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<正>应激是指机体在受到内外环境因素及社会、心理因素刺激所出现的全身性非特异性适应反应[1]。部队飞行训练是一种高应激活动,健康飞行人员来院疗养时常表现出程度不同的应激状态。这种应激状态常可导致不良的心  相似文献   

李晅  詹皓  郭华  丁立  李侠 《人民军医》2014,(11):1167-1169
目的:调查了解空军飞行人员飞行疲劳状况。方法:随机整群抽取空军飞行人员510例,采用自行设计的飞行人员飞行疲劳状况调查表,对其飞行疲劳状况进行调查。结果:飞行结束后飞行人员神经精神症状阳性率居前3位为腰酸痛(78.5%),全身倦懒(71.7%)和打哈欠(64.2%);全身倦懒、腰酸痛、肩酸痛、头沉头晕、头痛、思维不集中厌于思考、不爱动不爱说话、困倦、打哈欠、眼疲劳无神、听觉迟钝或耳鸣等症状阳性率显著或非常显著高于飞行中(P〈0.05,P〈0.01)。歼击机飞行人员在各科目中主诉体力疲劳、脑力疲劳、眼部不适的阳性率均较高,强击机次之,直升机、运输机、轰炸机、高性能战斗机等较低。歼击机飞行人员出现飞行疲劳的飞行时间最短,轰炸机出现飞行疲劳的飞行时间最长;噪声是引发飞行疲劳的诱因;非飞行日飞行人员睡眠质量评估优于飞行日。结论:不同机种不同飞行条件下,飞行人员飞行疲劳阳性率不同,应进行有针对性的综合干预。  相似文献   

薛飞  储雪雁  周清  王丹  耿艳  戴庆  周宇超 《人民军医》2021,64(8):695-696,701
目的:调查了解军事飞行人员口腔健康现状及口腔卫生行为情况,为有针对性地采取口腔健康干预措施提供参考依据.方法:选择在某疗养中心进行健康鉴定疗养的军事飞行人员921例,采用分层整群调查的方式,以2013年全军第四次口腔健康调查标准作为参考,自行设计军事飞行人员口腔健康调查表及口腔卫生行为调查问卷,对军事飞行人员口腔健康现...  相似文献   

李晅  詹皓  郭华  丁立 《西南国防医药》2014,(12):1412-1415
近年来,随着国土防空、海洋维权等形势任务的需要,海军飞行人员的飞行训练强度增大,脑力、体力负荷增加,飞行疲劳问题突显。为进一步完善我军主战机种卫生保障措施,本文设计《海军飞行人员飞行疲劳情况调查表》,针对海军多个机种飞行人员飞行疲劳情况进行了调查分析,并提出了相关航卫保障建议。  相似文献   

刘阳  李海龙 《航空航天医药》2011,22(9):1059-1060
目的:调查飞行人员视力不良现状及规律,分析其发病特点及原因,为做好保护视力工作提供科学依据。方法:对1673例飞行人员裸眼视力及屈光不正检测,对检测结果进行分析。结果:飞行人员视力下降人数为161人.占9.62%。主要原因为近视,人数为143人,占88.81%。各年龄段间差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),飞行员视力下降检出率为12.36%,领航员视力下降检出率为10.82%,空中机械师视力下降检出率为7.71%,通信员视力下降检出率为4.87%。飞行员与空中机械师、通信员相比,与通信员差畀有非常显著意义(P〈0.01),与空中机械师差异有显著意义(P〈0.05),与领航员相比,差异无显著意义(P〉0.05)。结论:行人员视力下降的主要原因是用眼习惯不符合卫生学要求,用眼过度。少数人与睡眠不足、神经衰弱有关。应广泛开展用眼卫生教育,纠正不合理用眼习惯,改善阅读照明条件,定期检查,对不符合飞行标准者进行治疗,使其视力逐渐恢复,以保持良好的视觉功能。  相似文献   

口腔医护人员的手是交叉感染的主要媒介,手的清洁度与医院感染(包括自身感染)密切相关。近两年,我院把使用一次性灭菌手套作为切断病原体传播途径的重要措施之一。为了解飞行人员对口腔医护人员戴手套的态度,笔者做了如下调查。  相似文献   

为了解飞行人员吸烟情况,我们于1993年对我区部分飞行部队进行了调查。 1 对象及方法 不同机种的男性飞行人员448名,采用统一发调查表,现场逐个进行填表询问调查。 2 结果 2.1 吸烟情况 以每天平均吸烟1支以上为吸烟者。  相似文献   

