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In this report, we present the results of our first 100 consecutivecycles of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Overall,fertilization occurred in 98% of cycles and embryos were transferredin 94% (2.6 embryos per cycle). About 50% of patients had embryosfrozen. The overall fertilization rate was 71%, of which 4%were abnormally fertilized (three pronuclei). A total of 30clinical pregnancies were established (32% per transfer), resultingin 18 singleton, six twin and one triplet ongoing pregnancies.The implantation rate per embryo was 15%. There were no significantdifferences in the fertilization or pregnancy rates betweenpatients Who had only occasional motile spermatozoa in the ejaculate,semen that was too poor for routine in-vitro fertilization (IVF),or who had failed routine IVF and/or subzonal sperm injection(SUZI). A group of 18 patients were treated with both ICSI androutine IVF on their first cycle because of the high likelihoodof failed fertilization due to poor sperm morphology (<20%normal). In this group, ICSI oocytes had a fertilization rateof 76% compared to only 15% for the routine IVF (control) oocytes,and six patients conceived after transfer of ICSI embryos (33%),indicating that ICSI can be used successfully on 50% of theoocytes if fertilization failure is expected. Similarly, patientswho had failed to become pregnant with SUZI achieved excellentresults after ICSI. There were no significant differences betweenICSI and routine IVF in the proportions of grade 1, 2 or 3 embryoson day 3 post-oocyte recovery. In conclusion, we have achievedresults comparable to those reported from Belgium and we havefound that ICSI is universally applicable to all forms of severemale factor infertility. ICSI produces fertilization, pregnancyand freezing rates comparable to routine IVF with normozoospermicsamples and has none of the drawbacks of other assisted fertilizationtechniques.  相似文献   

The impact of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) on cryopreservedzygotes and embryos was evaluated by comparing embryo survivaland implantation between embryos derived from ICSI and thosederived from standard insemination procedures. The study includedpatients whose excess zygotes and embryos were cryopreservedbetween September 1993 and December 1994 and who subsequentlyunderwent a frozen embryo transfer. Embryo survival, clinicalpregnancy rates per transfer and pregnancy outcome were compared.Three hundred and thirty eight cryopreservation cycles, duringwhich 1471 embryos were cryopreserved, were included in thisstudy. Of those, 961 were derived from oocytes fertilized byinsemination in vitro and 510 were derived from oocytes fertilizedby ICSI. A total of 690 of the embryos (451 in the inseminationgroup and 239 in the ICSI group) have since undergone a thawcycle. The embryo survival rates were similar between the twogroups (70.5 and 73.2%, insemination and ICSI respectively)and were not significantly affected by the stage at cryopreservation.There was no significant difference in pregnancy rates per transfer(31.8 and 32.3%), the preclinical pregnancy loss rate (16.7and 23.8%), or the clinical miscarriage rate (16.7 and 23.8%)between the insemination and the ICSI groups respectively. Itis concluded that ICSI does not have an adverse impact on thesurvival and successful implantation of cryopreserved and thawedembryos.  相似文献   

