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目的 计算MRI引导近距离治疗中磁场对Bebig型60Co HDR放射源周围剂量以及碰撞比释动能分布的扰动,判断在不同强度磁场下应用此型号放射源进行近距离治疗可行性。方法 基于蒙特卡洛Geant4软件,建立Bebig型60Co近距离治疗源模型,然后置其于尺寸为10cm×10cm×10cm的均匀水模体中,并沿着x、y、z轴向划分大小为0.2mm×0.5mm×0.5mm的体元。在x轴向上分别施加磁场强度为0T、1.5T、3.0T均匀磁场,分别计算x轴向上距离治疗源中心10.0mm范围内碰撞比释动能与剂量分布以及两者比值随距离放射源中心远近变化情况。结果 1.5T的磁场对60Co HDR治疗源附近空间范围内剂量分布无影响,而3.0T的磁场导致距离放射源中心r<6mm范围内剂量明显偏高,r=5.4mm处剂量增加了接近40%。碰撞比释动能与剂量比值在1.2mm60Co HDR近距离治疗源,在治疗过程中应用1.5T外部磁场是安全可靠的,而3.0T高场强磁场带来了剂量风险,在投入临床使用前必须进行安全验证评估。  相似文献   

目的 研究金属施源器对GZP3型60Co近距离治疗源剂量分布的影响,获得该源基于金属施源器的剂量学参数。方法 通过蒙特卡罗软件Geant4获得近距离治疗源周围(0~10 cm)的平均吸收剂量,并根据AAPM的TG43和TG43U1等报告推荐的计算公式获得该源基于金属施源器的剂量学参数。模拟中60Co近距离治疗源位于半径为30 cm的球体水模中心。结果 获得基于金属施源器的GZP3型60Co近距离治疗源1和2号通道的Λ为1.014 cGyh-1U-1(与无施源器相比分别偏差0.5%),3号通道的Λ为0.998 cGyh-1U-1(与无施源器相比分别偏差0.1%);中垂轴0.5~10.0 cm距离范围内的径向剂量函数,并获得该函数的拟合公式;角度0°~175°、距离0.5~10.0 cm范围内的各向异性函数。结论 本研究得到的基于金属施源器的剂量学参数为该源的临床使用提供更加精确的数据参考,在临床使用中应考虑金属施源器对于60Co剂量分布的影响。  相似文献   

目的 GZP型60Co源高剂量率后装机在临床中已有应用,模拟计算GZP型60Co源的剂量学参数。方法 使用EGSnrc蒙特卡洛软件模拟计算已知的BEBIG 60Co源(Co0.A86)剂量学参数,与其结果进行对比,验证方法的可行性。对GZP型高剂量率后装机60Co源进行建模,用同样方法模拟计算GZP型60Co源剂量学参数。结果 对BEBIG60Co源,结果与标准数据吻合很好,单位活度空气比释动能强度SK/A相差0.2%,剂量率常数Λ相差1.0%,径向剂量函数gL (r)和各向异性函数F (r,θ))曲线吻合。计算得到的GZP型60Co源(1、2)号通道的SK/A和Λ分别是3.011×10-7cGycm2h-1Bq-1和1.118cGyh-1U-1, GZP (3)号通道60Co源的SK/A和Λ分别是3.002×10-7cGycm2h-1Bq-1和1.110cGyh-1U-1,gL (r)、F (r,θ)和水模中单位空气比释动能强度的剂量率参照AAPM推荐列出。  相似文献   

目的 介绍和评估 60Co陀螺刀的剂量学特性。方法 分别用0.015、0.600 cm3电离室,EDR2胶片和半导体探测器测量4个直径分别为5、12、30、50 mm准直器等中心剂量率。用0.015 cm3电离室检验机器的剂量—时间线性关系和机器出束稳定性。用0.015 cm3电离室探头与半导体探头测量治疗计划系统(TPS)计算和测量的相对误差,用胶片测量TPS计算等剂量线在x、y轴方向宽度误差。结果 0.015、0.600 cm3电离室,EDR2胶片和半导体探测器对50 mm准直器测量无差别,对5 mm准直器差别最大。半导体探测器测量的TPS与实测剂量误差最大为4.8%,大部分测量结果都<3.0%。50%等剂量线x轴方向差异最大为4.9 mm,其他都<2.0 mm。结论 60Co陀螺刀具有良好的剂量学特性,适合立体定向放疗。  相似文献   

