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An antigen-capture sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed for a novel protein granulophysin, a constituent of the platelet dense granule (DG) membrane and used to characterize patients with dense granule storage pool deficiency (delta-SPD). The assay uses two monoclonal antibodies against the protein, one of which is conjugated to peroxidase. Purified DGs, an enriched source of the protein, were used for the standard curve. Granulophysin levels were only low in forms of delta-SPD associated with albinism. Granulophysin levels in platelet homogenates of 30 patients with the Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome form of delta-SPD were 1/4 to 1/5 of levels in controls or obligate heterozygotes. Two patients with the Chediak-Higashi form of delta-SPD syndrome also had markedly reduced levels of granulophysin. Patients with other forms of delta-SPD had normal levels of granulophysin. Two sisters with delta-SPD in one family had normal granulophysin present in empty dense granule membrane vesicles. Three members of another family with delta-SPD had low DG counts but normal granulophysin levels, indicating that in this group the level of granulophysin was maintained despite the reduction in granule formation. Thus, granulophysin quantitation facilitates characterization of delta-SPD patients and may provide clues to the nature of defective granules in delta-SPD subtypes.  相似文献   

Platelet dense granules (DGs) are membrane bound compartments that store polyphosphate and small molecules such as ADP, ATP, Ca2+, and serotonin. The release of DG contents plays a central role in platelet aggregation to form a hemostatic plug. Accordingly, congenital deficiencies in the biogenesis of platelet DGs underlie human genetic disorders that cause storage pool disease and manifest with prolonged bleeding. DGs belong to a family of lysosome-related organelles, which also includes melanosomes, the compartments where the melanin pigments are synthesized. These organelles share several characteristics including an acidic lumen and, at least in part, the molecular machinery involved in their biogenesis. As a result, many genes affect both DG and melanosome biogenesis and the corresponding patients present not only with bleeding but also with oculocutaneous albinism. The identification and characterization of such genes has been instrumental in dissecting the pathways responsible for organelle biogenesis. Because the study of melanosome biogenesis has advanced more rapidly, this knowledge has been extrapolated to explain how DGs are produced. However, some progress has recently been made in studying platelet DG biogenesis directly in megakaryocytes and megakaryocytoid cells. DGs originate from an endosomal intermediate compartment, the multivesicular body. Maturation and differentiation into a DG begins when newly synthesized DG-specific proteins are delivered from early/recycling endosomal compartments. The machinery that orchestrates this vesicular trafficking is composed of a combination of both ubiquitous and cell type-specific proteins. Here, we review the current knowledge on DG biogenesis. In particular, we focus on the individual human and murine genes encoding the molecular machinery involved in this process and how their deficiencies result in disease.  相似文献   

Summary. Two sisters with lifelong bleeding tendencies were examined to determine whether their condition was associated with a platelet defect. Their platelet aggregation in response to epinephrine and collagen was abnormal, and the secretion of serotonin and ATP was markedly reduced. The platelet contents of serotonin, ADP, and ATP were all diminished and the ATP:ADP ratio was increased. Direct enumeration by whole-mount and quinacrine-fluorescence techniques demonstrated that the platelets from both sisters had significantly fewer dense granules than controls. These characteristics are similar to an individual with Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome and are consistent with a platelet dense granule deficiency. In contrast, immunofluorescence studies using an antibody against the dense granule membrane protein granulophysin suggested that both sisters had numbers of granules within the normal range. Evaluation by immunoblotting and ELISA indicated the presence of normal levels of granulophysin in the platelets from both sisters: FACS analysis demonstrated the surface expression of granulophysin under conditions of selective dense granule release. These results are consistent with these sisters having a form of dense granule storage pool deficiency where the granular membranes are present but the granules have reduced contents. This observation represents a novel form of storage pool disease which we have termed the empty sack syndrome.  相似文献   

White JG  Keel S  Reyes M  Burris SM 《Platelets》2007,18(1):1-10
Alpha-Delta platelet storage pool deficiency (alphadelta SPD) is a rare inherited bleeding disorder affecting both males and females, occurring in families, as well as sporadically. Patient platelets in most cases are moderately deficient in both alpha granules and dense bodies. Only one patient has been severely deficient in both organelles. The present study is the first to document a severe decrease in both platelet alpha granules and dense bodies in four members in three generations of the same family. Efforts to differentiate this disorder from other hypogranular platelets syndromes in the present investigation suggested that the alpha granules and dense bodies become connected to channels of the open canalicular system (OCS) and lose their contents to the exterior without prior activation of the cells. In contrast, alpha granule formation in the white platelet syndrome is too slow, and cells leave the bone marrow still in the process of producing organelles. Gray platelet syndrome platelets can make alpha granules, but their enclosing membranes are unable to retain stored products. As a result, the organelles lose their contents to surrounding cytoplasm in megakaryocytes and platelets, not selectively through the demarcation system channels and OCS channels. Thus, the pathogenesis of alphadelta SPD is unique.  相似文献   