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection: a state of the art technique   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Of the micromanipulation techniques developed in the twentiethcentury, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has been themajor breakthrough in the field of assisted fertilization. Thisarticle reviews the indications for the use of ICSI, its clinicalapplication, the establishment of an ICSI programme includingprotocol and the results obtained since the introduction ofICSI and the potential risks. In addition, intracytoplasmicspermatid injection is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate whether couples with total fertilization failure in a previous in-vitro fertilization (IVF) attempt should be offered an additional IVF treatment with elevated insemination concentration or should be treated with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). In 23 cycles 228 sibling metaphase II (MII) oocytes were randomly divided: 143 and 85 oocytes were utilized for ICSI and IVF respectively. Of the 143 injected (ICSI) oocytes, 90 (62.9%) were normally fertilized (two pronuclei), whereas 21 (14.7%) oocytes were damaged by the ICSI procedure. Of the fertilized oocytes 72 (80%) developed into transferable embryos. No fertilization at all was observed in the 85 sibling MII oocytes which were inseminated (P < 0.001). In all 23 cycles at least one embryo, obtained by ICSI, could be replaced. Eight pregnancies were achieved of which six resulted in the delivery of nine healthy children. In conclusion, for couples with no or almost no fertilization of oocytes in previous IVF attempts, ICSI appeared to be far superior to an additional IVF attempt with further elevated insemination concentrations.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether the human spermatozoonparticipates in the activation of human oocytes following intracytoplasmicsperm injection (ICSI) and if so, by what mechanism. In thefirst series of experiments, we randomized human oocytes whichhad remained unfertilized after in-vitro fertilization (IVF)or ICSI, for intracytoplasmic injection with live spermatozoa,spermatozoa presumed to be dead and no spermatozoa. Secondly,unfertilized human oocytes and freshly ovulated mouse oocyteswere randomized for intracytoplasmic and sub-zonal injectionwith human sperm cytosolic fraction (CF) before and after heattreatment. We found that oocyte injection with initially motilespermatozoa induces human oocyte activation at a significantlyhigher rate than injection with dead spermatozoa (61 versus0%; P < 0.001) or injection without a spermatozoon (61 versus14%; P < 0.001). Intracytoplasmic injection of CF activatedboth human and mouse oocytes at the same rate as sperm injectionof human oocytes (activation rates of 70 and 65% respectively).This effect was greatly reduced by heat treatment of the CF.From these experiments we conclude firstly that the human spermatozooninjected intracytoplasmically contributes to human oocyte activationand secondly that the spermatozoon releases into the oocytea heat-sensitive, intracellularly active factor, which is notspecies-specific.  相似文献   

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is an effective treatment modality for male factor infertility, but it could promote the transgenerational transmission of genetic defects causing gametogenic failure. Cytogenetic and molecular techniques permit the diagnosis of some infertility-causing genetic aberrations, but many more probably evade detection with currently available technology. The analysis of the recurrence pattern of infertility in infertile couples' families could define the importance of heritable factors in the pathogenesis of human infertility. We have subjected 621 consecutive infertile couples treated with ICSI in a single institution to a comprehensive genetic workup including documentation of the family history, karyotyping and various DNA tests. In all, 1302 fertile couples served as controls. Of the infertile couples 6.4% were shown to have a fertility problem with a definite genetic basis. Male, but not female fertility problems displayed a distinct pattern of familial aggregation. In addition, the infertile couples had fewer siblings than the fertile controls, a finding compatible with suboptimal fertility already among the infertile couples' parents. In summary, our data indicate that male factor infertility should be considered a potentially heritable condition. The recurrence risk for infertility in the offspring of couples treated with ICSI might be substantial.  相似文献   

This study reports the obstetric outcome of pregnancies obtained after the transfer of cryopreserved or fresh embryos where the initial procedure was standard in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Pregnancies obtained after frozen IVF (n = 245) or frozen ICSI (n = 177) were compared with a control group of pregnancies after fresh embryo transfer in standard IVF (n = 245) and ICSI (n = 177) cycles were selected as controls. The controls were matched according to maternal age, parity and date of embryo transfer. In the standard IVF group, the biochemical pregnancy rates in the cryopreserved and fresh groups were 18.8 and 9.8% respectively (P < 0.01). In the ICSI group, the biochemical pregnancy rates in the cryopreserved and fresh groups were 16.4 and 6.8% respectively (P < 0.01). The miscarriage rates were comparable between the cryopreserved and fresh groups. However, in the frozen ICSI group the miscarriage rate (26.0%) was significantly higher than in the frozen conventional IVF group (13.1%) (P = 0.001). The frequencies of preterm deliveries, infants with very low birthweight and intrauterine deaths were similar in the groups. The low birthweight rates in the frozen IVF (16.1%) and ICSI (12.1%) groups were significantly lower than those in the fresh IVF (32.2%) and ICSI (32.7%) groups (P < 0.001). The major malformation rates in the frozen IVF (2.4%) and ICSI (2.9%) groups were not different from the major malformation rates in the fresh IVF (4.5%) and ICSI (2.4%) groups. In conclusion, the cryopreservation process had no negative impact on the outcome of pregnancies over 20 weeks of gestation. Long-term follow-up studies are needed in order to prove the safety of the freezing-thawing process.  相似文献   

