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表皮样囊肿少发于颏下、下颌下区,病灶大小不一,巨大者少见.本文报道1例颏下、下颌下巨大表皮样囊肿,并复习相关文献,对其诊断、治疗及发生原因进行探讨.  相似文献   

表皮样囊肿少发于颏下、下颌下区,病灶大小不一,巨大者少见.本文报道1例颏下、下颌下巨大表皮样囊肿,并复习相关文献,对其诊断、治疗及发生原因进行探讨.  相似文献   

本文报告76例临床较少见的颏下皮样囊肿和表皮样囊肿。对其发病机理、临床症状及病理所见、诊断及其鉴别诊断作了较详细的讨论,对治疗问题也进行了简短的讨论。  相似文献   

荆门市第二人民医院口腔颌面外科于2006年10月30日收治左侧颌后区巨大表皮样囊肿患者1例,报告如下. 临床资料 患者,男,42岁,因左侧面颈部无痛性包块逐渐增大13年入院.现病史: 13年前发现左侧面后部1个黄豆大小包块,逐渐增大.近5年包块增大明显,影响面部及口腔功能.无家族史.常规检查未见异常.  相似文献   

表皮样囊肿发生在下颌牙龈的极为少见,现将我院口腔科遇到一例报告如下。患者,女性,48岁。偶然发现左下后牙颊侧牙龈有一肿物五个月,约黄豆大小,无明显不适,未作诊治。自觉肿物长大近一个月,目前约胡桃大小,有膨胀感,无其他不适。专科检查:|45颊侧牙龈明显...  相似文献   

下颌骨颏部原发性黏液表皮样癌1例报告   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
黏液表皮样癌多发生于唾液腺组织,发生于颌骨内者较少见,我院2003年6月收治1例经病理证实的下颌骨颏部原发性黏液表皮样癌,现报告如下。1病例报告患者男性,66岁,农民,主诉下颌骨颏部肿物,缓慢生长半年,于2003年6月19日入院。半年前无明显原因发现颏部肿胀,继而隆起形成肿物,偶有疼痛。肿物呈渐进性缓慢生长,抗感染治疗无效,因局部隆起畸形明显而求治于我院。检查两侧颜面部对称,下颌骨颏部隆起肿胀、前突,皮肤正常,可触及一6cm×4cm×3cm肿物,质硬、边界清、固定、轻度压痛,无口唇麻木,张口度及张口型正常,咬合关系正常,34与44间唇龈沟饱满…  相似文献   

表皮样囊肿为胚胎发育时期遗留于组织中的上皮发展形成的囊肿,也可由于外伤或手术使上皮细胞植入而形成。颌面部好发于口底、颏下、眼睑、额、鼻、眶外侧及耳下等部位,而发生于颞下窝者少见。作者报道1例典型病例,并对其临床表现、诊断和治疗进行了讨论。  相似文献   

表皮样囊肿为良性瘤样病变,其病因尚不明确,目前认为主要与胚胎时期遗留于组织中以及创伤性植入于组织中的上皮细胞有关。最常见的骨内部位是指骨和颅骨。发生在颌骨内的表皮样囊肿临床上较为罕见,本文报告1例发生在下颌骨内伴有一埋伏牙的表皮样囊肿,并结合相关文献探讨颌骨内表皮样囊肿的病因、临床表现、诊断以及治疗方法。  相似文献   

颌面部淀粉样变性极罕见 ,我院于 2 0 0 1年 3月 1日收治 1例舌、颏下、颌下淀粉样变性现报道如下 :患者张某某 ,5 9岁 ,因舌、颏下、颌下无痛性肿大 2年 ,吞咽困难 7个月入院。两年前无意中发现舌、颏下及双侧颌下区肿大 ,发音不清 ,进行性加重 ;7个月前出现吞咽困难 ,睡眠时偶有憋气。于当地医院经CT、B超检查示 :舌、口底肌层广泛增厚。颏下区活检 :肌细胞部分萎缩 ,肌间脂肪细胞增生 ,血管玻璃样变性。检查 :双侧颌下及颏下区弥漫性肿大 ,范围约 15cm× 6cm× 3cm大小 ,表面无红肿 ,皮温正常 ,无压缩性及凹陷性水肿 ,体位实验阴性。舌…  相似文献   

表皮样囊肿多为单发性圆形良性肿物。本文结合1例罕见的头背部多发性表皮样囊肿病例,回顾总结国内外详细记载的相关文献分析该病,认为病史、临床表现、超声检查、CT及MRI等检查有助于术前明确诊断及选择手术方案,多发者需与皮样囊肿及Gardner综合征鉴别,而最终确诊需要依靠病理检查。手术是目前主要治疗方法,完整摘除预后好。本病可有少数恶变,生长加速或疼痛出现等可视为癌变的征象,故应尽早手术治疗。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to present a rare case of epidermoid cyst on the ventral region of the tongue in a 15-month-old child. During clinical examination, a sessile, yellowish lesion measuring approximately 0.5 cm was noticed. The lesion had existed since the child's birth and was causing discomfort due to friction of the tongue against the alveolar ridge during mastication. The chosen treatment was total removal of the lesion. The histopathological findings confirm the diagnosis of an epidermoid cyst, characterized by the presence of: (1) a cyst cavity lined by stratified squamous epithelium with keratinization on the surface; and (2) connective tissue with a mild inflammation. The proposed treatment was considered successful as the case was solved and there was no recurrence.  相似文献   

A 49-year-old man was presented for evaluation of a painless mass on his right posterior neck. The mass had gradually enlarged for a 25-year period without inflammation or rupture. On physical examination, a round, nontender, soft-tissue mass, 8 cm in diameter, was noted on the right posterior neck. The neck is a common site of epidermoid cysts, but a mass more than 5 cm in diameter is rare. A contrast-enhanced neck computed tomographic (CT) scan revealed a 7.6 × 6.5 × 5.7 cm unilocular hypodense mass adjacent to the posterior neck muscles.The mass was completely excised under general anesthesia. A histopathologic examination of the excised specimen resulted in a diagnosis of an epidermoid cyst. The patient was discharged from the hospital on the third postoperative day. There were no recurrences in a 2-year follow-up period.  相似文献   

Aberrant ectodermal tissues during the fetal period or acquired aberrant epithelial tissue due to trauma or surgery are thought to cause dermoid and epidermoid cysts. Their incidence is 7.0% in the head and neck region and only 1.6% in the oral cavity, where they mostly present in the floor of the mouth. On the other hand, they are extremely rare in the soft palate and uvula, and only six cases have been reported. Epidermoid cysts grow slowly and asymptomatically, and thus rarely cause oral dysfunction. However, cysts arising in the floor of the mouth can lead to developmental disorders due to impaired suckling and swallowing. This report describes a 4-week-old boy in whom an epidermoid cyst developed in the midline region of the soft palate close to the uvula. Decreased suckling ability led to a poor in body weight, so resection was performed at an early age. The histopathological diagnosis was epidermoid cyst.  相似文献   

罗贤锋  陈国英 《上海口腔医学》2004,13(2):121-121,125
鳃裂囊肿是一种较少见的位于面颈侧方的先天性囊肿:作者报道1例新生儿巨大鳃裂囊肿合并感染病例.于出生后第17天行手术摘除,随访2a,效果良好,无复发。  相似文献   

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