随着小型化放射源~(192)Ir及后装机技术的发展,目前 已能对支气管腔内肺癌进行近距离放疗。现在提倡的高剂量率(HDR)(>10Gy/h)支气管内近距离放疗具有下列优点:缩短治疗时间。便于门诊病人;剂量与放射源距离呈反平方关系。迅速衰减,故治疗区严格限制于肿瘤及其周边组织,给予病人以最大的放射保护。该方法已面功应用于解除肿瘤性支气管阻塞及联合外照射根治支气管腔内肺癌,但用于支气管内小病灶的根治性治疗仅适用于少数病例。本文旨在研究HDR支气管内近距离放疗对于因严重呼吸衰竭或原先已经治疗而不适合采用其他治疗的局限性支气管内肿瘤患者作为单一治疗的应用价值。  相似文献   

高剂量率(HDR)近距离治疗是一项迅速发展的技术,近年来无论是发达国家还是发展中国家, HDR正逐步取代低剂量率(LDR)治疗技术。据估计每年约实施50万例HDR治疗。许多制造商近年来也相继停产LDR设备,转而将HDR设备作为主要替代产品。HDR近距离治疗可给予非常高的剂量,约1.6~5.0 Gy/min,这样操作的失误可以导致过低剂量或过高剂量进而引发医疗事故。至今已报告超过500起HDR事故(包括1人死亡),从处置放射源到进行治疗这一过程的任一环节都发生过事故。人为失误是造成放射性事故的主要原因。在这份报告中,国际放射防护委员会得出的结论是,如果工作人员使用放射剂量监测设备并重视监测结果,这些事故是可避免的。因为铱的半衰期相对较短,HDR放射源需每隔4个月进行更换。每年要运送约1万个放射源,这就存在发生放射性事故的可能;因此,需要遵守适当的规定和管理规程。本报告给出了一些关于设备和程序的特别建议,并强调了制定紧急预案和应急规定实施的重要性。同时要意识到放射源有丢失和被盗的可能性。组建一按照质量保证(QA)程序培训的协作小组对于预防放射性事故是非常必要的。日常维护是不可或缺的组成部分;独立审查程序可保证治疗的质量和安全,并可发现可能的事故。QA应包括对事故的调查。发生的事故应报告并将经验教训与其他使用单位共享以避免类似事故的发生。  相似文献   

目的 由于磁场会改变次级电子运动轨迹,继而影响剂量场分布,磁共振加速器(MR-Linac) X线束剂量学特性与常规加速器有差别。本项目旨在测量和分析1.5T MR-Linac的X线束剂量学特性。方法 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院于2019年5月安装1台瑞典医科达公司Unity型1.5T MR-Linac,使用磁场兼容工具对其进行测量,测量项目包括表面剂量、最大剂量点深度、射线质、离轴比曲线(OAR)中心位置、对称性、半影宽度、不同机架角度的输出量变化。结果 不同射野面积的平均表面剂量为40.48%,平均最大剂量点深度为1.25cm。10cm×10cm射野面积下,x轴方向的OAR中心位置往x2侧偏移1.47mm,对称性为101.33%,两侧半影宽度分别为6.86mm和7.14mm;y轴方向的OAR中心位置偏移0.3mm,对称性为100.85%,两侧半影宽度分别为5.92mm和5.95mm。不同机架角度下输出量最大偏差达1.50%。结论 与常规加速器不同,MR-Linac不同射野面积表面剂量数值趋于一致,最大剂量点深度上升。x轴方向的OAR中心位置往x2侧偏移,造成对称性变差和半影不对称。不同机架角度下的输出量变化明显,需要修正。  相似文献   