With the advent of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI),our programme noted a drop in the number of couples using donorinsemination (DI) for severe male factor infertility. Over thefirst 8 months in which our infertility programme offered bothtreatments, 27 consecutive couples scheduled for ICSI and 15consecutive couples scheduled for DI were evaluated Since allpatients in our infertility programme beginning in-vitro fertilization(TVF) with planned ICSI or starting DI undergo a semi-structuredpsychological interview, the psychologist's clinical notes aswell as the medical chart were reviewed and coded retrospectivelyto determine factors related to a couple's treatment choice.Couples who chose IVF-ICSI over DI had a higher occupationalstatus and included husbands with higher educational levels.Their most common motivation was to have the husband's biologicalchild (93% of couples in the ICSI group). The most common motivationfor choosing DI (60% of DI couples) was that IVF was not financiallyaffordable. Choice of treatment was not related to psychologicaladjustment, the husband having prior biological children, orhis risk of passing on a genetic defect to offspring. Thesepreliminary data raise the concern that, with the success ofICSI, DI may change in the USA from being an option dictatedby semen quality to a second choice treatment utilized for economicreasons.  相似文献   

There are numerous reports of successful pregnancy following liver transplantation. Little information is available regarding the incidence and management of infertility in transplant recipients, particularly the use of artificial reproductive technologies. We present a case of a successful twin pregnancy resulting from in-vitro fertilization with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF/ICSI) in a liver transplant recipient, whose partner was a renal transplant recipient with severe oligozoospermia. With careful evaluation and monitoring, and the involvement of appropriate consultants, artificial reproductive technologies can be safely used in transplant recipient couples experiencing infertility.  相似文献   

Previously reported better fertilization rate after intra-cytoplasmicsingle sperm injection (ICSI) than after subzonal inseminationof several spermatozoa was confirmed in a controlled comparisonof the two procedures in 11 patients. Intracytoplasmic sperminjection was carried out in 150 consecutive treatment cyclesof 150 infertile couples, who had failed to have fertilizedoocytes after standard in-vitro fertilization (IVF) proceduresor who were not accepted for IVF because not enough motile spermatozoawere present in the ejaculate. A single spermatozoon was injectedinto the ooplasm of 1409 metaphase II oocytes. Only 117 oocytes(8.3%) were damaged by the procedure and 830 oocytes (64.2%of the successfully injected oocytes) had two distinct pronucleithe morning after the injection procedure. The fertilizationrate was not influenced by semen characteristics. After 24 hof further in-vitro culture, 71.2% of these oocytes developedinto embryos, which were transferred or cryopreserved. Only15 patients did not have embryos replaced. Three-quarters ofthe transfers were triple-embryo transfers. High pregnancy rateswere noticed since 67 pregnancies were achieved, of which 53were clinical, i.e. a total and clinical pregnancy rate of 44.7%and 35.3% per started cycle and 49.6% and 39.2% per embryo transfer.A total of 237 supernumerary embryos were cryopreserved in 71treatment cycles.  相似文献   

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has wide clinical application. In order to achieve good results with this method, it is important to restrict the possibility of oocyte injury as much as possible, and securely inject spermatozoa into the ooplasm. For this purpose, we clinically applied piezo-ICSI, which employs a micromanipulator with piezoelectric elements, to humans, and compared the results with those obtained by conventional ICSI. Conventional ICSI and piezo-ICSI were used in 279 cycles and 335 cycles respectively. Piezo-ICSI showed significantly more favourable results, with a survival rate of 88.1% (conventional ICSI: 81.4, P < 0.001), a fertilization rate of 79.4% (conventional ICSI: 66.4%, P < 0.001), and a pregnancy rate of 23.1% (conventional ICSI: 14.9%, P < 0.05). In piezo-ICSI, the needle used is not sharpened and has a flat tip. However, deformation of the oocyte during insertion of the needle is restrained by vibration of the piezo, and the oolemma is punctured readily and securely by the piezo pulse, at the site where the spermatozoon is injected. Piezo-ICSI is a promising new technique for human ICSI that should improve the survival, fertilization and pregnancy rates after ICSI.  相似文献   

