牙病去医院治疗.城市就医率高于农村。约有84.0%的中老年人就医原因是急慢性牙痛,仅有3.8%的人能定期检查。50%以上的人认为牙病不重或没有时间就不必就医。在农村约有95%.城市有70%的人牙病治疗支付途径为自费。有55.9%的中年人和67.9%的老年人口腔疾病的就医机构是私人诊所。结论加强口腔健康教育和促进.建立包括预防保健项目在内的口腔保险制度.才能充分利用有限的口腔卫生资源.提高我省居民的口腔健康水平。  相似文献   

目的:了解陕西省老年人群口腔健康行为和习惯,为开展老年人群口腔卫生保健工作提供基线资料.方法:采用多阶段、分层、等容量随机抽样方法.在陕西省抽取65~74岁老年人405例,进行面对面问卷调查,调查内容包括饮食习惯、吸烟、饮酒、喝茶以及日常口腔卫生行为习惯等.所有数据输入Epi data数据库,采用SPSS13.0软件包进行分析.结果:受调查者每天进食新鲜水果、甜点心、糖果,巧克力、糖水、果汁、碳酸饮料和含糖奶制品的人口比例分别为27.5%、14.3%、6.6%、17.0%、0.7%、0.5%和39.5%;其中每天进食新鲜水果、饼干,蛋糕,面包等甜点心、含糖奶制品的人口在城市显著高于乡村(P<0.01).每天吸烟、喝酒、饮茶的人13比例分别为31.4%、33.8%和70.6%;吸烟、喝茶的城市人口比例高于乡村,男性多于女性(P<0.01);喝酒者男性较女性多(P<0.01).而在城乡之间无显著性差异(P>0.05).每天刷牙频率在1次以上的人口占55,8%:79.3%的人未使用过牙签;牙线的使用率仅占0.7%;城市人口的刷牙率和牙签的使用率多于乡村人口.含氟牙膏的使用率为29.1%,在城乡间有显著性差异(P<0.01),在男女间差异无显著性(P>0.05).结论:陕西省老年人群与口腔健康相关的行为和习惯尚待进一步提高和改善.  相似文献   

口腔疾病患者就医观念及行为特点浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沈家平  吴友农 《口腔医学》2004,24(5):303-305
目的 分析口腔疾病就诊者对口腔健康的观念和就医行为,为口腔卫生服务机构制定相关措施提供依据。方法对在2003年爱牙日期间来院就诊的患者随机抽取464例进行开放式问卷调查。结果 464例被调查者中,244例(52.59%)对口腔健康很重视,希望得到口腔卫生指导,但只有112例(24.14%)会定期去医院检查口腔。81.03%的患者会选择去正规医院治疗;71.55%的患者认为在周末看病最方便。62.93%的患者认为看口腔疾病不一定要找专家,8.62%的患者认为进修医生、实习医生只要认真负责也行。结论 医院在口腔健康教育方面要加强,同时可开设夜门诊、节假日门诊,以方便患者就医。  相似文献   

目的:了解荆门市社区老年人口腔保健知识的知晓率及保健行为的现状。方法:采用整群随机抽样方法对荆门市496名老年人进行问卷调查。结果:老年人口腔保健知识知晓率较低,口腔保健行为整体较差,不同文化程度和家庭月收入者口腔保健知识、态度及行为得分差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:应加强社区老年人口腔保健教育及行为改进,对低学历及家庭低收入者更应加以重视。  相似文献   

口腔专业人员口腔健康观念调查分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
口腔专业人员口腔健康观念调查分析广东省口腔医院(510260)黄少宏,欧尧口腔专业人员(包括口腔科护士)在日常工作中不可避免地要对病人及陪人进行的口腔健康教育,而病人及陪人又常常将口腔专业人员的意见当作指导自我口腔保健的权威信息。因此,口腔专业人员的...  相似文献   

目的 了解河南省儿童口腔疾病综合干预项目地区六年级学生口腔健康行为现况及其影响因素。方法 2019年采用分层随机整群抽样方法,抽取2015年起参与河南省儿童口腔疾病综合干预项目的六年级学生4868人,采用《2015年第四次全国口腔健康流行病学调查问卷》(学生版)进行问卷调查。结果 口腔卫生行为中,刷牙率80.28%,每天2次刷牙率35.70%,含氟牙膏使用率7.13%,每周/天使用牙线率1.71%;项目学校学生一天2次刷牙率(38.50%)、含氟牙膏使用率(10.86%)及每周/天使用牙线率(2.35%)均高于非项目学校(32.94%,3.43%, 1.06%)(P<0.05)。饮食行为中,每天均摄入甜点及糖果率24.61%,项目学校(22.51%)低于非项目学校(26.69%)(P<0.05)。就医行为中,有就医经历的人占71.08%,项目学校(76.79%)高于非项目学校(65.43%)(P<0.05),就医原因主要为治疗(38.72%)。项目学校和非项目学校学生中,口腔健康知识、态度得分均为郊县高于城市(P<0.05),刷牙率、一天2次刷牙率均为女生高于男...  相似文献   

