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The efferent connections of the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) have been analyzed in a series of 30 rat brains with injections of 3H-amino acids into different parts of the area and the surrounding regions. Our findings indicate that all parts of the LHA contribute ascending and descending fibers to the medial forebrain bundle, and also project medially to certain of the adjoining hypothalamic nuclei. All levels of the LHA appear to send some fibers to a continuous group of structures that extends from the medial septal-diagonal band complex rostrally, through the lateral preoptic and lateral hypothalamic areas to the mammillary complex and the ventral tegmental area caudally. In addition, it is evident that cells at different levels within the LHA may have differential projections. Thus, the anterior and lateral parts of the LHA also appear to project substantially to the anterior hypothalamic area, the ventromedial and dorsomedial hypothalamic nuclei, the parataenial and paraventricular nuclei of the thalamus, and the medial part of the lateral habenular nucleus. Similarly, cells in the tuberal and posterior parts of the LHA project to the central gray, the longest projections from the posterior region reaching as far caudally as the central tegmental field, the parabrachial nucleus, the locus coeruleus, and the superior central and dorsal nuclei of the raphe. Viewed as a whole, the LHA is therefore well-suited to integrate inputs from the limbic system and brainstem and to relay them on the one hand to the medial zone of the hypothalamus and on the other to virtually every structure closely associated with the medial forebrain bundle and to the nuclei of origin of the major ascending monoaminergic systems.  相似文献   

Serotonin neurons of the midbrain raphe: ascending projections.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The ascending projections of serotonin neurons of the midbrain raphe were analyzed in the rat using the autoradiographic tracing method. Axons of raphe serotonin neurons ascend in the ventral tegmental area and enter the medial forebrain bundle. A number of fibers leave the major group to ascend along the fasciculus retroflexus. Some fibers enter the habenula but the majority turn rostrally in the internal medullary lamina of the thalamus to innervate dorsal thalamus. Two additional large projections leave the medial forebrain bundle in the hypothalamus; the ansa peduncularis-ventral amygdaloid bundle system turns laterally through the internal capsule into the striatal complex, amygdala and the external capsule to reach lateral and posterior cortex, and another system of fibers turns medially to innervate medial hypothalamus and median eminence and form a contrelateral projection via the supraoptic commissures. Rostrally the major group in the medial forebrain bundle divides into several components: fibers entering the stria medullaris to terminate in thalamus; fibers entering the stria terminalis to terminate in the amygdala; fibers traversing the fornix to the hippocampus; fibers running through septum to enter the cingulum and terminate in dorsal and medial cortex and in hippocampus; fibers entering the external capsule to innervate rostral and lateral cortex; and fibers continuing forward in the medial olfactory stria to terminate in the anterior olfactory nucleus and olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

The hypothalamus is closely involved in a wide variety of behavioral, autonomic, visceral, and endocrine functions. To find out which descending pathways are involved in these functions, we investigated them by horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and autoradiographic tracing techniques. HRP injections at various levels of the spinal cord resulted in a nearly uniform distribution of HRP-labeled neurons in most areas of the hypothalamus except for the anterior part. After HRP injections in the raphe magnus (NRM) and adjoining tegmentum the distribution of labeled neurons was again uniform, but many were found in the anterior hypothalamus as well. Injections of 3H-leucine in the hypothalamus demonstrated that: The anterior hypothalamic area sent many fibers through the medial forebrain bundle (MFB) to terminate in the ventral tegmental area of Tsai (VTA), the rostral raphe nuclei, the nucleus Edinger-Westphal, the dorsal part of the substantia nigra, the periaqueductal gray (PAG), and the interpeduncular nuclei. Further caudally a lateral fiber stream (mainly derived from the lateral parts of the anterior hypothalamic area) distributed fibers to the parabrachial nuclei, nucleus subcoeruleus, locus coeruleus, the micturition-coordinating region, the caudal brainstem lateral tegmentum, and the solitary and dorsal vagal nucleus. Furthermore, a medial fiber stream (mainly derived from the medial parts of the anterior hypothalamic