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has been successfulin cases of extreme oligoasthenozoospermia in achieving pregnanciesvia in-vitro fertilization (IVF) with the lowest imaginablesperm counts. In azoospermia caused by congenital bilateralabsence of the vas deferens (CBAVD), it has been shown thatepididymal spermatozoa can be retrieved in large numbers, butfertilization rates using conventional IVF are low. Furthermore,no fertilization has ever been possible using testicular spermatozoawith conventional IVF. In the most extreme case of absence ofthe epididymis, spermatozoa can only be retrieved from maceratedtesticular biopsy specimens. In such cases, all that can beseen are free-floating Sertoli cells with many spermatids attached,and only occasional spermatozoa per high power field which haveonly the barest, occasional, slightly twitching motion. Theobjective of the present study was to determine whether ICSIcould achieve better results than conventional IVF with microsurgicalaspiration of spermatozoa (MESA). ICSI (using epididymal ortesticular spermatozoa) from men with CBAVD or irreparable obstructiveazoospermia, achieved good fertilization and normal embryosin 82% of cases, compared to 19% with conventional IVF. Therewas an overall fertilization rate of 45%, with 85% progressingto normally cleaving embryos using ICSI, compared to 6.9% usingconventional IVF. The pregnancy rate with ICSI/MESA was 47%per stimulated cycle (normal delivery rate was 30%), comparedto 4.5% with conventional IVF. These results were achieved inpatients who had consistently failed to fertilize in previouscycles with MESA and conventional IVF. We conclude that althoughcomplex mechanisms (facilitated by epididymal passage) may berequired by spermatozoa for conventional fertilization of humanoocytes (whether in vivo or in vitro), no such mechanisms arerequired for fertilization after direct microinjection. Becauseof the consistently good results using epididymal spermatozoawith ICSI in comparison to conventional IVF, and also the goodresults in extreme cases requiring testicular tissue spermatozoa,ICSI may be man dated for all future MESA patients with CBAVD,or with irreparable obstructive azoospermia.  相似文献   

The behaviour of sperm cells after intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI) was investigated by analysing 192 unfertilized and 37one-pronuclear (1PN) oocytes following ICSI. Eighty-two unfertilizedoocytes were directly fixed whereas 110 were first parthenogeneticallyactivated by puromycin. In contrast to the findings in unfertilizedoocytes after in-vitro fertilization, most unfertilized oocytesafter ICSI (n = 76) contained evidence of the presence of spermatozoain the cytoplasm. Few oocytes (n = 6) contained prematurelycondensed sperm chromosomes (PCC), whereas the majority containedeither intact sperm heads (n = 31) or swollen sperm nuclei (n= 39) along with metaphase II chromosomes of the oocyte. Followingactivation by puromycin, swollen sperm nuclei and PCC were nolonger observed, whereas unchanged sperm heads persisted in12 oocytes displaying a single pronucleus. A non-decondensedsperm nucleus along with decondensed maternal chromatin werealso discovered in 32 out of 37 oocytes displaying a singlepronucleus after ICSI. The findings in unfertilized and 1PNoocytes after ICSI indicate that successful sperm injection,even followed by oocyte activation, is not sufficient to guaranteenormal fertilization. It seems that partial sperm membrane damageprior to injection is also required to ensure normal sperm decondensation.  相似文献   