目的研究社区居民的口腔健康知识认知和健康行为状况,为口腔预防保健工作的开展、口腔健康教育及促进提供理论依据。方法采用整群随机抽样的方法,对1 178名社区居民进行口腔健康知识认知和健康行为情况问卷调查。结果在刷牙次数、每次刷牙时间和牙刷更换频率方面经济欠发达地区均好于经济发达地区(P&lt;0.05)。两类地区人群刷牙方法正确的仅占45.5%,刷牙水温选择正确的只占24.3%,77.2%的调查者无定期口腔健康检查习惯。在偏侧咀嚼习惯上,经济欠发达地区高于经济发达地区;在咬硬物习惯上,经济发达地区高于经济欠发达地区。对洁牙和窝沟封闭的认知度经济发达地区好于经济欠发达地区。经济发达地区居民多选择正规牙科医院,经济欠发达地区居民多选择小型牙科诊所;经济发达地区居民牙痛就医率高于经济欠发达地区(P&lt;0.05)。结论社区居民对口腔健康认知度普遍较低,经济水平较高地区好于经济水平较低地区,因此口腔健康宣教有待加强,日常口腔保健行为有待改善。  相似文献   

口腔疾病患者口腔保健行为调查与健康教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 了解口腔疾病患者口腔保健行为情况,针对性开展口腔健康指导。方法 采用问卷法调查500名口腔科门诊病人,获得有关口腔自我保健行为的调查结果。结果 口腔保健行为中,竖刷法刷牙方式的正确率较低,仅为30.2%,使用过牙线的仅占10.4%;42.4%的人接受过口腔卫生教育。结论 牙病患者自我口腔保健行为正确率偏低,健康教育、保健指导工作有待深入开展。  相似文献   

204名老年人口腔疾病现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解老年口腔病发病现状和规律 ,本文参考“全国口腔流行病学调查报告” ,采用李良寿主编“口腔流行病学”的方法、标准和表格 ,对 5 5~ 70岁离退休干部进行牙体病、牙周病调查 ,以了解老年口腔病发病的现状和规律。1 材料与方法  对象 :调查泰安市老年大学、市干休所的 2 0 4名离退休干部 ,年龄 5 5~ 70岁 ,男性 70名 ,女性 134名。  方法 :在自然光线下 ,由口腔专业医师 ,经口腔健康调查训练后 ,采用一次性口腔检查器械进行视诊、探诊 ,记录并进行健康宣传教育。2 结果2 0 4名老年人的调查结果 ,按 5 5~ 6 0岁 ,6 1~ 70岁 2个…  相似文献   

广西65-74岁人群口腔健康行为抽样调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:了解广西65-74岁城乡人群口腔卫生行为、口腔卫生服务利用等情况,为广西口腔卫生保健工作提供信息支持。方法:对广西壮族自治区65-74岁城乡常住人口430人进行口腔健康问卷抽样调查。结果:广西87.21%的65-74岁老年人每天刷牙,城市为95.33%,农村为79.17%,城市好于农村(P〈0.001)。近半数(48.84%)认为自己牙齿健康状况不好,但绝大部分(88.84%)不愿意主动就医。有46.28%的老人从未看过牙,城、乡分别为17.76%、74.54%,农村高于城市(P〈0.05)。结论:广西部分65-74岁老年人未建立口腔健康行为,大部分老人对自身口腔疾病及危害认识不足,未能充分利用现有的口腔卫生资源,城乡差别较大。  相似文献   

目的了解陕西省65~74岁老年人群患龋状况,为陕西省口腔卫生保健工作提供信息支持与科学依据。方法按照第三次全国口腔健康流行病学抽样调查的要求,对陕西省城乡6个地区的787名65~74岁老年人群进行了口腔健康抽样调查。采用SPSS 13.0软件包对数据进行整理分析。结果 65~74岁老年人群冠龋的患病率为68.4%,龋均3.18,充填率9.8%;根龋的患病率35.2%,龋均为0.74,充填率20.8%。结论陕西省老年人群患龋率较高,充填率低。  相似文献   