目的:探究散射效应和异质性对高剂量率192Ir近距离治疗剂量分布的影响。方法:用MCNP5蒙特卡罗方法模拟Flexisource HDR 192Ir放射源的TG-43剂量学参数:剂量率常数Λ、径向剂量函数g(r)、各向异性函数F(r,θ)。基于临床分别构建身体围度差异、偏心、浅表三种非完全散射和组织成分差异、肺插植、腔道插植三种异质性的简化模型,分别计算放射源的径向剂量分布,并通过比较各简化模型和标准模型的同点径向剂量的偏差来评价散射效应和异质性对剂量分布的影响。结果:Λ、g(r)和F(r,θ)模拟值和TPS数据的偏差均小于1%;非完全散射:TPS高估2 cm、5 cm、10 cm处的真实剂量可达约4%、14.8%、16.4%;皮质骨:TPS高估2 cm、5cm、10 cm处的真实剂量约0.7%、1.14%、10%;肿瘤介质:TPS高估真实剂量平均约1.1%;肺介质:TPS高估0.5 cm~6 cm内的真实剂量平均约1.80%,低估6 cm~15 cm内的真实剂量平均约7.77%;肺插植:半径1 cm肿瘤,TPS高估0.5 cm~8 cm内的...  相似文献   

目的 探讨模板辅助192Ir源大分割立体近距离放射消融术(SABT)治疗周围型肺癌的剂量。方法 回顾性分析28例接受模板辅助192Ir源大分割SABT治疗周围型肺癌患者的靶区与危及器官剂量,制作虚拟立体定向放射治疗(SBRT)计划与SABT计划进行剂量参数对比。结果 SABT计划肿瘤靶区Dmean和V150明显高于SBRT计划(均P<0.01);危及器官(organ at risk, OAR)肺D1000cm3和D1500cm3差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05),SABT剩余剂量参数均明显低于SBRT计划(均P<0.01)。结论 在周围型肺癌治疗中模板辅助192Ir源大分割SABT确保靶区高剂量同时降低危及器官剂量。  相似文献   

国产微型~(192)Ir放射源剂量分布特性的验证   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 验证国产微型柱状1 92 Ir放射源剂量分布特性 ,比较其与点源剂量分布特性的偏差。方法 用电离室法与胶片法实测国产1 92 Ir放射源空间剂量角分布、点源的近似性与源强反平方定律的符合性以及水介质散射与衰减特性 ,并与点源剂量分布特性比较。结果  (1)空间剂量角分布在距源中心 <1cm处为近似圆形 ,距源中心较远时呈苹果剖面形 ,测量半径对剂量角分布测量结果有一定影响 ;(2 )源在空气中剂量衰减与源强反平方定律比较 ,在距源中心 <4cm范围内 ,其偏差值≤ 3 % ,但随着距离增大 ,偏差值增大 ;(3)水介质散射与衰减特性与Meisberger多项式计算值比较 ,距离源中心 <5cm范围偏差较小 ,最大偏差为 0 .6 2 % ,距离较远时偏差较大 ,最大偏差为 3.5 0 %。结论 1 92 Ir放射源在距离源中心较近范围 ,剂量分布特性较好 ,距离较远时有一定偏差  相似文献   

目的 探讨60Co高剂量率三维后装在儿童阴道横纹肌肉瘤放疗中的应用流程,并从剂量学角度分析可行性。方法 选取5例已行儿童阴道横纹肌肉瘤放疗患儿CT定位图像,分别设计3种治疗计划:计划A为3DCRT外照射,计划B为后装治疗,计划C为后装治疗联合外照射。根据EQD2评估CTV和OAR剂量学参数并单因素方差分析。结果 与计划A相比,计划C的CTV的D90、D50、Dmean更高(P=0.00),直肠、膀胱和股骨头剂量低,卵巢剂量略高(P=0.00)。与计划B相比,计划C的CTV 的D90更高,D50、Dmean较低,卵巢剂量较低,直肠、膀胱和股骨头剂量略高。计划B的直肠、膀胱D2 cm3最低。结论 儿童阴道横纹肌肉瘤的放疗需根据原发肿瘤位置及手术后是否残留选择合适的治疗方式。CT引导的60Co高剂量率三维后装治疗方式流程简单快捷,患儿耐受性好,靶区剂量高,正常组织保护好。  相似文献   

