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电感耦合等离子体质谱法快速测定血液尿液中的铅和镉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:建立一种能同时测定血液尿液中铅和镉的方法。方法:用0.1%Triton X-100-0.5g/LED-TA-2%氨水混合溶液稀释血液和尿液,然后直接用电感耦合等离子质谱仪测定铅镉的含量。结果:铅镉的方法检出限分别为0.181μg/L和0.189μg/L,样品测定的精密度<6%,铅的回收率在92.2%~115.6%之间,镉的回收率在103.1%~107.2%之间。对冻干牛血(GBW09139g、GBW09130g)、冻干人尿铅(GBW09105e)、冻干人尿镉(ZK018-2)中铅和镉的含量进行了分析,测定值与标准参考值吻合。结论:本方法快速灵敏,精密度和准确度均符合要求,结果令人满意。  相似文献   

Human biomonitoring is a well-recognized tool for estimating the exposure of human populations to environmental pollutants. However, information regarding biomarker concentrations of many environmental chemicals in the general population is limited for many countries. The Spanish Environment Ministry has recently funded a human biomonitoring study on the Spanish general population. This study aims to determine reference levels for several biomarkers, especially heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and cotinine, in urine, whole blood, serum and hair, and will involve 2000 volunteers throughout Spain. Samples were taken during 2009-2010 and analyses are currently underway. The results presented herein were obtained in a pilot study carried out in the Madrid region. The study group comprised 170 volunteers, of which 79% were female and 21% male (age: 23-66 years). All participants were asked to complete a questionnaire regarding diet and living habits and provides a morning urine sample. The geometric means for total mercury (Hg), lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) were 1.23, 1.11 and 0.25 μg/g creatinine, respectively. Levels of Pb and Hg were higher than those reported for the general population in the USA and Germany, whereas Cd was in the same range (CDC, 2009; Becker et al., 2003). The values reported here are similar to those reported in other Spanish studies.  相似文献   

目的:对某电子厂的工人进行尿铅含量的测定,了解企业职工健康状况,从而采取有效的防护措施。方法:利用MP-2溶出分析仪电极电位分析方法进行尿铅含量的测定并进行统计分析。结果:180份尿样检测中尿铅超标者共25人,超标率13.9%,女性超标率高于男性,但差异无显著性(P>0.05)。不同工龄间的尿铅水平超标率差异有明显不同。工作时间越长,超标率越明显。结论:统计结果表明该电子厂的员工尿铅超标率仍然处于较高水平,因此该单位应加强职工的职业健康监测工作,改善工作环境,同时提高工作人员的职业病防护意识,定期进行职业健康体检,保护职工自身健康。  相似文献   

Objective: To examine whether lead (Pb) in urine and cadmium (Cd) in blood, especially the former, can be used as markers of environmental exposure of general populations to these metals. Methods: Between 1991 and 1998, spot urine and peripheral blood samples, together with 24 h duplicates of food intake were collected from 607 non-smoking adult women in 30 survey sites (SS) in seven administrative regions all over Japan. Urine, blood and food duplicate samples were analyzed by inductively-coupled plasma spectrometry, for Cd and Pb in urine (Cd-U and Pb-U), in blood (Cd-B and Pb-B) and in food duplicates (Cd-F and Pb-F). Correlation between the measurements was examined by regression analysis. Results: The Cd-B correlated closely with Cd-U, and both Cd-B and Cd-U with Cd-F, on an individual basis (n = 607), on an SS basis (n = 30) and on a regional basis (n = 7). The Pb-U however did not correlate with Pb-B on a regional basis although they correlated with each other when analyzed on an individual as well as SS basis. Moreover, the correlation coefficients between Pb-U and Pb-B were much smaller than those between Cd-U and Cd-B. Neither Pb-U nor Pb-B showed significant correlation with Pb-F on any levels of statistical analysis. Conclusions: Both Cd-B and Cd-U can be employed as biomarkers of environmental Cd exposure. The reliability of Pb-U for use in place of Pb-B appeared to be small. Received: 21 January 1999 / Accepted: 2 November 1999  相似文献   