area) distributed fibers to the superior central and dorsal raphe nucleus and to the NRM, nucleus raphe pallidus (NRP), and adjoining tegmentum. The medial and posterior hypothalamic area including the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVN) sent fibers to approximately the same mesencephalic structures as the anterior hypothalamic area. Further caudally two different fiber bundles were observed. A medial stream distributed labeled fibers to the NRM, rostral NRP, the upper thoracic intermediolateral cell group, and spinal lamina X. A second and well-defined fiber stream, probably derived from the PVN, distributed many fibers to specific parts of the lateral tegmental field, to the solitary and dorsal vagal nuclei, and, in the spinal cord, to lamina I and X, to the thoracolumbar and sacral intermediolateral cell column, and to the nucleus of Onuf. The lateral hypothalamic area sent many labeled fibers to the lateral part of the brainstem and many terminated in the caudal brainstem lateral tegmentum, including the parabrachial nuclei, locus coeruleus, nucleus subcoeruleus, and the solitary and dorsal vagal nuclei.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The efferent, afferent and intrinsic connections of the septal region have been analyzed in the rat with the autoradiographic method. The lateral septal nucleus, which can be divided into dorsal, intermediate and ventral parts, receives its major input from the hippocampal formation and projects to the medial septal-diagonal band complex. The ventral part of the nucleus also sends fibers through the medial forebrain bundle to the medial preoptic and anterior hypothalamic areas, to the lateral hypothalamic area and the dorsomedial nucleus, to the mammillary body (including the supramammillary region), and to the ventral tegmental area. The medial septal nucleus/diagonal band complex projects back to the hippocampal formation by way of the dorsal fornix, fimbria, and possibly the cingulum. Both nuclei also project through the medial forebrain bundle to the medial and lateral preoptic areas, to the lateral hypothalamic area, and to the mammillary complex. The medial septal nucleus also sends fibers to the midbrain (the ventral tegmental area and raphe nuclei) and to the parataenial nucleus of the thalamus, while the nucleus of the diagonal band has an additional projection to the anterior limbic area. Ascending inputs to the medial septal nucleus/diagonal band complex arise in several hypothalamic nuclei and in the brainstem aminergic cell groups. The posterior septal nuclei (the septofimbrial and triangular nuclei) receive their major input from the hippocampal formation, and project in a topographically ordered manner upon the habenular nuclei and the interpeduncular nuclear complex. The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis receives its major input from the amygdala (Krettek and Price, '78); but other afferents arise from the ventral subiculum, the ventromedial nucleus, and the brainstem aminergic cell groups. The principal output of the bed nucleus is through the medial forebrain bundle to the substantia innominata, the nucleus accumbens, most parts of the hypothalamus and the preoptic area, the central tegmental fields of the midbrain, the ventral tegmental area, the dorsal and median nuclei of the raphe, and the locus coeruleus. The bed nucleus also projects to the anterior nuclei of the thalamus, the parataenial and paraventricular nuclei, and the medial habenular nucleus, and through the stria terminalis to the medial and central nuclei of the amygdala, and to the amygdalo-hippocampal transition area.  相似文献   

Medial anterior hypothalamic connections were studied with H3-proline and autoradiography. Most of the axons projected to other hypothalamic nuclei. The major pathways were found ventral medial to the fornix and in the periventricular tract. Substantial projections were apparent in the ventromedial and dorsomedial nuclei with less label in the arcuate nucleus. The dorsal premammillary nuclei were labeled bilaterally, particularly with more caudal injections of anterior hypothalamus. Efferents were evident in the posterior hypothalamus and continued into the central gray of the midbrain. Labeled fibers reached the ventral tegmental area and in the reticular formation were traced only through pons. Rostral projections were to the medial and lateral preoptic areas and ventral lateral septum. The bed nucleus of stria terminalis was labeled and a very few fibers reached the medial amygdaloid nucleus. The periventricular nucleus of thalamus was labeled.  相似文献   

