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喉肌电及神经电检测对声带固定或发音障碍的诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
报告对38例临床诊为带声或发间障碍患者行喉神经电及肌电检测的结果:(1)环榴关节运动障碍6例;(2)神经性损伤29例;(3)肌源性病变1例;(4)正常2例,神经性损伤分:完全神经性损伤15例,部分性生损伤14例。提示喉神经电及肌电检测对鉴别声带麻痹的病因;确定喉神经损伤程度,是两种互补且不可缺少的手段,具有较高的确诊价值。  相似文献   

单侧声带麻痹是因单侧支配喉内肌的运动神经传导通路受损引起的单侧声带运动障碍、声门闭合不全,可同时伴喉感觉神经障碍,导致声音嘶哑、呛咳、误吸及吞咽障碍等症状。单侧声带麻痹的病因既有中枢性损伤,也有肿瘤、炎症、手术外伤及其他因素引起的外周性神经损伤。临床需行声带运动振动评估、嗓音评估、空气动力学评估、影像学及实验室检查和喉神经电生理学检查等评估。治疗方法有病因治疗、药物治疗、嗓音康复治疗、喉返神经修复术、声带注射喉成形术、I型甲状软骨成形术、杓状软骨内收术及联合术式等。  相似文献   

双侧声带麻痹(BVCP)是指双侧支配咽喉部肌肉运动的神经传导通路受损引起的双侧声带运动障碍,占儿童先天性喉部异常疾病的第二位。主要症状为上气道梗阻、喘鸣、声音嘶哑等。其病因包括神经性、医源性、特发性及其他病因。临床可行病因评估、声带运动振动评估、影像学检查、喉肌电图及喉超声等检查评估。缓解呼吸道阻塞为治疗的主要目的,恢复喉的生理功能为治疗的最终目标。治疗方法有无创正压通气、气管切开术、环状软骨裂开术、杓状软骨切除术、声带后端切断术、声带外移固定术、选择性喉神经修复术、肉毒杆菌毒素注射喉内肌及其他新兴治疗方法。  相似文献   

单侧喉返神经损伤神经修复术式探讨   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目的 探讨5种神经修复术治疗单侧喉返神经损伤声带麻痹的疗效。方法 1993年1月-2001年4月治疗外伤性单侧喉返神经损伤声带麻痹38例,病程从损伤即刻至2年不等。资料完整者35例,其中行神经减压术8例、颈襻主支喉返神经吻合术16例、喉返神经端端吻合术6例、颈襻神经肌蒂埋植术3例、颈襻神经植入术2例。手术前后喉镜、噪音声学参数、肌电图检查等评价手术效果。结果 病程4个月内神经减压5例恢复了正常的声带内收及外展功能,4个月以内1例、以上2例及颈襻主支吻合组、喉返神经端端吻合组则未恢复声带运动。但上述3例术式均能使喉内收肌获有效的再神经支配,满意地恢复声带的肌张力、肌体积、声带振动对称性及正常黏膜波,声门闭合良好,嗓音恢复正常。颈襻神经肌蒂埋植术及颈襻神经植入术均能改善声嘶,但无效复正常病例。结论 ①单侧喉返神经损伤神经修复治疗以神经减压效果最佳;②颈襻主支吻合术、喉返神经端端吻合术也能有效地恢复喉的发音功能;③喉神经修复术式选择应根据病程、神经损伤程度、类型而定。  相似文献   

目的甲状腺手术后导致的单侧声带麻痹(UVCP)影响患者的声音质量和生活质量,喉内声带注射可以有效地提高患者的声音质量,本研究观察术后不同时间进行声带注射治疗UVCP的疗效。方法回顾分析2017年1月—2019年4月湘雅二医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科就诊的因甲状腺手术后UVCP早期(1个月内)或晚期(6个月以上)行声带注射喉成型的患者31例。所有患者均行局麻电子喉镜下颈外径路透明质酸声带注射喉成型术,其中18例在术后1个月内进行声带注射(A组),13例患者在术后6个月以上进行声带注射(B组)。对所有患者治疗前后进行动态喉镜、嗓音分析、GRBAS评估、嗓音障碍指数量表(VHI 10)测评。对比两组患者治疗前后各组数据。结果两组患者治疗前临床特征、嗓音分析结果、GRBAS评估得分、VHI 10测评得分差异无统计学意义。两组患者注射后1个月内复查动态喉镜均可见声带闭合良好,B组有4例患者患侧声带未见明显黏膜波。A组注射患者VHI 10量表评分、MPT与B组患者差异无统计学意义; GRBAS评估得分、jitter、shimmer均低于B组。结论甲状腺手术后UVCP患者早期行声带注射治疗效果优于晚期注射,其原因可能是声带长时间失去接触性刺激和失神经性营养导致的声带功能层次的损伤。  相似文献   