目的 调查飞行人员药物过敏反应情况,找出发生药物过敏反应的原因和危害,制定切实可行的措施,降低飞行人员药物过敏反应率,提高飞行人员在队合理用药水平。方法 采用问卷、座谈和个别了解等方式对飞行人员进行调查,调查内容包括飞行人员的药物过敏史,何种药物过敏,药物过敏反应对身体健康、飞行安全及飞行任务的影响等。结果 共调查816名飞行人员,有药物过敏史者167名,占20.5%。飞行人员发生药物过敏反应,危及到身体健康及飞行安全,影响到飞行任务的完成。结论 鉴于飞行人员药物过敏反应情况时有发生,必须采取切实可行的措施,降低飞行人员药物过敏反应发生率,确保飞行安全。  相似文献   

对10批健康疗养中有长期吸烟行为的500名飞行人员进行了调查,有关情况如下。 1 对象和方法 500名健康飞行员,均为男性,年龄21—47岁,平均34岁,吸烟5—23年,平均14年,日吸烟10一20支,平均15支。 应用自拟的调查表,发给吸烟者填写,然后进行归  相似文献   

ObjectivesDoping-related knowledge, beliefs and attitude influence adolescent athletes' susceptibility to prohibited performance-enhancing substances. They might be modified by different cultural backgrounds. This study's aim was to analyse the geographical heterogeneity of doping-related knowledge, beliefs and attitude among adolescent elite athletes.DesignCross-sectional study.MethodsA questionnaire was distributed to athletes participating in the Winter Youth Olympic Games 2020 in Switzerland. Main outcomes (‘subjective and actual knowledge’, ‘beliefs’ and ‘attitude’) were stratified for athletes' region of origin. Geographical heterogeneity was tested with a two-way analysis of variance, and two multiple regression analyses were conducted to assess independent associations of knowledge, age and athletes' geographical region with doping-related beliefs and attitude.Results533 athletes (54% females, mean age: 16.0 ± 1.0 years), completed the questionnaire (response rate: 33%). Actual knowledge was moderate-to-good (9.2 ± 2.9 correct answers out of 13), and scores of attitude and beliefs showed favourable patterns. Considerable geographical heterogeneity was found for knowledge (p < 0.001), beliefs (p = 0.004) and attitude (p < 0.001). Higher subjective knowledge and actual knowledge were favourably associated with attitude (β = −0.096, p = 0.049; β = −0.316, p < 0.001) and beliefs (β = 0.120, p = 0.016; β = 0.212, p < 0.001), independent of age and geographical region.ConclusionsThis study demonstrates considerable geographical heterogeneity of doping-related knowledge, beliefs and attitude, which are three essential target factors of doping prevention in adolescent elite athletes. This evidence should encourage medical doctors and other professionals to change their educative anti-doping approach from teaching knowledge about negative consequences into investigating and forming a young athlete's mind-set.  相似文献   

目的 分析不同程度高尿酸血症飞行人员的并发症及合并症情况,了解高尿酸血症飞行人员代谢异常的现状.方法 回顾空军特色医学中心2015年1月—2019年12月收治住院的高尿酸血症飞行人员的相关病例情况.以血清尿酸水平分为420~<480μmol/L组、480~<540μmol/L组、540~<600μmol/L组和≥600...  相似文献   

PurposeWe surveyed ordering physician attitudes, knowledge, and behavior with regard to computed tomography (CT)-related radiation exposure at a large medical center.MethodsSixteen questions were sent via electronic survey to 350 physicians.Results and conclusionThe ability to quickly rule in or rule out conditions effectively strongly influenced the decision to order CT (85%–99%). Fear of litigation influenced CT ordering for those with less experience [odds ratio (OR)=2.3, P<.05]. Residents and primary care physicians were less likely to discuss risks/benefits of CT with patients (P≤.03) compared to those with >5 years of experience (OR=4.0, P=.04).  相似文献   