Early reports of male immunological infertility suggested adecline in antisperm antibody concentrations in some patientsafter even short-term (10 day) therapy with lowdose prednisolone.In the present study, 53 men with positive results in spermatozoalmixed antiglobulin reaction (MAR) and serum tray agglutinationtests (TAT), were randomized to receive either 20 mg of prednisoloneor placebo daily for 2 weeks prior to in-vitro fertilization(IVF) treatment. The antibody levels were also monitored byflow cytometry (FCM). There were no significant differencesbetween these groups as regards fertilization rates (35% withprednisolone; 39% with placebo) and pregnancy rates (29%; 32%).No significant changes occurred in either MAR or FCM resultsin relation to therapy. Patients with fertilization rates of<10% had significantly higher immunoglobulin G (IgG) MARvalues compared with those with better fertilization, whereasthere was no relationship between IgA levels and fertilizationresults. As regards FCM, the results were similar, but withoutstatistical significance. In conclusion, IVF is a good courseof action in severe male immune infertility, but low-dose prednisolonetherapy does not lower the sperm-bound antibody numbers anddoes not improve the IVF outcome.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated whether morphology and chromatinanomalies in human spermatozoa can influence fertilization afterintracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). We examined unfertilizedoocytes, using the fluorochrome Hoechst 33342, to determinewhether a relationship exists between failure of fertilizationand sperm chromatin quality. Sperm chromatin packaging qualitywas assessed using the chromomydn A3 (CMA3) fluorochrome, andthe presence of DNA damage in spermatozoa, using in-situ nicktranslation. Normal males present sperm parameters with a normalmorphology of >20%, CMA3 fluorescence of <30% and exhibitendogenous nicks in <10% of their spermatozoa. When patientswere separated according to these values no difference was observedin their fertilization rates after ICSL When the unfertilizedICSI oocytes were examined, we found that patients with CMA3fluorescence of <30% and nicks in <10% of their spermatozoahad only 17.5 and 21.6% respectively of their unfertilized oocytescontaining spermatozoa that remained condensed. In contrast,patients with higher CMA3 and nick values had a significantlyhigher number, 412 and 48.9%, of their unfertilized oocytescontaining condensed spermatozoa. Sperm morphology did not showany such pattern. The percentage of spermatozoa which had initiateddecondensation in unfertilized oocytes was not influenced bymorphology, CMA3 fluorescence or nicks. In light of these resultswe postulate that poor chromatin packaging and/or damaged DNAmay contribute to failure of sperm decondensation after ICSIand result in failure of fertilization.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine why oocytes remain unfertilizedor develop three pronuclei after intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI). Unfertilized and abnormally fertilized oocytes werefixed in glutaraldehyde,stained with Hoechst 33342 and examinedby fluorescence microscopy to identify oocyte, sperm and polarbody DNA.One-pronuclear oocytes were considered to be unfertilized.Atotal of 285 unfertilized oocytes were examined (104 ICSI cycles).Overall, 83% of these oocytes were not activated (still at metaphaseII) while 17% had activated and formed a single (female) pronucleus.About 66% of the unfertilized, metaphase II oocytes containeda swollen sperm head, indicating that the oocyte was correctlyinjected but had failed to activate and complete the secondmeiotic division. Premature chromosome condensation of the spermDNA was evident in 6% of these metaphase II oocytes (4% of theunfertilized oocytes). The swollen sperm head was located amongthe oocyte chromosomes in 5%of the metaphase II oocytes. Othercauses of failed fertilization in the metaphase II oocytes werethe failure of sperm head decondensation (11%) and ejectionof the spermatozoon from the oocyte (23%). A similar patternwas observed in one-pronuclear oocytes (52%, swollen sperm head;28%, intact, undecondensed sperm head; 20%, ejection of thespermatozoon), which indicates that asynchronous pronucleardevelopment does not explain the presence of one-pronuclearoocytes. A total of 41 threepronuclear oocytes were examinedand all had a single polar body, which indicates that the retentionof the second polar body leads to the formation of the thirdpronucleus.In conclusion, this study demonstrates that: (i)the major cause of fertilization failure after ICSI is failureof oocyte activation; (ii) ejection of the spermatozoon intothe perivitelline space is not a major cause of fertilizationfailure;and (iii) sperm head decondensation and oocyte activationafter ICSI can occur independently.  相似文献   

About 4% of all the oocytes denuded prior to intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) are in metaphase-I (MI). Frequently, these oocytes achieve meiosis after a few hours of in-vitro culture and are available for ICSI on the day of oocyte retrieval. In this retrospective study, the aim was to evaluate the fertilization rate and the developmental capacity of these in-vitro matured MI oocytes. After controlled ovarian stimulation using human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG) and human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) in 896 ICSI cycles, 1210 MI-to-MII-matured oocytes were injected approximately 4 h after in-vitro culture and 8803 MII oocytes were injected immediately, or later, after denudation. The fertilization rate of in-vitro matured oocytes was significantly lower than that of mature MII oocytes (52.7 and 70.8% respectively, P < 0.00l). Embryo quality was only slightly different as regards the numbers of good quality embryos: 47.4% good quality embryos were obtained in the in-vitro matured oocyte group, whereas 53.2% good quality embryos were obtained in the MII oocyte group (P < 0.05). The same proportions of excellent (5.7 and 7.0%, NS) and fair quality (17.6 and 15.3%, NS) embryos were obtained for in-vitro matured and mature oocytes respectively. Embryos derived from in-vitro matured oocytes were transferred only if they were of better quality or if there were not enough mature oocyte derived embryos available. Fifteen transfers involved only embryos derived from in-vitro matured oocytes: 11 single embryo transfers and four transfers of two embryos, resulting in one singleton pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. It may be concluded that in cycles with few MII oocytes it might be worthwhile to inject in-vitro matured MI oocytes in order to increase the number of embryos available for transfer.  相似文献   