膈神经替代喉返神经修复治疗双侧声带麻痹   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的 探讨膈神经喉返神经吻合和内收肌支环杓后肌植入术(膈神经手术)治疗双侧喉返神经损伤声带麻痹的有效性、可行性。方法 第二军医大学长海医院耳鼻咽喉科1999年8月-2001年7月治疗外伤性双侧喉返神经损伤声带麻痹6例。病程1周-18个月,一侧作膈神经手术,而另一侧作颈袢肌蒂环杓后肌植入术。手术前后电子喉镜、频闪喉镜观察声门大小、声珲运动、振动情况,噪音声学参数分析,喉肌电力产检查评价手术效果。结果 术后2-3周检查发现4例声门较术前增大2-3mm,但声带固定不动,2例无明显改善。术后6个月5例膈神经修复侧均恢复了较大幅度的吸气性声带外展功能,外展幅度可达3-5mm,而肌蒂植入侧仅轻微外展或固定不动,幅度均在1mm以内。此5例均顺利拔管,并能承受较大强度的体力活动,1例仍在随访中。术后4个月6例肌电图检查显示膈神经修复侧自发、诱发电位均明显大于肌蒂植入侧,自发电活动与肋间肌基本同步,而较肌蒂植入侧延迟100-200ms。声音估价显示3例声嘶术后较术前好转,2例无变化。术后半年肺功能均恢复正常。结论 膈神经喉返神经吻合内收肌支环杓后肌植入术安全可行,较颈袢肌蒂植入术更能有效地恢复声带吸气性外展运动,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的探讨三种神经修复术式治疗双侧喉返神经损伤声带麻痹的效果。方法对28例双侧喉返神经损伤声带麻痹患者行喉返神经减压术(8例)、膈神经移植术(11例11侧)、神经肌蒂移植术(9例)。治疗前后以喉镜、嗓音主观评估及嗓音声学分析、喉肌电图检查等评价手术效果,随访1年以上。结果①神经减压术8例13侧有6例10侧声带恢复生理性内收及外展运动,外展幅度2~8mm,声门裂隙6~12mm,顺利拔管;2例双侧声带仍固定无法拔管。②膈神经移植11例11侧中8侧术后恢复声带外展功能,幅度达2~8mm,声门裂隙6~12mm,发声时声带均有一定幅度的内收,此8例均顺利拔管;2侧声带仍固定、1侧吸气时声带反而内收,此3例均未能拔管。③神经肌蒂移植术9例9侧仅1侧吸气时声带轻度外展,声门开大为4mm,发声时声带内移,拔管后不能行较大强度的体力活动。④除6例神经减压术后发声恢复正常外,其余手术前后发声无明显变化。⑤术后12个月膈神经移植、神经减压术侧自发电位波形、诱发电位均明显大于神经肌蒂移植术侧,而前两者差异无统计学意义。结论喉返神经减压术、膈神经移植术较神经肌蒂移植术能更有效地恢复声带吸气性外展运动,神经减压术还能恢复正常发声功能。  相似文献   

目的探讨各种神经修复术式治疗外伤性喉返神经损伤的远期疗效。方法外伤性喉返神经损伤致声带麻痹患者153例,单侧138例、双侧15例,病程从损伤即刻至3年不等。行喉返神经减压术31例、颈袢喉返神经吻合术102例、喉返神经端端吻合术9例、膈神经移植及部分病例联合应用神经肌蒂植入术11例。手术前后以喉镜、嗓音评估及声学分析、肌电图检查等评价手术效果。结果①单侧声带麻痹患者:病程3个月内19例、3月以上1例经喉返神经减压术恢复了不同程度的声带内收及外展功能;3个月以内3例、3个月以上4例患者经喉返神经减压及喉返神经端端吻合后均未恢复声带运动;颈袢喉返神经吻合组78例发声时声带突有明显内收运动,24例无明显内收运动;但上述3种术式除喉返神经端端吻合1例、颈袢喉返神经吻合3例外,其余患者发声时声带均处于正中位,声门闭合良好,后联合裂隙不明显,97%(134/138)嗓音恢复正常。②双侧声带麻痹患者:行神经减压4例7侧,有4例5侧恢复运动,均拔除气管套管;行膈神经移植术的11例中,恢复明显吸气性声带外展功能6例6侧,幅度达2~8mm;轻度外展2例2侧,幅度1~2mm,但声门裂隙达6~12mm,此8例均顺利拔管,发声时声带均有一定幅度的内收。2例2侧膈神经移植术后声带仍固定,1例1侧吸气性声带内收,未能拔管。一侧膈神经移植而另一侧肌蒂埋植的4例中,肌蒂埋植侧仅1例声带轻微外展。总拔管率80%(12/15)。膈神经移植手术前后发声无明显变化,神经减压术后发声明显好转。③各种神经修复术的神经再支配得到神经肌电图检查的证实,随访一年以上各项指标无明显退步。结论①喉返神经减压术、颈袢喉返神经吻合术、膈神经移植术能很好地恢复喉的生理功能;②喉神经修复术式的选择应根据病程、神经损伤程度、类型及侧别而定。  相似文献   

