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石墨烯及其衍生物是目前各领域研究最热门的碳材料之一。这种碳材料虽然研究的历史很短,但由于其非凡的物理化学性能以及生物相容性,已成为生物医学应用的潜力材料。本文概述了石墨烯的性质和制备,重点介绍了石墨烯衍生物在口腔生物学方面的最新进展。  相似文献   

石墨烯是作为一种新兴材料,在生物医学领域的研究近年来逐渐增多.三维石墨烯是指具有三维结构的二维石墨烯组装体,三维结构提升了石墨烯的多孔性、比表面积等,更适于细胞粘附、生长,使其具有诱导间充质干细胞成骨的能力.本文以三维石墨烯及其衍生物的理化性质和生物相容性为基础,对三维石墨烯及其衍生物诱导牙源性干细胞成骨作用的研究进展...  相似文献   

基因组学和基因治疗的快速发展为许多难以治愈的疾病提供了解决方案,但如何设计安全有效的基因载体是阻碍其临床应用的关键。石墨烯及其衍生物因其独特的物理化学、热学、电学、光学等优良性能,被众多学者认为是一种具有潜在利用价值的基因载体。本文就石墨烯及其衍生物作为基因载体所具有的性能和常见的功能化类型进行综述。  相似文献   

近年来研究显示,石墨烯及其衍生物具有良好的理化性质和生物相容性,可促进细胞增殖和干细胞分化。牙髓再生涉及种子细胞增殖和分化,提示石墨烯及其衍生物有望应用于牙髓再生。然而,石墨烯及其衍生物的理化性质是否适合髓腔环境及其对牙髓再生种子细胞的具体作用等均未见报道。本文对石墨烯及其衍生物的理化性质、细胞学作用和在组织工程中的应用情况进行综述,为将其应用于牙髓再生研究提供参考。  相似文献   

石墨烯拥有独特的结构和优异的性能,被誉为"黑金" ,是21世纪当之无愧的"新材料之王" ,有望广泛应用于生物医学领域,如组织工程、药物运输、基因载体、生物成像等。石墨烯在口腔医学领域具有良好的应用前景,本文就其生物相容性和细胞毒性、抗菌性能、促进成骨分化以及优异的机械性能,在口腔种植方面的相关研究作一综述。  相似文献   

氧化石墨烯是石墨烯经含氧官能团化学修饰得到的复合材料,除兼有石墨烯优良的物理、化学性质外,还可提供较大的表面积,促进干细胞增殖、成骨分化,且具有独特的生物相容性和抗菌性能,从而为其在生物医学方面的应用提供了广泛的前景.本文综述了氧化石墨烯应用于药物与蛋白传递、骨组织再生、抗菌抗炎方面的研究进展及其可能存在的不良反应.  相似文献   

石墨烯家族具有优异的光学、电学、力学特性,在材料学、微纳加工、能源、生物医学和药物传递等方面具有广阔的应用前景,被认为是一种未来革命性的材料。近年来,其在生物医学及组织工程领域得到广泛研究,但有关其生物相容性的研究缺乏系统综述和讨论。本文将对石墨烯家族生物相容性的体内、体外研究进行系统综述和讨论。  相似文献   

近年来,石墨烯凭借其独特性能,已开始广泛应用于组织工程、药物运输以及疾病诊断等领域。越来越多的研究报道,石墨烯材料具有良好的生物相容性和理化性质,同时还能够促进干细胞的粘附以及成骨分化,展现了其在组织工程尤其是骨组织工程的巨大应用前景。该文就石墨烯在组织工程领域应用的进展做一综述,希望为再生医学尤其是骨缺损的修复方面提供新的思路。  相似文献   

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壳聚糖由天然多糖甲壳素经脱乙酰化处理而成,是生物相容性和水解性较好的低聚糖,具有较好的广谱抗菌性。近年来,壳聚糖及其衍生物的抗菌性是医药、保健、食品和化妆品等领域的研究热点,本文就壳聚糖及其衍生物抗菌性能方面研究进行综述。  相似文献   

随着种植体在口腔领域的广泛应用,口腔种植体相关的感染成为威胁种植体远期疗效的重大隐患。种植体表面的菌斑和生物膜与感染密切相关,一种有效的途径是通过种植体表面抗菌技术处理以防止微生物的聚集与粘附,本文就种植体表面抗菌技术的分类与研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

目的:在从健康人群口腔中筛选出具有益生潜能的唾液乳酸杆菌,对益生菌用于口腔疾病的防治进行初步探究。方法:取身体健康且无口腔疾病的志愿者非刺激性唾液并进行选择性培养,筛选得到乳酸杆菌,经革兰染色鉴定及16srDNA测序分析得到唾液乳酸杆菌,将菌株纯化培养后取其无菌的发酵液上清以变形链球菌为指示菌进行抑菌实验,进而筛选出具有显著抑菌效果的目标菌株,并对该菌株发酵液中的抑菌物质进行初步分析。结果:成功筛选出目标菌株唾液乳酸杆菌w22a,其抑菌物质的抑菌作用随着浓度的增大而增强,且对热稳定、对过氧化氢酶及多种广谱蛋白酶敏感并能抑制多种口腔常见的致病菌。结论:w22a是一株有口腔益生潜能的唾液乳酸杆菌,具有一定的研究价值及应用前景。  相似文献   