目的研究不同强度正交磁场对6MeV X线在均匀水模体和异质性模体中剂量分布的影响。方法采用蒙特卡罗模拟软件Gate 8.2版,研究10cm×10cm射野的X线束分别在0.0、0.5、1.0、1.5、3.0 T磁场条件下,在均匀水模体、水-空气/骨-水层模体以及“自定义肺模型”中的剂量分布情况,分析磁场强度与X线在模体中剂量分布的关系。结果磁场的存在会引起X线在水模体中建成区缩短;中心轴上的最大剂量改变可达56.22%(3.0 T);垂直磁场方向上射野的横向剂量分布向一侧迁移,最大可达43.64%(-44.55%)。在水-气-水模体中,空气层内平均剂量最高可降低57.4%(3.0 T);水-骨-水模体,骨层近端剂量降低16.5%,远端剂量增加22.6%;自定义肺模型中各层内剂量变化与磁场强度呈正相关。结论正交磁场的存在会引起X线在模体中剂量沉积的建成区和射野两侧剂量分布的改变,且这种改变在异质性模体交界面附近更加明显。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: This study analyzed the feasibility, local control and toxicity in potentially curable patients with esophageal carcinoma treated with a combination of external irradiation and high-dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy using a balloon type applicator system to minimize hot spots on the mucosa. MATERIALS AND METHODS: During the 9 years, 124 patients with esophageal carcinoma and no apparent extraesophageal spread were treated with 40-60 Gy of external irradiation followed by 8-24 Gy of HDR brachytherapy. The fraction size of brachytherapy was 4-6 Gy. We developed a new applicator with 15 mm external diameter inflatable balloons. The reference point was a point 12.5 mm depth from the mid source. The study end points were local control, late toxicity and palliative effect. RESULTS: All 124 patients completed the planned radiotherapy. Local control rate was 69/124 (56%). There was a trend toward better local control rate for T1 lesions with increasing dose via brachytherapy. Of 69 patients with local control, treatment-related ulcers occurred in 28 patients, leading to death in four. The incidence of ulcers increased with increasing brachytherapy dose; 1/6 with 12 Gy, 16/43 with 16 Gy, 6/ 12 with 20 Gy, 4/5 with 24 Gy. Esophageal benign strictures occurred in ten patients and in all cases developed from ulcers. The incidence of freedom from dysphagia was not dose-dependent. CONCLUSION: A combination of external irradiation and HDR brachytherapy with the balloon type applicator was feasible and well tolerated. Although better local control was achieved by a higher dose of brachytherapy, the higher dose caused more severe esophageal injury.  相似文献   

: Oral tongue carcinomas are highly curable with radiotherapy. In the past, patients with tongue carcinoma have usually been treated with low dose rate (LDR) interstitial radiation. This Phase III study was designed to compare the treatment results obtained with LDR with those obtained with high dose rate (HDR) interstitial radiotherapy for tongue carcinoma.

: The criteria for patient selection for the Phase III study were: (a) presence of a T1T2N0 tumor that could be treated with single-plane implantation, (b) localization of tumor at the lateral tongue border, (c) tumor thickness of 10 mm or less, (d) performance status between O and 3, and (e) absence of any severe concurrent disease. From April 1992 through December 1993, 15 patients in the LDR group (70 Gy/4 to 9 days) and 14 patients in the HDR group (60 Gy/10 fractions/6 days) were accrued. The time interval between two fractions of the HDR brachytherapy was more than 6 h.

: Local recurrence occurred in two patients treated with LDR brachytherapy but in none of the patients treated with HDR. One- and 2-year local control rates for patients in the LDR group were both 86%, compared with 100% in the HDR group (p = 0.157). There were four patients with nodal metastasis in the LDR group and three in the HDR group. Local recurrence occurred in two of the four patients with nodal metastases in the LDR group. One- and 2-year nodal control rates for patients in LDR group are were 85, compared with 79% in the HDR group.

: HDR fractionated interstitial brachytherapy can be an alternative to traditional LDR brachytherapy for early tongue cancer and eliminate the radiation exposure for medical staffs.  相似文献   