膈神经替代喉返神经修复治疗双侧声带麻痹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨膈神经喉返神经吻合和内收肌支环杓后肌植入术 (膈神经手术 )治疗双侧喉返神经损伤声带麻痹的有效性、可行性。方法 第二军医大学长海医院耳鼻咽喉科 1999年 8月~2 0 0 1年 7月治疗外伤性双侧喉返神经损伤声带麻痹 6例。病程 1周~ 18个月 ,一侧作膈神经手术 ,而另一侧作颈袢肌蒂环杓后肌植入术。手术前后电子喉镜、频闪喉镜观察声门大小、声带运动、振动情况 ,嗓音声学参数分析 ,喉肌电图检查评价手术效果。结果 术后 2~ 3周检查发现 4例声门较术前增大 2~ 3mm ,但声带固定不动 ,2例无明显改善。术后 6个月 5例膈神经修复侧均恢复了较大幅度的吸气性声带外展功能 ,外展幅度可达 3~ 5mm ,而肌蒂植入侧仅轻微外展或固定不动 ,幅度均在 1mm以内。此 5例均顺利拔管 ,并能承受较大强度的体力活动 ,1例仍在随访中。术后 4个月 6例肌电图检查显示膈神经修复侧自发、诱发电位均明显大于肌蒂植入侧 ,自发电活动与肋间肌基本同步 ,而较肌蒂植入侧延迟 10 0~ 2 0 0ms。声音估价显示 3例声嘶术后较术前好转 ,2例无变化。术后半年肺功能均恢复正常。结论 膈神经喉返神经吻合内收肌支环杓后肌植入术安全可行 ,较颈袢肌蒂植入术更能有效地恢复声带吸气性外展运动 ,值得临床推广应用  相似文献   

杓状软骨内移联合喉返神经修复术治疗单侧声带麻痹   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的 探讨杓状软骨内移联合颈袢喉返神经吻合术治疗长期喉返神经损伤单侧声带麻痹的疗效.方法 病程3~22年外伤性喉返神经损伤单侧声带麻痹患者12例,行患侧杓状软骨内移的同时,作颈袢喉返神经吻合术.治疗前后以电子喉镜、频闪喉镜、声音评估、嗓音声学参数分析和喉肌电图检查等评价治疗效果.结果 所有患者杓状软骨内移术后即刻声嘶均明显好转,但无恢复正常者,声学四参数频率微扰、振幅微扰、标化噪音能量和最长发声时间分析均明显好转,差异均有显著性意义(P值均<0.05);喉镜检查见杓状软骨明显内移,声门后裂隙消失9例,缩小3例.术后12个月时声音恢复正常、明显好转、好转、无改善分别为9、3、0、0例;声学四参数较术后即刻又有明显好转,差异均有显著性意义(P值均<0.05);术侧声带虽未恢复运动,但肌张力和肌体积与健侧基本对称.肌电图检查显示术后12个月声带肌恢复与健侧同步的密集型自发电位.结论 杓状软骨内移联合颈袢喉返神经吻合治疗长期喉返神经损伤单侧声带麻痹能恢复患者的正常发音功能.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Vocal fold paralysis is the most common otolaryngological complication after anterior cervical spine surgery (ACSS). However, the frequency and etiology of this injury are not clearly defined. This study was performed to establish the incidence and mechanism of vocal fold paralysis in ACSS and to determine whether controlling for endotracheal tube/laryngeal wall interactions induced by the cervical retraction system could decrease the rate of paralysis. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective review and complementary cadaver dissection. METHODS: Data gathered on 900 consecutive patients undergoing ACSS were reviewed for complications and procedural risk factors. After the first 250 cases an intervention consisting of monitoring of endotracheal tube cuff pressure and release of pressure after retractor placement or repositioning was employed. This allowed the endotracheal tube to re-center within the larynx. In addition, anterior approaches to the cervical spine were performed on fresh, intubated cadavers and studied with videofluoroscopy following retractor placement. RESULTS: Thirty cases of vocal fold paralysis consistent with recurrent laryngeal nerve injury were identified with three patients having permanent paralysis. With this technique temporary paralysis rates decreased from 6.4% to 1.69% (P = .0002). The cadaver studies confirmed that the retractor displaced the larynx against the shaft of the endotracheal tube with impingement on the vulnerable intralaryngeal segment of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. CONCLUSION: The study results suggest that the most common cause of vocal fold paralysis after anterior cervical spine surgery is compression of the recurrent laryngeal nerve within the endolarynx. Endotracheal tube cuff pressure monitoring and release after retractor placement may prevent injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve during anterior cervical spine surgery.  相似文献   