Ascending projections from the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR) were examined in the rat by using the anterograde anatomical tracer, Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L). The majority of labeled fibers from the DR ascended through the forebrain within the medial forebrain bundle. DR fibers were found to terminate heavily in several subcortical as well as cortical sites. The following subcortical nuclei receive dense projections from the DR: ventral regions of the midbrain central gray including the 'supraoculomotor central gray' region, the ventral tegmental area, the substantia nigra-pars compacta, midline and intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus including the posterior paraventricular, the parafascicular, reuniens, rhomboid, intermediodorsal/mediodorsal, and central medial thalamic nuclei, the central, lateral and basolateral nuclei of the amygdala, posteromedial regions of the striatum, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the lateral septal nucleus, the lateral preoptic area, the substantia innominata, the magnocellular preoptic nucleus, the endopiriform nucleus, and the ventral pallidum. The following subcortical nuclei receive moderately dense projections from the DR: the median raphe nucleus, the midbrain reticular formation, the cuneiform/pedunculopontine tegmental area, the retrorubral nucleus, the supramammillary nucleus, the lateral hypothalamus, the paracentral and central lateral intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus, the globus pallidus, the medial preoptic area, the vertical and horizontal limbs of the diagonal band nuclei, the claustrum, the nucleus accumbens, and the olfactory tubercle. The piriform, insular and frontal cortices receive dense projections from the DR; the occipital, entorhinal, perirhinal, frontal orbital, anterior cingulate, and infralimbic cortices, as well as the hippocampal formation, receive moderately dense projections from the DR. Some notable differences were observed in projections from the caudal DR and the rostral DR. For example, the hippocampal formation receives moderately dense projections from the caudal DR and essentially none from the rostral DR. On the other hand, virtually all neocortical regions receive significantly denser projections from the rostral than from the caudal DR. The present results demonstrate that dorsal raphe fibers project significantly throughout widespread regions of the midbrain and forebrain.  相似文献   

Afferent connections to the lateral hypothalamic region in the rat were studied using horseradish peroxidase (HRP). HRP was injected iontophoretically by a parapharyngeal approach. After HRP injections into the lateral hypothalamic area, labeled cells were found mainly in the medial prefrontal and infralimbic cortices, lateral and dorsal septal nuclei, nucleus accumbens, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial and lateral amygdaloid nuclei, lateral habenular nucleus, peripeduncular nucleus, ventral tegmental area, mesencephalic and pontine central gray, ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, lateral parabrachial area, raphe nuclei and the nucleus locus coeruleus. Labeled cells following HRP injections into the lateral preoptic area were found mainly in the lateral and dorsal septal nuclei, nucleus accumbens, diagonal band, ventral part of the globus pallidus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, central amygdaloid nucleus, mesencephalic and pontine central gray, dorsal raphe nucleus, parabrachial area and the nucleus locus coeruleus. The intrahypothalamic connections were also discussed.  相似文献   

By chronically implanting a glass micropipette filled with tritiated leucine in the raphe centralis superior of the rat, the projection of this nucleus was traced by radioautography. The majority of the ascending projections were located within the ventral tegmental area and, further rostrally, the median forebrain bundle. Along the course of this bundle numerous fibers branched successively into the mammillary peduncle, the fasciculus retroflexus, the stria medullaris, the fornix and the cingulum. The most significant projections included the ones to the interpeduncular nucleus, the mammillary bodies, the habenular nuclei and the hippocampus. No projections were detected in the striatum, the cortex piriformis or the amygdala. Descending projections diffused to the pontine reticular formation and central gray through the medial and the dorsal longitudinal bundles. In addition widespread projections were also seen in nuclei located near the raphe centralis superior: raphe nuclei, dorsal and ventral tegmental nuclei.  相似文献   