The proportion of the US population that is age 65 or over is increasing and edentulism rates are declining. The community's elderly population is becoming an increasingly important constituency for dental public health. Little is known, however, about the actual oral health status of these people. An assessment of oral health in the elderly presents many considerations not found in an assessment of oral health among children. The selection of subjects to represent all the elderly in the community is difficult. Caries assessment is complicated by the need to distinguish between coronal caries and root caries and by the inability to determine accurately the reason for prior tooth loss. Periodontal assessment is more difficult than in younger populations because the conditions tend to be advanced. The recruitment of participants is difficult because each potential subject must be contacted individually. These assessments are needed so the oral status of adult populations can be determined.  相似文献   

目的    分析辽宁省老年人群口腔健康状况,为制定适合于辽宁省老年人群的口腔预防保健规划提供基础资料。方法    2005年9月至2006年9月采用多阶段分层等容量随机抽样的方法,从沈阳市、锦州市、瓦房店市和辽中县、义县、灯塔地区分别随机抽取132名65~74岁长住居民作为调查对象,男女各半,共792人。所有调查对象均进行根面龋的口腔临床检查。再随机抽取50%的老年人进行口腔相关行为的问卷调查,采取面对面询问并记录的方式,回收有效问卷396份,并对问卷调查数据进行统计分析。结果    辽宁省65~74岁年龄组受调查者中,患根面龋148人,患龋率为18.69%,龋均为0.36,根面龋充填率仅为2.7%。辽宁省65~74岁年龄组城市老年人群根面龋的患病率为19.95%,龋均为0.40;农村地区的根面龋患病率为17.42%,龋均为0.32。二者间患龋率和龋均差异均无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。城市老年人根面龋的充填率为1.27%,农村地区为4.35%,差异亦无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。受调查者中男性根面龋的患病率为16.67%,龋均为0.34;女性根面龋患病率为20.71%,龋均为0.39。男、女间患龋率和龋均差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。男性根面龋的充填率为1.52%,女性为3.66%,差异亦无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。回归分析显示,吸烟情况(β =-1.58)、含糖食品摄入量(β =0.46)、刷牙频率(β =0.53)、牙膏种类选择(β =0.37)、看牙费用支付途径(β =0.67)这5种因素对于辽宁省老年人群根面龋的发生都有显著影响(P < 0.05)。结论    目前辽宁省口腔卫生保健工作仍存在许多缺陷和不足之处,根面龋还没有引起人们的足够重视。  相似文献   

青海省人群龋病流行病学抽样调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解青海省人群患龋状况及龋病发病的基线资料,为口腔卫生保健工作提供依据。方法根据第3次全国口腔健康流行病学抽样调查方案,首次对青海省5、12、35~44和65~74岁4个年龄组人群的患龋状况进行流行病学抽样调查。采用SPSS13.0软件对数据进行统计分析,以患龋率、龋均和龋充填率作为统计指标。结果5岁年龄组乳牙患龋率和龋均分别为71.63%和3.30。12岁年龄组恒牙冠龋患龋率和龋均分别为22.63%和0.40。35~44岁年龄组恒牙冠龋患龋率和龋均分别为64.47%和2.06。65~74岁年龄组恒牙冠龋患龋率和龋均分别为73.89%和3.08。4个年龄组龋充填率分别为1.85%、2.53%、8.00%和3.47%。结论青海省人群龋病状况不容乐观,龋齿充填率很低,应加强口腔健康教育,采取切实有效的措施,才能降低患龋率,提高龋齿的充填率。  相似文献   

The potential need for prosthetic treatment among 720 dentate Scottish subjects of the 1978 UK Adult Dental Health Survey, was assessed by applying treatment criteria to the epidemiological data. The need was compared with the prosthetic treatment that was received under the National Health Service within 1 and 3 yr. It was found that 220 people had a need for dentures. 12.7% of the people who attended a dentist with a prosthetic need received the predicted treatment within 1 yr and 21.3% within 3 yr. Considered at the community level, as would be the case when planning a service, only 10% of those with a predicted need received the predicted treatment within 3 yr. 5.1% of the whole sample received more than the predicted treatment. This included 25 of the 500 people for whom the criteria predicted no need for dentures. 25.3% of the sample received less treatment than predicted. Taken overall, these findings indicate that the amount of prosthetic treatment demanded in the community was 28.6% of the amount predicted by the epidemiological survey. It would seem that prosthetic services in Scotland should be planned on this basis.  相似文献   