Brachytherapy has the advantage of delivering a high dose to the tumor while sparing the surrounding normal tissues. With proper case selection and delivery technique, high-dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy has great promise, because it eliminates radiation exposure, allows short treatment times, and can be performed on an outpatient basis. Additionally, use of a single-stepping source, allows optimization of dose distribution by varying the dwell time at each dwell position. However, when HDR brachytherapy is used, the treatments must be executed carefully, because the short treatment times do not allow any time for correction of errors, and mistakes can result in harm to patients. Hence, it is very important that all personnel involved in HDR brachytherapy be well trained and be constantly alert. It is expected that the use of HDR brachytherapy will greatly expand over the next decade and that refinements will occur primarily in the integration of imaging (computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, intraoperative ultrasonography) and optimization of dose distribution. It is anticipated that better tumor localization and normal tissue definition will help to optimize dose distribution to the tumor and reduce normal tissue exposure. The development of well-controlled randomized trials addressing issues of efficacy, toxicity, quality of life, and costs-versus-benefits will ultimately define the role of HDR brachytherapy in the therapeutic armamentarium.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: High dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy is a highly extended practice in clinical brachytherapy today. Quality dose rate distribution datasets of the HDR sources used in a clinical treatment are required. Because of the different source designs, a specific dosimetry dataset is required for each source model. In the recently published BRAPHYQS-ESTRO Report, an overview of available dosimetric data for all HDR Ir-192 sources is given, pointing out the lack of data for one of the sources that is used by the BEBIG MultiSource afterloading system (BEBIG GmbH, Germany). The purpose of this study is to obtain detailed dose rate distributions in liquid water media around this source. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The Monte Carlo code GEANT4 was used to estimate dose rate in water and air-kerma strength around the Ir-192 source. All the details of the stainless steel encapsulated BEBIG HDR 1.1mm in external diameter has been included in the simulation. RESULTS: A complete dosimetric dataset for the BEBIG Ir-192 HDR source is presented. TG43 dosimetric functions and parameters have been obtained as well as a 2D rectangular dose rate table, consistent with the TG43 dose calculation formalism. The dosimetric parameters and functions obtained for the BEBIG HDR source have been compared with that obtained in the literature for others HDR sources, showing that the use of specific datasets for this new source is justified. CONCLUSIONS: This dataset can be used as input in the TPS and to validate its calculations. As policy of BRAPHYQS-ESTRO task group, this dataset will be incorporated to the website: available to users in excel format.  相似文献   

Brachytherapy can deliver high doses of radiation to a tumor with only low doses to the normal tissue. Brachytherapy can be classified as intracavitary, intraluminar and interstitial radiotherapy. It can be also divided into three groups according to dose rate: low (LDR), medium (MDR) and high (HDR) dose rates. In recent years, HDR remotely controlled afterloading systems are widespread in Japan. HDR brachytherapy has solved the problem of radiation exposure for medical staff, and patients need not be isolated in highly sealed rooms. Local control rates of T1 and T2 tongue cancer treated with LDR interstitial radiation using 226Ra and 192Ir were 80% and 67%. A phase III trial of HDR versus LDR interstitial brachytherapy for early tongue cancer revealed the same local control rates between the two groups. For uterine cervix cancer, the cause-specific survival rates of patients treated with HDR intracavitary brachytherapy were almost the same as those treated with LDR. HDR brachytherapy can be applied against recurrent tumors. Almost half of recurrent tumors can be controlled with HDR treatment. Brachytherapy is widely used for prostate cancer in the USA. LDR brachytherapy using 125I seeds is used for prostate cancer. In Japan, 125I seeds can not be used because of the regulation of radioisotopes, so we treat prostate cancer patients with HDR brachytherapy. The two-year biochemical NED rate is 83%. Brachytherapy has a long history of nearly 100 years. In recent years, the development of an HDR remotely controlled afterloading system and treatment planning system allows us to make a precise treatment plan and a uniform dose distribution. In the next century, HDR-brachytherapy will continue to play an important role in the field of radiotherapy.  相似文献   

Recent interest in clinical brachytherapy focuses on the possible radiobiological equivalence between fractionated high dose rate (HDR) and continuous low dose rate (LDR) irradiations. This study is designed to compare the radiobiological effects between the two in vitro using multicellular spheroids of human tumor. Both HDR and LDR irradiations were delivered by 137Cs source, the dose rates of which were as 1.18 Gy/min and 5.5 mGy/min, respectively. Fractionated HDR irradiation of various fraction sizes was applied twice a day. We found that: (1) The fractionated HDR irradiation (8 Gy/2 fr/day) was more effective radiobiologically than continuous LDR irradiation (8 Gy/day) and the ratio of radiobiological effects of these irradiations was estimated as 0.82, based on the 50% spheroid cure dose (SCD50); (2) the radiobiological effectiveness was independent of the fraction size of HDR irradiation administrated, and the repair of sublethal damage (SLD) was absent, suggesting that the sparing effect of fractionated HDR irradiations was absent in spheroids. Our findings could provide important information for the clinical usage of the fractionated HDR radiotherapy to replace continuous LDR radiotherapy.  相似文献   

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