Vocal fold injection is a procedure that has over a 100 year history but was rarely done as short as 20 years ago. A renaissance has occurred with respect to vocal fold injection due to new technologies (visualization and materials) and new injection approaches. Awake, un-sedated vocal fold injection offers many distinct advantages for the treatment of glottal insufficiency (vocal fold paralysis, vocal fold paresis, vocal fold atrophy and vocal fold scar). A review of materials available and different vocal fold injection approaches is performed. A comparison of vocal fold injection to laryngeal framework surgery is also undertaken. With proper patient and material selection, vocal fold injection now plays a major role in the treatment of many patients with dysphonia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this study was to determine whether a simplified technique for intraoperative laryngeal electromyography was feasible using standard nerve integrity monitoring electrodes and audiovisual digital recording equipment. Our secondary objective was to determine if laryngeal electromyography data provided any additional information that significantly influenced patient management. METHODS: Between February 2006 and February 2007, 10 children referred to our institution with vocal fold immobility underwent intraoperative laryngeal electromyography of the thyroarytenoid muscles. A retrospective chart review of these 10 patients was performed after institutional review board approval. RESULTS: Standard nerve integrity monitoring electrodes can be used to perform intraoperative laryngeal electromyography of the thyroarytenoid muscles in children. In 5 of 10 cases reviewed, data from laryngeal electromyography recordings meaningfully influenced the care of children with vocal fold immobility and affected clinical decision-making, sometimes altering management strategies. In the remaining 5 children, data supported clinical impressions but did not alter treatment plans. Two children with idiopathic bilateral vocal fold paralysis initially presented with a lack of electrical activity on one or both sides but went on to develop motor unit action potentials that preceded recovery of motion in both vocal folds. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that standard nerve monitoring equipment can be used to perform intraoperative laryngeal electromyography and that electromyographic data can assist clinicians in the management of complex patients. Additionally, there may be a role for the use of serial intraoperative measurements in predicting recovery from vocal fold paralysis in the pediatric age group.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo review the aetiology and treatment of laryngeal paralysis diagnosed at our hospital and to describe the available therapeutic options.MethodsRetrospective review of medical records of 108 patients diagnosed with unilateral and bilateral vocal fold paralysis between 2000 and 2012, identifying the cause of paralysis and its treatment.ResultsOf the 108 cases analysed, 70% had unilateral vocal fold immobility and 30% bilateral immobility. The most frequent aetiology in both cases was trauma (represented mainly by surgical injury), followed by tumours in unilateral paralysis and medical causes in bilateral paralysis. Half of the patients with unilateral paralysis (38) were treated surgically, with medialization thyroplasty. In bilateral vocal fold immobility, the treatment consisted of tracheostomy in patients with threatened airway (40%). We planned to widen the air passage in 9 patients (27%), performing cordectomy in most of them.ConclusionsThe aetiology observed in our patients is similar to that described in the literature. In cases of unilateral vocal fold paralysis, we believe thyroplasty is the procedure of choice. In bilateral paralysis, it is possible to perform cordectomy in selected patients once the airway has been secured.  相似文献   