Reddington  M; Novak  EK; Hurley  E; Medda  C; McGarry  MP; Swank  RT 《Blood》1987,69(5):1300-1306
Mepacrine uptake into platelets and bone marrow megakaryocytes was analyzed to further characterize the dense granule defects in a group of seven mouse pigment mutants that have characteristics of platelet storage pool disease (SPD). In contrast to our previous studies using electron microscopy, this method revealed that all mutants had normal numbers of dense granules. However, total mepacrine uptake in all mutant platelets was significantly diminished to less than 50% of normal uptake. Also, the flashing phenomenon observed when normal dense granules are irradiated with ultraviolet light was either greatly diminished or absent when platelets of individual mutants were similarly irradiated. Therefore the principal defect in the mutant platelets is an inability to accumulate dense granule contents rather than an absence of the granules. Mepacrine uptake into megakaryocytes was indistinguishable in normal and mutant mice. This indicates the mutant dense granule defects appear either very late in megakaryocyte development or early in platelet formation in correlation with development of the mature dense granule. By standard transmission electron microscopy we have not been able to detect gross structural or subcellular abnormalities in either platelets or megakaryocytes of mutant mice. It appears all seven mutants produce immature or functionally abnormal dense granules.  相似文献   

We evaluated 46 patients with prolonged bleeding times, and no demonstrable abnormalities of either von Willebrand factor or platelet aggregation, for possible deficiency of platelet storage pool. Studies of ATP release from thrombin-stimulated platelets and enumeration of dense granules in platelet whole mounts were performed in these patients. Seventeen patients (35%) had both decreased ATP release and decreased numbers of dense granules, suggesting the presence of a storage pool defect. Thus, storage pool deficiency may be present in the absence of the classical aggregation abnormalities. Evidence of storage pool deficiency should be considered in all patients with an isolated unexplained prolongation of the bleeding time. The methods used in this study are readily applicable to most clinical laboratories.  相似文献   

B Lages  H Holmsen  H J Weiss  C Dangelmaier 《Blood》1983,61(1):154-162
The secretion of the dense granule constituents ATP, ADP, calcium, pyrophosphate (PPi), and orthophosphate (Pi), and the release of magnesium induced by thrombin and the divalent cation ionophore A23187 have been quantitated directly in gel-filtered platelets from patients with storage pool deficiency (SPD). Both the contents and the maximal amounts of the dense granule constituents secretable by thrombin were decreased in all the patients studied, while the nonsecretable, retained amounts of these substances were identical in SPD and normal platelets. In response to both thrombin and A23187, the amounts of secretable ATP and ADP were strongly correlated in the platelets of individual patients; in contrast, secretable calcium showed no correlation with the nucleotides, and significant amounts of calcium were secreted in the total absence of nucleotide secretion in the platelets of several patients. The contents of magnesium were normal in all patients, and approximately 12% of platelet magnesium was liberated by thrombin in both SPD and normal platelets. A23187 induced the release of up to 70% of the magnesium content of normal platelets, but released significantly less (46%) magnesium from SPD platelets. Platelet aggregation induced by A23187 in platelet-rich plasma was also markedly decreased in SPD platelets. The correlations among secretable dense granule constituents suggest the presence in SPD platelets of abnormal dense granule structures that sequester calcium and other constituents but little or no adenine nucleotides, and are thus consistent with a hypothesis that impaired nucleotide transport and/or storage may be the primary dense granule defect in this disorder. In addition, these results demonstrate that certain responses to A23187 are impaired in SPD platelets.  相似文献   

Ingerman  CM; Smith  JB; Shapiro  S; Sedar  A; Silver  MJ 《Blood》1978,52(2):332-344
An abnormality of platelet aggregation has been detected in six family members with mild bleeding tendencies. In citrated platelet-rich plasma, primary aggregation induced by ADP or epinephrine and agglutination in response to ristocetin were present but second wave aggregation and aggregation in response to collagen suspension were absent or greatly reduced. Sodium arachidonate-induced aggregation was normal although aggregation in response to prostaglandin G2 was reduced and depended entirely on the presence of plasma or ADP. Further tests indicated that the platelets produced prostaglandins but did not release ATP in response to thrombin or sodium arachidonate. Platelets from the patients were found to contain reduced amounts of ADP and 5- hydroxytryptamine and to be unable to retain radioactivity during prolonged incubation at 37 degree C with radiolabeled 5- hydroxytryptamine. Although electron microscopy revealed an absence of very dense bodies, the platelets appeared otherwise normal. The findings are discussed in relation to previous studies of nucleotide storage pool deficiency and the light they shed on platelet physiology in general.  相似文献   