The ascending projections of the locus coeruleus were studied using an autoradiographic method. The major projection of locus coeruleus neurons ascends in a dorsal pathway traversing the midbrain tegmentum in a position ventrolateral to the periaqueductal gray. At the caudal diencephalon the locus coeruleus axons descend to enter the medial forebrain bundle at a caudal tuberal hypothalamic level. They are jointed in the medial forebrain bundle by a much smaller locus coeruleus projection which takes a ventral course through the midbrain tegmentum and enters the medial forebrain bundle via the mammillary peduncle and ventral tegmental area. Terminal projections are evident in the midbrain to the periaqueductal gray, tegmentum and raphe nuclei. There are widespread projections to the dorsal thalamus. The heaviest of these are to the intralaminar nuclei, the anteroventral and anteromedial nuclei, the dorsal lateral geniculate and the paraventricular nucleus. In the hypothalamus the largest projections are to the lateral hypothalamic area, periventricular nucleus, supraoptic nucleus and paraventricular nucleus. As the locus coeruleus projection ascends in the medial forebrain bundle, fibers leave it to traverse the lateral hypothalamus and zona incerta and enter the internal capsule, the ventral amygdaloid bundle and ansa peduncularis. These appear to terminate in the amygdaloid complex and, via the external capsule, in the lateral and dorsal neocortex. At the level of the septum 4 projections are evident. One group of fibers enters the stria medullaris to terminate in the paraventricular nucleus and habenular nuclei. A second group joins the stria terminalis to terminate in the anygdaloid complex. The third group turns into the diagonal band and medial septum; some fibers terminate in the septal nuclei and others continue into the fornix to termimate in hippocampus. A large component continues around the corpus callosum into the cingulum to terminate in the cingulate and adjacent neocortex, the subiculum and hippocampus. The remaining fibers continue rostrally in the medial forebrain bundle to terminate in olfactory forebrain and frontal neocortex. Commissural projections arise at 4 locations. The first decussation occurs in the dorsal tegmentum just below the central gray rostral to the locus coeruleus. The crossing fibers enter the contralateral dorsal bundle. A second group of fibers leaves the ipsilateral dorsal pathway, crosses in the posterior commissure and enters the contralateral dorsal pathway at the level. The third commissural projection arises more rostrally and crosses in the dorsal supraoptic commissure to enter the contralateral medial forebrain bundle. The fourth commissural projection is through the anterior commissure. The termination of the contralateral projection appears similar to that of the ipsilateral projection.  相似文献   

Ascending projections from the medial pontine reticular formation, the mesencephalic reticular formation, and the median raphe nucleus were examined using the autoradiographic technique. The majority of the ascending fibers labeled after injections of [3H]-leucine into the nucleus pontis caudalis (RPC) course through the brainstem within the tracts of Forel (tractus fasciculorum tegmenti of Forel) and directly ventral to them. At the caudal diencephalon, Forel's bundle divides into dorsal and ventral components bound primarily for the dorsal thalamus and the subthalamus, respectively. RPC fibers project to several regions involved in oculomotor/visual functions. These include the abducens nucleus, the intermediate gray layer of the superior colliculus (SCi), the anterior pretectal nucleus (APN), the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNv), and regions of the central gray directly bordering the oculomotor nucleus, the interstitial nucleus of Cajal, and the nucleus of Darkschewitsch. Few, if any, fibers from RPC (or from nucleus pontis oralis-RPO) terminate within the oculomotor nucleus proper. Other sites receiving heavy projections from the RPC include adjacent regions of the pontomesencephalic reticular formation (RF), the parafascicular (PF) and central lateral (CL) nuclei of the thalamus and the fields of Forel/zona incerta (FF-ZI). RPO fibers also ascend predominantly in Forel's bundle. Other ascending tracts for these fibers are the medial longitudinal fasciculus and the central tegmental tract (CTT). RPO fibers distribute significantly to the same structures of the oculomotor/visual system receiving projections from RPC. The RPO projections to the SCi and the APN are particularly pronounced. RPO fibers terminate heavily in several nuclei located ventrally within the rostral midbrain/caudal diencephalon. These include major dopamine-containing cell groups (the retrorubral nucleus, the ventral tegmental area, and the substantia nigra-pars compacta) as well as the interpeduncular nucleus, the lateral mammillary nucleus, and the supramammillary nucleus. Other prominent targets for RPO fibers include the mesencephalic RF, specific regions of the central gray, the PF, the CL, the paracentral and central medial nuclei of the thalamus, and the FF/ZI. The major bundle of the ascending fibers labeled after injections of the mesencephalic reticular formation (MRF) travels within the CTT in a position just lateral to the central gray, but a significant number of labeled axons also course in Forel's bundle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The efferent connections