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3%mol氧化钇(Y2O3)作为稳定剂的四方相ZrO2陶瓷(3Y-TZP)具有优良的力学性能,其抗弯强度超过1000MPa,是理想的长固定桥和后牙区修复材料.在牙科修复中,除要考虑材料的力学性能外,还要重视材料的色泽和美观的要求.市售的氧化锆陶瓷材料多为白色,如果氧化锆基底瓷的半透明性和颜色与牙本质一样,就可减少饰面瓷的厚度.本文就氧化锆材料颜色和半透明性的性质和影响因素等方面做一综述.  相似文献   

目的:研究三种常用照明光源(标准A光源,标准D65光源及F2光源)对牙科美容修复材料半透明性变化的影响。方法:选择三种临床常用牙科陶瓷IPS-Empress,In-Ceram,Cergogold采用老化处理方法之后在标准D65光源,标准A光源,及F2光源照射条件下测试其L*,a*,b*值,并计算出透明参数,比较在不同光源照射下半透明性的变化情况。结果:不同光源对材料的半透明性产生影响。标准A光源及F2光源照射下,材料的半透明性高于标准D65光源照射。且无论是否经过老化处理,在标准A光源及F2光源照射时,试件半透明性均高于在标准D65光源照射时所得值。结论:不同全瓷材料在三种常用照明光源照射下其半透明性有所不同,同时经老化处理后的全瓷试件再经不同光源照射,其半透明性改变的程度并不同步。  相似文献   

目的:研究三种常用照明光源(标准A光源,标准D65光源及F2光源)对牙科美容修复材料半透明性变化的影响.方法:选择临床常用牙科陶瓷Cergogold,3种树脂粘结材料Calibra、Bisco、帕娜碧亚TM F,采用老化处理方法之后在标准D65光源,标准A光源,及F2光源照射条件下测试其L*,a*,b*值,并计算出透明参数,比较在不同光源照射下半透明性的变化.结果:不同光源对材料的半透明性会产生影响.在标准A光源及F2光源照射下,材料的半透明性高于标准D65光源照射.且无论是否经过老化处理,在标准A光源及F2光源照射时,试件半透明性均高于在标准D65光源照射时所得值.结论:临床全瓷修复比色时应考虑到光源对全瓷材料半透明性的影响,从而使颜色更加逼真.  相似文献   

目的 评估快速烧结和低温老化对高透氧化锆半透性的影响。方法 利用常规烧结和快速烧结分别烧结高强氧化锆ST和高透氧化锆TT,分别进行0、5和20 h的低温老化处理后,采用Shade Eye NCC电脑比色仪在标准黑白背景下测量色彩学特征参数(L*、a*、b*值),使用半透明参数(TP)评估材料半透明性。结果 快速烧结会降低ST的TP值,会升高TT的TP值。低温老化对TT的TP值没有影响;常规烧结的ST的TP值随着老化时间的延长降低,快速烧结组没有显著变化。结论 快速烧结会降低高强氧化锆的半透性,改善高透氧化锆的半透性。低温老化对高透氧化锆的半透性没有影响。就半透性而言,建议用快速烧结的方式烧结高透氧化锆。  相似文献   

全瓷材料由于其良好的生物相容性和光学性能而在口腔修复中广泛应用.以往的铸瓷修复体虽然美观性好,但由于脆性大使其难以获得临床广泛应用.随着材料学和口腔临床医学的发展,氧化锆生物陶瓷因其良好的力学性能、优越的抗断裂强度、良好的生物相容性、较低的放射性以及CAD/CAM技术的应用,使其在口腔领域得到临床医师及患者的青睐.然而...  相似文献   

目的研究染色烧结次数对CAD-CAM全瓷半透明性和颜色的影响。方法测量5次染色烧结前后CAD-CAM瓷块的透光率和颜色。采用1931CIE-XYZ表色系和CIE1976Lab标准色度系统,计算透光率CR,色差△Eab,彩度Cab,色相角hab。结果随机区组设计方差分析,染色烧结次数达到4次时,A1C、A3C瓷块的半透明性均有显著性改变。烧结后瓷块颜色发生改变,明度和彩度均变大,但与烧结次数无关。A1C色瓷色差大于1.4,色相角随着烧结次数的增加而增加;A3C色瓷色差小于1.4,色相角无明显改变。结论CAD-CAM全瓷染色烧结对A1C和A3C全瓷块半透明性有影响。染色烧结可以改变瓷块的颜色,但与烧结次数无关。  相似文献   