 目的 探讨妇科门诊患者宫颈癌筛查的认知程度及其相关影响因素。方法 选取840例妇科门诊就诊的患者进行问卷调查,分析就诊患者宫颈癌筛查的知晓率,采用单因素χ2检验和多因素Logistic回归法分别筛选认知程度的影响因素。结果 840例妇科门诊患者宫颈癌筛查的知晓率为52.38%(440/840);影响宫颈癌筛查认知程度的因素包括文化程度(OR=2.022,95%CI 1.251~3.268)、家族妇科肿瘤史(OR=2.918,95%CI 1.689~5.042)、宫颈癌筛查史(OR=4.031,95%CI 2.124~7.652)、“两癌筛查”社区宣教(OR=5.043,95%CI 2.757~9.223)、接受生殖健康信息(OR=3.337,95%CI 1.482~7.512)、社会支持程度(OR=2.593,95%CI 1.291~5.211)。结论 妇科门诊患者宫颈癌筛查的认知程度仍然较低,且影响认知程度的因素较多,应针对其特点及其影响因素,早期采取对策和措施,提高认知程度,降低宫颈癌的发生率。  相似文献   

目的 调查了解武警某部队基层士兵营养知识、态度和饮食行为(KAP)的现状及影响因素,为开展营养健康教育提供依据.方法 2016-08至2016-09通过整群抽样抽取河南某支队485名士兵,采用自行设计的K-A-P调查问卷,对其膳食营养知识、态度、饮食行为(KAP模式)进行现场问卷调查.结果 在基层士兵中,膳食营养知晓率低较普遍;92.5%基层士兵认为营养知识对自身健康重要,具有积极的营养态度,并且希望新兵健康教育中有营养知识讲座;90%以上基层士兵主食结构不均衡,有经常吃零食的不良习惯.结论 基层士兵膳食营养知识普遍缺乏,行为习惯不科学,应加强基层士兵膳食营养知识教育,端正营养态度,促进其良好饮食习惯的形成.  相似文献   

目的 了解高原边防部队官兵的营养知识水平、态度、膳食习惯及其影响因素.方法 运用自行设计的营养知识-态度-行为(KAP)问卷对90名驻守高原6个月以上的部队官兵进行调查,问卷现场发放并收回.根据《军队营养调查和评价方法 》(GJB 1636A-2016)的要求测量部队官兵身高、体重、上臂围和三头肌皮褶厚度,并计算体重指数(BMI)和上臂肌围值.结果 高原部队官兵营养知识水平中等,营养态度较好,营养行为水平中等;营养知识与营养行为呈明显正相关(r=0.283,P=0.003),营养知识与年龄呈明显正相关(r=0.228,P=0.04),营养态度与官兵来源(南北方)呈明显正相关(r=0.339,P=0.035),营养行为与上臂肌围呈明显正相关(r=0.222,P=0.030).65.6%的官兵希望了解膳食与疾病关系的相关知识,25.6%的官兵在高原有饮酒习惯.结论 高原部队官兵营养知识缺乏,一定程度造成其营养行为的不正确,但官兵们改变现有不良饮食现状的态度积极.建议对常驻高原部队官兵进行高原特需营养膳食宣教,以科学地指导特殊环境下官兵的膳食营养行为,提高身体健康水平.  相似文献   



We examinted the attitude, knowledge and perceived barriers to evidence-based practice of radiology (EBPR) among residents in radiology.

Study design and setting

We used the McColl questionnaire (1) and the BARRIERS scale (2) to assess the issues among radiology trainees attending an annual refresher course. Ninety six residents from 32 medical colleges from Southern India attended the course.


Eighty (83.3%) residents, 55 male and 25 female of age range 24–34 years, consented and returned the questionnaire. The majority of the participants had a positive attitude towards EBPR. However, 45% were unaware of sources for evidence based literature although many had access to Medline (45%) and the internet (80%). The majority (70%) were aware of the common technical terms (e.g. odds ratio, absolute and relative risk) but other complex details (e.g. meta-analysis, clinical effectiveness, confidence interval, publication bias and number needed to treat) were poorly understood. Though majority of residents (59%) were currently following guidelines and protocols laid by colleagues within their departments, 70% of residents were interested in learning the skills of EBPR and were willing to appraise primary literature or systematic reviews by themselves. Insufficient time on the job to implement new ideas (70.1%); relevant literature is not being complied in one place (68.9%); not being able to understand statistical methods (68.5%) were considered to be the major barriers to EBPR. Training in critical appraisal significantly influence usage of bibliographic databases (p < 0.0001).Attitude of collegues (p = 0.006) influenced attitude of the trainees towards EBPR. Those with higher knowledge scores (p = 0.02) and a greater awareness of sources for seeking evidence based literature (p = 0.05) held stronger beliefs that EBPR significantly improved patient care.


The large knowledge gap related to EBPR suggests the need to incorporate structured training into the core-curriculum of training programmes in radiology.  相似文献   

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