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CT扫描对前筛窦及其毗邻结构的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
将40具完整成人尸头进行冠状位及横断位CT扫描,其中部分尸头还运用横断位CT扫描重建矢状位CT扫描,对前筛窦及其毗邻结构进行观察。结果示:根据CT扫描,可将前筛窦气房分为4组:即漏斗前筛房(出现率87.5%)、漏斗外气房(出现率82.7%)、漏斗后气房(出现率86.3%)、筛泡筛房(出现率100.0%);同时又可将前筛窦分为筛内型(出现率71.2%)和筛外型(出现率28.8%)。表明CT扫描能充分显示前筛窦气房的气化变异及其邻近结构的影像学特征。这对于提高鼻内窥镜手术的疗效,减少严重并发症的发生,具有重要的指导意义。 相似文献
彭平 《临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》2014,(7):499-500
患者,男,39岁,头晕、头闷1年,伴右眼胀痛1个月,无流涕、嗅觉减退以及视力下降、复视或视物变形,2011年11月1日在当地医院行鼻窦CT检查,诊断为右侧筛窦占位性病变,由当地医院转入我院。入院检查:右眼球轻度前突,视力正常,无复视。右侧鼻甲无肿大及分泌物,鼻窦冠状位CT复查示:右侧慢性筛窦及蝶窦炎,筛窦骨瘤,右眼内、上直肌及眶尖受压,骨瘤CT值为2 136.97HU, 相似文献
A 29-year-old female with primary ectopic meningioma in the right ethmoid sinus was reported. She was treated by a right lateral rhinotomy with total removal of the tumor and the subsequent clinical course was good. Contrast enhanced magnetic resonance image (MRI) was most informative to define the tumor and decide the surgical procedure, in which it was demonstrated as well circumscribed mass lesion with considerable homogeneous contrast enhancement. 相似文献
患者,男,37岁,主因左侧鼻塞、流脓涕伴左眼溢泪1年于2012年1月29日收入我院。既往有左眼泪囊炎病史25年,10多年前曾于当地医院行在侧泪囊手术(手术方法及治疗过程不详),术后患者溢泪症状消失。 相似文献
眶上筛房在CT和鼻内镜下的临床特征 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
目的通过分析眶上筛房在CT和鼻内镜下的临床特征,进一步阐明眶上筛房和额窦引流通道的关系。方法通过术前评估冠状位和水平位CT和术中鼻内镜所见,确诊眶上筛房5侧(男4例,女1例,每例1侧)。结果①眶上筛房在冠状位CT上表现为额窦区域最外侧的气房;②眶上筛房在水平位CT上表现为额窦后外方的气房;③鼻内镜下见额窦和眶上筛房均引流至前筛顶部,眶上筛房的引流通道位于额窦引流口的后外方,眶上筛房向外上方气化,从后方进入额窦。结论CT和鼻内镜观察证实眶上筛房是位于筛泡上方的气房向上、向外延展过程中,超过了筛骨眶板和筛顶的范围,导致额骨眶板气化而成。 相似文献
Computed tomographic imaging to determine the frequency of anatomical variations in pneumatization of the ethmoid bone 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
N. Bašić V. Bašić T. Jukić M. Bašić M. Jelić J. Hat 《European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology》1999,256(2):69-71
The present study was performed on axial and coronal CT scans of 212 patients. Scans were analyzed by an anatomist and a
radiologist for the presence of Haller’s cells, agger nasi cells, Onodi’s cells and pneumatized crista galli. Results demonstrated
the presence of Haller’s cells in 21.2%, Onodi’s cells in 10.4% and pneumatized crista galli in 2.4% of patients. A pneumatized
anterior clinoid process was found in 0.5% of the patients. The data obtained in our study were compared with those reported
in other anatomic and radiologic studies.