目的:建立同时检测化妆品中的铅、镉、砷的电感耦合等离子体质谱分析法。方法:以微波消解法对化妆品进行消解预处理后,以电感耦合等离子体质谱法进行检测。结果:铅、镉、砷浓度在0μg/ml~0.50μg/ml范围内相关系数r>0.999。铅、镉、砷的最低检出限分别为0.000023μg/ml、0.0000031μg/ml、0.000012μg/ml,以取1 g样品分析计,本法最低检出浓度铅、镉、砷分别为0.0006μg/g、0.00008μg/g、0.0003μg/g。样品加标回收率铅、镉、砷分别是92.7%~104.1%、91.7%~96.0%、95.9%~103.4%,铅、镉、砷的相对标准偏差均<2%。结论:本法具有良好的准确度和精密度,灵敏度高,检出限低,线性范围宽,干扰少,适应于不同样品基体中铅、镉、砷的测定。  相似文献   

目的:建立小海鲜产品中铅和镉的微波消解-石墨炉原子吸收光谱测定方法。方法:以磷酸二氢铵-硝酸镁作基体改进剂,采用硝酸进行微波消解,利用塞曼扣背景,石墨炉原子吸收法测定小海鲜产品中的铅和镉含量。结果:铅和镉分别在2.0μg/L~50.0μg/L和0.2μg/L~5.0μg/L范围内具有良好的线性,相关系数大于0.999,铅镉的的最低检出限为5.4μg/kg湿重和0.31μg/kg湿重,加标回收率为90.0%~102.0%,RSD均小于5.0%,采用本法对国家标准物质贻贝GBW08571进行测定,经t检验(P>0.05),测定结果与标准值无显著性差异。结论:建立的方法具有简便、灵敏、准确的特点,适合于高盐海产品中铅镉的测定。  相似文献   

儿童玩具中铅镉手尘转移及其预防的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查了部分玩具在模拟儿童玩耍时 ,铅和镉向手尘转移的情况并提出了预防措施 ,结果显示玩具转移至手尘的铅和镉含量与玩具种类、漆层面积和玩耍时间有关 ,儿童玩耍玩具后用自来水仔细洗手可有效防止镉 ,但不能防止铅的摄入。  相似文献   

目的:建立滩涂中铅和镉的微波消解-石墨炉原子吸收光谱测定方法。方法:以磷酸二氢铵-硝酸镁作基体改进剂,采用硝酸-氢氟酸进行微波消解,利用塞曼扣背景,石墨炉原子吸收法测定滩涂中的铅和镉含量。结果:铅和镉分别在2.0μg/L~50.0μg/L和0.2μg/L~5.0μg/L范围内具有良好的线性,相关系数大于0.999,加标回收率为90%~103%,RSD均小于5.0%。结论:建立的方法具有简便、灵敏、准确的特点,适合于高盐滩涂中铅镉的测定。  相似文献   

目的:建立电热原子吸收光谱法直接测定尿中铅的方法。方法:比较了二氯化钯、硝酸镁-磷酸二氢铵分别作化学改进剂的不同效果;测定了尿样不同稀释比例对结果的影响;试验了最佳升温程序。结果:尿样经1:1稀释后,加入5μl浓度为100mg/L二氯化钯溶液作化学改进剂,直接进样法测定铅作业工人尿中铅。用标准曲线法定量,方法线性范围0-100μg/L,相关系数r=0.9998,进样量10μl时,检出限为2.98pg/L。3种浓度样品加标回收率为92.0%-105.5%,RSD为1.41%-8.49%。结论:用二氯化钯作化学改进剂,尿样经适当稀释,可用直接进样电热原子吸收光谱法测定,方法简便,精密度、准确度高,结果满意。  相似文献   

Summary Cadmium concentration in whole blood (Cd-B) and in urine (Cd-U) has been determined in more than 100 workers exposed to cadmium and in a comparable group of non-exposed workers. The relationship between both parameters and the duration of employment or the intensity of current exposure has been analyzed.In control workers slightly exposed to environmental pollution by cadmium, Cd-U but not Cd-B is significantly correlated with duration of exposure.In exposed workers both Cd-U and Cd-B are correlated with the intensity of exposure but not with the duration of exposure. It is suggested that Cd-B reflects current exposure but that Cd-U may reflect body burden of cadmium when exposure is low (environmental pollution) and current exposure when exposure is high (industrial situations).This work was supported by the Commission des Communautés Européennes and the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique.  相似文献   