of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH) of the rat have been examined using the autoradiographic method. Following injections of small amounts (0.4-2.0 muCi) of tritium labeled amino acids, fibers from the VMH can be traced forward through the periventricular region, the medial hypothalamus and the medial forebrain bundle to the preoptic and thalamic periventricular nuclei, to the medial and lateral preoptic areas, to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and to the ventral part of the lateral septum. Some labeled axons continue through the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis into the stria itself, and hence to the amygdala, where they join other fibers which follow a ventral amygdalopetal route from the lateral hypothalamic area and ventral supraoptic commissure. These fibers terminate in the dorsal part of the medial amygdaloid nucleus and in the capsule of the central nucleus. A lesser number of rostrally directed fibers from the VMH crosses the midline in the ventral supraoptic commissure and contributes a sparse projection to the contralateral amygdala. Descending fibers from the VMH take three routes: (i) through the medial hypothalamus and medial forebrain bundle; (ii) through the periventricular region; and (iii) bilaterally through the ventral supraoptic commissure. These three pathways are interconnected by labeled fibers so that it is not possible to precisely identify their respective terminations. However, the periventricular fibers seem to project primarily to the posterior hypothalamic area and central gray, as far caudally as the anterior pole of the locus coeruleus, while the medial hypothalamic and medial forebrain bundle fibers apparently terminate mainly in the capsule of the mammillary complex, in the supramammillary nucleus and in the ventral tegmental area. The ventral supraoptic commissure fibers leave the hypothalamus closely applied to the medial edges of the two optic tracts. After giving off their contributions to the amygdala, they continue caudally until they cross the dorsal edge of the cerebral peduncle to enter the zona incerta. Some fibers probably terminate here, but others continue caudally to end in the dentral tegmental fields, and particularly in the peripeduncular nucleus. Within the hypothalamus, the VMH appears to project extensively to the surrounding nuclei. However, we have not been able to find evidence for a projection from the VMH to the median eminence. Isotope injections which differentially label the dorsomedial or the ventrolateral parts of the VMH have shown that most of the long connections (to the septum, amygdala, central tegmental fields and locus coeruleus) originate in the ventrolateral VMH, and there is also some evidence for a topographic organization within the projections of this subdivision of the nucleus.  相似文献   

Efferent projections from the medial and periventricular preoptic area, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and nuclei of the diagonal band were traced using tritiated amino acid autoradiography in albino rats. Medial and periventricular preoptic area efferents were not restricted to short-axon projections. Ascending projections from the medial preoptic area (mPOA) were traced through the diagonal band into the septum. Descending mPOA axons coursed in the medial parts of the medial forebrain bundle. Projections to most hypothalamic nuclei, including the arcuate nucleus and median eminence, were observed. In the midbrain, mPOA efferents were distributed in the central grey, raphe nuclei, ventral tegmental area and reticular formation. Projections from the mPOA were also observed to the amygdala through the stria terminalis, to the lateral habenula through the stria medullaris, and to the periventricular thalamus. Axons of the most medial and periventricular preoptic area (pvPOA) neurons had a distribution similar to more lateral mPOA neurons but their longest-axoned projections were weaker. The pvPOA did not send axons through the stria medullaris but did project more heavily than the more lateral mPOA to the arcuate nucleus and median eminence. Projections from the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (nST) were in most respects similar to those from the medial preoptic area, with the major addition of a projection to the accessory olfactory bulb. The nuclei of the diagonal band of Broca (nDBB) gave a different pattern of projections than mPOA or nST, projecting, for instance, to the medial septum and hippocampus. Descending nDBB efferents ran in the ventral portion of the medial forebrain bundle. Among hypothalamic cell groups, only the medial mammillary nuclei received nDBB projections. nDBB efferents also distributed in the medial and lateral habenular nuclei and the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus.  相似文献   