Received: 30 April 1998 / Accepted: 10 June 1998 相似文献
目的:探讨国人前组筛窦的相关解剖变异,为临床手术提供参照数据和资料。方法:回顾性分析263例患者前组筛窦的影像学资料,对前组筛窦相关解剖变异进行统计和评估,并进行年龄相关性比较。结果:筛泡肥大和中鼻甲气化的出现率在成年组和未成年组差异有统计学意义。结论:CT检查不仅可以评估病变,而且可以检出与鼻腔-鼻窦疾病手术危险性相关的解剖变异,有助于预防鼻内镜手术并发症的发生。 相似文献
S G Selkin 《International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology》1985,10(1):81-85
A 15-year-old female was evaluated for pain in the region of the right medial canthus and increasing exophthalmos. She had been diagnosed as having pseudo-tumor of the right orbit when she was 8 years old. The diagnosis was sustained until a second ophthalmologist requested a CT scan which demonstrated a mucocele of the right ethmoid sinus. Intranasal endoscopy revealed medial bulging of the right middle turbinate and meatus. Following a right external ethmoidectomy the eye returned to its normal position and pain disappeared. She has been asymptomatic for the past 4 years. 相似文献
目的 通过冠状位CT扫描图像来观察筛骨钩突上端的附着及额窦引流与钩突间的关系。方法 选择我科因鼻窦炎等鼻部疾病住院患者50例,行64层CT扫描,去除局部结构不清者5侧,观察95侧患者筛骨钩突上端附着、额窦引流情况及规律。结果 62%的筛骨钩突上端有多个(两个或以上)附着点;94%(89/95)额窦直接引流入中鼻道;当筛骨钩突上端有多个附着点时,95%(56/59)的额窦直接引流入中鼻道。结论 鼻窦冠状位可清晰显示额隐窝周围结构,能基本满足临床手术要求;筛骨钩突上端附着方式与额窦引流关系密切,清楚认识其规律性对于鼻内窥镜下额窦手术有重要指导意义。 相似文献
Fernando Veiga Angélico Junior Priscila Bogar Rapoport 《Revista brasileira de otorrinolaringologia (English ed.)》2013,79(3):285-292
The Agger nasi cell (ANC) and the frontal sinus ostium (FO) are important structures that can influence the anatomy and physiology of the frontal recess. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence and size of ANC and the FO and correlate them according to gender, race and among themselves.MethodA prospective study with 40 patients who underwent CT of the paranasal sinuses with sagittal reconstruction. Measurements: ANC (APAN) anteroposterior diameter, ANC (CCAN) craniocaudal diameter, ANC (LLAN) side-to-side diameter, anteroposterior diameter of the FO (APFO) and side-to-side diameter of the FO (LLFO).ResultsTwenty-two patients were male and 18 females, mean age 33.7 years. Most patients were white (45%), followed by browns (32.5%), blacks (20%) and asians (2.5%). The ANC was present in 98.7% of patients. There was statistical difference for APAN on females and LLAN on females and on the total sample. There were no differences for all measurements regarding gender, as well as the race. ANC and FO measurements showed positive correlation, but poor or very poor.ConclusionThe prevalence of ANC in our sample was high and did not show a statistically significant difference for most measurements. The correlation between measurements of ANC and the FO was poor or very poor. 相似文献
目的:探讨以眼部症状为首发的额、筛囊肿的诊断及经鼻内镜手术治疗的疗效。方法:回顾性分析2006—02—2008—03期间收治的16例额、筛囊肿患者的临床资料。结果:16例患者中鼻窦MRI及CT检查诊断符合率为100%。14例患者经鼻内镜手术治疗后眼部症状消失,2例好转。随访3~6年,至今均无复发,疗效满意。结论:鼻窦与眼眶关系密切,鼻窦病变患者常首诊于眼科;MRI及CT检查结果对确诊很有价值。对于以眼部症状为主症的额、筛囊肿患者应及早确诊;鼻内镜手术治疗是安全有效的首选治疗方法。 相似文献
额隐窝区域解剖结构CT影像学研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:通过观察额隐窝区域的CT影像学特征,对该区域重要的解剖结构进行分析和研究。方法:选择82例(164侧)患者,对头部行多排螺旋CT扫描(螺距1mm,扫描层厚5mm,层距5mm),然后在图像工作站上进行冠状位图像重建。观察影像上鼻丘气房、钩突上端附着点、额气房、眶上气房、额泡气房和额窦内间隔气房等解剖标志的出现概率。结果:鼻丘气房的出现率为87.8%。钩突前上部参与构成鼻丘气房的内壁、上壁、下壁和后壁,后上部向上可有单一附着点(89%)或2个附着点(11%)。钩突后上部的单一附着点主要位于眶纸板(54.9%),也可附着于中鼻甲(30.5%)或颅底(3.0%)。钩突后上部的2个附着点主要附着于眶纸样板和颅底(15侧,9.2%),也可附着于眶纸板和中鼻甲(4侧,2.4%)。额气房的出现率为40.3%,其中Ⅰ、Ⅱ型(30.5%)最多见,Ⅲ型和Ⅳ型(9.8%)少见,额窦间隔气房的出现率为4.3%。结论:额气房在额窦炎的发病过程中起着重要作用。 相似文献
目的探讨应用筛窦基板层次性分析方法,指导内镜下筛窦层次性开放的可行性。方法通过鼻窦CT扫描的薄层DICOM数据,层厚层距均为0.65 mm,ImageViewer软件三维重建分析筛窦的基板(III V)层次及其气化情况。结果获得100例(200侧)患者鼻窦CT原始薄层数据,通过三维重建分析发现筛骨结构包含5个基板(I V):①基板V的出现率为60.0%,相邻基板间存在潜在的层次间隙;②Haller气房出现率为28.0%,与中鼻甲、上鼻甲基板结构气化相关者分别占19.5%、8.5%;③上鼻甲及基板气化发生率为91.5%,其中19.1%气化为Onodi气房。最上鼻甲及基板出现率60.0%,气化发生率为76.7%,其中15.8%气化为Onodi气房。Onodi气房出现率为33.0%,来源于上鼻甲基板、最上鼻甲基板的分别占17.5%,9.5%,来源于二者共同气化的占6.0%。各基板及其气化结构组成相对独立的通气引流系统,可单独出现引流障碍。手术中筛窦的开放(III V基板)过程,以上鼻甲、最上鼻甲为标志结构,结合CT提示的气化变异,可在其前方分别充分地开放III基板、IV基板气化结构构成的筛窦迷路(包括变异气房,如Haller气房),而根据CT提示V基板的气化状况和方向,可进一步实现V基板及其气化结构(包括Onodi气房)的开放。结论通过分析筛窦基板的层次性结构,对指引内镜下筛窦开放过程实现层次性、标准化有重要指导价值。 相似文献
Tabuchi K Okubo H Takahashi K Uemaetomari I Shimoyamada H Nakayama Y Hara A 《Auris, nasus, larynx》2003,30(4):421-423
Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome, also referred to as Gorlin–Goltz syndrome, is a rare autosomal dominant disorder characterized by multiple basal cell carcinomas, jaw cysts, palmar or plantar pits, ectopic calcification of the falx cerebri, and various skeletal developmental abnormalities. A minority of basal cell carcinomas demonstrate aggressive behavior and involve the craniofacial bones in nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome. A non-familial case of nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome with a basal cell carcinoma of the eyelid invading to the ethmoid sinus is reported. 相似文献
目的实施以星状裂解剖标志定位经筛泡前径路行额窦开放术,评价该术式的有效性及安全性。方法对225例(407侧)慢性额窦炎患者行星状裂解剖标志定位的筛泡前径路额窦开放术。术前常规鼻窦CT扫描,确定额窦自然开口与钩突及筛泡的关系。术中保留筛泡,依据星状裂解剖标志定位额窦开口行额窦开放手术。结果220例患者按该手术步骤开放了额窦自然开口;5例(8侧)术中暴露额窦开口困难,通过经皮额窦穿刺,注水时在内镜下观察,确定额窦自然开口位置后继续手术获得成功。无一例出现筛前动脉破裂出血和前颅底骨折等术中并发症,2例患者纸样板损伤出现眶周血肿。术后随访6~12个月,293侧(72%)可见额窦窦口开放良好,完全上皮化。201例患者(89%)主观感觉症状缓解。结论以星状裂为解剖标志定位经筛泡前径路行额窦开放术术中能较准确地寻找额窦开口,提高了额窦手术成功率,可减少手术并发症的发生。 相似文献
OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: To determine the incidence and degree of asymmetry in the height and contour of the ethmoid roof. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective review of direct coronal paranasal sinus computed tomography (CT) scans. METHODS: Retrospective review of 200 consecutive direct coronal sinus CT scans done at New York University Medical Center from July 25, 2000 to October 11, 2000. The height and contour of the fovea ethmoidalis were examined for symmetry between the right and left sides. When an asymmetry in the height of the fovea ethmoidalis existed, this difference was quantified. RESULTS: In 19 scans (9.5%), there was an asymmetry between the height of the fovea ethmoidalis on the right and left sides. Of these 19, 12 (63.2%) were lower on the right side, whereas 7 (36.8%) were lower on the left. Ninety-six patients (48.0%) demonstrated a contour asymmetry with "flattening" of the ethmoid roof on one side, 46 on the right and 50 on the left. One patient demonstrated both height and contour asymmetry. The fovea ethmoidalis on the remaining 86 scans (43.0%) was symmetric. CONCLUSIONS: In a patient population with sinus and nasal symptoms, the height and contour of the right and left fovea ethmoidalis were symmetric in less than 50% of individuals. The asymmetry was most often the result of a difference in contour with flattening of the fovea on one side. This underscores the importance of careful preoperative and intraoperative review of paranasal sinus CT scans in patients undergoing endoscopic sinus surgery. 相似文献
《European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases》2018,135(6):453-455
IntroductionSynovial sarcoma is a malignant mesenchymal tumour typically occurring in the extremities. Its occurrence in the head and neck region, particularly in the paranasal sinuses is extremely rare.Case reportHere, we report a case of primary synovial sarcoma of the ethmoid sinus in a 36-year-old female and review the literature of synovial sarcomas arising from the ethmoid sinus. Histopathology was essential in confirming the diagnosis. The patient underwent endoscopic excision of the tumour followed by postoperative radiotherapy.DiscussionAs per our knowledge, only 2 cases of ethmoid sinus synovial sarcoma have been reported in the English literature till date. Although synovial sarcomas rarely involve the paranasal sinuses, they should be included in the differential diagnosis of paranasal sinus tumours. The accepted treatment modality is wide local excision followed by post operative radiotherapy. 相似文献
Osteoblastoma is categorized as a benign bone-forming tumor, which occurs rarely in the craniofacial region. We report a case of osteoblastoma developed in the nasal cavity and ethmoid sinus in a 14-year-old girl whose chief symptom was nasal obstruction and exophthalmos on the right side. CT revealed the lesion having the same density as bone and a ground-glass border, expanding to the nasal and paranasal cavities. Complete removal was accomplished under endoscopic view, although the tumor was removed piece by piece. Histologic inspection showed exuberant osteoid trabeculae and immature bone formation by osteoblasts with vascularized connective tissue. We diagnosed the tumor as osteoblastoma based on the clinical presentation and the size of the tumor. No recurrence was evident at the 1-year follow-up visit. 相似文献