Objective: The present study was initiated to investigate the validity of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in urine in comparison with the metals in blood as a biological marker of nonoccupational exposure of general populations to these metals as environmental pollutants. Design: Peripheral blood samples, morning spot-urine samples, and 24-h total food duplicate samples were collected from 107 nonsmoking women (aged 30–59 years) in four urban and rural survey sites in Korea. Methods: Portions of the samples were digested by heating in the presence of mineral acids, and the digests were analyzed for Cd and Pb by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The metal concentrations in urine were adjusted for creatinine concentration and a specific gravity of 1.016. The analyte levels were evaluated on an individual basis (n = 107) and also on a group basis, i.e., in terms of geometric means for the survey sites (n = 4). Results: Cd in urine correlated with Cd in blood on an individual as well as survey-site basis and tended to correlate with Cd in food duplicates on a group basis. The correlation of Pb in urine with Pb in blood was weaker than that of Cd in urine with Cd in blood when evaluated on an individual and survey-site basis. Pb in urine correlated with Pb in food duplicates either weakly or even negatively when examined on a survey-site basis. Conclusions: Cd in urine proved to be valid as a biological marker of environmental exposure of general populations, whereas less support was obtained for Pb in urine as an exposure marker. Received: 5 May 1997 / Accepted: 28 August 1997  相似文献   

目的:根据全国食品污染物监测会议精神,结合北京市食品污染物监测的实际情况,2006年北京市大兴区通过监测食品中铅、镉含量,了解了大兴区部分食品铅、镉的污染状况。方法:按照国家标准方法GB/T5009对样品进行前处理,采用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法检测铅、镉含量。结果:2006年共监测7类80件食品,其中铅超标率为6.25%,镉超标率为3.75%。结论:结果显示食品中铅、镉在本地区污染不严重,但由于各类食品中都有检出,说明存在不同程度的积累,仍对人体健康存在潜在的威胁。  相似文献   

目的了解陕西省一般人群血液和尿液中铬、镉和铅的内暴露水平及其分布特点。方法 2017年采用分层随机抽样方法,选取陕西省5个县(区、市) 720名3~79岁人群为监测对象,采集血液和尿液样品,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法检测样品中铬、镉和铅的含量。检测结果定量资料组间比较,符合正态分布采用方差分析,不符合正态分布采用独立样本非参数检验。结果陕西省一般人群中,血铬和尿铬几何均数分别为0.31μg/L和0.51μg/L,男性尿铬高于女性(χ2=7.276,P <0.05);血镉和尿镉几何均数分别为0.20μg/L和0.19μg/L,男性均高于女性(χ2=14.022、5.698,P <0.05);血铅和尿铅几何均数分别为16.24μg/L和0.47μg/L,男性均高于女性(χ2=50.157、5.173,P <0.05)。城镇地区血铬和血镉几何均数高于乡村地区(χ2=36.815、17.222,P <0.05),乡村地区尿铬和尿铅高于城镇地区(χ2=53.492...  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe present study investigates the effects of co-exposure to lead and cadmium on mice testis using histomorphological approach.MethodsMale mice were subcutaneously injected with lead chloride on day 1 and cadmium chloride on day 2 (74 and 1 mg/kg body weight, respectively), and kept for 24 h. Vehicle control group was also considered. Mice were then sacrificed and testis were collected and weighed. Samples were fixed on Bouin's solution and processed for histology. The diameter of seminiferous tubules in both groups was calculated using software based on deformable models (SNAKE).ResultsThe combined exposure of lead and cadmium induced degenerative changes in testis, namely, wavy contour of seminiferous tulules, germ cell loss, and release of immature cells into the lumen. Atrophy of seminiferous tubules was seen in this group, confirmed by a significant (P<0.001) decrease in the diameter.ConclusionsCumulative effects of lead and cadmium may have disrupted the blood-testis barrier, then causing the histopathological lesions within testis.  相似文献   

深圳市居民食品中铅、镉的膳食暴露量评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解近年来深圳市各种食品中铅、镉的污染水平,评估居民的膳食暴露量。方法于2007-2008年通过食品污染物监测网络,随机采集市售的主要食品品种,用电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定各类食品中铅、镉含量,采用点评估的方式,计算居民的实际摄入量水平。根据FAO/WHO食品添加剂联合专家委员会(JECFA)推荐的暂定每周可耐受摄入量(PTW I)及每人每天耐受摄入量(PTD I),评价深圳市居民膳食摄入铅、镉的安全性。结果2007—2008年分别采集900、1 153份食品检测铅含量,铅含量超标率分别为5.67%、5.81%,在各类食品中平均检出值较高的是水产品,分别为0.18、0.21 mg/kg。2007、2008年分别采集831、1 048份食品检测镉含量,镉含量超标率分别为9.39%、8.49%,其中水产品超标率最高,分别为21.57%(66/306)、29.43%(78/265)。2007年和2008年深圳市居民食品中铅每人每天的摄入量分别为63.3和84.2μg,占JECFA推荐的PTD I的29.5%和39.3%。2007和2008年深圳市居民食品中镉每人每天的摄入量分别为46.4和68.0μg,分别占P...  相似文献   