Cocoa: a new mouse model for platelet storage pool deficiency   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We describe genetic, haematological and biochemical properties of a new mouse pigment mutant, cocoa (coa). Cocoa is a recessive mutation located on the centromeric end of chromosome 3 near the Car-2 locus. The mutation causes increased bleeding time accompanied by symptoms of platelet storage pool deficiency (SPD), including decreased platelet serotonin and decreased visibility of dense granules as analysed by electron microscopy of unfixed platelets. Dense granules were visible in normal numbers when platelets were incubated with the fluorescent dye, mepacrine. The intragranular environment, however, was abnormal as indicated by decreased flashing of mepacrine-loaded dense granules after exposure to ultraviolet light. Unlike the previously described seven mouse pigment mutations with SPD in which pigment granules, platelet dense granules and lysosomes are affected, the cocoa mutant had normal secretion of lysosomal enzymes from kidney proximal tubule cells and platelets. The cocoa mutation thus represents an example of a single gene which simultaneously affects melanosomes and platelet dense granules but probably does not affect lysosomes. The results indicate that melanosomes and platelet dense granules share steps in synthesis and/or processing. Cocoa may be a model for cases of human Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome in which functions of melanosomes and platelet dense granules, but not lysosomes, are involved.  相似文献   

Menard  M; Meyers  KM 《Blood》1988,72(5):1726-1734
Platelets from cattle with the Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS) have a storage pool deficiency and virtual absence of platelet dense granules. Megakaryocytes (MKs) from five control (n = 135) and five CHS (n = 133) cattle were evaluated using standard transmission electron microscopy. Osmiophilic dense granules were not observed in control or CHS MKs. In MKs from normal cattle, clear vesicles of 200- to 650-nm diameter bounded by a sharp membrane were observed. They were easily differentiated from the demarcation membrane system, endoplasmic reticulum, and alpha granules. The clear vesicles were virtually absent in MKs from CHS cattle at all stages of maturation. MKs in bone marrow samples from two control (n = 91) and two CHS (n = 61) cattle that had been processed for the uranaffin reaction were also evaluated. The clear vesicles were replaced by uranaffin-positive granules in MKs from control cattle, but positive uranaffin granules were not observed in CHS MKs. These findings indicate that the platelet dense granule storage pool deficiency in CHS cattle results from an anatomic absence of dense granule precursors in maturing and mature CHS MKs.  相似文献   

Daniels  TM; Fass  DN; White  JG; Bowie  EJ 《Blood》1986,67(4):1043-1047
We report a new bleeding disease--storage pool deficiency (SPD) of platelets--in pigs from the Mayo swine colony of homozygous von Willebrand's disease (vWD) and of heterozygous carriers of vWD. Levels of factor VIII, von Willebrand factor antigen (vWF:Ag), and ristocetin cofactor (RCof) were similar in the vWD carriers and SPD pigs. The latter pigs, however, had bleeding times of 15 minutes or more and were severe bleeders, in contrast to clinically normal vWD carriers. Platelet aggregation in response to collagen was reduced in most SPD pigs. Total platelet content of ADP, ATP, and serotonin was less than that of normal pigs. While the initial uptake of 14C-labeled serotonin into platelets was similar in SPD and normal pigs, retention of serotonin was reduced in platelets of SPD pigs. Transmission electron microscopy showed a large decrease of dense bodies in the platelets of SPD pigs. These findings support a diagnosis of SPD. Genetic analyses suggest an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. A breeding program is under way to produce pigs affected only at the SPD gene, thus allowing further characterization of SPD and SPD-carrier pigs.  相似文献   

White JG 《Platelets》2004,15(6):345-353
Human platelet granule deficiency disorders include the gray platelet syndrome (GPS), alpha delta storage pool deficiency, the Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome and the White platelet syndrome. The present study describes a patient with a lifelong history of easy bleeding, thrombocytopenia and giant platelets. Her cells were found to have normal numbers of dense bodies, but a markedly decreased number of alpha granules. Many platelets had no alpha granules and resembled the gray platelets of patients with GPS. However, the empty vacuoles without granule contents that fill the cytoplasm of GPS platelets were not present in significant numbers in her platelets. In addition to the decrease in alpha granules the patients platelets contained membranous inclusions resembling cigars or scrolls. Usually, only one scroll open at each end was present, but many platelets contained two and some as many as five. Freeze-fracture revealed an absence of intramembranous particles in many layers of the scrolls. They occur in no other human platelet disorder, but are common in platelets from the Wistar-Furth rat. Thus, the patient is a unique variant of human platelet granule deficiency disorders unlike any described previously.  相似文献   