Interpeduncular nucleus afferents in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Afferents to the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) of the rat were studied with the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) retrograde transport method. HRP was deposited microelectrophoretically in the IPN of adult rats. Major projections to the IPN originate in the medial habenular nucleus, the region surrounding the dorsal tegmental nucleus (accessory dorsal tegmental nucleus and the so-called dorsal tegmental nucleus pars lateralis), and the midbrain raphe (nucleus centralis superior and nucleus raphe dorsalis). Also, minor projections originate in the central gray and nucleus locus coeruleus. Our results indicate that the habenulointerpeduncular projection originates solely from the medial habenular nuclei and is topographically organized; medial regions of the medial habenular nuclei project to ventral portions of IPN and lateral regions project to the dorsal IPN.  相似文献   

Afferents to the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) of the rat were studied with the horseradish peroxide (HRP) retrograde transport method. HRP was deposited microelectrophoretically in the IPN of adult rats. Major projections to the IPN originate in the medial habenular nucleus, the region surrounding the dorsal tegmental nucleus (accessory dorsal tegmental nucleus and the so-called dorsal tegmental nucleus pars lateralis), and the midbrain raphe (nucleus centralis superior and nucleus raphe dorsalis). Also, minor projections originate in the central gray and nucleus locus coeruleus. Our results indicate that the habenulointerpeduncular projection originates solely from the medial habenular nuclei and is topographically organized; medial regions of the medial habenular nuclei project to ventral portions of IPN and lateral regions project to the dorsal IPN.  相似文献   

The projections of the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN) were examined by making injections of the anterogradely transported lectin Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) into the MPN and charting the distribution of labeled fibers. The evidence indicates that the MPN projects extensively to widely distributed regions in both the forebrain and brainstem, most of which also supply inputs to the nucleus. An important neuroendocrine role for the MPN is underscored by its extensive projections to almost all parts of the periventricular zone of the hypothalamus, including the anteroventral periventricular, anterior part of the periventricular, paraventricular (PVH), and arcuate nuclei, and a role in autonomic mechanisms is indicated by projections to such regions as the dorsal and lateral parvicellular parts of the PVH, the lateral parabrachial nucleus, and the nucleus of the solitary tract. Other projections of the MPN suggest participation in the initiation of specific motivated behaviors. For example, inputs to two nuclei of the medial zone of the hypothalamus, the ventromedial and dorsomedial nuclei, may be related to the control of reproductive and ingestive behaviors, respectively, although the possible functional significance of a strong projection to the ventral premammillary nucleus is presently unclear. The execution of these behaviors may involve activation of somatomotor regions via projections to the substantia innominata, zona incerta, ventral tegmental area, and pedunculopontine nucleus. Similarly, inputs to other regions that project directly to the spinal cord, such as the periaqueductal gray, the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus, certain medullary raphe nuclei, and the magnocellular reticular nucleus may also be involved in modulating somatic and/or autonomic reflexes. Finally, the MPN may influence a wide variety of physiological mechanisms and behaviors through its massive projections to areas like the ventral part of the lateral septal nucleus, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the lateral hypothalamic area, the supramammillary nucleus, and the ventral tegmental area, all of which have extensive connections with regions along the medial forebrain bundle. Although the PHA-L method does not allow a clear demonstration of possible differential projections from each subdivision of the MPN, our results suggest that each of them does give rise to a unique pattern of outputs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Afferent and efferent connections of the medial preoptic area including medial preoptic nucleus (MP) and periventricular area at the MP level were examined using WGA-HRP as a marker. Injections were performed by insertion of micropipette containing (1) small amount of HRP powder or (2) dryed HRP solution for 24 to 48 hr until the fixation or for 5 min respectively. Dorsal and ventral approaches of injection micropipettes were performed and the results were compared. Previously reported reciprocal connections with lateral septum, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial amygdaloid nucleus, lateral