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人类皮肤中5-羟色胺的免疫学作用机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类皮肤中5-羟色胺(5-HT)作为一种免疫调节介质具有极其复杂的机制,它可以调节人类皮肤中先天性和获得性免疫5-HT诱导T和B细胞增殖,T细胞和单核细胞又可以释放5-HT,在树突状细胞和角质形成细胞上均有5-HT或其受体表达,5-HT对淋巴细胞、自然杀伤细胞、单核—巨噬细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞和细胞因子(IL-1β、IL-6、IL-8、IL-12、TNF-α)等均有显著作用,这些机制涉及到免疫性皮肤病和皮肤肿瘤的发病机制,因此,5-HT免疫学作用机制及其受体相关药物的研发对治疗一些皮肤病可能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

白癜风患者皮损在色素恢复过程中,白斑边缘正常表皮基底层黑素细胞和毛囊外毛根鞘无活性黑素细胞(AMMC)是白癜风患者皮损色素恢复的两个途径.AMMC可被某些特定因子激活、增殖和游走,并产生黑素,可能是黑素千细胞.5-羟色胺/褪黑素能系统(5-HTs/MTs)对黑素细胞(MC)和AMMC的增殖和凋亡产生作用;5-羟色胺(5-HT)抑制黑素生成,黑素细胞内生成褪黑(激)素(MT)可能是黑素的内在调节剂,因而探讨5-HTs/MTs信号转导途径对AMMC的作用机制,可进一步揭示白癜风的发病机理,对开发新的5-HT类药物及临床治疗提供科学依据,具有重要的理论和应用价值.  相似文献   

银屑病的治疗及与5-羟色胺关系的对比观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨 5 羟色胺 (5 HT)相关药物治疗银屑病的疗效 ,揭示 5 HT在银屑病发病机制中的作用。方法 A组 3 5例患者采用赛庚啶、复方丹参注射液、胸腺肽注射液、普鲁卡因静脉封闭和中药治疗 ;B组 3 3例患者采用胸腺肽注射液和中药治疗 ;C组 3 2例患者采用维生素C、维生素E治疗。治疗前 3 6例、治疗痊愈后 2 5例患者抽静脉血检测全血 5 HT含量。结果 A、B、C三组总有效率分别为 77.14 %、5 4.5 4%、9.2 8% ,三组比较差异有显著性 ;治疗前全血 5 HT含量低于正常对照组 (P <0 .0 1) ,治疗痊愈后全血 5 HT含量接近正常对照组 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论  5 HT相关药物是治疗寻常性银屑病的有效药物 ,5 HT通过与CD+ 4 淋巴细胞表面上 5 HT受体结合而参与银屑病的发病。  相似文献   

采用免疫组化SP法检测慢性湿疹患者皮损处5-HT的表达及分布特点。慢性湿疹皮损处5-HT在棘细胞,外泌汗腺、皮脂腺、毛囊呈阳性表达。5-HT在慢性湿疹患者皮损中的异常表达,可能是由于5-HT与5-HT2R结合,诱导T淋巴细胞产生IFN-7等细胞因子,作用于表皮中的Langhans细胞,参与免疫反应,从而在慢性湿疹的发病中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

5-羟色胺与精神相关性皮肤病   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叙述了精神紧张在多种皮肤病(如:银屑病,荨麻疹,湿疹,皮炎,斑秃,疱疹病毒感染等)中的作用,介绍了紧张诱导皮肤病的潜在机制,采用5-羟色胺类药物治疗精神相关性皮肤病可取得满意疗效。为临床和基础研究中寻找紧张-5-羟色胺-精神相关性皮肤病的联系提供科学依据。  相似文献   

慢性湿疹患者血中5-羟色胺含量的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们对慢性湿疹患者全血和血清5-羟色胺含量进行了测定,探讨其在发病中的作用。  相似文献   