abstract Oral conditions and dental treatment needs were investigated in a group of persons aged 65–79. A sample comprising 280 persons was drawn systematically to cover all persons in this age category living in the county of Troms in Norway. 241 persons attended, leaving a participation-rate of 86. The participants were examined mainly in their homes by dentists in graduate training. Sixteen percent of the group were in constant need of assistance or care due to a poor general state of health. In all, 80% were edentulous: 72% of the men and 87% of the women. Ninety-two percent wore removable dentures, 5% had natural teeth only, and 14% had natural teeth combined with a denture. Furthermore, 4% had neither teeth nor dentures, while dentures in both jaws were found in 66%. The “objective” treatment needs were extensive and had mainly accumulated due to neglected care. Forty percent of the total group needed new complete dentures and 20% a more comprehensive correction of their dentures. By contrast only 30% intended to seek treatment in the near future. There seemed to be a definite need for a dental program to overcome or reduce the economic and other situational barriers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Gender disparity in health and diseases is increasingly being recognised. Therefore, it was decided to investigate gender differences in the elderly subjects (60+years) from a community-based study. The study was undertaken to evaluate the oral health status and treatment needs of urban and rural elderly and to study the impact of socio-demographic variables on them. STUDY DESIGN: An urban area in South Delhi and its adjoining four villages was selected. A modified WHO-Oral Health Survey proforma and Rup-Nagpal's scale were used to record oral health and socio-demographic data respectively. In addition, diet pattern (vegetarian/non-vegetarian) and body mass index (BMI) were also recorded. Chi square test and p values were calculated for each of the studied parameters. RESULTS: There were significant differences for socio-economic status, literacy level, marital and family status between elderly men and women (p<0.0001). A higher percentage of elderly women were vegetarian and overweight than elderly men (p<0.01). However, there were few differences found in the prevalence of dental caries, periodontal diseases and edentulousness between male and female elderly (p>0.01). The only difference found was in the evidence of previous dental treatment received. Elderly men had a higher percentage of filled teeth and denture wear compared to elderly women (p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Women's oral health is significantly influenced by social, economic and psychological factors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: General dental care can effectively control disease and restore damaged tissue, yet little is known about its impact on patients' subjective oral health, namely treatment goals and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). This study aimed to evaluate change in both aspects of subjective oral health among elderly adults receiving publicly-funded, general dental care. METHODS: We conducted a prospective, single-group intervention study of adults aged 75+ years receiving care through the South Australian Dental Service (SADS). Before receiving dental care, subjects completed the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) questionnaire which evaluates OHRQoL. In this questionnaire, subjects rated the extent to which they had attained a self-nominated oral health goal. Dentists provided standard-of-care treatment and six months later the OHIP-14 and goal attainment questions were re-administered. RESULTS: Among the 253 adults studied, overall improvements in OHRQoL were observed (p < 0.05), although the effect was dependent on pre-treatment goal: mean OHIP-14 scores did not change significantly for subjects whose goal was less pain/discomfort while significant improvements were observed for subjects with other treatment goals. In contrast, mean goal attainment ratings improved significantly (P < 0.05), regardless of treatment goal categories. CONCLUSIONS: Dental care was associated with improvements in subjective oral health, although different patterns of improvement were observed for OHRQoL compared with goal attainment ratings.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Oral health and dental treatment needs were investigated in 560 elderly persons in the county of Vestsjælland (West Zealand) in Denmark. Of the population aged 65 and above in three typical communities in the county, 10 % were selected by random sampling and totaled 633 persons. Of these, 560 persons (88.5 %) were interviewed and examined in their homes. The final sample population was representative of the total Danish population in relation to sex and socioeconomic status for this specific age group. Oral health was generally poor. In all, 68.2 % of the population were edentulous (64.7 of the males, 70.7 % of the females), while the dentate persons had an average of 12 teeth; 3.6 % were totally edentulous and lacked dentures in both jaws, a further 5.5 % were totally edentulous and lacked a denture in one jaw, and 83.4 % had removable dentures. Only 3.4 % of the dentate and 28.2 % of the edentulous persons did not need any dental treatment. The total percentage of people needing treatment was 80. Prosthetic treatment was the main requirement, applying to 80 % of the group. In contrast with this, only 25 % of the interviewed subjects had a subjective need for treatment. Information and economic aids for dental treatment are obviously needed in the elderly Danish population.  相似文献   

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