hypothalamic nucleus, paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, arcuate nucleus, supramammillary nucleus, central gray at the mesencephalon, raphe dorsalis, raphe medianus, and lateral parabrachial nucleus have been confirmed. In addition, we found reciprocal connections with septo-hypothalamic nucleus, amygdalo-hipocampal nucleus, subiculum, parafascicular thalamic nucleus, posterior thalamic nucleus at the caudo-ventral subdivision, median preoptic nucleus, lateral preoptic nucleus, anterior hypothalamic nucleus, periventricular area at the caudal hypothalamic level, dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, posterior hypothalamic nucleus, dorsal and ventral premammillary nucleus, lateral mammillary nucleus, peripeduncular nucleus, periventricular gray, ventral tegmental area, interpeduncular nucleus, nucleus raphe pontis, nucleus raphe magnus, pedunculo-pontine tegmental nucleus, gigantocellular reticular nucleus and solitary tract nucleus. The areas which had only efferent connections from MP were accumbens, caudate putamen, ventral pallidum, substantia innominata, lateral habenular nucleus, paratenial thalamic nucleus, paraventricular thalamic nucleus, mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, reuniens thalamic nucleus, median eminence, medial mammillary nucleus, subthalamic nucleus, pars compacta of substantia nigra, oculomotor nucleus, red nucleus, laterodorsal tegmental nucleus, reticular tegmental nucleus, cuneiform nucleus, nucleus locus coeruleus, and dorsal motor nucleus of vagus among which substantia innominata and median eminence were previously reported. Efferent connections to the nucleus of Darkschewitsch, interstitial nucleus of Cajal, dorsal tegmental nucleus, ventral tegmental nucleus, vestibular nuclei, nucleus raphe obsculus were very weak or abscent in the ventral approach while they were observed in dorsal approach. Previously reported afferent connections from dorsal tegmental nucleus, cuneiform nucleus, and nucleus locus ceruleus were not detected in this study.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Efferent connections of the habenular nuclei in the rat.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The efferent connections of the medial (MHb) and lateral (LHb) habenular nuclei in the rat were demonstrated autoradiographically following small injections of tritiated amino acids localized within various parts of the habenular complex. Comparison of individual cases led to the following conclusions. MHb efferents form the core portion of the fasciculus retroflexus and pass to the interpeduncular nucleus (IP) in which they terminate in a topographic pattern that refects 90 degrees rotations such that dorsal MHb projects to lateral IP, medial MHb to ventral, and lateral MHb to dorsal IP. Most MHb fibers cross in the interpeduncular necleus in the "figure 8" pattern described by Cajal, and terminate throughout the width of IP with only moderate preference for the ipsilateral side. However, the most dorsal part of MHb projects almost exclusively to the most lateral IP zone in a cluster pattern that is particularly dense on the ipsilateral side. The MHb appears to have no other significant projections, but very sparse MHb fibers may pass to the supracommissural septum and to the median raphe nucleus. Except for some fibers passing ventrally into the mediodorsal nucleus, all of the LHb efferents enter the fasciculus retroflexus and compose the mantle portion of the bundle. No LHb projections follow the stria medullaris. In the ventral tegmental area LHb efferents become organized into groups that disperse in several directions: (a) Rostrally directed fibers follow the medial forebrain bundle to the lateral, posterior and dorsomedial hypothalamic nuclei, ventromedial thalamic nucleus, lateral preoptic area, substantia innominata and ventrolateral septum. (b) Fibers turning laterally distribute to the substantia nigra, pars compacta (SNC); a small number continue through SNC to adjacent tegmentum. (c) The largest contingent of LHb efferents passes dorsocaudally into paramedian midbrain regions including median and dorsal raphe nuclei, and to adjacent tegmental reticular formation. Sparse addition LHb projections pass to the pretectal area, superior colliculus, nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis, parabrachial nuclei and locus coeruleus. No LHb projections appear to involve the interpeduncular nucleus. All of these connections are in varying degree bilateral, with decussations in the supramammillary region, ventral tegmental area and median raphe nucleus. On the basis of differential afferent and efferent connections, the LHb can be divided into a medial (M-LHb) and a lateral (L-LHb) portion. The M-LHb, receiving most of its afferents from limbic regions and only few from globus pallidus, projects mainly to the raphe nuclei, while L-LHb, afferented mainly by globus pallidus and in lesser degree by the limbic forebrain, projects predominantly to a large region of reticular formation alongside the median raphe nucleus. Both M-LHb and L-LHb, however, project to SNC. The reported data are discussed in correlation with recent histochemical findings.  相似文献   