Vocal fold immobility is a relatively rare complication that can occur after tracheal intubation. Differential diagnoses include a rare clinical entity called unilateral vocal fold adductor paralysis in which only branches entering the thyroarytenoid and lateral cricoarytenoid muscles of the recurrent laryngeal nerve become paralyzed. Computed tomography and laryngeal electromyography are required to distinguish this condition from others such as cricoarytenoid dislocation/subluxation. Here, we describe two patients who developed vocal fold adductor paralysis after intubation. Patient 1 was a 56-year-old man who underwent living-donor liver transplantation and was extubated on day 7 after surgery. Patient 2 was a 52-year-old man who received life support measures including intubation due to ventricular fibrillation, and was extubated two days later. Both were hoarse soon after extubation. Endoscopic laryngeal examination revealed normal abduction and insufficient adduction of paralyzed vocal folds. Computed tomography ruled out cricoarytenoid dislocation/subluxation and laryngeal electromyography confirmed unilateral vocal fold adductor paralysis. Laryngologists should consider this rare pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Torkian BA  Crumley RL 《The Laryngoscope》2004,114(7):1271-1275
OBJECTIVES: We will present clinical and pathologic findings of the recurrent laryngeal nerve of a 54-year-old man with apparent idiopathic vocal fold paralysis and discuss clinical and scientific implications of these findings. STUDY DESIGN: Our design is in the format of a case report with emphasis on the clinical, intraoperative, histologic, and neuropathologic findings, followed by a discussion of contemporary theories of idiopathic unilateral vocal fold immobility and the implications of our findings. METHODS: A 54-year-old man presented with a 2-year history of unilateral vocal fold motion impairment (VFMI) after an upper respiratory infection. Radiographic and laboratory data revealed no organic cause. The patient clinically appeared to have a classical unilateral vocal fold paralysis and had previously undergone collagen injection and medialization thyroplasty, each with only temporary improvement of voice. We performed ansa cervicalis-recurrent laryngeal nerve anastomosis. RESULTS: Intraoperative dissection revealed an indurated and thickened section of nerve approximately 15 mm in length, located at the beginning of the intralaryngeal segment, near the cricothyroid joint. Segments of this nerve were submitted for histologic evaluation, revealing necrosis with granulomatous inflammation. Postoperative electromyography and videostrobolaryngoscopy were consistent with successful reinnervation from the ansa procedure. CONCLUSIONS: The diagnosis of "idiopathic VFMI" likely represents a number of distinct pathologic entities. This case highlights our lack of understanding of idiopathic VFMI and raises many important questions regarding our current theories of this diagnosis. The clinical and pathologic implications are discussed, and continued investigation is recommended.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: High-speed (HS) video recordings are the up-to-date method for visualizing irregular vocal fold vibrations. However, perceptive evaluation during offline replay is time consuming and shows high inter-rater variability. METHOD: A visualization procedure is presented that extracts vocal fold vibrations from HS videos and transfers the motion information into a set of three phonovibrogram (PVG) images that make visual vocal fold displacements (PVG-0), velocities (PVG-1), and accelerations (PVG-2). RESULTS: The principles of PVG computation as well as their application to three clinical examples (normal voice, laryngeal nerve paralysis, functional voice disorder with vocal nodules) are presented. For normal and dysphonic subjects, the PVG images show the characteristics of vocal fold vibrations as concern the dynamic patterns of displacements, velocities, and accelerations. CONCLUSION: The PVG approach makes visual the entire range of motion of vibrating vocal fold edges in easy-to-read color images for differentiation of normal and pathologic voices. PVG images are printable and can be stored on a hard-disc drive, enabling the documentation of the course of voice disorders that is essential for evidenced-based medicine. PVG visualization has the potential to overcome the subjective quality of assessing HS videos, which makes it a valuable tool with broad clinical application.  相似文献   

A rare case of repeated granulomatous inflammation after silicone injection laryngoplasty for vocal fold immobility as well as its treatment by endoscopic approach is reported. The patient presented a right-sided vocal fold immobility after laryngeal trauma and remained dysphonic despite of logopedic voice therapy because of severe glottal insufficiency. An endoscopic transoral intrafold silicone injection was applied to improve the vocal function. Silicone granuloma inflammation was observed 8 days after the vocal fold augmentation. Oral broad-spectrum antibiotics and corticosteroids did not improve the inflammation. A cordotomy was performed to remove the silicone implant. After 3 months, a second endoscopic surgical intervention was necessary to remove a recurrent silicone granuloma. Eight months after the second surgical intervention, the inflammation had disappeared. An autologous fat injection to restore the glottal closure was performed successfully. Type IV contact allergy was excluded with an epicutaneous patch and scratch test with components of the silicone implant. Clinical and treatment observations are reported and the literature on complications of intrafold injected silicone for vocal fold augmentation is reviewed.  相似文献   

动态喉镜图像定量分析技术的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索图像定量分析技术在声带振动研究中的应用。方法应用计算机软件、分析60例正常人和20例单侧声带麻痹患者的动态喉镜图像。结果正常组声带振动均呈规律性,多数声门闭合完全;麻痹组声带振动均不规律,多数声门闭合不全,发声相声门最小面积(Amin)麻痹组明显大于正常组,而最大面积(Amax)两组间无显著性差异。结论动态喉镜计算机图像分析技术可用于声带振动功能的定量分析。  相似文献   

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