From October 1992 to December 1994, 2732 cycles of treatmentby intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) were carried outin couples mainly with severe male-factor infertility. The overallfertilization rate in these 2732 cycles was 71% of intact oocytes.However, in 76 (72 couples) of these cycles, none of the injectedoocytes became fertilized,so the total fertilization failurerate was 3% (76/2732 cycles). Details of these 76 cycles wereanalysed. The results show that total fertilization failureafter ICSI may be explained by different factors related to(i) semen characteristics (only immotile or round-headed spermatozoafor ICSI) or (ii) the oocytes (number, abnormal morphology,damage after ICSI). Of 26 couples, 22 achieved fertilizationin their subsequent ICSI cycles. In conclusion, total fertilizationfailure after ICSI for the treatment of severe malefactor infertilitywas mainly caused by the poor viability of the spermatozoa usedfor injection; it was also associated with a low number andpoor quality of oocytes. Repeated ICSI treatment may be usefulor necessary in couples with total fertilization failure.  相似文献   

Obstetric outcome of 424 pregnancies after intracytoplasmic sperm injection   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
An evaluation of the outcome of pregnancies resulting from intracytoplasmicsperm injection for severe male factor infertility was conductedby analysing the data obtained from the patients and/or theirobstetrician/gynaecologist on standardized questionnaires. Thedata from 424 pregnancies between April 1991 and September 1994were analysed. Early pregnancy loss before 16 weeks occurredin 99 cases (23.3%), including 48 clinical abortions (11.3%),47subclinical pregnancies (11.1%) and four ectopic pregnancies(0.9%). Vanishing twins and triplets, which could be regardedas early embryonic wastage, were found in 36 cases (8.5%). Onepregnancy was interrupted at week 15 of gestation because ofanhydramnios, and four pregnancies (0.9%) ended in spontaneouslate abortions before 26 weeks. A total of 320 pregnancies (75.5%)resulted in the birth of at least one child; 222 of these (69.3%)were singletons, 93 were twins (29.1%) and five were triplets(1.6%). The problems of prematurity and low birthweight wereespecially related to the multiplicity of pregnancies. Furthermore,from among the total of 423 babies born, we have observed threecases of stillbirth and five cases of neonatal mortality. Theperinatal mortality rate was therefore 18.9 per 1000 births.The results of this study show that the obstetric outcome ofthese pregnancies was similar to that obtained after conventionalin-vitro fertilization and other assisted reproduction techniques.  相似文献   

We investigated the time course of human oocyte activation afterintracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) by observing the oocytechromosome configuration at different times after injection.One day old human oocytes were injected with spermatozoa andsubjected to cytogenetic analysis at 2, 3, 4 and 5 h after injection.We found that anaphase is initiated in the vast majority ofthe oocytes between 2 and 3 h after injection, and that by 4–5h after injection most of the oocytes have reached the chromatinmass stage. Two distinguishable stages of sperm nucleus transformationwere observed. The first phase — swelling — wasreached within 2 h after the injection and was independent ofoocyte activation. The second phase — the ‘brush’-likestage or decondensed chromatin stage — was found onlyin activated oocytes. Moreover, this stage was not reached beforethe chromatin mass stage (late telophase) of the oocyte. Thesame proportion of metaphase II oocyte chromosome configurationsand unchanged sperm nuclei was found at any given time afterinjection. We conclude that: (i) ICSI allows users to obtainan almost synchronized population of activated oocytes; (ii)anaphase II is initiated in the majority of oocytes not laterthan 2–3 h after injection and telophase II is reached5 h after injection; and (iii) there are two distinguishablephases of sperm nucleus transformation after ICSI: oocyte activationindependentswelling of the sperm head and oocyte activation-dependent chromatindecondensation which is coupled to the beginning of oocyte chromosomedecondensation.  相似文献   

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