The connections of a relatively homogeneous band of neurons in the caudal amygdala have been examined with anterograde and retrograde axonal tracing methods in the rat. This region, called here the posterior nucleus of the amygdala (PA), corresponds in part to an area that has been referred to as the cortico-amygdaloid transition area, posterior part of the medial nucleus of the amygdala, amygdalo-hippocampal transition area, and posteromedial basal nucleus. Experiments with fluorogold and phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHAL) indicate that the major neuronal input to the PA arises in the ventral premammillary nucleus, and that substantial projections also arise in olfactory-related areas such as the medial nucleus of the amygdala, bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract, and posterior cortical nucleus of the amygdala, as well as in the ventral subiculum and adjacent parts of hippocampal field CA1. Other seemingly minor inputs, including cholinergic fibers from the substantia innominata, dopaminergic fibers from the ventral tegmental area, and serotoninergic fibers from the dorsal nucleus of the raphe, were also identified. The efferent projections of the PA as determined with the PHAL method appear to follow five major routes: 1) a relatively small group of laterally directed fibers innervates the dorsal endopiriform nucleus, and a few of these fibers reach cortical area TR and the lateral entorhinal area; 2) another small group of fibers courses medially to innervate the ventral subiculum and adjacent parts of field CA1; 3) many fibers course ventrally to innervate the outer molecular layer of the medial part of the posterior cortical nucleus of the amygdala; 4) a moderate group of fibers courses rostrally to innervate primarily the posterodorsal part of the medial nucleus of the amygdala, although some fibers continue on to end less densely in rostral parts of the medial nucleus of the amygdala before leaving the amygdala through the ansa peduncularis; and 5) the major output of the PA courses through the stria terminalis. One branch of this pathway massively innervates the principal nucleus of the bed nuclei of the stria terminalis before entering the medial hypothalamus, where it ends massively in the anteroventral periventricular and medial preoptic nuclei, ventrolateral part of the ventromedial nucleus and adjacent parts of the basal lateral hypothalamic area, and ventral premammillary nucleus. The other branch sends fibers to the ventral lateral septal nucleus, nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle, and infralimbic area of the prefrontal cortex.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study has examined the ascending projections of the periaqueductal gray in the rat. Injections of Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin were placed in the dorsolateral or ventrolateral subregions, at rostral or caudal sites. From either region, fibers ascended via two bundles. The periventricular bundle ascended in the periaqueductal and periventricular gray matter. At the posterior commissure level, this bundle divided into a dorsal component that terminated in the intralaminar and midline thalamic nuclei, and a ventral component that supplied the hypothalamus. The ventral bundle formed in the deep mesencephalic reticular formation and supplied the ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra pars compacta, and the retrorubral field. The remaining fibers were incorporated into the medial forebrain bundle. These supplied the lateral hypothalamus and forebrain structures, including the preoptic area, the nuclei of the diagonal band, and the lateral division of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. The dorsolateral subregion preferentially innervated the centrolateral and paraventricular thalamic nuclei and the anterior hypothalamic area. The ventrolateral subregion preferentially innervated the parafascicular and central medial thalamic nuclei, the lateral hypothalamic area, and the lateral division of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Although the dorsolateral and ventrolateral subregions gave rise to differential projections, the projections from both the rostral and caudal parts of either subregion were similar. This suggests that the dorsolateral and ventrolateral subregions are organized into longitudinal columns that extend throughout the length of the periaqueductal gray. These columns may correspond to those demonstrated in recent physiological studies. © 1995 Willy-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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