为探讨5-羟色胺(5-HT)在瘙痒症发病机理中的意义,用高效液相色谱-紫外光检测法测定了38例瘙痒症患者血清5-HT含量,并与正常对照组比较。结果:38例译音痒症患者血清5-HT含量高于正常对照组(P<0.01),5-HT可能是被血管壁上交感神经末梢摄取并经5-HT受体介导,刺激瘙痒感受器,引起瘙痒。  相似文献   

目的 观察急性颅脑损伤(ABI)所致心肌损害及内源性血小板5-羟色胺(5-HT)水平变化,探讨内源性5-HT在ABI致心肌损害发生机制中的作用.方法 48例ABI患者根据格拉斯哥昏迷评分(GCS)分为轻、中、重三型.16例同期住院但体检无器质性心脏病的住院患者为对照组.采用荧光免疫和高效液相-电化学法(HPLC-ECD)测定入院即刻、第3天及第7 d血肌酸肌酶-MB同功酶(CK-MB)和血小板5-HT水平.结果 在伤后即刻和入院第3天时间点,各型ABI患者血CK-MB水平和血小板5-HT水平均显著高于对照组(均P <0.01),且重型损伤患者的CK-MB水平和血小板5-HT水平显著高于中型患者,中型患者又显著高于轻型患者(均P <0.01);在入院第7 d时间点,中、重型ABI患者血CK-MB水平和血小板5-HT水平仍高于对照组(P <0.05或P <0.01),但轻型ABI患者的血CK-MB水平和血小板5-HT水平与对照组比较无显著性差异,重型损伤患者的CK-MB水平和血小板5-HT水平均显著高于中型患者和轻型患者(P <0.05或P <0.01),而轻、中型ABI患者血CK-MB水平和血小板5-HT水平间无显著性差异.各型ABI患者伤后血小板5-HT水平与血CK-MB水平之间均呈正相关(P<0.05或P<0.01).结论 ABI可引起心肌损害的发生,其程度与ABI严重程度有关,且具有一定的可逆性;ABI患者伤后内源性5-HT水平升高可能参与了心肌损害的发生.  相似文献   

酶免试验测定斑秃患者全血5-羟色胺含量及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斑秃的发病率较高,近来认为可能与自身免疫有关,而5-羟色胺也与自身免疫有关,5-羟色胺是否参与斑秃的发病?为此,我们进行了探讨,现报告如下。  相似文献   

5—羟色胺与皮肤病   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
5-羟色胺(5-HT)是介质之一。与炎症有关的介质有5-HT,组胺、激肽、乙酰胆碱、溶酶体酶等。当体内发生体液性或细胞性免疫反应时,可引起介质的激活或释放,并作用于效应细胞的受体,造成组织损伤,产生炎症反应。5-HT能使平滑肌收缩、毛细血管扩张、通透性增高,引起皮肤红斑水肿、发绀、出血、疼痛及瘙痒等炎症反应。本文就5-HT的生物学特性及其作用,5-HT与变应性皮肤病、结缔组织皮肤病、血管性皮肤病、瘙痒性皮肤病的致病关系,抗5-HT药物的应用等问题作一综述、供临床研究和治疗作参考。1 5-HT的化…  相似文献   

CD44 is thought to be a principal cell surface receptor for hyaluronic acid. Although the distribution of hyalulonic acid has been studied, little is known about the distribution of the CD44 molecule in the human skin and skin tumors. This study was undertaken to investigate the distribution of the CD44 molecule in normal human skin as well as in benign and malignant skin tumors. In normal skin, CD44 was expressed on 1) keratinocyte cell surfaces throughout the epidermis except for the granular and horny layers, 2) hair follicular cells, 3) eccrine sweat gland cells, and 4) cell surfaces of dendritic cells in the dermis. In skin tumors, although CD44 was expressed on the tumor cell surface of seborreic keratosis, Bowen's disease, and squamous cell carcinoma as in normal skin, we could not detect any CD44 expression on the cell surface of the tumor cells of basal cell carcinoma. However, CD44 positive dendritic cells were observed in the tumor islands of basal cell carcinoma. Phenotypic analysis suggested that these CD44 positive cells were melanocytes.  相似文献   