固定矫治技术是治疗错牙合畸形的主要方法之一,然而固定矫治器会影响口腔微生态环境,进而可能诱发釉质脱矿、牙龈炎等疾病.将具有抗菌性能的材料应用于正畸粘接剂、弓丝、托槽等固定矫治器的制备,可以为预防上述疾病的发生提供一种新的思路与方法.本文就有机抗菌剂、无机抗菌剂、复合抗菌剂等抗菌材料在固定矫治中的应用的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

冷常压等离子体在口腔疾病治疗方面具有安全、彻底、无痛等优点,并且具有抗菌性能,在消毒灭菌方面有良好的应用前景。文章就冷常压等离子体的作用特点、灭菌机制及其对口腔常见细菌、真菌和生物膜的杀灭作用做一综述。  相似文献   

Abstract – Teeth have previously been shown not to be of any major importance when quantitatively measuring the retention of chlorhexidine in the oral cavity. Only a few studies have examined the significance of the binding of chlorhexidine to the tongue in relation to its plaque inhibiting effect. The present study was therefore carried out to further examine these possible chlorhexidine receptor sites in the oral cavity in relation to its known antibacterial effect at the teeth surface. Two daily applications of chlorhexidine on the teeth in the right side of the maxilla, against a contralateral water control, both in combination with a sucrose challenge six times daily, showed no significant reduction of plaque formation when compared to an application of sucrose used alone. Two daily applications of chlorhexidine on the tongue, again combined with sucrose challenge, also showed no significant plaque inhibiting effect. The results obtained indicate that neither the teeth nor the tongue seem to be of major importance as receptor sites for chlorhexidine in the oral cavity as related to its observed clinical effect.  相似文献   

Teeth have previously been shown not to be of any major importance when quantitatively measuring the retention of chlorhexidine in the oral cavity. Only a few studies have examined the significance of the binding of chlorhexidine to the tongue in relation to its plaque inhibiting effect. The present study was therefore carried out to further examine these possible chlorhexidine receptor sites in the oral cavity in relation to its known antibacterial effect at the teeth surface. Two daily applications of chlorhexidine on the teeth in the right side of the maxilla, against a contralateral water control, both in combination with a sucrose challenge six times daily, showed no significant reduction of plaque formation when compared to an application of sucrose used alone. Two daily applications of chlorhexidine on the tongue, again combined with sucrose challenge, also showed no significant plaque inhibiting effect. The results obtained indicate that neither the teeth nor the tongue seem to be of major importance as receptor sites for chlorhexidine in the oral cavity as related to its observed clinical effect.  相似文献   

Lichen planus is a common dermatologic disease to manifest in the oral cavity. Recurrent aphthous ulcers are the most common ulcers of the oral cavity causing discomfort to the patients. These two diseases have different clinical manifestations which require appropriate treatment after correct diagnosis. Though numerous etiological factors have been proposed for these diseases, their true etio-pathogenesis is not yet established and therefore all therapies are palliative and none is effective universally. In light of this, the role of nitric oxide as a mediator in the etio-pathogenesis of these diseases was considered. The present study was undertaken to note the salivary nitric oxide levels as measured through its product nitrite in oral mucosal diseases like lichen planus and recurrent aphthous ulcers and also to ascertain whether salivary nitric oxide level has a role to play as a pathophysiological mediator in these diseases  相似文献   

Oral Diseases (2010) 16 , 242–247 Background: Melatonin is the principal secretory product of the pineal gland. It has immunomodulatory and antioxidant activities, stimulates the proliferation of collagen and osseous tissue and acts as a protector against cellular degeneration associated with aging and toxin exposure. Arising out of its antioxidant actions, melatonin protects against inflammatory processes and cellular damage caused by the toxic derivates of oxygen. As a result of these actions, melatonin may be useful as a co‐adjuvant in the treatment of certain conditions of the oral cavity. Methods:  An extensive review of the scientific literature was carried out using PubMed, Science Direct, ISI Web of Knowledge and the Cochrane base. Results: Melatonin, which is released into the saliva, may have important implications for oral diseases. Melatonin may have beneficial effects in certain oral pathologies including periodontal diseases, herpes viral infections and Candida, local inflammatory rocesses, xerostomia, oral ulcers and oral cancer. Conclusions: Melatonin may play a role in protecting the oral cavity from tissue damage caused by oxidative stress. The experimental evidence suggests that melatonin may have utility in the treatment of several common diseases of the oral cavity. However, more specific studies are necessary to extend the therapeutic possibilities to other oral diseases.  相似文献   

腮腺唾液富组蛋白抗菌活性的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨富组蛋白(histidinerichpolypeptides,HRPs)的抗菌作用,进一步阐明唾液的正常生理功能,我们采用二种微量且敏感的琼脂糖弥散抗菌实验,分析了腮腺唾液中HRPs的抗菌活性。研究结果不但证实HRPs对变形链球菌MT6R株确有抗菌活性,还首次发现HRPs对金黄色葡萄球菌ATCC25923株、大肠杆菌ML35P株及绿脓杆菌ATCC27853株也有很强的抗菌活性。观察表明,在腮腺唾液中起抗菌作用的主要是HRP3、HRP5和HRP6。HRPs对血链球菌S34Sr株无抗菌活性。该项研究结果表明,HRPs实际上为一组内源性广谱抗生素肽,对霉菌、革兰氏阳性与阴性细菌均有抗菌作用。HRPs除具有防龋功能外,还可能是口腔中对抗多种微生物感染的重要分子,应该进行深入研究。  相似文献   

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