[目的]建立水中痕量铍、镉、铅的阳离子交换树脂固相萃取-电感耦合等离子体发射光谱高灵敏度分析方法。[方法]本文对水样酸度、萃取流速和洗脱流速、洗脱液的酸度和体积等萃取条件对检测结果的影响以及ICP-AES检测条件,进行了实验优化选择。[结果]在优化条件下,铍、镉和铅的检出限(3σ,n=20)分别为1.4ng/L、5.0ng/L和49ng/L。[结论]该方法用于纯水、自来水、矿泉水、井水和河水的检测,获得满意的结果。  相似文献   

目的:建立测定猪肝,海带,紫菜中的铅,镉金属元素的方法。方法:采用微波消解法处理食品样品,优化测定条件,分别以硝酸铵及磷酸二氢铵作基体改进剂,用德国耶拿ZEEnit700P型原子吸收光谱法测定食品中的金属元素。结果:研究了测定不同元素的仪器的最佳工作条件,并做了方法的准确性和精密度实验,结果表明:该方法线性关系和重复性较好,相关系数铅,镉的r均>0.999,铅的检测限为0.5μg/L,回收率在87%~103%之间,镉的检测限为0.05μg/L,回收率在89%~94%之间。结论:本法用微波一次性消解样品,用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定食品中的铅镉,具有灵敏度高、节时、污染少等特点,结果可靠。  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the current levels of exposure of the Japanese population to cadmium and lead, in comparison with the levels in 1980s. · Design A nation wide survey was conducted in 1991–1994 (the 1990 study) in 19 study sites in Japan as a follow-up to a study conducted in 1979–1983 (the 1980 study). Blood samples and 24-h total food duplicates were collected from women who did not smoke or drink habitually. Methods Blood and food duplicates (after homogenization) were analysed for cadmium (Cd-B and Cd-F, respectively) and lead (Pb-B and Pb-F) by graphite furnace atomic absorption after wet-ashing. · Results Altogether, 467 women volunteered for blood sampling. Of these women, 375 also gave food duplicates. Geometric mean (GM) Cd-B levels in the 1990 study were lower than the corresponding 1980 values in most study sites so that the 1990 grand GM (1.98 ng/ml) for Cd-B was significantly lower than the 1980 GM (3.58 ng/ml). This reduction in Cd-B was related to the reduction in Cd-F (GM for Cd-F was 38.0 g/day in the 1980 study and 30.0 Etg/day in the 1990 study). Dietary intake was almost exclusively the route of Cd burden among the populations studied. Both Pb-B and Pb-F also showed a remarkable reduction, i.e. from 33.9 ng/ml (1980 GM) to 23.2 ng/ml (1990 GM) in the case of Pb-B, and from 32.2 g/day (1980 GM) to 7.1 g/day (1990 GM) in the case of Pb-F. Pb-B, however, did not correlate with Pb-F either in the 1980 or the 1990 study, because Pb intake via inhalation of air remained significant when compared with dietary intake. · Conclusion The Cd burden in Japan has decreased markedly in the past 10 years, although it is still higher than in other countries. The Pb burden has been quite low.  相似文献   

Summary In 222 Dutch urban women lead (PbB)- and cadmium (CdB)-levels in blood were measured and related to smoking habits. PbB ranged from 40 ppb to 240 ppb and CdB rangedfrom 0.2 ppb to 4.4 ppb. Smokers had slightly higher PbB-levels and distinctly higher CdB-levels.  相似文献   

混合基体改进剂测定尿镉   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:找出能消除基体干扰的基体改进剂,建立用石墨炉原子吸收光谱仪简便、快速、准确地直接测定尿中镉的方法。方法:选择几种基体改进剂组合,经石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定找出效果最好的一组,调整基体改进剂的不同成分,找出最佳改进剂。结果:含1.0%HNO3+0.5%NH。H2PO4的混合基体改进剂测定效果最好。方法的检出限为0.033μg/L,相对标准偏差2、5%,回收率为96.9%~102%。结论:利用含1.0%HNO3+0.5%NH4H2PO4的混合基体改进剂直接测定尿中镉能有效消除基体干扰,是一种简便、快速、准确的测定尿中镉的方法。  相似文献   

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