目的 研究微波烧结对氧化锆半透性的影响并与常规烧结对比,分析半透性与显微结构的相关性。方法 选取Lava和Zenostar两种品牌氧化锆试件各10个,每组5个试件,常规烧结组温度分别为1 500 ℃和1 490 ℃,保温2 h;微波烧结组均以15 ℃·min-1升温至1 420 ℃,保温30 min。用ShadeEye NCC电脑比色仪测量各试件在白背景下和黑背景下的明度的分级(L*)、红到绿两色相极的变化(a*)、黄到蓝两色相极的变化(b*)值,并计算半透性参数(TP),阿基米德排水法测量各试件的密度,扫描电镜(SEM)观察各试件的显微结构。结果 与常规烧结相比,微波烧结Lava和Zenostar氧化锆晶粒尺寸小且均匀一致,密度和TP值虽较高,但差异并无统计学意义(P>0.05)。Lava氧化锆的TP值大于Zenostar氧化锆(P<0.001)。结论 微波烧结氧化锆瓷的半透性能与常规烧结相当。  相似文献   

目的 探讨氧化铝渗透陶瓷基体中添加的氧化锆质量分数由0增加至30.0%时,氧化铝渗透陶瓷半透性的变化.方法 按氧化锆占基体质量分数的不同,分别设氧化锆质量分数为0、2.5%、5.0%、7.5%、10.0%、20.0%和30.0%共7个组.各组经基体烧结及玻璃渗透后打磨抛光,采用光谱扫描色度仪测量透射率,并用白度色度计测...  相似文献   

目的 比较不同氧化锆(高透、超透)材料的光学与机械性能,为新型氧化锆材料的研发 及临床应用提供实验依据。方法 实验组为高透型氧化锆(高透 A、高透 B、高透 C)和超透型氧化锆组 (超透 A、超透 B、超透 C),对照组为玻璃陶瓷。切取边长 7 mm、厚度分为 3 个水平(0.5、1.0、1.5 mm, n=6)的正方形试件共 126 个用于检测试件的半透明度;切取长 25 mm、宽 4 mm、厚 1.2 mm,倒角 0.1 mm 的试件共 90 个(n=15)用于检测弯曲强度。比较各组内及组间差异,使用单因素方差分析统计数据 结果。结果 (1)3 种厚度的玻璃陶瓷半透明度显著高于其他组别(P<0.01)。品牌相同时 :3 种厚度下的 超透 A 半透明度均优于高透 A(P<0.01);0.5 mm 与 1.5 mm 的高透 B 与超透 B 无明显差异,1.0 mm 的超 透 B 优于高透 B(P<0.01);厚度为 0.5 mm 和 1.0 mm 时,高透 C 与超透 C 的差异无统计学意义;厚度 1.5 mm 时,超透 C 半透明度优于高透 C(P<0.01)。氧化锆类型相同时 :厚度为 0.5 mm 的高透 C、超透 A、超透 B 和超透 C 的半透明度为各组最优(P<0.01);厚度为 1.0 mm 时,高透 B、超透 B 为各组最优(P<0.01);厚度为 1.5 mm 时,高透 B、超透 B 的半透明度为各组最优(P<0.01)。(2)品牌相同时,高透型氧化锆的 弯曲强度均优于超透型(P<0.01);氧化锆类型相同时 :高透 B、超透 A 和超透 B 的弯曲强度为各组最优 (P<0.01)。结论 (1)超透氧化锆半透明度不低于同品牌高透氧化锆,差异与厚度有关。(2)3 种厚度的 玻璃陶瓷半透明度最优。(3)高透氧化锆弯曲强度显著优于超透氧化锆,两者均高于 300 MPa。  相似文献   

氧化锆全瓷材料由于具有良好的生物相容性和美学性能,逐渐取代金-瓷修复体广泛用于修复领域.传统的氧化锆全瓷修复体需要在氧化锆基底表面塑堆饰面瓷,但饰面瓷容易崩瓷.近些年来,临床上出现了使用全氧化锆修复体的趋势,但是,临床上可供医生选择的全锆修复材料较多,如何选择适当的氧化锆材料成为修复医生的挑战.氧化锆全瓷修复材料根据材...  相似文献   



This study aimed to identify the effects of the sintering conditions of dental zirconia on the grain size and translucency.


Ten specimens of each of two commercial brands of zirconia (Lava and KaVo) were made and sintered under five different conditions. Microwave sintering (MS) and conventional sintering (CS) methods were used to fabricate zirconia specimens. The dwelling time was 20 minutes for MS and 20 minutes, 2, 10, and 40 hours for CS. The density and the grain size of the sintered zirconia blocks were measured. Total transmission measurements were taken using a spectrophotometer. Two-way analysis of variance model was used for the analysis and performed at a type-one error rate of 0.05.


There was no significant difference in density between brands and sintering conditions. The mean grain size increased according to sintering conditions as follows: MS-20 min, CS-20 min, CS-2 hr, CS-10 hr, and CS-40 hr for both brands. The mean grain size ranged from 347-1,512 nm for Lava and 373-1,481 nm for KaVo. The mean light transmittance values of Lava and KaVo were 28.39-34.48% and 28.09-30.50%, respectively.


Different sintering conditions resulted in differences in grain size and light transmittance. To obtain more translucent dental zirconia restorations, shorter sintering times should be considered.  相似文献   



This study investigated the effect of amount of thickness reduction on color and translucency of dental monolithic zirconia ceramics.