We have cloned the tryptophan hydroxylase cDNA from hamster pituitary and demonstrated its expression in the skin, melanotic and amelanotic melanomas, spleen, heart, and the eye. We further demonstrated that skin, melanomas, spleen, pituitary, and eye but not heart expressed arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase mRNA. The cutaneous expression of the arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase gene was accompanied by enzymatic activity for the conversion of serotonin and tryptamine to N-acetylserotonin and N-acetyltryptamine, respectively. There was marked regional variation in the serotonin N-acetyltransferase activity, which was higher in ear skin than in corpus skin, and was lower in melanomas than in normal skin. Serotonin N-acetyltransferase activity was significantly inhibited by Cole bisubstrate at low concentration (相似文献   

人乳头瘤病毒与皮肤病   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
人乳头瘤病毒 (HPV)按其生物学行为可被分为高危型和低危型两大类 ,前者主要引起肛门生殖道恶性肿瘤 ,而后者则主要与许多皮肤粘膜的良性增殖性损害有关。HPV的早期基因E6、E7能够转化和永生化细胞 ,降解某些细胞抑癌蛋白 ,促进细胞增殖和参与细胞周期的调控。HPV与皮肤相关的疾病除了皮肤疣与尖锐湿疣外 ,尚包括疣状表皮发育不良、非黑素细胞瘤性皮肤肿瘤等 ,HPV在这些皮肤病中的致病机理值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

The process of human dermal development has been examined from the stage of the embryonic mesenchymal dermis (5-8 weeks of gestation) through the formation of the fibrous dermal connective (end of the first trimester), and during the growth of the fetal dermis (second and third trimesters) until birth. The elaboration of dermal organization and the overall increase in dermal thickness, largely consequences of extracellular, fibrous matrix accumulation, parallel the development and growth of the fetus as a whole. Although the mechanisms that determine the formation of the connective tissue architecture are not fully understood, the structural, histochemical, and biochemical changes that occur throughout development suggest processes that may be important in human dermal embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Background The nucleotide adenosine triphosphate (ATP) has long been known to drive and participate in countless intracellular processes. Extracellular ATP and its metabolite adenosine have also been shown to exert a variety of effects on nearly every cell type in human skin. Knowledge of the sources and effects of extracellular ATP in human skin may help shape new therapies for skin injury, inflammation, and numerous other cutaneous disorders.Objective The objective of this review is to introduce the reader to current knowledge regarding the sources and effects of extracellular ATP in human skin and to outline areas in which further research is necessary to clarify the nature and mechanism of these effects.Conclusion Extracellular ATP seems to play a direct role in triggering skin inflammatory, regenerative, and fibrotic responses to mechanical injury, an indirect role in melanocyte proliferation and apoptosis, and a complex role in Langerhans cell-directed adaptive immunity.
SommaireAntècédents Ladénosine triphosphate (ATP) est un nucléotide impliqué dans un grand nombre de processus intracellulaires. LATP extracellulaire et son métabolite produisent divers effets sur presque chaque type de cellule de la peau humaine. La connaissance des sources et des effets de lATP extracellulaire dans la peau humaine pourra aider à ouvrir la voie à de nouvelles thérapies des lésions cutanées, des inflammations et de nombreux autres troubles.Objectifs Présenter au lecteur les connaissances actuelles portant sur les sources et les effets de lATP extracellulaire dans la peau humaine et cerner les domaines où une recherche plus poussée est nécessaire afin de clarifier la nature et les mécanismes de ces effets.Conclusion LATP extracellulaire semble jouer un rôle direct dans le déclenchement des réponses inflammatoires, régénératrices et fibreuses de la peau à la suite dun traumatisme, un rôle indirect dans la prolifération et lapoptose des mélanocytes, et un rôle complexe dans limmunité adaptative en présence des cellules de Langerhans.

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