Cats with the Chediak-Higashi (CH) syndrome have abnormal hemostasis with prolonged bleeding times and normal coagulation times. Platelet aggregation induced by serotonin, ADP, and collagen was impaired. Platelets from normal and CH cats were incubated with 14C-adenine and then gel-filtered. Gel-filtered platelets (GFP) from CH cats contained 63% of the ATP, 38% of the ADP, 100% of the Ca2+, and 75% of the Mg25 of normal platelets. Serotonin could not be detected in CH platelets. Acid hydrolase and total platelet protein of CH platelets was similar to normal platelets. Gel-filtered platelets were treated with thrombin to induce maximal secretion. Secretion of ATP, Ca2+, and Mg2+ was 1.9%, 12.4%, and 16% respectively of normal platelets. ADP secretion by CH platelets was not detectable. The ATP/ADP ratio in the 14C-labeled metabolic pool of normal platelets was similar to that of total measured nucleotide pool of CH platelets. These findings suggest that in feline CH platelets, as in platelets from CH mink and cattle, there is storage pool deficiency that is virtually complete, and the virtual absence of ADP and 5HT may in part account for the abnormal hemostasis. Aggregation of platelets from CH cats was impaired, but these platelets did aggregate to arachidonate, serotonin-induced biphasic aggregation, and the aggregation response to ADP and collagen varied according to the amount of serotonin-induced TxB2 formed. These findings support a major role for arachidonate in platelet activation.  相似文献   

A 26-year-old female with known platelet storage pool disease presented with a short history of recurrent haemoptysis. Initial investigations were unhelpful until the cyclical nature of the symptoms became apparent prompting the unusual diagnosis of pulmonary endometriosis to be made. This was subsequently confirmed on premenstrual CT scanning. The introduction of a specific hormonal therapy and multidisciplinary input was ultimately successful.  相似文献   

James G. White 《Platelets》2013,24(7):522-527
Jacobsen syndrome and Paris-Trousseau Syndrome share similar congenital anomalies, thrombocytopenia, giant platelet alpha granules resulting from fusion of smaller organelles, and an 11q terminal deletion at 11q23.3. Similarities in the two cohorts have suggested that the Paris-Trousseau Syndrome is a variant of Jacobsen syndrome, or the same disorder. The present study has pointed out a significant difference between the two syndromes. Platelets from six patients with Jacobsen syndrome were markedly diminished in serotonin adenine nucleotide rich dense bodies, indicating the presence of platelet storage pool deficiency. Since platelet dense bodies are reported to be normal in size, number and distribution in the Paris-Trousseau Syndrome, the presence of platelet storage pool deficiency in six patients evaluated in the present study may distinguish the two disorders.  相似文献   

White JG 《Platelets》2007,18(7):522-527
Jacobsen syndrome and Paris-Trousseau Syndrome share similar congenital anomalies, thrombocytopenia, giant platelet alpha granules resulting from fusion of smaller organelles, and an 11q terminal deletion at 11q23.3. Similarities in the two cohorts have suggested that the Paris-Trousseau Syndrome is a variant of Jacobsen syndrome, or the same disorder. The present study has pointed out a significant difference between the two syndromes. Platelets from six patients with Jacobsen syndrome were markedly diminished in serotonin adenine nucleotide rich dense bodies, indicating the presence of platelet storage pool deficiency. Since platelet dense bodies are reported to be normal in size, number and distribution in the Paris-Trousseau Syndrome, the presence of platelet storage pool deficiency in six patients evaluated in the present study may distinguish the two disorders.  相似文献   

Novak  EK; McGarry  MP; Swank  RT 《Blood》1985,66(5):1196-1201
Two human diseases of platelet storage pool deficiency (SPD), Hermansky- Pudlak syndrome and Chediak-Higashi syndrome, are recessively inherited disorders characterized by hypopigmentation, prolonged bleeding, and normal platelet counts accompanied by a reduction in dense granule number. We have recently described seven independent recessive mutations in the mouse regulated by separate genes which are likely animal models for human SPD. Reciprocal bone marrow transplants were carried out between normal C57BL/6J mice and two of these mutants, beige and pallid, in order to test whether the platelet defects are due to a defect in platelet progenitor cells or to humoral factors. Normal and congenic mutant mice were transplanted with marrow after 950 rad whole body radiation. The long bleeding times and low serotonin concentrations of the two mutants were converted to normal values after transplantation with normal marrow. Likewise, normal mice displayed symptoms of SPD when transplanted with mutant marrow. These studies demonstrate that with each of the two mutations, platelet SPD results from a defect in bone marrow precursor cells. Also, the studies suggest that in severe cases, platelet SPD may be successfully treated by bone marrow transplantation.  相似文献   

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