One-hundred sixty-five monolithic zirconia specimens (16.3 mm × 16.3 mm × 2.0 mm) were divided into 5 groups (Group I to V) according to the number of A2-coloring liquid applications. Each group was then divided into 11 subgroups by reducing the thickness up to 1.0 mm in 0.1-mm increments (Subgroup 0 to 10, n=3). Colors and spectral distributions were measured according to CIELAB on a reflection spectrophotometer. All measurements were performed on five different areas of each specimen. Color difference (ΔE*ab) and translucency parameter (TP) were calculated. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and multiple comparison Scheffé test (α=.05).


There were significant differences in CIE L* between Subgroup 0 and other subgroups in all groups. CIE a* increased (0.52<R2<0.73), while CIE b* decreased (0.00<R2<0.74) in all groups with increasing thickness reduction. Perceptible color differences (ΔE* ab>3.7) were obtained between Subgroup 0 and other subgroups. TP values generally increased as the thickness reduction increased in all groups (R2>0.89, P<.001).


Increasing thickness reduction reduces lightness and increases a reddish, bluish appearance, and translucency of monolithic zirconia ceramics.  相似文献   

目的: 比较分析牙科金属材料的致敏性, 为今后科学选择牙科金属材料提供指导。方法: 对92例口腔内含金属修复体的受试者进行斑贴试验。采用SPSS 17.0软件包对相关数据进行Pearsonχ2检验、校正的χ2检验和Fisher确切概率检验。结果: ①不同金属材料的过敏率不同, 镍(Ni)的过敏率最高22.8%, 铝(Al)的过敏率为0。②对钯(Pd)和镍(Ni)过敏者中, 女性多于男性, 差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。③女性中, 穿耳者镍(Ni)的阳性率较高, 但穿耳与镍(Ni)过敏无相关关系(P>0.05)。④钯(Pd)和镍(Ni)之间存在交叉过敏, 对钯(Pd)过敏者中, 83.3%对镍(Ni)过敏;对镍(Ni)过敏者中, 47.6%对钯(Pd)过敏。⑤斑贴试验可出现迟发反应。结论: 牙科金属材料具有一定的过敏率, 女性对钯(Pd)和镍(Ni)的过敏率显著高于男性。斑贴试验可出现迟发反应, 必要时可观察96 h、7 d甚至更长时间的结果, 以排除假阴性。  相似文献   


Statement of problem

Infiltrated zirconia has promising mechanical properties. However, information about its optical behavior is scarce.


The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the color and translucency of zirconia submitted to infiltration and aging.

Material and methods

Sixty zirconia disks were machined. Ten disks received no treatment (NT group), 10 disks were immersed in a coloring liquid (A2 group), and 10 disks were immersed in a fluorescent liquid (F group). The other 30 disks were submitted to the same treatments plus glass infiltration (NT+I, A2+I, and F+I groups). The coordinates L*, a*, and b* and the Y tristimulus values were obtained to calculate the color (ΔE00), lightness, chroma, and hue differences; the translucency parameter (TP); and the contrast ratio (CR) associated with the specimens. After aging in an autoclave for 4 hours (T1), new measurements were made. Two- and 3-way ANOVAs were used to analyze color differences, TP, and CR. The lightness, chroma, and hue differences were evaluated by a repeated measures ANOVA. Multiple comparisons were made with the Tukey honestly significant difference (HSD) test (α=.05).


The greatest color differences were observed in the A2+I group (11.23 ΔE00) (P<.001). Aging affected the chroma of the colored groups (P=.013 and P=.001) but did not affect their translucency (P=.347 for TP and P=.132 for CR). The greatest TP values were found in the NT and NT+I groups (2.54 and 2.34, respectively), whereas the CR was equal to or close to 1 in all groups.


Color differences were observed in the glass-infiltrated groups. The TP and CR were affected by infiltration. Aging did not influence the optical behavior of the specimens.  相似文献   

目的 制备一种牙科树脂渗透氧化锆陶瓷(polymer infiltrated zirconia ceramic network,PICN)材料,检测其机械性能。方法 制备纯氧化锆陶瓷、纯树脂以及4种不同孔隙率的陶瓷支架,实验组的陶瓷支架用树脂进行渗透得到陶瓷树脂复合材料(PICN)。通过三点弯曲强度实验检测材料的弯曲强度和弹性模量,采用单边切口梁法检测断裂韧性,通过纳米压痕系统测得材料的硬度以及用扫描电镜观测材料的显微结构。结果 树脂渗透氧化锆陶瓷(PICN)材料的弯曲强度值为135~266 MPa,弹性模量值为41.3~99.3GPa,断裂韧性值为2.20~4.04 MPam1/2,硬度值为1.93~10.83GPa。扫描电镜显示PICN材料中树脂在陶瓷孔隙内渗透完全。结论 这类树脂渗透氧化锆陶瓷材料的机械性能与人类天然牙釉质和牙本质相似,在口腔修复领域具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

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